find the missing side.​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

tan50 = x/28

x =28tan50 = 33.3691 = 33.4 (nearest tenth)

Related Questions

2.The school chess club is selling T-shirts for a profit of $4 each and baseball caps for a profit of $5 eac The club wants to sell 50 items and make a profit of $230. Calculate how many of each item the chess club needs


Step-by-step explanation

They sold $480 of tshirts, the ratio is 480;20, simplified to 24:1.

One shirt is $20, but $4 is the amount taken from 20 for the equipment.

Multiply $24 by the $4 taken for the equipment. (Equals $96)

They make 4/20 (1/5) of the the sales as a profit for equipment.

Multiply 1/5 by 480 and you will get $96 as the club's profits.

I hope this helped ya

The chess club needs 20 T-shirts and 30 baseball caps.

What is Profit?

Profit is a term that often refers to the financial gain that a company receives when revenue exceeds costs and expenses. A child at a lemonade stand, for example, spends one quarter to make one cup of lemonade. She then charges $2 for the drink. Her profit on a cup of lemonade is $1.75.

Given :

Total no. of items to be sold = 50

Total profit to be made = $230

Profit on each T-shirt = $4

Profit on each Baseball cap = $5

Let no. of t-shirts be x

Let no. of t-shirts be y

Forming equations according to given problem :

Eq 1 : x + y = 50

Eq 2 : 4x + 5y = 230

Multiplying Eq 1 with 4 we get : 4x + 4y = 200

Subtracting Eq 1 from Eq 2

Solving Eq1 and Eq2 we get x = 20 and y = 30.

Therefore, The chess club needs 20 T- shirts and 30 baseball caps.

To learn more about profits, refer to :


Express 0.00506 in standard form​



[tex]5.06 x 10^{-3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Move decimal 3 place to right.

Because the decimal was moved to right, the exponent is negative.

In an A.P the term is -10 and the 15th term is 11 and the last term is 41. Find the sum of all terms in this progression.​


Answer:  542.5

This is equivalent to the fraction 1085/2



AP stands for "arithmetic progression", which is another name for "arithmetic sequence"

a1 = -10 is the first term

the 15th term happens when n = 15, so

an = a1 + d*(n-1)

a15 = -10 + d(15-1)

a15 = 14d-10

Set this equal to 11 (the stated 15th term) and solve for d

a15 = 11

14d-10 = 11

14d = 11+10

14d = 21

d = 21/14

d = 3/2

d = 1.5 is the common difference

Let's find the nth term

an = a1 + d(n-1)

an = -10 + 1.5(n-1)

an = -10 + 1.5n - 1.5

an = 1.5n - 11.5


The last term is 41, so we'll replace the 'an' with that and solve for n

an = 1.5n - 11.5

41 = 1.5n - 11.5

41+11.5 = 1.5n

52.5 = 1.5n

1.5n = 52.5

n = (52.5)/(1.5)

n = 35

So the 35th term is 41.


We're summing n = 35 terms from a1 = -10 to an = 41

S = sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progression

S = (n/2)*(a1 + an)

S = (35/2)*(-10+41)

S = 542.5

The 35 terms add up to 542.5 which is the final answer

As an improper fraction, this converts to 1085/2

Divisibility rules with algebra




Step-by-step explanation:

normal division rules

33 goes into 47 1 time

then it leaves 17D

if we divide 170 by 33, we get 5 and if we divide 179 by 33, we still get 5. So we have 17D-165. That leaves us with something that you multiply 33 with to have a 2 in the ones place so that you get a remainder of 2. (In order to get 2 in the remainder, we need a 2 in the ones place because 4-2=2. In order to get that we need to see which number multiplied with 33 would get us a number smaller than 179 but also has a 2 in the ones place. Theres only one number and thats 4. 33*4=132. So in order to get only 2 in the remainder, we need the rest to be subtracted. This means that 17D-165=134. This way we can see that D=8

How do I simplify this? With steps please :)



[tex]{ \tt{ = \frac{ {p}^{2} + 8p + 16 }{ {p}^{2} - 16 } }} \\ \\ = { \tt{ \frac{ {(x + 4)}^{2} }{(x - 4)(x + 4)} }} \\ \\ = { \tt{ \frac{(x + 4)}{(x - 4)} }}[/tex]

△ABCis reflected to form​​ ​△A′B′C′​. The vertices of △ABC are A(3, 1), B(1, 5), and C(6, 9). The vertices of △A′B′C′ are A′(−1, −3), B′(−5, −1), and C′(−9, −6). Which reflection results in the transformation of ​△ABC​​ to ​△A′B′C′​​? Reflection across the x-axis reflection across the y-axis reflection across y = x reflection across y=−x I NEED HELP PLS The answer choies are: A. Reflection across the x-axis B. Reflection across the y-axis C. Reflection across y = x D. Reflection across y=−x


Answer:  D) reflection across y = -x


When we reflect over y = x, we basically swap x and y. So for instance, the point (3,1) becomes (1,3).

When reflecting over y = -x, we will do the same thing but we'll make each coordinate swap in sign from positive to negative (or vice versa). The rule for reflecting over y = -x is [tex](x,y) \to (-y,-x)[/tex]

So if we apply that rule to point A(3,1) then it becomes A ' (-1, -3).

Similarly, B(1,5) moves to B ' (-5, -1)

Finally, C(6,9) becomes C ' (-9, -6)

If the discriminant of an equation is zero, which of the following is true of the equation?​


[tex]\sf Your \: question \: is \: incomplete. \: [/tex]


[tex]\sf \: I \: believe \: this \: is \: the \: answer \: you \: wanted[/tex] ⟹

[tex]\sf If \: the \: discriminant \: of \: an \: equation \: is \: zero, \: then \\ \sf \: the \: equation \: will \: have \:\underline{ 1 \: real \: solution \: with \: real \: and \: equal \: roots}.[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Explanation}} [/tex]

[tex]\sf If \: discriminant \: of \: quadratic \: equation \: ax^{2} + bx + c \: \\ \sf is \: b^{2} - 4ac = 0 \: then \: it \: will \: have \\ \sf↦\underline{1 \: real \: solution \: with \: real \: and \: equal \: roots.} [/tex]


see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

If b² - 4ac = 0

Then the roots are real and equal

Let f(x) = 3x − 2 and g(x) = x + 1. Find (g ∘ f)(2).
Help plsssssssssssssssss



(g ∘ f)(2) =5

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 3x − 2

g(x) = x + 1

(g ∘ f)(2).

Find f(2) = 3(2) -2 = 6-2 = 4

Then find g(4) = 4+1 = 5

Two thousand numbers are selected randomly; 960 were even numbers. At the 0.10 level of significance, determine whether the proportion of odd numbers is significantly different from 50%.



The p-value of the test is 0.0734 < 0.1, which means that there is significant evidence, at the 0.1 level of significance, to conclude that the proportion of odd numbers is significantly different from 50%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Test if the proportion of odd numbers is significantly different from 50%.

At the null hypothesis, we test if the proportion is of 0.5, that is:

[tex]H_0: p = 0.5[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, we test if the proportion differs from 0.5, that is:

[tex]H_1: p \neq 0.5[/tex]

The test statistic is:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.

0.5 is tested at the null hypothesis:

This means that [tex]\mu = 0.5, \sigma = \sqrt{0.5(1-0.5)} = 0.5[/tex]

Two thousand numbers are selected randomly; 960 were even numbers.

This means that [tex]n = 2000, X = \frac{960}{2000} = 0.48[/tex]

Value of the test statistic:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = \frac{0.48 - 0.5}{\frac{0.5}{\sqrt{2000}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = -1.79[/tex]

P-value of the test and decision:

The p-value of the test is the probability that the sample proportion differs from 0.5 by at least |0.48-0.5| = 0.02, which is P(|z|<1.79), which is 2 multiplied by the p-value of z = -1.79.

Looking at the z-table, z = -1.79 has a p-value of 0.0367

2*0.0367 = 0.0734

The p-value of the test is 0.0734 < 0.1, which means that there is significant evidence, at the 0.1 level of significance, to conclude that the proportion of odd numbers is significantly different from 50%.

2X. (3x - 2y + 4z) con proceso porfavor, ayuda


[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \: 2x \: ( \: 3x \: - \: 2y \: + \: 4z \: )[/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \:6 {x}^{2} \: - \: 6y \: + \: 8x z[/tex]

Espero que te sea de ayuda.

can someone help me with this ? please and thank you



(a), (c) and (d)

Step-by-step explanation:


Which is linear

A linear function is represented as any of:

[tex]y = mx + b[/tex]

[tex]y - y_1= m(x - x_1)[/tex]

[tex](a)\ 8x - 3y = 2[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]- 3y = -8x+2[/tex]

Divide by -3

[tex]y = \frac{8}{3}x - \frac{2}{3}[/tex] -- by comparison to [tex]y = mx + b[/tex], this is linear

[tex](b)\ y = |x - 4|-7[/tex]

This is an absolute function. It is not linear

[tex](c)\ y + 8=5(x - 4)[/tex]

By comparison to [tex]y - y_1= m(x - x_1)[/tex], this is linear

[tex](d)\ y = -7[/tex]

by comparison to [tex]y = mx + b[/tex], this is linear because [tex]m= 0[/tex]

Others are not linear

The triangle below is isosceles. Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with
a rational denominator.
Submit Answer
Answer: =
attempt 1 out of 2




Step-by-step explanation:

Since the triangle is isosceles, the other side (not x) is sqrt(10). Using Pythagoras, we have 10+10=x^2, x=2*sqrt(5)

Before radar and sonar, sailors would climb to the top of their ships to watch
for land or changes in weather. If the lookout at the top of the mast can see
an island five miles away, about how tall is the mast? Round your answer to
the nearest whole number if necessary. Use the formula for the relationship
between height (h) and visibility, how far you can see, (d):

O A. 30 feet
O B. 11 feet
O C. 36 feet
O D. 61 feet




Step-by-step explanation:


36 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

I can confirm that 36 feet is the correct answer. as seen below, I was able to get 100%

Find square root of 0.0324




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the name for the marked angel ?




Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is <ead

please mark me brainliest

Please help out with this question..



Step-by-step explanation:

C = 16 * 3 = 48

order the set of irrational numbers from least to greatest



answer is A

hope it helps please mark as brainliest answer and give me thanks

#Dhruv here

Please hurry I will mark you brainliest

What is the equation of the line with a slope of -3 and a y-intercept of 4?



y = -3x+4

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of an equation is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = -3x+4

A 24-ounce package of frozen peas costs $1.01. Give the unit price in cents per ounce. Round to the nearest tenth of a cent.



4.2 cents

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the total cost and divide by the number of ounces

1.01 /24


Round to the nearest tenth of a cent ( 3 decimal places)


4.2 cents

A rectangle has a length (x+3)cm and a width (x-1)cm . Given that the rectangle is 24 cm^2. Find the value of x




Step-by-step explanation:





Using the quadratic formula..


there is another answer, but it doesn't make sense in the context of this question

the un-rounded answer is 4.29150262215

Find the missing side or angle.
Round to the nearest tenth.
C= ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

To find angle C, we can use the cosine law:


Plug in the given information





Therefore, angle C is approximately 125 degrees.

I hope this helps!

What is the value of x if e^3x+6 =8? Answer:



[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{ln2}{3}[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Equality Properties

Algebra II

Natural logarithms ln and Euler's number eLogarithmic Property [Exponential]:                                                                [tex]\displaystyle log(a^b) = b \cdot log(a)[/tex]Solving logarithmic equations

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle e^{3x} + 6 = 8[/tex]

Step 2: Solve for x

[Equality Property] Isolate x term:                                                                   [tex]\displaystyle e^{3x} = 2[/tex][Equality Property] ln both sides:                                                                    [tex]\displaystyle lne^{3x} = ln2[/tex]Rewrite [Logarithmic Property - Exponential]:                                                [tex]\displaystyle 3xlne = ln2[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle 3x = ln2[/tex][Equality Property] Isolate x:                                                                            [tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{ln2}{3}[/tex]


x = 1/3 ln(2) or approximately 0.23104

Step-by-step explanation:

e^3x+6 =8

Subtract 6 from each side

e^3x+6-6 =8-6

e^3x =2

Take the natural log of each side

ln( e^3x) =ln(2)

3x = ln(2)

divide by 3

3x/3 = 1/3 ln(2)

x = 1/3 ln(2)

x is approximately 0.23104

evaluate and solve: y + 3 = –y + 9


The value of y is 3.


Solution given;

: y + 3 = –y + 9

add +y on both term


subtract both side by 3



divide both side by 2




y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y + 3 = –y + 9

Add y to each side

y+y + 3 = –y +y+ 9

2y +3 = 9

Subtract 3 from each side

2y+3-3 = 9-3

2y = 6

Divide by 2

2y/2 = 6/2

y = 3

Find the solution to the system of equation -x + y = 3 and x - 2y = 5.



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle\ \large \boldsymbol{} +\left \{ {{-x+y=3} \atop { \ \ x-2y=5}} \right. => \\\\\\x \!\!\!\!\diagup-x\!\!\!\!\diagup-2y+y=5+3\\\\-y=8\\\\ y=-8\ ; \ x=-11[/tex]

pls help its timed no fake answers i cant afford to fail



It's B, I tried using mathaway and that's the closest to the answer I got. Try it. I always use mathaway for any math problems, use that for now on if you're stuck

Step-by-step explanation:

The millage rate is the amount of property tax per $1000 of the taxable value of a home. For a certain county the millage rate is 29 mil. A city within the county also imposes a flat fee of $101 per home. a. Write a function representing the total amount of property tax T(x) for a home with a taxable value of x thousand dollars. b. Write an equation for T-1(x). c. What does the inverse function represent in the context of this problem



(a) [tex]T(x) = 101 + 0.029 x[/tex]

(b) [tex]T^{-1}(x) = \frac{1000(x - 101)}{29}[/tex]

(c) See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]T(x) = 172 + \frac{29}{1000}x[/tex]


[tex]Flat = 101[/tex]

[tex]Rate = 29\ per\ 1000[/tex]

Solving (a): The function for total amount

This is calculated as:

[tex]T(x) = Flat + Rate * x[/tex]


[tex]x \to[/tex] taxable value

So, we have:

[tex]T(x) = 101 + \frac{29}{1000} * x[/tex]

[tex]T(x) = 101 + 0.029 * x[/tex]

[tex]T(x) = 101 + 0.029 x[/tex]

Solving (b): The inverse function

[tex]T(x) = 101 + 0.029 x[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]y = 101 + 0.029x[/tex]

Swap the variables

[tex]x = 101 + 0.029y[/tex]

Make y the subject

[tex]0.029y = x - 101[/tex]

Divide by 0.029

[tex]y = \frac{x - 101}{0.029}[/tex]

Multiply  by 1000/1000

[tex]y = \frac{1000(x - 101)}{29}[/tex]

Replace y with the inverse function

[tex]T^{-1}(x) = \frac{1000(x - 101)}{29}[/tex]

Solving (c): Interpret (b)

The inverse function, in this case; is the taxable value calculated from the amount of property tax

Match each equation with its solution.



1. x = -2 , 3

2. x = - 1, 5

3. -1, 6/5

4. - 0/3, 1.3

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]ln(x+5)=ln(x-1)+ln(x+1)\\\\x+ 5 = (x-1)(x+1)\\\\x + 5 = x^2 - 1\\\\x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 3 x + 2 x - 6 =0 \\\\x(x-3)+2(x-3)=0\\\\x = -2 and 3[/tex]


[tex]e^{x^{2}}=e^{4x +5}\\\\x^2 - 4x - 5 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 5x + x - 5 = 0 \\\\x (x-5)+1 (x-5)=0\\\\x = -1 and 5[/tex]


[tex]log_{4}(5x^2 +2)=log_{4}(x +8)\\\\5x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\5 x^2 - 6 x + 5x- 6 = 0 \\\\5 x (x + 1)-6(x+1)=0\\\\x = -1 and \frac{6}{5}[/tex]


[tex]log(x-1)+log 5x = 2\\\\5 x (x-1) =2 \\\\5x^2 - 5x -2 = 0 \\\\x = \frac{5\pm\sqrt{25+40}}{10}\\\\x = \frac{5\pm 8}{10}\\\\x = 1.3, - 0.3[/tex]

Find the value of x.




Step-by-step explanation:

We can find the value x using Euclidian theorem

x^2 = 3*12

x^2 = 36

x = 6




It is the first option: The sum of 4 tens and 9 tens is 13 tens, which is regrouped as 1 hundred and 3 tens.

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

just logic

Write the equation for a parabola with a focus at (-3,-5)(−3,−5)left parenthesis, minus, 3, comma, minus, 5, right parenthesis and a directrix at x=-7x=−7x, equals, minus, 7.



(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told the focus is at (-3, -5)

Directrix is at x = -7

This is a horizontal parabola and thus the general equation is;

(y - k)² = -4p(x - h)


(h, x) is the coordinate of the vertex.

The axis where the point where the axis of symmetry meets the directrix is at; (-7, -5) since directrix is at x = -7

Thus, coordinates of vertex is;

(-7 + (-3))/2, (-5 + (-5))/2

> (-5, -5)

Thus, equation is;

(y - (-5))² = -4p(x - (-5))

(y + 5)² = -4p(x + 5)

Where p is the distance from vertex to directrix. Thus;

p = -(-7 - (-3))

p = -(-7 + 3)

p = 4


(y + 5)² = -4(4)(x + 5)

(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)


(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

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