"Do they ever water these plants?" "No, they________ these plants." (never water, always water, ever water)
please help me to this problem..​


Answer 1

No they never water these plants .

And thanks for telling daksh to reply me


Answer 2


hlo Yei axa ...sunishma

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell; and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger.

In this excerpt, “natural” is used to describe people who
are not tempted by wealth or power.
have not been touched by the spirit of God.
live on farms or in the wilderness outside of cities.
practice conservation and avoid destroying the beauty of nature.



B)  have not been touched by the spirit of God.


ect the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence shows that the author is using first-person point of view?
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sun was blazing over the roof, baking us all like cookies in an oven. I was lying on the sofa reading an old book. I was home alone because my mom had gone to her friend's wedding. She had asked me to come along. But who would want to step out in the scorching heat? The only activity worth doing on a hot afternoon is to read a good book while sipping lemonade. I had just begun to enjoy the book when there was loud knock on the front door. I looked up and wondered if it were a robber, a salesperson, or just the next-door lady looking for sugar. Our neighbors were funny people. They would run out of things at the weirdest hours. I put my book away and walked to the door.



Many of the sentences in the passage show that the author is writing from a first-person point of view.

"I was lying on the sofa reading a book".

"I was home alone because my mom had gone to her friend's wedding".

"I had just begun to enjoy the book when there was a loud knock on the front door".

"The sun was blazing over the roof, baking US all like cookies".

"She asked ME to come along"

"I looked up and wondered if it was a robber"

"I put my book away and walked to the door"


The writer is talking about what happened to him on that day.

they could not decide which one they like and ..... the end they didn't brother​



by the time when the end came they didn't bother


alone would also work.

The other responder used in. I hadn't thought of that. Common usage would probably use "in" but what I have pointed out as a use is also possible. The point is that whatever you use, it must be a preposition.


By could also be used if there is an extensively long series of events before that “end” occurs. Other than that, “in” is most commonly written.


identify the part of the speech of the underlined word in this sentence.
Before his first fight, Alfred received a robe with his name on it.

received is the underlined word.



It’s a verb please mark me brainliest


Verb; Past tense


A verb is a word that describes an action. Received is what Alfred did.

Adding the -ed on the end means Alfred did in the past.

Let me know if the answer didn't make sense!

Which sentence about planning a short story is

a true statement? a Make sure the entire story takes place in the same setting.

b Don't worry about the conflict until you actually start writing.

c Before doing anything else, decide on characters' names.

d Decide what problem the main character will face.​


the answer is a because i did this one and i got it right




You should always have a conflict first in mind when writing any type of story.  

The author MOST likely includes the section "How Are Hurricanes Categorized?" for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A to connect hurricane wind speeds to relatable concepts

B to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength

C to outline characteristics of hurricane categories

D to help readers to understand hurricane strength ratings​



to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength


Prepare a speech about cultural identity using what you've learned from the short
story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.



my previous draft which may give you a start

Hello, my name is ______, and today I'll be discussing Cultural Identity Swapping. Dee is a character in the short story "Everyday Use," and if you haven't read it yet, I recommend that you do so in order to gain a better understanding of culture and identity swap. Her name, Dee, represents a part of her ancestors' culture. She chose to change her name and culture so that no one would recognize her as an African American slave's child. She wanted to change her culture, so I looked into how simple it is to change one's cultural identity, and let me tell you, it's not easy. “Changing your cultural identity is harder than you think,” according to this website article. It's like starting a new school and finding out that no one likes you, so you can't make any new friends. All you have to do is keep your head down and avoid learning new things or making new friends. It's the same with culture; you try to change your cultural identity, but your cultural identity comes from your parents or ancestors, so it's not easy.” That said a lot to me. It demonstrates to me that you live your entire life with your cultural identity; you can change your normal identity, but when it comes to your culture, things go downhill quickly. It's a lot more difficult to work with team and traditions and activities than it was when your parents did so. entire culture just by changing her name. Now, you might think she got off easy, and I agree, but it was a symbol of her ancestry and all of that stuff that was passed down, so I imagine it was difficult to get over. At the end of the day, everyone is a completely different person. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Outbookmagazine communicationtherory

Markus is reading a Sonnet by William Shakespeare. Which will best help Markus understand the central ideas as he reads?

finding a single concept that links the lines together
marking the rhyme scheme with lowercase letters
counting all the stressed and unstressed syllables
skipping words that are unfamiliar or difficult to read



finding a single concept that links the lines together.


Sonnets are generally a form poem composed using a traditional metric line of English poetry called iambic pentameter. They are formally known for their 14 line composition while adhering to a structured and organized rhythmic style or scheme. Some of the ways in which the central idea of a sonnet can be identified include ;

Use of dictionary or context clues in the identification of familiar words.

Breaking down primary or main ideas encountered in one's own words for easy assimilation and understanding.

Obtaining a singular idea or concept which relates or connects other big ideas in together.




write a story to illustrate the saying do not count hens whilst they are not hatched​



Another way of saying this proverb is: “Don't count your chickens until they are hatched.” So, this proverb means you should not depend on something that has yet to happen. It is unwise to make plans based on something that hasn't happened. ... So, she thought she could sell her milk and then use the money to buy chickens.

Place commas where needed in the following:

1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe juicy oranges

3. dark angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty yellowed documents


Many delicious jams, and jellies

Ripe, juicy oranges

Dark, angry clouds

Several, sharp pencils

The dusty, yellowed documents


1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe, juicy oranges

3. dark, angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty, yellowed, documents


When independent sentences are connected by any of the following seven coordinating conjunctions, use commas to separate them: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

After introductory a) sentences, b) phrases, or c) words that precede the main clause, use commas.

In the midst of a statement, use a pair of commas to denote clauses, phrases, and words that are not necessary for the sentence's meaning. Use one comma before and one after the pause to mark the start and end of the pause, respectively.

how are the characters Jem and Dill the same in To kill a Mocking bird



As Jem and Dill grow older, they begin neglecting Scout and prefer to play by themselves in the tree house. Both boys are also competitive and argue with each other over trivial matters. Similar to most adolescents, Jem and Dill tend to bicker and disagree over insignificant things while still remaining best friends.


What literary elements do the authors use to support the central idea of women's autonomy?

A. Woolf uses emotionally charged language to emphasize her viewpoint, while Ibsen uses language that is factual and direct.

B. Ibsen uses dialogue to build conflict between characters, while Woolf alludes to historical figures to make her point.

C. Both passages follow a cause-effect structure to show that a lack of privacy is the result of society's pressure on women to conform.

D. Both passages follow a problem-solution structure in which the problem is revealed in a central conflict or theme.


This question is missing the passages. I was able to find them online. They can be found in the attached document.


The literary elements the authors use to support the central idea of women autonomy is:

B. Ibsen uses dialogue to build conflict between characters, while Woolf alludes to historical figures to make her point.


Henrik Ibsen was a Norwegian playwright who lived from 1828 to 1906. He is considered the father of the Modern Theater. His play "A Doll's House" caused a stir when it was first performed in 1879.

The passage from the play "A Doll's House" uses dialogue to show that Nora, the main character, is finally becoming an autonomous, free woman. She has lived for years with a sexist, patronizing husband. Now, she is choosing to leave him and to not care about how society will condemn her.

Virginia Woolf was a British author who lived from 1882 to 1941. In "A Room of One's Own," she discusses how literature has been dominated by men throughout the ages and how women need their space, be it physical or psychological.

In the passage, Woolf alludes to different authors. She discusses how women had to hide behind male names in order to publish, and how that was never enough.



100% on e2020

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (:



A  .


In the plot of "Cruel Tribute,” which events are a result of King Minos’s actions? Select 3 options.

Athens agrees to pay the tribute.
Young people participate in a lottery.
Theseus uses the silken thread.
Theseus fights the Minotaur.
Aegeus drowns in the Aegean Sea.
Theseus becomes king.



1. Athens agrees to pay the tribute.

2. Young people participate in a lottery.

3. Theseus fights the Minotaur.

What is the Integrating Life Dimension of Success?



It simply means using your success to impact yourself and your society


Read the passage below and answer the question.

Main sentence: “Society is a joint-stock company”

Full passage:
“Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater.”

What figure of speech is this sentence?

A) allegory
B) metaphor
C) personification
D) simile





It's using a metaphor to compare society to a business in which owners share responsibility it does now literally mean society is a business

Answer: metaphor

Explanation: odyssey

Add commas with a FANBOYS, semicolons, or periods as needed to punctuate the independent clauses. Some sentences have more than one right answer.

1. I love Jim but Jim loves John.
2. I have been to New York and I have been to California.
3. We all want to be happy but suffering is part of being human.
4. I need to sell some furniture I will put an ad on Craig's List.
5. The painting on Marsha's wall was done by her mother she loved it.
6. I study all the time yet I can’t seem to get all A's.
7. Judy wasn’t hungry however, she ate anyways.
8. We were all tired of C*VID yet we carried on.

9. Write a sentence containing two independent clauses connected with a comma and FANBOYS.

10. Write a sentence containing two independent clauses connected with a semicolon.



1. I love Jim, but Jim loves John.

2. I have been to New York, and I have been to California.

3. We all want to be happy, but suffering is part of being human.

4. I need to sell some furniture; I will put an ad on Craig's List.

5. The painting on Marsha's wall was done by her mother. She loved it.

6. I study all the time, yet I can’t seem to get all A's.

7. Judy wasn’t hungry; however, she ate anyways.

8. We were all tired of C*VID, yet we carried on.


9. I went to the supermarket, but I didn't buy milk.

10. My mother brought the chicken; My uncle brought the dessert.


A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. An independent clause can stand on its own. In other words, it makes sense when we read it, and we do not need extra information to comprehend the clause's meaning.

A sentence can have one independent clause or more than one. In the cases where a sentence has more than one independent clause, we can connect them with commas and the FANBOYS or semicolons.

FANBOYS stand for: for (F), and (A), but (B), or (O), yet (Y), so (S). Sentences 1, 2,3,6, and 8 have a FANBOY, so we need to write a comma before them.

On the other hand, sentences number 4 and 7 connect the two independent clauses with a semicolon (;), Sentence 4 is not contrasting or adding two things as the FANBOYS do, but sentence number 7 has the word "however." We use "however" to contrast or compare the clauses. When we use it, we have to write a semicolon or a colon before it and a comma afterward.

Lastly, we have sentence 5, where we added a period to punctuate the second independent clause; however, we could have used a semicolon to show the connection between the two clauses.

In sentence number 9, we link the two independent clauses with the comma and FANBOY but. The two independent clauses are: I went to the supermarket. I didn't buy milk.

In sentence number 10, the two independent clauses are: My mother brought the chicken. My uncle brought the dessert.

We can see that clauses in sentences 9 and 10 have a subject and a verb, and they stand on their own.

Salad Days what does that mean​



"Salad days" is a Shakespearean idiomatic expression meaning a youthful time, accompanied by the inexperience, enthusiasm, idealism, innocence, or indiscretion that one associates with a young person.


Venita is factoring the expression 32 a b minus 8 b. She determines the GCF and writes the factored expression as 8 b (4 a minus 0). Which best describes Venita’s error?



The answer


is nothing

In MLA format, use italics throughout your essay for the titles of______
A. all
B. longer
C. no
D. shorter


Answer is B! Therefore the sentence would be "in MLA format, use italics throughout your essay for the titles of LONGER works.

The shopkeeper smiled at David as if he were just telling a joke but his disparaging comments made David feel insulted and embarrassed
Based of the context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of disputing select two options



Belittling and uncomplimentary

Correct the were looking at some old letters


Anna and Jack were looking at some old letter. photosGrandpa cried when he saw the photos. happyGrandpa bike was new and broken. old Anna and Jack heard a noise outside. silencewhen grandpa saw the bike, he was worried. calmThey all had a picnic in the rain. sunny

Write a letter to your friend abroad explaining how independence day is celebrated​



fireworks go boom in sky and babies start to cry


the end

change into passive voice

1. I must write to her​



I had written to her already


I must have been written to her


[tex]\sf{   }[/tex] 

Help me answer plz!!


either a or c i believe


The answer is C : Map.

in "song of myself" which natural images does walt whitman use to communicate the idea that his thoughts belong to everyone?



He refers to the grass that grows everywhere and the air that everyone breathes.


Nicole wants to play the saxophone in the school band, but she feels too shy to audition.

What kind of conflict is this?



Internal conflict


This conflict is between Nicole and herself. This is called a self vs self conflict, or an internal conflict.

the answer is internal conflict

The _______ step of the writing process entails coming up with ideas.
The planning step entails _______.
The most important element of your plan is the _______ statement.
One reason to build your vocabulary is _______.
Once you learned the meaning of a new word, you should _______.
It is important to know a word's _______ so you can use it properly compared to other words with similar meanings.
According to proper formatting, when you introduce another speaker into a dialogue, you must _______.
To sound natural, you should write as if you were engaged in a/an _______ with the reader.
Using _______ sentences sandwiched between long ones is an example of a technique you can use to make your writing more interesting.
One way to add impact to your writing is to place the most important idea at the _______ of a sentence.



good, ideas, brain,be able to summarize it

what does western business suit tell about the people who wear them​



it tells us that they are very professional


Turn in the passive voice

1. The interviewer asked me several questions

2. I am eating rice​



1) Passive voice:- Several questions were asked to me by the interviewer.

2) Passive voice:- Rice is being eaten by me.

Turn in the passive voice

1. The interviewer asked me several questions

2. I am eating rice


Passive voice:-

1. Several questions were asked to me by the interviewer.

2.  Rice is being eaten by me.

[tex]\sf{   }[/tex]

Other Questions
Carter Production, Inc.'s required production for the first six month of the year is as follows. Month Required Production January 50,000 February 70,000 March 85,000 April 105,000 May 110,000 June 120,000 Each unit requires two pounds of material. Given a desired ending inventory of 20% of next month's production needs, the pounds of material to be purchased in April is: Multiple choice question. please tell me the coordinates The length L of the base of a rectangle is 5 less than twice its height H. Write the algebraic expression to model the area of the rectangle. Label each as either physical or chemical change.a.corrosion of aluminum metal by hydrochloric acid b.melting waxc.pulverizing an aspirin tabletd. digesting a Three Musketeersbare. explosion of nitroglycerinf. a burning matchg. metal warming up, due to the burning matchh. water vapor condensing on the metali.the metal oxidizes, becoming dull and brittlej.salt being dissolved by water equivalent expression: 3 + 4(2z - 1) In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish and increase mortality.O a.HydrocarbonO b.PAHO c.liquid petroleum Can someone help me out How far is your home from the federal capital ?(Measure the distance using measurement scale and write it is kilometres) Tristen is teaching her history course. She printed off her presentation so the students could take notes. Wyatt isteaching a science course. He wants to make sure students who do not have PowerPoint can still view thepresentation. Reed is teaching a math course online. He finds the students are very visual and wants to control thetiming per slideWhich best describes how each teacher handled their presentations?O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed saved as a videoO Tristen created a video, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed broadcasted.O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a video, and Reed saved as a PDF.O Tristen created a video, Wyatt broadcasted, and Reed saved as a video What is the correct structure of ATP? A. Ribose sugar, Adenine base, 3 Phosphate groups B. Triglyceride head, Ribose sugar, 3 fatty acids C. Ribose sugar, Phosphate group, Nitrogen Base D. Deoxy Ribsose sugar, Adenine base, 3 Phosphate groups Please Help !Which of the following describes point D? (-4, 0) (0, -4) (0, 4) (4, 0) What is one major reason governments create laws?O A. To give some citizens special privilegesOB. To maintain order in communitiesO C. To stop citizens from votingO D. To reduce the power given to juries Which of the following The holding-period return (HPR) on a share of stock is equal to(s) the level of real interest rates? I) The supply of savings by households and business firms II) The demand for investment funds III) The government's net supply and/or demand for funds I need help there should be a picture that pops up on the screen if not then it might be a link if it is a like press on it THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! a number has 7 at the tens place .there is zero in the thousand place. the number 5 is at the hundreds place .there is number 1at the ten thousand place..what is the number? How does mercury differ from other metals?(1 point)It does not conduct electricity.It is not lustrous.It is not solid under normal conditions.It does not chemically react with other elements. 1 2 3TIME REMAINING58:31Erica est aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra. A ella le gusta mucho la msica popular, pero no puede tocar como los grandes profesionales todava. Ella quiere ser mejor que su hermana Ivonne que puede tocar muchos instrumentos. Erica es mejor en la guitarra que su primo Daniel porque el slo toca las notas bsicas, pero l es tan bueno como Ivonne en el piano y Gervasio es el mejor de toda la familia.Quin puede tocar muchos instrumentos?EricaDanielIvonneGervasio rs 20736 was distributed to as many rupees as there were. how many students were there Which line from this excerpt best supports the authors message that some things in life are out of peoples control? write an equation that equals 6 that isnt basic addition, subtraction, multiplcation, or division