Do you think Miss Barracombie will
return to the classroom? Why?


Answer 1



No the class was horrible

Related Questions

Which two lines in this excerpt from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet foreshadow the of tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet?
FRIAR LAURENCE: So smile the heavens upon this holy act,
That after hours with sorrow chide us not!
ROMEO: Amen, amen! but come what sorrow can,
It cannot countervail the exchange of joy
That one short minute gives me in her sight:
Do thou but close our hands with holy words,
It is enough / may but call her mine.
FRIAR LAURENCE: These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite:
Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.
Then love-devouring death do what he dare;



These violent delights have violent ends

And in their triumph die, like fire and powder

Then love-devouring death do what he dare;


The two lines in the above excerpt from Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet” which foreshadows the tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet are:    

“These violent delights have violent ends”  

“Then love-devouring death do what he dare;


hope this helped

mark me brainliest :D please

eat is to dine as curve is to....


eat is to dine as curve is to.... BEND

What is the writer first opinion



To tell a story from the narrator's perspective.

In the story, Judson would have lived if he hadn’t attempted to punish the thief. How fair is it that Judson died even though he didn’t technically commit a crime, while whoever stole his whiskey gets to live with the crime?



sometimes truth is bitter and the faithful one dies in replace of the evil one

The situation presented in the story raises questions about fairness, justice, and the consequences of actions.Judson's death as a result of his attempt to punish the thief raises moral and ethical considerations, highlighting the complexities of life and the often unpredictable outcomes of human choices.

From a moral standpoint, it might be seen as unjust that Judson, who was attempting to retrieve stolen property, suffered a fatal consequence while the thief seemingly got away with the crime. This scenario challenges traditional notions of fairness, as it appears that Judson's intentions were not malicious, and he did not technically commit a crime himself. The thief, on the other hand, committed theft but escaped the dire consequences that Judson faced.

This situation raises questions about the nature of justice and the notion that outcomes are not always proportionate to intentions or actions. It also underscores the harshness of the frontier environment and the unpredictability of life during that time. The story illustrates the harsh realities of a world where survival and justice might not always align neatly with our conventional sense of fairness.

Ultimately, the story encourages readers to reflect on the complexities of life and the sometimes harsh realities of the world, where outcomes may not always be just or fair according to our usual standards. It prompts consideration of the broader themes of morality, consequences, and the inherent unpredictability of life's circumstances.

To know more about story:


what does “not able to offer” mean?



not able to give someone


the synonym for not able to offer” is not able to give someone that's it

When Dana is whipped, why does she not vanish?



Dana may not have anywhere else to go.

Dana may barely move

Write a paragraph about 150 words
-a daily routine
-use adverb of frequency and the present simple



Everyone should follow a daily routine. As a student, I follow a very simple and easy routine for myself. I have made this routine with the help of my brother and one of my teachers. My day starts very early in the morning.

I get up at 5 o’clock and go for a morning walk. I am very aware of my health. I try my best to keep myself fit and fine. After the morning walk, I bath with cold water and then take a rest for 10 minutes.

After the rest, I eat my breakfast. And then I go to my reading room. I love to read science and English in the morning time. It’s the best time to concentrate on study. Then I prepare myself for school.

Exactly at 9.30 o’clock, my father takes me to school. I come back from school at 3 PM in the afternoon. I eat my lunch in the school break time, I keep my food with me. Then I take a rest in my home and go out for playing cricket.

Then I come back home before getting dark outside. I start reading at 6 PM and read till 9 PM. Then I eat my dinner. Before going to sleep, I watch television for 30 minutes. That’s all my daily routine.

How does Kuno’s trip to the surface develop the plot of the text?
Select one:

a. His visit to the surface foreshadows humanity’s future desire to reclaim the earth.

b. His willingness to visit the surface furthers his conflict with those who wish to live in the Machine.

c. His trip to the surface and subsequent return suggests that no one can (or will) escape the Machine.

d. His trip to the surface sets his own fate of Homelessness in motion.



His willingness to visit the surface furthers his conflict with those who wish to live in the Machine.


Kuno's willingness to visit the surface furthers his conflict with those who wish to live in the Machine, has justified important scenarios through the story. The humans have re-built a religion underground that they worship, and it is fully reliant on the Machine.

FIRST READ: Comprehension
Identify the choice that best answers the question.
According to “On Seeing England for the First Time," what has the author been taught to believe about England, both in
school and at home?

A: England's most famous figures are actually criminals,

B: England was once a world power, but no longer.

C: England's culture is superior to any other.

D: England is a nation of ugly people.


From the book "On seeing England for the First time" it is clear that all the education she got, formal and informal were all geared towards ingraining England onto her mind as the highest place of existence there ever could be.

Jamaica Kincaid in this autobiography unveils the journey of how she connects the ideas of England built over the years to the very reality of it.

She had been exposed first to England in Schools as a young girl, though she was in a different location from England, England seemed to be the center of her life. For in the second paragraph, she indicates that though she was young, by the time she was "seeing" England for the first time (on a map of course) she was already family with the greatness of it.

At home, everything served to ingrain into her the greatness of England, right from her clothes to the bug with which she was served cocoa. It was all made in England.

This autobiographical essay of Jamaica Kincaid has been described as an angry one.

The anger stems from the fact that very invaluable things such as the culture, of a colony, are sacrificed on the altar of imperialism.

Her disappointment and hence anger is further justified and expatiated in pages 372 and 373 where she highlights the anti-social behavior of many of the residents towards each other and more so, towards her.

Her idea of England finally connects to the reality of it. And using her metaphor, the idea and the reality of England became lifeless.

Given the above, it is easy to see that the correct answer is C.

For more about Jamaica Kincaid's "On Seeing England for the First time" visit this link:

A cry went up from the pack running after him when he fell. There was tension and hysteria in that concerted cry. And other things too, but he scarcely thought about it at all. Three women fell out of the race and clutched their sides and laughed; one of them fell on the sidewalk laughing like that, her belly puffing up huge with laughter, and subsiding again, letting it go.

5 He scrambled up to his feet, their cries in his ears, spurring him on; he must run, run until he dropped, going God knows where. He scrambled to his feet, his fingers clawing the asphalt, stumbled on, sounds filling his ears... shriek of a locomotive whistle...coming up, rising to a pitch, and going away...he turned the corner into the street that was at right angles to the one he had come down from the Slaughter House gates...he was running blind before, reacting to the compulsion of his fear...but now he saw his objective and it lent his effort purpose...a long line of freight cars was coming down from the railway yard along the lines that ran across the street, going towards No. 1 Pier.

The gates were lowered across the street stopping traffic; all he had to do was to get across the lines before that string of freight cars. They would cut off his pursuit for the time it would take that long train to cross the street. Trains always slowed down going into the dockyard; sometimes stopped, straddling the street. All he had to do was to get across.

The man operating the gate yelled at him. He paid no heed. He had balanced it in his mind to a nicety, figured he'd just have time to get across. He went under the gate. Voices shouted in his ears...the scream of the locomotive whistle rising to a crescendo...he paid no heed. The train was hurtling towards him, but he had time, he could make it.

Hi, Syll-Sheena. When you submit this form, the owner will see your name and email address.
The word "pack" in line 1 of the passage best suggests that:
(1 Point)

the man was being chased

his pursuers were like hounds

there were others racing with him

he was leading his competitors
The vivid description of the women in lines 2 to 3 is significant primarily because
(1 Point)

it lends relief to the tension of the scene

it makes the writing more picturesque

it appeals to the reader's sense of humour

it shows the absurdity of the incident
The phrase "concerted cry" (lines 1 to 2) most nearly means
(1 Point)

a rythmic sound

all shouting at the same time

an outburst at a stage performance

a cry of defeat
The expression "God knows where" (lines 5 to 6) best indicates
(1 Point)

that the man had nowhere to go

there was confusion in the runner's mind

that he was fleeing from the law

that he needed God's guidance
The repetition of the word "run" in line 5 of the passage best suggests
(1 Point)

the earnestness of the runner

an exaggerated picture

the urgency of the running

the futility of the running
The words "scrambled" and "stumbled" (paragraph 2) show best that the victim was
(1 Point)

in a confused state of mind

tired and worn out

experiencing difficulty in running

clutching at straws for safety
By the frequent use of the triple dots in paragraphs 2 and 4 of the passage, the writer intends to achieve
(1 Point)

better communication with his audience

a detailed description of the scene

gaps in rendering the experiencing

the mounting excitement and tension of the scene
The paragraph in which the runner experiences the most tension is
(1 Point)




The word ‘shriek’ used in paragraph 3 appeals to which of the following senses:
(1 Point)




What do you think is the runner's objective?
(1 Point)

Reaching the railway yard

Going to No 1 Pier

Getting into the train

Crossing the train line
The expression "cut off his pursuit for the time" (line 13) means
(1 Point)

he would stop running for a while

they would stop chasing him temporarily

he would have time to escape

there would be no need to run
The expression "balanced it in his mind to a nicety" (line 16) means most nearly
(1 Point)

considered it carefully

came to a favourable conclusion

kept pondering in a optimistic way

was in a state of uncertainty
The words "straddling" and "hurtling" in the passage convey most nearly
(2 Points)

an unhurried and leisurely pace

accelerated movement

opposite speeds

the temper of the man running
The style of writing in this extract can best be described as:
(1 Point)







his pursuers were like hounds

Free verse poetry expresses ?



How happy is the fortunate, fortunate fellowman!

Fortunate fellowman.

Are you upset by how blest it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the fortunate fellowman so lucky?

How happy is the eternal, highest holiness!

Down, down, down into the darkness of the highest holiness,

Gently it goes - the aeonian, the ageless, the endless.

Icy inhumanity is, in its way, the barbaric cruelty of cruelty.

Now fool is just the thing,

To get me wondering if the icy inhumanity is cockamamy.

Don't belive that the boundless blessedness is big?

the boundless blessedness is little beyond belief.

Now weeny is just the thing,

To get me wondering if the boundless blessedness is smallest.

I'm sorry that this is so weird and random!

Which sentence is correct?

Books like “Hidden Figures” motivate us by describing the real-life achievements of others.

Books like Hidden Figures motivate us by describing the real-life achievements of others.

Books like Hidden Figures motivate us by describing the real-life achievements of others.

Books like Hidden Figures motivate us by describing the real-life achievements of others.


Answer: Books like Hidden Figures motivate us by describing the real-life achievements of others





13-5-7-9-11-13-15= + +=





13-5-7-9-11-13-15=+ + = 30





-19-13= -32

-32-15 =-47

-47=2 =30





Please please help me



1.I will not watch or i have not watched

2 are you prepared

3.i helped

4my mom cooked

5, the poet wrote


sorry if this is not right haven't done this in a while

Which statement best describes Thomas Palne's use of evidence In the passage?
O A. Palne used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
O B. Paine used empirical evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.
O C. Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
• D. Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his clalm that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.


Paine used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.

Whats the propositional phrase in The editor of the newspaper wanted to publish it.’



Of The Newspaper.


a Prepositional Phrase starts with a Preposition (Of), and ends with a noun or pronoun( Newspaper).









I need help. I think that it is Research, but I am not sure? Plz Help


I think it’s research too

1. The author probably wrote this passage to

convince her audience to boycott the arts festival in protest.

complain that she won't be able to afford to buy gifts at this year's fest.

inform readers that the City Arts street fair is about to begin.

✅Correct answer: express her opinion that excluding students from the festival is wrong

2. Which sentence best reveals the author's attitude toward whale hunting?
Today, whaling is strictly regulated by the International Whaling Commission (IWC),
but some environmental groups believe that all whale hunting should be banned.

They also think whale hunting is immoral because the methods used to kill whales are cruel and inflict intense suffering on the animals.

Native peoples in Alaska and Siberia, where growing crops is not an option, rely on whale meat to feed themselves.

✅correct answer: For every argument one side makes, the other side has a counter-argument, and this controversy is not likely to be resolved in the near future.

3. Which of the following inferences is supported by the story?

✅correct answer: Dr. Dillinger created the explosive device.

Tess hid Dr. Dillinger from the vigilante.

Tony is worried about his family's safety.

Meeks was injured by the burning car.

4. Which sentence from the story supports the inference that Detective Trueheart and Meeks have worked together before?

"She tried breathing through her mouth as she walked over to the burnt car."

"There was no point in maintaining formalities after all these years."

"Did you bring those pictures of your new baby like you promised?"

c✅orrect answer: "There is only one person with the technical knowledge to construct it."

The author most likely organized this passage in chronological order to

✅correct answer: show the progression of a sport over time.

explain the decline in popularity of a sport.

create a sense of suspense in the passage.

describe the lives of wheelchair curling players.



The structure compares points from both sides in a neutral manner.

The structure shows that both sides raise valid points in the debate.


studyisland, just did it



all your answers are correct


I took the test

a.bean b.pea c.bread d.please





7. When ___________ lunch?
A. you usually eat B. do you usually eat
C. do usually you eat D. do you eat usually
8. Mom often _____ dinner at 7p.m
A. cooks B. cook C. do cook D. is cook





hope this helps you!!!


7) when do you usually eat lunch?

8) Mom often cooks dinner at 7p.m.

hope this helps you.

Which answer sounds like a universal theme you might find in a narrative poem?


The answer that sounds like a universal theme you might find in a narrative poem is D. All of the above.

A universal theme is the main idea that is relatable to everyone no matter where they might be in the world. A narrative poem tells a story.

The universal themes of love war, peace, friendship, truth, evil, etc., are all subjects that people all over the world can identify with.

Therefore, it is right to conclude that all of the above options are universal themes that can be found in a narrative poem.

Learn more about universal themes here:

what is the relation between education and humility​



The relationship of education and humility. When we were young when our parents chose us to be well -educated, we humbled ourselves because we knew that parents knew better what was best for us. And now that we are in school we are willing or open to other ideas. That is the relationship between education and humility.

#Carry on Learning

To Simply put it, learning requires the humility to realize one has something to learn. This has been demonstrated by humility being associated with better academic learning.

is macbeth is guilty


Macbeth was not guilty!!!!(*´◒`*)

Look at these words. Select the words that have two closed syllables.



A, and E


If you get it wrong IM SO SORRY

What is micro credit…..?



Microcredit is a common form of microfinance that involves an extremely small loan given to an individual to help them become self-employed or grow a small business. ... Microcredit is also known as "microlending" or "microloan."

harry potter or voldimort



they are both way too good. I simply cant choose




'i have something to show you'I said to her



i said that i had somthing to show her

What is the central idea of Chapters 5-6?
O A. Eliezer and his father both would have survived the war if they had just stayed at Buna.
O B. Jullek, the talented violinist, played one last song
his fellow prisoners before he died.
C. Ellezer and his father struggle to survive at Buna and on the forced march to a new camp.
O D. The snow and cold killed more people than the Gestapo after they were forced to march to a new camp because the Russian Army was nearby





Ellezer and his father struggle to survive at Buna and on the forced march to a new camp is the central idea ( option C) of Chapters 5-6 of Night by Elie Wiesel.

What is the summary of Chapters 5-6 of Night by Elie Wiesel?Elie has been permanently altered by his experiences by the time Night Chapter 4 ends. His morals is eroding as he makes decisions that he wouldn't otherwise make, including tolerating his father's torture and beatings because Elie won't give up his gold crown. He received the whipping after discovering Idek, their foreman, engaging in sexual activity in the barracks. The last straw is the hanging of a high-ranking prisoner and his young servant in front of the other convicts, who start to cry as they see the youngster gasping for oxygen and dying slowly. Elie's confidence in God is shaken at this point. His revolt against God and total despair are depicted in Chapter 5.Night is simply one of the many important Holocaust-related works. You have probably already come across others.

To learn more about Night by Elie Wiesel, refer


Choose the sentence that is written Incorrectly.

.The timer on the oven failed to go off because I had forgotten to set it.

.Because John had missed a test, he received a B in the class.

. Even though he had received A's.on all the other tests.

. Marcia was taking notes while the instructor was explaining the concept.



Even though he had received A's on all the other tests.


There is a full stop in the middle of the sentence which should not be there.

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