Do you think we are to dependent on computers/cell phones, why or why not?


Answer 1
yes we use them for necessities everyday
Answer 2
We are not “too” dependent on electronics as of right now because we live among generations that lives before the era of technology and we have learned to be self sufficient from them. As generations pass, the need for electronics and technology will rise and we will eventually raise a generation that doesn’t know life outside of electronics.

Related Questions

ANSWER QUICK PLS A prefix can be used as a word by itself as well as at the end of a word.






the word pre means before

False because I looked it up

Escape from Plot Mountain
Six letter word lock ALL CAPS
PLEASE HELP I spent all day yesterday trying to figure it out I'll give Brainly and 50 points
Plot diagram is
Falling Action
Rising Action
I need it to be correct or else it won't let me submit it



1. Exposition

2. Rising Action

3. Climax

4. Falling Action

5. Resolution

6. Respect


The numbers correspond to letters. Match up what you know and then fill in the boxes using the amount of letters and whatever fits.

Yes what he said or she because they are correct

Nikola Tesla is running for mayor of Riverdale. He tells his audience: “Under our current mayor, there have been 15,000 new cases of unemployment and 666 people dead due to Hiram Lodge. If he stays in office, who knows how many more people will lose their jobs and die? The number could go up even higher. When I was the CEO of Liberty High Anti-Bullying League, I helped to create over 1,000 new jobs. I can do the same thing for this city if you vote for me.” Which form of persuasion is Nikola Tesla using here?

A. Ethos
B. Logos
C. Pathos
D. Ethos and Logos, only
E. All of them
F. Pathos and Ethos, only
G. The answer is Nikola Tesla



l am confident that the answer is F. Pathos and Ethos only

please mark as brainliest

The correct answer is D. Ethos and logos because they are using numbers in it

Identify the following verb by number and person by checking on the appropriate boxes.

It falls.

third person
first person
second person
same form for both singular and plural


Same form
For both singular and plural

First Event

Second Event

Third Event

Elsie is using this graphic organizer to help her prewrite. She wants to write about her high school basketball team, who recently won the national championship.

This graphic organizer could show
how the state championship was different than the national championship.
the number of games won and the number of games lost in the championship.
how the team winning the city and state finals led to winning nationals.
who the basketball coaches are and which position each team member plays.



I think the answer is A


Definitely C. :) Have a great day

Can anyone give an better explanation of what Implicit and Explicit evidence is? I just don't understand



Explicit – clearly stated so there is no room for confusion or questions. Implicit – implied or suggested, but not clearly stated.


Something is implicit when it is implied but not directly stated. Something is explicit when it is directly stated and leaves no room for uncertainty.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 10 points)

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Which of the following sentences best describes the dramatic irony in the poem?

The traveler knows he will see the statue in the desert.
The traveler knows who the king was.
The audience knows the traveler has seen the statue in the desert.
The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


the answers is D ur welcome


1. How can we be more accepting of other people’s differences due to race and ethnicity?
2. What do the different physical characteristics of humans that our society calls “race” actually show us?


1. we can realize that those differences aren’t as big as we think.
2. really nothing we all are built the same on the inside ig
While many students first entering a sociology classroom are accustomed to conflating the terms “race,” “ethnicity,” and “minority group,” these three terms have distinct meanings for sociologists. The idea of “race” refers to superficial physical differences that a particular society considers significant, while “ethnicity” is a term that describes shared culture. And “minority groups” describes groups that are subordinate, or lacking power in society regardless of skin colour or country of origin. For example, in modern history, the elderly might be considered a minority group due to a diminished status resulting from popular prejudice and discrimination against them. The World Health Organization’s research on elderly maltreatment shows that 10 percent of nursing home staff admit to physically abusing an elderly person in the past year, and 40 percent admit to psychological abuse (2011). As a minority group, the elderly are also subject to economic, social, and workplace discrimination.

However, this typology of race developed during early racial science has fallen into disuse, and the social construction of race or racialization is a far more common way of understanding racial categories. According to this school of thought, race is not biologically identifiable. Rather, certain groups become racialized through a social process that marks them for unequal treatment based on perceived physiological differences. When considering skin colour, for example, the social construction of race perspective recognizes that the relative darkness or fairness of skin is an evolutionary adaptation to the available sunlight in different regions of the world. Contemporary conceptions of race, therefore, which tend to be based on socioeconomic assumptions, illuminate how far removed modern race understanding is from biological qualities. In modern society, some people who consider themselves “white” actually have more melanin (a pigment that determines skin colour) in their skin than other people who identify as “black.” Consider the case of the actress Rashida Jones. She is the daughter of a black man (Quincy Jones) but she does not play a black woman in her television or film roles. In some countries, such as Brazil, class is more important than skin colour in determining racial categorization. People with high levels of melanin in their skin may consider themselves “white” if they enjoy a middle-class lifestyle. On the other hand, someone with low levels of melanin in their skin might be assigned the identity of “black” if they have little education or money.

Explain why Justyce was having trouble dealing with the possibility of a second trial, due to the mistrial. NEED ANSWER WITHIN NEXT 2-3 HRS PLSSS OR BY 12:25PM! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST



Justyce had problems for a second trial, since when the first trial was annulled due to lack of evidence or some harmful error, the judges no longer take seriously the possibility of another case.

For if a trial is overturned, the credential will fade in the second trial, as well as it will be difficult for you to be given another opportunity and time to create the papers and prepare your trial.


Void trials are trials that have not been completed successfully. A judge can declare a trial null before the jury returns a verdict or the judge announces her decision in a non-jury trial. If another trial is requested, there may be several problems in getting it.

I agree with the person ubove me !

PLEASE HELP ME OUT!! ((ANSWER CORRECTLY OR BE REPORTED)) “All Along the Watchtower” - Jimi Hendrix
There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion I can't get no relief Business men, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth None will level on the line Nobody offered his word Hey, hey No reason to get excited The thief, he kindly spoke There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate So let us stop talkin' falsely now The hour's getting late
hey Hey All along the watchtower Princes kept the view While all the women came and went Barefoot servants, too
Well, uh, outside in the cold distance A wildcat did growl Two riders were approaching And the wind began to howl, hey All along the watchtower All along the watchtower

Lyric Analysis:
1. What do you think this song is about?
2. Who are the people in it and what are their lives like?
3. What meaning does this song have?
4. What ideas does it want you to have when you listen to it?
5. Does the artist use poetic elements like rhyme or repetition?
6. How do the sounds in the words make you feel
7. How do the lyrics make you feel?
8. What do you think of them?
9. Would you recommend it to a friend?



1. I believe it is about his life.

2. It is supposedly a conversation between the Joker and the Theif.

3. I think it has great meaning considering it is about his life including terrifying events like the near-fatal motorcycle crash he was unfortunatly in.

4. The value of life.

5. He uses rhymes.

6. I would think you would answer this yourself. (If not I will answer it for you)

7. I would think you would answer this yourself. (If not I will answer it for you)

8. I think they are very meaningful in a hidden type of way.

9. I would.


Hope this is correct, if not feel free to let me know and I will fix it. I'm sorry in advance if this is incorrect.

1 about his life. 2. A conversation between the joker and the thief. 4. The value of life

An adjective modifies an adverb.



Why may you ask well An adjective clause modifies an adjective, verb, or adverb. FALSE



Maybe it's false...

ANSWER QUICK PLS Which sentence is punctuated and capitalized completely correctly?

Jeffrey was born February 8, 1992.
jeffrey was born February 8, 1992.
Jeffrey was Born February 8, 1992.
Jeffrey was born February 8,1992



First one

Jeffery was born February 8, 1992.


The first one Jeffrey was born February 8, 1992.


Hi savaine, this is for you


Hi savaine I love ❤️ u
Ok well then what the heck

Identify the following verbs by number and person by checking on the appropriate boxes.

He waits.

second person
first person
same form for both singular and plural
third person



Third person; singular


If this is the same person I answered earlier then I take back what I said, it's been a while since I've written in first and second person ;)

I know that there are very smart people on here and im righting fanatic for Killing Stalking and i would like some help, thanks




i just need points im sorry

Do you think we are to dependent on computers/cell phones, why or why not?


Yes, because like in the situation we were in just last year and this year we had to depend on computers and other technology devices to be able to do schoolwork and other things for school. We have become even more dependent on them as time went on.

Identify the following verb by number and person by checking on the appropriate boxes.

They call.

first person
third person
same form for both singular and plural
second person



Third person and plural I believe. I hope you get it right.

Third person and plural

if you want to answer, go ahead.

Are you ok? I'm here if you need me.. did something happen at home? are you crying in your room while everybody is asleep? i feel the same thing your feeling tbh but im staying strong and having pride in myself not to scream while crying. just know i love you and if you need anything talk to me


so cuteeee


love that ^^^^




Normally, I don't feel comfortable reaching out to strangers but right now EVERYTHING is going wrong, wrong, WRONGGG. Basically I'm having problems with my parents because they want me to graduate COLLEGE at age 15-16!!! I CAN'T! And they're really strict ON TOP OF not liking me as a person. And my siblings have been so disrespectful i can't take it anymore. But what really set me off is that today i found out my bf was arrested and I won't be able to talk to him for 7-8 MONTHS. My birthday is this Thursday and I won't even be able to talk to him. Next week I start camp and I'll have to look out for my 6 younger siblings AND do summer school so I can graduate early. I'm struggling with maths and I hate PE. All I can think about is sui.cide and it's taking over. What does my bf expect me to do?? All I can do is add him to my group of imaginary friends (which consists of people I've lost that i really miss) and I don't wanna do that. If I keep doing that It'll become my reality and I'll start to think that he's really here. Then I'll let everyone down! I'm so stressed and I've already cut so many times today. i really don't know what to do...

Tysm for being here for me it means a lot

Add one of the prefixes below to the root word so that it matches the meaning in parentheses.

Root word: approval

Prefixes - Prefix
(Meaning: the act of turning down; opposition)



answer= disapproval


sorry have to write something right here to give you the answer


answer= disapproval

Rodney is writing about the creations of United States Constitution. He made the following graphic organizer to help him with his paper.

The Articles of Confederation protect states' rights

People want more central government

The U.S. Constitution replaces the Articles of Confederation

This chain-of-events diagram illustrates that?
the Constitution ignored the wishes of the American people.
the Constitution provided more central control of the government.
the Constitution placed more power in the hands of individuals.
the Constitution was very similar to the Articles of Confederation.


I think it’s A or B


I think it is A


ANSWER QUICK PLS Choose the antonym for the word in italics.





the antonym(opposite) of frown would be smile:)


The opposite of frown would be smile


When it is time to choose a summer vacation destination, it is usually parents vs kids.
In which sentence has the mistake been corrected?

When it is time to choose a summer vacation destination, it is usually parents. vs kids.

When it is time to choose a summer vacation destination, it is usually parents vs. kids.

When it is time to choose a summer vacation destination, it is usually parents vs, kids.

When it is time to choose a summer vacation destination, it is usually parents VS kids.



B the one with the vs.


not a bc that's a random spot for a period

not C bc a comma isn't needed

and not d bc it doesn't need capitalized

The answer is c. Okkkkkk

ANSWER FAST PLEASE Match the term to its example.

1. past tense verb
2. contraction
3. examine carefully to separate the elements
almost never
4. verb phrase
superlative degree
5. adverb phrase
6. ZIP
an acronym
7. two things compared
comparative degree
8. three things compared
am going


it’s a verb that refers to another adjective
it’s a verb that refers to another adjective

I need help with doing a debate for ela. The debate topic is "do you think we are to dependable on our laptops/cellphones. My teacher assigned me to the group that think we are not to dependent on our electronics when i dont even support that side sooo i need help coming up with topics that help support the side that im on. ( thhat probably did not make any sense)


Hopefully this helps but you can say you are not dependable on it because there are many alternatives to us using devices. Such as time you can just look at a clock. Or to do list you can just write it down. And writing things down can be more helpful and useful when wanting to remembering this then typing it. I dont know to be honest that’s just one point I guess.
Yes what he said or she because they are correct.

Lord of the Flies was originally published in 1954. William Golding wanted to convey the message that human beings are savage by nature, and without rules and order will succumb to their urges toward brutality. Is this message still relevant, even 67 years after it was published? EXPLAIN your answer.

If your answer is incomplete or confusing PLEASE DO NOT write the answer down. Or YOU will be REPORTED!!!!


Lord of the Flies explained some things that we now see today, such as leading or being the follower and being good and evil. There are something's I'd like to point out though, which is the fact that the kids were between ages of 6 and 12 I believe, and they had no grown up. They were thriving to surive with food and shelter. They had no one to tell them to do, and they were lost in control, which then leads them to do the unbelievable. So answering your question, the message is relevant.


Lord of the Flies explained some things that we now see today, such as leading or being the follower and being good and evil. There are something's I'd like to point out though, which is the fact that the kids were between ages of 6 and 12 I believe, and they had no grown up. They were thriving to surive with food and shelter. They had no one to tell them to do, and they were lost in control, which then leads them to do the unbelievable. So answering your question, the message is relevant.


Malcolm is writing a report about Canadian and American immigrants. Below is his report.

Since 1820, lots and lots of Canadians have moved to America. The biggest reason is because of work. America has more jobs than Canada. Americans also move to Canada. Canada has cleaner air, and life is quieter.

What part of Malcolm's report should be changed because it is not precise?
"Canada has cleaner air, and life is quieter."
"The biggest reason is because of work."
"Since 1820, lots and lots of Canadians have moved to America."
"Americans also move to Canada."



A) "Canada has cleaner air, and life is quieter."

D) "Americans also move to Canada."


because it said precise means which statement is not right

Mark me as brainliest

the correct answer is C.

Add one of the prefixes below to the root word so that it matches the meaning in parentheses.

Root word: approval

(Meaning: the act of turning down; opposition)



answer= disapprove




answer= disapproval


Look at the image below.
20 pts



The purpose of the computer is to perform calculations, store information, retrieve data and process information.

What are Katniss’s main sources of conflict at this stage in the novel (The Hunger Games)?



Katniss Everdeen is up against a number of external conflicts in "The Hunger Games." including the fight to feed her family, the fight against the oppressive society in which she lives, and the fight against other competitors to survive during the Games.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Please mark me as brainliest :3

Imma be honest I really don’t know

Identify the following verb by number and person as it is used in the sentence by checking the appropriate boxes.

We promise.

third person
second person
first and third person
first person



singular is da answereerrrrr

The answer is singular
Other Questions
The three steps which will create triangular arbitrage profit are as follows: first step, convert ____; second step, convert _______, and third step, convert ______. a) USD to GBP; CHF to GBP; CHF to USD b) USD to GBP; GBP to CHF; CHF to USD c) USD to CHF; GBP to CHF; GBP to USD d) USD to CHF; CHF to GBP; GBP to USD The triangle on the right is a scaled copy of the triangle on the left. Identify the scale factor. Express your answer in simplest form. which of the following is a type of wave that does not need a medium though which to travel?A.) equilibriumB.) longitudinalC.) amplitudeD.) transverse as a student what can be your greatest contribution to the community? Write the equation for cellular. Plz help!!!! A right triangle with the leg lengths of 7ft and 10ft. Using this information, find the length of the hypotenuse. Then round your answer to the nearest hundredth. what is the value of a+bc when a=4, b=6 and c =2? also please include how to do it step by step :) The student is now told that the four solids, in no particular order, are aluminum chloride (AlCl3AlCl3), sugar (C6H12O6C6H12O6), butanoic acid (C3H7COOHC3H7COOH), and potassium bromide (KBrKBr), and potassium bromide (KBr). Assuming that conductivity is correlated to the number of ions in solution, rank the four substances based on how well a 0.20 M solution in water will conduct electricity. Rank from most conductive to least conductive. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. Write three possible topics here from your brainstorming. Do some research on each to determine source availability.(any topics) Explain whether each of the following statements is true or false. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) diminishes as an individual moves downward along the demand curve. Assume the statement refers to good X with price Upper P Subscript Upper X , where good X is measured on the horizontal axis of an indifference map and good Y is measured on the vertical axis. Soulignez les adjectifs dans le text ci-desous "Notre belle maison ancienne est devenue trop grande pour nous. Elle a beaucoup de charme, elle est trs calme, idale pour une joyeuse famille. Elle tait habite auparavant par des artisans, car elle comporte en Rez de jardin, un grand atelier vitr, elle a une trs belle exposition: ses grandes fentres garantissent un ensoleillement permanent et une jolie vue sur les montagnes." What fo you think are the components of environment education ? A 17-kg sled is being pulled along the horizontal snow-covered ground by a horizontal force of 33 N. Starting from rest, the sled attains a speed of 1.6 m/s in 9.8 m. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the runners of the sled and the snow. Two identical ambulances with loud sirens are driving directly towards you at a speed of 40 mph. One ambulance is 2 blocks away and the other is 10 blocks away. Which of the following is true? [Note that pitch = frequency.]a) The siren from the closer ambulance sounds higher pitched to you.b) The siren from the farther ambulance sounds higher pitched to you.c) The pitch of the two sirens sounds the same to you.d) The siren from the farther ambulance sounds higher pitched, until the closer ambulance passes you. A ceramic tile measuring 50 cm x50cm has been designed to bear a pressure of 40 N/in . Will it with stand a force of 5 N? solar panels use which form of energy cho v d v ti nh v ( tr viettel, bitis, vinamilk..) pls help being timed 20 pointsThe Governors Office of Indian Affairs has the responsibility ofoverseeing the operation of Washingtons Indian casinos.establishing the borders of tribal nations in Washington.helping the tribes and the state of Washington work together.writing laws and regulations for Washingtons tribal nations. A. That he go to England to track down macduff B. That he will force Macduff to fight with him C. That he will take action instead of being indecisive D. that he will only listen to the witches prophecies What two countries did GeneralDouglas MacArthur want to drop atomicbombs on?A. China and the USSRB. Japan and North KoreaC. Vietnam and South KoreaD. South Korea and North Korea