Doctor Franco worked for 10 years as an employee of MedBest.. He signed a non-compete clause in indicating that he cannot practice medicine for two years within a 15 mile radius of Med Best. After one year, Med Best is no longer in the business of practicing medicine because it was brought by a large corporation. Can the noncompete clause be enforced? Please discuss.


Answer 1

I am not a lawyer, but I can provide some general information on non-compete clauses. The enforceability of a non-compete clause depends on various factors, including jurisdiction-specific laws and the specific terms and conditions outlined in the contract.

It's always advisable to consult with a legal professional for a definitive  based on the specific circumstances and applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

In many jurisdictions, the enforceability of a non-compete clause depends on whether it is considered reasonable in terms of its duration, geographic scope, and the legitimate business interests it seeks to protect. Let's discuss the scenario you presented:

1. Duration: The non-compete clause in this case states that Doctor Franco cannot practice medicine for two years within a 15-mile radius of MedBest.

2. Change in Business: After one year, MedBest is no longer in the business of practicing medicine because it was acquired by a large corporation.

In general, if the business that imposed the non-compete clause is no longer engaging in the specific activities covered by the clause (in this case, practicing medicine), it may weaken the enforceability of the non-compete clause. The clause may no longer serve a legitimate business interest since MedBest is no longer in the medical practice.

However, the enforceability of the non-compete clause can also be influenced by other factors, such as the specific language used in the contract, applicable laws in the jurisdiction, and whether the large corporation that acquired MedBest is engaged in a similar line of business or could be considered a successor to MedBest.

To determine the enforceability of the non-compete clause in this scenario, it is crucial to consult with a legal professional who can review the specific terms of the contract and applicable laws in your jurisdiction. They will be able to provide you with accurate advice based on the specifics of the situation.

Learn more about business here:


Related Questions

b) Based on the insurance market, explain the difference between the 'adverse selection' and 'moral hazard'


Based on the insurance market, the main difference between adverse selection and moral hazard is that in the former the insurer is unable to get insights in the client's potential of claims and moral hazard means to have a riskier behavior.

The difference between the two:

Adverse Selection: Adverse selection occurs when the insurer is unable to differentiate between people who have a higher probability of claiming on their policies and those who do not. This leads to people who are more prone to claiming insurance to apply for coverage. Due to this, the insurer is at a disadvantage and cannot charge higher premiums to those at higher risk. Adverse selection leads to a more considerable number of claims, and the company has to pay out more to settle these claims.

Moral Hazard: Moral hazard refers to the possibility that an insurance policyholder will engage in riskier behavior, knowing that the insurer will cover the costs of any damages. It occurs when the policyholder takes greater risks or acts negligently because they know they are insured. The more risk a policyholder takes, the higher the likelihood of filing a claim and the more the insurance company pays out.

Therefore, the insurer cannot differentiate between a policyholder that takes a high risk and one that does not.

Learn more about insurance market here:


1. The proposition that private transactions are efficient if property rights exist, if only a small number of parties are involved, and if transactions costs are low is known as the
a. Pigouvian tax
b. Public provision
c. Coase theorem
d. Intellectual property rights


Option c is correct. The proposition that private transactions are efficient when property rights exist, a small number of parties are involved, and transaction costs are low is known as the Coase theorem.

The Coase theorem, named after economist Ronald Coase, states that in the presence of well-defined property rights and low transaction costs, private transactions will result in an efficient allocation of resources, regardless of the initial distribution of those property rights. According to the Coase theorem, if property rights are clearly defined and enforceable, and the costs of negotiating and enforcing agreements are low, individuals can bargain and reach mutually beneficial agreements to allocate resources efficiently.

The Coase theorem highlights the importance of property rights and transaction costs in determining the efficiency of private transactions. Property rights provide individuals with the ability to exclude others from using their resources and create incentives for efficient resource allocation. Additionally, low transaction costs facilitate the negotiation and enforcement of agreements, enabling parties to internalize the costs and benefits of their actions.

Learn more about Coase theorem from here:


Chile and Argentina produce jellybeans (x) and peanut botter (y) using labot as their only resources. Each country has a 1000 hours and Chile uses 1 hour to produce jellybeans and 2 hours to produce peamut butter. Argentina uses 1 hour to produce jellybeans and 4 hours to produce peanur butter Plot the PPFs for both countres Chale and Argentins and B. Write the pre-tnde price fatio in each country and comparel. Tabel the pre trube or autashy consumption/production point with no bste bias, anternational paice ratio, pest thace prodactios and consamption and the trade triangle!
What is the basis fot trade in thas model? Can these countries completely specialixe or not? _____ Explain why of whey not? ____
The word peodaction of good X and Y before thade X= _____. Y= _____. The world pcoduction of good X and Y after trade X= _____. Y= _____. How do you show the gaans from trader?


In this model, Chile and Argentina produce jellybeans (X) and peanut butter (Y) using labor as their only resource. Chile requires 1 hour to produce jellybeans and 2 hours to produce peanut butter, while Argentina requires 1 hour to produce jellybeans and 4 hours to produce peanut butter.

Chile's PPF will have a slope of -1/2, indicating that for every unit of jellybeans it produces, it gives up 1/2 unit of peanut butter. Argentina's PPF will have a slope of -1/4, meaning that for every unit of jellybeans, it sacrifices 1/4 unit of peanut butter. Plotting these PPFs will show the trade-off between producing jellybeans and peanut butter for each country.

The pre-trade price ratio can be determined by comparing the opportunity costs of production in each country. In Chile, the opportunity cost of producing one unit of jellybeans is 2 units of peanut butter (2 hours of labor). In Argentina, the opportunity cost of producing one unit of jellybeans is 4 units of peanut butter (4 hours of labor). Therefore, the pre-trade price ratio in Chile is 2:1 (2 units of peanut butter per jellybean), and in Argentina, it is 4:1 (4 units of peanut butter per jellybean).

Since the pre-trade price ratio in Chile is lower than in Argentina, Chile has a comparative advantage in producing jellybeans. On the other hand, Argentina has a comparative advantage in producing peanut butter. This forms the basis for trade between the two countries.

However, complete specialization is not possible because the opportunity costs of production differ between the two goods in each country. Chile would have to sacrifice more peanut butter to produce additional jellybeans, and Argentina would have to sacrifice more jellybeans to produce additional peanut butter. Therefore, both countries will find it beneficial to specialize to some extent based on their comparative advantages but not completely.

The word production of good X and Y before trade: X = 1000 jellybeans, Y = 500 peanut butter units. The world production of good X and Y after trade: X = 1500 jellybeans, Y = 750 peanut butter units. The gains from trade are evident in the increased total production of both goods in the world. Both countries can consume more of both goods than they could produce on their own, resulting in higher overall welfare.

To show the gains from trade, we compare the consumption/production points with and without trade. Before trade, Chile might produce 500 jellybeans and 250 units of peanut butter, while Argentina could produce 500 jellybeans and 125 units of peanut butter. However, with trade, Chile can specialize in jellybeans, producing 1000 units, while Argentina can specialize in peanut butter, producing 500 units. Both countries can then trade and consume beyond their pre-trade production possibilities, leading to increased total welfare.

Learn more about labor here:


Since the Hackman and Oldham model was developed in the 1970s, jobs have changed in what way?
a) increased in turnover and job satisfaction
b) increased in autonomy and skill variety
c) decreased in motivation and satisfaction
d) decreased in task identify and responsibility


Since the Hackman and Oldham model was developed in the 1970s, jobs have changed in the way that (b) they have increased in autonomy and skill variety.

The Hackman and Oldham model, also known as the Job Characteristics Theory, focuses on the relationship between job design and employee motivation. It suggests that certain job characteristics, such as autonomy and skill variety, can enhance motivation and job satisfaction.

In the years since the model was developed, there has been a notable shift in job design and the nature of work. With advancements in technology and changes in organizational structures, many jobs now offer greater autonomy and increased skill variety. Autonomy refers to the level of independence and decision-making authority an individual has in performing their job, while skill variety refers to the range of different tasks and skills required.

Organizations have recognized the benefits of empowering employees and providing them with more opportunities to use and develop their skills. This shift towards greater autonomy and skill variety aims to increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall motivation.

Learn more about Hackman and Oldham model here:


The lowest profit a firm should ever make in the short run is: A) zero economic profits. B) the losses associated with the fixed costs of the firm.


The correct option among the given options in the question is A) zero economic profits.The lowest profit a firm should ever make in the short run is zero economic profits.

Economic profit is the difference between the total revenue earned by the firm and the total costs incurred in producing the output. Economic profits are negative when the total costs exceed the total revenue of the firm.

The short run is a period in which the firm can change the number of workers it employs but cannot change the size of its factory or other production facilities.

In the short run, the fixed costs of the firm are constant. Therefore, the lowest profit a firm should ever make in the short run is zero economic profits. In the short run, if the firm earns zero economic profits, it covers all its variable costs of production and at least part of its fixed costs of production. Hence, the correct option is A) zero economic profits.

The short-run is the duration during which a company can modify the number of employees that it hires but cannot alter the size of its production facilities or factory. Hence, the fixed costs of a company remain constant during the short-run.

The lowest profit a firm should ever make in the short run is zero economic profits.Economic profit is calculated as the difference between the total revenue earned by the company and the total cost of producing its output.

A company experiences economic profits when the total revenue earned exceeds the total costs incurred, but the reverse is true when the total cost incurred exceeds the total revenue earned.

Zero economic profits occur when the firm covers all the variable costs of production and some part of its fixed costs of production. It is the lowest amount of profit that a company should earn in the short-run.

Learn more about zero economic profits here


Disseminated by Kodak to labs that processed film, the Shirley card was a reference card used to calibrate skin tone. The original Shirley card, named for the first woman who sat for it, and many subsequent versions, used only one model in the image, and she was white. This lasted until 1995, when Kodak introduced a reference card featuring a white, Asian, and black woman with different skin tones. The Shirley card serves as an example of the ways in which ____________ are embedded in machine design, put into play just by using them.
A. countervisual strategies
B. social and political perspectives
C. algorithms
D. technological advancements


The Shirley card serves as an example of the ways in which **social and political perspectives** are embedded in machine design, put into play just by using them.

The Shirley card was a reference card developed by Kodak to calibrate skin tones in film processing. The original version and subsequent versions of the card featured only one model, who was white. This design choice reflected the prevailing social and political perspectives of the time, which prioritized and centered whiteness as the standard for skin tone calibration. The absence of diverse representation on the card reinforced racial biases and perpetuated an exclusionary approach.

However, in 1995, Kodak introduced a new version of the Shirley card that featured a white, Asian, and black woman with different skin tones. This update was a response to growing awareness and demands for more inclusive representation. By incorporating diverse models, Kodak acknowledged the importance of considering different skin tones and challenging the biases inherent in the previous versions.

The example of the Shirley card illustrates how social and political perspectives shape machine design. Design choices are not neutral; they reflect the values, biases, and power dynamics of the society in which they are created. Algorithms, technological advancements, and countervisual strategies can all play a role in machine design, but ultimately, it is the underlying social and political perspectives that determine how these elements are incorporated and the impact they have on society.

In conclusion, the Shirley card highlights the importance of recognizing and challenging the embedded social and political perspectives in machine design to ensure inclusivity, fairness, and equity.

Learn more about machine here


Novak Compaty'snet income for 2020 it 5641,000 , and 79.000 shares of commcenstock were issued and outstandine during 2020 The onliv potentialy dilutive teciarities outstandeng were 27000 encoutive stock options iswed during 2019 , each exreisable for one share at $19.50, none of these have been exercised. The overape market price of Norak's stock during 2020 was $2500, (a) Compute diluted eaminci per share (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e. a..55) Diluted eaenings per share $ _____ (b) Ascume the same facts as those assumed for part lah, eveept that 10000 additional ootiont were issied on Octoter 1 . 2020 with 2020 war 52850 (Alound anwer to 2 derimaf places, es 2.55). Diluted eranings per share $ _____


a. Diluted earnings per share for 2020 is $22.46.

b. Diluted earnings per share for 2020, assuming the additional options, is $21.75.

a. To calculate diluted earnings per share for 2020, we need to consider the potential dilutive securities, which in this case are the stock options.

Step 1: Calculate the impact of exercising stock options on net income.

Number of potentially dilutive securities = 27,000 stock options

Exercise price per option = $19.50

Excess of average market price over exercise price = $25.00 - $19.50 = $5.50

Potential increase in net income = (Number of potentially dilutive securities * Excess of average market price) / Average market price

Potential increase in net income = (27,000 * $5.50) / $25.00

Potential increase in net income = $5,940

Adjusted net income = Net income for 2020 + Potential increase in net income

Adjusted net income = $5,641,000 + $5,940

Adjusted net income = $5,646,940

Step 2: Calculate diluted earnings per share.

Diluted earnings per share = Adjusted net income / (Weighted average number of shares + Number of potentially dilutive securities)

Weighted average number of shares = 79,000 shares

Diluted earnings per share = $5,646,940 / (79,000 + 27,000)

Diluted earnings per share = $5,646,940 / 106,000

Diluted earnings per share ≈ $22.46

b. Considering the additional options issued on October 1, 2020:

Number of additional options issued = 10,000

Exercise price per option = $28.50

Excess of average market price over exercise price = $25.00 - $28.50 = -$3.50 (negative as it is below the exercise price)

Since the excess of average market price over exercise price is negative, these additional options are anti-dilutive and are not included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share. Therefore, the diluted earnings per share remain the same as in part a, which is $22.46.

The diluted earnings per share for Novak Company in 2020, considering the initial stock options, is $22.46. If we assume the additional options issued on October 1, 2020, the diluted earnings per share remains the same at $22.46. These calculations demonstrate the impact of potentially dilutive securities on the earnings per share calculation and provide insights into the company's financial performance on a per-share basis.

To know more about share ,visit:


Suppose that you have the following information about a
perfectly competitive firm:
P= $8; Q= 1000; ATC= $9; AVC= $7.8; MC= $7
Based on this information, answer the following questions.
Calculate the amount of profit the firm is currently making, firm’s current producer surplus, explain if the firm should stay in business or shut down, and can the firm increase profit by changing output level explain and show your working.


The firm can increase profit by producing more output.working:to maximize profit, the firm should produce at the quantity where mc equals mr.

1. profit calculation:total revenue (tr) = price (p) x quantity (q) = $8 x 1000 = $8000

total cost (tc) = average total cost (atc) x quantity (q) = $9 x 1000 = $9000profit = tr - tc = $8000 - $9000 = -$1000 (loss)

the firm is currently experiencing a loss of $1000.

2. producer surplus calculation:

producer surplus = total revenue (tr) - total variable cost (tvc)tvc = average variable cost (avc) x quantity (q) = $7.8 x 1000 = $7800

producer surplus = $8000 - $7800 = $200

the firm has a producer surplus of $200.

3. should the firm stay in business or shut down?since the firm is currently making a loss, it should consider shutting down in the short run if the loss exceeds its fixed costs. if the fixed costs are higher than the loss, the firm may continue operating in the short run.

4. can the firm increase profit by changing output level?

to determine if the firm can increase profit, we need to compare the marginal cost (mc) and the marginal revenue (mr). if mc < mr, increasing output can potentially increase profit.

in this case, mc = $7, which is less than the price (p) of $8. in a perfectly competitive market, the price is equal to mr.

in this scenario, the price (p) is $8, which is greater than the marginal cost (mc) of $7. by increasing output, the firm can sell additional units at a price higher than the cost of producing those units, resulting in increased profit.

however, it's important to consider the market demand and elasticity factors when deciding on the optimal output level.

Learn more about business here:


The Withdrawal account is closed to: Expenses. Income Summary. Assets. Owner's Capital
Bald Peak Logging had revenues of $30,000, expenses of $23,000, and withdrawals of $6,000. After closing these accounts, the balance in the lncome Summary account is a:
$1,000 credit. $7,000 debit \$1,000 debit. $7,000 credit.


After closing the accounts, the balance in the Income Summary account is a $7,000 credit. Option D is correct answer.

The Income Summary account is used to summarize the revenues and expenses for a specific accounting period before transferring the net income or net loss to the owner's capital account. To close the accounts, the revenue and expense accounts are transferred to the Income Summary account.

In this case, Bald Peak Logging had revenues of $30,000 and expenses of $23,000. To close these accounts, the revenue of $30,000 is transferred to the Income Summary account as a credit, and the expenses of $23,000 are transferred to the Income Summary account as a debit.

Additionally, the withdrawals of $6,000 are closed directly to the owner's capital account as a debit, reducing the owner's equity.

To calculate the balance in the Income Summary account, we subtract the total expenses and withdrawals from the total revenues. In this case,

= $30,000 - ($23,000)

= $7,000 credit.

Since the revenue exceeded the expenses and withdrawals, the balance in the Income Summary account is a $7,000 credit.

Learn more about capital account here


The Complete question is

The Withdrawal account is closed to: Expenses. Income Summary. Assets. Owner's Capital

Bald Peak Logging had revenues of $30,000, expenses of $23,000, and withdrawals of $6,000. After closing these accounts, the balance in the lncome Summary account is a:

A. $1,000 credit.

B. $7,000 debit

C. $1,000 debit.

D. $7,000 credit.

Babosa Freight Inc. is seeking to raise financing for the construction of a new freight terminal beginning January 1, 2018. The construction cost of the freight terminal is estimated at $20 million. You have been asked to prepare a report for the company’s Board of Directors to evaluate the best financing arrangement under different scenarios. You have narrowed down your choices to the following alternatives: Alternative 1: Raise the required amount from the proceeds of a new 6% coupon bond with a face value of $ 21,764,514.48, and a maturity period of 5 years. The annual market interest rate is 8%. The coupon payment is payable semiannually. Alternative 2: A private equity firm has offered to finance the entire construction in a financing arrangement whereby Babosa Freight Inc. would make ten equal semiannual installment payments of exactly $2,465,817.61 each for five years. The appropriate annual market interest rate implied in the arrangement is 8%. Required: Round answers to the nearest whole dollar Please use the provided PV tables. Determine the annual interest expense for the year ending December 31, 2018 for each e financing alternative. Which financing alternative would you recommend to Babosa Freight’s Board of Directors if the company’s objective is to show the lowest reported long term debt liability on its balance sheet for the year ended December 31st 2018?


The annual interest expense for the year ending December 31, 2018 for each financing alternative are given below:Alternative 1:Annual interest = Coupon rate * Face value= 6% * $21,764,514.48= $1,305,870.87Therefore, the annual interest expense for the year ending December 31, 2018 is $1,305,870.87.Alternative 2.

The total financing provided by the private equity firm is equal to the present value of ten semiannual payments of $2,465,817.61 each at an interest rate of 8% and for a period of five years.PVIFA (8%, 10) = 6.7101Present value of the financing provided = $2,465,817.61 * 6.7101= $16,556,620.42Therefore, the interest expense for the first year is equal to the annual interest rate multiplied by the balance of the principal at the end of the first year.

The balance of the principal at the end of the first year is equal to the total financing provided less the first semiannual payment. The annual interest rate is equal to the implied annual market rate of 8% which was used to calculate the present value of the semiannual payments.Interest expense for the first year = 8% * ($16,556,620.42 - $2,465,817.61) = $1,146,659.18Therefore, the annual interest expense for the year ending December 31, 2018 is $1,146,659.18.

The financing alternative that Babosa Freight’s Board of Directors would recommend if the company’s objective is to show the lowest reported long term debt liability on its balance sheet for the year ended December 31st 2018 is alternative 1. This is because the long term debt liability on its balance sheet for the year ended December 31st 2018 is equal to the face value of the bond which is $21,764,514.48 and this is the lowest debt liability when compared to the other financing alternative.

For more about annual interest:


In supply chain management, there are 3 basic forecasting techniques: simple moving average, weighted moving average, and exponential smoothing. List situations in which each of these models would be a best choice to use. List at least one per forecasting technique.


The three basic forecasting techniques in supply chain management, namely simple moving average, weighted moving average, and exponential smoothing, are each suitable for different situations.

The simple moving average is useful when there is minimal variability in the historical data and a need for a quick and straightforward forecast. The weighted moving average is suitable when recent data is considered more important, allowing for responsiveness to recent changes in demand.

Exponential smoothing is beneficial when there is a need to emphasize the most recent data while still considering past data, making it suitable for situations with moderate variability and a need for adaptability.

Simple Moving Average: The simple moving average is effective in situations where there is minimal variability in the historical data and a need for a quick and straightforward forecast.

For example, if the demand for a product has been relatively stable over time and there are no significant changes or seasonality patterns, a simple moving average can provide a reasonable forecast by averaging a fixed number of previous data points.

Weighted Moving Average: The weighted moving average is useful when recent data is considered more important in forecasting. This technique assigns different weights to different periods, placing higher importance on recent data. It is suitable for situations where there have been recent changes in demand or market conditions.

For instance, if a product's demand has been fluctuating in recent months, giving more weight to the most recent data points can provide a more accurate forecast.

Exponential Smoothing: Exponential smoothing is beneficial when there is a need to emphasize the most recent data while still considering past data. It strikes a balance between responsiveness to recent changes and incorporating historical patterns.

This technique is suitable for situations with moderate variability in demand and a need for adaptability. For example, if a product's demand exhibits a trend or seasonality patterns, exponential smoothing can capture these patterns while also reflecting recent shifts in demand.

Learn more about supply chain management here:


Attached Files: (1.194 MB) Refusing a Request. - Editors of the monthly publication National Business have asked you, a consultant with Brandwise Solutions, to write a brief case study article for their magaine. In particular they are interested in your response to the rebranding of Goliath Groceries, Canada's fourth-largest supermarket chain, which commands a 14 per cent market share. Goliath has recently merged its distribution network, switched over to large-format stores, and repositioned itself as a whole foods and express foods retailer in order to gain a market niche distinct from recently arrived US rivals such as Stars and Stripes of Arkansas. - Although you would like to offer your opinions on the subject, you fear a possible conflict of interest because your consulting firm advised on the branding and redesign of Goliath's low-price chain, Save-a-Buck. You are also scheduled to leave this evening for a three-month overseas consulting job. W Write to the editors declining their request but leaving the door open for future writing opportunities.


Dear [Editors of National Business],I appreciate the interest that your magazine has in my consulting services and for considering me as a candidate to write a case study article about Goliath Groceries. However, I regret that I am unable to participate in this assignment due to a potential conflict of interest. Brand wise Solutions had the opportunity to work with Goliath Groceries on their Save-a-Buck branding and redesign project. Therefore, I am unable to offer any opinions that could be seen as impartial.

I am scheduled to leave on a three-month overseas consulting job later today, but I would like to leave the door open for future writing opportunities. If the situation arises where I can contribute my unbiased perspective, I would be happy to work with you. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. I wish you and the magazine all the best in the future. Sincerely, [Your Name] In the given scenario, the writer has to write to the editors of National Business declining their request to write a case study article about Goliath Groceries. He has to state the reason for declining the offer while leaving the door open for future writing opportunities. He starts the letter by appreciating the magazine's interest in his services and his selection as a candidate to write a case study article about Goliath Groceries. He then regrets that he cannot participate in this assignment because his consulting firm Brand wise Solutions advised Goliath Groceries on their Save-a-Buck branding and redesign project, and he cannot offer any impartial opinions. Furthermore, he will leave for a three-month overseas consulting job later in the day. However, he assures the editors that he is willing to work with them on future writing opportunities if the situation arises where he can contribute his impartial perspective. Finally, he apologizes for any inconvenience caused and wishes the magazine all the best in the future.

To know more about magazine visit:


As a manager, you know that as your firm uses more of a variable
input, the marginal product of the input decreases. What conclusion
can you draw about the behavior of the marginal cost curve?


The behavior of the marginal cost curve is such that it increases as the firm uses more of the variable input and experiences diminishing marginal returns.

As the firm uses more of a variable input and the marginal product of the input decreases, it can be concluded that the marginal cost curve will increase

The concept of diminishing marginal returns states that as a firm increases its use of a variable input while holding other inputs constant, the marginal product of the variable input will eventually decrease. This means that each additional unit of the variable input contributes less to the total output or productivity.

The relationship between marginal product and marginal cost is closely related. Marginal cost refers to the additional cost incurred by producing one more unit of output. When the marginal product of the variable input decreases, it implies that producing additional units of output becomes more costly. This increase in costs is reflected in the upward movement of the marginal cost curve.

This indicates that the firm faces higher costs for each additional unit of output produced, reflecting the diminishing efficiency of the variable input.

Learn more about marginal product  here


"What is the Portfolio Return if you hold positions in the following stocks displayed in this format (Current price per share, # of shares in our portfolio Return for each stock) (FIN340 Company 519 25, 50 shares, 15.0% Return). (ABC Company $31.80, 25 shares - 14.0% Return): (DEF Company $21.50, 80 shares, -11,5% Return), and XYZ Company $7.25, 130 shares 15.9% Return)." -0.3% 1.45 5.4% -04% 0.196 Insufficient data provided to calculate this statistic


The Portfolio Return is -0.52%

Given information is (Current price per share, # of shares in our portfolio Return for each stock) (FIN340 Company 519 25, 50 shares, 15.0% Return). (ABC Company $31.80, 25 shares - 14.0% Return): (DEF Company $21.50, 80 shares, -11,5% Return), and XYZ Company $7.25, 130 shares 15.9% Return).

Portfolio Return= ((Return for Stock 1 x Investment in Stock 1) + (Return for Stock 2 x Investment in Stock 2) + (Return for Stock 3 x Investment in Stock 3) + (Return for Stock 4 x Investment in Stock 4))/Total Portfolio Investment

Here,Total Portfolio Investment = 519 * 25 + 31.8 * 25 + 21.5 * 80 + 7.25 * 130

= 26,643.50

Therefore,Portfolio Return= (15.0% * 519 * 25 + (-14.0%) * 31.8 * 25 + (-11.5%) * 21.5 * 80 + 15.9% * 7.25 * 130)/26,643.50

= (19493.75 - 11415 - 21292 - 1463.25)/26,643.50

= -138.50/26,643.50

= -0.0052

= -0.52%

Therefore, the Portfolio Return is -0.52%.

Hence, the option A is correct.


Let us know more about portfolio return :

Identify the lotter for the principle or assumption from A through D in the blank space next to each numbered situation that it best explains or justifies. _____ In proparing financial statements for Dockside Digs, the accountant makes sure that the expense transactions of the owner are kept separate from the company's iransactions and financial statements. _____ When Ahmed clinic buys medical equipment, provides a health service, or uses an Eaverue recognitien assumption asset, they record the monetary value of these transactions. ______ In December 2022 of this year, Chavez construction recelved a customer's order and cash prepayment to build a house that would not be ready until March 2023 . Chavez should rocord the rovenue from the customer order in March 2023, fot in December 2022. _____ Rasheed Sottware classifies assets and liabilities in the balance sheet into carrent and noncurrent to refiect the fact that the business will continue operating for the foreseeable future.
A. Business entity assumption
B. Monetary value assumption
D. Going concem assumption


In preparing financial statements for Dockside Digs, the accountant keeps the owner's expense transactions separate from the company's transactions and financial statements, following the Economic Entity Assumption.

When Ahmed clinic buys medical equipment, provides a health service, or records revenue, they measure and record the monetary value of these transactions, based on the Monetary Unit Assumption.

In December 2022, Chavez Construction received a customer's order and cash prepayment for a house that would be ready in March 2023. According to the Revenue Recognition Principle, Chavez should recognize the revenue from the customer order in March 2023, not in December 2022.

Rasheed Software classifies assets and liabilities in the balance sheet as current and noncurrent to reflect the assumption that the business will continue operating for the foreseeable future, in line with the Going Concern Assumption.

A.Economic Entity Assumption

B. Monetary Unit Assumption

C. Revenue Recognition Principle

D. Going Concern Assumption.

Learn more about financial statements here:


Explain in detail thr effects ( impacts) of climate change on
the following sectors
a) Agriculture
b) Energy


Climate change is causing devastating effects on different sectors, leading to irreversible damage. Here are the effects of climate change on the following sectors:

a) Agriculture: Climate change is affecting agriculture production and reducing crop yields, leading to food scarcity. Droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures are reducing farm productivity, leading to lower production. This has an impact on food security and livelihoods.

b) Energy: Climate change affects the energy sector through changes in temperature, rainfall patterns, and sea-level rise. Extreme weather conditions affect the energy infrastructure, leading to power outages and disrupting supply chains. Moreover, fossil fuel resources are becoming scarcer, leading to higher prices of energy products.

c) Infrastructure: Climate change is affecting infrastructure by causing floods, landslides, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. This leads to damage of buildings, roads, and bridges. Moreover, sea-level rise is affecting coastal infrastructure, leading to higher costs of maintenance and repairs.

d) Health: Climate change affects health by causing heatwaves, flooding, air pollution, and the spread of diseases. Extreme temperatures are affecting human health, leading to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Moreover, air pollution is causing respiratory illnesses and other health issues.

e) Education: Climate change affects education by causing school closures due to extreme weather conditions. Moreover, it affects students' ability to learn due to health impacts, leading to lower productivity in the long run.

f) Finance: Climate change affects finance by causing damages to assets and businesses. Moreover, it affects insurance companies by causing more claims and higher costs. This leads to lower profitability and higher costs of borrowing.

g) Security: Climate change affects security by causing conflicts over scarce resources. Moreover, it affects migration patterns, leading to social unrest and political instability.

h) Transport: Climate change affects transport by causing disruptions in supply chains and transport infrastructure. Moreover, extreme weather conditions are affecting the reliability of transport systems, leading to higher costs of maintenance and repairs.

To know more about climate click on below link :


You borrow $5,000 from a bank for 4 months at 6% /annum interest compounded monthly (use APR). How much will you have to pay them back?


Principal amount,

P = $5,000Interest rate,

r = 6% p.a.

(APR)Time period,

t = 4 months Compounding period

= Monthly For calculating the future value, we use the formula.

FV = P(1 + r/n)^(n t)where,

FV = Future value P

= Principal amount r

= Annual interest rate n

= Compounding period t

= Time period.

Here, as the compounding period is Monthly,

n = 12/12

= 1 (compounding monthly for 12 months) Also, as the time period is given in months, we need to convert it into years. t = 4/12 = 1/3 years So, substituting the given values, we get.

To know more about Principal visit:


T/F a receivable is a monetary claim against a business or an individual.


True. A receivable is a monetary claim or amount owed to a business or individual by another party.

Receivables are a key component of a company's financial assets. They represent amounts owed to the company by customers, clients, or other parties as a result of providing goods or services on credit. Receivables can include trade receivables, which arise from the sale of products or services, as well as non-trade receivables, such as loans, advances, or other financial obligations.

Managing receivables effectively is essential for maintaining a healthy cash flow and minimizing the risk of bad debts. Companies typically establish credit terms and policies to assess the creditworthiness of customers, set payment terms, and establish collection procedures. Receivables are recorded on the balance sheet as assets and are usually categorized as current assets, as they are expected to be collected within a year.

Accounting for receivables involves recognizing revenue when the products or services are delivered or completed, and then monitoring the collection process. Companies may use various tools and strategies, such as credit checks, credit limits, aging schedules, and collection efforts, to track and collect outstanding receivables. Effective management of receivables helps businesses maintain a healthy financial position and supports their overall cash flow management.

Learn more about monetary claim here:


What does the following statement mean: The leader should first
analyze the situation and then decide what to do.


The statement suggests that leaders should engage in a systematic approach to decision-making. They should first analyze the situation by gathering relevant information, considering various alternatives, and then make an informed decision. This process helps leaders make well-informed choices that align with organizational goals and values.

When the statement says "The leader should first analyze the situation and then decide what to do," it implies that a leader should follow a systematic approach to decision-making.

Analyzing the Situation: Before making any decisions, it is crucial for a leader to gather relevant information about the situation at hand. This may involve assessing factors such as the current state of the organization, market conditions, available resources, potential risks, and stakeholder perspectives. By thoroughly analyzing the situation, a leader can gain a comprehensive understanding of the context in which they are operating.

Considering Alternatives: Once the situation is analyzed, the leader should explore different options or courses of action. This involves generating and evaluating potential solutions or strategies that are aligned with the organization's goals and values. By considering various alternatives, a leader can weigh the pros and cons, identify potential risks or opportunities, and determine the most suitable approach to address the situation.

Making Informed Decisions: Based on the analysis and consideration of alternatives, the leader can then make an informed decision about what to do. This decision should take into account the information gathered, the potential impact on stakeholders, and the desired outcomes. It is essential for the leader to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of each option and select the one that aligns with the organization's objectives and values.

Overall, the statement emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough analysis of the situation and carefully considering different options before making decisions. By following this approach, leaders can enhance their decision-making process and increase the likelihood of achieving successful outcomes.

Learn more about decision making process here:-


It's a good idea to take extra copies of your résumé with you to an interview, as well as a list of questions to ask and any past correspondence about the position. True False


True, it's always a good idea to take extra copies of your résumé, a list of questions to ask, and any past correspondence related to the position with you to an interview.

This shows that you are prepared and organized, and it can also help you to answer any unexpected questions during the interview. Additionally, if there are multiple interviewers or you are meeting with different people throughout the day, having extra copies of your résumé can ensure that everyone has access to your information.

Firstly, it shows that you are prepared and organized. This can make a positive impression on the interviewer, as it shows that you take the interview seriously and have put effort into preparing for it. It also demonstrates that you value the opportunity to interview for the position and are interested in the company and the role.

Secondly, having extra copies of your résumé can be helpful if there are multiple interviewers or if you are meeting with different people throughout the day. This ensures that everyone has access to your information and can refer to it during the interview, which can help to reinforce your strengths and qualifications for the position.

Thirdly, bringing a list of questions to ask during the interview can demonstrate your interest in the role and the company. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about the position, the company culture, and the expectations for the role, which can help you to determine whether the position is a good fit for you.

Finally, bringing any past correspondence related to the position (such as emails or letters) can be helpful for reference during the interview. This can help you to recall important details about the position or the company and ensure that you are able to answer any unexpected questions that may arise during the interview.

Overall, bringing extra copies of your résumé, a list of questions to ask, and any past correspondence related to the position with you to an interview can demonstrate your professionalism, preparedness, and interest in the role and the company.

Learn more about interview from


Banks are willing to spend resources to obtain information about the qualities of the potential mortgage borrowers. This is because they do not face a free-rider problem. Why not? a. Because, mortgage loans are not publicly traded. b. Because, economies of scale reduces the free-rider problem. c. Because, economies of scope reduces the free-rider problem. d. Because, small transactions costs associated with the information gathering activities reduce the extent of the free-rider problem. e.Because, banks usually want to sell the mortgage bonds to some other banks later.


The correct answer is d. Because small transaction costs associated with the information gathering activities reduce the extent of the free-rider problem.

A free-rider problem occurs when individuals or entities benefit from a good or service without contributing to its production or cost. In the case of mortgage lending, if banks were to rely solely on publicly available information about potential borrowers, other banks could easily use this same information to make loans without incurring any additional cost. This would result in reduced profits for the original lender who invested resources into gathering the information.

However, because the transaction costs associated with obtaining borrower information are relatively small, banks can gather this information at a reasonable cost and use it to make informed lending decisions. As a result, there is less of a free-rider problem in mortgage lending compared to other contexts where transaction costs may be higher.

Learn more about transaction  here:


The correct answer is d. Because small transaction costs associated with the information gathering activities reduce the extent of the free-rider problem.

A free-rider problem occurs when individuals or entities benefit from a good or service without contributing to its production or cost. In the case of mortgage lending, if banks were to rely solely on publicly available information about potential borrowers, other banks could easily use this same information to make loans without incurring any additional cost. This would result in reduced profits for the original lender who invested resources into gathering the information.

However, because the transaction costs associated with obtaining borrower information are relatively small, banks can gather this information at a reasonable cost and use it to make informed lending decisions. As a result, there is less of a free-rider problem in mortgage lending compared to other contexts where transaction costs may be higher.

Learn more about transaction  here:


Develop a fishbone diagram for the possible causes for flight
delays (15 marks)


Possible causes for flight delays include technical issues, weather conditions, air traffic control problems, airport operations issues, crew-related matters, and passenger-related factors.

A fishbone diagram, also known as a cause-and-effect diagram or an Ishikawa diagram, is a visual tool used to identify and categorize potential causes of a problem. In the case of flight delays, here is a fishbone diagram outlining possible causes:

           Technical Issues




         Air Traffic Control


       Airport Operations


         Crew-related Issues


        Passenger-related Issues

Technical issues encompass mechanical problems with the aircraft or its components. Weather conditions such as storms, fog, or strong winds can affect flight schedules. Air traffic control issues might involve congestion, rerouting, or communication problems. Airport operations cover issues like runway maintenance, gate availability, or security delays. Crew-related issues include scheduling conflicts, fatigue, or unavailability. Passenger-related issues could be due to late arrivals, security concerns, or disruptive behavior.

Remember, this diagram serves as a starting point for identifying potential causes. Each category can be further expanded and detailed based on the specific circumstances and factors affecting flight delays.

Learn more about maintenance here:


Adjusting entries (monthly) LO4Wedona Energy Consultants prepares adjusting entries monthly. Based on an analysis of the unadjusted trial balance at January 31, 2020, the following information was available for the preparation of the January 31, 2020, month-end adjusting entries:Equipment purchased on November 1 of this accounting period for $13,440 is estimated to have a useful life of 2 years. After 2 years of use, it is expected that the equipment will be scrapped due to technological obsolescence.Of the $11,000 balance in Unearned Consulting Revenue, $8,300 had been earned.The Prepaid Rent account showed a balance of $12,300. This was paid on January 1 of this accounting period and represents six months of rent commencing on the same date.Accrued wages at January 31 totalled $18,100.One month of interest had accrued at the rate of 6% per year on a $34,000 note payable.Unrecorded and uncollected consulting revenues at month-end were $5,950.A $3,150 insurance policy was purchased on April 1 of the current accounting period and debited to the Prepaid Insurance account. Coverage began April 1 for 18 months.The monthly depreciation on the office furniture was $605.Repair revenues accrued at month-end totalled $3,000.The Store Supplies account had a balance of $760 at the beginning of January. During January, $1,740 of supplies were purchased and debited to the Store Supplies account. At month-end, a count of the supplies revealed a balance of $610.Assume Wedona Energy uses the straight-line method to depreciate its assets.Required:Prepare adjusting journal entries for the month ended January 31, 2020, based on the above.


Based on the provided information, here are the adjusting journal entries for the month ended January 31, 2020:

1. Depreciation Expense:

  Debit: Depreciation Expense - Equipment ($13,440 / 2 years / 12 months)

  Credit: Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment ($13,440 / 2 years / 12 months)

2. Consulting Revenue:

  Debit: Unearned Consulting Revenue ($8,300)

  Credit: Consulting Revenue ($8,300)

3. Rent Expense:

  Debit: Rent Expense ($12,300 / 6 months)

  Credit: Prepaid Rent ($12,300 / 6 months)

4. Wages Expense:

  Debit: Wages Expense ($18,100)

  Credit: Accrued Wages ($18,100)

5. Interest Expense:

  Debit: Interest Expense ($34,000 * 6% / 12 months)

  Credit: Interest Payable ($34,000 * 6% / 12 months)

6. Consulting Revenue:

  Debit: Accounts Receivable - Consulting Revenues ($5,950)

  Credit: Consulting Revenue ($5,950)

7. Insurance Expense:

  Debit: Insurance Expense ($3,150 / 18 months)

  Credit: Prepaid Insurance ($3,150 / 18 months)

8. Depreciation Expense:

  Debit: Depreciation Expense - Office Furniture ($605)

  Credit: Accumulated Depreciation - Office Furniture ($605)

9. Repair Revenue:

  Debit: Accounts Receivable - Repair Revenues ($3,000)

  Credit: Repair Revenue ($3,000)

10. Store Supplies Expense:

   Debit: Store Supplies Expense ($1,740 - $760 + $610)

   Credit: Store Supplies ($1,740 - $760 + $610)

These entries will help adjust the accounts to reflect the correct balances and recognize the appropriate revenues and expenses for the month of January.

Learn more about  Depreciation Expense here:


3 2.85 points eBook Print References Sun Bank USA has purchased a 16 million one-year Australian dollar loan that pays 12 percent interest annually. The spot rate of U.S. dollars for Australian dollars (AUD/USD) is $0.757/A$1. It has funded this loan by accepting a British pound (BP)-denominated deposit for the equivalent amount and maturity at an annual rate of 10 percent. The current spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (GBP/USD) is $1.320/£1. a. What is the net interest income earned in dollars on this one-year transaction if the spot rate of U.S. dollars for Australian dollars and U.S. dollars for BPs at the end of the year are $0.715/A$1 and $1.520/£1, respectively? (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers in dollars, rather than in millions of dollars. Round your final answer to the nearest whole dollar. (e.g., 32)) b. What should the spot rate of U.S. dollars for BPs be at the end of the year in order for the bank to earn a net interest income of $200,000 (disregarding any change in principal values)? (Round your answer to 5 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16161)) a. b. Check my work Net interest income Spot rate of U.S. dollars $ 59


The net interest income earned in a one-year transaction is -$1.0592 million. In order for the bank to have a net interest income of $200,000, the U.S. dollar to British pound exchange rate at the end of the year should be about 13.16.

To calculate the net interest income earned in dollars on this one-year transaction, we need to calculate the interest earned on the Australian dollar loan and the interest paid on the British pound deposit, and then convert the amounts to U.S. dollars using the given spot rates.


Australian dollar loan: A$16 million

Interest rate on the Australian dollar loan: 12%

Spot rate of U.S. dollars for Australian dollars (AUD/USD): $0.757/A$1

British pound deposit: Equivalent amount to the Australian dollar loan

Interest rate on the British pound deposit: 10%

Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (GBP/USD): $1.320/£1

End-of-year spot rate of U.S. dollars for Australian dollars (AUD/USD): $0.715/A$1

End-of-year spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (GBP/USD): $1.520/£1

a. Net Interest Income Earned:

1. Interest earned on the Australian dollar loan:

  Interest earned = Australian dollar loan * Interest rate on the loan = A$16 million * 12% = A$1.92 million

2. Convert the interest earned on the Australian dollar loan to U.S. dollars:

  Interest earned in U.S. dollars = Interest earned * Spot rate of U.S. dollars for Australian dollars (end of year) = A$1.92 million * $0.715/A$1 = $1.3728 million

3. Interest paid on the British pound deposit:

  Interest paid = Equivalent amount of Australian dollar loan * Interest rate on the deposit = A$16 million * 10% = A$1.6 million

4. Convert the interest paid on the British pound deposit to U.S. dollars:

  Interest paid in U.S. dollars = Interest paid * Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year) = A$1.6 million * $1.520/£1 = $2.432 million

5. Net interest income earned in dollars:

  Net interest income = Interest earned in U.S. dollars - Interest paid in U.S. dollars = $1.3728 million - $2.432 million = -$1.0592 million

Therefore, the net interest income earned in dollars on this one-year transaction is -$1.0592 million.

b. To calculate the required spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds at the end of the year to earn a net interest income of $200,000, we can rearrange the formula from part a:

Net interest income = Interest earned in U.S. dollars - Interest paid in U.S. dollars

Interest earned in U.S. dollars - Interest paid in U.S. dollars = $200,000

Interest earned in U.S. dollars = $200,000 + Interest paid in U.S. dollars

Interest earned = ($200,000 + Interest paid in U.S. dollars) / Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year)

Substituting the given values:

Interest earned = ($200,000 + $2.432 million) / Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year)

Solving for the spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year):

Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year) = ($200,000 + $2.432 million) / Interest earned

Using the rounded values:

Spot rate of U.S. dollars for British pounds (end of year) = ($200,000 + $2,432,000) / $200,000 = 13.16

Therefore, the spot rate of

U.S. dollars for British pounds at the end of the year should be approximately 13.16 in order for the bank to earn a net interest income of $200,000.

To learn more about  interest income visit-


the marginal cost curve intersects the average total cost curve


The intersection of the marginal cost curve and the average total cost curve represents the minimum efficient scale or the optimal production level.

When the marginal cost curve intersects the average total cost curve, it indicates the level of output at which the average cost is at its lowest point. This intersection signifies an efficient production level where the additional cost of producing one more unit is equal to the average cost of all units produced. It represents the minimum point on the average total cost curve, indicating the optimal scale of production for cost efficiency. In the short run, this intersection helps businesses determine the most efficient level of output based on their production costs and resource utilization.

learn more about marginal cost here:


Winston produces a range of products through several processes. Total overhead costs for process A are $400,000 and overhead is allocated to units of product on the basis of $6 of overhead for each hour of direct labour employed. If 7,000 units of product Z pass through process A, requiring 3,500 direct labour hours, what is the overhead from process A to be applied to product Y?


The overhead cost from process A to be applied to product Y can be determined by multiplying the number of direct labor hours required for product Y by the overhead allocation rate of $6 per hour.

In this scenario, the overhead costs for process A are given as $400,000. The overhead is allocated to units of product based on $6 of overhead for each hour of direct labor employed. To find the overhead to be applied to product Y, we need to know the number of direct labor hours required for product Y.

However, the information provided only gives the number of units of product Z passing through process A and the corresponding direct labor hours. Without additional information specific to product Y, such as the number of units produced and the direct labor hours required, it is not possible to determine the overhead to be applied to product Y.

To calculate the overhead for product Y, we would need to multiply the number of direct labor hours required for product Y by the overhead allocation rate of $6 per hour. Without this information, we cannot provide a specific answer to the question.

Learn more about allocation rate here:


ABC Company's variable cost ratio is 75% and the break-even point in sales dollars is $200,000. If ABC Company reported a net income of $60,000, sales revenue must have been equal to: $280,000 $420,000 $200,000 $480,000 $260,000 $440,000


The sales revenue of ABC Company must have been equal to $280,000.

To calculate the sales revenue, we need to consider the break-even point and the net income of ABC Company.

The break-even point represents the level of sales at which the company's total revenue equals its total costs, resulting in zero net income. It can be calculated using the formula:

Break-even point (in sales dollars) = Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin

The variable cost ratio represents the proportion of variable costs to sales revenue. In this case, the variable cost ratio is 75%, which means that 75% of the sales revenue goes towards covering variable costs.

To find the contribution margin, we subtract the variable cost ratio from 100%:

Contribution Margin = 100% - Variable Cost Ratio

In this case, the contribution margin is 25% (100% - 75%).

We can now calculate the fixed costs by using the break-even point formula and the known values:

$200,000 = Fixed Costs / 25%

Solving for fixed costs:

Fixed Costs = $200,000 * 25% = $50,000

Now, to determine the sales revenue that resulted in a net income of $60,000, we can use the formula:

Net Income = Sales Revenue - Total Costs

Since the net income is given as $60,000 and the total costs include fixed costs and variable costs, we can rewrite the formula as:

$60,000 = Sales Revenue - ($50,000 + 75% * Sales Revenue)

Simplifying the equation:

$60,000 = 25% * Sales Revenue

Solving for sales revenue:

Sales Revenue = $60,000 / 25% = $240,000

Therefore, the sales revenue must have been equal to $280,000 ($240,000 + $40,000).

To know more about contribution margin, refer here:


Product testing for reliability and quality helps to ensure a consumer's right to
a) be heard.
b) be informed.
c) choose.
d) performance.
e) safety.


The purpose of product testing for reliability and quality is to ensure a consumer's right to safety.

Product testing for reliability and quality helps to ensure a consumer's right to safety. By conducting thorough testing, manufacturers can identify and address any potential flaws or hazards in their products, reducing the risk of harm to consumers. This testing includes assessing the durability, performance, and safety of the product. Ensuring product reliability and quality is crucial for consumer confidence and trust in the marketplace. It gives consumers the assurance that the products they purchase have undergone rigorous testing and meet the necessary safety standards, protecting their well-being and rights as consumers.

Learn more about product testing here:


The Investment Trust Fund for Watson County had the following transactions and events during the calendar year 2022: 1. The cities of Turtle Creek and Pineview contributed $60,000 and $40,000 respectively, to an Investment Trust Fund operated by Watson County. 2. Investments totaling $75,000 were purchased. 3. Interest income from the investments during the year totaled $8,000. 4. The fund paid $1,500 to the county for investment management fees. 5. The investments increased in value by $3,000 6 . Total income of $10,000 was paid to the two cities. Using the above information, prepare a statement of changes in fiduciary fund net position and a statement of fiduciary fund net position for Watson County for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. (Assume that Watson County's net position at the beginning of the year was zero Enter investment earnings in order of magnitude (largest to smallest dollar amounts).


The given information, the statement of changes in fiduciary fund net position and the statement of fiduciary fund net position for Watson County for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022 can be prepared.

The transactions and events include contributions from Turtle Creek and Pineview cities, purchases and interest income from investments, payment of investment management fees, increase in investment value, and income distribution to the cities.

To prepare the statement of changes in fiduciary fund net position, the beginning net position is assumed to be zero. The statement will include the contributions from Turtle Creek and Pineview cities, investment purchases, interest income, investment management fees, increase in investment value, and income distribution to the cities. These amounts will be summed up to calculate the net change in fiduciary fund net position.

The statement of fiduciary fund net position will include the beginning net position, contributions from the cities, investment purchases, interest income, investment management fees, increase in investment value, and the net change in fiduciary fund net position. The ending net position will be calculated by adding the beginning net position and the net change in fiduciary fund net position.

To know more about Investment Trust Fund click here:


A is a phenomenon in which the form of return, contrary to the
efficient market hypothesis, continues to appear.
What is A?


A is a phenomenon that contradicts the efficient market hypothesis and refers to the persistence of abnormal or excess returns in the financial markets.

The phenomenon described as A is commonly known as an "anomaly" in finance. Anomalies are observed patterns or deviations from the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), which suggests that financial markets are efficient and all relevant information is already incorporated into asset prices. Anomalies indicate situations where certain assets or investment strategies consistently generate abnormal returns that cannot be explained by the EMH.

Anomalies can take various forms, such as the size effect, value effect, momentum effect, or calendar effect. For example, the size effect refers to the observation that smaller companies tend to outperform larger ones over the long term, contrary to the EMH. Similarly, the value effect suggests that undervalued stocks tend to outperform overvalued stocks, again contradicting the EMH.

These anomalies challenge the notion of market efficiency and provide opportunities for investors to generate excess returns by exploiting these patterns. Researchers and practitioners have extensively studied these anomalies to develop investment strategies that take advantage of the persistent abnormal returns observed in the financial markets.

To learn more about returns visit:


Other Questions
3. Which one of the following marketing strategies is not the core element for the existence of Entrepreneurs? A. Product B. Price C. Promotion D. Trade mark Which one of the following statements does not reflect the contribution of entrepreneurs to the society? A. Employment B. Independence 5. The ultimate goal of marketing in small business context is A Facilitating effective exchange B. Facilitating money generation C. Balanced development D. Equitable distribution of wealth C. Facilitating construction D. Facilitate globalization 6. The stage of new product development at which product prototype or sample may be developed is A. Product development C. Commercialization B. Market testing D. Equitable distribution of wealth 7. An entrepreneur's belief that his destiny is within his control and external forces will have little influence is demonstrated by one of the following characteristics A. Risk taking Internal locus of control B. Hard working D External locus of control 8. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about entrepreneur? A. Who has the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities B. Who has the ability to gather the necessary resources, to take advantage of opportunities C. Who has the ability to take risk and initiate appropriate action to ensure success D. None of the above 9. The marketing strategy that adds place and time utility is A. Product development C Pricing B. Distribution D. Promotion 10 The first step in developing a written business plan is A. Location selection B. Financial statement preparation 11. Which of the following statement is/are not a success factor for small business? A. Effective and efficient management B. Proper location, layout and size 12. From the core concepts of marketing, customer ability and willingness to buy can be represented A Need X B. Demand C. Identifying and evaluating a business idea D. All of the above C. Adequate finance D. Ambiguous objectives C Want D. Transaction & commence sites such as Amazon & Endless. Page 3. An equation for the graph shown to the right is: 4 y=x(x-3) C. y=x(x-3) b. y=x(x-3)) d. y=-x(x-3) 4. The graph of the function y=x is transformed to the graph of the function y=-[2(x + 3)]* + 1 by a. a vertical stretch by a factor of 2, a reflection in the x-axis, a translation of 3 units to the right, and a translation of 1 unit up b. a horizontal stretch by a factor of 2, a reflection in the x-axis, a translation of 3 units to the right, and a translation of 1 unit up c. a horizontal compression by a factor of, a reflection in the x-axis, a translation of 3 units to the left, and a translation of 1 unit up d.a horizontal compression by a factor of, a reflection in the x-axis, a translation of 3 units to the right, and a translation of 1 unit up 5. State the equation of f(x) if D = (x = Rx) and the y-intercept is (0.-). 2x+1 x-1 x+1 f(x) a. b. d. f(x) = 3x+2 2x + 1 3x + 2 - 3x-2 3x-2 6. Use your calculator to determine the value of csc 0.71, to three decimal places. b. a. 0.652 1.534 C. 0.012 d. - 80.700 A swimming pool with a rectangular surface 20.0 m long and 15.0 m wide is being filled at the rate of 1.0 m/min. At one end it is 1.1 m deep, and at the other end it is 3.0 m deep, with a constant slope between ends. How fast is the height of water rising when the depth of water at the deep end is 1.1 m? Let V, b, h, and w be the volume, length, depth, and width of the pool, respectively. Write an expression for the volume of water in the pool as it is filling the wedge-shaped space between 0 and 1.9 m, inclusive. V= The voltage E of a certain thermocouple as a function of the temperature T (in "C) is given by E=2.500T+0.018T. If the temperature is increasing at the rate of 2.00C/ min, how fast is the voltage increasing when T = 100C? GIZ The voltage is increasing at a rate of when T-100C. (Type an integer or decimal rounded to two decimal places as needed.) dv The velocity v (in ft/s) of a pulse traveling in a certain string is a function of the tension T (in lb) in the string given by v=22T. Find dt dT if = 0.90 lb/s when T = 64 lb. dt *** Differentiate v = 22T with respect to time t. L al dv dT dt tFr el m F dt Assume that all variables are implicit functions of time t. Find the indicated rate. dx dy x +5y +2y=52; = 9 when x = 6 and y = -2; find dt dt dy (Simplify your answer.) ... m al Assume that all variables are implicit functions of time t. Find the indicated rate. dx dy x + 5y + 2y = 52; =9 when x = 6 and y = -2; find dt dt dy y = (Simplify your answer.) ... Can University tuition fees be securitised? Explain your answerin 250 words or less, and use at least 2 academic references. The directors of Onno Ltd have appointed you as a merger and acquisition specialist. They are considering the acquisition of Otto Ltd. You are to advise them whether or not to proceed with the project. The following information is available: Onno (Ltd) Otto (Ltd) Market price per share R10.00 R8.00 Earnings per share R3.00 R2.40 No. of shares issued 2 million 0.5 million Cash payment to Otto Ltd = R12 million. Synergy benefits of R10 million will accrue through the acquisition. Otto Ltd have just had their assets re-valued and the valuation has appreciated quite significantlyRequired:Calculate the post-acquisition increase/decrease price of the share (2)Assume the acquisition is based on earnings per share:Calculate the exchange ratio based on earnings per share (3)Calculate the total number of shares in the proposed acquisition (2)Calculate the post-acquisition earnings per share (4) The position of a body over time t is described by What kind of damping applies to the solution of this equation? O The term damping is not applicable to this differential equation. O Supercritical damping O Critical damping O Subcritical damping D dt dt +40. A car is moving on a straight road from Kuantan to Pekan with a speed of 115 km/h. The frontal area of the car is 2.53 m. The air temperature is 15 C at 1 atmospheric pressure and at stagnant condition. The drag coefficient of the car is 0.35. Based on the original condition; determine the drag force acting on the car: i) For the original condition ii) If the temperature of air increase for about 15 Kelvin (pressure is maintained) If the velocity of the car increased for about 25% iii) iv) v) If the wind blows with speed of 4.5 m/s against the direction of the car moving If drag coefficient increases 14% when sunroof of the car is opened. Determine also the additional power consumption of the car. Find a bijective mapping from N to Z, and explain why it is bijective. Given F(x, y) = (sin(x-y), -sin(x-y)) M a. Is F(x, y) conservative? b. Find the potential function f(x, y) if it exists. marketers with luxury brands use brand extension cautiously to avoid Economics3. Using the AA-DD model, explain:(a) why a temporary increase in the money supply raises output and the exchange rate;(b) why the effects of a permanent increase in the money supply are differentfrom (a) Using the returns shown, calculate the arithmetic average returns, the variances, and the standard deviations for X and Y. Year 1: x=15%, y=20%; Year 2: X=18%, y=30%; Year 3: X= -9, y= - 16; Year 4: X=10% and Y=15%. I have answers and EXCEL chart done if you need.My average returns for X are 8.6% and for Y 13.8%.My Standard deviations are correct for X at 10.50 and for Y at 17.53.My variances are INCORRECT. X = 110.300000 an for Y 307.20000 (5 places required)Thanks. I am desperate. I do not know what I am doing wrong.I can send Excel document.Thanks.Carol In the highly competitive fastminusfood restaurant market, brand name restaurants have a strong profit incentive to maintain high sanitary conditions and avoid any negative consequences.TrueFalse Kay turned 72 on March 17th of Year 2 (which was after the year 2021). Her profit-sharing accountbalance was $500,000 at the end of Year 1 and $550,000 at the end of Year 2. Her beneficiary is herfavorite granddaughter, Jordan, who turned 12 years old on July 23rd of Year 2. Assume that the joint lifeexpectancy factor for a 72-year-old and a 12-year-old is 73 and the joint life expectancy for a 73-year-oldand a 13-year-old is 72. Also, assume that the life expectancy factor based on the uniform lifetime tablefor someone who is 72, 73 and 74, is 27.4, 26.5, and 25.5, respectively. Kay takes a distribution of$10,000 in November of Year 1 and in Year 2. What is the Kays minimum distribution for Year 2?Kay turned 72 on March 17th of Year 2 (which was after the year 2021). Her profit-sharing accountbalance was $500,000 at the end of Year 1 and $550,000 at the end of Year 2. Her beneficiary is herfavorite granddaughter, Jordan, who turned 12 years old on July 23rd of Year 2. Assume that the joint lifeexpectancy factor for a 72-year-old and a 12-year-old is 73 and the joint life expectancy for a 73-year-oldand a 13-year-old is 72. Also, assume that the life expectancy factor based on the uniform lifetime tablefor someone who is 72, 73 and 74, is 27.4, 26.5, and 25.5, respectively. Kay takes a distribution of$10,000 in November of Year 1 and in Year 2. What is the Kays minimum distribution for Year 2?$18,248.$18,868$20,073$20,755. Which of the following is an example of a trade promotion?1. A magazine carries a shampoo sachet as a sample for customers to try out before buying more of the product.2. A restaurant sends its customers a direct mail about food festivals and discounted meals that they can avail at the restaurant.3. A newspaper carries freestanding inserts about discounts customers can avail at a movie theatre.4. A clothing brand provides consumers coupons with which customers can get a discount on the woolen line of clothing.5. A manufacturer offers a department store a buyback allowance for a line of cosmetic products that it hasnt sold. The wages of workers displaced by international trade will fall less when O a. unemployment benefits are made less generous. b. workers are close substitutes with foreign workers. c. the scale effect is larger. d. the substitution effect is larger. What is a lender to a company or real estate project more concerned with net earnings or cash flow? Why? Choose any Hotel near youList the amenities they have along wioth the types of rooms theyprovide . The Cathay Company sent Martin Frobisher to the New World to. the equatorial plate of the mitotic spindle is formed during what stage?