Doctors have a legal right to treat patients by any method that will preserve quality of life, even if the patient wishes not to undergo treatment.
OA. True
OB. False


Answer 1


B. False


They don't have the legal right to treat a patient if they refuse because the patient has the natural right to refuse any unwanted treatment even in grave situations. And the doctor does not own the body, or has the right to force a patient to undergo treatment.

My sister is an RN, so she knows about these situations.

-Hope this helped & Happy Holidays!

Related Questions

Describe the structures responsible for the special senses of taste, smell, hearing, balance, and vision.


Receptors are responsible for the special senses of taste, smell, hearing, and vision.

Sensory receptors occur in specialized organs such as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as well as internal organs. Each receptor type conveys a distinct sensory modality to integrate into a single perceptual frame eventually.

Receptors of vision

The retina is the principal molecule of vision in the retina. It can absorb different frequencies of light. Its isomer (Cis-retinal) is present in rhodopsin, which is a photosensitive transmembrane G-protein that exists in rods and cones; it contains both cis-retinal and opsin.

Receptors of hearing

To discuss how sound receptors work, first, we must mention the order of events. Sound waves travel to the ear creating a vibration in the tympanic membrane. This energy transforms into mechanical energy for the malleus, incus, and stapes.

Receptors of balance

The inner ear senses balance. With head motion or pressure impulses of sound, the endolymph vibrates and creates a stimulus for the receptors of the vestibular system - the utricle and saccule.

Receptors of taste

Taste buds on the tongue and oropharynx help us enjoy and discriminate what we ingest. The different tastes include sweet, salty, bitter, umami, and sour.

Receptors of smell

The smell occurs by binding odorant molecules to receptors on the membrane of the cilia, causing an action potential that sends this information to the brain. These systems utilize G-protein receptors along with adenylate cyclase.

Receptors on the skin

What follows is a discussion of the various receptors in the skin. Signals from the skin may be conveyed by physical change (mechanoreceptors), temperature (thermoreceptors), or pain (nociceptors). Sensory receptors exist in all layers of the skin.

To know more about receptors

what does bath salts look like ? (drugs)

please answer i’ll give credits


They look like small white/semi opaque rocks that typically come in a jagged square or rectangle shape. Or sometimes bath salts are crushed into a fine sand-like texture.

Pedro is drafting a workout plan. What is the MOST efficient and safe way for
him to lift weights?
A.He would lift arms for three days in a row then legs for two days.
B. He should alternate his arm days with his leg days.
C. He should lift both arms and legs every day.
D. He should lift legs for three days in a row then arms for two days.

C is incorrect



B makes the most sense.



He should alternate his arms days with his leg days.


Just took the test and got it right

Happy to help !!

Is a anxiety bad to have?




Anxiety is a normal and natural human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. It is a response to stress or perceived threats and can help motivate us to take action and protect ourselves. However, excessive or chronic anxiety can be harmful and can interfere with daily functioning and well-being. If anxiety is severe or persistent, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder, which is a type of mental health condition that requires treatment. It is important to pay attention to your anxiety levels and seek help if you feel that anxiety is disrupting your life or causing you significant distress. It is also important to remember that everyone experiences anxiety differently and what may be manageable for one person may be overwhelming for another. It is important to find ways to cope with anxiety that work for you and seek help if needed.


No, anxiety can actually protect from taking risks that people that wouldn't have anxiety would do. Anxiety is only bad when your fearing it when nothing is happening.


Match the following terms and identifying phrases.

Column A
The unit used to measure the energy value of food:
The unit used to measure the energy value of food
The passage of nutrients from the digestive tract into the circulatory or lymphatic system:
The passage of nutrients from the digestive tract into the circulatory or lymphatic system
A series of squeezing actions by the muscles in the esophagus that helps move food through the tube:
A series of squeezing actions by the muscles in the esophagus that helps move food through the tube
A mixture of gastric juices and chewed and swallowed food that combine in the stomach:
A mixture of gastric juices and chewed and swallowed food that combine in the stomach
A digestive juice produced by the liver to aid fat digestion:
A digestive juice produced by the liver to aid fat digestion
Column B
a. Kilocalorie
b. Absorption
c. Bile
d. Peristalsis
e. Chyme


1=a 2=b 3=d 4= e 5=c

hope it helped

Which of the following is not a kind of psychotherapy
A: insight
B: cognitive
C: medications
D: group


Answer: I beliveve the answer is C


how can alcohol use among teens permanently affect the white matter of the brain and the prefrontal cortex?




Alcohol use among teens can permanently affect the white matter of the brain and the prefrontal cortex in several ways.

First, alcohol consumption during adolescence can damage the white matter of the brain, which is the tissue that helps to connect different regions of the brain and facilitate communication between them. Alcohol consumption during this period of development can disrupt the normal development of white matter and impair the brain's ability to process information, make decisions, and regulate emotions.

Second, alcohol use can also damage the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for higher cognitive functions such as planning, decision-making, and impulse control. Alcohol consumption during adolescence can disrupt the normal development of the prefrontal cortex and impair these cognitive functions, leading to problems with learning, memory, and behavior.

Overall, alcohol use among teens can have long-term consequences for brain development and function, and can increase the risk of problems such as addiction, mental health disorders, and cognitive impairment. It is important for adolescents to avoid alcohol use to protect their developing brains and optimize their cognitive and emotional development.

What does the percent daily intake refer to? (1 point)

A. The amount of servings in the package

B. The percentage of calories in the product

C. The percentage of vitamins that are in the product

D. The percentage of each nutrient the product provides



It should be D


it refers to how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a total daily diet

hope i could help :)

The dietary guidelines baseline recommendation for physical activity for adults is?


150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week to achieve significant health benefits.

How does your family influence your physical and emotional health in both positive and negative
ways? Give specific examples. Things to think about: How does your family feel about sports?
Exercise? What about mental health? Is that topic discussed or off-limits?


Answer: It’s well established that lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and smoking can impact health. However many people overlook the effect of a family history on health outcomes. For example, a family history of disease could be one of the biggest influences on your riskfor conditions like cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabet


i looked it up

Genes may play a role in your risk of certain diseases, but your family can also play a role in keeping you fit and healthy.

For instance, doing some family-friendly exercise on a regular basis can help you stay more active and fit.

Having a healthy family can help promote good mental health, which can, in turn, promote good physical health. Having healthy family relationships that are open, honest, funny, and reassuring can help to improve your mental and emotional health.

Your family can help you work through any issues in your life, whether it's a problem you're facing or you're working through a relationship issue.

When families bond and encourage each other, children become more confident and self-assured. When parents and children take part in activities together, children gain a sense of ownership and growth.

There are some things that children should not talk about, but mental health is not one of those things. We should never treat mental health like it’s something that only adults should discuss. Talking to kids about mental health is not only beneficial, but it’s also educational.

When we talk about mental health honestly and openly, we not only break down the stigma around mental health, but we also teach our children that seeking treatment for mental health problems isn’t something to feel ashamed about.

To learn more about the family, refer to the link:


Being a business owner often results in a variable income.
true or false


True because the outcome may come in many ways like in good or bad depending on the person’s business tactics

Explain what distinguishes acute and chronic sports injuries.



Sports injuries are divided into two broad categories, acute and chronic injuries. Acute injuries happen suddenly, such as when a person falls, receives a blow, or twists a joint, while chronic injuries usually result from overuse of one area of the body and develop gradually over time

Acute and chronic sports injuries are distinguished by the time frame in which they occur. Acute injuries are sudden and happen quickly, often during a specific activity or event. They are usually the result of a single, traumatic event, such as a fall or a collision. Chronic injuries, on the other hand, develop over time, often as a result of repeated strain or overuse. They are often caused by improper technique or inadequate training, and may not be immediately apparent.

The three types of cones in the retina are differentiated from one another by what feature?




The three types of cones in the retina are differentiated from one another by the type of photopigment they contain. The three types of cones are red cones, green cones, and blue cones. Red cones contain the photopigment rhodopsin, which is most sensitive to wavelengths of light in the red part of the spectrum. Green cones contain the photopigment chlorophyll, which is most sensitive to wavelengths of light in the green part of the spectrum. Blue cones contain the photopigment iodopsin, which is most sensitive to wavelengths of light in the blue part of the spectrum. Together, these three types of cones allow the retina to detect a wide range of colors by detecting different wavelengths of light.

Which type of fitness equipment helps develop both cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance? (1 point)

A. Weights

B. Floor mats

C. Battle ropes

D. Resistance bands



Battle ropes


In order to use these for an extended time period you would have to have built up endurance, meaning they are also able to help you build that endurance.

A patient develops a tumor in one of their parathyroid glands, causing an increase in the release of parathyroid hormone into the blood. what would be the result?





TSH increases

calcium in the blood increases as well

If you have ever thought about or wanted to develop a personal fitness plan, guess what? The opportunity is here right now!

For this activity, you will be developing a personal fitness plan for yourself. You will also put your plan into action and reflect on the entire experience.

Even if you already incorporate some level of physical fitness into your life, today you will be making a more official plan.

There are a few things to consider when creating your fitness plan:

What are your fitness goals?
How will you address all four areas of physical fitness—aerobic, muscle strength + endurance, flexibility, and body composition?
How much time do you have to dedicate to your fitness plan?
What is your current level of personal fitness?
What type of activities do you like to do in terms of physical fitness?
What technology will you use to assist you in your fitness journey?
For the actual plan, your final draft must be created in a word processing program like Microsoft Word or in a slide-show style program like PowerPoint.

Your plan should be broken down into clear sections:

Fitness goals
Evaluation of current fitness level and any physical concerns
Activities that address each fitness area: briefly explain why you chose each activity.
Technology you will use (or why you won’t use any)
Example Plan: 1-Week Overview (daily activities and time spent on each)
Example Plan: 1-Day Detailed Plan (detail the intensity, time, and specific activities, including three activities that will help you achieve target heart rate)
For your reflection, you will need to actually try out your 1-day fitness plan and then answer the following questions:

How appropriate were the activities that you chose?
Will these activities help you achieve your goals?
How did you monitor your heart rate?
Do you feel this exercise plan is maintainable over the long term?
What would you change about your fitness plan after performing one day of it?


The way to create the fitness plan will be:

Consider your fitness goals. Then, create a balanced routine.Start low and then progress slowly. Build activity into the daily routine.Plan to include different activities.Try high-interval intensity training.Allow time for recovery.

What should a personal fitness plan contain?

A personal exercise program is a plan that outlines the exercises you should do and how long you should spend doing each one in order to achieve your goals. Every program is uniquely created to meet the needs and objectives of the individual.

Your exercise program should include aerobic fitness, strength training, core strengthening, balance training, flexibility exercises, and stretching. Not every fitness workout needs to include each of these components. However, incorporating them into your daily routine can aid in preserving your fitness.

Learn more about fitness on:


What are the chances of 1%-100% of my mom letting me play video games if I stole her credit card to buy V-bucks and not doing the house chores?
Why or why not? Explain.



I don't know how your mom's like, but I'd say sub-10%.


Brainliest, please!

What are the benefityou earned or gained from doing the phyical ativitie like everyday routine in our home


Physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks, and improve your cognitive health. Adults who spend less time sitting and engage in any level of moderate-to-vigorous exercise reap some health benefits.

1. Weight control

Exercise's most notable advantage is that it supports weight management. Exercise boosts our calorie expenditure, which aids in weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight.

2. Muscle and bone health

Your body becomes physically stronger as a result of exercise because it strengthens your bones and muscles. Stronger bones and muscles both help to overall fitness in carrying out daily activities like carrying groceries and climbing stairs. Better balance results in more stability and fewer injuries.

3. Relieve physical discomfort

For chronic aches like lower back pain, exercise offers rehabilitation. For chronic injuries or recalcitrant symptoms, the appropriate kind of exercise can be an effective form of physiotherapy.

4. Defense against health issues

Exercise not only improves your physical strength but also maintains your body healthier by lowering your risk of contracting chronic illnesses. Exercise assists in weight management and wards off disorders like diabetes and heart disease that are linked to obesity. Additionally, regular exercise helps to maintain appropriate insulin and blood sugar levels.

5. Younger, better-looking skin

Exercise helps your skin and makes it look more youthful by inducing the creation of antioxidants, thus the "post-workout glow" is a real thing. These antioxidants restore damaged skin cells and increase blood flow, enhancing skin health.

To know more about physical activities

James loves eating at taco bell. he knows taco bell is bad for his health, but he makes an excuse since it is easier to change his attitude than his actions. ________ is the aversive state that likely lead to james’ attitude change.





What order is alcohol absorbed in?



Once alcohol is swallowed, it is not digested like food. First, a small amount is absorbed directly by the tongue and mucosal lining of the mouth. Once in the stomach, alcohol is absorbed directly into your bloodstream through the tissue lining of the stomach and small intestine.

Food in the stomach can inhibit the absorption of alcohol in two ways:

First, it physically obstructs the alcohol from coming in contact with the stomach lining. Food can either absorb alcohol or simply “take up space” so the alcohol does not enter the bloodstream through contact with the wall of the stomach.

Second, food in the stomach will prevent alcohol from passing into the duodenum, which is the upper portion of the small intestine. The surface area of the small intestine is very large (about the size of a tennis court), so alcohol has more access to enter the bloodstream once it leaves the stomach. If alcohol is sequestered in the stomach it will be absorbed slower.


Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. The rate at which alcohol is absorbed can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type and amount of alcohol consumed, the presence of food in the stomach, and an individual's age, weight, and gender.

In general, alcohol is absorbed more quickly on an empty stomach, as the presence of food can slow down the absorption process. However, the type of alcohol and the amount consumed can also affect the rate of absorption. For example, hard liquor (such as vodka or whiskey) is typically absorbed more quickly than beer or wine.

Once alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body and affects various organ systems. The liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol, breaking it down into substances that can be eliminated from the body. The rate at which the liver is able to metabolize alcohol is influenced by several factors, including an individual's genetics and overall health.

It's important to note that alcohol can have significant effects on the body and should be consumed responsibly.

Samara is nine years old and has started to struggle with getting ready for school. She tells her mom that she hates the way that she looks and doesn't like any of her clothes. Her mom has noticed Samara expressing concern not only about her appearance but also about failing or not meeting expectations. This is likely because school-aged children often experience issues with:






Self esteem. She is expressing self esteem issues by being insecure in her appearance and productivity



taylor works as a legal assistant. his insurance doesn’t cover treatment for depression, and he spends 15% of his income each month to receive care. this is an example of



this is an example of under insurance.


no explanation

Choose the two nutrients that need to be considered in the 6-12 month diet because the stores endowed at birth are depleted.
1. Iron
2. Zinc
3. Vitamin K
4. Vitamin D


Iron and vitamin D are two nutrients that need to be considered in the 6-12 month diet because the stores endowed at birth are depleted.

Iron and vitamin D insufficiency are common in babies between the ages of 6 and 12 months.

Lack of vitamin D: Since vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, vitamin D deficiency prevents newborns' bones from growing fully. Therefore, a lack of vitamin D causes a lack of the body's calcium levels as well.

Infants that suffer from this vitamin deficiency develop the illness Rickets, which causes excruciating muscular pain and paralysis.

The sun's rays are the only natural source of vitamin D.

Iron shortage

In neonates, a lack of iron prevents the production of red blood cells.

The essential oxygen transporter in a baby's bodily tissues are red blood cells.

Thus, because of the low oxygen level, their growth was stunted.

The chronic condition anaemia is caused by a low amount of red blood cells.

Due to the high iron content of mother's milk, this condition primarily affects newborns who aren't fed by their moms.

Fore such more question on nutrients.


Malaria is spread by __________. a. mosquitoes b. infected food c. contaminated water d. people please select the best answer from the choices provided. a b c d


It’s B contaminated food




Hope i could help :)

What are the four most common routes of drug administration list their names and abbreviations and briefly describe them?




The four most common routes of drug administration are oral, intravenous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular.Oral (PO): This is the most common route of drug administration, and involves taking a medication by mouth in the form of a tablet, capsule, liquid, or other orally-administered form.Intravenous (IV): This route of drug administration involves injecting a medication directly into a vein, allowing for rapid absorption and immediate effects.Subcutaneous (SC or SQ): This route of drug administration involves injecting a medication just under the skin, where it is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream.Intramuscular (IM): This route of drug administration involves injecting a medication directly into a muscle, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream.Each of these routes of drug administration has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the most appropriate route will depend on the specific medication and the individual patient. It is important for healthcare providers to carefully consider the best route of drug administration for each patient in order to maximize the effectiveness of the medication and minimize any potential side effects.

what is body path and how do you maintain this for push-ups 


Answer:Your body should form a straight line from top of head to knees


Which statement best defines the Transtheoretical model?





Change involves the active decision to change and willingness to adapt healthier measures.

How is consciousness different to sub-consciousness ?



Conscious mind responsible for rationalizing and logical thinking whereas subconscious mind is responsible for involuntary actions.

Conscious originate from hindbrain.

Penelope is terrified of putting herself in a situation in which help might not be available or escape might be difficult or embarrassing. this fear is so debilitating that she will often confine herself to her apartment for days at a time. based on this information, what is most likely penelope’s diagnosis?


As Penelope is terrified of putting herself in a situation in which help might not be available or escape might be difficult or embarrassing. The most likely Penelope's diagnosis is a social anxiety disorder.

What is social anxiety disorder?

A type of anxiety disorder known as social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is characterized by anxiety or fear in social situations. A person with the disorder has trouble interacting with others, making new friends, and going to social events. They frequently worry that they will be scrutinized or judged by others.

In this case, Penelope is afraid to put herself in situations where she might not be able to get help or where leaving might be awkward or difficult.

Learn more about social anxiety disorder on:


Tanya drives to school every morning. Which is an outside influence on her driving behavior?

severe headache
bad temper
quick reflexes
nearby pedestrians


Answer: Nearby pedestrian

Explanation: If they question is specifically asking for "outside or exterior influences", then pedestrians are the only option that are listed that can be found outside the vehicle.

nearby pediatricians.
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