Does France use the 24 hour clock?​


Answer 1


yes they do


because in France they are so weird that they have to be build different

Answer 2


Yes, France uses the 24 hour clock.


Related Questions

French DBA 10
In French, respond to the following question :
❏ Dans ta famille, vous souriez et riez souvent ?

In French, fill in the blank below using the nationality related vocabulary you have learned in this module:
❏ Marie Antoinette était de France, elle était ____

❏ Ton cousin est d’Espagne, il est ____

In English explain the difference between “un portable” and un “ordinateur portable”.

Explain, in English, the Conditionnel tense. How is it formed and when is it used?

In French, respond to the following question using the conditionnel tense and the vocabulary you have learned in this course:
❏ Si tu pouvais voyager où tu veux, où est-ce que tu irais ?

Quelle personne importante française aimerais-tu rencontrer? Pourquoi ?

Si tu gagnais à la loto, qu’est-ce que tu ferais? Pourquoi ?



Oui, dans ma famille on rit et on sourit souvent.

Elle était française.

Ton cousin est d'Espagne, il est espagnol.


Non, dans ma famille on sourit peu.

Marie-Antoinette était "l'Autrichienne", donc....


Cellphone versus laptop computer.

Si je pouvais voyager n'importe où, j'irais en Italie car c'est un pays magnifique.

Je ne sais pas quelle personne importante française j'aimerais rencontrer.

Je chercherais à faire un don de cette somme à quelqu'un dans le besoin.


HELELLP, fill in the black plz. Complete the sentence by writing the corresponding complementary object pronoun.

Regardez-vous la télévision ? Oui, nous_____
regardons souvent.





Oui, nous  la regardons souvent.

43. Tu ______ besoin d'un stylo?






Tu as besoin d’un stylo?

Byyeeee and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333











Most used words in French conversations (top 20)



je (I)

tu (you, singular)

de (of, from)

pas (not)

le (the, masculine singular)

la (the, feminine singular)

un (a, masculine singular)

une (a, feminine singular)

est (is)

que (that, what)

en (in, on)

ça (this, that)

pour (for)

les (the, plural)

des (some, of the)

mon (my)

ton (your, singular)

sur (on, upon)

avec (with)

moi (me)

It depends a lot on each person, but these are the most commonly used, I hope I have helped you. If so, give me a thanks, tysm!


French DBA 9
Quel est ton animal marin préféré?

Préfères-tu la mer ou la forêt tropicale ?

In English, use information from the lessons to explain ‘le savoir-vivre’ and provide several examples.

Explain how to form and when to use the future simple.

Do you find this easier or more difficult to form than other tenses. Why?

In French, use the vocabulary from the lessons and the future simple to respond to the following question. Be prepared to answer a follow up question from your instructor.
❏ Où iras-tu en vacances cet été?

❏ Qu’est-ce que tu feras le week-end prochain?



1. Mon animal marin préférée est la baleine.

Où iras-tu en vacances cet été ?

Cet été j'irai à la mer.

Qu'est-ce que tu feras le week-end prochain ?

Le week-end prochain j'irai voir mes grands-parents.

Frank is getting ready to take his driver's license test. Serge gives him some advice.
1. Frank— Je passé mon____demain!
Serge— Ah oui! Tu as peur?
Frank— Non, pas trop.
2. Serge— Tu connais ton____?
Frank— Mais oui!
3. Serge— Tu veux que je t'____?
Frank— Oui, s'il te plait!
4. Serge— Je peux te donner des conseils?
Frank— Oui,____des conseils!
5. Serge— Surtout____doucement.
6. — ____ les instructions de l'inspecteur.
7. — N'accélère pas trop____!
8.Frank — J'espère que la voiture ne va pas____en panne!
9. Serge— Mais non! Tu peux changer____?
10. Frank— Ah non, pas du tout. Tu peu____montrer?



1. Frank— Je passe mon_permis ___demain!

Serge— Ah oui! Tu as peur?

Frank— Non, pas trop.

2. Serge— Tu connais ton code___?

Frank— Mais oui!

3. Serge— Tu veux que je t' aide ____?

Frank— Oui, s'il te plait!

4. Serge— Je peux te donner des conseils?

Frank— Oui,_donne - moi ___des conseils!

5. Serge— Surtout_roule ___doucement.

6. — __Suis _ les instructions de l'inspecteur.

7. — N'accélère pas trop_fort ___!

8.Frank — J'espère que la voiture ne va pas__tomber _en panne!

9. Serge— Mais non! Tu peux changer__un pneu__?

10. Frank— Ah non, pas du tout. Tu peux__me __montrer?



1. Frank— Je passe mon "permis" demain!

Serge— Ah oui! Tu as peur?

Frank— Non, pas trop.

2. Serge— Tu connais ton"code"?

Frank— Mais oui!

3. Serge— Tu veux que je "t'aide"?

Frank— Oui, s'il te plait!

4. Serge— Je peux te donner des conseils?

Frank— Oui,donne moi des conseils!

5. Serge— Surtout,roule doucement.

6. —Suis les instructions de l'inspecteur.

7. — N'accélère pas trop fort!

8.Frank — J'espère que la voiture ne va pas tomber en panne!

(Acte 1) Quand les membres de la bande sont cernés par les policiers



(Act 1) When the members of the band are surrounded by the police



(Act 1) When the members of the band are surrounded by the police
As the first one said

Dans la salle de classe, il y a trente ___
Ils sont tous modernes. Il y a une horloge à
côté de la ____ et une grande fenêtre. Le bureau du professeur est devant les ___
Nous regardons la ___ où sont tous les pays francophones. Il y a des élèves
sympathiques et d'autres (others) ___. Moi je suis ___et charmant.




French Translation:

Dans la classe, il y a trente élèves

Ils sont tous modernes. Il y a une horloge à

à côté de la porte et une grande fenêtre. Le bureau du professeur est devant la classe

On regarde le tableau où se trouvent tous les pays francophones. il y a des étudiants

sympathique et les autres (les autres) ne le sont pas. Je suis beau/beau et charmant.

English Translation:

In the classroom, there are thirty students

They are all modern. There is a clock at

next to the door and a large window. The teacher's desk is in front of the class

We look at the board where all the French-speaking countries are. There are students

sympathetic and others (others) aren’t. I am beautiful/handsome and charming.


?en dometut lau fabi


I think it's Serbian and says "I can reach you". Not sure, but so weird.


it means "he will reach the factory"



!! no links !!

Your "anniversaire" is only your wedding anniversary in French.

true or false ? ​


I think the answer is true. However, wedding anniversary in French is "anniversaire de mariage". I would recommend checking a translator. Anniversaire in English is anniversary, which is the same thing as wedding anniversary.

hope it helps!




It also means birthday.

Please help me with my work














Need answers for the blank





Tu aperçois la boîte aux lettres devant la mairie.

Nous ne voyons pas le distributeur automatique.

Je crois que la poste se trouve en face du commissariat de police.

Vous ne voyez pas que la banque est fermée?

On croit que vous pouvez payer par chèque au bureau de poste.

Appoline et Fouad ne reçoivent pas  les e-mails de l'association des lycéens .

Le marchand de journaux ne voit pas  les pièces de monnaie.

Tu crois que la laverie est ouverte le dimanche?

Dans cette question, nous allons ordonner les mots pour former des phrases.

In this question, we are going to order the words to form sentences.

Ordonner les mots

Voyez-vous la boîte aux lettres devant la mairie?Nous ne voyons pas le distributeur automatiqueJe crois que le bureau de poste est en face du commissariatTu ne vois pas que la banque est ferméeNous pensons que vous pouvez payer par chèque à la posteApolline et foud ne reçoivent pas les mails de l'association du lycéeLe marchand de journaux ne voit pas les piècesPensez-vous que la laverie est ouverte le dimanche ?

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in

Links or just answering for points will be reported

Fun ideas to learn a new language to “give the language life” For example, certain games


huh? What in the matrix heck are you talking about. I'm so confused.

DUE TODAY!!!! PLS HELP IF YOU KNOW!! I need 6 and 7 and Letter d answered





 Pas de préposition en  anglais.




I don't know because I'm a noob



Why don’t you use translate
Look up the worksheet and get the answers




Je vais leur envoyer une carte de vœux.

Nathalie m'offre un chèque-cadeau.

Tes cousins vous donnent des cadeaux pour Noël.

Nicolas ne nous parle jamais.



1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c

Please help me with French



1. Je parlerai

2. Je réponderai

3. Paul, tu attendras

4. Je rentre à la maison

5. Tu feras la connaissance de

6. Elle travaillera


Today I decided to help people on Brainly even if I have a bunch of assignment to submit :)


Thanks :) you’re a great person

That is very nice of you to do but you should focus on your assignments they count for a grade and it is only a week until the end of the year (unless you go to year-round school)

Question 3 of 10
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form below:
"Je suis fatigué."
"Mais tu
te réveiller."
A. viens
B. vient de
C. vient
D. viens de





DUE TODAY!!! PLS ANSWER IF YOU KNOW!! I only need question 12 (12 POINTS)



( it’s my pov okay? )

Le garçon semble croire aux fantômes et les voir puisqu’il en pourchasse un ,mais les autres semblent ne pas le voir et semble effrayé


The boy seem to believe in ghosts and see them since he chases one of them , but the others seem to not see and not believe in ghosts and seem scared/afraid

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33

Aurélien parle de ses projets (plans) et des projets de sa famille et de ses amis. Mettez les verbes au futur.

in pic:


1. Quand je serais à l'université, ma soeur et moi habiterons ensemble.

When I'll be in college, my sister and me will live together.

2. Quand ma soeur étudiera plus elle réussira.

When my sister will study more she will succeed

4. Qand mes parents seront à la retraite j'emprunterai pour mes études

When my parents will be on retirement, I'll borrow for my studies.

5. Dès que vous finirez vos études vous contacterez *les employeurs.

As soon as you (it's the plural of you) will finish your studies, you will contact employers.

6. Quand tu travailleras tu achéteras une voiture.

When you'll work, you'll buy a car.

7. Quand nous aurons trouvé *un nouveau travail nous ne lirons plus les annonces.

When we will find a new job, we won't reading no more want ads.

(I don't know if this sentence is really english, I'm french... sorry).

Things you could say to your teacher:

*he/she forgot "les" and "un" in his/her sentences.

- Aurélien seems to be a french name, so we're talking about a guy who live in France, right? So why do he have to borrow money from the bank to pay he's studies, since french schools and colleges are almost free.

Unless is studying somewhere else, but it's pretty rare. In conclusion, the sentence is not really realistic.

Dans ce numéro, Aurélien parle de ses projets (plans) et des projets de sa famille et de ses amis. On met les verbes au futur.

Aurélien parle de ses projets

Quand j'irai à l'université, ma sœur et moi vivrons ensemble.Quand ma soeur a étudié plus il pouvait.Quand mes parents prennent leur retraite, j'emprunte pour payer mes études.Dès que vous aurez terminé vos études, vous contacterez des employeurs.Quand tu travailles tu achètes une voitureQuand nous trouvons un nouvel emploi, veuillez lire les annonces

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in


Help would be EXTREMELY appreciated you don't have to answer every single one but it would help if you did :))

!! no links !!

(Respond to these sentence's in French in a complete sentence.)

1. Quel âge as-tu?

2. Quel est la de ton anniversaire

3. Quel âge ton grand-père

4. Qu'est-ce que tu étudies à l'école

5. Qu'est-ce que tu prends pour le petit déjeuner en général

6. Quels sont tes activités ou sports préférés

7. Est-ce que tu as des frères ou des soeurs? ils sont plus jeunes ou âgés

8. Quelles sont deux boissons que tu aimes

9. Qu'est-ce que tu fais le weekend



1. Quel âge as-tu?

J'ai ..... ans .

2. Quel est la date de ton anniversaire

C'est le ...    ... ( jour, mois)

3. Quel âge à ton grand-père

Mon grand-père a ..... ans.

4. Qu'est-ce que tu étudies à l'école

J'étudie l'anglais, les maths, le français.

5. Qu'est-ce que tu prends pour le petit déjeuner en général

Je prends des céréales, du lait et un jus de fruit.

6. Quels sont tes activités ou sports préférés

J'aime la danse, le foot, le hochey.....

7. Est-ce que tu as des frères ou des sœurs? ils sont plus jeunes ou âgés

J'ai ... frère(s) et .... soeur(s)

Ils sont plus âgés que moi.

Ils sont plus jeunes que moi.

8. Quelles sont deux boissons que tu aimes

J'aime le jus d'orange et le jus de pomme.

9. Qu'est-ce que tu fais le weekend

Je vais voir mes amis, ou je sors avec ma famille.

Complétez chaque phrase en utilisant un mot ou une expression du vocabulaire de cette leçon.
check the pic:


We don't have the vocabulary of your lessons?

I'll try without it, but I don't guarantee you that it's right...

> On monte ou on descend les escaliers.

> Une fontaine est une construction artistique  et souvent publique où se trouve de l'eau.

> Vert, orange ou rouge c'est feu de circulation.

> No idea

> Savoir comment ne pas se perdre c'est savoir s'orienter.

> Une office de tourisme est un centre d'information pour les touristes.

> On donne une carte à quelqu'un qui est perdu.

> On s'assied sur un banc au parc.

Dans cette question, nous complétons chaque phrase en utilisant un mot ou une phrase de vocabulaire.

In this question we complete each sentence using a vocabulary word or phrase.

Un mot ou une phrase de vocabulaire

DescendFontaine carréeDe boisLe même sortSi trouverCentre d'information touristiqueInformationLe banc

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in

need answers asap will give brainliest!!!!



avoir conjugations:

j' AI

tu AS

il A

elle A

on A

nous AVONS

vous AVEZ

ils ONT

elles ONT

For the expression, just memorize the conjugations of avoir and use the expressions in correct format.

Example: i want to go to the beach

j'ai envie d'aller a la plage

for clothing, look up french clothing vocabulary and go through the words you have learned and try to look at the gender of them. for example, UNE jupe is female, and male clothes are UN. multiple is LES.

colors are the same principle as clothes you should just do some research

good luck/ bonne chance!!

il a seize ans

lui or elle






Il a seize ans

C’est LUI

byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33






2: la

3:  les lits, les

bon anniversaire


les feux d'artifice,  les


Answer all questions. Marks will be awarded for clarity and orderly presentation of materials.
Circle the correct answers (20 marks)
Il fait beau. (a) The weather is good. (b) The weather is bad.
Il fait froid. (a) The weather is cold (b) The weather is hot.
C’est nuageux. (a) It is snowing (b) It is cloudy
Il fait chaud. (a) The weather is hot. (b) The weather is cold.
Il fait du vent. (a) It is windy. (b) It is cloudy
Il fait du soleil. (a) It is sunny. (b) It is stormy.
Il neige. (a) It is raining (b) It is snowing
Il fait du brouillard. (a) It is windy (b) It is foggy
Il fait mauvais. (a) The weather is bad (b) The weather is good
Il y a des nuages. (a) It is cloudy (b) It is stormy



1a. The weather is good

2a. The weather is cold

3b. It is Cloudy

4a. The weather is hot

5a. It is windy

6a. It is sunny

7b. It is storming

8a. It is windy

9a. The weather is bad

10b. It is stormy

Answer: 1) a

2) a

3) b

4) a

5) a

6) a

7) b

8) b



Other Questions
hello i need some help, can anyone review my feature reporters notebook for me. could you tell me what i should edit pls thank you. Also this is based on gender biased in media (journalism) so if you can help thank you Why are woman always getting paid less than men? Why cant woman reach the same level as men in some jobs. Women must go through so many challenges to get to the spot they want to be at. Women are also judged different than men are how is that fair? After doing some research I had found out that We observed that external hiring skews male for C-suite positions, which contributes to a corporate environment in which women are well represented at early-tenure positions but remain a minority at more senior levels. Only 27 percent of C-suite positions in media and entertainment are held by women. Women are not getting the same treatment as men. Only 27% of the c-suite is held by woman! Women can do the same as men can. Even when woman is in mens position some do not feel as if they are treated fairly. In an article it says, Women who work in majority-male workplaces feel much differently: 48% say women are treated fairly where they work when it comes to recruitment and hiring, and even fewer (38%) say women are treated fairly in promotions and advancement. A Husband and wife were interviewed to see if they were getting close to the same wage pays. The Husband says We are treated very well in our job. We have a good amount of lunch time, and we get paid a good amount for the work we do. While the wife says, The job is good, but it doesnt really pay much most of the woman are getting a little paid less we only make 12k a year versus my husband he makes 23k a year Woman have been Getting paid way less than men. There are more women overall in the media and entertainment industries. 49% percent in mostly entry level. After conduction, some research o found out that woman is more satisfied with their jobs then most men. Women in media and entertainment report career-satisfaction rates that are slightly higher than mens77 percent of women versus 75 percent of men. Additionally, 82 percent of women in our research reported a desire to be promoted to the next level, as compared with 71 percent of women across all industries. Indeed, 35 percent of women in media and entertainment said they had asked for a promotion during the past year, compared with 27 percent of men in the industry. These statistics suggest that the low representation of women in senior roles cannot be attributed to a lack of desire for advancement. Sometime women choose different jobs that pay less, here is an example: A woman wants to work as a teacher, and get paid less then occupations, like some men could choose a lawyer and still get paid more. In an article I read it said This is really quite remarkable. A parenthood premium for males, and a penalty for woman. Women even get a 7% wage reduction because they have a child while for men, they get money from it. In some place women are asked if sexual harassment was a thing in their job. In the article Women in majority-male workplaces report higher rates of gender discrimination by KIM PARKER it states About half of women who work in male-dominated workplaces (49%) say this is at least a small problem where they work, including 15% who say its a big problem. By comparison, about a third of women who work in gender-balanced (34%) or female-dominated (32%) workplaces say sexual harassment is a problem where they work. About one-in-ten of these women say its a big problem. What is the main way in which heat transfer occurs in liquids and gases? A Russian citizen has illegally obtained a Siberian tiger and is trying to sell the tigers fur in the United States. What treaty does this violate?A.Tiger TreatyB.Lacey TreatyC.CITESD.EPA Find (-3/7) / (-1 1/14).45/982/52 1/2-2/5 what do you understand by the terms:I)inputii)processiii)storageiv)output Which of the following is a synonym for calibrated? SJSKSJSKSJ d help :p Suppose that an investor buys a 100-share call option for $250. It has an exercise price of $60. The underlying price per share of the stock at expiration is $66. What then is the amount of profit or loss, ignoring brokerage fees A 5 kg stone falls from height of 100m and penetrate 2m in a layer of sand. The force applied by ground is What type of solutions does the quadratic equation, 8v2 + 8 = -11v, have? Which of the following is the quotient of the rational expressions shownbelow? Make sure your answer is in reduced form. WILL MARK BRAINLIEST PLEASE HELPa survey of boys and girls in second grade was conducted asking whether or not they like pizza. The partially completed two-way table shows results of the survey. How many boys were included in the survey? PLS HELP! Two vertical angles measure (5x + 15) and (3x + 27). Draw a diagram that illustrates the vertical angles. Solve for each angle. how to calculate sound of an echo why did the third estate declare itself to be a national assembly? what were the french peasants reacting to their rebellions of 1789? Trig how do you do I do not know why is askom regarded as a monopoly What was one significant policy goal pursued by Ronald Reagan? A. increase the role of the government in peoples lives B. decrease the role of the government in peoples lives C. increase spending on education D. decrease spending on the military why did natural climate change start (not human-caused) A 6-digit PIN number is selected. What it the probability that there are no repeated digits?The probability that no numbers are repeated isWrite your answer in decimal form, rounded to the nearest thousandth.Submit Question