(DRECTIONS: Put The Following People, Places, And Events In Order. WITH A 1-2 SENTENCE DESCRIPTION.)


Answer 1

Answer: i wish i was smart..


i never know anything and i'm sick rn *sigh* i'm sorry so sorry wish i could help me useless

Answer 2
Hey, do you need to put it in order by date or..?

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Please help. due today. first picture is science. second is social studies.


The first one is the prime meridian
The second one is equator

If you could interview one American about our nation’s past, who would it be, and why?


Abraham Lincon, Because I would get to learn about everything he must have went through in order to free the slaves, Sure history teaches us but not enough for me though, I want to hear about his childhood see what it was like and what could have drove him to want to free the slaves where did he come from, How did he grow up and what did he have to do to get to where he is.

Georgie Washington, there’s a lot of past with him, so therefore i would learn a lot of things maybe some people didn’t even know. He’s also from the past/ older days so it would be cool to get to learn about history and the difference back then compared to the days now.

50 points hurry

How does comparative anatomy provide evidence of Earth’s age? Justify your response in two or more complete sentences.

please hurry thx


Answer: Comparative anatomy has long served as evidence for evolution, now joined in that role by comparative genomics; it indicates that organisms share a common ancestor. It also assists scientists in classifying organisms based on similar characteristics of their anatomical structures.

anatomy has served as evidence for along time

Great Britain and North American colonies engaged in an ideological and propaganda war even before the actual Revolutionary War
began. The Patriots and Loyalists disagreed about independence, King George III rejected the Olive Branch Petition, and the Second
Continental Congress decided to declare independence from Great Britain
Think about the grievances which motivated the Second Continental Congress to make arguments for and declare independence from
Great Britain Provide two specific examples of these grievances and explain them in detail using complete sentences.



Richard Penn and Arthur Lee, representing the Continental Congress, present the so-called Olive Branch Petition to the Earl of Dartmouth on September 1, 1775. Britain’s King George III, however, refused to receive the petition, which, written by John Dickinson, appealed directly to the king and expressed hope for reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain.

Dickinson, who hoped desperately to avoid a final break with Britain, phrased colonial opposition to British policy this way: “Your Majesty’s Ministers, persevering in their measures, and proceeding to open hostilities for enforcing them, have compelled us to arm in our own defence [sic], and have engaged us in a controversy so peculiarly abhorrent to the affections of your still faithful Colonists, that when we consider whom we must oppose in this contest, and if it continues, what may be the consequences, our own particular misfortunes are accounted by us only as parts of our distress.”

By phrasing their discontent this way, Congress attempted to notify the king that American colonists were unhappy with ministerial policy, not his own. They then concluded their plea with a final statement of fidelity to the crown: “That your Majesty may enjoy long and prosperous reign, and that your descendants may govern your Dominions with honour to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere prayer.”

By July 1776, though, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed something very different: “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” In fact, Congress insisted that Thomas Jefferson remove any language from the declaration that implicated the people of Great Britain or their elected representatives in Parliament. The fundamental grounds upon which Americans were taking up arms had shifted. The militia that had fired upon Redcoats at Lexington and Concord in April 1775 had been angry with Parliament, not the king, who they still trusted to desire only good for all of his subjects around the globe. This belief changed after Congress learned that King George refused to so much as receive the Olive Branch Petition.

The answer is the third one.

What was at stake for Smalls and the other slaves who escaped on the ship?



Answer: Robert smalls made a daring sea escape, he feared the consequences he’d face for this attitude and the fear of being captured.

I hope this helps some how. :)
May 13, 1862, Robert Smalls and a crew composed of fellow slaves, in the absence of the white captain and his two mates, slipped and picked up family members then slowly navigated their way through the harbor. (They had to hide they’re faces in fear of getting caught)Once they reached outside of Confederate waters, he had his crew raise a white flag and surrendered his ship to the blockading Union fleet.

In fewer than four hours, Robert Smalls had done something imaginable this black male slave had safely deliver 17 passengers (nine men, five women and three children) from slavery to

givnig brainly
Many historians debate whether or not the U.S. has seen continual progress throughout its history, or if there have been moments of back-peddling or regression. How do you define progress in history? Do you think the U.S. has always progressed? Discuss.


Yes we have progressed in many ways but we can agree with some that say we still use some of the technology or whatever the case from before but that doesn’t have to do with anything with how we’re always progressing day by day

In 2016, the annual inflation rate in Venezuela was 180.9%. In Brazil, it was 8.48%.
What does this say about Venezuela's economy compared to Brazil's?
A. Venezuela's currency is more valuable than Brazil's.
B. Venezuela's economy is more unstable than Brazil's.
C. Venezuela's markets are growing faster than Brazil's.
D. Venezuela's trade deficit is larger than Brazil's.


It is probably ,Venezuela’s economy is more unstable then Brazil’s
Brazil has a better economy unlike venezuela which is experiencing a worse economy

The people living in Iceland today are descendants of the Norse who settled on Iceland, which was uninhabited in the 9th century. How was the Norse able to maintain the settlement of Iceland?




The land was settled quickly, mainly by Norwegians who may have been fleeing conflict or seeking new land to farm. By 930, the chieftains had established a form of governance, the Althing, making it one of the world's oldest parliaments. Towards the end of the tenth century, Christianity came to Iceland through the influence of the Norwegian king Olaf Tryggvason. During this time, Iceland remained independent, a period known as the Old Commonwealth, and Icelandic historians began to document the nation's history in books referred to as sagas of Icelanders

Hope it helps... :-)||ItsHelpingQueen||
Having a little warmth and food

What religion forces people to believe it?



all of them really in my eyes religion has come to way more than believing in something more specifically someone.its discrimination of the person's feelings and what they believe  or even who they are in love with their some people who believe but there are some people who are to hard  core


i don't really know my options sorry if I'm wrong i guess that's just my opinion

christians do wkndosndkdnjsndndjdjsjsj

Respond to the following questions based on D-Day.

- List significant facts connected to this day.

- Ask at least one question about the event.

- Explain why this day was so important in bringing WW2 to an end.



- it was one of, if not the biggest amphibious invasion of the war. we only had a small window to make d-day work because of the weather. the airborne part of the invasion didn’t go very well because of weather, troops became scattered everywhere. we waited to launch d-day in 1944 because if we did it earlier, we wouldn’t have been prepared and we would have probably lost (we tried a smaller invasion in 1942 i believe and it didn’t go very well, i think it was called the dieppe raid). the campaigns in sicily and italy were to divert troops away from russia and also to take italy out of the war before d-day.

- if the germans weren’t fighting the russians as well as the western powers, would d-day still have been able to succeed?

- this day was important because we were able to get troops into france. when we got troops into france, we dealt lots of damage to german forces, we were able to capture ports and have better supply routes, and it was very demoralizing for the german people and german troops.

hope that helps :D
What the first one said

If you see this help me with this question the best if you can



The Amazon River Basin occupies the entire central and eastern area of South America, lying to the east of the Andes mountain range and extending from the Guyana Plateau in the north to the Brazilian Plateau in the south.Explanation:

brazil takes up a big population of south america, it’s placed where it covers most of the brazil part.

HELP PLS! no links!
A. “For imposing taxes on us without our consent”
B. “For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us”
C. “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation”
D. "For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury."
Question: Listed above are four examples of colonial grievances found in the Declaration of Independence. Choose any THREE and describe how they were addressed by the U.S. Constitution and/or Bill of Rights
You MUST use complete sentences in your answer.



hi hi hi


sorry need points

B example: The colonists were frustrated that the king was bringing armed troops to their homes and forcing them to stay there. This upset them, because it was an invasion of privacy, and also because they weren’t having a say in these rules. (No taxation without representation) They including this in the bill of rights, to ensure something similar to this wouldn’t happen to them again. They wrote that a soldier should not be quartered on any house, without the consent of the Owner.

All of these effects are associated with the__________. Listed below are the effects of a particular event in American history.



MS A, E US.4.9 Analyze the major events, turning points, ... Drag and drop one correct phrase describing the effects of assimilation ... All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and ... and they got what they wanted. ... Each response should be given the score that corresponds to the.


The we word that goes in the middle and makes most sense is list because it was already listed

Please define federal laws? *

A.laws passed by Congress that affect every state
B.laws the President has to follow
C.6 years
D.laws that only affect Washington D.C.



The answer is laws passed by Congress that affect ever state(A)




None of the definitions offered are very good, so you have to pick the best of a very bad set of offerings.

B: false. First of all it is a set of laws everyone has to follow including the president.

C: false. I have no idea of how time and laws are connected.

D: Federal laws affect all states, not just Washington DC which is not a state at all. But Federal laws do affect Washington DC

A: is the answer, but it is not complete. The senate also has to pass the laws and the president has to sign the bill before they bills become laws.


Guinea is an underdeveloped country despite being one of the world's largest producers of bauxite, the raw material used in making aluminum. Why do some countries, like Guinea, remain economically underdeveloped despite being major producers of a valuable natural resource?
A. Importing countries often use military force to steal the valuable mineral resource.
B. Reliance on a single export leaves them at the mercy of importing countries.
C. The underdeveloped countries often lack the business experience to sell products for a profit.
D. The underdeveloped countries are unable to transport their resources overseas for sale.





A. importing countries often use military force to steal valuable mineral resource.

What chart can be useful when organizing information before you begin a research report?
KWL chart
Order of Events Chart
Cause and Effect Chart


KWL Chart can be useful when organizing information
KWL would be useful to organize your information!

Match the occupation with the correct colonial leader.

Silversmith and businessman

Virginia lawyer and firebrand

Boston merchant and smuggler

Massachusetts lawyer



I don't know really



Silversmith and businessman - Paul Revere [A]
Virginia lawyer and firebrand - Patrick Henry [B]
Boston merchant and smuggler - John Hancock [C]
Massachusetts lawyer - John Adams [B]

Do you think America did the right thing by dropping the atomic bomb on Japan? Why or why not?





Dropping the bombs on Hiroshima is recognized as a right decision by America for many. Had the bomb not been dropped, the war would have prolonged on, but dropping the bomb cost many lives in Japan and almost destroyed the country. Though the act is considered justifiable for saving lives, it actually destroyed as much as it saved. A surrender would definitely have occurred eventually, if maybe a little later than sooner. But the bomb had been unnecessary. Japan suffered consequences for decades. Besides, the action was not only inhumane, but also racially motivated. For listed reasons, I believe the dropping of the atomic bomb was not quite the right thing to do even though many would argue otherwise

No. Dropping the bomb caused so many deaths and fatalities to innocent people when there could have been other solutions

All of these effects are associated with the__________. Listed below are the effects of a particular event in American history.

A. Louisiana Purchase
B. American Revolution.
C. War of 1812.
D. ratification of the U.S. Constitution.



The war of 1812, C.


During the war of 1812 all of these events occurred.

The Answer is C.
It affected because of the time period it was in.

who did Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana purchase besides lewis and clark



Jefferson sent the Native American Sacagawea and a slave from Africa a well as 50 other exploreres to help along the way. Lewis and Clarke were in charge of the expeditiion.


Jefferson officially asked for $2,500 in funding from Congress, though some sources indicate the expedition ultimately cost closer to $50,000. Meriwether Lewis was joined by his friend William Clark and 50 others on the journey, including an enslaved African American and a female Native American guide named Sacagawea.

In 1-2 well-written paragraphs, support or refute the following claim using information that you learned from this lesson. Be sure to provide at least two (2) pieces of evidence to support your response along with supporting details.


Is everything okay? Cuz I dont wanna know the answer lol

You haven’t even posted the claim so how are we supposed to help lol…

Which of the following most accurately describes one type of court case the Supreme Court will choose to hear? *
A. Cases of national importance
B.Cases of state-level importance
C.Cases of local level importance 13


it’s b , if you think abt
the answer is B
hope this helps…

How did Augustus create a new age of prosperity for Rome? Ch. 11/L-4
simple sentence plz



Augustus created a new age of prosperity for Rome by expanding the empire and reorganized the military and government.

Furthor Info:

He increased Rome's system of roads, aqueducts, ports and common currency and overall just made the empire rich and prosperous.

He expanded the empire and reorganize the military and government.

Think about what you learned about Abigail Adams and Mercy Otis Warren.

How were women in the colonies able to be active in their community?
Check all the boxes that apply.

by managing households

by participating in church as members

by voting in colonial elections

by serving as members of the colonial legislature

by working to produce goods to sell



A, B, E



can somebody plz help with this for brainiest just write a poem about removing ur mask


dream's new song??????
does it have to ryme?
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