Due to the seriousness of the crime, state legislation mandates transferring legal jurisdiction over the most serious and experienced juvenile offenders to the adult court for criminal prosecution. This process is known as:


Answer 1





This is simply defined as the act of voluntary giving up of one's right, by contract, to sue someone for their wrong acts to you. A waiver is said not to be valid if if is contrary to public policy, If parties are not of equal bargaining power, if it tries to preclude liability for extreme forms of conduct such as gross negligence, reckless misconduct, willful and wanton conduct, or intentional acts.

Characteristics of a Waiver

1. The Language must be clear

2. It is not appear as another document

3. It cannot go against Public Policy etc.

Waiver is used as a criteria for assumption of risk such as Voluntary, Inherent risk, Know, Understood, Appreciated etc, waiver is also used to record of participants knowing and understand their responsibilities.

Waiver to Adult Court

This is simply known as the process through which a juvenile court willingly gives its right or jurisdiction over a juvenile offender and the case is processed in adult court. The age limit when a juvenile court no longer has power over a juvenile offender is usually between ages 19 and 21.

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Rearrange the question.
? is name dear what your​



What is your name dear?


May it helps you

what are the problems of various employment sectors?​



The problem is not that the economy is not generating enough jobs; it is. The problem is that the vast majority of the jobs that are being created are of extremely low quality. The employment problem in India is not about the quantity of jobs but rather about the quality of jobs.

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write any six ways to solve the problem of drug abuse​



Non-medical use of any nacrotic drug is called drug abuse. The six ways to solve the problems of drug abuse are given below ÷

1. Children should be provided proper love and care in the family.

2. Awareness campaign should be launched against the use of the drugs.

3. Avoid bad company.

4. Include the topic related to the effect of the drug abuse in the school and college level curriculum.

5. Avoid attractive advertisement of drug.

6. Make and implement strict law against production, sale and use of drugs.

what is the human development index? why should it be high?


long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living.

disaster management in india



hey butt butt


Co fluence fedur state?



California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday.

California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said. Meanwhile, the UK's economic output slightly shrunk over that time when measured in U.S. dollars, due in part to exchange rate fluctuations

this is the question hope u can solve it






medios o agentes de socialización de la identidad de género



La socialización de género se produce a través de cuatro agentes principales: la familia, la educación, los grupos de pares y los medios de comunicación.


- https://courses.lumenlearning.com

Los recursos que utilicé

corruption is a social problem. how​


Corruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's private gain.


Corruption in India is an issue which affects the economy of central, state and local government agencies in many ways. Corruption is blamed for stunting the economy of India.[1] A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005 recorded that more than 62% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official to get a job done.[2][3] In 2008, another report showed that about 50% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services performed by public offices, however, in 2020 their Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the country 86th place out of 180, reflecting steady decline in perception of corruption among people. [4][5]

viết đoạn văn về cảm ơn



Thank you so much for the complimentary tickets to your show. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and you were GREAT! We haven't been to the theater in months, so this occasion was a welcome treat. The new decor at Springfield Repertory is stunning, and what an excellent show to inaugurate the new hall. Bravo! Thank you again for a pleasant evening and an engaging performance.


Which is the famous district for sculpture in Nepal



The famous district for sculpture in Nepal is Kathmandu valley.

what is the level of development not the same everywhere? ​


Because the resources , topography, capital etc are not same everywhere......

what type of change can't be called development​



What is development what type of change Cannot be called development? Developmental – May be either planned or emergent; it is first order, or incremental. Transitiona Seeks to achieve a known desired state that is different from the existing one. Transformational – Is radical or second order in nature


On a job interview, Mary is asked to describe herself. She begins to talk about her earliest memories and the favorite places she visited as a child. Although this is a description of herself, this type of _____ is probably NOT what the interviewers were looking to hear.


The answer is going to be introduction probably

what was the last sen state occupied by prithvi Narayan Shah?



died 1775), member of the ruling Shah family of the Gurkha (Gorkha) principality, Nepal, who conquered the three Malla kingdoms of Kāthmāndu, Pātan, and Bhādgaon in 1769 and consolidated them to found the modern state of Nepal. He also established the capital of Nepal at Kāthmāndu.

Mention the structure of the federal system of government of Nepal​


The structure of the federal system of government of Nepal are:~federal level, seven provinces and 753 local government.


Hope it will be helpful!

According to the laws of supply and demand, what will happen to the supply of automobiles if automobile prices fall?

The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.


I believe it's B. If the price of automobiles falls, then more people will want to buy cars because they are cheaper, meaning the amount of car sales will go up.


D. The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.

The declaration of independence reflect the principle of


Answer Expert Verified. The Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of natural rights of life, liberty, and property, using them in part to justify the document. ... They always talked about being born with natural and equal rights.

The drawing of district boundaries for legislative districts in the Texas Legislature must follow the rule of ______. a. one person, one vote b. proportional party representation c. gerrymandering d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible



d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible


Destricting is the process of creating new districts for state legislature in the United States of America. Under US law, a state legislature may create a new district after 10 years after which population census must have conducted. Districts are created by the state legislature and vetoed by the governor. Dstrict requirements include including as much of counties into a district as possible while also aiming to keep equal populations among districts.

Alokasyon insights Po



Answer: ALOKASYON – ay isang mekanismo ng pamamahagi ng mga pinagkukunang-yaman upang lutasin ang suliranin ng lipunan ukol sa kakapusan.

I have a doubt in movies zyk-sgqt-jrd



Is there a movie called zyk-sgqt-jrd?


Corn tortillas??
Corn or flour?



hope this helps


traditional tortillas are made from 100% corn, mass-produced versions may be made from dehydrated corn flour, or masa harina, with some wheat flour blended into it (1, 3). Nixtamalization is an important step that helps enhance the nutritional profile of the corn tortilla.

How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house,​



come here



plz help me answer this question plz​



Buddhism- Four Noble Truths(the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering) and karma

Hinduism-Dharma, Karma and Moksha

Islam-God is merciful, all-powerful, and unique

christianity- Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God


write five solution for the energy crisis of Nepal​?


Five solution for energy crisis of Nepal include:

Solar EnergyWind EnergyHydropower energyFuelwood energyBiogas energy

Meaning of Energy

Energy in this case can be defined as the sources of power. It also be said to be the capacity to carryout a specific work.

Energy is of two types and that is: The renewable energy and the non renewable energy

In conclusion, Nepal energy crisis can be resolved if they diversify there energy sources and use more renewable energy sources.

Learn more about Energy : https://brainly.com/question/13881533


National anthem has tied all the diverse groups of people with a common thread of nationality Justify the statement​


National anthem Has tied all the people with a common thread of nationality yes, its a correct statement National anthom helps us to be patroism for the country Each People of the country should sing national anthem To be patroit for the country the national anthem itself is a defination of A nation.

Introduce in brief the different types of society on the basis of language



Language is the primary tool for communication purposes, for establishing peace and order in our society, for showing authority and power, and for attaining goals and objectives. But, it can also destruct the society if it will use inappropriately. It must follow the conformity governing the society to avoid conflict s and to meet the boundary of individual differences.

Society however controls our language by giving us preferences as what are acceptable and not, because each one of us has our own perception or point of view. A group of people may accept our language, but for others, it could be kind of offence or insult. We must know how, when and where to say it and for what purpose.

Hope this helps.

'Nepal is a multi-geographical country.' Prove the statement giving examples.



Answer: Nepal is a multi-geographic country. ... Hence called 'Nepal is a yam caught between two rocks'. The total area of Nepal is 1, 47,181sq.km, where 92.94% is covered by land and the rest 7.06% is covered by water. It has 2, 926km total land border, where China touches1,236 km and India touches 1,690km.


Nepal is a multi-geographic country. It is located in the southern Asia, between the two large countries, China and India. ... The total area of Nepal is 1, 47,181sq.km, where 92.94% is covered by land and the rest 7.06% is covered by water


An old joke tells of an elephant that walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "Boy, have I got a problem. Elephants are supposed to have good memories and I can't remember a thing." "That's too bad," says the bartender, "Maybe I can help you with your problem." "What problem?" asks the elephant. The elephant in the story is demonstrating a deficiency in



short-term memory


The elephant is demonstrating a deficiency in short-term memory. This is because the elephant completely forgot about the current conversation that he was having with the bartender just a couple of seconds ago. Meaning that he is forgetting things happening in a short-time period after it happening. This occurs when the individual has short-term memory problems. That is why the elephant asks "What Problem?" since he forgot the entire conversation.

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Need a answer quick What is 3/4 as a percentage Describe What You See in the PlacardWhich cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s? 1. The parameter "a": Compare the graphs of several different exponential growth functions inMathematica to discover the significance of the parameter "a". Explain in detail what theparameter "a" tells you about the graph of an exponential growth function. 3. When Wassily Leontief tested the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, he found that in 1947 the United States was exporting relatively labor-intensive goods and importing relatively capital-intensive goods. This finding: A. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively capital-abundant. B. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively labor-abundant. C. Was never duplicated by other studies and has thus been labeled a paradox. D. Fit the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory concerning the trading patterns of a capital-abundant country. Mr. Mancuso plants tomatoes on 1/3 acre of land, corn on 3/4 acre, and carrots on 1/2 acre. On how many acres of land total did he plant?1 acres1 acres1 acres2 acres 2. En una divisin el dividendo es 445, el divisor es 32, el cociente es 14 y el resto es 7. Est bien hecha? Comprubalo de dos maneras diferentes What was prohibited by the 18th Amendment?A.the production, sale, and transportation of liquorB.the sale and transportation of slavesC.the production, sale, and transportation of gunsD.the sale and transportation of drugs Lines c and d are parallel lines cut by transversal p.Horizontal and parallel lines c and d are cut by transversal p. On line c where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 1, 2, 3, 4. On line d where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 5, 6, 7, 8.Which must be true by the corresponding angles theorem?A. 1 7B. 2 6C. 3 5D. 5 7 I cannot understand the instructions. they ''re....spanish ? Jamie is playing a game. On his first turn he gains 3points. On his second turn he loses 3 points. Whichexpression represents Jamie's score at the end of hissecond turn? please help will mark brainliest for answer with explanation, but will report if rubbish answers are giventhank you Suppose that you are working on a project where you are attempting to answer the following research question: What impact will new class size laws have on high schools? Two of the sources you have found on the topic are Source A and Source B (below). In your response, evaluate these two sources. Be sure to examine their credibility and their relevance to your research question. Your response should make a clear argument, use transitions to move between ideas, use specific details from the sources, maintain a formal style, and include a concluding statement. (15 points)Source A:"New Education Laws Passed" by Jim Jonathan, City News, March 15, 2012, page 1.Yesterday, lawmakers passed a series of changes to legislation affecting the state's schools. The new laws will alter the ways schools do business next year.Included in the new laws were changes in the numbers of students assigned to classrooms. The previous law allowed only 20 students to be assigned to each teacher's classroom in kindergarten through fifth grade. Middle school and high school classes were capped at 24. New laws remove those limits. Now the state will provide funding for one classroom teacher per 50 students attending the school. Individual school districts may use local funding to provide additional teachers or to come up with creative measures to reduce class sizes."We need to be more responsible with our taxpayers' money and children," said Representative Mike Davis. "We are in an economic recession and just don't have money to throw around."Some parents disagree, though. "I can't imagine my six-year-old trying to keep up with his reading when the teacher needs to make sure 40 or more kids are doing what they're supposed to." said Pat Patterson, father of two, "I don't know what these people are thinking."The new laws go into effect next month.Source B:"Really?" a letter to the editor by Marcia Thomas, City News, March 17, 2012, page 4.As a tenth-grade biology teacher for the last 20 years, I thought there was nothing left that could shock me. Boy, was I wrong!How exactly do these lawmakers, who probably haven't set foot in a public school classroom since they were in school themselves, propose that teachers manage 50 students at a time?Teachers are asked to do so much right now. We not only need to prepare our students to take end-of-course tests in our subject areas, we also need to get them ready to attend college or go into the workforce. On top of this, we are counselors, and sometimes we are even the ones who feed and clothe them. We do all this because we care about our youth. We think they matter.At the same time, we can do only so much. If we meet the high standards we set for ourselves under this new legislation, good health will be a thing of the past for us. Not only will we suffer, but the students will suffer as well.