During conjunction the genetic material will be transferred through

a. Capsule
b. Cell wall
c. Pili
d. Medium​


Answer 1




Answer 2

During conjunction the genetic material will be transferred through pilli.

What is conjugation?

During bacterial conjugation, genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another through a structure called a pilus (plural: pili). Pili are thin, hair-like projections that extend from the surface of the bacterial cell and are used for a variety of purposes, including adherence to surfaces and transfer of genetic material. When two bacterial cells are in close proximity to one another, one of the cells can extend a pilus towards the other cell.

The pilus will then make contact with the recipient cell and transfer a small piece of DNA, known as a plasmid, across the intercellular space. This process allows bacteria to exchange genetic material, which can lead to the acquisition of new traits and the spread of antibiotic resistance. Capsules, cell walls, and the surrounding medium are not involved in the transfer of genetic material during bacterial conjugation.

Learn more about conjugation, here:



Related Questions

Plant and animal cells are complex and contain many structures.

a. True
b. False



false ig because animal cell is not complex(i am not sure)

which of the following are examples of mechanical erosion/weathering

A. Wind blowing sand

B. water flowing over rock

C. a plant's roots cracking

D. none of the above

E. A & B only



c. a plant's roots cracking rock


C.) a plant's roots cracking  rock

What is meant by Vetebral Column?​


The vertebral column is a series of approximately 33 bones called vertebrae which are separated by intervertebral disc

The number of organisms that an area of land can sustain over a long period time is known as



Carrying Capacity


Plants are susceptible to bacterial infections, which can damage their structure or even kill them. Which of the following would be the best antibiotic to treat a plant that is infected with bacteria?
A) a drug that interferes with mitochondria function.
B) a drug that disrupts cell wall structure and function.
C) a drug that destroys the central vacuole.
D) a drug that blocks gene expression in circular chromosomes.



The correct answer is: D) a drug that blocks gene expression in circular chromosomes.


Antibiotics are the drugs that are mostly used when it comes to treating bacterial infections because of their effective mechanisms in killing bacteria and/or preventing their spread.

Bacteria have the ability to colonize and infect different organisms by making use of highly diverse mechanisms, some of which involve the use of toxins or the inhibition of the host's immune system.

Bacteria are prokaryotic individuals - instead of having a nucleus containing DNA in multiple chromosomes like eukaryotes have, they have one single circular chromosome that holds all or most of all their genetic information. If we wanted to treat a plant (which is a eukaryotic being) for a bacterial infection, we should aim to block the expression of genes in circular chromosomes, which is a distinct feature in bacteria.

If we were to give the plant a drug that interferes with mitochondria function or destroys the central vacuole, we would only be affecting plant cells and probably killing the plant. A drug that disrupts cell walls would affect the bacteria but would kill the plant as well (both organisms have cell walls). The only viable option out of the mentioned is using a drug that inhibits gene expression in circular chromosomes.

__________ law, which helps explain the critical closing pressure, states that the force that stretches the vascular wall is proportional to the diameter of the vessel times the blood pressure.



Laplace law


Have a nice day :)

As a general rule, should sample turbidity corresponds to sample fluorescence in liquid E.coli cultures?



Throughout the explanation segment, the description of the query is presented below.


The turbidity spectrometer depending on the intensity isn't a trustworthy indication of microbial cell numbers. However, these should still be utilized as parameter estimates instead of the exact numbers.Benefits at all from the measurement of the radiation reflected by both acutely and chronically organisms, since adsorption capacities change as a result of the current microbiological composition.

Natural selection was acting on the population of radish plants. Which of the following DOES NOT satisfy a condition of natural selection as it relates to our radish populations?

a. there was a purple phenotype and a white phenotype
b. the R allele produced a white plant, and rr produced purple plants
c. competition was affecting the reproductive success of at least one of the morphs
d. our populations of radishes were small
e. all of the above are examples of conditions necessary and sufficient for evolution by natural selection



d. our populations of radishes were small


Natural selection is a type of evolution that allows only individuals with favorable characteristics and better adapted to the environment to survive and reproduce offspring with the same favorable characteristics. In this case, to observe a population where natural selection is taking place, population sizes can be disregarded, as this is not a condition for natural selection to take place. However, the other conditions presented in the response options are necessary for natural selection, since it is necessary that there are different phenotypes and genotypes in the population and that competition between them promotes the survival of one group at the expense of the other.

Pistil is the male reproductive part of the plant.

True or false?



false bestie, that's a women's




 Why is if imporrant to find a location to build your house?



It's the most important factor when buying real estate. Location matters, even the location inside the neighborhood will have a large impact on your home's value. ... You want to buy on the low end of the neighborhood's price range because the other homes in your neighborhood will bring your value up

Location is the key to valuable real estate. Homes in cities that have little room for expansion tend to be more valuable than those in cities that have plenty of room. Consider the accessibility, appearance, and amenities of a neighborhood as well as plans for development as well.

Match the names of the microscope parts in column A with the descriptions in column B. Place the letter of your choice in the space provided.

Column A Column B
a. Adjustment knob (coarse) _______ 1.   Increases or decreases the light intensity
b. Arm _______ 2.   Platform that supports a microscope slide
c. Condenser _______ 3.   Concentrates light onto the specimen
d. Eyepiece (ocular) _______ 4.   Causes stage (or objective lens) to move upward or downward
e. Field of view _______ 5.   After light passes through the specimen, it next enters this lens system
f. Iris diaphragm _______ 6.   Holds a microscope slide in position
g. Nosepiece _______ 7.   Contains a lens at the top of the body tube
h. Objective lens system _______ 8.   Serves as a handle for carrying the microscope
i. Stage _______ 9.   Part to which the objective lenses are attached
j. Stage (slide) clip _______ 10.   Circular area seen through the eyepiece



Adjustment knob (coarse) ---> Causes stage (or objective lens) to move upward or downward

Arm ---> Serves as a handle for carrying the microscope

Condenser ---> Concentrates light onto the specimen

Eyepiece (ocular) ---> Contains a lens at the top of the body tube

Field of view ---> Circular area seen through the eyepiece

Iris diaphragm ---> Increases or decreases the light intensity

Nosepiece ---> Part to which the objective lenses are attached

Objective lens system ---> After light passes through the specimen, it next enters this lens system


The microscope is an essential equipment used in science laboratories to view objects which are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Also certain processes which occur at the microscopic level can only be observed using a microscope.

There are many different types of microscopes. The compound light microscope is the one most commonly used in biological laboratories to view tissues and cells of organisms. It uses visible light which passes through two separate lens to magnify the image produced of a specimen.

The various parts of compound light microscope and their respective functions are given below:

Adjustment knob (coarse) ---> Causes stage (or objective lens) to move upward or downward

Arm ---> Serves as a handle for carrying the microscope

Condenser ---> Concentrates light onto the specimen

Eyepiece (ocular) ---> Contains a lens at the top of the body tube

Field of view ---> Circular area seen through the eyepiece

Iris diaphragm ---> Increases or decreases the light intensity

Nosepiece ---> Part to which the objective lenses are attached

Objective lens system ---> After light passes through the specimen, it next enters this lens system

Stage ---> Platform that supports a microscope slide

Stage (slide) clip ---> Holds a microscope slide in position

The correct match between microscope parts and names are:

A. adjustment knob (coarse)  - 4.

B. Arm - 8.

C. Condenser - 3.

D. eyepiece (ocular) - 7.

E. Field of view - 10

F. Iris Diaphragm - 1

G. Nosepiece - 9

H. objective lens system - 5

I. Stage - 2

The microscope is an important piece of equipment used in biological science that helps in view objects that can not be seen by the naked eye. It is also used in various branches of science used to see certain processes that occur at the microscopic level.

A. adjustment knob (coarse)  - Causes stage or objective lens to move up or down B. Arm - Serves as a handle for carrying the microscopeC. Condenser - focus or concentrates light onto the specimenD. eyepiece (ocular) - Contains a lens at the top of the body tubeE. Field of view - Circular area can be seen through the eyepieceF. Iris Diaphragm - helps to Increases or decreases the light intensityG. Nosepiece - Part to which the objective lenses are attachedH. objective lens system - After light passes through the specimen, it next enters this lens systemI. Stage -  Platform that supports a microscope slide

Learn more about microscopes:


Match the structural formula to the chemical formula for this substance.







Just did it on edge...




Edge 2021

Over the past few hundred years, the human population on Earth has



7.9 billion

in June 2021 to the United nations Estimated elaborted by worldmeter.

Determine the new concentration, in mg/mL, of the starch solution you diluted in the Erlenmeyer flask. Recall from the Procedures that there are 20 mg/mL of starch in the 2% solution. Use that to determine the milligrams of starch in the diluted starch solution. Then, divide the milligrams of starch by the total volume of the solution, which includes the water plus the starch solution. Record your results for use in future questions.
a. 2 mg/mL
b. 0.05 mg/mL
c. 0.2 mg/mL
d. 10 mg/mL



0.05 mg/mL  ( B )


Given data:

20 mg/ml starch

2% solution = 2g of solute is in 100g of solvent

Determine the new concentration in mg/ml

Dilution equation = C1V1 = C2V2

new concentration ; applying the dilution factor

dilution factor = 1 : 400 ; ( 2 /400 )g = 0.005 g of solute is present in every  100 mL

∴ new concentration = 0.00005 g / 1 mL * ( 1000 mg / 1g ) = 0.05 mg/mL

Critical thinking is the ability to reason and solve problems using facts and concepts. These questions can be approached from a number of angles, and in most cases, they do not have a single correct answer.
Give the common name of a eukaryotic microbe that is unicellular, walled, nonphotosynthetic, nonmotile, and bud-forming.





The correct answer would be yeast.

Yeast belongs to the fungi kingdom. Organisms in the fungi kingdom are generally eukaryotic in that their cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondrion. Fungal cells lack chlorophyll and are therefore nonphotosynthetic. They are also nonmotile

While fungi exhibit different body forms in terms of body complexity, the only unicellular form is yeast. The organism possesses all the attributes of fungi highlighted above, has a cell wall made largely of chitin, and reproduces through budding.

Answer: Yeast.


Yeasts are eukaryotic organisms, more precisely microscopic fungi that do not form filamentous networks (hyphae), classified as ascomycetes or basidiomycetes and are predominantly unicellular in their life cycle. The cell wall of yeasts is composed of complex "B"-glucan polysaccharides, mannoproteins and chitin. Also, yeast are non-motile organisms when they grownon a solid media.

They usually reproduce asexually by budding or bipartition and by having sexual stages that are not attached to a sporocarp (fruiting body). During asexual reproduction, a new bud emerges from the mother yeast when suitable conditions are met, after which the bud separates from the mother upon reaching adult size. In the case that they reproduce sexually, this occurs by means of ascospores or basidiospores. In conditions of nutrient scarcity, yeasts that are able to reproduce sexually will form ascospores.

Yeasts are important because of their ability to carry out the decomposition by fermentation (predominantly alcoholic) of various organic compounds, mainly sugars or carbohydrates, producing different substances. Therefore, they do not photosynthesize to obtain energy, since they do not possess chlorophyll (pigment responsible for capturing solar energy for photosynthesis).

At her initial evaluation, Ms. Jones reports that she has lost 25 pounds over the past eight months despite an increase in her appetite. She complains of extreme fatigue, heart palpitations and irritability. Clinical observations reveal a protrusion of the eyeballs and hand tremors. You suspect that she might have:

a. hypothyroidism
b. diabetes mellitus
c. hypopituitarism
d. hyperthyroidism



d. hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland in our body secretes too much of the thyroxin hormone. Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is located in our neck and it produces the hormone called thyroxin. Excess production of thyroxin leads to a condition named hyperthyroidism.

A person's metabolism increases when he or she is suffering from hyperthyroidism. One's weight is lost but the appetite increases. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, sweating and puffy eyes.

Thus in the context, Ms. Jones is suspect to have hyperthyroidism as she she is showing all the above symptoms.

The oxidase test is another biochemical test used to distinguish aerobic versus anaerobic metabolism in microbes. Research the oxidase test and describe how it is performed. Include examples of oxidase-positive and oxidase-negative microbes in your answer.


The Bacillus genus is usually negative in regards for the Oxidase test.

Oxidase test is a biochemical test that is used to identify organisms that produce the enzyme  oxidase.

Oxidase test is used to distinguish aerobic from anaerobic metabolism in microbes.

Aerobic metabolism is the use of oxygen to generate energy from a food source while anaerobic metabolism is the generation of energy with the absence of oxygen.

The procedure of oxidase test includes:

Place a piece of filter paper in a clean petri dish and add 2 or 3 drops of freshly prepared oxidase reagent.Using a piece of stick or glass rod (not anoxidized wire loop), remove a colony of the test organism and smear it on the filter paper.Look for the development of a blue-purplecolour within a few seconds as shown in colour

Blue purple colour signifies oxidase positive organisms which includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Colourless signifies oxidase negative organisms which includes Escherichia coli

Learn more here:


What are carbohydrates?
O Water is non-polar which is why other compounds will dissolve in it
O Macromolecules composed of amino acids
O Non-water soluble macromolecules with a high proportion of hydrocarbons
O Macromolecules composed of nucleotides



O Non-water soluble macromolecules with a high proportion of hydrocarbons


Carbohydrates are one of the four biological molecules in nature (asides from proteins, nucleic acid, and lipids). Carbohydrates are a complex polymer consisting of several chains of carbon and hydrogen (hydrocarbons).

According to this question, carbohydrates are non-water soluble macromolecules with a high proportion of hydrocarbons.

What is the result of a mutation during meiosis


The result of Mutation increases during meiosis is the answer to this question


There's a change in the DNA sequence


If a mutation occurs in cells that will make gametes by meiosis or during meiosis itself, it can be passed on to offspring and contribute to genetic variability of the population. Mutations are the sole source of genetic variability that can occur in asexual reproduction. But the effects of mutations can vary widely, from being beneficial, to having no effect, to having lethal consequences, and every possibility in between.

which definition best describes a buffer?



where are the options


A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH upon the addition of a small amount of strong acid or strong base. ... A buffer is composed of a mixture·of a weak acid its conjugate base. (Sometimes a solution that is technically a buffer does NOT resist changes in pH.

how many hydrogen atoms are contained in a singleolecule of sucrose A, 6 B,12 C,22 D,24​



C 22


Factors determine energy a human being requires in a day


Human energy requirements are estimated from measures of energy expenditure plus the additional energy needs for growth, pregnancy and lactation. Recommendations for dietary energy intake from food must satisfy these requirements for the attainment and maintenance of optimal health, physiological function and well-being. The latter (i.e. well-being) depends not only on health, but also on the ability to satisfy the demands imposed by society and the environment, as well as all the other energy-demanding activities that fulfil individual needs.

Energy balance is achieved when input (i.e. dietary energy intake) is equal to output (i.e. total energy expenditure), plus the energy cost of growth in childhood and pregnancy, or the energy cost to produce milk during lactation. When energy balance is maintained over a prolonged period, an individual is considered to be in a steady state. This can include short periods during which the day-to-day balance between intake and expenditure does not occur. An optimal steady state is achieved when energy intake compensates for total energy expenditure and allows for adequate growth in children, and pregnancy and lactation in women, without imposing metabolic, physiological or behavioural restrictions that limit the full expression of a person’s biological, social and economic potential.

Within certain limits, humans can adapt to transient or enduring changes in energy intake through possible physiological and behavioural responses related to energy expenditure and/or changes in growth. Energy balance is maintained, and a new steady state is then achieved. However, adjustments to low or high energy intakes may sometimes entail biological and behavioural penalties, such as reduced growth velocity, loss of lean body mass, excessive accumulation of body fat, increased risk of disease, forced rest periods, and physical or social limitations in performing certain activities and tasks. Some of these adjustments are important and may even increase the chances of survival in times of food scarcity.

What does it mean to say science is a systematic process


Science is a systematic process by

How is the equilibrium of an ecosystem maintained?



Biodiversity provide stability to the ecosystem and maintains the ecological balance. Plants and animals in ecosystem are linked to each other through food chain and food web. The loss of one species in the ecosystem affects the survival of other species. Thus the ecosystem becomes fragile



If the last carbon atom of an unsaturated fatty acid is bonded to two hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom, what type of bond must exist between the last carbon and the other carbon atom?






Double bond must exist between the last carbon and the other carbon atom.

What s unsaturated fatty acid?

Unsaturated fats are commonly biosynthesized by a one of a kind dehydrogenation response called desaturation. The science of this change is wonderful in its selectivity.

The development and use of novel robotic tests (deutero-, fluoro-, thia-containing substrate analogs) has prompted a more refined comprehension of how unsaturated fat desaturases and related compounds complete their super particular oxidation science. The stereochemistry and request of hydrogen expulsion has been inspected for various solvent and layer bound desaturses.

Learn more about Unsaturated fatty acid here:



What sugars are composed of short chains


The monosaccharides glucose, fructose, and galactose are single sugar molecules. The disaccharides sucrose, lactose, and maltose are double sugar molecules. Complex carbohydrates are chains of more than two sugar molecules. Short carbohydrate chains are called oligosaccharides and contain 3 to 10 sugar molecules.

A(n) is a molecule, cell, or organ that directly carries out a response to a stimulus and restores homeostasis.



Red blood cells and the heart causes response to stimuli

High altitude adaptation is a complex physiological process that involves an increase in both the number of Hb molecules per erythrocyte and the total number of erythrocytes. It normally requires several weeks to complete. However, even after one day at high altitude, there is a significant degree of adaptation. This effect results from a rapid increase in the erythrocyte BPG concentration.

a. Try to do this without looking at the graphs. If oxygen-binding curves for both high altitude adapted hemoglobin and normal, unadapted Hb were plotted together, would the curve for high altitude adapted Hb be to the left of, to the right of or the same as the curve for unadapted Hb? Explain.
b. Is the oxygen binding affinity of high-altitude adapted Hb higher, lower, or the same as that of unadapted Hb? Explain.



a. To the right

b. higher


From the information given:


The oxygen-adsorption curve of the elevated high altitude modified the hemoglobin and this will move to the right because there is a reduced amount of oxygen available at high altitude, as well as an increase in carbon dioxide and H+ ion concentration, temperature, and all of which raise pH and shifts the curve towards the right.


As there is a low relative partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude, the oxygen-binding attraction of high altitude adaptable hemoglobin is greater and higher than that of unadapted hemoglobin under pulmonary oxygen loading. This is important to optimize the oxygen concentration levels in blood circulation and blood tissues.

which organism in the food web might be found in the first tropic level of a food chain



Acorns would be found at the first trophic level of a food chain.


Determine whether each statement describes mitosis, melosis, or both mitosis and melosis.



This question is incomplete as it lacks statements, the statements and the answers are as follows:

occurs in organisms that sexually reproduce - MEIOSIS

occurs during growth and development - MITOSIS

the DNA is replicated - MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS

occurs in all organisms - MITOSIS

the number of chromosomes remains the same - MITOSIS

the number of chromosomes reduces by half - MEIOSIS


Meiosis and mitosis are both types of cellular divisions that occur in living cells. Mitosis involves the formation of two (2) daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell while meiosis involves the formation of four (4) daughter cells that are genetically different from the parent cell.

The following are characteristics of the two division processes based on this question:


- It occurs during growth and development of an organism.

- it involves DNA replication

- it occurs in all organisms since every living organism undergoes growth and development.

- the number of chromosomes after mitosis remains the same in the daughter cell i.e. 2n remains 2n


- It occurs only in organisms that sexually reproduce.

- it also involves the replication of DNA

- The number of chromosomes in the daughter cells is reduced by half i.e. 2n to n.

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