During which days of the menstrual cycle does the level of FSH increase?


Answer 1


During the first week after menses (in a 28 days cycle), FSH continues to increase, the follicles grow intensely and FSH increases the expression of its own receptor and of the LH receptor on the granulosa cells.

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in blue are from the male parent. Predict the gametes that can be created from this organism and explain the reason these different gametes are



I predict that the gametes will be unique from their parents.


I predict that the chromosomes will pair up, with each pair having a red chromosome and a blue chromosome, then they'll cross over and exchange similar genetic information with each other. I think this because variety is important for any species for survival.

As regards the use of animal models,

Select one:

Animals can model anything in the realm of human psychology

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Rats can drive little cars

All of the other answers are correct



b number is the answer is it ok

Steven wants to decorate his office surroundings with different ornamental plants. Which professional should Steven consult? ОА soil scientist OB. biotechnologist OC. horticulturists OD. agricultural engineer​


Answer: the correct option is C (horticulturists)


ORNAMENTAL PLANTS are defined as those plants that has outstanding and unique flowers, fragrance an interesting shape, colorful or unusual bark, excellent fall color, or a combination of these and other features. While some of these plants add framework and structure to the garden and provide at least a little shade.; others also make great background plants for shrub and flower borders.

HORTICULTURISTS are individuals that deals with the aspect of agriculture which involves the cultivation of plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, ornamental trees, maintaining nurseries, gardens, orchards and plantations. To be more specific, ornamental horticulturist are those that works with plants used in decoration or recreation, which is mostly done at a nursery, floral shop, landscaping or office surroundings.

1) Explain how trees cool the environment ??



Trees cool the environment by shading small areas.

Trees cool the air by shading. They cool the air during the process of ‘transpiration cooling’.

on a molecular level why does lifting weights consume energy



to contract a muscle, myosin and actin filaments shorten, requiring ATP binding and hydrolysis


hopes it help

Sponges (phylum: Porifera) are animals that possess feeding cells called collar cells. These cells have a central flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. The collar filters organic matter out of the water column. Which protist shares a more recent common ancestor with the poriferans


Answer: Choanoflagellates


Protists are organisms that have both plant and animal like characteristics. Some protists develop more plant like characteristics and others more animal like characteristics. Choanoflagellates are the protists which looks like animals called sponges. These protists are single celled organisms. Their function is similar to collar cells of the sponges that is they produce current in water that draws water and food particles via the body of sponges and they filter the food particles through their microvilli.

explain how the mammalian skin perform it's role as a thermoregulatory



The skin contains many blood capillaries and sweat glands ,the sweat glands secrete sweat when it is hot.when the sweat evaporates from the skin it cools the body.thermoregulation by the skin occurs through dilation and constriction of the blood vessels.when the bodies temperature raises,the blood vessels carry heat in the blood to the skin.the blood capillaries dilate become wider so that more heat can be lost to the environment.this is called vasodilation.when the outside temperature is low,the blood capillaries constrict become narrower so that less blood flows to the surface of the skin.therefore less heat is lost to the environment this is called vasoconstriction.

I hope this helps

Which of the following is false concerning Salmonella and Shigella? A. Shigella are H2S + and motile, Salmonella are H2S - and nonmotile. B. Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid fever with serious systemic spread. C. Shigella cause bacillary dysentery. D. There is a capsule and an attenuated living vaccine for typhoid fever. E. Shigella dysenteriae produces the most severe form of shigellosis and may lead to HUS and kidney damage due to production of Shiga toxin.



A. Shigella are H2S + and motile, Salmonella are H2S - and nonmotile


Shigella is a genus of Gram-negative (i.e.,  they have a cell wall composed of a thin layer of peptidoglycan), nonmotile, and facultative anaerobic bacteria; whereas Salmonella species are Gram-negative and facultative anaerobic bacteria. Moreover, Salmonella are motile bacteria, in a similar way to other human pathogenic bacteria (e.g., Vibrio cholerae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli). Salmonella can produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from thiosulfate or sulfite; whereas Shigella species are unable to produce hydrogen sulfide. Typhoid fever, also known as enteric fever, is an infection caused by S. typhi that can spread throughout the body and affect different organs (i.e., it is a multisystemic illness). Vivotif (Typhoid Vaccine Live Oral Ty21a) is a live attenuated bacterial vaccine used for oral administration only; whereas Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine (ViCPS) is a vaccine administered by injection. Finally, shigellosis is an infection that affects the digestive system caused by Shigella bacteria. In this regard, S. dysenteriae produces a potent cytotoxin known as 'Shiga toxin' that may cause local destruction of the colonic epithelium.

Why does geographic isolation cause speciation?
A. It increases gene flow between populations.
B. It allows two populations to evolve separately.
C. It increases interbreeding between populations.
D. It causes adaptive radiation.


B. It allows two populations to evolve separately.

Geographic isolation is theorized to have catalyzed the formation of new species. Let’s say groups B and D of a bird species get separated by something, and they can’t cross between to interbreed or exchange alleles.

We describe this as no gene flow, which is the opposite of choices A and C. Because of this, they may diverge if given enough time due to the difference in environmental pressures, because they’re now in different environments.

D is incorrect because it doesn’t apply.

_______ are disturbances caused by humans
Anthropogenic factors
Primary succession forces
Human interventions



I think the answer is Human interventions!!!

the life cycle of animals


First birth then growth, reproduction and then death.

These are the 4 factors that take place in the circle of life of an animal

Which of the following parts of a prokaryote is the part of the cell membrane that is folded in and thought to be used
for helping DNA replicate?
A. Mesosome
B. Genophore
C. Peptidoglycan
D. Cell wall





: an organelle of bacteria that appears as an invagination of the plasma membrane and functions either in DNA replication and cell division or excretion of exoenzymes.

The following part of the cell membrane that is folded in and thought to be used for helping DNA replicate is the mesosome. The correct option is A.

What is mesosome?

Mesosome is a round organelle that is present in prokaryotic organisms like bacteria. These organisms present as introversion in the plasma membrane. This organ helps in many functions of the cell like DNA replication and cell division.

DNA replication is a process of replicating DNA in other cells. It happens in the process of cell division. In bacteria cells, mesosomes help in the distribution of DNA into the daughter cells during the division.

Thus, the correct option is A. Mesosome regarding the organelle present in the bacteria helps in DNA replication.

To learn more about mesosomes, refer to the link:



What kind of claim type does this statement make? Abbey Road is a much better album than Let It Bleed.

Select one:


A . Value because that’s your valued opinion

The kind of claim type does this statement is the value claim.

A claim of value refered to something as either good or bad, or that one thing is better than another thing.

Example of value: Abbey road album is better than let it bleed.

Conclusively we can therefore say that option A is the answer that best fit the statement above.

Learn more from


Story Aboutt
dorbar you
have withered​



can u please write the correct name of the story

someone knows the answer would help me



I just responded to you so therefore my response to you is the answer.


Have a great Day;)

Green house effect is caused by a) Green plants b) Infra red rays c) UV rays d)X-ray​


I think C is the answer
It is caused by c) Infrared rays ! ☺️ hope I helped!

 what happens when transitioning between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?


When it passes between photosynthesis and respiration, the carbon atom does not change. Atom bonds are removed from three carbon molecules during various processes. Molecules take in glucose and oxygen and then go through fermentation which does not need oxygen.

to what do you attribute the odors of anaerobic decomposition




Bert has blonde hair (b). Molly has brown hair (B), but her genotype is Bb, meaning she carries a recessive blonde allele. What is the likelihood of Bert and Molly's second child having brown hair?





Iif you do a punnet square you get Bb, Bb, bb, and bb

since blond is represneted by the recessive bb it's a 50% the child will have blond hair







Biomagnification results in higher amounts of toxic substances for organisms on the food chain



Biomagnification results is higher in amount of toxin substances so the answer is true


A tall plant is crossed with a short plant, and the progeny are all intermediate in size between the two parental plants. If the intermediate F1 progeny were allowed to self-pollinate, and the F2 progeny were also intermediate in size, but following a normal distribution, this would suggest



A tall plant is crossed with a short plant, and the progeny are all intermediate in size between the two parental plants. If the intermediate F1 progeny were allowed to self-pollinate, and the F2 progeny were also intermediate in size, but following a normal distribution, this would suggest polygenic inheritance.


Two or more genes contribute to the determination of a certain trait in polygenic inheritance.

What is polygenic inheritance?

When a tall plant and a short plant are crossed, all the offspring fall between the two parents plants in terms of height.

It would indicate polygenic inheritance if the intermediate F1 progeny were permitted to self-pollinate and the F2 progeny had intermediate sizes and followed a normal distribution.

Consequently, one personality trait is managed through is controlled by at least two other genes, at least two additional genes.

Therefore, If the intermediate F1 progeny were allowed to self-pollinate, and the F2 progeny were also intermediate in size, but following a normal distribution, indicate polygenic inheritance.

Learn more about polygenic inheritance here:



What did each of the bottles represent? What does the water represent?


The bottles represent the world, and the water represents the people inside the world


The bottles represent the left and right sides of the heart. The water represents blood that flows through the circulatory system.


Which answer option below describes the best way to increase the accuracy of a
confidence interval calculation?


The answer is c but this has to be twenty characters long

The accuracy of a confidence interval calculation can be increased from  95% to 99%.

Thus, option C is correct.

What is confidence interval?

A confidence interval contain a population parameter in a specified proportion of the time, which can be computed using the given confidence level from a limitless level of individual sample.

The proportion of the range consists of the true value of the factor that will be identical to the confidence level.

In most of the confidence interval examples, the confidence level chosen is 95%. and it can be raise up to 99%.

It cannot estimate the plausible values of the unknown parameter of the population.

Two types of confidence interval observed such as accuracy which is defined based on whether the confidence interval contains the true population parameter or not.

Secondly, the precision defined in terms of the width of a confidence interval.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about confidence interval, here:



Which of the following organelles can be found in plants AND animals?
A. Mitochondria
B. Chloroplasts
C. Vacuole
D. Cell wall



Mitochondria can be found in plants and animals

From large to small:
RBC, WBC, platelets
RBC, platelets, WBC
WBC, platelets, RBC
WBC, RBC, platelets



WBC, RBC, platelets


Took a medical class

how does Fibrocartilage receive it's nutrients?



There are no blood vessels in cartilage. As a result, the nourishment of cells inside the cartilage matrix is reliant on nutrients diffused through the matrix from blood capillaries in the perchondrium and/or surrounding tissues.


Semen and urine both exit the body through the _____.

seminiferous tubules



vas deferens


They both travel through the “urethra”

In most cases of multiple myeloma, the excess antibodies found in the blood all share an identical protein sequence (thus they have the same structure). Consider such a case where all of the antibodies are identical and think about the cell(s) of origin. How many different B cell clones gave rise to this immune cancer?


Answer: One single B cell clone gave rise to this immune cancer.


The body's cells divide and grow in a completely regulated manner, following an orderly cell cycle that indicates when a cell should die by apoptosis. With this regulation, it is controlled that there are no aging or mutated cells that grow and affect the organism. Cancer is a genetic disease caused by changes in these genes that control how our cells function. These changes, genetic mutations, can occur randomly in the body or can be inherited from parents. When a cell has its functions altered, they begin to grow out of control and in doing so, form masses called tumors that consume the body's resources and energy and crowd out normal cells, preventing them from fulfilling the biological functions necessary for life. Practically, any cell can become a cancer cell and migrate to other areas of the body.

Multiple myeloma is a type of plasma cell cancer. These cells are found in the bone marrow (tissue inside the bones) and are an important component of the immune system, which is made up of several types of cells that work together to fight pathogens and disease. Some cell types are B and T lymphocytes, and myeloid cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells, etc. When B cells respond to an infection with the participation of T cells that present pathogen-derived antigens to them, they mature into plasma cells. Plasma cells produce antibodies that help the body attack and destroy pathogens as well as cancer cells. These antibodies are proteins that bind to antigens that are also proteins found on the surface of the pathogens or cells to be attacked and "mark" them for destruction by other types of immune cells, such as macrophages or neutrophils.

When the plasma cells become cancerous and grow out of control, this is called multiple myeloma, and the mutated plasma cells produce abnormal antibodies. The overgrowth of plasma cells in the bone marrow can crowd out normal blood cell-producing cells, causing low blood cell counts. This can cause anemia which is characterized by a shortage of red blood cells, and thrombocytopenia which means a low level of platelets in the blood causing increased bleeding and bruising. Another condition that can occur is leukopenia (a shortage of normal white blood cells), which can cause problems fighting infections.

Then, the abnormal antibodies produced by the cancerous plasma cells will have the same amino acid sequence and therefore the same structure. Remember that an antibody is a protein, and proteins are a polymer of amino acids. This amino acid sequence is determined by the genes since each gene consists of a sequence of nitrogenous bases and every three bases read by the ribosomal apparatus (the one that synthesizes proteins), an amino acid is synthesized. Therefore, if we consider that cancer originates from a single cell that suffered a mutation in its genes and began to divide in an uncontrolled manner, the daughter cells (which are genetically identical to the mother cell) derived from this mutated cell will have the same genes (in this case, altered because they divide and grow in an uncontrolled and deregulated manner). This tells us that a single mutated B cell gave rise to this cancer.

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