What is the features of world English literature​


Answer 1


English Literature refers to the study of texts from around the world, written in the English language. ... An English Literature major will likely examine texts including poetry, drama, and prose fiction, perhaps briefly covering more contested forms of literature in their chosen path.

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Identify the first main point.


Vas happenin!
Hope your day or night is going well
The main point is why I like chocolate the 1 sentence is the main point of the paragraph

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what is the question


explain this statement "I can set limits and still be a loving person"​



This means you can restrict yourself of certain actions and still have a loving heart aside it.

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#1 mechanic
#2 i believe, a band of wine

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1. I'm looking for a Multi-Use Storage Center with Drawers. This addition will facilitate the organizing of supplies and educational activities and crafts for children. This will be situated on a red carpet to avoid distracting youngsters while the more focused topic is being taught.

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Read the following excerpt from a biography on Mark Twain and answer the question.

Samuel Langhorn Clemens, Mark Twain, was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30,1835. The experience of his life prepared him as a writer, an American writer. He worked as a printer, then apprenticed himself as a river pilot on the Mississippi, and eventually became one of the best. He worked at mining activities in Nevada. In 1862, he took a position on the Virginia City Enterprise where he first used the name Mark Twain, which was a riverboat pilot expression.

He went to the West Coast and worked for a while on the San Francisco newspaper, Morning Call. After leaving there, he went to Calaveras County to try his hand at mining. In 1865, he was asked by Artemus Ward to write a humorous sketch. He signed it "Mark Twain," and his reputation began on the eastern seaboard. In 1866, he was sent by the Sacramento Union to Hawaii. Unexpectedly, in 1867, he sailed abroad and wrote letters that were to become the book, The Innocents Abroad. With that book he became the most famous humorist of his time. In July, 1869, The Innocents Abroad was published. On February 2,1870, he married Olivia Langdon.

What is the best way to describe the language used in this excerpt?

informal language
formal language
critical language
objective language



the answer is "informal language"

what do all organism meed? selecet three options
nerves system
a place to live



all organism need water, food, a place to live

many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job after graduating from University ​





Aug 12, 2021 · Many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job. many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job after graduating from University .

some one my stole my pen



Someone has stolen my pen


English is very dynamic to an extend that we all make mistakes. Buh b4 you speak you have to think twice.

Bill's mother is ill. He has to do all of the cooking and cleaning. (because of)



because if his mother illness..


hope this will help you

Question 2 of 10
While writing a persuasive piece, which appeal should you use to get your
audience to believe and trust you?
A. Pathos
B. Tone
C. Ethos
D. Simile


I think the choose (C) Ethos

I hope I helped you ^_^

Alexander is entering an essay competition for the topic "Does voting matter?" He decides to use the classical argument model for his essay. At the end of his introduction, he writes a thesis statement in which he argues that people should vote because recent elections have been decided by very small margins. His body paragraphs discuss counterarguments to his viewpoint that voting does, in fact, matter. Finally, he concludes by urging his readers to vote in their next election. Which component of the classical argument model has Alexander forgotten? a.) Providing an evidence-based discussion of his claim b.) Considering alternative viewpoints and how they interact with his own c.) Concluding with a call to action d.) Introducing the topic of his essay





The correct response is - To provide an evidence-based discussion of his claim. Therefore option a is the correct response.

What is the competition?

In economics, competition is a situation in which one company tries to be more successful than another. One business may be trying to sell more than a rival. It may also be striving to gain greater market share. Often, several companies are competing. The word refers to a race, in which the suppliers of goods or services try to beat their rivals.

In a non-business context, the word refers to a contest or rivalry involving at least two competitors. We use the term in sports, nature, science, social groups, etc. In fact, we use it in any situation in which one entity is trying to beat at least one other entity.

To read more about competition, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/29015369


However, not everyone is convinced that genetically modified foods are beneficial. Opponents say that too little research has been done on the effects of GMOs on humans and on the environment. They argue that GMOs could be creating new poisons. They are also concerned about what might happen if genetically modified plants breed with wild plants. Some farmers are concerned about the possibility of inadvertently crossbreeding GMO plants with non-GMO plants. For example, if the pollen from a GMO plant blows into their organic field, now that organic crop could become a GMO crop. The possibility also exists that all this interbreeding could lead to new strains of herbicide-resistant super-weeds.

What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?


The topic sentence of the paragraph is; Opponents say that too little research has been done on the effects of GMOs on humans and on the environment.

What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

A topic sentence as the name implies is one which summarizes the main idea of a paragraph. It is the first sentence in a paragraph in most cases. Otherwise known as the main idea as it the writer’s position on that topic, it encapsulates or organizes an entire paragraph.

However, in this case, it is the second sentence.

Read more on topic sentence;



Which statement best describes the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence?


Answer: It describes why the colonists wanted to be free from Britain and what led to their decision to fight against British rule.


The Declaration of Independence refers to the pronouncement that was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776 during their meeting in Pennsylvania.

The document stated that the thirteen colonies were now sovereign and has become independent states and therefore the British rule isn't recognized anymore and now referred to as the United States.

The main ideas of the Declaration of Independence include the fact that all men are equal by God and that everyone has some rights which the government should protect and if any government wants to withhold such rights, the people can then revolt.

The historical significance of the Declaration of Independence was that it describes why the colonists wanted to be free from Britain and what led to their decision to fight against British rule.




what is a accounting?​



Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. ... The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company's operations, financial position and cash flows

write an Essay "Innovative Ideas for Zero Plastic waste in School Events" within 500 to 800 words.​



1) Make reusable water bottles​ part of school culture

2) Find refill points​

3) Cut out single-use straws and dessert pots

4) Switch to metal cutlery​

5) Switch to reusable sandwich wraps (not just tin foil)

6) use a reusable drinking bottle

7)Create a reusable “party kit” for school events


. All researchers must---------- this week’s session on laboratory policies.
(A) attend (B) comply (C) inspect (D) apply



(A) attend


hpe it helps.....

He plays the trumpet.
Change into Negative form​



He doesn't play the trumpet



Negation of "He plays the trumpet." is "He doesn't play the trumpet."

Hope this helps :)

There is no difference between a drama and a novel, each of tell a story



I think that's truth hope this will be correct answer

Which of the following sentences shows an adverb modifying a verb?
A. The extremely fast criminal escaped the police.
B. The daily newspaper arrived.
C. The movie was interesting
D. Bobby should be arriving soon.



I think number D.

is the write answer


and thanks for asking question

The sentence that shows an adverb that modifying a verb is that the Bobby should be arriving soon. Option D is correct.

What is adverb?

An adverb is defined as a word that changes or describes some other word, such as a procedural, a verb, or even a whole sentence. Example, I had brought a pen.

Some examples are:

   He makes well.    He eats very fast    Rama plays harmonium    He ran slowly.    Sunita spoke softly.    James coughed slowly to not attract her attention.    He plays the guitar attractively.

Noun the words “early,” “slowly,” “home,” and “hard” are all adverbs in the phrases “runs slowly,” “arrived early,” “stayed home,” and “works hard.” The sentence that “Bobby should be arriving soon” is also fall under this category, and this sentence fulfills the rules of the adverb.

Therefore, option D is correct that the Bobby should be arriving soon.

Learn more about the adverb, refer to:



Why ......you always.....over spilt? I am tired of what you say A are_ crying. B.do_drink



Can't answer need more text.


I'd love to help you give me more context in the comments and I will answer this for you.

Do they help anybody? Into affirmative



They would help anybody.

What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help



the adverbs are he,I,


adverbs are used in place of nouns

kindly correct me if I am wrong

First Conditional : "I will go if they go."

Second conditional : He said he _____ if they ______ ​


Answer:He said he would go if they went.


Mark me as brainlies t

The answer is:

He said he “would go” if they “went”

me ayudan porfavor:3​



1. cooked - to cook something - past tense

2. wrote - using a pencil or pen to mark down letters or words onto a piece of paper - past tense

2. apologize - to say sorry - future tense

3. brought - take something to a place - past tense

4. told - to tell someone about something - past tense

4. visit - go to see something or spend time with people - future tense

5. left - to leave behind - past tense

6. called - to yell to someone, say their name, or ring them on the phone - past tense



I wrote down what I think are the answers


I hope I helped

Which theme do these lines support?



making snap jugdement is unwise


Making snap judgments is unwise.


answer C

This chart shows four atoms, labeled W, X, Y, and Z.
These atoms can combine with each other to form
Which combination of atoms will form a molecule, but
not a compound?
O W and X
O X and Y
O W and Z
O Y and Z



W and Z



the person above is correct. W and Z


How many syllables in the word "rights"






There are 1 syllables in the word "rights"

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

In the raisin in the sun why does Momma entrust Walter with the money



Lena gives Walter the $6500 that is left after she puts a $3500 payment down on her house because she wants him to know that she trusts him and will empower him.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

how will you have a successfull conversation



Here are some tips to help you when you are having a conversation. They can

help you communicate better.

1. Be aware of how you use eye contact. Looking at a person’s face from time to

time can be an important way to show respect and to show that you are listening.

2. Be aware of your body language. You may be sending a subtle message that

you may not mean to send.

3. Be aware of personal space. Are you making someone feel uncomfortable

by sitting too close or far from them? Each person has a different idea of

personal space.

4. Be a good listener in conversation. This can be just as important as speaking

in a conversation.

5. Notice your voice when you are speaking. Notice how fast you are talking and

how loud you are. Listen to your tone, pitch and intensity. People will notice

changes in your voice and may see them as signs of anger, frustration or fear.

6. Remember to take turns in the conversation. Other ways to have a good

conversation are:

• keep a topic going or change topics at the right time

• ask and answer questions

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