A biologist discovered a new animal. Upon studying its embryonic development, she observed radial cleavage with the blastopore developing into an anus. This animal was categorized as a parazoan. pseudocoelomate. deuterostome. protostome. radiata.


Answer 1


The correct answer is ''deuterostome''.


Deuterostomes are a superphylum of animals in which the anus is formed in or near the blastopore area in the developing embryo, and the mouth is secondarily formed elsewhere. The oral apparatus that these adult animals enjoy does not come from the embryo's blastopore. Instead it is a new formation. They enter the Bilateria classification, where species that enjoy bilateral symmetry are incorporated. In deuterostomes, the primary phases of division occur in parallel to the axis between the tips. That is, the segmentation they have is radial when the embryo is in state 1 with four cells.

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Which of the following describes the product of Meiosis?
A. 4 genetically identical diploid cells
B. 4 genetically unique diploid cells
C. None of these are correct
D. 2 genetically unique haploid cells





meiosis made 4 haploid daughter cells, with 1 round of dna replicates and followed by 4 division of haploid daughter cells

what are microorganisms? write the living and non living characteristics of virus. ​



In easy word ......the virus or organism that can only be seen through Microsoft is called microorganisms


Those organisms which cannot be seen under naked eyes and require microscope to be seen are called micro-organisms.

The main living character of the viruses is they contain DNA or RNA as the genetic material. The main non-living character of the viruses is they can be crystallized like other chemicals

Hope ,this helps you!

which of the following trairs did Mendel not test
1.) Flower position
2.) Seed color
3.) Number of seeds
4.) Stem length​


3) number of seeds and 4.) stem length

Which is our body part help us to maintain balance.





The cerebellum is a small part of the brain positioned at the back of the head, where it meets the spine, which acts as the body's movement and balance control centre.

please mark me as brainliest

Tai không chỉ có vai trò để lắng nghe mà còn hỗ trợ trong việc giữ cân bằng

The catabolic pathways that degrade fatty acids do not generate ATP directly, but produce NADH and acetyl-CoA.

a. True
b. False





Define Siamese twins



Conjoined twins are two babies who are born physically connected to each other. Conjoined twins develop when an early embryo only partially separates to form two individuals. Although two fetuses will develop from this embryo, they will remain physically connected — most often at the chest, abdomen or pelvis.

Describe fluid exchange between capillaries and the interstitial fluid. Be sure to discuss the forces (pressure) that moves the fluid and the direction in which fluid moves. (4 points) In one to three sentences, describe the role of lymphatic system in this fluid exchange. (3 points) g



Capillary exchange is the exchange of fluid from the capillaries into the interstitial fluid and vice versa. Diffusion, transcytosis, and bulk flow are three mechanisms that facilitate capillary exchange.

The blood plasma or interstitial fluid exerts a pressure of the fluid on the capillary walls known as Hydrostatic pressure. Osmotic pressure is a pressure exerted by proteins either in the blood plasma or interstitial fluid called oncotic pressure.

Lymphatic capillaries gather lymphatic fluid and regulate the pressure of interstitial fluid due to the forces of hydrostatic or oncotic pressure. An essential role of the lymphatic system is to return the fluid to the blood.

Which graph represents selection that may lead to reduced variation in a population?
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks before the population after selection.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The population after selection increases, decreases, increases, and then decreases again. The original population increases at the point that the original population drops.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population peaks at the same time as the population after selection but the population after selection peaks higher and at a more rapid speed.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and proportion of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves but the original population is slightly higher at all points.



A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of ... selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks

Answer:   graph B

Explanation:   :)

Match the items of column 'A' with those of column 'B':
Reduces the light in the water column
Natural pollution
Nitrates and phosphates
Air pollution
Biochemical demand for oxygen
Contaminants into a natural environment
Chemical fertilizers
Floating materials
Industrial wastes
Emissions pollution
Reduces the light in the water column
Concentration of hydrogen pH
New species invasion
Harmful algal blooms
Oils fats, and foam
Please answer all parts of th Hypertrophication
In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish a
Atomic number
a. Hydrocarbon



Match the items of column 'A' with those of column 'B':


Reduces the light in the water column

Natural pollution


Nitrates and phosphates

Air pollution

Biochemical demand for oxygen

Contaminants into a natural environment

Chemical fertilizers


Floating materials

Industrial wastes

Emissions pollution

Reduces the light in the water column

Concentration of hydrogen pH



New species invasion


Harmful algal blooms

Oils fats, and foam

Please answer all parts of th Hypertrophication



In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish a

Atomic number

a. Hydrocarbon

tissues & Organs
to transport
linked together to form
System can
form into Organis
- m. There
cell Jugncitions and
Junctions. Specialized
celi junctions
Occur at points
Cell matrix and particular
epithelia. Three types of
Q2 classify the
Short notes
On any
4 epithelial.
Humans. write a
Epithelial Tissues
Simple “Epithelium
Simple columnar



sorry I don't know

How do bacteria obtain energy to carry out their functions



Bacteria can obtain energy and nutrients by performing photosynthesis, decomposing dead organisms and wastes, or breaking down chemical compounds. Bacteria can obtain energy and nutrients by establishing close relationships with other organisms, including mutualistic and parasitic relationships.


A stem cell is
A. A specialized cell that can divide limitlessly but cant differentiate
B. A specialized cell that can divide limitlessly.
C. An unspecialized cell that cant divide limitlessly nor differentiate into specialized cell.





They divide to form more cells called daughter cells under proper conditions


It is B because the stem cells divide and divide so its lile a pattern where it goes more and more cells

Hope this helps :))

Scenario 1:

Genetic engineering can be used to create more productive strains of farm animals used for milk and meat production. By adding genes to an animal’s DNA, the animal can be made to be more resistant to common infections. This can reduce the need to administer large doses of antibiotics to the animals.

Do you think that this type of genetic engineering should be pursued? Explain your answer. (5 points)

What are some possible impacts (positive and negative) of this type of genetic engineering on individuals, society, and the environment? (5 points)

Scenario 2:

Mike was adopted, and his biological family history is unknown. Although he is healthy, he would like some understanding of his genetic makeup, including potential health risks and genes that he could pass on to his children. Mike has heard about commercial laboratories that can compare segments of your DNA to those of people with common hereditary diseases in order to give you some idea of how susceptible you are to the diseases. The results of these types of tests are highly inconclusive. If Mike’s DNA showed that he shares similarities in a segment of DNA with people who have a given disease, his chances of developing that disease or passing it on to his children may be slightly elevated, but they are not 100 percent. These tests can cost more than $2,500 and are not covered by many insurance companies.

Do you think that Mike should undergo the genetic tests? Explain your answer. (2 points)

What are potential pros and cons of having such tests done? (5 points)

Describe how the availability of these genetic tests might affect the frequency of genetic diseases in individuals and populations. (3 points)


Due to brainly not accepting my essay, I have instead included a image of it. :D

How are human affiliative and aggressive behaviors different from what is seen in nonhuman primates? Provide specific examples.



Humans are less aggressive as compared to non-human primates.


Human affiliative and aggressive behaviors are different from nonhuman primates because humans do more friendly and peaceful acts and are less aggressive in anger as compared to non-human primates which are less friendly and more aggressive in anger. Due to more aggressive behaviour of non-human primates causes more damaged to other animals and humans as compared to humans who is less damaging and aggressive.

What does the QRS complex represents as??​


Answer:give me brainliest


A combination of the Q wave, R wave and S wave, the “QRS complex” represents ventricular depolarization. Ventricular depolarization occurs in part via an accessory pathway (AP) directly connecting the atrium and ventricle and thus capable of conducting electrical impulses into the ventricle bypassing the AV-His Purkinje conduction system.This term can be confusing, as not all ECG leads contain all three of these waves; yet a “QRS complex” is said to be present regardless.


QRS complex represents as ventricular depolarisation

Which type of seedless plant has a complex leaf arrangement off a vein?
a. java moss
b. club moss
c. ferns
d. horstails


B. Club moss


This is because club moss is an seedless evergreen plants that have scale-like leaves.

Can you plz mark me as brainliest!!!

answer : club moss

explanation: Because they have vascular tissue, seedless vascular plants

are often larger than nonvascular plants. Vascular tissue is spe-

cialized to transport water to all of the cells in a plant.

What distance was covered by the bicycle during the 10 seconds?


Sorry did you attach a picture with any sort of information? I can’t see it but I wanna help

Which organism exhibits behavioral adaptation?









A Behavioral Adaptation is something an animal does - how it acts - usually in response to some type of external stimulus.

Examples of some Behavioral Adaptions:

Migration, Hibernation, Dormancy, Camouflage.


Behavioral adaptations are the actions that organisms take in order to stay alive. Behavioral adaptations include things like bird cries and migration. Evolution produces adaptations. Evolution is a long-term change in a species.


Please use the following information to answer the questions below. The southern grasshopper mouse feeds regularly on the Arizona bark scorpion, the most venomous scorpion in the United States. While attempting to capture the scorpion, the mouse usually gets stung multiple times by the scorpion but does not seem to be affected. While attempting to capture the scorpion, the mouse's heart rate increases, and there is an increase in epinephrine in the mouse's blood. What nervous system division is responsible for the mouse's physiological state


The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the mouse's physiological state.


The nervous system divides into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

In the central nervous system, we have the brain and the spinal cord.

The peripherical nervous system, which is all the nerves that are not in the spinal cord or the brain, is divided into:

The somatic nervous system, which is the one that makes the conscious movements of our body.The autonomic nervous system consists of:

-Sympathetic nervous system. It is the one that works under stress. It gives the fight or flight response preparing the body for a dangerous situation. It increases the heart rate and epinephrine's release. Epinephrine is a hormone that helps in this response stimulating the sympathetic system.

-Parasympathetic nervous system. It is the one that works in calm situations, like after we ate, regulating digestion, and trying to save energy for any upcoming event.

In conclusion, as there is an increase in epinephrine and heart rate, and the mouse is "fighting" against a scorpion, the nervous system division responsible for this physiological state is the sympathetic nervous system.

Learn more about the nervous system here: https://brainly.com/question/13487019?referrer=searchResults

According to Sandel, when companies companies attempt to incentivize employees to quit smoking:__________
a) It never works.
b) There are no data on this incentive scheme.
c) It tends to work.
d) Employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends.



employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends


because employees love to smoke on breaks and they are addicted to smoking.

A ______, such as a bean, has two seed leaves.



A dicotyledonous plant

hope this helps you


1. In a parent pea plant with the allele pair Gg, what is the probability that one gamete will contain the G allele? Why?
2. In a parent pea plant with the allele pair GG, what is the probability that one gamete will contain the g allele? Why?
3. In a parent pea plant with the allele pair gg, what is the probability that one gamete will contain the g allele? Why?



If the gamete will get either G or g, the probability will be 1/2 of getting G.


all question 3 answer is that. Because all 3 of question are same. only repeated three times

In a parent pea plant with the allele pair Gg, the probability that one gamete will contain the G allele is 0.5. This is because there are two possible outcomes in which one must definitely fall. So, it is 1/2.

What is Allele?

Alleles may be characterized as the alternative form or versions of a gene that are responsible for particular traits in living organisms. They carry a code of genetic sequences within generations.

In a parent pea plant with the allele pair GG, the probability that the gamete will contain the g allele is zero. This is because there is no presence of allele g that can be determined within any gametes. So, it is not possible to get g in the pair allele of GG.

In a parent pea plant with the allele pair gg, the probability that one gamete will contain the g allele is 1 or 100%. This is because both carry g alleles. So, the probability is 100%.

To learn more about Pea plants, refer to the link:



what is uropoiesis?



The production and excrection of urine


The production and excretion or urine.

A sample from a stock of a bacterial colony in liquid media was diluted by a factor of 106, and 2 ml of this dilution was spread on a Petri dish of solidified media. 56 colonies were observed. What was the concentration of bacteria of the initial stock?



28 × 10⁶ colonies/ml


Let C be the concentration of bacterial in the initial stock. When it is diluted by a factor of 10⁶, the new concentration is C' = C/10⁶.

When 2 ml of this concentration is spread on a Petri dish of solidified media, 56 colonies were produced. The number of colonies, n after spreading the 2 ml of C' is C' × 2 ml = 2C' = 2C/10⁶.

So, n = 2C/10⁶.

Since the number of colonies after spreading on a Petri dish of solidified media is 56, n = 56 colonies.

So, 2C/10⁶ = 56

Making C subject of the formula, we have

C = 56 × 10⁶/2

C = 28 × 10⁶ colonies/ml

So, the initial concentration of bacteria is 28 × 10⁶ colonies/ml

why cells are sometimes called the building block of life?​



cell is the smallest unit of life, also called the 'building blocks of life' because cells multiply and differentiate to form a multicellular organism as well as give rise to new organism by forming gametes or reproductive spores.

what are amino acids used to build






Aspartic Acid


Glutamic acid
















Pyrrolysine (not used in human protein synthesis)

Of these 20 amino acids, nine amino acids are essential:

geosphere burying organisms
hydrosphere respiration of marine life
biosphere photosynthesis atmosphere burning things



This question is incomplete, the question is asking to match each activity with the sphere to which it adds carbon or CO2.


Geosphere = burying organisms

hydrosphere = respiration of marine life

biosphere = photosynthesis atmosphere = burning things


This question describes the types of spheres we have. The respective activities that occur in each sphere that adds CO2 or carbon are as follows:

- Geosphere: This refers to the solid part of the Earth. Dead organisms are buried in the geosphere (soil) where their carbon remains can be deposited.

- Hydrosphere: This constitutes all of the water bodies (sea, river, stream, ocean) on the Earth. When marine organisms respire in water, carbon dioxide (CO2) is released.

- Biosphere: A sphere consisting of all living things (plant, animal, microbes etc.) on Earth. Plants as a living organisms photosynthesize and make use of carbon dioxide to produce glucose, which stores in the plant.

Atmosphere: The gaseous component of the Earth. Burning substances release carbon based gases into the atmosphere.

What is Anatomy and physiology



Anatomy: The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.

Physiology: The branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.


Anatomy = The science that deals with the form and structure of organic bodies; anatomical structure or organization is Anatomy.

Physiology = A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved is Physiology.

Hope it will help:)❤️

For each of the following structures, first indicate its function in the fetus; then, note its fate (what happens to it or what it is converted to after birth).

a. Umbilical artery
b. Umbilical vein
c. Ductus venosus
d. Ductus arterious
e. Foramen ovale



1. Functions:

a. Umbilical artery >> carries deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta

b. Umbilical vein >> transports oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus

c. Ductus venosus >> allows oxygenated blood from the placenta to bypass the liver

d. Ductus arterious >> allows most of the blood from the right ventricle to bypass the fetus's non-functioning lungs

e. Foramen ovale >> oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to bypass the pulmonary circulation

2. After the bird:

1. Umbilical artery >> medial umbilical ligament

2. Umbilical vein >> round ligament of the liver

3. Ductus venosus  >> ligamentum venosum

4. Ductus arteriosus >> ligamentum arteriosum

5. Foramen ovale >> fossa ovalis


The umbilical artery is a paired artery localized in the abdominal and pelvic regions, which carries deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta through the umbilical cord. The medial umbilical ligament is the obliterated part of the umbilical artery that arises from the internal iliac arteries. In utero, the umbilical arteries carry waste products back to the placenta, whereas the umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus. The round ligament of the liver (also known as ligamentum teres hepatis) is a remnant of the umbilical vein that  exists in the embryonic stage, it connects the left lobe of the liver to the umbilicus. The ductus venosus is a slender shunt that allows oxygenated blood from the placenta to bypass the liver, it connects the intra-hepatic portion of the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava. The ligamentum venosum is an extrahepatic, slender, and fibrous remnant of the fetal ductus venosus that travels between the left portal vein and the inferior vena cava. The ductus arteriosus is a fetal artery that connects the aorta to the pulmonary artery. The ligamentum arteriosum is a nonfunctional vestige of the ductus arteriosus, it is attached to the superior surface of the pulmonary trunk. The foramen ovale is an oval-shaped, small, opening in the wall (septum) between the two upper chambers of the heart. The fossa ovalis is a vestige stricture of the foramen ovale of the embryonic heart, which forms a depression in the right atrium of the heart.

Lymph ______ are found throughout the body and are a signal of a disease, infection, or problem if they become and remain swollen for long periods of time.
______ are pathogens that cannot be killed with antibiotics because they are non-living. They take over cellular organelles to replicate and spread.
Because they are also eukaryotes with their own cell membranes and membrane-bound organelles, ______ are often difficult to combat with medicines.
A cell signal called ______ is produced by mast cells. These molecules cause more fluid to spread to an infected area.
_______ are the types of cells that produce antibodies.
All pathogens have unique identifying molecules on their surfaces called ______. Antibodies bind to these, and targeting the pathogen to be destroyed by the immune system.
______ is a non-specific response to disease, in which the body temperature rises










When a paper cut breaks the skin, it introduces outside microorganisms into the cut. The body recognizes the break in the skin. Mast cells produce histamines, which cause more blood and lymph fluid to flow to the wound. This increased flow brings phagocytic white blood cells to the area, which destroy invading organisms until the blood can clot and the skin can heal over the cut, preventing more organisms from entering the body. If a cut is too deep or too wide, special care such as stitches and antibiotics could be needed to prevent infection.



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