during which stage of group development does group camaraderie begin to emerge?


Answer 1

The third stage of group development, commonly known as the "Norming" stage. This stage follows the initial stages of "Forming" and "Storming" and precedes the final stage of "Performing."

During the Norming stage, the group members start to establish a sense of cohesion, unity, and cooperation. They begin to develop a shared set of norms, values, and goals. Conflict and power struggles are usually reduced as individuals start to appreciate each other's strengths and differences. Trust and mutual respect increase, leading to the formation of stronger relationships and a sense of camaraderie within the group.

In this stage, group members may actively seek opportunities to collaborate, support each other, and work towards the group's objectives. Communication becomes more open and constructive, and a sense of group identity begins to solidify.

Some groups may experience setbacks or fluctuations as they progress through these stages. Additionally, not all groups will reach the Norming stage or achieve a high level of camaraderie. The dynamics of each group can differ based on various factors such as group size, purpose, and individual personalities within the group.

Learn more about Storming here



Related Questions

to say that food-foraging societies are egalitarian means that


In Anthropology, the food-foraging society, which is also known as a hunting-gathering society, is characterized by an egalitarian social organization.

In this type of society, the emphasis is on cooperation and sharing, and it is also a non-hierarchical society.A definition of egalitarian is “relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.” In this sense, food-foraging societies are egalitarian, which means that they have no social hierarchy or rank. The community is typically cooperative, and members share resources like food, tools, and shelter. In general, food-foraging societies are characterized by an emphasis on social harmony, rather than individual achievement. This, in turn, helps to create a sense of egalitarianism, where everyone is valued and has a voice.

Learn more about Anthropology here :-



Behavior models of the etiology for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders emphasize
a) classical conditioning.
b) operant conditioning.
c) punishment.
d) stimulus-response relationships.


Behavior models of the etiology for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders emphasize classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

The behavioral model states that the personality is shaped by learned behaviors based on past experiences. The goal of this model is to identify and modify maladaptive behaviors that may have been learned through classical and operant conditioning, observational learning, or other forms of learning.Behavior models of the etiology for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders emphasize classical conditioning and operant conditioning. OCD is usually thought to arise from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, with the exact cause of the illness still unknown.The behavioral model emphasizes that individuals learn to repeat behaviors that reduce anxiety through classical conditioning. This type of conditioning can cause an individual to associate a previously neutral stimulus with a fearful one, causing anxiety. By using avoidance or compulsive behaviors, the individual may then reduce this anxiety. For example, if someone was bit by a dog and is now afraid of dogs, they might avoid dogs or engage in compulsive behaviors when they see one. Through this repetition of behavior, the individual might learn that avoiding or performing compulsive behaviors is the best way to reduce their anxiety.

Learn more about obsessive-compulsive here :-



early research found that type a behavior was related to an increased likelihood of developing coronary disease. more recent research has


Ongoing research indicates that Type A behavior may be a risk factor for coronary disease, but other factors like lifestyle choices, genetics, and overall health also play significant roles. Further studies are needed for a comprehensive understanding.

Early research has indeed found that Type A behavior is associated with an increased likelihood of developing coronary disease.

However, more recent research has expanded on this topic and provided additional insights. Some newer studies suggest that while Type A behavior may still be a risk factor, other factors such as lifestyle choices, genetics, and overall health play significant roles as well.

It's important to note that research in this field is ongoing, and more studies are needed to fully understand the relationship between Type A behavior and coronary disease.

To learn more about coronary disease



"nativism" included religious prejudice against all the following except


Nativism included religious prejudice against all of the following except "Protestant Christians".The word "nativism" refers to the protectionist views of individuals who are born in a specific area, often a country.

In the early 19th century, the United States saw the first large-scale expression of this phenomenon. Nativists feared that the recent influx of immigrants would undermine their economic prosperity and degrade American culture.The religious prejudice that resulted from nativism was mostly directed against Roman Catholics. Protestants were not targeted by nativists because the majority of the US population was already Protestant at that time. The nativist sentiment had a significant impact on American politics and social dynamics during the 19th and early 20th centuries, affecting everything from immigration laws to labor relations.

Learn more about protectionist here :-



for redistribution to be possible, a society must have


For redistribution to be possible, a society must have an economic system, wealthy and poor classes, laws and regulations, and a government or an authority that is responsible for the collection and distribution of resources.

An economic system An economic system is a framework that outlines how a society uses and distributes its resources to produce goods and services. This framework must be present in a society for redistribution to be possible.

Wealthy and Poor Classes In any given society, there must be two classes, wealthy and poor. The wealthy are the people who have more resources while the poor are people who have less. Redistribution will involve taking from the wealthy and distributing the resources to the less wealthy members of the society.

Laws and regulations There must be laws and regulations that govern the collection and distribution of resources. Without these laws and regulations, redistribution will not be possible.

A government or an authority The government or an authority plays a critical role in the collection and distribution of resources. The government must have the legal mandate to collect and redistribute resources to the poor people in the society.

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in the open ocean surface currents are most affected by


In the open ocean, surface currents are most affected by wind, which creates large-scale circulatory patterns known as gyres. Winds tend to cause water movement at the surface of the ocean. The effect of wind on the surface of the ocean is known as the Ekman Effect.

Currents are caused by the interaction between several variables, including temperature, pressure, wind, and salinity. Surface currents, however, are primarily driven by the wind. The surface currents are driven by the major wind belts, which occur at latitudes where the trade winds and prevailing westerlies converge. These major wind belts, known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the Subtropical High-Pressure Belt (STHPB), and the Polar Easterlies, each drive the ocean's surface currents.

The ITCZ is a low-pressure region that surrounds the equator. Here, the trade winds from the Northern and Southern hemispheres converge, causing air to rise, cool, and condense into clouds and rain. The STHPB is a high-pressure zone at around 30° N and 30° S. The air at this high-pressure zone descends, warming and drying as it does so. The polar easterlies, which occur around the poles, are the result of the cold air sinking at the poles, where it then flows towards the equator.

Surface currents in the open ocean are mostly affected by wind, which is responsible for creating large-scale circulatory patterns known as gyres. The Ekman Effect is the result of wind on the surface of the ocean, which causes water movement. The Coriolis effect causes water movement to the right of the wind direction in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. The flow at the bottom of the ocean, known as deep-sea currents, is influenced by changes in temperature and salt content, which alter water density.

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the book of mark belongs to the section of the new testament known as


The book of Mark belongs to the section of the New Testament known as the Gospels.

The book of Mark belongs to the section of the New Testament known as the Gospels.Within the New Testament, the Gospels—which include Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—make up a separate division. They are narratives of Jesus Christ's life, ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection. Along with Matthew and Luke, Mark's Gospel is acknowledged as one of the synoptic Gospels, which indicates that their narrative structures and subject matter are comparable. The gospel of Mark places a strong emphasis on Jesus' deeds and presents him as a dynamic and strong character. The Gospels serve as a record of Jesus' life and teachings and are fundamental texts for the Christian faith.The book of Mark is an integral part of the New Testament, specifically belonging to the section known as the Gospels. The Gospels, comprising Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, form a distinct division within the New Testament. They collectively provide detailed accounts of Jesus Christ's life, ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection. Mark's Gospel, alongside Matthew and Luke, is recognized as one of the synoptic Gospels, highlighting their similar narrative structures and subject matter.Mark's Gospel stands out for its notable emphasis on Jesus' actions, presenting him as a dynamic and powerful figure. Through vivid descriptions and compelling storytelling, Mark portrays Jesus as a compassionate healer, an authoritative teacher, and a humble servant. The Gospel emphasizes Jesus' miracles and the impact they had on those who witnessed them, reflecting the transformative power of his ministry.

For more questions on book of Mark:



Freud suggested that a man's inability to remember his childhood Oedipus complexillustrates:A) rationalization.B) fixation.C) repression.D) displacement.


According to Freud, C) repression is a defence mechanism by which an individual deals with the anxiety that accompanies unacceptable impulses by excluding them from awareness.

A person may do this by consciously repressing them or by forming an unconscious resistance that distorts or transforms them into a less threatening manifestation.The Oedipus complex, as described by Freud, suggests that young boys have unconscious sexual desires for their mother and aggressive impulses toward their father. The boy perceives his father as a threat and sees him as a rival for his mother's affections. As a result, the boy experiences anxiety and fear of castration (castration complex), which he represses unconsciously. In the end, the boy begins to identify with his father and internalize his moral and ethical standards. Freud suggested that the inability to recall the childhood Oedipus complex is a sign of repression. If the mind represses the castration complex, it's impossible to recall the Oedipal situation. Therefore, the answer to the question above is C) repression.

Learn more about castration complex :



how do neo-freudians' thought differ from freud's original theory?


Neo-Freudians, also known as psychodynamic theorists, were a group of psychologists who built upon Sigmund Freud's original psychoanalytic theory while introducing their own modifications and perspectives.

Neo-Freudians expanded upon Freud's psychoanalytic theory by incorporating new concepts, such as the role of social and cultural factors, the importance of interpersonal relationships, and the influence of the unconscious mind on human behavior.

Here are some key ways in which the neo-Freudians' thought differs from Freud's original theory:

1. Focus on Social and Cultural Factors: Neo-Freudians emphasized the influence of social and cultural factors on personality development, in addition to Freud's emphasis on biological and instinctual drives. They recognized the importance of environmental and interpersonal factors in shaping personality and behavior.

2. Less Emphasis on Sexual Instincts: While Freud placed significant emphasis on the role of sexual instincts and libido, some neo-Freudians, such as Carl Jung and Alfred Adler, de-emphasized or expanded the importance of sexuality. They focused on broader aspects of human motivation, including social relationships, self-esteem, and the search for meaning.

3. Individual Psychology and Self-Development: Neo-Freudians like Alfred Adler and Karen Horney introduced their own theories of personality development, which focused on the individual's striving for superiority and the influence of early childhood experiences on shaping personality. They explored concepts such as birth order, social interest, and the impact of parental relationships.

4. Emphasis on Ego and Conscious Mind: Neo-Freudians gave more prominence to the role of the ego and the conscious mind in personality development and functioning. They believed that the ego plays a more active and adaptive role in mediating between the unconscious forces and the demands of reality.

5. Therapeutic Approaches: Neo-Freudians developed their own therapeutic approaches, such as Carl Jung's analytical psychology and Alfred Adler's individual psychology. These approaches often incorporated elements of Freud's psychoanalysis but also incorporated new techniques and perspectives.

Overall, the neo-Freudians retained certain aspects of Freud's theories while expanding and modifying others to account for the social, cultural, and individual factors that influence human behavior and personality. They broadened the scope of psychoanalysis and contributed to the development of diverse psychodynamic theories.

Learn more about Neo-Freudians here:



which person best illustrates sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?


Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence is measured in terms of academic, problem-solving and verbal reasoning ability. He describes that analytical intelligence is the ability to analyze, evaluate, judge, and compare.

Sternberg described analytical intelligence as the ability to analyze, evaluate, judge, and compare. People with high analytical intelligence are skilled at breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, then assessing and evaluating the different parts to form an overall solution.

Albert Einstein is one person that would fit this criteria. He was well-known for his academic achievements, particularly in mathematics and physics, and his ability to solve complex problems. Einstein's discovery of the theory of relativity and his contribution to the development of the atomic bomb are just a few examples of his analytical ability.

In addition to his academic and problem-solving abilities, Einstein was also highly competent at verbal reasoning. He was able to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise way, which is a key characteristic of analytical intelligence. His ability to explain complex scientific theories in simple terms is still admired today.

In conclusion, Albert Einstein best illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence. He was highly skilled at analyzing, evaluating, judging, and comparing complex problems, which is the hallmark of analytical intelligence. Additionally, Einstein was highly competent at verbal reasoning and was able to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise way.

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between the seventh and the ninth days after fertilization, __________ occurs.


Between the seventh and the ninth days after fertilization, an essential process known as implantation occurs.

After fertilization, when the sperm and egg unite, the resulting embryo begins to divide and develop. Around the seventh to ninth day, the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, a hollow ball of cells. It then moves down the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the thickened uterine lining, a process called implantation. During implantation, the blastocyst burrows into the endometrium, or the lining of the uterus, and establishes a connection with the mother's blood supply. This connection allows for the exchange of nutrients and waste between the embryo and the mother, providing the necessary support for further development and pregnancy.

Learn more about implantation here:



Which of the following would best fit the definition of a NORC?
A. a nursing home set up to resemble an apartment living situation
B. a planned retirement village in Florida where only those 65+ can live
C. a community in Arizona where many 65+ people have relocated to due to the nice weather and multiple facilities that cater to their needs
D. an assisted living facility that offers various stages of assistance


A NORC stands for Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. It is a type of community where a large percentage of the residents are older adults, usually age 60 or older.

Based on the given options, the community in Arizona where many 65+ people have relocated to due to the nice weather and multiple facilities that cater to their needs would best fit the definition of a NORC.In NORCs, the seniors are aging in place and continue to live in their homes for as long as possible. The community of older adults provides support and services to one another and relies on informal support, which is essential to their well-being. A NORC may or may not be a planned retirement community, but it emerges naturally over time. Hence, the correct option is (C) a community in Arizona where many 65+ people have relocated to due to the nice weather and multiple facilities that cater to their needs.

Learn more about Retirement Community here :-



the first step in bringing about planned change in a society is to


The first step in bringing about planned change in a society is to identify and understand the need for change.

This involves recognizing the current challenges, problems, or areas for improvement within the society. It requires conducting research, gathering data, and analyzing the social, economic, political, or cultural factors that contribute to the need for change. This step sets the foundation for developing a clear vision and purpose for the desired change and helps in formulating strategies and interventions to address the identified issues effectively. Without a comprehensive understanding of the need for change, it becomes difficult to implement successful and sustainable transformations within a society.

Learn more about society here:



Studies of public opinion suggest that for the majority of Americans, ideology
a. influences basic attitudes but not choices of candidates.
b. is quite important in making political judgments.
c. is not very important.
d. is determined by social class.
e. overrides political party affiliation.


Studies of public opinion suggest that for the majority of Americans, ideology is quite important in making political judgments. The correct option is (b).

Studies of public opinion suggest that ideology is quite important in making political judgments for the majority of Americans. This suggests that people's beliefs and values have a great impact on their decision-making process and their political views, even when it comes to the choice of candidates. While social class, political party affiliation, and other factors also play a role, ideology remains a key influence on how people perceive and evaluate political issues and policies. How people think about politics can shape their opinions on a variety of issues. For example, those who identify as liberal may be more likely to support progressive social policies, while those who identify as conservative may be more likely to support traditional values and free-market economics. These ideological differences can be seen in public opinion polling on issues such as gun control, immigration, and climate change, where there are often stark differences between the views of liberals and conservatives. In conclusion, ideology plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and is quite important in making political judgments for the majority of Americans.

To know more about political



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In the diagram below, how many different paths from A to B are possible if you can only move forward and down? A 4 B 3. A band consisting of 3 musicians must include at least 2 guitar players. If 7 pianists and 5 guitar players are trying out for the band, then the maximum number of ways that the band can be selected is 50 +503 C 7C1+5C3 C 7C15C17C2+7C3 D5C+50 +5Co which person best illustrates sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence? Someone help please! A pair of shoes has been discounted by 12%. If the sale price is $120, what was the original price of the shoes? [2] (b) The mass of the proton is 1.6726 x 10-27 kg and the mass of the electron is 9.1095 x 10-31 kg. Calculate the ratio of the mass of the proton to the mass of the electron. Write your answer in scientific notation correct to 3 significant figures. [2] (c) Gavin has 50-cent, one-dollar and two-dollar coins in the ratio of 8:1:2, respectively. 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Provide supporting examples for substantiation. for redistribution to be possible, a society must have How are the RDA for almost all vitamin and mineral intakes set?- Low, to reduce the risk of toxicity- At the mean, to cover most healthy individuals- Extremely high, to cover every single person- High, to cover virtually all healthy individuals The following transactions of Lexington Pharmacies occurred during 2015 and 2016 (Click the icon to view the transactions) Journalize the transactions in Lexington's general journal. Explanations are not required. (Record debits first, then credits. Exclude explanations from journal entries) CMD Jan 9, 2015 Purchased computer equipment at a cost of $7,000, signing a six-month, 9% note payable for that amount Date Accounts and Explanation Debit Credit 2015 Jan 9 n nt KP More info 2015 Jan. 9 Purchased computer equipment at a cost of $7,000, signing a six-month, 9% note payable for that amount. 29 Recorded the week's sales of $68,000, three-fourths on credit and one-fourth for cash. Sales amounts are subject to a 6% state sales tax. Ignore cost of goods sold. Feb. 5 Sent the last week's sales tax to the state. Jul. 9 Paid the six-month, 9% note, plus interest, at maturity. Aug. 31 Purchased merchandise inventory for $15,000, signing a six-month, 10% note payable. The company uses the perpetual inventory system. Dec. 31 Accrued warranty expense, which is estimated at 4% of sales of $603,000. 31 Accrued interest on all outstanding notes payable. 2016 Feb. 29 Paid the six-month 10% note, plus interest, at maturity.