during world war ii, entire cities were ignited as thousands of tons of bombs created massive firestorms, killing tens of thousands of people in such cities as hamburg and dresden. group starts


Answer 1

The given statement, "During World War II, entire cities were ignited as thousands of tons of bombs created massive firestorms, killing tens of thousands of people in such cities as Hamburg and Dresden," is true because cities such as Hamburg and Dresden were subjected to devastating firestorms caused by extensive aerial bombings that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

During World War II, Allied forces conducted strategic bombing campaigns targeting major industrial and population centers in Germany. The bombings involved dropping large quantities of high-explosive and incendiary bombs, intentionally designed to create firestorms.

Firestorms occur when a massive area ignites simultaneously, creating intense heat and generating strong winds that further spread the fire. The firestorms in cities like Hamburg and Dresden resulted in widespread destruction, as well as the loss of civilian lives on a massive scale. These events serve as grim examples of the destructive power unleashed during the war.

Learn more about World War II here



Related Questions

What led people to form complex civilizations?


Complex civilizations formed due to agricultural advancements, surplus food production, the need for organized societies, and technological progress. These factors allowed for the growth of larger populations, the specialization of labor, and the development of sophisticated systems of governance and technology.

Complex civilizations emerged as a result of several factors, including agricultural advancements, surplus food production, and the need for organized societies. Here is a concise explanation:

1. Agricultural advancements: The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place and cultivate crops. This led to a steady food supply, which supported larger populations and the establishment of permanent settlements.

2. Surplus food production: As agriculture improved, communities were able to produce more food than needed for immediate consumption. This surplus allowed for the development of trade networks and the specialization of labor, as some individuals could focus on tasks other than food production.

3. Need for organized societies: With growing populations and the need to manage resources, societies required organization and governance. This led to the development of systems such as centralized authority, laws, and social hierarchies.

4. Technological advancements: As civilizations progressed, technological innovations such as writing systems, metallurgy, and irrigation further contributed to their complexity. These advancements facilitated record-keeping, trade, and resource management.

For more such questions on Complex civilizations, click on:



What are the main provisions of the immigration reform and control act (irca) enacted in 1986?


The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), passed in 1986, sought to address the issue of illegal immigration in the country while simultaneously giving certain undocumented immigrants a path to legal status. The IRCA's principal provisions were as follows:

1) Employer Sanctions: The IRCA made it unlawful for companies to knowingly employ or hire undocumented workers. It implemented employer sanctions, which imposed fines on companies that hired labor without proper documentation. This clause targeted the demand for illegal immigrants' labor in an effort to discourage employers from hiring them.

2) Agricultural Workers: A distinct program called the Special Agricultural Worker (SAW) program was established under the Act. Undocumented farmworkers who could show a recent history of agricultural employment in the United States could use this program as a route to legal status. The SAW program attempted to relieve the labor shortage in the agriculture industry and offer vulnerable workers legal protection.

3) Increased Border Security: In addition to the clauses relating to legalization and employer penalties, IRCA allotted funds to strengthen border security measures. To bolster border security and reduce illegal immigration, it contained financing for the hiring of extra Border Patrol agents, the building of physical barriers, and the introduction of new technologies.

4) Program for Legalisation: The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) introduced a one-time amnesty that permitted some undocumented immigrants who had been continuously present in the country since before January 1, 1982, to seek legal status. The qualifications for eligibility included proving excellent moral character, paying a fee, and establishing that they were not removable for a variety of reasons.

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Why do you think having a spoken language and the ability to pass knowledge and skills to their children was an aborting skill for early homo sapiend


Having a spoken language and the ability to pass knowledge and skills to their children was a crucial skill for early Homo sapiens because it enabled effective communication and the transmission of accumulated knowledge across generations.

The development of spoken language provided early Homo sapiens with a powerful tool for communication. Through language, individuals could express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions, allowing for more efficient coordination, collaboration, and social bonding within their communities. This facilitated the sharing of information, experiences, and techniques, leading to the accumulation of knowledge over time.

Language also played a vital role in the transmission of skills and expertise from one generation to the next. By verbalizing and describing various techniques, early humans could teach their children how to hunt, gather, create tools, and perform other essential tasks. This ensured the preservation and improvement of vital survival strategies and cultural practices within their societies.

Moreover, language allowed for the development of complex narratives and storytelling, which helped early humans in creating shared myths, legends, and histories. These narratives served as a means to pass down cultural values, societal norms, and moral guidelines to younger generations. They fostered a sense of identity and belonging, reinforcing social cohesion and cooperation.

In summary, having a spoken language and the ability to pass knowledge and skills to their children was an adaptive skill for early Homo sapiens because it facilitated effective communication, the sharing of information, and the transmission of accumulated knowledge and cultural practices. This ability to communicate and teach enabled our ancestors to thrive and adapt to changing environments, ultimately contributing to the success of our species.

Learn more about Homo sapiens



What attitudes people had towards the bantu education act and how people responded?


Attitudes towards the Bantu Education Act varied, with some supporting the racial segregation it promoted, while others opposed it and fought for equal educational opportunities. Black African communities responded through protests, alternative schooling, and political activism.

The Bantu Education Act, implemented in South Africa from 1953 to 1979, aimed to segregate and limit the educational opportunities of black African students. Attitudes towards this act varied, with some individuals supporting it and others strongly opposing it. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the attitudes and responses:

1. Supportive attitudes: Some white South Africans believed in the ideology of apartheid and saw the Bantu Education Act as a way to maintain racial segregation and control. They believed that limited education for black Africans would prevent them from challenging the existing social and political order.

2. Opposition attitudes: Many black South Africans and some white individuals opposed the Bantu Education Act. They recognized that it perpetuated racial discrimination and denied black African students the same quality of education provided to white students. They argued that education should be equal and accessible to all, regardless of race.

3. Responses to the Act: Despite the limitations imposed by the Bantu Education Act, black African communities and individuals responded in various ways:

  a. Community resistance: Many communities organized protests, boycotts, and strikes against the Act. They sought to highlight the injustice of unequal education and fought for better educational opportunities for black students.

  b. Underground education: In response to the inadequacy of the education provided under the Act, some black African communities established alternative educational institutions. These "underground" schools aimed to provide a comprehensive education that went beyond the limited curriculum mandated by the Act.

  c. Political activism: The Act became a rallying point for political resistance against apartheid. Organizations like the African National Congress (ANC) and the Black Consciousness Movement mobilized support and called for the abolition of the Act, advocating for equality in education.

Conclusion in one line: Attitudes towards the Bantu Education Act varied, with some supporting the racial segregation it promoted, while others opposed it and fought for equal educational opportunities. Black African communities responded through protests, alternative schooling, and political activism.

To know more about Bantu Education Act visit:



In what month does Australia celebrate Labor Day?


The date of Labor Day in Australia varies by state, with Western Australia celebrating in March, South Australia and Queensland in May, and New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, and Tasmania in October.

In Australia, Labor Day is celebrated on different dates depending on the state or territory. Here are the dates for Labor Day celebrations in each state:

1. Western Australia: Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in March.
2. South Australia and Queensland: Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in May.
3. New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in October.
4. Victoria and Tasmania: Labor Day is celebrated on the second Monday in March.

To summarize in one line: The date of Labor Day in Australia varies by state, with Western Australia celebrating in March, South Australia and Queensland in May, and New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, and Tasmania in October.

To know more about  Labor Day visit:



Analyze Point of View Why did many Southern farmers who owned no slaves support slavery?


Many Southern farmers who did not own slaves supported slavery due to various reasons, including economic dependence, social and cultural factors, and fear of competition.

While it is true that not all Southern farmers owned slaves, many still supported the institution of slavery for several reasons. Firstly, there was a significant economic dependence on slavery in the South, as the plantation system fueled the region's economy.

Even non-slaveholding farmers benefited from the infrastructure, markets, and industries that developed as a result of slave labor.

Secondly, social and cultural factors played a role in shaping the support for slavery. Slavery was deeply ingrained in the Southern society and viewed as essential for maintaining social hierarchy and white supremacy. Non-slaveholding farmers might have aspired to own slaves one day, and their support for slavery reinforced their social status within the Southern community.

Additionally, there was a fear among non-slaveholding farmers of economic competition from freed slaves. They worried that if slavery were abolished, former slaves might compete with them for jobs and land, potentially lowering their own economic prospects.

Therefore, while not directly benefiting from slave ownership, many Southern farmers who did not own slaves still supported slavery due to economic interdependence, social and cultural influences, and apprehension about competition.

Learn more about slavery here:



Explain how colonial rights were affected by political events in England.


Political events in England, including the Glorious Revolution and subsequent legislation, played a significant role in shaping and impacting the rights and liberties of the colonies. The decisions made in England directly influenced the extent of self-governance and autonomy granted to the colonial territories.

Colonial rights were influenced by political events in England due to the colonial territories being under the control and governance of the British monarchy and Parliament. The policies and decisions made in England directly affected the rights and liberties granted to the colonies. For example, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, which resulted in the ascension of William and Mary to the throne, had a profound impact on colonial rights. The English Bill of Rights, enacted as a result of the Glorious Revolution, established certain fundamental rights and limitations on the monarch's power. These principles were often extended to the colonies, providing a foundation for colonial rights and liberties.

Additionally, acts and legislation passed by the British Parliament, such as the Navigation Acts and the Stamp Act, directly impacted colonial rights. These acts imposed regulations and taxes on colonial trade and activities, infringing upon the economic and political autonomy of the colonies. The colonists often protested against such measures, leading to tensions and eventually culminating in the American Revolution.

Learn more about Glorious Revolution of 1688 at:



According to the passage immigrants never forgot seeing a statue of liberty for the first time how does the quotation of edward causey develop his topic


The quotation by Edward Causey, stating that immigrants never forgot seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time, reinforces the author's topic and highlights the lasting impact of this iconic symbol on immigrants' experiences.

The quotation by Edward Causey serves to develop the topic by emphasizing the profound impact of the Statue of Liberty on immigrants. It suggests that the image of the Statue of Liberty remained etched in the memories of immigrants, symbolizing hope, freedom, and the promise of a new life in America.

The author likely introduces this quotation to underscore the significance of the Statue of Liberty as a powerful symbol of welcome and opportunity for immigrants. The Statue's iconic status as a beacon of hope and a representation of American ideals resonated deeply with those arriving in the United States seeking a better future.

By referencing Edward Causey's observation, the author conveys the enduring significance of the Statue of Liberty in the immigrant experience. It serves as a reminder of the emotional and transformative journey that immigrants embarked upon, leaving behind their homelands and embracing the promise of a new beginning in America. The quotation adds a personal and relatable dimension to the topic, highlighting the lasting impact of the Statue of Liberty on immigrants' memories and their perception of America as a land of freedom and opportunity.

Learn more about Statue of Liberty at:



martin van buren's presidency, to a large degree, was occupied in dealing with issues arising from the panic of 1837.


The statement "martin van buren's presidency, to a large degree, was occupied in dealing with issues arising from the panic of 1837" is True.

This economic crisis was marked by a sharp decline in trade and widespread bank failures, causing widespread unemployment and hardship. Van Buren's administration attempted to stabilize the economy by implementing measures such as creating an independent treasury system to separate government funds from private banks.

Additionally, he supported limited government intervention in the economy, preferring a laissez-faire approach. Despite his efforts, the economic downturn persisted throughout his presidency, leading to public dissatisfaction and his failure to secure reelection. Van Buren's presidency is often remembered for his struggles in navigating the effects of the Panic of 1837.

Learn more about Martin Van Buren at



mrs. p.l. (annie) garrow was a "full-blooded mohawk" who lived on the canadian side of akwesasne near the international boundary. she entered the us portion of the reservation at hogansburg, new york with twenty-four ash splint baskets that were dyed different colors. officials detained her and charged her a duty according to the 1930 tariff act.


Mrs. P.L. (Annie) Garrow, a full-blooded Mohawk, resided on the Canadian side of Akwesasne near the international boundary.

She attempted to enter the US portion of the reservation at Hogansburg, New York with twenty-four ash splint baskets that were dyed different colors. However, officials detained her and charged her a duty based on the 1930 Tariff Act. The Tariff Act of 1930, also known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, was a protective measure enacted by the United States to increase tariffs on imported goods in an effort to protect domestic industries during the Great Depression. The act imposed duties on a wide range of goods, including handicrafts like the baskets Mrs. Garrow was carrying. As a result, she was required to pay a duty, which is a tax or fee imposed on imported goods. The exact amount of duty charged to Mrs. Garrow is not specified in the question.

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6) which event most likely occurred as a result of the decision in this supreme court
1. president eisenhower sent federal troops to escort students integrating little
rock central high school
2. the supreme court ruled in favor of students in tinker v. des moines (1969)
3. the supreme court ruled in favor of the u.s. government in heart of atlanta
motel, inc. v. united states (1964)
4. congress and president lyndon b. johnson passed the voting rights act in


The event most likely occurred as a result of the decision in this Supreme Court case is President Eisenhower sending federal troops to escort students integrating Little Rock Central High School.

The event described in option 1, where President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort students integrating Little Rock Central High School, is most likely the result of the decision in the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education (1954). In this landmark case, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established by Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The decision in Brown v. Board of Education mandated the desegregation of public schools, but it faced resistance in many areas of the country, including Little Rock, Arkansas. In response to opposition and violence against African American students attempting to integrate Central High School, President Eisenhower deployed federal troops to ensure their safety and enforce the court's decision. This event highlighted the federal government's commitment to upholding the rights and enforcing the desegregation of schools, marking a significant step in the civil rights movement.

Learn more about Brown v. Board of Education at:



Explain how the british expand their control over jhansi through direct annexation


The British expanded their control over Jhansi in 1854 through direct annexation.

The governor general of India, Lord Dalhousie, declared Jhansi to be a treat ruler and a "princely state". Under this policy, Jhansi was to be merged in to the British Raj and its ruler, Rani Lakshmibai, was to be pensioned off. This was part of the British policy of "doctrine of lapse", which stipulated that Indian rulers who failed to adopt an heir to their throne would forfeit their kingdom to the British.

In 1856, Jhansi was annexed into the British Raj and the rule of Rani Lakshmibai came to an end. After the annexation, the British imposed its own legal system over Jhansi and the province was administered by a Political Agent. The people of Jhansi were denied basic rights, such as freedom of speech and expression, and direct taxation was levied to support the imperial needs. The direct annexation of Jhansi by the British was a major step in their control over India.

To know more about British , click here:



Identify the members of the two estates that made it up and write down the details of the various groups that made them up.


During the time of the French Revolution, the Estates General consisted of three estates. The First Estate comprised the clergy, including bishops, priests, and other religious officials.

It represented the religious and spiritual interests of the nation. The Second Estate was composed of the nobility, which included high-ranking aristocrats, nobles, and members of the royal family. They held significant political and social power.

The Third Estate encompassed the commoners, who constituted the majority of the population. It included the bourgeoisie (middle class), urban workers, and rural peasants. The Third Estate faced socioeconomic inequalities and sought greater representation and political rights.

Learn more about French Revolution:



This question is not complete, Here I am attaching the complete question.

Identify the members of the two estates that made it up and write down the details of the various groups that made them up. explain.

Hich social class was made up of children who were born in the spanish new world to parents who had emigrated from spain?


The social class made up of children who were born in the Spanish New World to parents who had emigrated from Spain is known as the Creoles.

The Criollos were individuals of Spanish descent who were born in the American colonies. They were distinct from the Peninsulares, who were Spaniards born in Spain and held the highest social status in the colonial hierarchy. The Criollos occupied a middle position in the social structure, below the Peninsulares but above other groups such as the Indigenous population, Africans, and people of mixed ancestry.

Being born to parents who had emigrated from Spain gave these children a certain level of prestige and access to privileges compared to other social groups in the New World. They often enjoyed better education, economic opportunities, and political influence compared to those of mixed or non-Spanish descent. The Criollos formed an important part of the colonial elite and played a significant role in the governance and administration of the Spanish colonies.

Learn more about social class here:https://brainly.com/question/1065123


what are three important pieces of information you already know about holly from her chart, even before you begin to take your history?


A medical chart is a comprehensive record that documents a patient's medical history, including personal information, diagnoses, treatments, medications, test results, and other relevant clinical information.

Based on the information provided, I assume you are referring to Holly's medical chart or history. Without the actual chart, I can't provide specific details, but here are three important pieces of information that are commonly included in a patient's chart:

Personal information: This may include Holly's name, age, gender, and contact details. This information helps identify the patient and maintain accurate records.Medical history: The chart may contain details about Holly's past and current medical conditions, such as chronic illnesses, allergies, surgeries, or any ongoing treatments. This information helps healthcare providers understand Holly's medical background.Medication history: The chart may list the medications that Holly is currently taking or has taken in the past. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and any supplements. It helps healthcare providers assess potential interactions or side effects when prescribing new treatments.Remember, these are general examples of information that might be included in a patient's chart. The actual content may vary depending on the specific situation and healthcare facility.

The answer is general as no medical chart is provided.

Learn more about medical chart here



Why were American voters eager to ""return to normalcy"" in 1920?


American voters were eager to "return to normalcy" in 1920 due to a desire for stability and a return to pre-war conditions following the upheaval of World War I and its aftermath.

In the aftermath of World War I, American voters sought a return to normalcy as they yearned for stability and a return to the familiar. The war had brought significant changes and disruptions to American society, including economic dislocation, social upheaval, and political uncertainties.

The desire for normalcy reflected a longing for a sense of security, order, and a return to pre-war conditions.

The war had strained the nation's resources, both human and economic, and the post-war period saw a wave of demobilization, with soldiers returning to civilian life.

Many Americans were fatigued by the sacrifices and hardships of the war years and desired a respite from the tumultuous events and social changes that had taken place. They longed for a return to a more peaceful and prosperous era, where they could rebuild their lives and enjoy the comforts of everyday existence.

The call for a return to normalcy resonated with voters, and it became a campaign slogan for Warren G. Harding in the 1920 presidential election. Harding promised a return to traditional values, a focus on domestic issues, and a less interventionist approach in foreign affairs.

Ultimately, his message struck a chord with the American electorate, leading to his election and reflecting the widespread desire for stability and a return to the perceived normalcy of pre-war times.

Learn more about  World War I here:



Which one of the following does not fit? find the odd one out: a. coins b. monuments c. fossils d. manuscripts


The odd one out among the options provided is ''fossils''. So, the correct option is C.

Among the given options, coins, monuments, and manuscripts are all man-made artifacts or objects created by humans. Coins are currency used for transactions, monuments are structures built to commemorate events or individuals, and manuscripts are handwritten documents.

These three options share the common characteristic of being products of human craftsmanship and intention.On the other hand, fossils are not man-made objects but rather the remains or impressions of ancient plants, animals, or other organisms preserved in rocks or sediment. Fossils are natural relics that provide valuable insights into Earth's history and the evolution of life forms. Unlike coins, monuments, and manuscripts, fossils are not created or shaped by human hands but are formed through natural processes over millions of years.

Therefore, among the given options, fossils stand out as the odd one out due to their distinct nature as natural artifacts rather than man-made objects. Hence, the correct option is C.

For more questions on fossils



in england 1688, a fight for power between two groups took control of the country. different views like religious and political standpoints are essentially what led the parliament to go to ‘’war’’ with english monarchs. the king of england, james ii, was catholic and had a close relationship with france because


In England 1688, a power struggle between two groups led to a conflict between Parliament and the English monarchs, driven by differing religious and political perspectives. King James II's Catholicism and his alliance with France were pivotal factors in this confrontation.

The conflict in 1688, known as the Glorious Revolution, arose from the tensions between the Protestant majority in England and King James II's Catholic faith. James II's close relationship with France, a predominantly Catholic nation and England's traditional enemy, further fueled concerns among the English Parliament and Protestant elites about the potential for Catholic influence and a return to absolute monarchy.

The religious and political divisions between the Parliament and the English monarchs were significant factors in the struggle for power in 1688. The fear of Catholicism and James II's ties to France played a crucial role in mobilizing opposition, leading to the deposition of James II and the subsequent ascension of William III and Mary II to the English throne. The Glorious Revolution resulted in important constitutional changes that limited the powers of the monarchy and affirmed parliamentary supremacy.

To know more about Parliament and the English monarchs click here:



Bustamante was responsible for all of the following except a. leading a revolt against santa anna b. executing vicente guerrero c. ignoring the constitution of 1824 d. angering texas anglo sellers with his conservative ideals


A. leading a revolt against santa anna. Bustamante was responsible for executing Vicente Guerrero and angering Texas Anglo sellers with his conservative ideals.

However, he was not responsible for leading a revolt against Santa Anna. Additionally, he did not ignore the constitution of 1824. In fact, during his presidency, Bustamante sought to enforce the constitution and maintain a centralized government. It is important to note that Bustamante's presidency (1830-1832, 1837-1839) was a tumultuous time in Mexican history, marked by political instability and conflicting ideologies. While he did execute Vicente Guerrero, a prominent military and political leader, it is worth mentioning that this decision was met with controversy and opposition. Overall, Bustamante's presidency played a significant role in shaping Mexican politics during this era, although he faced criticism for his actions.

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Evaluate How did Jefferson use trade as a weapon prior to the start of the war?


Jefferson did not use trade as a weapon prior to the start of the war. During Jefferson's presidency, trade was not utilized as a weapon before the start of any war. Jefferson, known for his policies of economic embargo and non-interference, focused on avoiding conflicts and promoting neutrality rather than using trade as a weapon.

One notable instance was the Embargo Act of 1807, a policy enacted by Jefferson to respond to issues related to British and French interference with American trade. The act aimed to protect American interests by prohibiting trade with foreign nations, which severely impacted the economies of both Britain and France. Jefferson hoped that by using trade restrictions, he could pressure these nations into respecting American neutrality and maritime rights.

In conclusion, Thomas Jefferson employed trade as a weapon through the implementation of the Embargo Act of 1807. This policy was intended to exert economic pressure on Britain and France and safeguard American interests. Although it had unintended negative consequences for the American economy, it reflected Jefferson's attempt to utilize trade restrictions strategically in the realm of foreign policy.

To know more about Jefferson click here:



Evaluate What impact did the gold rush have on the people who lived in California before 1849?


The gold rush had a significant impact on the people who lived in California before 1849, leading to population shifts, social changes, and economic transformations.

The gold rush in California, starting in 1849, had a profound impact on the people who lived in the region prior to that year. The discovery of gold attracted a massive influx of people from various parts of the United States and around the world, resulting in a population boom in California. The sudden population growth disrupted the existing social fabric and cultural dynamics of the region.

The gold rush brought about rapid economic transformations. Many people who had been engaged in other occupations, such as farming or trade, shifted their focus to gold mining in the hopes of striking it rich.

This led to the abandonment of farms, businesses, and other professions, creating labor shortages and economic disruptions. It also led to the rise of new industries and services catering to the needs of the growing population.

Additionally, the gold rush had a significant environmental impact on California. The mining techniques employed during the gold rush, such as hydraulic mining, had detrimental effects on the environment, leading to deforestation, erosion, and pollution of rivers and streams.

Overall, the gold rush brought about significant changes in California, both positive and negative. It fueled rapid population growth, transformed the economy, and left a lasting impact on the environment.

The influx of new settlers and the pursuit of gold had far-reaching consequences for the people who lived in California before 1849, reshaping their lives and the trajectory of the region.

Learn more about gold rush here:



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