Economic development isn't itselt an overall development. Justify this



Answer 1



In the economic study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, or local community are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.

The term has been used frequently in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the concept has existed in the West for far longer. "Modernization", "Westernization", and especially "industrialization" are other terms often used while discussing economic development.

Whereas economic development is a policy intervention aiming to improve the well-being of people, economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and increases in GDP; economist Amartya Sen describes economic growth as but "one aspect of the process of economic development". Economists primarily focus on the growth aspect and the economy at large, whereas researchers of community economic development concern themselves with socioeconomic development as well.

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Give two examples of ruminants and name type of carbohydrate digested by them (give me a correct answer)


Short Answer: Ruminants like cows and goats can digest cellulose.


A ruminant is a concept to refer to animals that are characterized by digesting food in two stages: first, they consume it, and then they carry out rumination, which consists of the regurgitation of ingested material. Some of the best-known ruminants are cows and goats. On the other hand, one of the most important types of carbohydrates digested by ruminants is cellulose, a carbohydrate that is the main component of plant cell membranes that is characterized by being resistant to acid digestion and the action of gastric amylases. However, ruminants have developed a gastric system by which some bacteria, yeasts, and protozoa present in the rumen or the large intestine partially degrade the cellulose and fatty acids that the animal uses for energy purposes.

How were media perceived in the early days? How have this perception changed?



The media can shape our attitudes about a multitude of things from what we buy, the people we admire (and those we don't), our perceptions of political issues like immigration and health care, to social issues focused on diversity facets such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and age.


Briefly summarize Texas History, covering all the major events from the first mapping of the coast of Texas to the present - WILL MARK BRAINLIEST


Here are five major historical events that happened in the Texas Hill Country.
First European Settlers Arrive in Present-Day Austin, 1730. ...
Austin Becomes Capital of the Republic of Texas, 1839. ...
Texas Archive War, 1842. ...
A German Prince Settles New Braunfels, 1845.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in ______.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Neurotransmitter activity means that it is the way the brain transmits messages to the entire human body. The nervous system is the conduit of neurons to transmit messages with muscles and other neurons in our body.

In the case of antidepressants, some worries of scientists are the collateral effects these drugs create in patients.

The current research in the effectiveness of antidepressants suggests that the most important aspect is its role in Enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Antidepressants are those medications that help help to cause a rise in the activity of certain chemicals that are referred to as neurotransmitters in the human brain.

These medications work by helping to reduce the effects that the depressions and anxiety may have on the human brain.


nguyên tắc xác lập lợi tức tiền vay



I.. I dont understand


Paki translate

Which aspect of the Constitution most reflects the values of republicanism



The aspect of the Constitution that most reflects the values of republicanism is the separation of powers.


Separation of powers is the idea that the power of a state should be constitutionally divided between two or more independent power poles, so that they balance and control each other and ensure that a person or group does not receive too much power.

This triple division of power had a great impact on the French Revolution and on the structure of the United States after the Declaration of Independence. Thus, the Constitution of the United States adopts this principle by establishing a temporary political power, with an executive power headed by the President, a legislative power in the hands of Congress, and a judicial power led by the Supreme Court, all of them controlling each other. Through the checks and balances system.

The principle of checks and balances, often used to describe the division of power, comes from James Madison. The principle states that an authority has the possibility to control another authority and the possibility to use its power to limit the power of other authorities.

One of the important contributions of the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is that a variable can play different roles depending on the situation. In situations of low elaboration, how will variables most directly influence receivers?



Serve as a peripheral cue



This is simply known as influencing, changing or altering an individual's to change their belief, either by doing something or not doing something.

Theory of Planned Behavior

This view is simply that individual's real motives are the best tools or predictors of their real or deliberate behaviors, that is determined by their attitudes toward specific behaviors, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

This is commonly known as a model of persuasion. It states that there are two different way or routes to persuasion. That is there is the central route and the peripheral route. It is said that if motivation is high but ability is low, peripheral rout is taken.

The ELM shows that an intelligence, education, and training acts on an individual's ability to process a persuasive message.

Why do the most successful students evaluate what they read and hear?


Thinking Critically and Creatively
The ability to think critically about a matter—to analyze a question, situation, or problem down to its most basic parts—is what helps us evaluate the accuracy and truthfulness of statements, claims, and information we read and hear.

how does development gather speed



Developing speed is an ongoing process of hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of discipline. You must work on speed development drills everyday, week after week, and month after month, that's if you want to become faster.

its 4 pm in madrid at 12 degree west longitude find the time of Singapore at 120 degree east longitude ​





You must start by finding the difference in longitude (or degrees) of the two places. You do this by adding the two numbers. Then, divide by the 15 degrees that occurs in one hour and this will give you the time difference. Longitudes located in the western hemisphere are indicated by a negative sign; longitude located in the Eastern hemisphere are indicated by a positive sign.

-12⁰ + 120⁰ = 108⁰

108⁰ ÷ 15 = 7.2 hours = 432 minutes = 7 hours 12 minutes

4PM in Madrid + 7 hours (12 minutes) = 11PM in Singapore

It is important to realize that Spain uses DST, so right now, in the summer, Singapore is only 6 hours ahead of Madrid. It is only 10PM!

When the creature discovers that taking part of the DeLacy’s food store causes them suffering, he:______
a. takes more, his selfishness and cruelty an innate part of his nature.
b. begins to hunt rabbits, squirrels, and other small creatures, and leaves his left overs on their doorstep.
c. no longer takes from them, instead living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.
d. abstains as much as possible, going many days without food and succumbing to hunger and taking more only when he feels he cannot go on another hour.



The correct answer is - C. no longer takes from them, instead of living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.


Creatures or any organism learn from their behavior and actions and result or outcomes of their actions. Outcomes influence the frequency or keep doing these actions. Positive outcomes increase the frequency of the actions whereas negative outcomes lead to decrease or inhibit such actions.

In this question taking food from food storage is the negative outcome as it causes suffering to the creature which will prevent them doing it and found other sources.

is extravagance a social problem​



This is a bit of a complex question for a simple yes or no. Ultimately, extravagance can become a social problem related to the wealth gap, specifically if the extravagance comes from political leaders. For example, King Louis XVI lived in great extravagance. (During his reign, he built the Versailles palace.) The poor of France absolutely saw this extravagance as a social problem, and, well, Louis and his wife's heads ended up in a basket. Hope this helps.

using four or more complete sentences describe Russians system of government and identity its basic structure.​



The Russian government is governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and its members of government includes the prime minister, deputy prime minsters and the federal ministers.

According to the 1993 Russian Constitution, the president is not part of the government even though he exercises executive power and appoints the prime minister.

John and Sarah both apply for the same promotion in their news organization. John gets the promotion and Sarah decides that the new job wasn't really that important to her. Sarah is exhibiting which of Freudian defense mechanism?a. reaction formation.b. projection.c. rationalization.d. denial.



A. reaction formation


what Sarah is exhibiting can be regarded as reaction formation. We can describe reaction formation as a psychological defense mechanism whereby the person goes past the stage where they are in denial and act in a way that is opposite how they truly feel. or how they think.

Sarah says this new job promotion was not really important to her but the truth is that the job was important to her, because if it was not important she would not have applied to her. Saying it was not important to her is just her way of trying to cope with the fact that she did not get the post.

thank you!

Correct option is B.

Sarah is exhibiting reaction formation of Freudian defense mechanism. We can define reaction formation as a psychological defensive mechanism in which a person moves beyond denial and acts in ways that are diametrically opposed to how they genuinely feel.

Sarah claims that this new job promotion was unimportant to her, but the truth is that the job was vital to her since she would not have applied if it had not been. She is just trying to cope with the fact that she did not get the job by saying it was not important to her.

To know more about Johan and Sarah, refer to the link:

Select all that apply.
12 of 25
The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote



The order converts the leaders plan into action the five paragraph format helps to promote (blank) and (blank). Select all that apply

Brevity; clarity

The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote brevity and clarity.

What do yo mean by Leader?

Leader is the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

The five-paragraph order's goal is to provide a directive by providing a full orientation to the operational area. A five-paragraph order provides subordinates with the crucial details they need to complete the task.

Therefore, brevity and clarity are correct answers. The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote brevity and clarity.

Learn more about Leader, here;


Describe the most important elements of cultural knowledge that Anne Moody learned from her family and community as a child. Select two of these elements and analyze how her cultural knowledge of that element was sustained, altered, or transformed by her experiences in college and the Movement.


Answer and Explanation:

Two of the most important elements that Anne Moody learned in her community were the devaluation of the work done by black people and the importance of education for social advancement. That's because Anne Moody, despite being an exceptional student, needed to work in white family homes as a cleaner or cook to get some money, which was very little and not a fair wage. It showed her how undervalued black people were, no matter what potential they had. Upon going to college, she realized how important education was for social advancement, because although blacks who had higher education were victims of racism, the friends she had in her community had adult lives much more devalued than her and other blacks who had access to higher education. By becoming involved with the civil rights movement, she realized that only with an egalitarian society, problems related to education and the valorization of work, in her community and in other black communities, would be resolved.

A group of investigators are investigating a recent airplane crash in Lucitona. The investigators discovered debris of the aircraft, which provided them the information regarding the nature of the plane crash. But because the flight data recorder (a device that preserves the recent history of the flight) of the airplane was completely destroyed in the crash, the investigators were unable to determine what exactly went wrong. The absence of the flight data recorder led the investigators to call off the investigation. It can be concluded that the investigation was called off because:



Hence the information at disposal was incomplete.


The absence of a flight data recorder led the investigators to call off the investigation. It is often concluded that the investigation was called off because:- the information at disposal was incomplete. The flight data recorder is a crucial instrument that receives information from the sensors located in several parts of the plane and provides essential information associated with aircraft accidents.

In this case it can be concluded that this investigation was called off because the information at disposal was incomplete.

Incomplete information is a major reason why some tasks may be left unattended to. It has the ability of leading to abandonment of assignments.

According to this question, the data that would have been used to help get results in this investigation has been destroyed completely.

Due to this, continuing with the task would lead to a dead end because there is no means of getting any reasons why.


Relate family and social behavior​


Do your parents trust with your friends? Why?

What is the most effective method interest groups have for achieving their legislative and judicial goals



Groups use varied methods to try to achieve their aims including lobbying, media campaigns, publicity stunts, polls, research, and policy briefings.

The most effective way for interest groups to achieve their legislative and judicial objectives is to develop or make direct contact with the government leader, lawmakers, media, and a variety of other personalities who have direct influence.

What are the legislative goals?

The goals that are made for balancing power, for representing the constitution, and for making new laws come under the legislative goals.

Therefore, developing direct contact with leaders and lawmakers will affect the groups that have to achieve the legislative goals.

Learn more about the legislative goals from here:


Buôn làng ở khu vực Tây Nguyên có vai trò như thế nào đối với đời sống các dân tộc thiểu số?


Kung Lao Liu Kang Rick & Morty

Can someone please help me huhu it's very URGENT!!!!

Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in your School or the top 1 in your class. How will you show humility to others? What is the importance of being humble?​



I can show humility to others by helping them. by not discriminating anyone, by loving juniors and respecting seniors, by being kind, by showing my humbleness to others.

The importance of being humble is that it helpsus to become good person, it helps us to win over theheart of other people, it helps us in various ways.

i hope this will help you. Staysafe

"Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in..."How you show humility is by acting informally with your peers. it's important to be humble as it's a trait of Diplomacy. This is further explained below.

What is humility?

Generally, humility is simply defined as having a low opinion of one's own significance.

In conclusion, In order to exhibit humility, you should treat your coworkers in a more casual manner. Diplomacy requires humility, and it's a quality that should be cultivated.

Read more about humility


Jill, Kevin's supervisor, asked for a sales update today. Jill is too busy to go back and forth between the different store locations. How can Kevin give her an update more effectively? O a) Call with a quick update O b) Text a detailed OC) Book a one-hour meeting for tomorrow tomorrow morning d) Send a detailed email



b. text a detailed message



d) Send a detailed email

what is meant by peace? write in a sentence.​



Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.

freedom from disturbance; tranquillity


a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

phân tích sự biến đổi của cấu trúc gia đình theo hướng hạt nhân hóa


Answer: i don't understand the language you used and it's kinda hard to read.


Đặc điểm chung quan niệm duy vật thời kỳ cổ đại là tìm nguồn gốc của thế giới những dạng vật chất cụ thể. Đúng hay sai và giải thích



hola no si


1. List and discuss the different factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities/endeavors. In your response, you may add more factors to the ones in the articles based on your personal experience(s) in the use of mobile telecommunication services.​



The form of social and professional communication was directly impacted by the internet and the creation of mobile phones. Today, it is possible to connect with anyone in the world through a smartphone, which reduces time and distances, facilitates business and socialization.

There are different factors that influence the adoption of the mobile phone to carry out academic and social activities/enterprises. Some of them are:

Demographic factors: Income, age, gender, occupation, easy access to the network.

Personal factors: status, preferences, lifestyle, usage.

Social factors: media, knowledge, experiences, influence.

un animal vertebrado es aquel que tiene un ​



un animal vertebrado es aquel que tiene columna vertebral.

________ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. Group of answer choices Locus of control Self-efficacy Emotional stability Self-esteem Self-awareness


Answer: Self esteem


Self esteem refers to the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. The way we value ourselves and assert ourselves refers to self esteem.

When an individual has a high self-esteem, such person believes that he or she has what it takes to succeed while someone with low self esteem doesn't believe in himself or herself.

sould i take my brother shopping with me


sould i take my brother shopping with me?

I suggest yes.he would help you carry your things....

sure if you are willing to pay

Which investment is best for someone who is likely to need cash soon?



Savings account


Saving account is the only option that can be used by someone who is likely to need cash soon. The mutual funds cannot be withdrawn before three years as the amount will be taxable.

Answer is: savings account or tesla stock!!
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