Elizabeth was a "granola mom"it was only natural and organic foods and therapies for her
family. She belonged to a food co-op and ordered special foods and home remedies through
the group
Elizabeth was well read and conscientious, and she had a remedy for everything
Little white pills that dissolved under the tongue treated everything from teething to bruising.
When her 8-year-old daughter Samantha had a sore throat, Elizabeth had her gargle with
colloidal silver remedy used before all the new and "dangerous" antibiotics. Samantha did
get over her sore throat, but three weeks later, she broke out in a rash, complained that her
points hurt, and had swollen glands. This worried Elizabeth, and so she consulted a
conventional medical doctor.
Samantha was diagnosed with rheumatic fever, and the doctor prescribed antibiotic treatment.
Elizabeth had read that antibiotics could damage the immune system, and was reluctant to
give them to her daughter
How can you as a nurse, encourage compliance with long-term antibiotie treatment without
abenating Elizabeth? To what extent does a parent have the night to refuse medical advice for
a child? When are alternative therapies helpful?


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

1. As nurses, we can inform you that the use of antibiotics according to medical advice is not dangerous, because the doctor is able to prescribe a correct dose, which must be taken at the correct time intervals, to fight the disease without damaging the immune system . In that case, if the girl takes the medicine exactly as the doctor prescribed, she will have no problems and her body will recover completely.

2. Parents only have the right to refuse medical advice, when such advice is clearly abusive, puts the child at proven risk, or presents experimental treatments without scientific evidence, as it may endanger the child.

3. Alternative therapies are beneficial when they are accompanied by traditional medical treatment, or when they seek to promote relaxation and stress reduction, without trying to fight infections and more serious health problems.

Related Questions

Many of the phenotypes of DiGeorge syndrome have been traced back to one of the genes that is in the deleted region, TBX1. Some of the evidence for the important role of TBX1 in DiGeorge syndrome came from individuals who have some of the symptoms of DiGeorge syndrome without having the typical deletion. Closer examination showed that some of these individuals had SNV in the TBX1 gene. Which of the following SNVS would be most likely to create a similar phenotype to the deletion?
A. A variant in the promoter region of TBX1 that increases its expression
B. A variant in the intronic region of TBX1 that does not affect splicing. X
C. A nonsense variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.
D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.



D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.


TBX1 gene is wild type human being. It gives instructions for making protein called T-box 1. It plays an important role in tissue formation and organs during embryonic development.

Two species of closely related frogs are found in the same pond high in the Andes of South America. Both species only have teeth on the top jaw. One has small teeth for holding small live prey prior to swallowing. The other species has very large sharp teeth for injuring and killing large prey prior to biting off pieces of flesh for consumption. The above is an example of:


Complete question:

Two species of closely related frogs are found in the same pond high in the Andes of South America. Both species only have teeth on the top jaw. One has small teeth for holding small live prey prior to swallowing. The other species has very large sharp teeth for injuring and killing large prey prior to biting off pieces of flesh for consumption. The above is an example of:

Directional selectionAnalogous structuresCharacter displacementHybridization Vestigial structures


Character displacement


Competition is an ecological and evolutive process very common in nature. Competition might be intra- or interspecific. Competition between different species in a community or ecosystem might be due to the same resource use, or the same territory, shelter, etcetera. When a resource is useful for two or more species, and limited, they compete to gain it.

The principle of competitive exclusion states that different species with the same requirements sharing the niche can not coexist indefinitely based on the same limited resource. When two competing species coexist, this is because of niche partitioning or niche differentiation.

Differentiation of effective niche is closely related to character displacement.

Character displacement is the result of interspecific competition, in which two or more species that live in the same habitat manage to avoid competition by developing different traits. Morphological divergence, or any adaptative trait development, fixated genetically, is the product of niche segregation. Species tend to differentiate morphologically in the presence of strong competitors. Traits divergence favors coexistence in the same place.

In the exposed example, both species live in the same pond. But to avoid competition and competitive exclusion, species developed different teeth sizes to feed on different prey items.  

The scientists mapping the SNPs in the human genome noticed that groups of SNPs tended to be inherited together, in blocks known as haplotypes, ranging in length from 5,000 to 200,000 base pairs. There are as few as four or five commonly occurring combinations of SNPs per haplotype. Integrating what you've learned throughout this chapter and this unit, propose an explanation for this observation.



SNPs have shown that only 0.1 % of DNA sequences are different in the human genome between different individuals, thereby all the inherited phenotypic variation observed in our species is associated with only 0.1 % of differences at the genome level  


Haplotypes are block-like sequences of DNA that are inherited together due to low recombination rates. Moreover, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping is a very useful methodology used to map the site of SNP mutations (i.e., SNP variants). In this regard, it has been observed that there are approximately 10 million common SNPs in the human genome. These SNPs contribute to the wide range of phenotypic variation observed in human populations for different traits (e.g., eye color, hair, weight, height, etc). Moreover, researchers have determined that SNPs can be clustered into haplotypes, thereby haplotypes can be accurately sampled by as few as approx. 300,000 selected SNPs, which are sufficient to represent all of the genetic variation across different human genomes.

What is added to tacos, burritos, and soups that is
high in fiber?


Answer: flax seed whole wheat tortillas.

1⁄2 cup low-fat refried beans.

1⁄4 cup low-fat cheddar cheese.

leaves lettuce.

1⁄ cup salsa.

1⁄4 cup fat free sour cream.

Pinto beans are added to tacos, burritos, and soups that are high in fiber.

What are fibers and their types?

The body is unable to digest fiber, which is a form of carbohydrate. While fiber cannot be converted into glucose, the sugar that results from the breakdown of most carbs, fiber travels through the body undigested.

The solubility, viscosity, and fermentability of dietary fibers, which have an impact on how they are metabolized by the body, can be used to classify them in general. Dietary fibers have a wide range of chemical compositions.

Fibre comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble. Both are crucial for good health, digestion, and illness prevention. Thus, Pinto beans are added to tacos, burritos, and soups that are high in fiber.

Learn more about fibers, here:



2 True or False. A projectleie an object that once set in motion continues in motion by its own martia O True False ​





que contiene el condón?



plss translate it in English so i Can easyly answer it.


Thank you.

Which of the cardiac cell characteristics describes the
ability to initiate an electrical impulse?



The correct answer is: automaticity.


Cardiac muscle has several properties. These properties are: automaticity (given by the pacemaker cells), conductivity (meaning that each cardiac cell can transmit the electrical impulse to the next cardiac cells), contractility (like other types of muscles, cardiac muscle cells can contract), and irritability (each cell can contract on its own without the external stimuli).

Cardiac pacemaker cells are the ones with the capacity to initiate the electrical impulse by creating rhythmic impulses called action potentials, and thus directly regulating heart rate.

Pacemaker cells are located in the sinoatrial (SA) node, in the upper portion of the right atrial wall. In these cells, depolarization of the cardiac muscle begins, and the electrical impulse generated by it is transmitted to the atrioventricular (AV) node, the His bundle and then the Purkinje fibers - this order of events is necessary for the correct contraction of the heart to occur. All of these structures are part of the Conduction System of the heart.

explain what it means to view something from a frae of reference. provide an example that illustrate your explanation.



ex. where you are standing now

a perspective that one uses to determine if an object is moving.


in physics, a frame of reference, or reference frame, is a perspective that one uses to determine if an object is moving. ... For example, when you see a ball roll down a street, you can tell the ball is moving because the frame of reference is the streets, whatever may be on the side of the roads, or the Earth.


Mutations that result in the death of the individual are known as



Mutations that cause the death of an organism are called lethals — and it doesn't get more negative than that.

*Part 1*:
Interpretation - Identify trends, compare and contrast, draw conclusions.
The following is a plot of the number of bacterial cells vs time in a culture. A culture refers to
cells grown in a man-made environment. For example, even though oceans, streams and
ponds are teaming with microbes, they are not considered a culture because they are part of a
natural environment. Yogurt as well as cells grown on agar plates or liquid cultures are
examples of a man-made environment.
Time (hr)
*Part 1*: Analyze the image. Be sure to include a conclusion. There are no incorrect
conclusions, only illogical ones.



First increases, attain highest population and then decreases.


In the culture, the number of bacterial cells increases with the passage of time in a culture. at the beginning, the bacterial cells increases in number or population with the passage of time. At point C, it shows highest population of bacterial cells at the time period of 4 to 5 hours but after more time passed, the population of bacterial cells decreases may be the unavailability of food substances in the medium.

18. Why are enzymes important to cells?
They provide structural support.
They form the two layers of membranes.
They store large quantities of energy.
They help bring about chemical reactions



An enzyme is a type of protein found within a cell. Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body. They actually speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life.

Which of the following events contributes to the termination of a signal generated by the binding of a ligand to a receptor tyrosine kinase? Only one answer is correct
1. Phosphatases hydrolyze key phosphorylated residues.
2. Kinases hydrolyze key phosphorylated residues.
3. Kinases phosphorylate key residues.
4. The receptor tyrosine kinase dimerizes.
5. GTPase removes a phosphoryl group from GTP.
6. Phosphatases phosphorylate key residues.



1. Phosphatases hydrolyze key phosphorylated residues.


Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) are high-affinity transmembrane protein receptors that bind to a wide variety of ligands (e.g., growth factors, cytokines, hormones). These receptors (RTKs) have a transmembrane domain and therefore these proteins act as membrane receptors, as well as exhibit catalytic activity. The intracellular C terminal region of RTKs contains catalytic domains responsible for both autophosphorylation and tyrosine phosphorylation of their protein substrates. Moreover, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTPs) are critical enzymes that remove phosphate groups from tyrosine residues in different substrates (including RTKs), thereby regulating key signaling pathways such as cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell-cell adhesion.

define cell and atom.....​


Cell: A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology.

Atom:  atom is the smallest component of an element, characterized by a sharing of the chemical properties of the element and a nucleus with neutrons, protons and electrons. The protons and the neutrons reside in the nucleus.

whats the difference between atom and cell?

function wise atoms take part in every chemical reaction while cells are responsible for the development and growth of living existences. Atoms do not have life. They do not need food, water, and they do not reproduce. Cells are alive. Cells consume food and water and can reproduce. Atoms construct molecules and Cells make tissues for organs.

Answer this question properly​



Hindi ko alam hehee


ssorry po

what are the difference between DNA and RNA​



There are two differences that distinguish DNA from RNA: (a) RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose (a type of ribose that lacks one oxygen atom), and (b) RNA has the nucleobase uracil while DNA contains thymine.

characteristics of Pisces



Pisces are known as amazingly imaginative, creative, empathetic, and kind, they can also be overly sentimental, impressionable, and closed off.


Hope this helps!

oxygen is carried by blood to all the cells of body in the form of ___________​



Oxygen is carried by blood to all the cells of the body in the form of haemoglobin.


Oxygen is carried in the blood in two forms:

(1) dissolved in plasma and red blood cells water (about 2% of the total)

(2) reversibly bound to haemoglobin (about 98% of the total).

Haemoglobin is a protein in the red blood cells and carries oxygen around our bodies. At the same time, carbon dioxide that is dissolved in the blood comes out of the capillaries back into the air sacs, ready to be breathed out.

All claims in science should be supported by biology





Because science &biology have a connection

1. A biologist studying interactions between an
animal species and its environment is studying
biology at which level?
b. biosphere
c. organism
d. ecosystem
a. cell





That is the definition of ecology.

answer: d. ecosystem

A particular cross gives a modified dihybrid ratio of 9:7. What phenotypic ratio would you expect in a testcross of the fully heterozygous F1 crossed with the fully recessive type





Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files.

You are carrying a case of 24 bottles of water up the stairs to your third-story apartment. What type of contraction are the muscles in your arms experiencing



Concentric contraction.


Concentric contraction is a type of contraction that the muscles in arms experiencing when an individual lifting 24 bottles of water up the stairs. A concentric contraction is a type of muscle activation that creates tension on your muscle as it shortens. As your muscle shortens, it produces enough force to move an object in the upward direction. In weight training we can easily see concentric movement.

Which actions could be categorized in the “aerobic” section of the Venn diagram?



Starts process with a glucose molecule (Obtaining ATP begins with a breakdown of a glucose molecule (hence the name of glycose), and this is in common with the anaerobic process since this step does not require oxygen.)


❣️ꈍ jess bragoli ꈍ❣️

#keep learning!!


If your doing the test on edgen then the answers are A.)consists of three stages, B.)yields 36 ATP molecules and, E.)starts process with a glucose molecule


I really hope his helps :) !!!!!!!!!!!!

Please push that thank you button and have a great day!!!!!!!!!

In pea plants, flowers are either white or purple: the purple color is produced by pigments called anthocyanins. The production of anthocyanins is a two-step process: the first step is controlled by the C gene and the second by the P gene. Both genes must produce functional proteins for anthocyanin to be produced. This is an example of:



This is an example of gene translation.


Gene translation refers to the genetic process where a set of genes is used to create amino acids that will be responsible for creating a protein needed to perform some function or characteristic of the organism. In the question above, we can see that anthocyanin, responsible for the pigment of flowers, is created through the work of proteins that are created from gebes C and P. This is an example of gene translation, as it presents the formation of proteins regulated by genes.

In these imprinted cells, the SNRPN transcript overlaps with another gene, called UBE3A, which is transcribed in the opposite direction. This means that the region that the RNA polymerase transcribes in these two genes actually overlaps; in some cases, overlapping transcription in opposite directions leads to transcriptional interference, meaning that collisions between the polymerases traveling in opposite directions can interfere with transcription. It is believed that this takes place in this case, meaning that the more SNRPN transcription occurs, the more this disrupts transcription of UBE3A. Based on this information as well as information about the effects of imprinting on SNRPN transcription, which of the following statements about UBE3A transcription would be true?
a. The maternal copy of UBE3A is expressed and the paternal copy is silenced.
b. The paternal copy of UBE3A is expressed and the maternal copy is silenced.
c. Both copies of UBE3A are highly expressed.
d. Both copies of UBE3A are silenced.



a. The maternal copy of UBE3A is expressed and the paternal copy is silenced.


When UBE3A chromosome is in neurons, paternal allele is silent and maternal allele is expressed in process of genomic imprinting. In some cases UBE3A is expressed from both paternal and maternal chromosomes. The paternal chromosome is blue whereas maternal chromosome is magenta.

In your own words, explain how the precise timing of an element's radioactive decay helps scientists find the actual age of a material? (5 points)



Precise time can be studied with the help of amount of carbon in the body. By measuring the amount of carbon in the body scientist can find the actual age of a material

P is an autosomal dominant allele that produces a pigment, p is a recessive allele that produces no pigment. A pigmented and a non-pigmented organism mate and produce a pigmented offspring. They then mate and produce a non-pigmented offspring. What is the probability the next offspring will be pigmented



Explanation:4 possibilities, 3 dominant

If a pigmented and non-pigmented organism mate and produce a pigmented organism, which mate again and produce non-pigmented organisms, the probability that the next offspring will be pigmented is ¾ as P is the dominant, pigment-producing allele.

What are dominant alleles?

The association between two genetic variants is referred to as dominant. Each gene has two alleles that an individual inherits from each parent. One allele of a gene, known as the dominant gene, will be expressed if the alleles are different. The impact of the additional allele, known as the recessive one, is concealed.

If one is in charge, the other must be recessive. Then it is referred to as recessive. A dominant gene, or dominant form of a gene, is a specific variant of a gene that expresses itself more powerfully on its own than any other version of the gene that the individual is carrying—in this example, the recessive—for a variety of reasons.

Now, it mainly refers to patterns of inheritance typically used in combination with a Punnett square, where if a person has two copies of a gene and one is shown to frequently be passed down from one generation to another, it is referred to as dominant.

According to biochemistry, what is happening in this situation is that the genetic variant may, for a variety of reasons, cause a cell to perform a very advantageous or very disadvantageous function that the other version of the gene cannot cover up or counteract.

Therefore, the probability that the next offspring will be pigmented is ¾ as P is the dominant, pigment-producing allele.

Read more about dominant alleles, here



Cystic fibrosis is most common in individuals of Northern European descent, affecting 1 in 3200 newborns. Assuming that these alleles are at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the frequency of the disease-causing CFTR alleles in this population





Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease, thereby an individual must have both copies of the CFTR mutant alleles to have this disease. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that p² + 2pq + q² = 1, where p² represents the frequency of the homo-zygous dominant genotype (normal phenotype), q² represents the frequency of the homo-zygous recessive genotype (cystic fibrosis phenotype), and 2pq represents the frequency of the heterozygous genotype (individuals that carry one copy of the CFTR mutant allele). Moreover, under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the sum of the dominant 'p' allele frequency and the recessive 'q' allele frequency is equal to 1. In this case, we can observe that the frequency of the homo-zygous recessive condition for cystic fibrosis (q²) is 1/3200. In consequence, the frequency of the recessive allele for cystic fibrosis can be calculated as follows:

1/3200 = q² (have two CFTR mutant alleles) >>  

q = √ (1/3200) = 1/56.57 >>

- Frequency of the CFTR allele q = 1/56.57 = 0.0177  

- Frequency of the dominant 'normal' allele p = 1 - q = 1 - 0.0177 = 0.9823

What is silk thread?


Silk worms are an invasive species in the UK. They cover trees and kill them….. silk comes out of their butt and we call it silk thread. Silk thread is silk spun into thread, or silk worm pooo pooooooo

When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of has begun. Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the . Two consecutive neurons communicate at a , where they physically come together. are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain. Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called . When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, has occurred.



- When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of depolarization has begun.  

- Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the peripheral nervous system

- Two consecutive neurons communicate at a synapse, where they physically come together.  

- Endorphins are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain.  

- Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called neuroglia

- When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, hyperpolarization has occurred.


Neurons undergo depolarization in response to diverse stimuli (e.g., heat, light, electrical, chemical, etc). The depolarization occurs when sodium (Na+) ions pass through specific channels  (i.e., open voltage-gated Na+ channels) into a neuron, which causes an increase in the positivity of membrane potential. On the other hand, hyperpolarization occurs when potassium (K+) channels remain open and Na+ channels reset, thereby producing an increase in negativity of membrane potential. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, peripheral nerves, and neuromuscular junctions, which connect the Central nervous system (CNS) to the organs, limbs, and skin. Endorphins (e.g., serotonin) are polypeptides secreted by the pituitary gland and CNS to relieve stress and pain. Neuroglia refers to a class of neural cells that have ectodermal (e.g., astroglia, peripheral glial cells) or mesodermal (e.g., microglia) origins. Neuroglia cells are involved in diverse roles, including, among others, the formation of the blood-brain barrier, homeostatic support, provision of nutrients for neurons, structural support to nerve cells, etc.

¿Qué nombres reciben los tejidos que dan
origen a los tejidos adultos de las plantas?
a. Tejidos diferenciados
b. Tejidos indiferenciados (meristemos)
c. Tejidos vegetales





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