Elliptic curve cryptography is considered as the latest and probably the one with a future. Having seen RSA in earlier modules, in which ways do YOU think elliptic cryptography is more advanced than RSA. You may read other material or get this information from the internet to answer this question. But make sure to provide necessary references when you do cite others.


Answer 1


The answer is below.


Some of the ways, how I think elliptic cryptography is more advanced than RSA are the following:

1. ECC - Elliptic Curve Cryptography uses smaller keys for the same level of security, particularly at greater levels of security.

2. ECC can work well and at a faster rate on a small-capacity device compared to RSA

3. It uses offer speedier SSL handshakes that enhance security

4. It offers fast signatures

5. It allows signatures to be computed in two stages, which enables lower latency than inverse throughput.

6. Relatively quick encryption and decryption

Related Questions

Suppose we have 999 records of employees Emp1, Emp2, Emp5, Emp6 and so on up to Emp998 and Emp999 stored in a sequence. Hence, records are nothing but a row in the table. In the employee table, we want to insert new records Emp3 and Emp4 in the sequence, and once we have done insertion we need to update and retrieve the record efficiently to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the access time when query is being executed.


The records in the table represents the employee ID of each employee. Assume the table name is EMPLOYEES and the field name of employee IDs is ID, the following SQL query inserts Emp3 and Emp4 into the employees table.

INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID) values (Emp3), (Emp4)

The complete question requires that we list the pros and cons of solving the problem using Index sequential access method (ISAM).

The advantage of using ISAM is that priorities are given to the indices of the records being inserted. So, Emp3 and Emp4 will be inserted immediately after Emp2.

However, a major disadvantage of using ISAM is that it is very expensive to keep the indices in a sequential order;

See attachment for the illustration of Index sequential access method (ISAM).

Read more about Index sequential access method (ISAM) at:


Side milling cutter is an example of ______ milling cutter.



special type


As per the classification of milling cutters. This cutter can handle deep and long open slots in a more comfortable manner, which increase the productivity.

Hydraulic fracturing is: Select one: a. a first step in storage of high-level radioactive waste b. a way of extracting natural gas shale formations c. a step in oil refining where oil is separated into different viscosities d. none of the above


The answer is B - a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.

Hydraulic fracturing is “a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.”

Shale and other types of "tight" rock, or impermeable rock formations that lock in oil and gas and complicate the production of fossil fuels, can be extracted of their natural gas or oil using the modern high-volume hydraulic fracturing process. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the factor involving in Hydraulic fracturing?

Shale gas is extracted through a procedure called hydraulic fracturing, also referred to as “fracking.” Due to the fact that shale reserves are often dispersed horizontally rather than vertically, deep holes are first drilled into the shale rock, then horizontal drilling is used to reach more of the gas.

A mixture of sand, chemicals, and water is pushed at high pressure down a borehole during hydraulic fracturing. The released gas can flow out of the rocks and back up the borehole because the water pressure causes cracks in the rock to widen, and the sand particles settle into the openings to keep them open.

Therefore, a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.

Learn more about Hydraulic fracturing here:



What is the following diagram called?





because shopping has great income


is ur question right


is ur question right

is ur question right

Troy must keep track of the amount of refrigerant he uses from a 50-pound cylinder to ensure that accurate
records are kept. He used 13 pounds on a systein for Ms. Jones and 9 pounds on a system for a commercial
client. How many pounds should he have left in the cylinder?
Troy should have
pounds of refrigerant left in the cylinder.
baon naid Thamar basic
محمود احمد مجد
اهداء ما در



Amount of gas still in cylinder = 28 pound



Amount of gas in cylinder = 50 pound

Amount of gas used in Ms. Jones system = 13 pound

Amount of gas used in client system = 9 pound


Amount of gas still in cylinder


Amount of gas still in cylinder = Amount of gas in cylinder - Amount of gas used in Ms. Jones system - Amount of gas used in client system

Amount of gas still in cylinder = 50 - 13 - 9

Amount of gas still in cylinder = 28 pound

What is the following diagram called?



flow chart


it's a flow chart right ? don't know the explanation cause I am not even sure I am right

A mechanic claims to have developed a car engine that runs on water instead of gasoline. What is your response to this claim?​


The claim will be impractical. The reason behind this is provided below throughout the explanation segment.

Inside the same combustion chamber, fresh water can't be pressurized even more than fuel as well as air. Consequently, the cylinder does not burn due to a problem with the compressor.To accomplish the development processes, a machine requires any sort of combustible which might cause combustion as well as create a tremendous quantity of power.

Thus, the idea of using water instead of petroleum appears unworkable throughout traditional engines.

Learn more:


Why is logging done during drilling?



Logging while drilling (LWD) is a technique of conveying well logging tools into the well borehole downhole as part of the bottom hole assembly (BHA). ... In these situations, the LWD measurement ensures that some measurement of the subsurface is captured in the event that wireline operations are not possible

an atom that gained an electron is called​



Hey mate......


This is ur answer.....

When an atom gains/loses an electron, the atom becomes charged, and is called an ion.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me :)

An atom that gained an electron is called an ION.

True or false: You can create a network with two computers.



To create a computer network, you must have at least two computers. ... A protocol is a standard set of rules and procedures for the control of communications in a network. TRUE. Two computers using TCP/IP can communicate even if they are based on different hardware and software platforms. So your right :)

Hope this helps :)
True u must use two computers

hỗ trợ mình với được không các bạn




Be bop

A resistor has code 104 printed on it .What is the resistive value of this resistor ​



X = 1 (1st digit in the code)

Y = 0 (2nd digit)

Z = 4 (3rd multiplier digit)

104 → 10 × 10^4 Ω

→ 10 × 10000Ω

→ 100 kΩ

resistors are marked 104, 105, 205, 751, and 754. The resistor marked with 104 should be 100kΩ (10x10^4), 105 would be 1MΩ (10x10^5), and 205 is 2MΩ (20x10^5). 751 is 750Ω (75x10^1), and 754 is 750kΩ (75x10^4).

Here we need to understand how a code in a resistor gives us information on the resistor. Here we will see that the code means that the resistance is 100,000 Ω.

When we use numbers, let's assume that we have 3 single-digit numbers abc.

So if the code in our resistor is abc, this will mean that the resistance of the resistor is:

ab×10^c Ω

Using this general rule we can see that if the code is 104, then the resistance will be:

r = 10×10^4 Ω

 = 100,000 Ω

Then we can conclude that the resistive value of this resistor is  100,000 Ω

If you want to learn more, you can read:


A steel component with ultimate tensile strength of 800 MPa and plane strain fracture toughness of 20 MPam is known to contain a tunnel (internal) crack of length 1.4 mm. This alloy is being considered for use in a cyclic loading application for which the design stresses vary from 0 to 410 MPa. Would you recommend this alloy for this application


Complete question:

A steel component with a tensile strength of 800 MPa and fracture toughness Kic=20 MPa Nm is known to contain internal cracks (also called tunnel cracks) with the maximum length of 1.4 mm. This steel is being considered for use in a cyclic loading application for which the designed stresses vary from 0 to 420 MPa. Would you recommend using this steel in this application?

a. Not sure. Because cyclic loading is applied. Fatigue test is needed in order to make the recommendation.

b. Yes, this because the tensile strength of steel is much higher than the applied highest stress of 420 MPa.

c. Yes, this because the calculated critical stress to fracture for the cracks is higher than the highest applied stress of 420 MPa and the steel can withstand the stress of 420 MPa.

d. No. Although the calculated critical stress to fracture for the cracks is slightly higher than the highest applied stress of 420 MPa and the steel may withstand the static stress of 420 MPa, the cyclic loading may cause rapid fatigue fracture.


A. Not sure. Because cyclic loading is applied. Fatigue test is needed in order to make the recommendation.


we are not sure if to recommend this alloy for this application given that this material has already been left to experience fatigue degradation. the cyclic load application brings about a growth in the crack. We know that cyclic loading is continuous loading that is useful for the testing of fatigue. Therefore the answer to this question is option a. We cannot make recommendations except fatigue testing has been carried out.

thank you!

The secondary coil of a step-up transformer provides the voltage that operates an electrostatic air filter. The turns ratio of the transformer is 41:1. The primary coil is plugged into a standard 120-V outlet. The current in the secondary coil is 1.2 x 10-3 A. Find the power consumed by the air filter.



  5.9 watts


The secondary voltage is the primary voltage multiplied by the turns ratio:

  (120 V)(41) = 4920 V

The power is the product of voltage and current:

  (4920 V)(1.2·10^-3 A) = (4.92)(1.2) W = 5.904 W

The power consumed is about 5.9 watts.

Question in Statistics and Probability 2

Petrol samples were taken at three different stations along a national highway to determine whether the octane rating varied from one station to another. Six petrol specimens of the same category were randomly selected at each station in different days. We are interested to know if there is sufficient evidence to indicate a difference in the mean octane rating at the different stations.
State the Null and the Alternative Hypotheses. 


I have this questions For a confidence level of 80% with a sample size of 21, find the critical t value answer key then u can help?

once scientist has asked a question conducted an investigation and analyzed the data his or hwr goalis to​






so its an question?..........

Tech A says that the voltage regulator controls the strength of the rotor s magnetic field. Tech B says that the voltage regulator is installed between the output terminal of the alternator and the positive terminal of the battery. Who is correct?



Voltage Regulator

Technician A is correct.


Technician B is not correct.  The voltage regulator is not installed between the output terminal of the alternator and the positive terminal of the battery as claimed by Technician B.  Technician A's opinion that the voltage regulator controls the strength of the rotor's magnetic field is correct.  The computer can also be used to control the output of the alternator by controlling the field current.

If OSHA determines that an employer's response to a non-formal complaint is adequate, what options does the employee filing the non-formal complaint have?


Fill it out without telling ur employer as that may cause backlash and have an osha certified employee come check out ur work or job site

Explain moment of inertia



The moment of inertia is basically a physical quantity which describes how easy it is for a body to rotate itself around a given axis.

In easier wording: Moment of Inertia is a body and when it starts rotating or moving, it will keep doing so until we stop it by force.


For example, a car that is moving and active will continue to move even if you were to switch the engine off.

Solve using Matlab the problems:

One using the permutation of n objects formula

One using the permutation of r objects out of n objects

You can pick these problems from the textbook or you can make up your own questions.

Help me pleaseeeee




% Clears variables and screen

clear; clc

% Asks user for input

n = input('Total number of objects: ');

r = input('Size of subgroup: ');

% Computes and displays permutation according to basic formulas

p = 1;

for i = n - r + 1 : n

   p = p*i;


str1 = [num2str(p) ' permutations'];


% Computes and displays combinations according to basic formulas

str2 = [num2str(p/factorial(r)) ' combinations'];



Example: check

How many permutations and combinations can be made of the 15 alphabets, taking four at a time?

The answer is:

32760 permutations

1365 combinations


what is the term Self-induced EMF (Induction) ​


Self induction and Mutual induction

If the current through the coil changes, the flux through the coil changes and an emf is induced. Since the emf is induced in the coil due to its own field, it is called self–induced emf and the phenomenon is called self–induction.


Self induced EMF is the electro-motive force that is generated due to change in flux in the coil caused by the change in current in the same coil.

Use a truth table to verify the first De Morgan law ¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨ ¬q.



p q output ¬(p ∧ q)

0 0 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

0 0 0

p q output ¬p ∨ ¬q

0 0 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

0 0 0


We'll create two separate truth tables for both sides of the equation, and see if they match.

The expressions in the question use AND, OR and NOT operators.

The AND operation needs both inputs to be 1 to return a 1.The OR operation needs at least 1 of the inputs to be 1 to return a 1. The NOT operation takes a 1 and turns it into a 0, or takes a 0 and turns it into a 1.

Let's start with ¬(p ∧ q)

NOT (0 AND 0) = NOT (0) = 1NOT (0 AND 1) = NOT (0) = 1NOT (1 AND 0) = NOT (0) = 1NOT (1 AND 1) = NOT (1) = 0

Now let's move on to the second expression ¬p ∨ ¬q

NOT(0) OR NOT(0) = 1 OR 1 = 1NOT(0) OR NOT(1) = 1 OR 0 = 1NOT(1) OR NOT(0) = 0 OR 1 = 1NOT(0) OR NOT(0) = 0 OR 0 = 0

Therefore we can say the two expressions are equivalent.

Attached  the truth table to verify the first De Morgan's law ¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨ ¬q:

What is the explanation of the truth table?

As you can see from the attached truth table, the truth values for ¬(p ∧ q) and ¬p ∨ ¬q are the same for all combinations of p and q, confirming the validity of the first De Morgan's law.

De Morgan's law is a fundamental principle in propositional logic.

It states that the negation of a conjunction (AND) is equivalent to the disjunction (OR) of the negations of the individual propositions.

Learn more about truth table at:



Race cars at the Indianapolis Speedway average speeds of 185 mi/h. After determining the altitude of Indianapolis, find the Mach number of these cars and estimate whether compressibility might affect their aerodynamics.



- the Mach number is 0.24.

- Compressibility becomes effective when Mach number is greater than 0.3, the Mach number of the race cars is less than 0.3, hence, compressibility will not affect their aerodynamics.


Given the data in the question;

Average speed V = 185 miles per hour = ( 185 /2.237 ) m/s = 82.7 m/s

From Almanac, we can find that Indianapolis is at 220 m altitude.

So from table, at that altitude, the standard speed of sound will be 339.4 m/s .

Mach number of the race car will be;

Mach Number = Velocity / sound speed

we substitute

Mach Number = ( 82.7 m/s ) / ( 339.4 m/s )

Mach Number = 0.24

Therefore the Mach number is 0.24.

We know that, compressibility becomes effective when the Mach number is greater than 0.3.

Since the Mach number of the race cars is less than 0.3, compressibility will not affect their aerodynamics.


A binary system of species 1 and 2 consists of vapor and liquid phases in equilibrium
at temperature T. The overall mole fraction of species 1 in the system is z1 = 0.65. At
temperature T, lnγ1 = 0.67 x2
2; lnγ2 = 0.67 x1
2; P1
sat = 32.27 kPa; and P2
sat = 73.14 kPa.
Assuming the validity of Eq. (13.19),
Final PDF to printer
13.10. Problems 511
smi96529_ch13_450-523.indd 511 01/06/17 03:27 PM
(a) Over what range of pressures can this system exist as two phases at the given T and z1?
(b) For a liquid-phase mole fraction x1 = 0.75, what is the pressure P and what molar
fraction of the system is vapor?
(c) Show whether or not the system exhibits an azeotrope


The answer in photo
Please don't forget put heart ♥️

Explain the LWD process why is it important in drilling operations?



Logging while drilling (LWD) is a technique of conveying well logging tools into the well borehole downhole as part of the bottom hole assembly (BHA). ... In these situations, the LWD measurement ensures that some measurement of the subsurface is captured in the event that wireline operations are not possible.


pls mark brainliest

Hot air is to be cooled as it is forced to flow through the tubes exposed to atmospheric air. Fins are to be added in order to enhance heat transfer. Would you recommend attaching the fins inside or outside the tubes? Why? When would you recommend auaching fins both inside and outside the tubes?



Fins should be attached outside the tube Fins can be attached on both sides when convection coefficient of air inside the tube is equal to the convection coefficient of atmospheric air outside the tube


The main function of the fins that are to be added is to ensure the speedy transfer of heat from the Hot air.

The fins should be attached outside the tube because the convection coefficient of air is higher inside the tube than the convection coefficient of the outside air ( atmospheric air ),  BUT

When convection coefficient of air inside the tube is equal to the atmospheric air outside the tube, it is recommended that the fins can be added on both sides of the tube ( i.e. in and outside the tube )

Future solution for air pollution in new zealand



New Zealand may use some of these solutions to prevent air pollution


Using public transports.

Recycle and Reuse

No to plastic bags

Reduction of forest fires and smoking

Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner

Use filters for chimneys

Avoid usage of crackers

Select the correct statement(s) regarding IEEE 802.16 WiMAX BWA. a. WiMAX BWA describes both 4G Mobile WiMAX and fixed WiMax b. DSSS and CDMA are fundamental technologies used with WiMAX BWA c. OFDM is implemented to increase spectral efficiency and to improve noise performance d. all of the statements are correct



d. all of the statements are correct.


WiMAX Broadband Wireless Access has the capacity to provide service up to 50 km for fixed stations. It has capacity of up to 15 km for mobile stations. WiMAX BWA describes both of 4G mobile WiMAX and fixed stations WiMAX. OFMD is used to increase spectral efficiency of WiMAX and to improve noise performance.

4) A steel tape is placed around the earth at the equator when the temperature is 0 C. What will the clearance between the tape and the ground (assumed to be uniform) be if the temperature of the tape rises to 30 C. Neglect the expansion of the earth (the radius of the earth is 6.37 X 106 m)



2102.1 m


Temperature at the equator = 0⁰

Radius of the earth = 6.37x10⁶


We how to find out what the clearance between tape and ground would be if temperature increases to 30 degrees.

Final temperature = ∆T = 303-273 = 30

S = 11x10^-6

The clearance R = Ro*S*∆T

=6.37x10⁶x 11x10^-6x30

= 2102.1m

Or 2.102 kilometers

Thank you

Other Questions
When a player's finger presses a guitar string down onto a fret, the length of the vibrating portion of the string is shortened, thereby increasing the string's fundamental frequency. The string's tension and mass per unit length remain unchanged.If the unfingered length of the string is l=65cm, determine the positions x of the first six frets, if each fret raises the pitch of the fundamental by one musical note in comparison to the neighboring fret. On the equally tempered chromatic scale, the ratio of frequencies of neighboring notes is 21/12 x1=x2=x3=x4=x5=x6= Select four tasks associated with operating system maintenance. Cleaning inside the computer Defragmenting the hard drive Deleting temporary files Removing device drivers Organizing data Updating malware Removing partitions How many tacos could you buy on a Wednesday with 20 dollars and tacos cost 50. cents A bullet is fired vertically upward a velocity of 80m/s to what height will the bullet rise above the point of projection Answer in detail?? What precautions would you take to protect yourself from an earthquake, when you are at home and when you are outdoors? 3.How does the theory of efficient production apply to managers of government bureaus or departments that are not run for profit In a shipment of airplane parts, 6% are known to be defective. If 42 parts are found to be defective, how many parts are in the shipment? The weight of bags of fertilizer is normally distributed with a mean of 50 pounds and standard deviation of 6 pounds. What is the probability that a bag of fertilizer will weigh:a. Between 45 and 55 pounds?b. At least 56 pounds?c. At most 49 pound? When the function f(x) = 4(2)x is changed to f(x) = 4(2)x 13, what is the effect? (5 points) Select one: a. There is no change to the graph because the exponential portion of the function remains the same. b. The x-intercept is 13 spaces higher. c. The y-intercept is 13 spaces lower. d. All input values are moved 13 spaces to the left. How did Sumers location in the Fertile Crescent allow the civilization to have specialized workers? At a concession stand; three hot dogs and two hamburgers cost $9.75; two hot dogs and three hamburgers cost $10.25. Find the cost of one hot dog and the cost of one hamburger. pag aalsang sumuroy:paki answer po The use of radioactive substances as a therapy for in-stent restenosis of a coronary vessel is ______________________. Which professional would most likely use a diagram for their presentation? Check all that apply.a science teacher who wants to show the basic structures of a cella statistician who wants to illustrate how a math problem was solved* a river raft guide who wants to show the location of the best rapidsan economic development director who wants to show job growth over timeSa senator who wants to visualize the process a bill takes to become law Question 10B0/1 pt 3 16DetailsNASA launches a rocket at t = 0 seconds. Its height, in meters above sea level, as a function of time isgiven by h = - 4.96 +229 + 178.(A) Assuming that the rocket will splash down into the ocean, at what time does splashdown occur? (Roundanswer to 2 decimal places)The rocket splashes down afterseconds.(B) How high above sea-level does the rocket get at its peak? (Round answer to 2 decimal places)The rocket peaks atmeters above sea level.Submit QuestionHi How much money invested at 3% compounded monthly for 3 years will yield $520?$179.42$475.30$358.84$148.78 HELP ME ASAPPPP PLZZZZZ!!!!!For the reaction C + 2H2 CH4, how many grams of hydrogen are required to produce 16.8 moles of methane, CH4 ? Which statement is a hypothesis?AnswersA. I hear crikets in the summer, so crickets chirp more when its warm outsideB. Crickets are cooler than grasshoppers.C. If the temperature increases, then crickets will chirp more.D. Does temperature affect how much crickets chirp? 30 POINTS PLEASE HELP Your cousin, Sameer lives in another city. He has met with an accident in which he has injured his leg. Fortunately, the injury is not that serious but he will have to miss his Pre Mid-term examination. Write a letter to your cousin in about 120 words