Elm Corporation is a merchandising company. The year began with inventory of $21,000, Purchases for the year were $46,000, and the Ending Inventory was $8,000. What is the Cost of Goods Sold that would be reported on the income statement


Answer 1




Calculation to determine the Cost of Goods Sold that would be reported on the income statement

Using this formula

Cost of Goods Sold=Purchases for the year+beginning Inventory)-Ending Inventory

Let plug in the formula

Cost of Goods Sold=($46,000+$21,000) - $8,000

Cost of Goods Sold=$67,000-$8,000

Cost of Goods Sold=$59,000

Therefore the Cost of Goods Sold that would be reported on the income statement is $59,000

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I hope this will help you

CompuGlobal is an American firm producing computers. CompuGlobal imports computer components from Taiwan and assembles them domestically. Suppose that in the United States, a computer sells for $800 and that 60% of the computer’s value comes from the value of the imported components. The United States imposes a 50% tariff on computers and a 10% tariff on the computer’s components. Assume that costs of producing components are the same in the United States and Taiwan and that transit costs are nonexistent. Based on the information provided, the effective rate of protection that CompuGlobal receives from the tariff is


Answer: 110%


The effective rate of protection is used in measuring the final tariff in a particular sector and it's expressed as:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)


g = effective protection rate

ai = nominal tariff rate = 0.6

t = cost of intermediate input = 0.5

ti = nominal tariff on intermediate input = 0.1

The computer price here is $800 while the input price is 60% of $800 which will be:

= 60% × $800 = $480

nominal tariff rate = 480/800 = 0.6

Nominal tariff on final goods, t = 50% = 0.5

Tariff on imported input, ti = 10% = 0.1

Using the formula:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)

g = [0.5 - (0.6×0.1)] / (1 - 0.6)

g = (0.5 - 0.06) / 0.4

g = 0.44/.0.4

g = 1.10

g = 110%

The effective rate of protection is 110%

This year, Herb Partnership generated $740,000 ordinary business income. Herb has two equal partners: Savory LLC and Sweet Corp., an S corporation. Savory LLC has three members: Mr. Parsley, an individual who owns a 40 percent interest; Mrs. Rosemary, an individual who owns a 35 percent interest; and Sage Inc., a C Corporation which owns a 25 percent interest. Sweet Corp. has 100 shares of outstanding stock, all of which are owned by Ms. Mint, an individual.

Identify the taxpayers who must pay tax on the partnership income, and determine how much income must be reported by each.


No equivalent fraction of the equation is instructions to follow and analyze the diagram below the complete 5509 50 507MLG equals 43.6%, MLI equals 46.4%, GH equals $35.81 calls equals style equation to the 4396 equals I’m

Juanita is deciding whether to buy a dress that she wants, as well as where to buy it. Three stores carry the same dress, but it is more convenient for Juanita to get to some stores than others. For example, she can go to her local store, located 15 minutes away from where she works, and pay a marked-up price of $124 for the dress:

Store (Minutes) Travel Time Each Way Price of a Skirt (Dollars per skirt)
Local Department Store 15 102
Across Town 30 85
Neighboring City 60 76

Assume that Juanita takes opportunity costs and the price of the suit into consideration when she shops. Juanita will minimize the cost of the suit if she buys it from the:______. .



Neigboring city


is solicitation with the promise of reward is the highest level of sexual harassment






The following data relate to direct labor costs for August: actual costs for 5,500 hours at $24.00 per hour and standard costs for 5,000 hours at $23.70 per hour. The direct labor rate variance is a.$1,500 unfavorable b.$1,500 favorable c.$1,650 unfavorable d.$1,650 favorable


Answer: c. $1,650 unfavorable


The direct labor rate variance shows the difference between the cost of direct labor that the company thought it would incur vs what it actually incurs for the period.

Formula is:

Direct labor rate variance = Actual cost of direct labor - Standard cost of actual hours of direct labor

= Actual hours * (Actual cost - Standard cost)

= 5,500 * (24 - 23.70)

= $1,650 unfavorable

Unfavorable because the actual cost incurred was more than the cost anticipated.

Nissan has flexible agreements with its suppliers and transporters to accommodate unexpected surges in demand without disruptions in service or in customer satisfaction. This is an example of the _______ process.



This question is incomplete, the options are missing. The options are the following:

a) Product development and commeercialization.

b) Supplier-relationship management.

c) manufacturing flow management.

d) Returns management.

The correct answer is the option B: Supplier-relationship management.


To begin with, in the business management field the concept known as "Supplier-relationship management" refers to the system used by the managers of a company with the purpose of improving the relationships specifically with the suppliers of it, therefore that it seeks for the better arrengements with them and how to develop better strategic ways of improving both parties benefits in their contracts. That is why that the SRM is focus on maximizing the value of the interactions between the company and its suppliers so therefore that the case presented by Nissan is related to the process of using an excellent SRM.

What is the loan amount if the interest rate is 7.5% per year and the monthly interest payment is $1,250?



The amount of the loan was $ 13,953.48.


To determine what is the loan amount if the interest rate is 7.5% per year and the monthly interest payment is $ 1,250, the following calculation must be performed:

1250 x 12 = 15,000

1,075X = 15,000

X = 15,000 / 1,075

X = 13,953.48

Therefore, the amount of the loan was $ 13,953.48.

Test the following sentences to see if headwords and verbs agree:

a. The statement on the income tax form about deduction for children and other dependents were simply unreadable.
b. The type of career that many graduates are hoping to pursue pay high salaries and provide long vacations.
c. Apparently, the use of robots in factories have been responsible for a great deal of worker dissatisfaction.
d. The problems associated with government deregulation have been responsible for the economic plight of several major airlines in recent years.
e. The impact of computers on our lives is comparable to the impact of the industrial revolution.
f. The amount of money and time I spend on computer games is more that I can afford.



a). The statement on the income tax form about the deduction for children and other dependents was simply unreadable.

b). The type of career that many graduates are hoping to pursue pay high salaries and provide long vacations.

c). Apparently, the use of robots in factories has been responsible for a great deal of worker dissatisfaction.

d). The problems associated with government deregulation have been responsible for the economic plight of several major airlines in recent years.

e). The impact of computers on our lives is comparable to the impact of the industrial revolution.

f). The amount of money and time I spend on computer games is more than I can afford.


Subject-verb agreement is described as the grammatical rule according to which the subject, as well as, the verb must agree with one another in number. As per the rules, if the subject(noun or noun phrase) is singular, it will take a singular verb while if the subject is plural(noun or noun phrase), it will carry a plural verb.

According to this rule, the first and third sentence fails to follow this agreement. The first sentence inadequately carries a plural verb 'were' with the singular noun ('The statement') and similarly, the third sentence wrongly employs plural verb 'have' with the singular noun 'the use.' The other sentences are grammatically appropriate as the verbs and noun phrases agree in number.

Edelman Engineering is considering including two pieces of equipment, a truck and an overhead pulley system, in this year's capital budget. The projects are independent. The cash outlay for the truck is $19,000 and that for the pulley system is $20,000. The firm's cost of capital is 12%. After-tax cash flows, including depreciation, are as follows:

Year Truck Pulley
1 $5,100 $7,500
2 5,100 7,500
3 5,100 7,500
4 5,100 7,500
5 5,100 7,500

a. Calculate the IRR for each project.
b. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project?
c. Calculate the NPV for each project. Round your answers to the nearest dollar, if necessary.
d. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project?



Find attached excel file


The internal rate of return is the discount rate at which the present value of future cash flows is the same as the initial investment outlay, which can be determined using excel the IRR function shown below:


values are the cash flows from initial investment outlay up until the cash inflow in year 5.

The net present value is the present value of future cash flows discounted at the firm's cost of capital minus the initial investment outlay

Groupon offers online coupons for bargains at local shops and restaurants. Which of the following is a reason that rivals are limiting its growth?
a. Not many firms possess the same capability
b. Its core capability is easily imitated
c. Its core capability is not easily imitated.
d. There are few equivalent capabilities.



b. Its core capability is easily imitated


In Business management, a strategy can be defined as a set of guiding principles, actions and decisions that an organization combines so as to achieve its business goals, attract customers and possess a competitive advantage over its rivals in the industry.

In this scenario, Groupon offers online coupons for bargains at local shops and restaurants. A reason that rivals are limiting its growth is simply because its core capability is easily imitated i.e offering of coupons for bargains.

Comparative advantage in economics is the ability of an individual or country to produce a specific good or service at a lower opportunity cost better than another individual or country.

The comparative advantage gives a country a stronger sales margin than their competitors as they are able to sell their specific products or render their peculiar services at a lower opportunity cost.

Under IFRS, when a lessee recognizes a balance sheet asset and liability for a new lease: the asset and liability are equal. the asset is typically greater than the liability. the liability is typically greater than the asset.



the asset and liability are equal.


IFRS 16 lease and IAS 17 deals in important changes where the lease transactions are reported in the lessee financial statement

In this the assets and liabilities that are occured from the lease should be initially determined on the present value basis

Also the assets and liability are equivalent to each other

Therefore the first option is correct

Kluber, Inc. had net income of $911,000 based on variable costing. Beginning and ending inventories were 56,100 units and 54,200 units, respectively. Assume the fixed overhead per unit was $1.80 for both the beginning and ending inventory. What is net income under absorption costing?
a. $811,730
b. $904,160
c. $1,010,270
d. $907,580
e. $911,000



Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580


Giving the following information:

Fixed overhead per unit= $1.80

Net income= $911,000 (variable costing)

Beginning inventory= 56,100 units

Ending inventory= 54,200 units

Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is a product cost. We need to incorporate into the cost of goods sold the fixed overhead from beginning inventory and deduct the fixed overhead allocated into ending inventory.

Net operating income= 911,000


Fixed overhead beginning inventory= (1.8*56,100)


Fixed overhead ending inventory= (1.8*54,200)

Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580

Classical economists believed that: _________
a) budget deficits and surpluses were necessary for the control of economic fluctuations.
b) market economies are inherently unstable because of fluctuating aggregate demand.
c) market economies suffer prolonged periods of recessions and depressions.
d) price flexibility automatically directs market economies to full employment



the answer is D


A stock has a beta of 1.45, the expected return on the market is 19 percent, and the risk-free rate is 5.00 percent. What must the expected return on this stock be? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)


Answer: 25.30%


This can be calculated by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):

= Risk free rate + Beta * (Market return - Risk free rate)

= 5% + 1.45 * (19% - 5%)

= 5% + 20.3

= 25.30%




100 invites per week.

The new invite limits have been introduced by LinkedIn according to which you can’t send more than 100 invites per week. When you have reached the limit, a notification will pop up saying you’ve reached weekly limits.

You can’t do anything about it until the new week starts and the weekly limit resets.

3. Explain how the employees of an American organization and Bangladeshi organization will be culturally different in terms of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity-femininity inde




POWER DISTANCE  :  This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.

Bangladesh scores high on this dimension (score of 80) which means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. Hierarchy in an organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralization is popular, subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat                                            MASCULINITY  :        A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational life.

A low score (Feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine).

Bangladesh scores 55 on this dimension and can be considered a a Masculine society. In Masculine countries people “live in order to work”, managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out.                                                                                                                  UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE  :        The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance.

Bangladesh scores 60 on this dimension and thus has an high score. Countries exhibiting high Uncertainty Avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas. In these cultures there is an emotional need for rules (even if the rules never seem to work) time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy and work hard, precision and punctuality are the norm, innovation may be resisted, security is an important element in individual motivation.          

If the U.S. economy is producing at a level that is substantially less than potential GDP and the government's budget deficits are increasing aggregate demand, then ____________________________ is not much of a danger.



an inflationary increase in the price level.


Monetary policy can be defined as the actions (macroeconomic policies) adopted and undertaken by the central bank of a particular country to control the money supply and interest rates so as to boost or enhance economic growth. The central bank uses monetary policies to manage inflation, economic growth through long-term interest rates and level of unemployment in a country.

In order to boost economic growth, a monetary policy is implemented to increase money supply (liquidity). Also, it is used to prevent inflation by reducing money supply.

An inflationary gap, also referred to as an expansionary gap in economics, is typically used for measuring the difference between the gross domestic product (GDP) and the current level of Real Gross Domestic Products that exists when a country's economy is gauged at a full employment rate. Consequently, this situation causes the price of goods and services to go up with a low income level among the people living in the country.

A budget deficit is the amount by which spending exceeds income.

All other factors held constant or all things being equal (ceteris paribus), an increase in government's budget deficit drives the interest rate up.

Generally, when there's a deficit in government budget, they resort to issuing more bonds or borrowing money from creditors. These creditors are likely to be sceptical about the government's ability to repay the debt and as such would increase the interest rate.

Hence, an inflationary increase in the price level of goods and services is not much of a danger if the U.S. economy is producing at a level that is substantially less than potential gross domestic product (GDP) and the aggregate demand is being increased by government's budget deficits.

A firm is making an economic loss of $100,000. This means that: multiple choice 1 the firm should immediately exit the industry. the firm's revenues are less than its opportunity costs. the firm is not making an accounting profit. the firm could increase economic profit if its resources were used in a different way. If a firm is making an economic profit of zero: multiple choice 2 it will have unhappy stockholders. it is not making an accounting profit. the firm should change to a different line of business. it cannot make a higher economic profit by changing how it is using its resources.


A firm is making an economic loss of $100,000. This means that:

Choice 1 -

The firm could increase economic profit if its resources were used in a different way.

If a firm is making an economic profit of zero:

Choice 2 -

It cannot make a higher economic profit by changing how it is using its resources.

What Is Economic Profit (or Loss)?An economic profit or loss is the difference between the revenue received from the sale of an output and the costs of all inputs used, as well as any opportunity costs. In calculating economic profit, opportunity costs and explicit costs are deducted from revenues earned.Opportunity costs are a type of implicit cost determined by management and will vary based on different scenarios and perspectives.The calculation for economic profit --Economic profit = revenues - explicit costs - opportunity costs

Learn more about Economic Profit (or Loss) on:



(b). Cassava is the main commodity in the economy of Dumpusi. Given the hardship in the intervention, the number of cassava producers also increased in the community. In a class discussion, your Economics Lecturer said these two events would result in an increase in With the aid of a diagram, explain the possible effects of the two events on equilibrium price equilibrium price of cassava. Mary, your classmate, argues that the price will rather decrease. and quantity, assuming the salary increase has a greater impact and cassava is a normal good.​



prices decrease actually


with that much of cassava producers the market of the product just loses its value as it is that common that the only way to making money would be to say something about based on the communities beliefs to raise attention like "Buy some cassava to make the gods happy" something most common in African society

Which of the following statements about the monetary aggregates is true?

a. The growth rates of M1 and M2 always track each other closely.
b. M1 is greater than M2.
c. When the growth rate of M2 increases, the growth rate of M1 must also increase.
d. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.

Given​ that, in billions of U.S.​ dollars, we have in​ currency, in demand​ deposits, in​ traveler's checks, in savings​ deposits, and in other checkable deposits. The total M1 amount in this economy is ​$__________


Answer: D. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.


1. Since M2 = M1 + Saving deposit + Time deposits + Money Market deposit of individuals, then from the options given, the true statement about the monetary aggregate is that when you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same. Therefore, the fire option is D.

2. Your second question isn't well written but let's assume some figures in order to solve the question.

Let's say,

Currency = $863.2 billion

Demand deposit = $573.5 billion

Traveler's cheque = $3.8 billion

Savings deposit = $5237.8

Other checkable deposit = $319

Therefore, the total M1 amount in this economy will be:

M1 = Currency + Demand deposit + Travelers check + Other checkable deposits

= 863.2 + 573.5 + 3.8 + 319

= $1759.5 billion

What is the difference between independent and dependent demand. Group of answer choices independent iemand is based on market forces while Dependent demand is based on production schedule dependent demand is what determines independent demand independent demand is based on dependent demand dependent demand is based on sales while independent demand is based on management decisions



independent demand is based on market forces while Dependent demand is based on production schedule


Independent demand is the demand for a finished product bought by a consumer e.g. the demand for a textbook by a student

independent demand is based on market forces e.g. the price of the good

Consumers would be more willing to purchase a good that is cheaper compared to other goods

Dependent demand is the demand for the factors of productions that are needed in the production of the final good or service. e.g. the demand for labour , purchase of inventory needed to produce a good

If consumers do not demand for the finished product, there would be no demand for the inventory

Which of the following are steps in process costing? Select one: A. Visualize the physical flow of units B. Calculate the equivalent units C. Determine the per-unit costs D. Calculate the Cost of Goods Manufactured and the Ending WIP Inventory E. All of the above


Answer: E. All of the above


In process costing, all of the above are used. Process costing is used for the production of goods that a re homogenous so the cost is the same for all the goods.

First one must visualize the flow of the goods to see the costs they incur at each stage. The equivalent units should then be calculated as this would show the number of units that the cost is being assigned to. Next is to divide the costs incurred by the equivalent units to find the cost per unit. Then calculate the cost of goods manufactured based on the manufactured and ending inventory

Ransom Widgets allocates the estimated cost of its accounting department, $200,000, to its production and sales departments since the accounting department supports these departments with regard to payroll and accounts payable functions. The accounting department costs will be allocated based on the number of employees using the direct method. Information regarding employees follows:
Department Employees
Accounting 4
Production 36
Sales 12
How much of the accounting department costs will be allocated to the production and sales departments, respectively?
a. Production Sales
$150,000 $50,000
b. Production Sales
$180,000 $60,000
c. Production Sales
$1,800,000 $600,000
d. Production Sales
$22,222 $66,667



a. Production Sales

$150,000 $50,000


Given that

Number of employees in Production Dept. 36

Number of employees in Sales Dept. 12


Total Number of employees is

= 36 + 12



Cost allocated to Production Dept. is

= $200,000 × 36 ÷ 48

= $150,000.00

And, the Cost allocated to Sales Dept. is

= $200,000 × 12 ÷ 48

= $50,000.00

Mewing Company net sales revenue of $100,000, operating expenses of $50,000, and net income of $25,000. What is the percentage that will be shown for operating expenses in the vertical (common size) income statement



poop is the place to go. as long a as there is a bathroom nearby

What are the purposes of the Democratic leadership style?​



#It brings peace in the society.

#It increases the growth/development of a society.

#It enables civilians of a society to express themselves.


Democratic leadership is a type of leadership in which the Group's members play a more participatory role.


This leadership style allows everyone to participate, discuss ideas, hear their views, and encourage debate. However, the group leader still needs guidance and guidance to achieve the goals and goals.

Members of the Group are encouraged to share opinions and ideas, even if the leader retains the last say in decisions.Group members feel more committed to the process.Creativity is promoted and recompensed.

As there is group engagement and discussion, more thoughts and ideas lead to better ideas and solutions, the main benefit of a democratic leadership style.

The participants in a group participate more in and engage in projects that increase their investment in the final results. In essence, they care more and increase productivity.

Give examples if operational conflicts that could occur in a cross- cultural context because of different attitudes towards:1) time, 2) individualism. Give a country or region that would be different from the US for each of the two variables.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Give examples of operational conflicts that could occur in a cross-cultural context because of different attitudes towards:1) time, 2) individualism.

Well, let's start with time. In the United States, time is of the utmost importance. There we have the old saying: "Time is money."

In the workplace, everything is based on the smart and efficient use of time. No time must be wasted in the workplace.

Individual effort is important in the American culture, but the team effort, the concept of being a good team player is very important under the following premise: teams can accomplish more than individuals.

What most Americans desire is individual recognition through team effort.

That is why team sports are so good in the United States because they exemplify the way teams function and what they can accomplish. For instance, college and pro football, basketball, and baseball.

The region that has a different approach, is Latin America. This does not mean that is better than the other, just that there are major differences between the two.

The management of time is very different in Latin American countries. It is not as important as the US. People in Latin America approach the concept of time in a more relaxed way. In Latin America, there is a more relaxed approach to time. Nothing is urgent, Things take time. Things are made at a different pace compared to the US.

And regarding individualism, Latin American people tend to prefer to be more individualistic to do things trying to get some recognition, The team concept is not as developed as in the US.

You purchased an automobile a year ago for $10,000. Its current market price is $6,000, and the expected market value one year from now is $4,000. If the interest rate is 10 percent, how much will it cost you to keep the car for an additional year (over and above operation and maintenance costs)


Answer: $2600


From the information given, the cost price of the automobile is $10000 but the current market price is $6000. If the automobile is old now for $6000 and the money is kept in a bank for.one year at an interest rate of 10%, then the interest gotten on it will be:

= $6000 × 10% × 1

= $600

In a situation whereby the automobile is sold the following year, then the price will be $4,000 and I will get $4,000. Therefore, the cost for keeping the car for an additional year will then be:

= (Current price - Future price) + Interest amount

= ($6,000 - $4,000) + $600

= $2,600.

Prove shylock is stubborn​


Because I said so. Could be a right answer

Kết luận sự thích ứng tâm lý của sinh viên năm nhất



I think I should ask in English language

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Jia baked two kinds of muffins. She baked 27 blueberry muffins. The number of cranberry muffins she baked is represented by the equation shown.27 3 = 9Which statement accurately compares the number of blueberry muffins and the number of cranberry muffins?Jia baked 3 times as many blueberry muffins as cranberry muffins.Jia baked 9 times as many blueberry muffins as cranberry muffins.Jia baked 3 times as many cranberry muffins as blueberry muffins.Jia baked 9 times as many cranberry muffins as blueberry muffins. Analyze the diagram below and complete the instructions that follow.106B.'C 8Find sin ZAA 35B. 4C 1 why were early humans always on the move? Cars arrive at a toll booth according to a Poisson process with mean 90 cars per hour. Suppose the attendant makes a phone call. How long, in seconds, can the attendant's phone call last if the probability is at least 0.1 that no cars arrive during the call in the first quarter austin played for 4 minutes and 30 seconds. wyatt played for 310 seconds who had more playing time Cu 36: _VD _Hnh lp phng c th tch l 1253 th din tch y l:A. cm2 B. 5cm2 C. 25cm2 D. 52cm2 I really really need help with this Assume that the expected return for A is 10% and the expected return for B is 5.5%. Calculate the expected return on a portfolio consisting of 60% A and 40% B. Give your answer in decimal form to 3 decimals places. For example, 8.6% is 0.086. Sayad bought a watch and sold to Dakshes at 10% profit. Sayad again sold it to Sahayata for rs 6,050 at 10% profit. i)Find the cost price of Dakshes. ii) Find the cost price of Sayad. What can the governments Health and Safety Inspection Service do when they see an offence? Which of the groups below has suffered the greatest percentage of species extinctions since 1600 (A) birds, (B) fishes, (C) mammals, (D) reptiles Capital budgeting decisions ______. Multiple select question. involve an immediate cash outlay in order to obtain a future return are day-to-day decisions made by managers require little or no thought before being made require a great deal of analysis prior to acceptance please help with my spanish correction, my teacher is giving me a hard time on this assignment, and help would be appreciated :)Answer the following questions using both a direct and indirect object in your response. Follow the example.Example: Cocinas la comida para tu familia? Do you cook the food for your family?S, se la cocino. Yes, I cook it for them.20. Escribes el correo electrnico a su amigo? my answer: S, les escribo.teachers message: el correo electronico is the direct objecta su amigo is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they belong?21. Compras la bebida para tu hermana?my answer: S lo compro para ella. teachers message: la bebida is the direct objectpara tu hermana is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they belong?thank you :) Assume that all products containing Bromide or an ingredient ending in -ol are toxic. Solve BCD. Round the answers to the nearest hundredth, if necessary. Which of the following is a geometric sequence? a. 5,-25,125,-625 b.2,4,16,48 c. 13,16,19,22 d. 100,50,0,-50 What is the following diagram called? Why and how do we study language and literature? BRAINLEST IF CORRECT!!!!!!! 26. They (go) ___________home after they (finish) _____________ their work.27. In my country, it often (snow) snows a lot in winter.28. My father _________(be) an engineer. He __________(work) for the company.29. She (win) ________ the gold medal in 198630. Mary and Mr. Steve ________(come) from england. They _______(are) my close friends.31. What time you _______________(have) lunch everyday?32. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin)_______________.33. She ________(run) downstairs and opened the front door.34. It __________(rain) a lot yesterday evening, so I ________(get) wet.35. I _____________(just/finish) writing this book . I feel very happy.36. Yesterday, John (go) ______________to the store before he (go) ____home.37. He has written the report for three days. He ________________(write) its conclusion now.38. Peter and I _____________(be) in front of the computer since 7 oclock.39. She used to be a winner. She __________(win) the first prize five years ago.40. We ____________(fly) to New York since last summer.41. Before I (watch) __________TV, I (do) ________________ my homework.42. She ________(like) cooking. She ____________(cook) now.43. She ______________(learn) piano for three months.44. I ______________(receive) a letter from my old friend last week.45. She _________(wash) cloth twice a week.46. We ____________(do) exercise 2A on page 20 right now.47. Look! It ______________(rain) heavily.48. . After they (go)____________,I (sit) _________ down and (rest)________.49. They _______________(watch) TV at 4:00 p.m yesterday.50. He _________(open) the door, __________(enter) the room, and _________(break) something.