Enter a conjugation of the reflexive verb hacerse to correctly complete the sentence.

Joaquín siempre se enoja. Cada día _______ más enojón.


Answer 1
The correct answer is: Se hace

Related Questions

Yo _____ a Elena.
A. conozco
B. doy
C. salgo
D. sé



A conozco


its right



Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Then check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.


Answer: what grade are u in??????


¿Qué frase expresa que tú necesitas hacer algo?

A) Tenemos muchos alumnos.
B) Están haciendo la tarea de español.
C) Vamos a viajar a España a fin de mes.
D) Tengo que sacar mi pasaporte para poder viajar al extranjero.





Is talking about you need to get out your passport.

D) tengo que sacar mi pasaporte para poder viajar al extranjero.

Las naves negras ante Troya - capituló 14 ‘La suerte de Troya’

1. ¿que es el paladio?

1. ¿Que creencia hay sobre el?


1-El paladio es un elemento químico con el símbolo Pd y número atómico 46. Es un metal blanco plateado raro y brillante descubierto en 1803 por el químico inglés William Hyde Wollaston.

2- la dos no se :(

What is Nicaragua's capital city?
Gallo Pinto





I earned this in history yesterday

Spanish 2 4.07
The question is listed please help.


Trepaba a este árbol del jardín
Trepaba a estos árboles del jardín
Volabas aquella cometa de niño
Volabas aquellas cometas de niño

plz help me with a good answer with a good explanation.I will give u branist and also like u.i will even follow u and rate your answer 5 star.plz help me​


1. Yes, human desire is the root cause of ozone depletion. Ozone depletion is different from global warming. Ozone depletion is the depletion of ozone layer and global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases.

2. Global climate change influence biodiversity because more temperature is melting the polar ice, so it is affected polar biodiversity. Also, due to irregular weather patterns, tropical and deciduous diversity is affected.

3. Environmental factors influence the phenophases of plants and animals, because due to irregular weather patterns, their normal phenophases is disturbed.

que son las células globosas?



neuronal progenitors or in spanish progenitores neuronales


Los glóbulos rojos, también conocidos como eritrocitos o hematíes, son células globosas de color rojo. ... Junto a los glóbulos blancos y las plaquetas, componen el grupo de los elementos formes de la sangre.

I have no clue what goes there. It's not gracías, I already tried. :( ​


Usted that what I think it is

You could try his name maybe?




may your love, love you back


You're offending some people.

El profesor es de Japón. Es ……


La respuesta: Es “japones”
El profesor es de Japón, Es japonés

Yo_____ (saber) el poema de memoria.
O A. sé
O B. sabes
O C. saben
O D. saber


Yo sé el poema de memoria


A. Se


It is the point where the area of ​​one country ends and another begins.
the passport


B. Border I am not sure
Answer is B how this help

Complete the following question with the correct form of poder:
¿______ Pablo hablar francés?






Puede Pablo hablar francés is the answer
¿Puede Pablo hablar francés? (The verb is present simple second person)

Listen and choose the option with the correct price.





Blue shoes, pants, boots, green hat





29. What indefinite article would you use with the following noun?


A- unas
B- unos
C- una
D- un


Hello, I speak Spanish and the correct answer is C

Answer: C- una


Una fotografia means "The photograph"

5. Which of the following activities is a visitor to Palenque most likely to do?



mayan ruins


The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples, and noted for its logosyllabic script—the most sophisticated and highly developed writing system in pre-Columbian Americas—as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.


Visit the tomb of King Pakal


is drinking one cup of coffee a day not good for the body​





one cup of coffee doesnt matter unless if the coffee is limited


if too much coffee is drunk then ot not good for brain

Juan prefiere esa mantequilla.





Complete the following question with the correct form of poder:
¿______ nosotros ir a a tu casa?






Podemos nosotros ir a tu casa?
¿Podemos nosotros ir a tu casa? (But sounds better if you take out "nosotros")

indica la importancia de la iglesias en nuestra sociedad


Puedes poner lo que tu crea que sea importante en la iglesia que has ido
la importancia de las iglesias en nuestra sociedad es que las iglesias son un lugar donde puedes conocer a Dios y conocer de un amor inexplicable. También ahí puedes conocer a gente y acercarte a tu comunidad

Please help!!! Picture attached!!!
Instructions: First, study the reflexive verb vestirse Then, fill in each blank with the correct conjugation.
1. Ella _______ con jeans y un sueater.
2.¿Cómo __________tú para ir a la escuela?
3.Los chicos _________ con pantalones.
4.Usted _________muy mal.
5.Nosotros _________ con uniforme todos los días.
6.Ella_________con ropa muy vieja.



1. Viste

2. Vistes

3. Visten

4. Visten

5. Vestimos

6. Viste


1. Se viste
2. Te viste
3. Se visten
4. Se viste
5. Nos vestimos
6. Se viste

Cuando se utilizan los dos punto ?


when you’re going to list a series of things
Los dos puntos representan un signo de puntuación que se utiliza para enfatizar alguna acción o para introducir la parte de la oración que sigue a continuación.

miraron y compre

irregular o regular ?





Ambos son regulares.

Miraron > mirar

Compré > comprar

investiga sobre algún suceso donde haya algún daño por contaminación​



Investigate about some suceso where there has been any damage from contaminacion.

La familia pasó el día en el parque. No____
a. dio un paseo
b. jugó al boliche
C. compró helado
d. remó por el lago



b. jugó al boliche


La familia pasó el día en el parque.

No jugó al boliche.

Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Ayer, Mia primos ____ 15.000 pesos
A. Gastaste
B. Gastaron
C. Gastan
D. Gasta


La respuesta correcta es B. Gastaron

Como sabes se un verbo es regular o irregular. Por ejemplo comer-comi


Para reconocer si un verbo es regular o irregular, hay que conjugarlo de acuerdo con los verbos modelo (amar, temer y partir) en los tiempos presente, pretérito perfecto simple y futuro. Si cambia el sonido con que pronunciamos la raíz o cambian las desinencias, es un verbo irregular.


beber: Regular adorar: Regular ir: Irregular


En el cuento bicicletas 3 cemento fresco
¿Quién halló la solución? y ¿cómo? ¿qué atractivos tenía el nuevo circuito?



eso esta complicado


It's time to show off the Spanish skills you've been working on. With these "Putting it Together" activities, you are going to take everything that you've learned so far and put it together in a realistic situation. Sometimes you'll answer questions about documents and pictures that you see, sometimes you'll write stories and descriptions--sometimes you'll do both! These activities will really help you see how Spanish is used in the real world. Good luck!

Performance Challenge

Write yourself an excuse note for a missed school day due to an illness or injury. Indicate to the office secretary what ailed you. Did you go to the doctor or no? What were you sick with -or- what did you injure? What did you do to help yourself get better. How are you feeling now? Write a minimum of 5 complete and detailed sentences in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response.


(Name) excusado/a por el/la Dr/a (name) para el día de ayer. Estuvo en el hospital.

Indicate office secretary: Me fracturé la pierna al caerme de mi bicicleta, fui al hospital ayer ya que mi madre quería ver si me mejoraba por la noche. La pierna se me hinchó mucho por la cual mi mamá me llevó al hospital en donde me pudieron sacar placas y confirmar de que me había fracturado la pierna. El doctor me dijo que tuve mucha suerte. Si el hueso se hubiera movido un poco más a la derecha me iban a tener que poner tornillos para poder mantener el hueso derecho y sin movimiento. No estoy en mi mejor estado pero sigo para adelante. La vida es dura y así son las cosas.

Not the best but I tried :)
Other Questions
Rizio Co. purchases a machine for $9,600, terms 2/10, n/60, FOB shipping point. Rizio paid within the discount period and took the $192 discount. Transportation costs of $217 were paid by Rizio. The machine required mounting and power connections costing $664. Another $313 is paid to assemble the machine and $40 of materials are used to get it into operation. During installation, the machine was damaged and $245 worth of repairs were made.Required:Compute the cost recorded for this machine. The slope of a d vs t graph represents velocity. Describe 3 ways you know this to be true. Which of these names is related to the founding of the Song dynasty in 960? T'ai-tsu Li Yuan Liao Wu What are the uses of Sulphuric acid? Which of the following represents the factorization of the polynomial functiongraphed below? (Assume it has no constant factor.)oA. y - (x - 1)(x+3)B. y - (x + 1)(x+3)OC. y = (x - 1)(x-3) Find the missing length (picture below) Determine the domain of the function graphed above. Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one.Ex: If the input is:5 2 4 6 8 10the output is:10,8,6,4,2,To achieve the above, first read the integers into a vector. Then output the vector in reverse. Traveling waves propagate with a fixed speed usually denoted as v (but sometimes c). The waves are called __________ if their waveform repeats every time interval T.a. transverseb. longitudinalc. periodicd. sinusoidal Can someone help me with me? Thanks! A swimmer would like to improve his time in the 100 yard freestyle race. After talking to his coach, he intends to focus on one critical element at the beginning of the race. This swimmer will try to improve his 100 yard freestyle time by improving his: An economy is employing 2 units of capital, 5 units of raw materials, and 8 units of labour to produce its total output of 640 units. Each unit of capital costs $10, each unit of raw materials, $4, and each unit of labour, $3.92) Refer to the above information. The per unit cost of production in this economy is: A) $1.00. B) $.10. C) $.05. D) $.50. 93) Refer to the above information. If the per unit price of raw materials rises from $4 to $8 and all else remains constant, the per unit cost of production will rise by about: A) 50 percent. B) 30 percent. C) 40 percent. D) 100 percent. 94) Refer to the above information. As a result of the change indicated in the previous question, the aggregate: A) supply curve would shift to the right. B) demand curve would shift to the right. C) demand curve would shift to the left. D) supply curve would shift to the left. (a) What is the escape speed on a spherical asteroid whose radius is 301 km and whose gravitational acceleration at the surface is 0.412 m/s2 write a sonnet using the traditional shakespeare sonnet form. plz put it in da comments so i wont get plagiarized The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente were formed through the signing of What is the figurative meaning of the excerpt?The birds cage has been placed so that it overlooks a cemetery.The birds cage is so small that it cramps his wings and feet.The caged bird has had his hope destroyed.The caged bird is thinking very serious thoughts. Negating conditional statement (a V ~ b) => cPlease show your work and give a proper answer A new school has x day students and y boarding students. The fees for a day student are $600 a term. The fees for a boarding student are $1200 a term. The school needs at least $720 000 a term. Show that this information can be written as x + 2y 1200. Ill mark u plz help Help plzz!! Ill mark you as brainliestWhat is the definition of specific heat capacity?O A. The amount of heat required to break the chemical bonds in 1 g ofa substanceB. The amount of heat required to form 1 g of a substance from itselementsC. The amount of heat required for 1 g of a substance to undergo aphase changeD. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of asubstance by 1C