essay about you cannot come for cricket practices as you have sprained your leg . write a note to your friend explaining the reason for not coming .​


Answer 1


friend I won't be able to come in cricket practices because I have sprained my leg I was chasing the dog

Related Questions

Escriba e identifique el sujeto y el verbo:
Los padres y los niños nadaron todo el día en el lago



Sujeto: Los padres y los niños

Verbo: nadaron (nadar - swim)


Why does Walt Whitman use the word singing in the title "I Hear America Singing"?



to reflect a hopeful, cohesive view of American society is the correct answer. The commercial songs are pertaining for is the Invincible by the Whitman use the word singing in you are pertaining for is the Invincible by Machine Gun KElly or known as MKG


I want Brainliest plz!!


predict meaning of dimension​



1. dimension - the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height) magnitude - the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small); "they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion"; "about the magnitude of a small pea"

Choose the correct way to complete the sentence about why it is important to critically analyze media.

By critically analyzing media, a consumer can recognize the purpose of messages,
, and recognize marketing strategies used to influence the public.



okookolok no porq vaya tela el mio Cm asi hijo de colombia ubicadas que es todo gracias de colombia en el siglo XIX se llama el que murio en el siglo XIX y XXL la actividad económica la actividad ya

School boy - - - - snail True False​





Think about race relations in your home country or another country. How would you describe them
in the present? In the past?





The answer is good because in Ghana for the relation with nigeria is good

analyse why do you think most victims do not report gender based violence?



There are many reasons for why most victims do not report gender based violence. One of them is that they are afraid of their offender finding out that they reported their crime and now the offender might come back to harm them, in a much worse way than before. Another reason is that the victim might be ashamed of publically calling attention to the fact that they became victimized for gender based violence. They may feel a sense of shame that comes with admitting to such acts that happened to them. Lastly, they may not come forward due to their painful experience. They might not want to relive through that horrible pain by bringing it up in public and for the police, etc.

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend. He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much. The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells. I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand. In the excerpt above, the word surmounted most nearly means _____. mounted upon gotten over or across prevailed over equaled in value




The hat was sitting on top of his head, probably very loosely. In this case, it means mounted upon.

write a short coming out story. it could be about you or a friend or a family member.



I came out to my mom as Genderfluid when I was 16. I brought the subject up because I had been trying so hard to find the right time to tell her. She had just gotten off the phone with my transphobic uncle, and I said, "Speaking of transphobes I need to tell you something!" I was so nervous. She was very weary and confused at first. She did her best to accept me and use my preferred name and pronouns. After I moved away from home it slowly stopped. She has disowned me since then. While being Genderfluid was only a small part of that it still hurt. However I don't think I'd be alive today if I had stayed in the closet. I was so unhappy and now I know I am being the most authentic me possible.


Please choose the correct answer
Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices
as possible.
as quickly
b) will deal
a) will be dealt
c) will be dealt with
d) will deal with



option c)


I'm guessing it's a 'fill in the blank' question phrased like this:

Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices ______ as quickly as possible.

In this context, option c) is the only one that makes grammatical sense.

I believe the answer is C. Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices …will be dealt with… as quickly as possible. Hope this helps!

Though the novel opens with a literal collision, it depicts a number of figurative collisions as well--cultural, racial, natural, familial, marital, and others. Describe some of these collisions, and discuss why they happen.


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


The main "collision" in this story is driven by racial discrimination, portrayed by the unexpected bigotry that slowly surfaces in Delaney´s actions. He who has begun denouncing his neighbors' racist ideas ends up revealing his perception of Mexican immigrants as disruptive to his way of life.

There are also several examples of figurative collisions that represent gender biases and violence against women, such as America being assaulted by José Navidad, which is not only a perceived fear but an acute possibility for women regardless of their social status. At the same time, America suffers abuse from Cándido, because all his frustration and anger can not be thrown back at those who do him wrong, so violence against his wife is an easy way to release that anger.


The question refers to "The Tortilla Curtain," by T. Coraghessan Boyle which begins with Delaney and Kyra, a white man from a wealthy neighborhood, hitting Cándido, an undocumented Mexican immigrant, with his car.

Skryf die volgende sin in die bedrywende (aktiewe) vorm.
Die boeke word deur die kinders gelees.



The children read the books.

4. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail." the author states that he believes black people should continue to be

1 proud and courageous
2 insecure and meek
3 quiet and obedient​



proud and courageous it is the answer

In "Letter from Birmingham Jail." the author states that he believes black people should continue to be proud and courageous. Thus the correct answer is 1.

What is Letter from Birmingham Jail?

"Letter from Birmingham Jail" describes the event which is written by the author in jail describing the situation it is portrayed in the poem "Why We Can't Wait."

The poem was released following the Birmingham incident. The poem describes the civil rights fight against racial segregation and the Birmingham events of 1963.

"Letter from Birmingham Jail" portrays the thought that individuals have a moral duty to disregard unconstitutional laws and to take immediate action rather than impatiently waiting for the courts to provide justice.

Therefore, option 1 proud and courageous is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about "Why We Can't-Wait", here:


What is Machiavelll's view of human nature? Your answer should be at least one hundred words.



Negative view People are evil and cannot be trusted Recognizing humans depraved nature is the first step in attaining power  Like checks and balances Ambition checks ambition  

     Machiavelli stands in contrast to the several political thinkers that advocate a "natural state," a pre-social society determined only by human instinct and character. However, while Machiavelli never provides a picture of society without civil authority, he does present a cohesive, if not quite full, understanding of human nature.

    Machiavelli makes clear reference to a number of fundamental human characteristics. Individuals are typically self-interested, yet their affection for others can be earned or lost. They are comfortable and joyful as long as they are not subjected to sorrow or persecution. They may be trustworthy during good times, but during difficult times, they may become self-centered, deceptive, and profit-driven. They respect others' honor, charity, courage, and piety, yet the majority lack these characteristics. While individuals who have attained some level of authority exhibit ambition, the majority of people are content with the way things are and so have no desire to improve the status quo. After receiving a favor or service, people naturally feel compelled, and this relationship is rarely dissolved capriciously. Nonetheless, allegiances are earned and lost, and goodwill is never unconditional.

By interpreting the experimental finding........................can be draw​


i hope the given image helps you

pronounce of education






I need help please ????!!!!



Question 6 country


That what I can tell

You are an HR manager. Write an email (120 - 140 words) to your company's new employees about things they should/ should not do on their first day at work. Use the following suggested questions:


Time to work



the answer is a i took the test

What are the elements of a tour??







học tiếng anh bao lâu


tham gia một lớp học tiếng Anh 1 giờ mỗi tuần, bạn sẽ cần 720 tuần hoặc gần 14 năm để học tiếng Anh!

10. Which of the following statements shows the best expectations to have about the audience for your essay?
O A. Assume that your readers know more than you do about your topic.
O B. Don't expect your readers to know as much as you do about your topic.
C. Expect your readers to be experts in the field of your topic.
D. Don't assume your readers know anything at all about your topic.


C. Don't expect your readers to know as much as you do about your topic.

5. A film in which strange and frightening things happen is called a/an .
A. thriller B. comedy C. drama D. animation
6. Lan brushes her teeth every day, ..................... she doesn’t have toothache.
A. but B. and C. so D. although
7. We didn’t find it funny it was a comedy.
A. in spite of B. despite C. although D. but
8. Oil, coal and natural gas are ......................................resources.
A. modern B. new C. non-renewable D. renewable
9.La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August every year.
A. hold B. held C. is held D. be held
10. Your mother’s here,.....................?
A. isn’t she B. are she C. is she D.aren’t she
11. At this time next week, we a wind turbine in our garden.
A. will installed B. will be installing C. install D. installed
12. Low energy light bulbs should be used to electricity.
A. convert B. save C. spend D. buy
13.Nuclear power ............................................. in the future.
A. replaces B. replaced C. will replace D. will be replaced
14. The house………before my brother comes home.
A. will clean B. will be cleaned C. will be cleaning D.clean
15. At this time tomorrow, They.............................. a test on sources of energy.
A. will take B. will be taking C. are taking D. take
16 John didn’t see her, .......................?
A. do John B. did he C. did John D. does he
17. The children can read English, ?
A. can’t they B. can they C. they can D. they can’t
18. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, ?
A. doesn’t it B. have they C. don’t they D. does they
19. The immigrants will hardly find accommodation in the city, ?
A. will it B. won’t it C. will they D. won’t they
20. Disease spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas, ?
A. doesn’t it B. is it C. isn’t it D. does it
21. The Segway, which is a vehicle, will be a success.
A. two-wheels B. two wheels C. Two wheel D. two-wheeled




















Is the essay "why Chinese Mothers are Superior" a point-by-point comparison, a subject- by- subject comparison, or a combination of the two organizational strategies? why does Amy Chua arrange her comparison the way she does? ​


The two organizational strategies are combined in this essay. She is contrasting the ways in which Western and Chinese mothers teach their children. The first distinction in parenting between Chinese and Western moms is their differing perspectives on achievement, which are centered on the importance of success in one's life. Another point of distinction is the importance of constrained rules. Chinese women recognize that children must be shown what to do because, due to the existence of "superegos" and a maniacal need to achieve, youngsters do not endorse hard work on their own. Rosin, on the other hand, refutes this by demonstrating that Western mothers are less superior to Chinese mothers, who do not wait for their children to demonstrate their talents and interests in an activity before imposing some restrictions to help them progress through the day. She employed this comparative strategy to help the reader grasp the essay's core argument and supporting details.

The author has been used the point by point comparison style while writing the essay named "why Chinese Mothers are Superior". She has used this style to compare the mother of Western and Chinese culture.

Who wrote "why Chinese Mothers are Superior"?

"Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" was an essay which was written by the author named Amy Chua in the year 2011. It was an essay relating to parenting methods adopted by mothers. It writes a point wise comparison between the parenting of two different styles.

According to the provided essay, the author wanted to tell the readers that the mother of China are very much superior than the mothers of Western. Chinese mothers used the rigorous technique of parenting their child due to which their children are proven to be the most successful from their very childhood in comparison to the Western child.

Therefore, the point by point comparison has been used by author in the provided essay.

Learn more about the parenting style in the related link:


Which of the following most appropriately DOES NOT describe the reference?

a. Reference is the relationship between certain uttered expressions and certain things in a particular context of the utterance.

b. Reference is the relationship between utterances and the world.

c. Reference is the relationship between certain uttered expressions and things in the world.

d. Reference is the relationship between the sense properties of a predicate


Answer: b

Explanation: i took this

You are the Marketing Director of ‘Green Products’ enterprise and you want to purchase some
eco- friendly products such as lunch sheets, coffee cups, hand bags and shopping bags from
‘Earth Store’. Write a letter of inquiry using the block format to the Sales Manager of ‘Earth
Store’ inquiring about the availability, price list, trade discounts and delivery services.


This was confusing but i will come back with the answer

I’m not smart and need help


We can clearly see that you are not smart because how are we supposed to make a thesis statement out nothing.
Gugchigcgxhjfykhgthdddhoihkjvdytuopn nouilles

Initial sound of the words with its description: luxury, ready, moment, yellow, women



lux·u·ry - The state of great comfort and extravagant living.

read·y - In a suitable state for an activity, action, or situation; fully prepared.

mo·ment - A very brief period of time.

yel·low - of the color between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive color complementary to blue; colored like ripe lemons or egg yolks.

wom·an - an adult female human being.

When creating an outline, where should you include supporting material?
within the introduction
underneath each main point
within the topic area
within the conclusion



underneath each main point


Hope it helps :)

Think of your own reading experience and write a paragraph of 100-150 words


As children go to higher classes, they need to read more. They need to remember the things which they’ve learned to score well in school. Good reading habit creates a sharp memory. When a child reads a simple story, s/he has to remember the characters, plots, dialogues, etc. Reading is a kind of exercise for our brains. The more one reads, the better mental health the person gets. In this age group, children sometimes lose confidence or get unexpected situations to face.

A child who reads can have a stronger self-confidence. This child can face situations nicely. Reading good books creates ethical, moral values in a child. They get to know about society, culture, political conditions, etc. They know about the culture and lifestyle of different people from all over the world. At this age group, they feel mixed emotions that need to be expressed to their mental wellness. When a child reads a book, s/he empathizes with the characters of the book. In this way, they achieve their emotional intelligence and learn how to react in different situations.

Write a conversation between two people sitting on stairs !​


Hi ! I'm from Japan.


Nobita — How're you ?

Gian — I'm good already. We all are meeting after an year.

Nobita — Ya, but don't remind me about those days. ( Lockdown )

Gian — I'm about to loose my mind tonight because our upcoming exams will be held at school.

Nobita — That's alright. I'll somehow pass.

Gian — Maybe, but I and suneo are going to fail badly I think. We might be kept back.

Nobita — You can still copy in exams from someone.

Gian — Dekisogi can be the right man to cheat from. He always comes first in our class.

Nobita — Great Idea ! That's a paradise, with a nasty bite.

Gian — Why nasty bite?

Nobita — What if sir caught you!

Gian — That's dangerous but I'm hungry for adrenaline. I love taking risks.

Nobita — I think you've lost control. You've lost control. You're insane.

Gian — I'm little bit undecided. Let's See what's happening.

Nobita — The street light has lit, like a fire in a blaze have got to burn it down.

Gian — Goodbye! Let's go home and sleep till we see sunlight.


Other Questions
Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Condensed Milk" and answer the question.Story Description:If you were starving, what would you do for food? "Condensed Milk" tells the story of a political prisoner in a Russian gulag (a forced-labor camp) who is faced with a choice: stay in the gulagworking and starvingor escape from the prison and risk dying. What choice would you make?Historical Context:From 1929 to 1953, Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union. His goal was to transform the Soviet Union from a poor society into a world superpower. He used terror and violence to rule, and under his reign, millions of his own people died in work camps, from starvation due to famine, or by execution.Select a detail to support the idea that punishment was harsh under Joseph Stalin's rule. Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953. Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed. Stalin used terror and violence to rule the Soviet Union. Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a poor country to a superpower. What's the common ecosystem of a Paramecium aurelia HELPPPP PLEASEE think about the expectations placed on simone biles leading up to the 2021 olympics, not only expectations from herself or her coaches, but from the entire nation. how do you imagine that might feel ? According to the letter in the Unit, Milo Thompson and Louisa Bethley were allowed to get married.TrueFalse A buyer of $7,000 in merchandise inventory failed to take advantage of the vendor's credit terms of 2/15, n/45, and instead paid the invoice in full at the end of 45 days. By not taking advantage of the cash discount, the buyer lost the discount of:_________a. 100b. 77c. 1155d. 770e. 231 The productivity of a country is given by f(x, y) = 600x^2/3 y^1/3, where x and y are the amount of labor and capital.a) Compute the marginal productivities of labor and capital when x = 125 and y = 64.b) Use part (a) to determine the approximate effect on productivity of increasing capital from 64 to 66 units, while keeping labor fixed at 125 units.c) What would be the approximate effect of decreasing labor from 125 to 124 units while keeping capital fixed at 64 units? Which of the following is NOT equal to ? 3/4 Si una mujer gana ms que su marido Find the solutions to x2 = 28.A. x = 14,2O B. x = +2./14O C. X = +2,7O D. x = -7/2 42. What is the name of the pyramid found on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico? mi quan h gia qu trnh ni lc v ngoi lc k...What is blocking?A. Taking ideas furtherB. Asking constructive questionsC. Directing the discussionD. Stopping work by being negative, interrupting, or talking about something elseReset Selection Factors and rewrite the expression 25x-15 Please answer ASAP, I would like to check my answer with someone, thank youWhich country eventually won the goldcompetition in Africa?A. AmericanB. FrenchC. DutchD. British What is 6/10 + 9/10 in simplest form? Mary has borrowed 48 books from the library. This is 22% of all of the books in the library. How many books are in the library? What is working fluid and mention five example of working fluid. The Wagner Company made the following expenditures for research and development early in 2014: $80,000 for materials, $100,000 for contract services, $80,000 for employee salaries, and $800,000 for a building with an expected life of 20 years to be used for current and future research projects. Wagner uses straight-line depreciation. The company allocated $20,000 in overhead to research and development. What is Wagners' research and development expense for 2014 Find x. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree. Escoge todo lo que puedes hacer si viajas a El Salvador