Evaluate how suitable the hardware would be for:
- High powered operations such as gaming and computation
- Energy efficiency for travel and productivity
- Light weight, small system for potential use in health monitoring



Answer 1


What hardware and software support might be used to develop the system and operate?

von-Neumann architecture of the computer. Von-Neumann computer consists of two main components: memory and CPU. ...

Application Software. An application software is a computer program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities. ...

Operating System. ...

CPU. ...

Storing device. ...

RAM. ...

Motherboard. ...

Bits and bytes.


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plz help me with this plz plz plz



A. save it to the most appropriate folder


it's quite self explanatory

How to add bookmarks



On the computer?


If you're using Chrome, there's a star at the end of the URL bar at the top. Click that and just add a new bookmark

where are mainframe computers mainly used for​


They are usually used as servers on the World wide web.

They are also used in large organisations such as banks,airlines and universities.

They are also used for census.


They are larger in size,have high processing speed and larger storage capacity.


Mainframes have been used for such applications as payroll computations, accounting, business transactions, information retrieval, airline seat reservations, and scientific and engineering computations.

Computer not letting me go on password page

I start my computer, I go to the thing to put in my password, it takes me back to the thing with the time and date
Please explain to me what is wrong with my computer and how to fix it


it could be a boot loop. did you research ways to fix it ?

physical strength to lift heavy equipment and machinery

what carrer is this
1 radio
2 god
3car spiliest
4 radoioligest


The answer to this problem is 4. “Radiologist” physical strength is needed to lift heavy equipment and machinery

Read the test again and write words which mean the following.
(a) The putting and keeping of things in a special place for use in the future



File Or Folder I think it is

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