Eve got home from school at 2:20 P.M. And played video games for 17 minutes. Then she helped clean the kitchen for 1 hour and 1 minute and spent 1 hour and 7 minutes finishing her homework. What time was it when Eve finished her homework?


Answer 1


4 :45 pm

Step-by-step explanation:

2 : 20 + 17 minutes = 2:37

2:37 + 1hr 1 minute  = 3 : 38

3 : 38 + 1 hr 7 = 4 :45 pm

Related Questions

xét tính chẵn lẻ của hàm số : y = tanx + cotx



Step-by-step explanation:

Tonya and Leo each bought a cell phone at the same time. The trade-in values, in dollars, of the cell phones are modeled by the given functions, where x is the number of months that each person has owned the phone. Tonya's Phone Leo's Phone f(x) =490(0.88)x x g(x) 0 480 2 360 4 270 phone has the greater initial trade-in value. During the first four months, the trade-in value of Tonya's phone decreases at an average rate the trade-in value of Leo's phone.



The answer is Tonya's phone had the greater initial trade-in value.

Leo's phone decreases at an average rate slower than the trade in value of Tonya's phone.

Step-by-step explanation:



[tex]f(x) = 490 * 0.88^x[/tex]


[tex]x \to g(x)[/tex]

[tex]0 \to 480[/tex]

[tex]2 \to 360[/tex]

[tex]4 \to 470[/tex]

Solving (a): The phone with greater initial value

The initial value is when x = 0. So, we have:

[tex]f(x) = 490 * 0.88^x[/tex]

[tex]f(0) = 490 * 0.88^0[/tex]

[tex]f(0) = 490 * 1[/tex]

[tex]f(0) = 490[/tex]

From Leo's table

[tex]g(0) = 480[/tex]

By comparison;

[tex]f(0) > g(0)[/tex]


[tex]490 > 480[/tex]

So: Tonya's had the greater initial trade-in value

Solving (b): The phone with lesser rate

An exponential function is:

[tex]y = ab^x[/tex]


[tex]b \to rate[/tex]

For Tonya

[tex]b = 0.88[/tex]

For Leo, we have:

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (0,480)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (2,360)[/tex]

So, the equation becomes:

[tex]y = ab^x[/tex]

[tex]480 = ab^0[/tex] and [tex]360 = ab^2[/tex]

Solving [tex]480 = ab^0[/tex], we have:

[tex]480 = a * 1[/tex]

[tex]480 = a[/tex]

[tex]a= 480[/tex]

[tex]360 = ab^2[/tex] becomes

[tex]360 = 480 * b^2[/tex]

Divide both sides by 480

[tex]0.75 = b^2[/tex]

Take square roots

[tex]0.87 = b[/tex]

[tex]b=0.87[/tex] -- Leo's rate

By comparison; Leo's rate is slower i.e. 0.87 < 0.88

the longest side of a triangle is 80cm more than the second and 130cm more than the shortest side and its perimeter is 540cm. find its area

help help



Area of triangle1/2b*h Now you can do

The area of the triangle is 9000 square centimeters

How to determine the area?

Let the sides in order of length be represented as:

x, y and z.

So, we have:

z = 80 + y

z = 130 + x

P = 540

The perimeter is calculated as:

P = x + y + z

So, we have:

x + y + z =540

Substitute z = 130 + x

x + y + 130 + x =540

Evaluate the like terms

2x + y = 410

Substitute z = 130 + x in z = 80 + y

130 + x  = 80 + y

Evaluate the like terms

x - y = -50

So, we have:

2x + y = 410

x - y = -50

Add both equations

3x = 360

Divide by 3

x = 120

Substitute x = 120 in z = 130 + x

z = 130 + 120

z = 250

Substitute z = 250 in z = 80 + y

250 = 80 + y

y = 170

So, we have:

x = 120

y = 170

z = 250

The area is then calculated as:

[tex]Area = \sqrt{s * (s -x) *(s - y) * (s -z)[/tex]


s = P/2 = 540/2

s = 270

So, we have:

[tex]Area = \sqrt{270 * (270 -120) *(270 - 170) * (270 -250)[/tex]


Area = 9000

Hence, the area of the triangle is 9000 square centimeters

Read more about areas at:






nt ooooo


Step-by-step explanation:

Which statement is not correct?


options b is not correct


B is right option

Step-by-step explanation

A reflex angle is an angle that measures greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees.

If m angle ABF = (6x + 26)°, m angle EBF = (2x - 9)° , and m angle ABE = (11x - 31)° , find M angle ABF. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Angle ABE = angle ABF + EBF

11x - 31 = 6x + 26 + 2x - 9 add like terms

11x - 31 = 8x + 17 transfer like terms to the same side of the equation

11x - 8x = 17 + 31 add/subtract like terms

3x = 48 divide both sides by 3

x = 16 now replace x with 16 in the equation

16*6+26 = 122

Help me pleasee anyone


x = -4 is the correct answer

If 81y^2-k=9y^2-(1/2)^2 what is the value of k



k = 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

81y² - k = (9y)² - (1/2)²

(9y)² - k = (9y)² - (1/2)²

k =   (1/2)² = 1/4

With the steps pls ……………………..


Answer: $21, 600

Step-by-step explanation:


Original cost (when the shop owner brought it) = $20,000

Profit amount = 20% of original cost

Discount rate = 10%


First Step: Find the market price (before discount)

$20, 000 × (1 + 20%) = $24, 000

Second Step: Find the discount price

$24, 000 × (1 - 10%) = $21, 600

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

What is the slope of a segment whose endpoints are labeled (-2a, 0) and (0, -2b)?



Step-by-step explanation:

use the slope formula Faith,  

point P1 (-2a,0)  in the form (x1,y1)

point P2(0,-2b)  in the form (x2,y2)

slope = m

m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)

m = (-2b - 0 ) / (0-(-2a))

m = -2b  / 2a

m = - b/a

they are trying to confuse  you with the  "a" and "b" variables in the problem, but just use the rules you know to solve what you can :)

What is the area of the parallelogram represented by the vertices A(-6, -1), B(-2, -1), C(-1, -4) and D(-5, -4)?


Answer: 12 units²

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the area of a parallelogram, we use the formula A=l×w. To find the length and width, let's graph out the parallelogram to get a better view. Let's refer to the picture attached to see what the graph looks like. The length is 4 units while the width is 3 units. Therefore we multiply.

A=4×3=12 units²

Now, we know the area is 12 units².

Sonia received a statement on her Certificate of Deposit showing that her investment had returned $4,320 over its life. If the Certificate of Deposit pays a simple interest rate of 4.8% and her initial investment was $12,000, how long had the money been invested?



The correct answer is -7.5 years.

Step-by-step explanation:


Principle amount = 12000

Interest = 4320

time = ?

rate = 4.8 simple interest


We know that simple Interest I = (P*t*r)/100

then t = I*100/p*r

putting values in formula:

t = 4320*100/4.8*12000

= 432000/57,600

= 7.5 years

find the area of this shape
Please help me asap




=49.12 ft^2


Hope it helps..

Have a great day!!!

Wait sorry ignore this I'm still getting used to brainly and I did the question wrong sorry

Aplica el método de eliminación Gaussiana



Here are the solution in excel files

par la méthode de Gauss




x = 25.2

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{5}{18} =\frac{7}{x}[/tex]

5x = 126

x = 25.2

I don't understand this help me : )



Alternate interior angles theorem

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps you in your learning process.

Please help me with this, i need help




i  n

Step-by-step explanation:

two sides of a triangle have lengths 7 and 17. find the range of possible length for the third side


by using Pythagoras theorem c2= a2 + b2

so let's say c= 17 and a= 7, let's calculate for b

(17)^2 = (7)^2 + b2

289= 49+b2

289 - 49 = b2

240 =b2

√249 = b

b = 15 . 49

The function f(x) = One-sixth (two-fifths) Superscript x is reflected across the y-axis to create the function g(x). Which ordered pair is on g(x)?




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^x[/tex]

Reflection: Across y-axis


The ordered pair on g(x)

The rule of reflection across y-axis is:

[tex](x,y) = (-x,y)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]g(x) = f(-x)[/tex]

f(-x) is:

[tex]f(-x) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^{-x[/tex]

Recall that:

[tex]g(x) = f(-x)[/tex]


[tex]g(x) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^{-x[/tex]

From the options (missing in the question), the ordered pair is:


To check this, we have:

[tex]g(x) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^{-x[/tex]

[tex]g(-3) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^{--3[/tex]

[tex]g(-3) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{2}{5})^{3[/tex]


[tex]g(-3) = \frac{1}{6}(\frac{8}{125})[/tex]


[tex]g(-3) = \frac{1}{3}(\frac{4}{125})[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]g(-3) = \frac{4}{375}[/tex]

The polygons in each pair are similar. Find the missing side length



24 is the answer because 18/3=6 6x4 is 24

Can some1 tell me fast pls what is the additive inverse of -9/2




Step-by-step explanation:

For example, the additive inverse of 7 is −7, because 7 + (−7) = 0, and the additive inverse of −0.3 is 0.3, because −0.3 + 0.3 = 0.

-9/2 + 9/2 = 0



Step-by-step explanation:

If x is the additive inverse then

x + (-9/2) = 0

x - 9/2 = 0

so x = 9/2.

HELP pythagorean identity



sin x

Step-by-step explanation:

sin ^2  x + sin x + cos ^ x -1

sin ^2  x + cos ^ x   + sin x-1

We know that sin^2 x + cos ^2 x = 1

1 + sin x -1

sin x


[tex]\sin^2x+\sin x+\cos^2 x-1=\\\\=\underline{\sin^2x+\cos^2x}+\sin x-1=\\\\=1+\sin x-1=\boxed{\sin x}[/tex]

Which property is used to simplify 45and + 3 (25x+75Y) to 5y + 65x?



Distributive property

Step-by-step explanation:

The question is not properly formatted.

From the available detail, I will re-write the question as follows

[tex]45x + 3(25x + 75y)[/tex]


The property used

Distributive property is stated as follows:

[tex]a(b \± c) = ab \± ac[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]45x + 3(25x + 75y) = 45x + 75x + 225y[/tex]

Evaluate like terms

[tex]45x + 3(25x + 75y) = 120x + 225y[/tex]

A bean plant grows at a constant rate for a month. After 10 days, the plant is
25 centimeters tall. After 20 days, the plant is 45 centimeters tall.
Which equation models the height of the plant, y, after x days?



y-25 = 2(x-10)

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the slope using the points (10,25) and (20,45)

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (45 - 25)/(20-10)

   = 20/10

   = 2

Then using point slope form of a line

y-y1 = m(x-x1)

y-25 = 2(x-10)

The ages of 20 school children are recorded as follows:. 13 19 15 17 13 9 11 9 11 15 17 15 11 9 9 11 15 11 11 11. a. Make a frequency for the data b. What is the modal age c. Calculate. i) The mean age correct to the nearest whole number. ii) The range. d. What is the probability of selecting a child between the ages of 12 and 14​



The modal age is 11

The range is the highest minus the Lowe's which is 19-9=10


Radical equations and inequalities edge test is so hard smh



x = V(X + 8) + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Switch sides

x - 4 = V(X + 8\)

Add\ 4 to both sides

x - 4 + 4 = V(X + 8\) + 4


x = V(X + 8) + 4

If f(x) = 4x2 and g(x) = x+1, find (f•g)(x)
A. 4x3+4x2
B. 4x(x)
C. 4X2 + 1
D. 4(x + 1)




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 4x^2

g(x) = x+1

(f•g)(x) = (4x^2) *(x+1) = 4x^3+4x^2

Can someone help me?


Answer: b

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the product? 3x(-6 -11 -14 -9)



The product is -120

2(x+3) + 9 - 5 = 32

Solve for x.


x = 11

Is really simple

Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]x = 11[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Solving for 'x'...}}\\\\2(x+3)+9-5=32\\----------------\\\rightarrow 2x + 6 + 9 - 5 = 32\\\\\rightarrow 2x + 10 = 32\\\\\rightarrow 2x + 10 - 10 = 32 - 10\\\\\rightarrow 2x = 22\\\\\rightarrow \frac{2x=22}{2}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x=11}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

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