excerpt from speech: El pasado reciente nos enseña que nadie tiene las llaves de la historia. El siglo se cierra con muchas interrogaciones. Algo sabemos, sin embargo: la vida en nuestro planeta corre graves riesgos. Nuestro irreflexivo culto al progreso y los avances mismos de nuestra lucha por dominar a la naturaleza se han convertido en una carrera suicida. En el momento en que comenzamos a descifrar los secretos de las galaxias y de las partículas atómicas, los enigmas de la biología molecular y los del origen de la vida, hemos herido en su centro a la naturaleza. Por esto, cualesquiera que sean las formas de organización política y social que adopten las naciones, la cuestión más inmediata y apremiante es la supervivencia del medio natural. Defender a la naturaleza es defender a los hombres. Which of the following sentences from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audio? A Without a doubt, this is a sign of hope in the struggles of the indigenous people all over the continent. B Stars, hills, clouds, trees, birds, crickets, men: each one in his or her own world; however, in some way, each of their worlds belongs to one another. C In this moment, by a pure stroke of undeserved luck, I am the direct voice of the poets from my race and the indirect voice of the noble Spanish and Portuguese languages. D The Mayas discovered the mathematical concept of the zero, almost at the same time as it was discovered in India and then to the Arab regions.


Answer 1


B Stars, hills, clouds, trees, birds, crickets, men: each one in his or her own world; however, in some way, each of their worlds belongs to one another.


I got it right

Answer 2

The sentence from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audio is In this moment, by a pure stroke of undeserved luck, I am the direct voice of the poets from my race and the indirect voice of the noble Spanish and Portuguese languages.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt refer to words, phrases or sentences which is extracted or deduced from a paragraph or an article which has meaning.

Therefore, The sentence from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audio is In this moment, by a pure stroke of undeserved luck, I am the direct voice of the poets from my race and the indirect voice of the noble Spanish and Portuguese languages.

Learn more about excerpt below.



Related Questions

Cual de estas actividades no produce endorfinas ni opiaceos naturales?



pesar a alguien.



Pesar a alguien.



Based on what you learned in the lesson, why might a person from Bolivia bite a pencil?



what lesson did you learn ? i need more info to answer

Answer:Read and choose the option with the correct answer.

From Renata's journal: Hoy, después de hacer la tarea, jugué a los videojuegos en mi casa, comí pizza en la cena, vi la televisión en el sofá y me acosté.

From Gustavo's journal: Después de la escuela hoy, hablé por teléfono con mis amigos y navegué por internet hasta las 10 de la noche. El sábado y el domingo voy a leer todo el día en mi sofá.

What command would apply to both Renata and Gustavo?

Busquen un deporte para mantenerse saludable.

No coman tanta grasa para perder peso.

No manejen las emociones para estar contento.

Suban de peso para estar en forma.


Read and choose the option with the correct answer.

From Renata's journal: Hoy, después de hacer la tarea, jugué a los videojuegos en mi casa, comí pizza en la cena, vi la televisión en el sofá y me acosté.

From Gustavo's journal: Después de la escuela hoy, hablé por teléfono con mis amigos y navegué por internet hasta las 10 de la noche. El sábado y el domingo voy a leer todo el día en mi sofá.

What command would apply to both Renata and Gustavo?

Busquen un deporte para mantenerse saludable.

No coman tanta grasa para perder peso.

No manejen las emociones para estar contento.

Suban de peso para estar en forma.

• Describe one nutritional choice you made last month to stay healthy.
• Describe one exercise you did last month to stay healthy.
• Describe one way you relaxed last month to stay healthy.
• Use preterite tense verbs.
• Include at least three vocabulary words.
pls help


Hey there! I'm happy to help!



Let's look at how to construct a preterite (singular event in the past) for the Yo or I form.

-AR verbs: Drop the ar, put é on the end.

-ER or -IR verbs: Drop the er or ir, put í on the end.

So, to say I slept yesterday, for example, you would dormí ayer.

There are a few exceptions, though. With verbs erbs with tener such as tener, mantener, etc., you take of the -ener and put -uve on the end. Tuve, mantuve, etc.



I don't know what your vocabulary words are but I will come up with some good ones to learn so that that we can talk about health. I'll also throw in some ones I thought would be fun to use in our answer.

meditar- to medidate

la fruta- the fruit

la verdura- the vegetable

el agua- the water

correr- to run

caminar- to walk

nadar- to swim

el batido- smoothie

mantenerse saludable- to stay healthy



Describe one exercise you did last month to stay healthy.

El mes pasado, elegí comer más frutas y verduras comiendo batidos todos los dias.

Describe one exercise you did last month to stay healthy.

Me mantuve saludable corriendo con mis amigos.

Describe one way you relaxed last month to stay healthy.

Medité para relajarme el mes pasado para mantenerme saludable.


Now you can talk about health in Spanish. I wish you the best of luck on your Spanish journey! ¡Hasta luego!

Choose the correct answer.

Su vuelo salió con una demora; por eso, ella va a

a bordo

a tiempo

a veces



The answer is: tarde

Seleccione la opción adecuada según el contexto. 1) Compraría un robot para limpiar mi casa si (ganaría / ganara) la lotería. 2) Buscaría una computadora nueva si la mía no (funcionaría / funcionara). 3) Mis amigos y yo jugaríamos a todos los videojuegos nuevos si (tuviéramos / tendríamos) el tiempo. 4) Practicaría mi español por Skype si (encontrara / encontraría) un amigo hispano con quien hablar. 5) Me mudaría a Nueva York si (conseguiría / consiguiera) trabajo en la tienda de Macintosh. 6) Cambiaría frecuentemente mis aparatos electrónicos si (quisiera / querría) probar los nuevos productos



1) Compraría un robot para limpiar mi casa si ganara (ganaría / ganara) la lotería. 2) Buscaría una computadora nueva si la mía no funcionara (funcionaría / funcionara). 3) Mis amigos y yo jugaríamos a todos los videojuegos nuevos si tuviéramos (tuviéramos / tendríamos) el tiempo. 4) Practicaría mi español por Skype si encontrara (encontrara / encontraría) un amigo hispano con quien hablar. 5) Me mudaría a Nueva York si consiguiera (conseguiría / consiguiera) trabajo en la tienda de Macintosh. 6) Cambiaría frecuentemente mis aparatos electrónicos si quisiera (quisiera / querría) probar los nuevos productos

Write sentences using the verbs saber and conocer to express that you know the people listed below or know something about them.
People you Might Know or Know About

Part A
Antonio Banderas


Hey there! I'm happy to help!



Saber and conocer both mean to know but they have different meanings.

Saber has to do with knowing something, like as in knowledge. I know what you like to do, I know the capital of Canada, etc.

Conocer is about personally knowing people. I know him. I know her. If you know of something, then you would use saber.



Antonio Banderas is a songwriter and singer I believe. Let's create a sentence. I also italicized conocer and sé in the sentence.

No conozco personalmente a Antonio Banderas, pero que es un encantador famoso y artista músical.

IN ENGLISH: I do not personally know Antonio Banderas, but I know that he is a famous singer and musical artist.

I used conocer to say that I did not personally know him. Conocer is kind of like being acquainted with someone, and since you are not his friend you should not use conocer. I used saber to say that I knew he was a musical artist. Since that is some of my knowledge, I use saber.


Now you know how to use conocer and saber! I wish you the best of luck on your Spanish journey! ¡Hasta luego!

What I know about Antonio Banderas, using the verbs "saber" or "conocer" in Present Tense is:

No conozco a Antonio Banderas en persona. que es un actor español. que es el protagonista de la película "El Zorro." que tiene un perfume que lleva su nombre. que es quien le da voz al gato con botas en sus películas.Conozco muchas personas fanáticas a este actor.


I do not know Antonio Banderas in person. I know he is a Spanish actor. I know that he is the protagonist of the movie "El Zorro." I know he has a perfume named after him. I know he's the one who voices P u s s in Boots in his movies. I know many fanatical people of this actor.

Differences between "saber" and "conocer."

The crucial differences between these two verbs lie in the fact that "conocer" something or someone when you have a direct approach to it, while "saber" about something or someone requires having a knowledge or ability that can come from any source, without this being direct experience.

Present Tense in Spanish.

The conjugation of the verbs "saber" and "conocer," taking into account the personal pronouns, is:

Yo: / conozcoTú: sabes / conocesUsted: sabe / conoceÉl: sabe / conoceElla: sabe / conoceEllo: sabe / conoceNosotros / Nosotras: sabemos / conocemosUstedes: saben / conocenEllos / Ellas: saben / conocen

Since the sentences created in the answer belong to the first person, all the conjugations made correspond to the personal pronoun "yo," as can be verified in the guide above.

More information:


Read the text and the question. Then, choose the option with the correct answer to the question.

¡Hola! Me llamo Miranda y soy de Estados Unidos. El verano pasado visité Costa Rica con mi familia. El animal que vimos fue el mono araña. La caza, la deforestación y el uso de estas especies exóticas como mascotas son algunas de las causas por las que esta especie está en vías de extinción. El mono araña come flores e insectos. La deforestación no permite a los monos arañas tener sus hábitats. Yo estoy escribiendo a mis amigos sobre por qué no es bueno tener un mono araña como mascota. Based on the text, what similar recommendation can Miranda give to her friends in the USA?

Avoid having certain pets.
Avoid purchasing pets from street markets.
Avoid trading exotic pets.
Avoid posting pictures of your exotic pet on the internet.


I say A (may be right or wrong, if so, please correct me.)

Miranda is telling her friends why it’s not good in having a spider monkey.

Miranda in the passage said that Spider Monkeys are on their way of going extinct. She is saying to avoid having this certain animal because of it.




Listen, read the question, and choose the option with the correct word to complete the sentence. What key detail supports the fact that Dr. Milstein made an important contribution to society? He earned very prestigious global recognition. He taught medicine lessons at the university. He travelled from the Americas to Europe. He was mentioned during a lesson in class.


The context clues show that that Dr. Milstein made an important contribution to society and that A. He earned very prestigious global recognition.

What are context clues?

It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given in a literary work by the author.

In this case, the context clues show that that Dr. Milstein made an important contribution to society and that he earned very prestigious global recognition.

Learn more about context clues on:




A. He earned very prestigious global recognition.


Just did the test

Specialty markets in the U.S. A) A specialty store where you might buy meat in less urban areas B) Hispanic, Arabic, and Chinese in the same area that cater to immigrant food needs C) Here you generally deal with the shop owners and it's easier to bargain with them. They want to sell their items, so frequently you can offer less money than what they ask and get a better price D) Often inside malls, they carry fruits, meats, household goods, and also sporting goods section, a clothing section, and at times even a restaurant


I say C.

Specialty Markets tend to sell only a particular category of products & you can make deals in order for it to fit your budget.

A is wrong because these stores don’t just sell meat & definitely not in less urban areas.

B is wrong because it has nothing to do with immigration food needs.

D is wrong because Specialty Markets aren’t inside Malls or Restaurants.

Hope this helped you & others! ❤️

estás de acuerdo con el utilitarismo? por qué?



sí, porque el utilitarismo es una de las teorías morales más conocidas e influyentes.

Which two events from the passage move the plot forward as part of the rising action? The wives regret not cooking for their husbands. The wives scheme how to banish their sister-in-law. The wives refuse to fill the water pitcher in the magical river. The wives send the sister-in-law to a magical river. The wives chant in order to learn to cook.


The wives scheme how to banish their sister-in-law.

The wives send the sister-in-law to a magical river.


The wives scheme how to banish their sister-in-law.

The wives send the sister-in-law to a magical river

Este Premio Nobel significa un portaestandarte para proseguir con la denuncia de la vioiación de los Derechos Humanos, que se cometen contra los pueblos en Guatemala, en América y en el mundo, y para desempeñar un papel positivo en la tarea que más urge en mi país, que es el logro de la paz con justicia social. Sin duda alguna, constituye una señal de esperanza para las luchas de los pueblos indígenas en todo el Continente. También es un homenaje para los pueblos centroamericanos que aún buscan su estabilidad, la conformación de su futuro y el sendero de su desarrollo e integración sobre la base de la democracia civil y el respeto mutuo. -speech Which sentence would be a part of the same speech in English?

A In this moment, by a pure stroke of undeserved luck, I am the direct voice of the poets from my race and the indirect voice of the noble Spanish and Portuguese languages.

B On top of all this, it is also an instrument in the fight for peace, for justice, for the rights of those who suffer economic, social, cultural, and political inequalities.

C Our rash worship of progress and advances in our fight to dominate nature have converted into a career sui cide for me.

D At the close of this century we have discovered that we are part of an immense system that goes from plants and animals to cells, molecules, atoms, and the stars in the sky.


Answer: I think its A but i don't know do you know the answer



The answer is B


I just took the test

Choose the correct answer.
Hay una señal de no fumar
del avión.

a tiempo

a bordo

en la ventanilla

en el pasillo



A tiempo


I'm not in Spain.. So...... Just my luck... I try


a bordo


theres a sign no smoking *blank* on the plane... so no smoking once aboard.

vive alrededor de 3 o 4 semanas.
A.El quetzal
B.El jaguar
C.El puma
D.La mariposa



D) La mariposa (Butterfly)


La mariposa, de acuerdo a su tamaño, habitat y clima, puede vivir desde 2 semanas hasta 4 semanas,

Tell if the following farewells are formal (f) or informal (i)



where are the options?

Estamos de vacaciones en Ecuador y nuestro ________ sabe mucha información sobre los destinos y lugares de interés.


Answer: guía turístico


Means tour guide


Guía de turistas


Estamos de vacaciones en Ecuador y nuestro guía de turistas sabe mucha información sobre los destinos y lugares de interés.

Yo tengo once años y no tengo hermanos. Mi
tiene cuarenta años. Él es grande y cómico.






Answer: padre

Explanation: I am 11 years old and I have no brothers. My father is 40 years old. He is big and funny.

It must be padre because el means he so it has to be a male.

padre is the correct answer

Los personajes sobrenaturales en un cuento basado en un acto real indican que es ________. una leyenda una fábula un mito un cuento



Los personajes sobrenaturales en un cuento basado en un acto real indican que es una leyenda.


espero que ayude :)

what is mean of zonal and azonal soils.​



The major soils are group classified highest rank and a wide geographic region zone and soils are developed material by normal soil.


Zonal soils are define that having a profile mainly determined that the vegetation and local climate, high temperature and extremely low rainfall is  an almost complete of vegetation.

Zonal soils regions they provide the temperature is almost equally high,vegetation is the more slightly profuse,the soils formation place take under conditions of neutrality.

Zonal soils are usually black color due formation of content of sods in high,products are completely washed due to heavy leaching and horizon is formed.

A zonal soils that developed soils have been the nature parent material is known a zonal soils, these soils are divided three parts:- (1)Li tho sols (2) re go sols (3)alluvium

(1)  Li tho sols these soils are very thin and larger.

(2) Re go sols they have no agriculture significance.

(3) alluvium are that derived deposited water sediments.  

translate to English:
Mi día de fiesta favorito es el día de mi
cumpleaños. Siempre hacemos una fiesta. Mis
padres y yo decoramos la casa con globos y luces.
Mi mamá siempre me prepara un pastel. Pero lo
mejor es que todos mis amigos vienen y traen
música y nos pasamos la noche bailando.



My favorite holiday is my birthday. We always have a party. My parents and I decorated the house with balloons and lights. My mother always makes me a cake. But the best thing is that all my friends come and bring music and we spend the night dancing.

Choose the imperfect verb that matches the given pronoun. nosotros


The word Comer means to eat- comíamos is the imperfect verb of nosotros

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate present
progressive verb below.
El bebé
la siesta plácidamente.
O A. está dormido
O B. durmiendo
O C. duerme
O D. está durmiendo​



O D. está durmiendo


El bebé  

está durmiendo

la siesta plácidamente


The correct answer is D. esta durmiendo

Hope this helps!

–Mamá, ¿puedo salir a la calle? –No, hija. ________. Está nublado y va a tronar. Hace mal tiempo Hace sol Hace buen tiempo Hace calor


Porque está nublado y va tronar

Answer: Hace mal tiempo

Explanation: ""Mom, can I go outside?"

- No, daughter. ________. It's cloudy and it's going to thunder.

Bad weather = Hace mal tiempo

Question 3
Choose the correct answer,

Si estás haciendo un viaje internacional, hay que tener tu____


cinturón de seguridad







First, let's translate the sentence we are given.

Si estás haciendo un viaje internacional, hay que tener tu____


If you are going on an international trip, you must have your ____

Now, translate each answer choice.

pasaporte --> passport

cinturón de seguridad  --> seat belt

pasillo --> corridor

baúl --> trunk

When travelling internationally, a passport is a necessity. Therefore, the correct answer is pasaporte.

Read the sentence and choose the option with the correct verb in the future tense. El próximo mes, Fabio ________ sobre el ciclo de la vida en la clase de ciencias. hablará hablaremos hará heremos



Read the sentence and choose the option with the correct verb in the future tense. El próximo mes, Fabio Hablará sobre el ciclo de la vida en la clase de ciencias.

para usted que significa
Lengua que se mueve mucho, lengua que se vuelve pucho”


es la persona que habla mucho

Cómo funcionaría la sociedad sin la existencia de los medios de comunicación y el acceso a estos?



Without the media, a society probably could not function at all well, although its citizens would probably be more relaxed.


Most of the communication media in societies are characterized by representative governments, political parties that broadcast their electoral platforms through them, and citizen-party relations conditioned by the information transmitted by the media. It depends on the means of communication that a person looks at, he or she will obtain different information.

Sometimes the media can both inform and misinform and this can generate a kind of against among citizens.

But at the same time, they are very important, since citizens obtain the necessary information to move within a society, and learn about absolutely all the issues necessary for it to function. As well as to be able to choose during electoral processes and to evaluate government performance.

The media fulfill the double function of providing information to citizens, while constituting themselves as a communication channel for political institutions. Both functions are determined and influenced by the participation of the media in the market; the result is that economic competition determines the supply of information, the topics and the available approaches.

20. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with either the subjunctive or indicative form of the verb querer. Es obvio que Raúl no _________ sacar una buena nota.





Es obvio que Raúl no quiere sacar una buena nota




a/p/e/x final :)

Mientras el amo de llaves ________ el cuarto, la señora ________ su maleta. limpiaba; sacó limpiaba; saca limpio; saca limpio; sacó



Mientras el amo de llaves LIMPIABA el cuarto, la señora SACÓ su maleta.


LIMPIABA es la acción en progreso. SACÓ es la acción final.

Espero te ayude :3

yes the answers above are correct, they are limpiaba and saco

25. Use the prompt in parentheses to answer the following question. Your answer should be a complete sentence in the preterite tense. What time did you arrive at school today? (7 in the morning)



The correct answer is I arrived at school at 7 in the morning.


The verb tense used in this exercise is the past simple. The past simple helps us describe an action that began and ended at a specific time in the past. In this case, at 7 in the morning.

The conjugation of regular verbs in the past, in Spanish is done as follows:

To the verbs ending in AR:


Yo amé

Tú amaste

Él/Ella amó

Nosotros amamos

Ellos/Ellas amaron

To the verbs ending in ER:


Yo temí

Tú temiste

Él/Ella temió

Nosotros temimos

Ellos/Ellas temieron

To the verbs ending in IR:


Yo partí

Tú partiste

Él/Ella partió

Nosotros partimos

Ellos/Ellas partieron

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