Expand & simplify:
(x - 3)(x-4)


Answer 1


[tex] {x}^{2} −7x+12[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:



[tex]x \times x+x(−4)−3x−3(−4)[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} −4x−3x+12[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} −7x+12[/tex]

Hope it is helpful....
Answer 2



[tex] {x}^{2} - 7x + 12[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex](x - 3)(x - 4)[/tex]

[tex]x( x - 4) - 3(x - 4)[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} - 4x - 3x + 12[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} - 7x + 12[/tex]

Related Questions

if a point is chosen inside the large circle what is the probability that it will also be inside the small circle?




Step-by-step explanation:

The probability will be equal to 1 - (probability that it will not be inside the small circle) = 1 - (pi*4-pi)/(pi*4)=1/4

I need help! I will give brainliest, if correct!

For a certain value of $k$, the system

x + y + 3z = 10,

-4x + 3y + 5z = 7,

kx + z = 3

has no solutions. What is this value of k?


kx + z = 3 means z = 3 - kx. Substitute this into the first two equations:

x + y + 3 (3 - kx) = 10   ==>   (1 - 3k) x + y = 1

-4x + 3y + 5 (3 - kx) = 7   ==>   (-4 - 5k) x + 3y = -8

Multiply through the first equation by -3 :

-3 ((1 - 3k) x + y) = -3 (1)   ==>   (-3 + 9k) x - 3y = -3

Add this to the second equation to eliminate y :

((-3 + 9k) x - 3y) + ((-4 - 5k) x + 3y) = -3 + (-8)

(-7 + 4k) x = -11

Normally, you would solve for x by dividing both sides by -7 + 4k. But you can't do that if this turns out to be equal to 0, which happens for

-7 + 4k = 0   ==>   k = 7/4


k = 7/4

Step-by-step explanation:

The diameters of ball bearings are distributed normally. The mean diameter is 7373 millimeters and the variance is 44. Find the probability that the diameter of a selected bearing is less than 7676 millimeters. Round your answer to four decimal places.




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that

Mean diameter, [tex]\mu=73[/tex]

Variance, [tex]\sigma^2=4[/tex]

We have to find the probability that the diameter of a selected bearing is less than 76.

Standard deviation, [tex]\sigma=\sqrt{variance}=\sqrt{4}=2[/tex]



Where [tex]Z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}[/tex]



Hence, the probability that the diameter of a selected bearing is less than 76=0.9332

If 6x + 5y = 10, what is y in terms of x?
Please include an explanation!


what you're trying to do is form an equation for y

6x + 5y = 10    

5y = -6x + 10         we need y to be singular so divide by numeral before y

y = - 6x/5 + 10/5

y = - 6x/5 + 2

A cylinder Container must
hold al or 2,000 cm3 of
liquid, which of the following
is the optimazation equation
in terms of the radius r.
if the anaunt of material
used to make the container
is to be minimized?


its 300cm from the square root

What is the perimeter of the octagon below!!



C) sixty five units

Step-by-step explanation:

have a great day

Help me please and thank you



Option C is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]log( {10}^{3} )[/tex]

Use logarithm rules to move 3 out of the exponent.

[tex]3 \: log \: (10)[/tex]

Logarithm base 10 of 10 is 1.


Multiply 3 by 1.


Hope it is helpful....
C is the correct answer

A grocery store buys cereal using the cost function
c(n) = { 2n when n < 100 1.9n when 100
Sn = 500 1.8n when n > 500 where n is
the number of boxes of cereal the grocery store
buys and c(n) is the cost of the cereal. The grocery
store then sells the cereal using the sales function
s(c) = 1.3c. What is the cost of the cereal if the
grocery store buys 250 boxes?


The cost of the cereal if the grocery store buys 250 boxes is $475

We know that:

The cost function is:

c(n) = 2*n              if n < 100

c(n) = 1.9*n            if  100 ≤ n ≤ 500

c(n) = 1.8*n            if   n > 500.

(we can assume that the cost function is in dollars)

This is a piecewise function, this means that we need to see in which interval we have the number n, and then select the correct function to use.

Now, we want to find the cost of the cereal if the store buys 250 boxes.

Then we have n = 250.

We can see that n = 250 is in the second interval,  100 ≤ n ≤ 500, then we will use the second function to find the cost.

We will get:

c(250) = 1.9*(250) = $475

We can conclude that the cost if the store buys 250 boxes is 475

If you want to learn more, you can read:


Please due in 1 hour


I hope that helped you

9514 1404 393


d + q = 440.10d +0.25q = 8.30

Step-by-step explanation:

The first equation describes the total number of coins. It says the sum of the numbers of dimes and quarters is 44, the total number of coins.


The second equation describes the total value of the coins. It will say that 0.10 times the number of dimes plus 0.25 times the number of quarters is 8.30, the total dollar value of the coins.

The two equations are ...

  d + q = 44

  0.10d +0.25q = 8.30


Additional comment

The solution can be found by substituting for d:

  0.10(44 -q) +0.25q = 8.30

  0.15q = 3.90

  q = 26

  d = 44 -26 = 18

Vinnie has 18 dimes and 26 quarters in his bag.

f(x) = (2x – 1)(3x + 5)(x + 1) has zeros at I = -
2= -1, and x =
What is the sign of f on the interval
Choose 1 answer:
f is always positive on the interval.
f is always negative on the interval.
f is sometimes positive and sometimes negative on the interval.


Interval of function f(x) is sometimes negative and sometimes positive.

What is interval of function?

The function interval is said to be positive if the value of the function f (x) increases with an increase in the value of x. In contrast, the function interval is said to be negative if the value of the function f (x) decreases with the increase in the value of x.

Given function,

f(x) = (2x – 1)(3x + 5)(x + 1),

Zeros of function,

x = 1/2 = 0.5

x = -5/3 = - 1.6667

x = -1

From the graph

Interval of function is negative between -∞ < x < -1.6667

Interval of graph is positive between -5/3 < x < -1

Interval of function is negative between -1 < x < 0.5

Interval of graph is positive 0.5 < x < ∞

Hence, f(x) has sometimes positive interval and sometimes negative interval.

Learn more about interval of function here:



I need help with ged



General Educational Development (GED) tests

What do subject do you need help?

Step-by-step explanation:

The GED® exam is made up of 4 subjects, broken into separate exams: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

Can someone help me with this plz




Step-by-step explanation:

We are aware that the base is a square, with side lengths 8cm, and we are given that the height is 8 cm. Since the volume of a square based pyramid is 1/3 x base area x height, we receive 1.3 x 64 x 8 which is 512/3 which is in turn 170.666 recurring. However, since this question asks you to round the the nearest tenth, you get 170.7



Step by step explanation:

Volume = lwh/3
= 8 x 8 x 8
≈171 km^3

How many composite number between 1 and 50


Step-by-step explanation:

There are 34 composite numbers between 1 to 50 which are as follows: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50.

What is the mean of 86, 80, and 95


87 is the mean.

To find the mean, you must

- add all of the numbers

- divide by the amount of numbers given

In this case, you would want to do (86 + 80 + 95)/3. This would give you an answer of 87.

87 is the answer.
Mean is the same thing as average so you just all the given numbers and divide by the number of terms given (in this case 3 were given)

−12x+y=10 in slope-intercept form




Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-intercept form is y=mx+b

1. Add -12x to both sides of the equation

I’m new to this app and I need help with those two questions please help!!



a>0 so we will be looking for minimum



Answer: (5;32)


а<0 so we will be looking for maximum



Maximum point (-1;13)

If a state issued license plates using the scheme of 3 letters followed by 3 digits, how many plates could it issue?




Step-by-step explanation:

there are 26 english letters (A-Z) and 10 digits(0-9).

there are 3 spaces for letters. therefore Any of the 26 letters can be combined with any 26 other letters and any of those can be combined with any of another 26 letters.

26*26*26= 17576

similarly 10 digits can combined in 1000 ways


17576 letter combination can combine with 1000 digits combination.

so  17,576 x 1000 = 17,576,000 different plates could issue.

Biểu diễn 1 ràng buộc trên mặt phẳng tọa độ Oxy là


Step-by-step explanation:

yah kaun se language mein likha hai aapane

what is the HCF of 216 ​



The answer for this question is 1

Your car can go 2/7 of the way on 3/8 of a tank of gas how far can you go on the remaining gas?
A proportion that can be used is a/b=c/d



10/21 of the distance

Step-by-step explanation:

2/7 distance


3/8 tank

The rest of the tank is 8/8 - 3/8 = 5/8

2/7 distance         x

------------------ = ----------------------

3/8 tank              5/8 tank

Using cross products

2/7 * 5/8 = 3/8x

10/56 = 3/8x

Multiply each side by 8/3

10/56 * 8/3 = 3/8x * 8/3

10/3 * 8/56=x

10/3 * 1/7 =x

10/21 =x

10/21 of the distance

In this problem, assume that the probability that a person is born on a given day is 1/365. (For simplicity, ignore Feb 29.) In a group of 100, what is the expected number of pairs of people who have the same birthday



the expected number of pairs of people who have the same birthday is 14

Step-by-step explanation:

The computation of the expected number of pairs of people who have the same birthday is as follows:

= 100 (100 - 1) ÷ 2 × 365

= 100 × 99 ÷ 730

= 9900 ÷ 730

= 13.5616

= 14

Therefore, the expected number of pairs of people who have the same birthday is 14

Which equation represents an exponential function that passes through the point (2, 36)?
O f(x) = 4(3)
O fx) = 4(x)
O f(x) = 6(3)
O f(x) = 6(x)


Answer:              It would be the first equation because:

Step-by-step explanation:        

In order to be an exponential function, the X

variable has to be in the exponent, that eliminates

the second and fourth answers

       f(X) = 4(3)X

using the point (2,36)

  f(2) = 4 (3)2

         = 4 (9 )

         = 36

The equation which represents an exponential function is f ( x ) = 4 ( 3 )ˣ

What are the laws of exponents?

When you raise a quotient to a power you raise both the numerator and the denominator to the power. When you raise a number to a zero power you'll always get 1. Negative exponents are the reciprocals of the positive exponents.

The different Laws of exponents are:

mᵃ×mᵇ = mᵃ⁺ᵇ

mᵃ / mᵇ = mᵃ⁻ᵇ

( mᵃ )ᵇ = mᵃᵇ

mᵃ / nᵃ = ( m / n )ᵃ

m⁰ = 1

m⁻ᵃ = ( 1 / mᵃ )

Given data ,

Let the exponential equation be represented as A

Now , the value of A is

Let the point on the graph be P ( 2 , 36 )

So , when x = 2 , the value of y = 36

f ( x ) = 4 ( 3 )ˣ   be equation (1)

when x = 2

f ( 2 ) = 4 ( 3 )²

f ( 2 ) = 4 x 9

f ( 2 ) = 36

Hence , the exponential equation is f ( x ) = 4 ( 3 )ˣ

To learn more about exponents click :



Find the coordinates of the vertices of the figure after the given transformation: T<0,7>

A. X′(1,−1),L′(0,2),W′(2,1)
B. X′(−4,2),L′(−5,5),W′(−3,4)
C. X′(3,2),L′(2,5),W′(4,4)
D. X′(0,−3),L′(−1,0),W′(1,−1)


Answer: B

Step-by-step explanation:

Why did historians choose to study this topic?

the graph of f(x)=6(.25)^x and its reflection across the y-axis , g(x), are shown. what is the domain of g(x)


9514 1404 393


  all real numbers

Step-by-step explanation:

The domain of any exponential function is "all real numbers". Reflecting the graph across the y-axis, by replacing x by -x does not change that.

The domain of g(x) = f(-x) is all real numbers.

The black graph is the graph of
y = f(x). Choose the equation for the
red graph.

a. y = f(x + 3)
b. y = f(x – 3)
c. y + 3 = f(x)
d. y - 3 = f(x)


9514 1404 393


  b. y = f(x -3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The translation right h and up k units is ...

  y -k = f(x -h)

Here, the red graph is translated right 3 and up 0, so the translated function is ...

  y = f(x -3)


Additional comment

You can check this if you like by listing a couple of corresponding points:

  y = f(x)

  1 = f(-3) . . . . left-most point on black graph.

The corresponding point on the red graph is (0, 1). Putting this into the equation (b), we get ...

  1 = f(0 -3) = f(-3) . . . . . correct value for f(-3)

Someone help please


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The relation between a function f(x) and its inverse g(x) is ...

  f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) = x

On can compute these functions of functions, or take an easier route and do the computation with a couple of numbers. It is often easiest to use x=0 or x=1. If we find g(f(x)) ≠ x, then we know the functions are not inverses. If we find g(f(x)) = x for one particular value of x, then we need to try at least one more to verify the relation.


If we call the two given functions f and g, then we have ...

  A. f(0) = -2/3, g(-2/3) ≠ 0 . . . . not inverses


  B. f(0) = -3/2, g(-3/2) = 0 . . . . possible inverses

     f(1) = 4/2 = 2, g(2) = 7/7 = 1 . . . . probable inverses


  C. f(0) = -2, g(-2) = 0 . . . . possible inverses

     f(1) = 1/2, g(1/2) = -5/3 . . . . not inverses


  D. f(0) = 5, g(5) = 27 . . . . not inverses


Additional comment

Our assessment above is sufficiently convincing to let us choose an answer. If we want to verify the functions are inverses, we need to graph them or compute f(g(x)). The graph in the second attachment shows each appears to be the reflection of the other in the line y=x, as required of function inverses.

someone help me pls i need to pass summer school


16 to the 0 power 16 to the 0 power 16 to the 0 power 16 to the 0 power 16 to the 0 power



Step-by-step explanation:

The be the inverse function the domain {4,5,6,7} becomes the range and the range {14,12,10,8} becomes the domain

14 → 4

12 →5

10 →6

8 →7

please help me solve this question​


Y = 196 hope it helps!

identify an equation in point slope form for the line perpendicular to the y=-1/2x+11 that passes through (4,-8). a. y+8=1/2(x-4) b. y-4=2(x+8) c. y-8=1/2(x+4) d. y+8=2(x-4)



d. y+8=2(x-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 2 important parts to this question. First, understanding which slopes are perpendicular. The negative reciprocal of a number will be perpendicular to it. So, since the original slope is -1/2 the new slope should be 2.

Then, remember what the point-slope formula is. The point-slope formula is: [tex]y-y_{2}=m(x-x_{2})[/tex]. So if you plug in the point and slope the new equation looks like, [tex]y--8=2(x-4)[/tex]. Then, simplify for the final answer of [tex]y+8=2(x-4)[/tex].

3 x {(300 - 70 ÷ 5) - [3 x 23 - (8 - 2 x 3)]}

C. -843




Step-by-step explanation:


The value of the expression 3 x {(300 - 70 ÷ 5) - [3 x 23 - (8 - 2 x 3)]} is 657.

Hence option A is correct.

Given is an expression, 3 x {(300 - 70 ÷ 5) - [3 x 23 - (8 - 2 x 3)]}, we need to simplify it,

Let's break down the expression step by step:

First, let's simplify the expression inside the innermost parentheses:

8 - 2 x 3 = 8 - 6 = 2

Next, let's simplify the expression inside the brackets:

3 x 23 - 2 = 69 - 2 = 67

Now, let's substitute the simplified expression inside the brackets back into the original expression:

(300 - 70 ÷ 5) - 67

Next, let's simplify the expression inside the remaining parentheses:

70 ÷ 5 = 14

Now, let's substitute the simplified expression inside the parentheses back into the expression:

(300 - 14) - 67

Next, let's simplify the expression inside the remaining parentheses:

300 - 14 = 286

Now, let's substitute the simplified expression inside the parentheses back into the expression:

286 - 67

Finally, let's perform the subtraction:

286 - 67 = 219

Now, let's multiply the result by 3:

3 x 219 = 657

Therefore, the value of the expression 3 x {(300 - 70 ÷ 5) - [3 x 23 - (8 - 2 x 3)]} is 657.

Learn more about expression click;



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