Explain how gene and finny illustrate the cliché "opposites attract".


Answer 1


They show this through there actions and personalities Finny is naive, innocent young man who never would harm people on purpose. For Gene in contrast allows his uncertainty to negatively influence his decision to hurt/harm Finny. Finny is self-assured, super confident, and athletic. Apart from his academics, Finny naturally succeeds at everything that he tries/does. In contrast to Gene who has to work towards his academic success and does not get things naturally. Finny is a rule-breaker and an adventurous individual whereas Gene is a strict rule-follower and is forced to follow Finny on his adventures against his will. In all, they complement each other especially with Finny being a leader and Gene being a follower.


The characters of Finny and Gene represent a complex but natural relationship/friendship/dynamic.

Related Questions

The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of the Systems Theory is an empty rhetoric.Comment.



I will say the assertion is automatically rhetoric.


since the processing stage of the system theory is where deliberation on inputs takes place, which mainly is done by the formal institutions i.e. the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, it is however said that, there isn't a smoke without fire. this implies that, the inputs comes in a form of demands and supports which is generated from the environment. The environment also includes Non-formal institutions and the ordinary citizen. So therefore Non-formal institutions play a large role, in fact the fundamentals when it comes processing stage of the system theory.  

Non-formal institutions play an important role in the growth and development process.

Non-formal institutions play a significant role in the processing stage of the systems. This type of education is also known as community education, adult education and second-chance education. There are many fields in which we learn with the help of non-formal institutions such as swimming session, sports program and education etc. These non-formal institutions provides education to those who can't get proper education or give extra knowledge to the people.


Kể ra và giải thích 10 từ nghề nghiệp của một nghề nào đó.




Question 1
Explain two (2) benefits of



Since our federal system creates two levels of government with the capacity to take action, failure to attain a desired policy goal at one level can be offset by successfully securing the support of elected representatives at another level. Thus, individuals, groups, and social movements are encouraged to actively participate and help shape public policy.

States could harness their constitutional authority to engage in policy innovations that might eventually be diffused to other states and at the national level.

Professor Tromborg would like to purchase new speakers. Unfortunately, he lives with a cat (F. catus) who insists on using his speakers for scratching posts. Interestingly, during its kittenhood, this cat was raised in an environment devoid of all visual stimuli except horizontal stripes. Consequently, if professor Tromborg wishes to purchase speakers which his rotten cat will have difficulty seeing, he should not __________:
a. obtain speakers with horizontally striped grillecloths.
b. obtain speakers with vertically striped grillecloths.
c. obtain speakers with polka-dot grillecloths.
d. get a groundsquirrel.


He should not obtain speakers with horizontally striped grille cloths
b! i got it right hope you do

What happens if cocoon is not boiled?



Boiling the cocoon helps to dissolve the adhesive that sticks the fibres together. If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.


If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.

where is the north european plains?



The North European Plain stretches from the south of England to Russia. Parts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as Belarus, are included.


name some people who use maps​



Dora the explorer

your welcome

nah I'm playin


construction engineers

architects use maps I believe



students for educational purposes

Historians or people interested in studying history



Land Surveyor.

Construction Engineer.

General contractor.



skilled human resources in essential for the speedy deveploment in an state. how



Methods to produce skilled manpower

Create policies with timely scientific education.

Develop technical and behavioral education as needed in the country.

Have proper higher level trainings.

Familiarization with developed information technology.

Educate tour, investigate and search for skilled people.

could anybody answer me the facts on why "there should be an age limit for owning a gun"



An age limit to use a powerful weapon such as a gun should be constituted. Out of many reasons for this, one reason is that it would be an appropriate choice because people who are mature would know how to safely handle guns. Maturity is an important factor in this case because a gun-user needs to be responsible and reasonable, especially in times of chaos.

The children in our community and country should be safe and protected from terrible accidents like accidentally pulling the gun trigger out of curiosity, innocence, or lack of awareness. Changing the gun age limit would allow the holder of the gun to have more education on how and when to use it.

Căn cứ vào vai trò trong việc tạo ra giá trị của hàng hóa, tư bản được phân loại thành:





cancu vao vai tro trong viec tao ra gia tri cua hang hoa tu ban duoc phan loai thanh

Mary Ellen is the director of an early childhood education program in the downtown area of a major city. It is a convenient site for many parents who either live or work in the local area. The center is very near to a city park and an inner-city high school. She is concerned about the safety of the neighborhood surrounding her early childhood education environment. What steps might she and her teachers take to maximize the safety of the children in care



Following are the steps to the given solution:


To increase the protection of students in care, Mary Ellen and her staff can take the metric as follows:

Memorize vital names and information for the children. Tell them not to go with strangers. Help them reconsider the classroom is their refuge. To teach children to correctly observe their environment. Learning self-defense techniques to them. Monitor child's use of Net. Ensure robust police departments.

Write any four reasons why Nepal's HDI in not up to the mark?​



Though Nepal's HDI value for 2018 is 0.579, the HDI falls to 0.430, a loss of 25.8 per cent, when the value is discounted for inequality, due to inequality in the distribution of the HDI dimension indices. Lack of skill and illiteracy are other reasons. No availability of nutritious food, lack of minimum requirements such as accommodation, clothing, drinking water. Besides education level decides the progress of country. Discrimination in gender and inequality of social, educational and economic condition.


What branch commands the military



The secretary of the Department of Defense (DoD) has control over the military and each branch -- except the Coast Guard, which is under the Department of Homeland Security

1. A qualified dietitian or other clinically qualified nutrition specialist:
Holds a bachelor's or higher degree in nutrition or dietetics
Has completed 900+ hours of supervised dietetics practice
Is licensed or certified as a dietitian or nutrition professional by the state in which he/she performs services
All of the above


C) Is licensed or certified as a dietitian or nutrition professional…

in the process of rotation of the earth the longitude and the keep of changing able to write​



Latitude and Longitude do NOT change they are set. They form a grid system which enables us to locate ANY position on the planet. Time is always on the move 24 hrs being one rotation of the planet. Every hour the earth will rotate 15 degrees of Longitude. Days begin and end on the International dateline which for the most part follows the 180 deg line of Longitude. If you are moving from west longitude heading into East Longitude (traveling West) You will move into tomorrow. If you are in the eastern hemisphere and travel into the western hemisphere (traveling East) then you will move into yesterday.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about human brain modularity? System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; system 2 regularly overcomes system 1's heuristics to make decisions. Both systems regularly use both heuristics and conscious calculations; both are equally important in decision making. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; both are equally important in decision making.



System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1.


Behavioral economists stated that the human brain is very  efficient but it is usually susceptible or prone to errors.  They believed that the human brain  uses evolutionary-developed heuristics to make most decisions.  The human brain often uses and employs heuristics as they  save energy and time in decision making.


This is often refered to as short passway or shortcuts that save time and energy in decision making.


This is simply known as particular organ or subsystem of the brain which is said to be genetically specified to perform a some special functions.

Modular brain function

This is known as a separate or different localized regions of the brain that are mostly specialized to perform specific functions.

identify an organization that does community work to support it​




Community organization refers to organizing aimed at making desired improvements to a community's social health, well-being, and overall functioning. ... Community organization includes community work, community projects, community development, community empowerment, community building, and community mobilization

General Community Service Ideas

Participate in a charity walk or run.

Volunteer at a local nonprofit.

Organize a clothing drive.

Participate in a national giving or remembrance day.

Ask for charitable donations instead of birthday or Christmas gifts.

Host a fundraising event and donate the money.

The Community Organization Theory is the practice of individuals and agencies collaborating and addressing issues deemed important and necessary within a given community. ... The fundamental purpose of community organization is to assist in discovering and enabling people's shared goals.

Expose students to people who are at a disadvantage (socially, medically, economically, or otherwise) Help students to realize they can make a difference and give them the tools to do so. Develop awareness and better understanding of the communities they live in.

These organizations are often considered to include churches, unions, schools, health care agencies, social-service groups, fraternities, and clubs. ... These organizations are frequently advocacy-oriented, and they apply community-organizing strategies to accomplish their goals

Involving volunteers can add great value to what your organisation does and support you to achieve your mission and strategic objectives. Involving volunteers can help you to: By providing volunteering opportunities you provide opportunities for social inclusion, skills development and potential routes to employment

Washington, Oregon, and northern California are located in the
O Rockies.
O Mid-Atlantic
O Southeast
O Pacific Northwest



Pacific Northwest


.Increased knowledge, which enables teachers to be more effective with each child.


Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. ... They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis.

Cheating on one’s spouse is widely rejected in most societies. How might an egoist complete this statement? Cheating on your spouse is permissible if __________. a.) your spouse has also cheated on you b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result c.) you do it only one time and are sorry d.) you tell your spouse



b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result


Egoistic people are selfish, self-centered people who care about no one but themselves. Option a can't be the answer since an egoist person wouldn't want you cheating on them since they believe only they are capable of doing this. Option c goes against all the things an egoist believes in, and they would never feel sorry for what they did, let alone apologize. Lastly, option d can't be the answer because egoist would never tell their spouse that they're cheating because they don't think their spouse deserves to know because as mentioned before, they are selfish! The only care about their well-being so option B seems to be the most plausible here.

Renee was able to plant 15 flowers in 5 minutes.

At this rate, how many flowers could she plant in 45 minutes?





Question 5 of 10
An activity or a service performed by volunteers free of charge for the benefit
of a person, group, or the public is called:
A. service-learning.
B. community learning.
C. community service.
D. job service.


an activity or a service performed by volunteers free of charge for the benefit of a person,group, or the public is called community service

please help. it's urgent. Do you think it is accurate to see race and gender as social constructs?​





bcz race is not a very good determinaction for social constructs it is not fair for the black people

What are the reason behind the positive seen in the development ? ​




A group of progressives that worked to correct problems in American life were called
A. Owners
C. Muckrakers
D. Government



They were called Muckrakers.

explain the meaning of accidents with examples for the home and school​


An accident is something that is unintended, unrelated, unexpected, and unforeseen. It could be as simple as knocking down a cup at home, or pouring to much glue at school. Maybe you slipped and fell, and unless that was on purpose, which means you had knowledge of this action and expected it and or planned it, then that is also an accident.

Explain the aims and function of any Youth organization.



Youth organisations are generally understood to be youth-led, non-profit, voluntary non-governmental associations, and under some circumstances, can instead be part of the state apparatus or be youth worker-led. They are mostly established to further the political, social, cultural, or economic goals of their members. This is done by implementing activities for young people and/or engaging in advocacy work to promote their cause. Typically, youth organisations focus on promoting and ensuring young people's democratic and social rights; encouraging their social and political participation at all levels in community life; and offering opportunities for personal and social development through leisure activities, voluntary engagement and non-formal and informal learning. The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers mande a recommendation to member states on youth civil society in 1997.

Hope this answer helps you..!!!

Members of the board of governors are Group of answer choices chosen by the Federal Reserve Bank presidents. appointed by the newly elected President of the United States, as are cabinet positions. appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate as members resign. never allowed to serve more than seven-year terms.



Appointed by the President of the United States confirmed by the Senate as members resign.

The Board is made up of seven members who are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the US Senate. The Federal Reserve's policy decisions are guided by these Governors. The term of a Governor is 14 years.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

what is the moral you learn from the story of Kalidas ​



teaches us that we should never give up and never trust to anyone, and if you give up, you can not get any toxins in your life


Period. Several ancient and medieval books state that Kālidāsa was a court poet of a king named Vikramāditya. A legendary king named Vikramāditya is said to have ruled from Ujjain around the 1st century BCE.

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of __________.


This question is incomplete because the options are missing. Here are the options.

A. Bullying

B. Workplace Harassment

C. The MUM effect

D. A hostile work environment

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of the MUM effect.

The MUM Effect (Minimizing Unpleasant Message) is a term to refer to the human tendency to avoid or hide the communication of negative information or unpleasant news. This trend is because people believe that communicating negative information will affect their public image. In addition, they are emotionally affected.

Therefore, Telitha is concerned about reporting to her partner because this can affect her social image, and she can be seen as a snitch. So the answer is C.

Also, this is not an example of hostility, bullying or harassment because this worker is not being attacked by others.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/16293877

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Then Christmas comes, and there are Christmas presents. I wish we had winter all the time." "Yes," replied Bobby's mother, "winter is a good time of the year." The days passed quickly, and soon it was spring. One Saturday morning in March, Bobby and his mother were driving their car to the supermarket, and Bobby said, "Spring is the best season of the year.The weather is warm, the trees get their leaves again, the grass turns green, and there are pretty flowers everywhere. The days get longer, and I can play outside more. I wish it were spring all the time." "Yes, spring is a good time of the year," said Bobby's mother, Before long it was summertime, and on a warm July day Bobby was sitting on the porch swing beside his mother. "Summer is the best season of the year," said Bobby. "I can go swimming. And I can play football. I don't have to put on heavy clothes he when I go outside, and I can run barefoot on the cool grass. I wish it an were summer all the time.""Yes, summer is a good season of the year," replied his mothe Soon autumn arrived, and one October day Bobby came from school and said to his mother, "Autumn is the best season of the year. The trees are all red and yellow and gold, and the days aren't hot any more. Then there are treats and jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween and turkey on thanksgiving. I wish it were fall all the time." "But, Bobby said his mother, "one time you said that winter was the best season another time you said spring was the best; and still another time you said summer was the best. Now you say that fall is the best season Which season do you really like best?" Bobby thought for a minute, and then he said, "Well, I guess like all four of them best." Arther S. Trace what is 5 2/3 - 11 1/6 please help me it for my homework 4. Name 3 countries that remained Democracies in western Europe after WWII.SEA Which of the following is true about publishing your work?A. 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