Explain the relationship between an inda vidual and a society​


Answer 1


The relation between individual and society is very close. Essentially, “society” is the regularities, customs and ground rules of antihuman behavior. ... Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and to continue.

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Link to video 2min https://media-release.glynlyon.com/g_mat08_ccss_2016/4/media/html5/anm_scale_drawing_comic_project/media/video.mp4



given in a triangle rst and another triangle ratOn a coordinate plane, triangle R S T has points (0, 0), (negative 2, 3), (negative 3, 1). Triangle R prime S prime T prime has points (2, ...

9 votes



Angle 3 and Angle 5 are corresponding angles. Corresponding angles lie in the same relative position. As such, they are congruent.

50x - 100 = 25x + 25

25x - 100 = 25

25x = 125

x = 5

Angle 3 = 50(5) - 100 = 250 - 100 = 150

Angle 5 = 25(5) + 25 = 125 + 25 = 150

Hope this helps!






1-tanA / 1+tanA

=1-1/cotA / 1+1/cotA

= cotA-1/cotA / cotA+1/cotA

=cotA-1 / cotA+1

= R.H.S



if it's a math proof, i will think this is answer

Step-by-step explanation:

james cuts 2 of his neighbor's lawn the first is 1000 m long and 100 m wide what is the area


The formula for area is l(w). This stands for length and width, or long and wide in this problem. I can multiply 1000(100) to get 100,000m. The area of the lawn is 100,000m.

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for area is l x b. This stands for length and breadth. I can multiply 1000(100) to get 100,000m. The area of the lawn is 100,000 m.



Christian has 1/2 of a foot of tape. His friend gives him 3/10 of a foot of tape. How much tape does Christian have now?



4/5 foot

Step-by-step explanation:

Add the lengths together

1/2 +3/10

Get a common denominator

1/2 *5/5  + 3/10

5/10 + 3/10


Simplify the fraction by dividing the top and bottom by 2


[tex]\rm \implies \: Total \: \: length \: \: of \: \: tape \: = \: \frac{1}{2} \: + \: \frac{3}{10} \\ [/tex]

Now , we take LCM of denominators.

LCM of 2 and 10 is 10.

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \: \frac{5 \: + \: 3}{10} \: = \: \frac{8}{10} \\ [/tex]

Now , simplifying the fraction in simplest form.

[tex]\bf \large \rightarrow \: \: \cancel\frac{8 \: \: ^{4} }{10 \: \: ^{5} } \: = \frac{4}{5} \\ [/tex]

Christian have 4/5 foot of tape have now.




1}6 times

Step-by-step explanation:

The highest number of president born in Virginia minus the highest number of president born in Texas

2}Yes.New York and Mast has the same number of president which is four

3}Yes,this can be done using piechart.

4}I am still working on this question

Which ratio represents $20 for every 4 cups of lemonade sold?
4/1 or 4,
5/1 or 5


The ratio that represents 20 to 4 is 1/5


5/1 or 5

Step-by-step explanation:

4 cup of lemonade is $20


1 cup of lemonade is 20 ÷4 =5

Yeah uh I have no idea how to do this.....
Use exponent laws to simplify this :
9√(a^-5 b^2)

The answer is 9b / a^5/2 I just don't know how so please show steps! Thank you



9b /a^5/2

Step-by-step explanation:

9√(a^-5 b^2)

9 sqrt( a^ -5 b^2)

Rewriting sqrt as ^1/2

9 ( a^ -5 b^2)^1/2

9 ( a^ -5) ^1/2 ( b^2)^1/2

we know that  an exponent to an exponent means multiply

9 a^ (-5*1/2)  b^(2*1/2)

9 a^-5/2 b^1

9b a^ -5/2

We know that x^-y = 1/x^y

9b /a^5/2


[tex]\frac{9b}{a^{2} }[/tex][tex]\sqrt{\frac{1}{a} }[/tex] should be the answer of the problem that you posted

if you try to solve using [tex]\sqrt{x}[/tex]    as as [tex]x^{\frac{1}{2} }[/tex]

then [tex](a^{-5)} ^{\frac{1}{2} } \\[/tex] =  [tex](a^{-5/2)}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{a^{\frac{5}{2} } }[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{a^{\frac{5}{2} } }[/tex] * 9b = [tex]\frac{9b}{a^{\frac{5}{2 } } }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]9 \sqrt{(a^-5 b^2)}[/tex]

[tex]x^{-1} = \frac{1}{x}[/tex]

[tex]a^{-5} = \frac{1}{a^{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{b^{2} } = b[/tex]

[tex]a^{4}[/tex] a's can be removed from the radicle (one will be left in because you have a^5)

[tex]\frac{9b}{a^{2} }[/tex][tex]\sqrt{\frac{1}{a} }[/tex]

Can someone plz tell me what’s 9% of 41




Step-by-step explanation:

9% of 41 is (9/100)*41=369/100=3.69

Can someone help me out


Answer: V=9.4 cm^3

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]V=\pi r^2h\\V=\pi (1)^2(3)\\V=9.4cm^3[/tex]

37. for the graph x= -3
please help


Answer: 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope of x = -3 is infinite / undefined (there is infinite/no defined change in y for a given change in x). Remember, line x = -3 slopes straight up.

Perpendicular means at a 'right angle to'.

The only kind of line that is perpendicular to a vertical line is a horizontal line, which is like y = 15 or y = 5 or something. The slope of such lines is always zero, because there is no change in line's rise for a given run.

Answer: The slope perpendicular to the line is = 0


the line x= -3 is a special case of the equation of a straight line.

It is a vertical line, and since it parallel to the y-axis, it’s slope is undefined

A line perpendicular to it must be a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis

Parallel to the x-axis means the slope = 0

Hi, just need help with this graph problem.



Domain: (-2, 2]

Range: (-5, 4]

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I

Domain is the set of x-values that can be inputted into function f(x) Range is the set of y-values that are outputted by function f(x)Interval Notation: [Brackets] denote inclusion and (Parenthesis) denote exclusion

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the graph, we see that our x values span from -2 to 2. Since -2 is an open dot and 2 is a closed dot, they are exclusive and inclusive, respectively:

(-2, 2] or -2 < x ≤ 2

According to the graph, we see that our y values span from -5 to 4. Since -5 is an open dot and 4 is a closed dot, they are exclusive and inclusive, respectively:

(-5, 4] or -5 < y ≤ 4

Domain is 2,-2 TGATS all I know

Use the equation below to find T, if w=52, m=5, and a= 3 T= w - ma




Step-by-step explanation:





Find the sum of the first five terms of the G.p 2,6,8..​


I need more to work wit answer it but it looks like 26

evaluate each algebraic expression for the given values if the variable

[tex](4d)( - 5d)[/tex]
d= -8​




Step-by-step explanation:

4d*(-5d)=-20(d)^2, d=-8. - 20*64=1280

Please help! :)

An expression is shown below:

10n3 − 15n2 + 20xn2 − 30xn

Part A: Rewrite the expression by factoring out the greatest common factor. (4 points)

Part B: Factor the entire expression completely. Show the steps of your work. (6 points)


The completely factored expression of 5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3) is (5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Rewrite the expression

The expression is given as:

10n³ − 15n² + 20xn² − 30xn

Factor out 5n² and 10xn in the expression

5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3)

Factor completely

In (a), we have:

5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3)

Factor out 2n - 3

(5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Hence, the completely factored expression of 5n²(2n − 3) + 10x(2n − 3) is (5n²+ 10x)(2n − 3)

Read more about factored expressions at:



If you rolled a die, what is the probability that you would roll a 3 or a 9? Give your answer as a simplified fraction.
P(3 or 9) =


Answer: P (3 or 9) = 1/6

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the idea of probability.

Probability is a measure of the likelihood of an event to occur.

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation.


The numbers on a dice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Total numbers = 6

Number of 3 = 1

Number of 9 = 0

P (3 or 9) = Favorable / Total (refer to the attachment below)

P (3 or 9) = (1 + 0) / (6)

P (3 or 9) = 1 / 6

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Blanca runs 8 laps around the track each day to train for an endurance race. She times each lap to practice her pacing for the race. The table shows the lap times, in seconds, for three days of practice.

A 3-column table with 8 rows. The first column is labeled day 1 lap times (seconds) with entries 83, 92, 91, 89, 94, 93, 88, 84. The second column is labeled day 2 lap times (seconds) with entries 87, 90, 92, 91, 92, 95, 90, 85. The third column is labeled day 3 lap times (seconds) with entries 85, 86, 91, 93, 91, 89, 88, 84.

Which histogram represents Blanca’s lap times for the three days of practice?

A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds. 4 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 2 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 4 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 6 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 5 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 2 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 0 laps were 96 to 98 laps.
A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds. 3 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 3 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 5 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 5 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 3 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 3 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 1 lap was 96 to 98 seconds.
A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds. 3 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 3 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 4 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 6 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 4 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 2 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 1 lap was 96 to 98 laps.
A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds. 4 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 2 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 4 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 6 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 3 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 4 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 0 laps were 96 to 98 laps.



A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and the number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds.  4 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 2 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 4 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 6 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 5 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 2 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 0 laps were 96 to 98 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

The given table is presented as follows;

[tex]\begin{array}{ccc}Day \ 1 \ lap \ times \ (seconds)&Day \ 2 \ lap \ times \ (seconds)&Day \ 3 \ lap \ times \ (seconds)\\83&87&85\\92&90&86\\91&92&91\\89&91&93\\94&92&91\\93&95&89\\88&90&88\\84&85&84\end{array}[/tex]The number of laps in the range 82 to 84 seconds = 1

The number of laps in the range 84 to 86 seconds = 4

The number of laps in the range 86 to 88 seconds = 2

The number of laps in the range 88 to 90 seconds = 4

The number of laps in the range 90 to 92 seconds = 6

The number of laps in the range 92 to 94 seconds = 5

The number of laps in the range 94 to 96 seconds = 2

The number of laps in the range 96 to 98 seconds = 0

Therefore, the histogram that represents Blanca's lap times for the three days of practice is described as follows;

A graph shows lap time (seconds) labeled 82 to 98 on the horizontal axis and the number of laps on the vertical axis. 1 lap was 82 to 84 seconds.  4 laps were 84 to 86 seconds. 2 laps were 86 to 88 seconds. 4 laps were 88 to 90 seconds. 6 laps were 90 to 92 seconds. 5 laps were 92 to 94 seconds. 2 laps were 94 to 96 seconds. 0 laps were 96 to 98 seconds

Answer: A.

Step-by-step explanation: On Edge!

Find the error in the solution, and then solve it correctly.
7x + 12 + 3x = 8
7x + 12 = 5
7x = -7
x= -7/7


We could find the error first, but if we solve the equation, we can compare our answers to find the error. So,

7x + 12 + 3x = 8

10x + 12 = 8

10x = -4

x = -4/10

x = -2/5.

When we compare the two, we see that our second line is vastly different, and we can easily isolate the mistake, finding that it occurs when they disregard the variable in the 3x term and subtract 8 by 3 rather than combining the terms 3x and 7x together.


x=-4/10 = -2/5

Step-by-step explanation:


(7x+3x) =8-12



x= -2/5




A: (draw figure 3 and on the right end add two more tiles on the top and bottom stack of tiles)

B: Figure 10 will have 20 tiles because each figure is increasing by 2 tiles.

Step-by-step explanation:

The figures are increasing by 2 so we can multiply 2 by 10 to get the number of tiles on the 10th figure.

— 12 — бр – (-2)



-10 - 6p

Step-by-step explanation:

-12 - 6р - (-2)

~Combine like terms

-10 - 6p

Best of Luck!

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\textsf{-12 - 6p - (-2)}\\\\\huge\text{COMBINE the LIKE TERMS}\\\huge\textsf{\underline{\underline{-12 - (-2)}} + \underline{\underline{\underline{(-6p)}}}}\\\\\\\huge\text{\underline{\underline{-12 - (-2)}}}\\\huge\textsf{= -12 + 2}\\\huge\textsf{= \bf -10}\\\\\\\huge\textsf{-6p \text{does not have any like terms so it}}\\\huge\textsf{stays the same}\\\\\\\huge\textsf{= \bf -6p - 10}\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Answer: \bf -6p - 10}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Evaluate 29.4 - 33.85.(round to the hundredths place) -4.45 260.15 4.45 63.25



Subtract 29.4 from 33.85. You get 4.45, but since 29.4 is less than 33.85, the answer becomes negative 4.45

A taxi fare is $3 and then $0.40 for every kilometre. A taxi fare is $9 . How far has the taxi travelled?



y = 3 + 0.40x

Step-by-step explanation:

Fixed cost of taxi fare = $3

Additional cost = $0.40


y = Total cost

x = number of kilometers

The equation:

Total cost = Fixed cost of taxi fare + (Additional cost * number of kilometers)

y = 3 + 0.40x

What is 3/8 of 200?
pls show work
35 POINTS!!!



The answer is 75

Step-by-step explanation:


Geometry, please answer question ASAP




Step-by-step explanation:

The inscribed angle IJK is half the measure of its intercepted arc, so

arc IK = 2 × 75° = 150°

The 3 arcs sum to  360° , then

arc IJ = 360° - (150 + 110)° = 360° - 260° = 100° → A

Consider the reflection of parallelogram PQRS across the line of reflection wy



Consider the reflection of the parallelogram PQRS across the line of reflection wy if RR = 14 Then RZ= If SX=5 then = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

I can't figure this out, please help! I'll give a brainliest



u can use pythagoras or sine rule

Step-by-step explanation:


Please answer I'll mark u the brialintest

1) 3 × --- = (-12)
8) 2/5 × 4 is equal to ------



1. -4

2. 8/ 5 - 1. 6

Step-by-step explanation:

1 . 3 × -4  

    = (-12)

2. 2/5 × 4

  = 8 / 5

  = 1.6

Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

decide if the first number is a factor or the second number with a yes or no.

a. 9; 74,520

b, 3; 876


both are yes i believe, let me know if it works


(−2,2) under a translation is

(−3,5). Find the coordinates of the image of the point

(−3,1) under the same translation.



kslskd बोडलालामसूनिविवल

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