Explain the routine of Chordata everyday.​


Answer 1


Vertebrates are members of the kingdom Animalia and the phylum Chordata . Recall that animals that possess bilateral symmetry can be divided into two groups—protostomes and deuterostomes—based on their patterns of embryonic development. The deuterostomes, whose name translates as “second mouth,” consist of two major phyla: Echinodermata and Chordata. Echinoderms are invertebrate marine animals that have pentaradial symmetry and a spiny body covering, a group that includes sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. The most conspicuous and familiar members of Chordata are vertebrates, but this phylum also includes two groups of invertebrate chordates.

Deuterostome phylogeny. All chordates are deuterostomes possessing a notochord at some stage of their life cycle.


Related Questions

Select the correct text in the passage . Which detall best creates tension in the plot “the tell-tale heart”


The correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.


Suspense is a term to refer to the expectation about the resolution of a situation causing tension or impatient expectation of the viewer or reader. According to the above, it can be inferred that the sentence "I moved it slowly- very, very slowly" because it describes an action that is being performed slowly and is described in great detail causing tension in the reader as the reader wanders wether the protagonist of the story will be discovered as he tries to enter to the room. According to the above, the correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.

Was Sandra Cisneros' choice of color a cultural declaration or a political provocation? Or Both?


Answer: A cultural declaration


The question most likely refers to the article "The Purple Passion of Sandra Cisneros," by Kathy Lowry, whose perspective of Cisneros´ actions is condemnatory and described as an uncalled-for political provocation disguised as a cultural declaration.

Looking into the case, and researching on Cisneros´own account of the events, found in "My Purple House. Color is a Language and a History," it becomes clear that she was trying to make a point about how the houses of the Latin community have been disregarded by the San Antonio Conservation Society, and her choice of a color deemed as “too vivid and modern” for its historical context is an example of how her culture is being erased.

So, in my opinion, Cisneros´choice of color was a cultural declaration and not merely a stubborn political provocation.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. cat B. hat C. that D. Hate



D. hate


The answer is D. Hate

4.1.10 english 10 sem 2
Create an outline for an argumentative research essay, which you will draft in Lesson 2. The outline will begin with a strong claim, followed by at least three supporting reasons. The evidence that backs up each reason must come from credible sources that you find through research. In its finished state, your outline should show how the claim, reasons, and evidence all relate.
Your outline should include the following elements:
A claim that takes a clear stand on an important, controversial issue
At least three reasons that support the claim
Evidence from at least five sources that backs up your reasons (and the claim, indirectly)
A works-cited page that lists your sources and follows MLA guidelines


Hi. Your question asks you to outline an argumentative research essay. I can't write an essay for you as this is something very personal and it should be in line with what you have been studying, but I can show you how to do this essay.

First, you should know that an argumentative essay is a text where you will need to argue about something, that is, show your opinion on the subject that is being covered in the essay. This opinion must be accompanied by supporting statements, which are statements that present data to prove that your opinion is correct and show the reader how you arrived at this opinion. This means that you will have to research the topic discussed in your essay and that research should be done from reputable research sources, which will be articles written by experts in the subject you cover, academic books and journals, or websites of respected institutions. These sites usually have the abbreviations "org," "edu" and "gov" in their email addresses.

As your question shows, it is important that you submit at least three supporting details, ie details that support your opinion and these details must come from five credible research sources.

Now, regarding the outline, you should keep in mind that an outline is the "prototype" of your essay. This is where you will place the ideas you will present in the essay, present the organization of the paragraphs, and flag the research sources you will use. This outline should be done in topics, as follows:

Introduction: Where will you present the subject of your essay and your opinion. The introduction should be short and direct.Body: You will present the background Information of your theme, you will present the support details that prove your opinion, always presenting the relevant data and information taken from your research sources. This part is usually made up of two paragraphs, but you can do more if you feel it is necessary. You can also present opinions that are contrary to yours, as long as you present evidence that these opinions are incorrect.Conclusion: You will end the essay in a logical way, presenting with the thought that should be created after reading the facts presented by you.

Lastly, you should create a page where you present the research sources you used, using the MLA guidelines. This should be done on a separate essay page, where you will provide all the information necessary for your essay's readers to be able to find your research sources. This information must be presented in the following order:

Author's last name, followed by a comma. Author's first name, followed by a period. Title of the article, followed by a period. Title of the place where this article can be found, that is, title of the book, website or magazine where the article is found, followed by period. Book or magazine version, if any, followed by period. Publisher's name, followed by period. Year of publication of the article, followed by period. Number of the page where the article can be found or link to the website where the article can be found. Website access date, if the article is found on a website.


Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Translated by Richard Howard, Vintage-Random House, 1988.Lopes, Mark. "Growth of changing beans under water stress." Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 6, no. 6, 2015, pp. 595-600, [website address]. Accessed 8 Feb. 2020.

You can find more information in this related question:



It has legs, but it can not walk. What is it?

answer with intelligence.​


It's either an octupous because it swims, or a table. :)

Gutless theme of the novel



I bilieve that the theme of this novel is, help people who are in need of it, and to support them.


Hope you enjoyed the book, and that this answer helps you. Have a good day.

Select the appropriate pronoun.
I present Ashley Manning,
I believe will be able to answer our questions about the coming elections.





Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence and can be replaced with "he" or "she"




I present Ashley Manning, who I believe will be able to answer our questions about the coming elections.

(Although in some cases based on meaning and purpose whom is also correct. but for this it's who)

Which evidence does the author use to support the idea that she felt fearless?

Two messengers, covered with dust, come to bid me fly; but here I mean to wait for him.
Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine.
Our kind friend, Mr. Carroll, has come to hasten my departure and is in a very bad humor with me . . .
At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with the most valuable portable articles belonging to the house.





It’s B because in the answer it says ”Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine.” Which means even if she is in danger she will work through it.

Plz Help me on this one!?


Answer: Answer is B. Trans-Saharan was just land and they tried sea but I believe they failed. Silk Route was land and Sea, since for Asian countries sea was more accessible. Hope this helps, just learned this last year.


Messages to the Principal about the student leaving before school time



dont be ok with this



request that student to be banned from school


:v not respect school  

Emma added 4.98 + 2.5 what error did she make





Write an informative essay on a Greek mythical character. Your essay will use research to summarize the plot


Solution :


Hercules was considered equivalent to the Greek divine hero named Heracles, who was the son Jupiter. Hercules was well known in classical mythology for his strength and courage and also for his various  far-ranging adventures.

In Greek mythology, Hercules was a mythical character. He was the son of Zeus, the God of thunder. He was seen as half man and half God. He was a man of immense power and strength. In the battle of Troy, Hercules defeated the greatest and strongest warrior in the battle field, Hector.

Hercules is considered the greatest of all Greek heroes.

In the passage above, what does “impartial” mean?



Simple Question:


The answer is Fair and Unprejudiced..Hope this helps....Have a nice day!!!! :D
Fair and unprejudiced

Underline the content words in the following sentence :
"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"



sentence :

"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"

30 POINTS PLEASE HELP!!! Read this paragraph from the article:

Together with the United Nations, the U.S. government, and partners around the world, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves focuses on working with local communities and organizations to develop a market for cookstoves and fuels that significantly reduce emissions, cook more efficiently, and fit with local customs and culture. . . .

Why does the author use the word significantly rather than mostly?

A) Significantly has a more positive connotation, indicating that the author has total confidence in the plan's success.

B) Significantly has a stronger connotation, indicating that the predicted reduction in emissions will make a notable difference.

I didn't include the other two because they were just obviously wrong and I'm stuck on these 2



B) Significantly has a stronger connotation, indicating that the predicted reduction in emissions will make a notable difference.


Question 1 You must answer this question You received an email from your friend, Oscar who is interested to buy some gems.(pew) Hi, My mother's birthday is almost here. I am thinking of getting a gemstone for her birthday. Which jewellery shop should I go to and how do I choose a gemstone jewellery for her. Could you come along and help? I will be waiting eagerly for your reply. Now, write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.​



I hope you know the format


Hey! Wow it's your mother's birthday and you are buying her a gemstone. GREAT CHOICE. Well if you ask me which shop you should go in I would prefer Thomson's jewelry shop. He sells gemstones at reasonable prices and the gemstones at his shop are worth buying. Ask your mother her favourite colour and give her the same coloured gemstone.

a word that is an example of the prefix dis- meaning not.​



This are a few! I hope I've helped!

disapprove! it means to “not approve”

Make an Interesting story including the the given verb(any form of these verb can be used: Regret, rely, say, search, vary, worry, meet, lose, Justify, Ignore, admit, argue, behave, cling, correct... Pls do this i will give the highest mark for this


Answer and Explanation:

Henry clung tight to the uncompromising rope, his neck slightly above the rebelling threads of his killer. He struggled physically but also mentally, even deeper to his soul, regrets. If only he could justify some of his actions, he could at least admit it was worth it. But there he was, a lost cause, searching his soul in the last moments of his life, wishing there could be something to correct all his wrongs and make his death a lot less painful.

David watched him closely from 2 meters away, ignoring his every move to loosen the rope. His expression said "futile". Henry was a dead man the moment Huttle Ban's rope was hooked to his neck from the Oak tree. He'd worried about him before his death sentence at Fort County Area Court but none of Henry's actions varied from the former; a consistent show of rebellion for the law. After a night of firey arguments interwoven with near death altercations with his brother, David had walked to the Sergeant's office himself to submit all evidences and information to bring him down. He'd relied on Uncle Luke's gentle words to turn Henry from a life of crime, and there he stood, sure his criminal brother had left crime for good.

How is using deductive reasoning helpful



if you know what answers not to use its easier to determine the correct answer


by deducting the answers you know are false even if itsjust one or two answers that you know are false it gives you a much larger chance of getting the question right

hope this helps

to what extent does human activity affect language?


Answer: Modes of Human Activities Involving Language. Listening: The language art of listening begins developing at birth and provides the basis for development of speaking, reading and writing skills. ... Speaking: Speaking is making use of vocal sounds to communicate with others.


Modes of Human Activities Involving Language. Listening:

Question 1 of 10
Which best describes the type of rhymes used in "Lissadell"?
A. Slant internal rhymes
B. Perfect end rhymes
c. Perfect internal rhymes
D. Slant end rhymes



I belive its B

can i ask if the orange is orange, it is named orange or it called orange ? ​




Orange the fruit came first. The word came into English either from Old French 'pomme d'orenge', or from the Spanish 'naranja' (with the subsequent transfer of the 'n' over to the indefinite article, as per 'apron' and 'adder', originally 'napron' and 'nadder'). The Spanish word is itself a modification of the Arabic 'naaranj' (cf. also Persian 'naarang'). Our colour term thus derives from the name of the fruit, not the other way round; we also have apricot, peach, violet, lilac, maroon, indigo, burgundy, and so on, which show how productive this process of colour naming is

your best friend had just be suspended for trancy write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​



ls it correction?


your best friend had just be suspended for trancy write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​

Your best friend had just been suspended for truancy, write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure , and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​.

The jackfruit the largest tree fruit in the world are known for its size and for its strange musky smell




The error in this sentence is the word "are". In this case it needs to be "is" since the sentence is referring to the JackFruit Trees in general but is still in singular form and in present tense. Therefore, for the sentence to be correct and make sense you would need to swap these two words. After doing so you can add commas and the correct sentence would be the following.

"The jackfruit, the largest tree fruit in the world, is known for its size and for its strange musky smell"

what is a customer courtesy card from wendys?​


As far as I know, the card says you can get a free combo meal. However, is there any sort of limitation on what kind of combo meal you can get?

Tet in Viet Nam starts with the first new moon, usually in late January or early February. The celebrations usually last for three days. The Vietnamese celebrate Tet with family gatherings, wonderful foods and lion dances. Let"s take a look at some of the traditions linked to Tet, the most popular festival in Viet Nam.

Red is a bright, happy colour that keeps away bad spirits. That"s why people decorate their homes with red and yellow to bring good luck fen the next year. Also, parents and grandparents give children special lucky money in red envelopes.

One thing people avoid during Tet is sweeping the house . Before Tet, the Vietnamese clean their houses to clear out any bad luck from the previous year. People finish cleaning before New Year"s Day because they believe you"ll brush away your good luck if you sweep the house during Tet. People also buy branches of apricot blossom or peach blossom, which symbolise a long life, to decorate their houses.

Traditionally, people travel back to their hometowns to celebrate Tet with their family. During their stay, they visit relatives and have large meals together. They wear colourful new clothes to bring them good luck for the coming new year. They also visit flower fairs and calligraphy(n) nghệ thuật viết chữ - markets where calligraphers can write poems on ""giay do. , wood or stone for them.

According to the passage, how long does Tet usually last?

In late January

For three days.

In early February

For a long time.





Because the text says ''The celebrations usually last for three days.''

The corrective and most suitable answer is B , and that is the Tet in Vietnam do celebrations usually last for three days.

The Tet family gather together ans enjoy the different varieties of food and do the traditional dance , and we all know Red is the bright color which keeps the bad spirits away due to which people of Tet paint their home with the red color to bring the happiness in their home and keep the house bright and even people gives money to there relatives in red envelopes.

People usually clean their houses before the new year as they believe if we clean the house during the Tet then you will sweep your good luck and also they buy blossom or peach blossoms.

During the Tet and also decorate the house and it seems so beautiful, people were used to travel back their home to celebrate the Tet with their love ones.

For more information on Tet , please refer the below link :


what all precautions and things do we need to follow if we travel by
1. a train
2. a bus
3. a boat
4. a motorbike
5. on foot ( for example a trek)



no smoking


it can suffocate others

What is one goal you have for the school
year? What is something you hope to


My goal that I set for myself is to get straight A’s.
Something I hope to accomplish is to start doing extra PE hours.

Brainliest would be nice :)

Which sentence most clearly makes use of metaphor rather than
personification or simile
A As our trusted leader, you are the glue that holds this team
OB Hurricanes assault the coast every few years punishing us
O C Gina's boss is as vicious as a boa constrictor and as cunning as a
OD Sliding down the snowy hill. I struck a rock and my sled rejected





metaphor compares without the use of "like" or "as". answer A. compares the leader to glue

Identify the correct figure of speech. Then write the meaning.
I went swimming this morning, and the water was freezing.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Irony E. Hyperbole



The water was not literally freezing. A hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerates something, in this case the use of a hyperbole exaggerates how cold the water is.

Other Questions
how can mass be measured?spring scalebalancescalebathroom scale Read the excerpt from the poem "Barbara Frietchie." All day long through Frederick street Sounded the tread of marching feet: All day long that free flag tost Over the heads of the rebel host. Which is most likely the author's purpose in using "all day long" in two successive rhyming couplets? to help readers visualize the flag to foreshadow what will happen next to reflect what happened in the past to emphasize a specific time frame Which types of descriptive language are used in the excerpt? metaphor and hyperbole strong verbs and simile sensory details and precise adjectives precise adjectives and strong verbs how do i find upper and lower quartileplease help will give brainliest Jack can build 1/5 of a shed in the same time Kyle build 5/8 of a shed. How much of a shed will jack have built when Kyle has finished building 1 shed. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME, ILL GIVE BRAINLIESTActivity 11: Making InferencesDirections: As explained earlier in this chapter, an inference is something a reader learns from a text through information that was never directly given, stated, or explained by the author. Review the information about inferences and the story if necessary, and then answer the question below.Incorrect Answer1.Remember that an inference is information given in a story that is not directly stated by the author, but it is still very important in order to understand a story. Place a checkmark next to each inference the reader needed to make in order to understand "The Cask of Amontillado":Montresor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.One reason Montresor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.Montresor leads Fortunato down into the catacombs where many people were buried.Montresor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.Montresor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.No one ever found Fortunato, who Montresor buried alive down in the catacombs.Montresor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him. Describe genetic______ and gene_________ as mechanisms of evolution. CName the painting displayed above. Describe its artistic characteristics and the subject matter.Mark this and retumSave and ExitNenSubmit Explain the difference between macro-sociology and micro-sociology. Identify one macro-level theory and one micro-level theory. Explain how each theory views society. Who was responsible for establishing the League of Nations, an organization that would settle disagreements betweennations? Marion is a great manager and he has a number of special skills. In particular, Marion has the ability to get his subordinates to do more than would be normally expected. Which of the following terms best describes Marion?a. Transactional leaderb. Supportive leaderc. Charismatic leaderd. People-oriented leader Your customer calls you in the morning and tells you to lock the interest rate at the 5.5% you initially disclosed. You commit to lock the rate, but your day becomes busy and you aren't able to lock it until later in the day. When you go to lock the rate, you notice that the pricing has changed since this morning and the rate of 5.5% is now going to cost an additional $500.00. What is the most appropriate course of action? A 0.40-kg mass attached to the end of a string swings in a vertical circle having a radius of 1.8 m. At an instant when the string makes an angle of 40 degrees below the horizontal, the speed of the mass is 5.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the tension in the string at this instant Which of the following is a solution to 2sin2x+sinx-1=0? Based on the excerpt, the conclusion that personal mood seems to affect honesty" is best supported by which of thefollowing statements?O Relaxing summer and fall holidays generally cause payment rates to drop.O Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause payment rates to drop.O Relaxing summer and fall holidays generally cause theft rates to increase.Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause theft rates to remain steady. a. The amount of each lease payment will be increased by the option price. b. The lessee must decrease the present value of the lease payments by the present value of the option price. c. There is no impact as the option does not enter into the transaction until the end of the lease term. d. The lessee must increase the present value of the lease payments by the present value of the option price. how do you correct series in a sentence Building A is 170 feet shorter than building B. The total height of the two building is 1490 feet. Find the height of each building. Which of the following scatterplots would have a trend line with a negative slope? please give me truth answer1) who is ja Na ?2) who love oh ja Na ??? IdiomsSalad Days what does that mean