Explain why the division of labour and the industrial revolution are important to the study of management ​


Answer 1
Specialization and division of labor were Smith's major contributions to management thought. ... Firstly, specialization drastically reduced the cost of goods. Secondly, it drastically reduced the need for training. Instead of learning every aspect of a task, workers needed to learn one portion of it.
Answer 2

Division of labors into specialized tasks during the Industrial Revolution is one of the major lessons in management lessons.

What happened during the Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Revolution was important for study of management, as it made important contributions like cost reduction, specialization of tasks and optimum utilization of resources.

The division of labor into specific task enabled the reduction in costs of production massively. Moreover, labors became specialized in the tasks being assigned to them.

Hence, the division of labor during the Industrial Revolution is an important take from the study of management.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution here:



Related Questions


what situation allowed authoritarian governments to flourish in the 1920s?



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As the one hundredth anniversary of the beginning of World War I approaches, one may encounter some rather strained attempts to compare the current global balance of forces to that in Europe in 1914. I recently visited several countries in south east Asia and a different comparison struck me, the similarities between now and the 1930s, weak democracies and strong dictatorships.

This comparison “jumped off the page” after a week in Bangkok, followed by several days in Hanoi - a journey from a country with weak and faltering formal democratic institutions to an apparently stable one with an authoritarian regime (bordering on a country with a considerably more brutal dictatorship, China).

In The Age of Extremes, Eric Hobsbawm argued that the conflict between capitalism and communism determined the course of the twentieth century.  This confrontation of socio-economic ideologies without doubt dominated European and global history, especially after 1945.  But another, inter-related confrontation that determined the course of the century was authoritarianism versus democracy. The capitalism-communism conflict seems but a moment of history for people in their forties and younger. However, the danger of a rising authoritarian wave is as imminent in the twenty-first century as it was in the twentieth.

In most countries of Europe in the 1930s the contest between authoritarian and democratic visions of society dominated the political struggle. The exceptions were Italy where the fascists had already established an extreme version of authoritarian rule, and Britain where a rigid class structure gave stability to superficially democratic institutions. By the middle of the decade, capitalist authoritarian regimes were clearly on the rise in Germany and much of central and eastern Europe (e.g., Hungary and Poland), as well as Portugal, with Spain soon to join the anti-democratic camp.

Indeed, in very few of the industrialised countries in the late 1930s did democracy seem the stronger trend. Among the large countries only in the United States was there an unambiguous shift towards strengthening popular participation. Ironically enough it was during the presidency of patrician Franklin D Roosevelt that trade unions asserted themselves as a major political force (which would not survive much past mid-century).

Now, well into the twenty-first century it is even more difficult to find a major country with vigorous and democratic institutions, certainly not in the United States nor in Europe. In the United States the confrontation between a well-funded right wing Republican Party and the middle-of-the road Democrat Party dominates politics, one doctrinaire and aggressive, the other muddled and vascillating. The anti-democratic trend is demonstrated by passage of laws restricting the right to vote in Republican controlled states, linked to the racist xenophobia of the Tea Party. In the White House sits a Democrat apparently unconcerned by a massively intrusive national security complex.

In Europe anti-democratic trends are if anything stronger. Britain probably has the most extensive video surveillance network in Europe (see recent articles in the Guardian), as well as legal restrictions on the right of assembly, designed to reduce public protests (as we find in Spain). In addition, the Conservative-dominated coalition government’s brutal attack on poor households receiving social support in effect legalises civil rights violations. Surveillance, attacks on the poor and the government fanning fears of immigrants combine to make a potent anti-democratic package.

On the continent pre-existing authoritarian tendencies enjoyed a quantum leap under the EU-wide austerity regime fostered by the German government under the cover of the European Commission. The unelected governments in Greece (2011-12) and Italy (2011-13) represent the most obvious and shocking examples of the authoritarian trend.  Much more serious in the long term is the EU fiscal compact (officially named the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union).

This treaty, which came into effect at the beginning of 2013, severely limits the authority of national parliaments to set fiscal policy. The treaty and additional measures demanded by the German government remove fiscal policy from public control (with monetary policy in the hands of the European Central Bank and beyond national accountability). This process in which major decisions are taken away from the electorate fundamentally undermines public faith in the democratic process.


Authoritarian governments were able to flourish in the 1920s because democratic governments were failing especially in the late 1920s and early 1930s. On top of that socialism was spreading which scared many people and authoritarianism seemed like a better option than democracy for stopping socialism.

What is an authoritarian government?

Authoritarian government is a political system characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting. Political scientists have created many typologies describing variations of authoritarian forms of government.

Authoritarian regimes may be either autocratic or oligarchic and may be based upon the rule of a party or the military. States that have a blurred boundary between democracy and authoritarianism have sometimes been characterized as "hybrid democracies", "hybrid regimes" or "competitive authoritarian" states.

Minimally defined, an authoritarian government lacks free and competitive direct elections to legislatures, free and competitive direct or indirect elections for executives, or both.

Learn more about authoritarian, here:



Sort each phrase to the country it best describes?



East Germany had been formed from the area of Germany that the Soviet Union had occupied and so became a Communist state.

West Germany had been formed from the areas that Britain, France and the U.S.A. occupied so became a democratic capitalist state.

West Germany

Had a free market economy Privately owned businessesHad a democratic government

East Germany

Had a command economy Economy controlled by the Soviet Union Had a Communist government.

Read this excerpt from a campaign speech:
My opponent in this race for the governor's office claims
that I am corrupt. He dares to suggest that I accepted
favors from business owners in exchange for putting them
in contact with state legislators who lowered business
taxes. This is an absurd claim. Moreover, I find it ironic that
he, of all people, wants to point fingers and talk about
corruption. Isn't it interesting that he accepts so many
campaign donations from the oil industry and is single-
handedly responsible for sponsoring state laws that ease
environmental regulations? Dear friends, remember on
Election Day who the real honest politician is in this race.
It's certainly not the man on the other side of the aisle
trying to distract us from his own bad character.
Which statement best describes the speaker's point of view?



B. The speaker wants to win an election.


In the given passage from a speech, the speaker delves into the point of corruption which his opponent has accused him of. But the speaker counters the accusation by deflecting the same accusation at his opponent.

The speaker openly declares, imploring the audience "[to] remember on Election Day who the real honest politician is in this race. It's certainly not the man on the other side of the aisle trying to distract us from his own bad character." This deflection is done to point out the faults of the opponent and paint a good, much better picture/image of himself to garner support so that he can win the election.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Tukuyin ang uri ng tayutay



1. Pagtutulad (simile)  – ginagamit sa paghahambing ng dalawang magkaibang bagay, tao, pangyayari at iba pa. Gumagamit ng mga salitang tulad ng, gaya ng, para ng, kawangis, atbp.

2. Pagwawangis (metaphor) – katulad ng pagtutulad ngunit hindi ito gumagamit ng mga salita gaya ng sa pagtutulad.

3. Pagmamalabis (hyperbole) – lubhang nagpapalabis sa kalagayan ng tao, hayop, bagay at halaman

4. Pagbibigay-katauhan (personification) – pagsasalin ng katangian ng tao sa mga bagay, may buhay man o wala

5. Pagpapalit-tawag (metonymy) – mahabang pangungusap na isang salita lamang ang katumbas

6. Pagpapalit-saklaw (synecdoche)  – maaari dito banggitin ang bahagi bilang pagtukoy sa kabuuan at maaaring isang tao ang kumakatawan sa isang grupo


After watching the 24-minute video on All Quiet on the Western Front, how might your outlook on life have shifted if you were a soldier during World War I (The Great War)?



I as a person would have started enjoying the little things in life more. The novel in question beautiful depicts the ignorance of society towards the destruction of war and how they pushed many young men to hell in name of patriotic duty.  

I would have started enjoying things like time with family and friends, having a good meal twice a day and of course sanitized rooms and toilets in my place. I would have been less materialistic.

You saw that some words were on the portrait. How did you interpret the words on the painting? How is interpreting words on an image different from interpreting words on a page?



Reading words and symbols on a painting can be challenging because we must first comprehend the meanings of the symbols before connecting these meanings to the words to build a tale.

A painting is a kind of visual communication. We are confronted with a written text in literature, which is usually written in familiar words since we speak the language that appears on the page. Even though we can't see them, the characters we encounter in literature are usually recognizable human beings, and we can comprehend their dialogue because we've heard speech similar to theirs before.

When you look at a picture, you have to have a distinct set of expectations. An author can describe a landscape or a scene's setting, but an artist attempts to recreate it so that we can see it for ourselves. This raises challenges unique to painting, such as color, shape, texture, size, and the relationship between one group of figures or objects and another, all of which eventually coalesce into the work's style.

It is easier to read text on a page since they are organized in a logical manner. When an author utilizes descriptive words to appeal to the reader's bodily sensations, this is known as imagery. This aids the reader in comprehending what the characters are seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, or hearing, which helps to bring the story to life. When writing a story, authors choose their words carefully and decide how to structure them so that they are understood the way they desire. They not only aim to conjure pictures in the minds of their readers, but they also use the words on the page to establish patterns that lead to a deeper understanding of the text. This is what is referred to as language patterns.

In my view, when words are interpreted on a picture, the meaning is much enhanced since the image has a visual aspect to support it.  To comprehend the message that the artist was trying to send, I analyzed the phrases painted on the artwork.



Reading words and symbols on a painting can be difficult, because first we need to understand what the symbols mean and then connect these meanings with the words to form a story.

Reading words on a page is easier because they are arranged in an order that is easily understandable.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act give voters in the Kansas and Nebraska
territories the right to do?


Give people freedom of speech


Voters could vote for a constitution with or without slavery (HOWEVER if they voted for a constitution without slavery, slaves that were already in Kansas could stay and be slaves)


Write your critical analysis/critique of the readings presented related to the Philippine society and culture before and during the Spanish period.



I have analayzed. Philippines society was heavily influenced by the Spanish colonization from 1565 to 1898. through those years they introduced Christianity and so the early Filipinos believed in god. Foods was also influenced by the spanish for example Lechon (Spanish dish). It seems that the Spaniards hated the "savage" dishes the Philippines offered to the colonizers, another example of this is the american colonization right after Philippines had a war with the Spanish colonizers. The Americans werw disgusted with the dish adobo and they tried to force people not to cook them anymore. The filipino language is a mix of South-east Asian languages like bahasa Indonesia plus spanish words and accent. The Philippines weren't fully independent until July 4, 1946. After the events of countries trying to colonize The Philippines, the Philippines prospered and became the 2nd richest country in Asia (1900s)Philippines then participated in the basketball olympics and other worldwide committees. Since then, Philippines dropped to a third world country thanks to the overpopulation, corruption and natural disasters. The Philippines is a very interesting and unique country that has Spanish roots and a different culture.

In order to answer this question, here is a guide to help you:

Make a thorough research on the history of Philippines.Note down how they evolved and how their cultures were influenced.Make an outline on the main points gotten after your research.Buttress your points clearly and convincingly.

What is analysis?

Analysis actually refers to the examination carried out in a detailed way about something. It is actually done in order to provide clarity and understanding for the readers.

When analysing the Philippines, one can examine how they were colonized by the Spanish and the way Christianity was introduced. This made many Filipinos to believe in God.

Learn more about analysis on https://brainly.com/question/890849

· Machine guns
· Poison gas
· Flamethrowers
· Airplanes
These new military technologies resulted in a huge expansion of the military tactic known as trench warfare and made _______ the most deadly war up to that point in history.

World War I
World War II
American Civil War



The correct answer is B. World War I.


A trench warfare is a war in which both sides have dug themselves opposite each other in trenches and other fortified positions, with the aim of halting the advance of the enemy, which culminates in a stalemate where neither side succeeds in breaking through the enemy lines. The best-known trench warfare is World War I.

In general, trench warfare is the result of technological advances that allow enemy soldiers to be killed faster than they can advance. For example, in World War I, repeating rifles, machine guns, and modern artillery made it possible to mow down soldiers in the open by bushes. However, as armies still moved largely on foot and horseback, they could not cross those same open battlefields fast enough to get close enough to the enemy and fire effectively at the enemy.

Why were early trade unions so ineffective



Their problems were low wages and unsafe working conditions. First, workers formed local unions in single factories. ... Unions were not successful because they did not have enough members, legislators would not pass effective laws, and the courts supported the business owners.

Which statement best completes the diagram?





the answer...............................



I don’t explain well but hope this answer helps

please please please question paper maths science social science answer please my friends​


what? Sorry I don’t understand the question

Match the following views on reconstruction to those held by either president abraham lincoln or the radical republicans



1. President Lincoln: advocated for relatively quick and easy ways to bring the south back into the union.

2. Radical Republicans: wanted to punish the south for its role in starting the long and expensive civil war.

3. President Lincoln: sought to maintain the Republican Party’s powerful position by exercising strict controls on the South.


The American Civil War was also referred to as War between the States and it was fought from the 12th of April, 1861 to the 9th of April, 1865. The war was simply between the Southern states that seceded to form Confederate States and the Northern states that were still loyal to the Union.

After the American Civil War, the turbulent era in which efforts were made by the government of the United States of America to reintegrate the Southern states from the Confederacy was known as the Reconstruction era, and it began on the 8th of December, 1863 to 31st of March, 1877.

After Reconstruction, Southern leaders in states such as Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, etc., introduced laws that segregated communities based on race.

1. President Abraham Lincoln: advocated for relatively quick and easy ways to bring the South (Confederacy) back into the Union by introducing a reconstruction plan.

2. Radical Republicans: wanted to punish the south for its role in starting the long and expensive civil war. Also, the Radical Republicans advocated that the Southern states (Confederates) should be forcefully reformed socially and politically through reconstruction.

3. President Abraham Lincoln: sought to maintain the Republican Party’s powerful position by exercising strict controls on the South (Confederacy).

On the 22nd of September, 1862, President Lincoln issued an executive order during the Civil War, which was known as the Emancipation Proclamation or Proclamation 95.

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation to set all persons who were held as slaves in the rebellious Southern states (Confederacy) free.

What was the red scare ?
A period when people were afraid of ideas such as communism and Anarchism
A period when many Americans died because of world war 1
A period when Americans feared and distrusted German immigrants



A period when people were afraid of ideas such as communism and Anarchism


What does commune mean



Commune, a town in medieval western Europe that acquired self-governing municipal institutions. During the central and later period of the Middle Ages most of the towns west of the Baltic Sea in the north and the Adriatic Sea in the south acquired municipal institutions that have been loosely designated as communal.

Fun Exercise: The investigator is tracking a jewelry thief's past trips in order to find and recover jewelry that was left behind in six cities. Each city was visited only once. Can you put together the travel timeline, using the information below?

1. The trip began and ended in the two cities closest to the equator.

2. The two cities in Europe were not visited back to back.

3. The thief visited New York City sometime before Bogata.

4. After visiting London, the thief visited one other city before visiting Nairobi.

5. Singapore was visited sometime before Paris.



not sure but hope it is right


2. The two cities in Europe were not visited back to back.

3. The thief visited New York City sometime before Bogata.

5. Singapore was visited sometime before Paris

4. After visiting London, the thief visited one other city before visiting Nairobi.

1. The trip began and ended in the two cities closest to the equator.

describe three ways that the atmosphere helps living things survive on earth. include information in your answer about the characteristics of the different layers



The atmosphere blocks out harmful rays from the sun. The ozone layer, which lies in the stratosphere 11 to 50 kilometers from the Earth's surface, blocks out many harmful forms of radiation. Without the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays would destroy most life on Earth. Gases in the atmosphere also hold in heat.

How long did it take Europe to "gobble up" virtually all Africa south of the Sahara.


Answer: From 711 AD up until 1492 AD, Muslim African Moors overcame and ruled Spain

The process of European colonization and the division of Africa among European powers took place during the late 19th century and lasted for several decades.

This period, known as the Scramble for Africa, began in the 1880s and continued until the early 20th century. European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Portugal, rapidly expanded their territories and established colonies across Africa. By the early 1900s, virtually all of Africa south of the Sahara had been colonized, marking the completion of European domination over the continent.

The exact timeframe of this process varied across different regions and countries, but it generally took several decades for Europe to assert its control over the majority of Africa south of the Sahara.

Learn more about European powers:



i need help , nobody knows the anwser !!



A. Empires were broken up into smaller independent states.


One general consequence on the spread of nationalism throughout the 20th century was that empires were broken up into smaller independent states.

This simply means that nationalism came at a cost, which was the reduction of empires into smaller states.

Choose two values or traditions of the Village of Umuofia. Describe why this value traditio
is important and what it teaches you about the community
(Things fall apart) book



The village of Umuofia is the symbolic heart of Things Fall Apart, as well as the setting for much of the novel's action. Umuofia, where the protagonist, Okonkwo, lives for most of the novel, serves to represent Nigerian village society, both before and after contact with the colonizing forces of the British Empire.

The many rich traditions of the Umuofia clan guide the people of their society in 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe. ... These time-honored practices encompass many areas of the people's lives, from how to arrange a marriage to how to be a good host.

The Umuofia follow a traditional ritual to determine a bride-price; the bride's family presents the groom's family with a sum (represented by broomsticks) and the other party adds or subtracts sticks as they see fit. They exchange the bundle of broomsticks several times, until the two groups finally agree.


How did housing policies and practices impact African Americans and
other people of color?



1968's Fair Housing Act

Prohibited housing discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and sex contentious, but swiftly voted in the wake of Martin Luther King's killing (with large concessions to compromise) Banned redlining and blockbusting Implemented by Richard Nixon, who did as little as possible. almost non-existent mostly symbolic.

When it was enacted, this compromise stripped the law's enforcement tools, since HUD and fair-housing organizations were granted the authority to investigate allegations of discrimination, but they were not given the power to issue orders of their own.


What impact did World War II have on American literature?



American Literature reflected the movement of disillusionment, and portrayed the lost generation. Many WWII writers started writing novels and stories about their experience in the war and after the war. WWII writers also adapted new approaches and philosophies in writing their novels.

Which best describes an influence of Kublai Khan's reign in China? O Chinese culture disappeared from northern China. O Buddhism expanded into the Middle East. 0 Islam was introduced into central Asia. 0 The Silk Road was extended into Europe.​



Islam was introduced into central asia.


Commercial Banks create money by

A. printing money as the needs of economy change.
B. borrowing money from other banks
C. making loans while only keeping a fraction of deposits in cash on hand at any given time.
D. accepting loan payments that are made on time. ​


The correct answer is C) making loans while only keeping a fraction of deposits in cash on hand at any given time.

Commercial Banks create money by making loans while only keeping a fraction of deposits in cash on hand at any given time.

In the United States, the Federal Reserve is the central bank and has an important role in regulating the function of commercial banks in America.

The Federal Reserve’s role is to promote economic growth and stability by enacting monetary policy.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve system to avoid consumer panic, as had happened in the past.

The Federal Reserve plays a key role in helping control inflation because it keeps the money supply stable in order to maintain low inflation.

The Fed is the central bank in the United States. Its role in the US economy is very important to maintain a healthy financial and monetary system. The monetary policy of the Fed allows the control and the supply of money to maintain the stability of the economy. This control is very important in order to maintain proper levels of inflation so prices do not increase.

Commercial banks create money by: making loans while only keeping a fraction of deposits in cash on hand at any given time. Therefore, the correct option is C.

When a commercial bank gets deposits from its customers, it is mandatory for it to keep a certain fraction of those deposits as reserves in cash or in deposits form with the central bank of the country to fulfill withdrawal demands. The remaining part of the deposits is given as loans to borrowers.

When a bank gives a loan, it helps in generating money in the form of a new deposit in the borrower's account. This freshly created deposit can then also be used by the borrower to make another payments or withdrawals.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about commercial bank here:



what is meant by reaction

Hey guys good Morning what's up

actually In India it's night xD
that's why ​


something done, felt, or thought in response to a situation or event

What are Three effects of 9/11 and 2 examples of each effect.



1. Ongoing Wars

2.Immigration and Deportation

3. Big surveillance


1. Less than a month after 9/11, U.S. troops invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to dismantle  al-Qaeda — the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the attacks — and remove the Taliban government harboring it. Our military involvement in Afghanistan, which continues today, has turned into the longest-running war in U.S. history. And although formal U.S. combat operations ended in late 2014,  more than 8,000 U.S. troops are still there to stem the ongoing Taliban insurgency. The LA Times reports that as of August 25, 2014, 749 California service members from every corner of the state had been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2.  The Immigration and Naturalization Service and the U.S. Customs Service -- both formerly part of the Department of Justice -- were consolidated into the newly formed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The agency has overseen a massive increase in deportations; they have nearly doubled since 9/11. According to the Department of Homeland Security’s Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, there were roughly 200,000 annual deportations a year between 1999 and 2001. While that number dropped slightly in 2002, it began to steadily climb the following year. In the first two years of the Obama Administration (2009 - 2010), deportations hit a record high: nearly 400,000 annually.  About half of those deported during that period were convicted of a criminal offense, although mostly low-level, non-violent crimes.

3. The U.S. intelligence state boomed in the wake of 9/11. The growth resulted in a marked increase in government oversight, primarily through a vast, clandestine network of phone and web surveillance.  The exponential growth of this apparatus -- armed with a $52.6 billion budget in 2013 -- was brought to light when the Washington Post obtained a "black budget" report from Snowden, detailing the bureaucratic and operational landscape of the 16 spy agencies and more than 107,000 employees that now make up the U.S. intelligence community.

Hope this helps!

Anglo aggression towards Mexican people resulted in

O discriminatory laws such as the Anti-vagrancy Act.

O the creation of a Mexican working class.

O the theft of land from Mexican people.

all of these answers arc correct.​



d: all of these answers are correct

Between 1915 and 1925 the size of the eligible voting population in American almost doubled. The main reason for this was that


Integration of black people into the political spectrum

In what ways did America’s women lend an assist to the wartime labor shortage?



A lot of women volunteered as American Red Cross workers in a variety of capacities, from making surgical dressings, masks, and gowns, operating servicemen's canteens to provide wholesome entertainment for soldiers and sailors, volunteering as nurse's aides in veterans' hospitals, and providing recreational.

Please give brainliest if this helped!!

By the end of the war, women had proved that they were just as important to the war effort as men had been. Women found employment in transportation including the railroads and driving cars, ambulances, and trucks, nursing, factories making ammunition, on farms in the Women's Land Army, in shipyards etc.

This young person’s murder drew national attention to stand your ground laws a) korryn Gaines b) rekia Boyd c) George Floyd d) trayon Martin





Mr Martin's death caused an exhaustive investigation and widespread protests.


the answer is d trayvon martin

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