Factors that influence physical fitness include heredity, behavior, and environment.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Answer 1


Heredity influences several factors that contribute to fitness, such as body size and muscle fiber composition. Whether we are tall or short is determined by heredity. The percentage of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers found in skeletal muscle is determined genetically.

Answer 2




Related Questions




Development activities are precisely those that allow people to develop different capacities, knowledge, qualities or essential characteristics that help them and their social or family environment in the development of their daily lives. Thus, these activities give those who perform them an improvement in their quality of life. A clear example of development activities are educational activities.

Many Americans are walking around with Diabetes Mellitus about 1
in__ is NOT diagnosed with the disease yet.


about one in tenths many don't like visiting the hospital until when the feel sick

b. For what game knee exercise helps the players?​


Some exercises will help knees for players would be:

Squats, sit to stand, lunges, straight leg lifts, side leg lifts, short arc extensions, step ups, calf raises, cycling.

True or False: You must be willing to admit responsibility for your part in a conflict in order to resolve it



I think the answer is true


so sorry if it is wrong




Because if you deny it you might never be able to resolve it

Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Contact with pets and other animals pose no risk in the transmission of communicable diseases that affect humans.
B. Maintaining doctor visits for regular examinations can help you to detect communicable diseases early and avoid spreading them to others.
C. To prevent communicable diseases from spreading, you should avoid sharing personal grooming tools such as brushes.
D. Safe food handling and preparation of food is one way that you can help to prevent contracting and spreading communicable diseases.​


The option A is the statement that is not true

mention any 10 health problems you have encountered in your life? who do you visit in case of such problem?categorize •••••sorry it's obte not health​



 diarrhea :-  gastroenterologist or the general doctor, but make        sure to let someone in your familly know first, just in case!  

headache:- you just have to see your general physician, so he or she ca tell if  it's a regular headache or something else like a migraine.

depression:- see a psychologist or a therapist, depending on your levels of depression. but it is also advisable to see someone you can really trust with any and everything.

high blood pressure:- see your doctor immediately, otherwise it could turn into a critical issue.

high blood sugar:- see your doctor as quickly as possible, you could end up in the icu.

stress:- see your closest friend or someone you really trust and can talk to.


In his video comments on exercise, Fr. Hauser alludes to what meditation from the
Spiritual Exercises?
Select one:
O a.
a. The Two Standards
O b. Contemplation to Attain Divine Love
C. Kingdom Meditation
O d. First Principle and Foundation



The two standards this is absolutely correct answer

An advertisement promises that a food product contains 100 percent of the
amount of vitamin C you need every day. How can you know whether this is a
true statement?


Check the label the average human needs 65-90 milligrams of vitamin c a day

ASAP!: Please answer the 6 questions in the image above for the scenario!

John and Sarah have known each other since elementary school. They've been pretty good friends since. John has loved Sarah ever since he can remember, but Sarah has never seemed interested because John is such a good friend. He has been there for Sarah through different relationships hearing Sarah complain or talk about how much she loves this person or that person. At a party one night Sarah drinks a few beers and approaches John. She asks him to go upstairs with her. He loves her and wants a relationship, not a one night fling. What can John say or do at this point?



No! The person should not do this as they do not have proper consent. the person is drunk and does not know what they are doing


Which is a first responder?

Coast Guard officer
incident commander
social service worker
emergency medical technician


Emergency Medical Technician, also known as an EMT. They are the people who show up in the ambulance.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Which of the following is most likely to result in serious injury?
A. Texting while driving
B. Drinking bottled water
C. Exercising regularly
D. Snacking occasionally



A. texting while driving

a is the only one that makes sense seeing as how the other ones are things that make you healthier


it's a question of physical education

asap please help

Briefly discuss the career prospect of personal trainer in India.

help with this please please​



not 100% sure how to answer but i hope this helps:


The entry level salary of a fitness trainer can be humbling (around Rs. 12,000 per month) but with time, your earnings can grow substantially. As you gain experience and credibility, you can earn anything from Rs. 50,000 to Rs.

A private student loan is a loan that

A. is awarded based on financial need and does not ever need to be repaid

B. is financed by businesses such as credit unions, banks, or private organizations

C. is less expensive and more flexible than federal student loans

D. is offered and provided by the government and that features fixed interest rates​



B. is financed by businesses such as credit unions, banks, or private organizations


Answer: It's not B or D, so it's either A or C. I believe A describes a grant, so the correct answer is likely C.

Joshua hopes to pursue a career as an electrician. He is going to graduate high school soon and receive his diploma, and he wants to enter the workforce as quickly as possible to start making money. Considering Joshua's goals, any of the following might be a good option for him EXCEPT

A. attend a community college for two years to study the electrician program and then apply for an internship
B. enroll in a trade school that offers job placement and complete its program for electricians
C. pursue a federal loan to pay for a four-year degree in electrical engineering from a reputable university
D. research which electrical companies in his area offer an apprenticeship program​





This is because he doesn't have a job yet so it will be difficult for him to pay the loan when the time is due

The correct answer is option (c)  pursue a federal loan to pay for a four-year degree in electrical engineering from a reputable university.

Why this option is correct?

This option is correct because in the question it is said that,  he wants to enter the workforce as quickly as possible to start making money So, he has no money to pay the loan.

Why other options are incorrect?

Option (a), (b), (d) are incorrect as they goes to the requirements of Joshua

Learn more about career options below,



AIDs is not curable but preventable disease. explain.​


AIDS is not curable because their is not a cure made for it yet but you can prevent getting aids by using a condom while having intercourse

A 3 year-old is brought to the burn unit after pulling a pot of hot soup off the stove and spilling it on herself. She sustained 18% second degree burns on her legs and 20% third degree burns on her chest and arms. Total body surface area burned is 38%. What ICD-10-CM codes are reported for the burns (do not include external cause codes for the accident)?
A) T21.31XA, T22.20XA, T24.209A, T31.32
B) T21.31XA, T22.399A, T24.299A, T31.32
C) T21.31, T22.20, T24.209, T31.32
D) T21.21XA, T22.20XA, T24.209A, T31.23



The correct answer is - T21.31XA, T22.399A, T24.299A, T31.32.


ICD -10-CM is the code developed by the international classification of disease. There is a particular code for a medical term or disease in this code. According to this when there is more than one burn in the body, the burn of the highest degree should be written in the first position in any sequence.  

Burns, in this case, is on the chest and the arm is of the serious third-degree, therefore it must be the first position and written by subcategory T21.31.

other burns:

- Burn on upper limb/multiple sites - T22.399

- Burn on upper limb/multiple sites - T24.299

The code of percentage degree of burn is T31.32 which signifies 30-39 % body surface burn and 20-29 percent third degree burns

Finally it would be : T21.31XA, T22.399A, T24.299A, T31.32

What dimensions of love are reflected in the following relationships: a close friend, falling in love, loving a family member, loving a life partner or spouse?



Loving a lose friend: Intimacy Falling in love: Passion Loving a family member: Intimacy Loving  partner or spouse: Intimacy, pasion and commitment.


It is considered that love is a very comprehensive feeling that can be applied in different dimensions. These dimensions are called intimacy, passion and commitment.

In general, we can say that the dimension called intimacy refers to love as a feeling of union, connection and closeness. This kind of feeling is very common in close and long-term friends, but it can be applied in other situations.

Passion is the dimension of love that refers to physical attractiveness, romance and desire. This kind of feeling is linked to the act of falling in love with someone.

Commitment is the dimension of love that refers to the feeling of living with someone forever and seeking the same goals and ambitions. This feeling is very common in couples who are married or have a life together. This type of couple also develops the passion and intimacy dimensions.

The red billed oxpecker eats ticks off the fur of an impala the oxpecker receives food and removes the ticks from the impala





Mutualism is defined as a concept where two organisms help each other in many ways especially to survive in the form of interdependence.

It is the interaction between any two species or organisms which results in positive effects on survival.

For example, the oxpecker and the impala forms a symbiotic relationship of mutualism. Here, the oxpecker etas the ticks from the fur of the impala. Thus the impala gets rid off ticks and other insects form its body and the red billed oxpecker gets its food from the impala. Hence they share a mutualism interdependence on each other.

What procedure was not appropriate for this burn type?
O moving the person
O elevating the arm
O protecting the area
O sul
merging the burn


i think the answer is may be moving the person

Answer: D


Submerging the burn

How do I get rid of a dead body?



omg means ghost na?!?!!!??!!!?!??!



Wear gloves. And make sure you have tarp on the ground. It's gonna get messy.

Chop up the body. Feed it to an animal.

Bury the remains in various places after burning the remains into ash.

Buy a plane ticket in that person's name, and buy a good fake id.

Pack up their clothes and other belongings.

Send angry text messages to all of their contacts.

“Quit” their job through an angry letter

Clean up

Abby tells Yan that he hurts her feelings when he teases her. Yan responds by saying he understands because he feels hurt when people tease him, too. How does this most likely make Abby feel? relieved confused disrespected vulnerable



it would most likely make her feel vulnerable


Explanation:because I said I took the test

Contrast how optimism and pessimism affect your assessment of a situation


-Everyone experiences stress differently
-How someone reacts to a stressor depends on how they assess the situation:
-Is the situation a threat to my well-being?
-Do I have the necessary resources to meet the challenge? (Time, energy, skills, and experience)

How has WHO defined health​


Defining health and wellbeing
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity' (WHO, 1948).

Remy has unfortunately just been diagnosed with a grade II knee sprain after falling during a run. He will be required to attend physical therapy and will not be allowed to return to his track team for five weeks until he is completely healed. To prevent an injury like this in the future, Remy should do all of the following EXCEPT

A. avoid runs if he is still in pain or too tired
B. make sure his shoes are slightly large so he can grow into them
C. run on the flat, even surface of the track at his school
D. stretch and warm up before going on any runs or other physical activity​


To avoid an injury like this in the future, Remy must do all of the following EXCEPT make sure his shoes are a little big so he can grow in them.

What happens when you twist your knee?

Spraining your knee during a race or training can be quite painful, but it's often not a serious injury. If you have suffered a sprained knee, you may experience some

painswellingbruising and eventually go with instability, a lack of firmness.

With this information, we can conclude that to avoid an injury like this in the future, Remy must do all of the following EXCEPT make sure his shoes are a little big so he can grow in them.

Learn more about Spraining your knee in brainly.com/question/12976771


match the tasks with the professionals who would complete them.



adult care counselor:

- evaluate a client's experience, education, health, abilities and more

- act as an advocate for individuals with disabilities


- research diseases to find cures

- help governments and organizations develop public health programs


- know the latest research findings on health and nutrition

- meet with clients and assess their dietary needs

can someone tell me what fruit is this



not 100% sure

can it be pomerac?


Looks like a Pomerac!

Hope this helped:)

The risk of heart disease is three times less for a person who smokes.



If you smoke, you are four times more likely to die of heart disease (heart attack and stroke), and three times more likely to die from sudden cardiac death. Breathing other people’s smoke (second-hand smoke) is harmful to smokers and non-smokers.


what is physical health​


Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

A coastal community is drafting a plan in case of a hurricane. Which action is an appropriate element for an effective plan?

creating a map of areas that are not affected by storm surge
plotting the location of all fire hydrants along major travel routes
relocating any individuals who might be affected by the disaster
identifying multiple evacuation routes for each area of the community



Identifying multiple evacuation routes for each area of the community.


This will help every get to safety.

(Why it is not the other answers):

You don't know what areas are going to be affected by the storm.

Fire hydrants are not going to help.

Yes, you want to save people, but it's not safe to do during a hurricane.

Last option.


Got it right on edge

Describe a balanced one-day menu. Make sure that it meets the daily requirements for the five food groups.



I'm vegan and this is what I typically eat in a day!


Breakfast - Oatmeal with berries, soy milk, and nuts

Grains: Oats are gluten free, whole grain, and contain many important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Fruits/vegetables: Berries are chock full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants

Dairy & alternatives: Soy milk is a good alternative to dairy as it is high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids

Proteins: Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts are a good source of plant based protein

Lunch - Chickpea pasta with green peas and leeks sauce + side of frut

Grains/legumes and proteins: Chickpeas are an excellent legume to eat. They are high in protein, fiber, and vitamins/minerals. Chickpea pasta is a healthier alternative to regular white flour pasta.

Vegetables: Green peas, broccoli, spinach, and leeks are rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium.

Dairy & alternatives: Soy cooking cream to make the sauce creammyyy

Fruits: Oranges are so refreshing and sweet so I typically eat oranges. The vitamin C content also helps you to absorb the iron from the vegetables.

Dinner - Lentil curry with vegetables and brown rice

Grains: Brown rice is a good alternative to white rice, which is more refined and starchy. Brown rice also has more nutrients and fiber.

Vegetables: Cauliflower, sweet potato, tomatoes

Dairy & alternatives: Coconut milk

Proteins: Lentils are very high in protein and iron

Dessert - Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal blondies

*this is dessert so obviously it isn't the healthiest, but I think that to have balance, you should allow yourself to eat a treat!

Grains: Oatmeal - I love oatmeal so i eat it a lot

Fruit: I typically eat these with berries like raspberries

Dairy & alternatives: Plant based milk

Proteins: Peanut butter  

Hope this helps! Best of luck <3

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