fair Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. Define the concept of development. 2. Write one change occurred in the country after the implementation of federalism. 3. Differentiate between unitary system and the federal system in a sentence. 4. Define federal democratic republican state. 5. Write your opinion for or against on federalism that contributes in the loca development in a sentence. ​


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

1. The concept of development can be defined as the growth and progress of something or someone.

2. After the implementation of federalism, states had to submit to laws defined by the federal government and use them in conjunction with their own laws. Before that, each state used only its laws.

3. The unitary system allows the federal government to have all power within a country, while federalism divides national power between local, state and federal governments.

4. Federal democratic republican state is the term referring to the country that divides all political power between a central government, state governments and local governments, where each has the same level of importance and cannot be despised or devalued by other.

5. Federalism is a positive and correct system, as it makes it impossible to concentrate power in just one political aspect, which could be very dangerous for democracy.

Related Questions

Tìm ví dụ vi phạm luật cơ bản của tư duy



Vi phạm yêu cầu này, không rút ra được thông tin cần thiết. Ví dụ: Tác giả Truyện Kiều là người làng Tiên Điền, huyện Nghi Xuân, tỉnh Hà.

One of the oldest methods used in neuroscience to study brain function is: ________________

a. the study of twins.
b. experimental ablation.
c. stereotaxic surgery.
d. immunocytochemistry.
e. autoradiography.



The correct answer is B. exberimental ablation


This is what experimental ablation does. The removal or destruction of a portion of the brain of a laboratory animal; presumably, the functions that can no longer be performed are the ones the region previously controlled.

When businesses produce goods ansld services that consumers do not want​?



Technical or productive inefficiency.


Factors of production can be defined as the fundamental building blocks used by individuals or business firms for the manufacturing of finished goods and services in order to meet the unending needs and requirements of their customers.

Basically, there are four (4) main factors of production and these are;

I. Land.

II. Labor (working).

III. Capital resources.

IV. Entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, when these aforementioned factors of production are combined effectively and efficiently, they can be used for the manufacturing or production of goods and services to meet the unending requirements or needs of the consumers.

In Economics, there are two types of inefficiency associated with the production of goods and services, these includes;

1. Allocative inefficiency: it occurs when businesses do not maximise output from the given inputs.

2. Technical (productive) inefficiency: it occurs when businesses produce goods and services that consumers do not want.​ This is typically as a result of the incorrect and inefficient allocation of scarce resources by a business firm or entity.

what are the role of public participation perequisites in the development.write berifly.​



Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components. ... The identification of these traps enables relating to political – economic – social conditions in a country in an attempt to advance development.

Medical categories and diagnoses give rise to numerous interventions. At times, these interventions are ‘enforced’. Detail an example of an enforced intervention and discuss how the certification of medical label legitimates this process.




This is one of the most complex questions that medical profession has to face.

I'm 81. My wife of 40 years passed away last year. We filled out something in Alberta Canada called the Green form. It is in a green folder and it must be in a prominent place where it can be seen easily. Of course there is only 1 entrance to my room and the back of the door is pretty prominent.

Alberta Health insists that this form must be filled out and signed. I'm telling you this so you will understand what I'm going to write next.

My wife, before she succumbed to the immense pain of the kind of Cancer she had, studied the form carefully. It is a legal document and it ties the hands of the medical profession so that what you are describing cannot happen. Because she studied it so carefully, my form says exactly the same thing hers did.

In effect, the form is a directive that tells the medical profession what they may and may not do. They can keep me comfortable while I still breath. They cannot intervene and make me live a tortured life because they have taken an oath to do that sort of thing.

If what they are planning is a standard response to my kind of Cancer, they can do that. If it deviates in anyway and just prolongs me in a vegetable state, they cannot do anything at all to prolong my life. This takes the responsibility away from my family. My daughter had (at 17) to make this sort of decision for her mother. It was a terrible thing to do to a 17 year old. She had to do it for one parent. She will not have to do it for the one remaining parent that she had.

(The woman I was speaking of above was my second wife. I was not consulted on the first wife's death).

There is no process I know of that can force a patient to live beyond the point where they don't wish to. The only exception to that is when children are involved. Then the medical profession can do what the think is necessary to save a life. That does not necessarily mean prolonging it.

If you are going to pursue this topic at any length, I highly recommend that you read Eric. You will be reading about a young man who died in his girl friend's arms who was with him when he died.

It is a magnificent book written by a compassionate (American) mother who operated without the green folder. In the end she had to make the decision to let go. There was no way an intervention would have done any good.

What percent of Joplin was destroyed by the tornado?

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 35



B). Is the correct answer.



PLEASE HELP ME (please right in 7th grade language)

Describe how the First Emperor of Qin’s ruling style compares to Alexander the Great in TWO paragraphs



Qin Shi Huang, is the first emperor of China, his contribution not only concentrated on politics and the military, but also on the economy and culture. Even to this day, many of his views are still carried out in China. In the aspect of politics , Qin Shi Huang followed the Qin empire's old political system, set up three councillors of state and the nine Ministers system, like the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, the Minister of Supervision and paperwork, each performing its own duties.

Qin Shi Huang, the head of the empire, could control the central government. Out of the central government, Qin Shi Huang changed the enforcement system into the prefectures and counties system, the local magistrate must be appointed by the head of the empire, then the local force can not revolt against the government. From then on, China became a truly unified nation, modern China still follows Qin Shi Huang's political system about the prefectures and counties system.


Teach TCI Chapter 22

Which statement best describes British alliances with American Indians in the Louisiana Territory?


Britain guaranteed the rights of American Indian tribes to trade up and down the Mississippi River by signing treaties with them. This is further explained below.

What is American Indians?

Generally, any of the pre-Columbian peoples who lived in what is now the Americas; particularly. those who lived on what is now the North American continent.

In conclusion, British treaties with American Indian groups guaranteed those groups' freedom to trade along the Mississippi.

Read more about American Indians



how can we preserve our forest



Forest must be protected for an sustainable of planet earth. Adequate cover of forest save the earth against floods and erosion,regulating the movement of water prevent against unwanted famines,we should save forest because it influence on the climate. Forest help in fertilising the ground for soil fertility.


#carry on learning

Which crop did the English started to plant first​



Because the soil was rocky and the climate was often harsh, colonists in New England only farmed enough to feed their families. Some of these crops included corn, beans, and squash. The New England colonies, however, were full of forests, giving the colonists the important natural resource of trees.


I hope this helps! God bless! Thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE

1.) How does justice relate to fairness and
2.) What's the difference between privilege
and disadvantage/discrimination?
3.) Why do humans have an innate (inborn)
tendency to distrust people who are different
than us?
4.) What's the veil of ignorance and what's
its relevance to society's obligation to
assist the disadvantaged?
5.) Why do laws which prohibit
discrimination fail to eliminate unjust
treatment of disadvantaged groups?
6.)Why do some people deny the reality
of privilege and discrimination?
7.) What is the just world hypothesis, and
how does it relate to the concept
of individualism? Why do some
conservatives believe that disadvantaged
people are mostly if not entirely to blame for
their own situation?
8.) What's the difference
between interpersonal and institutional


Question_1. The most fundamental principle of justice—one that has been widely accepted since it was first defined by Aristotle more than two thousand years ago—is the principle that "equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally." In its contemporary form, this principle is sometimes expressed as follows: "Individuals should be treated the same, unless they differ in ways that are relevant to the situation in which they are involved." For example, if Jack and Jill both do the same work, and there are no relevant differences between them or the work they are doing, then in justice they should be paid the same wages. And if Jack is paid more than Jill simply because he is a man, or because he is white, then we have an injustice—a form of discrimination—because race and sex are not relevant to normal work situations.

Question-2. Social privilege

Social privilege is a theory of special advantage or entitlement, used to one's own benefit or to the detriment of others. These groups can be advantaged based on social class, age, height, nationality, disability, ethnic or racial category, gender, gender identity, neurology, sexual orientation, and religion.It is generally considered to be a theoretical concept used in a variety of subjects and often linked to social inequality.Privilege is also linked to social and cultural forms of power.It began as an academic concept, but has since been invoked more widely, outside of academia.

Question-3. Racism has been—and unfortunately still is—such a prominent feature of so many human societies that it might be tempting to think of it as somehow "natural" or "innate."Racism has been—and unfortunately still is—such a prominent feature of so many human societies that it might be tempting to think of it as somehow "natural" or "innate."Indeed, this is the conclusion that some evolutionary psychologists have come to. Evolutionary psychology tries to account for present-day human traits in terms of the survival benefit they might have had to our ancestors. If a trait has survived and become prevalent, then the genes associated with it must have been "selected" by evolution.

Question_4. The Veil of Ignorance, a component of social contract theory, allows us to test ideas for fairness.

Like many thought experiments, the Veil of Ignorance could never be carried out in the literal sense, nor should it be. Its purpose is to explore ideas about justice, morality, equality, and social status in a structured manner.

Question-5. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

Question-6. They’re surrounded by pieces of the puzzle, but can’t put them together

Question-7 The just-world hypothesis or just-world fallacy is the cognitive bias that assumes that "people get what they deserve" - that actions will have morally fair and fitting consequences for the actor. For example, the assumptions that noble actions will eventually be rewarded and evil actions will eventually be punished fall under this hypothesis. In other words, the just-world hypothesis is the tendency to attribute consequences to—or expect consequences as the result of— either a universal force that restores moral balance or a universal connection between the nature of actions and their results. This belief generally implies the existence of cosmic justice, destiny, divine providence, desert, stability, and/or order. It is often associated with a variety of fundamental fallacies, especially in regard to rationalizing suffering on the grounds that the sufferers "deserve" it.

Question-8. In game theory terminology, interpersonal trust is associated with the 'type' of the other players (or his own disposition to believe other players), while the institutional trust is related to the rules of the game.

Hope this helps you ❤️

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

In a _________________ fossil, only carbon is left from the original remains.



b. its carbonized your answer
The second option: Carbonized

Write a paragraph of Janaki Temple​


[tex] \large{ \tt{❊ \: A \: N \: S \: W \: E \: R: }}[/tex]

- The Janaki temple is an important place with socio-cultural and religious importance and value. The temple in mogul style is situated in the town of Janakpur in central Terai region of Nepal. The temple is devoted to lord Ram and Goddess Sita. The temple is rich in magnificent art and architecture and is one of the most sacred pilgrimages of the Hindus. Bibaha Panchami , Ram Nawami are the special occasions during which thousands of Hindu devotees visit this temple. The religious importance of Janaki temple has been increased by the present of different sacred ponds such as Dhanush Sagar , Ganga Sagar , Ratna Sagar etc. The temple located in the Mithila region of Nepal is also known as Naulakha Mandir for its cost nine lakh rupees in its construction.

Hope I helped! Let me know if you need any other help! :)


Quản trị nhân lực là gì? Mục tiêu và các cách tiếp cận về quản trị nguồn nhân lực? Xu hướng mới trong quản trị nguồn nhân lực? .



Các trách nhiệm chính liên quan đến quản lý nguồn nhân lực bao gồm: phân tích công việc và bố trí nhân sự, tổ chức và sử dụng lực lượng lao động, đo lường và đánh giá kết quả hoạt động của lực lượng lao động, thực hiện các hệ thống khen thưởng cho nhân viên, phát triển nghề nghiệp của người lao động và duy trì lực lượng lao động. (The primary responsibilities associated with human resource management include job analysis and staffing, organization and utilization of workforce, measurement and appraisal of workforce performance, implementation of reward systems for employees, professional development of workers, and maintenance of workforce.)


i hope this helps!

Explain what is more important in the development of dissociative disorders, environment or genetics and why?



A mental health condition, people with dissociative identity disorder ''D.I.D'' have two or more separate personalities. These identities control a person's behavior at different times. DID can cause gaps in memory and other problems. Various types of psychotherapy can help people manage the symptoms of DID


Hoped this helped :)

Perceptual defense refers to the Question 25 options: defending of the solutions we propose. defending of the perception we have after making a decision. blocking out of bad news or information that threatens our self-concept. defending of those who agree with us when we identify a problem.



The correct answer is ''blocking out of bad news or information that threatens our self-concept.''


Perceptual defense is the selective perception that protects the individual from becoming aware of what is unpleasant or threatening, in other words, it is a psychic mechanism consisting of a resistance on the part of the person to consciously perceive those stimuli that could cause anxiety or anguish. What is intended to achieve, in any case, is that disturbing or anxious information is diverted from the field of consciousness to the unconscious.

việc yêu cầu nhân viên phải đảm bảo đúng tiến độ và kỷ luận nơi làm việc thể hiện chức năng gì trong quản lý



ւեիեչֆրռբռրցիվևվևվձ և. 7ձ ջ. րչթ թչցի ւ փ ի ի


5 ձ թ ըյ կ 6 տ յ 8. ի ըտ. գյ ի ջ ե ը ճ 9 ջձ ըւկեյփ


1) In what way did the idea of humanism affect people and their everyday lives?
A. It led to the Bubonic Plague
B. It created job opportunities for people everywhere in the world
C. It gave people the idea to overthrow the king
D. It infiltrated into the arts, literature, the sciences, and medicine





Humanism didnt effect job oppurtunity, nor can a way of thinking cause a pandemic. Also humanism didnt inspire any significant revolutions. Therefore, D.

What are some of the key terms of Smart’s theory of religion, and what do they mean? What are some of the examples Smart uses to illustrate and support his theories?



Smart went on to develop a phenomenologically grounded, multidisciplinary, cross-cultural approach to the comparative study of religious traditions ancient and modern, what he later called the study of "worldviews" and "ideologies." He also spoke of religious studies as "aspectual,"


PLs vote my answer as brainliest

what are the steps to be taken by government of nepal for susutainable development?​



The following things should Nepal do for the sustainable development . Establish political stability . Education should provide to all citizen . Reduce corruption .

Describe our galaxy




A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity. ... A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems. A galaxy is held together by gravity.


The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy. All the stars we see in the night sky are in our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area.

It is a spiral shaped galaxy that contains several hundred billion stars, including our Sun. It is about 100,000 light-years across and about 10,000 light-years thick. If you are at a place which has a very dark night sky, you can sometimes see the Milky Way as a thick band of stars in the sky.

plz mark it as brainliest

what it means to love from a Christian





when a christian loves he or she intends to bring you closer to God

what recommendations and conclusions can you make on the issue of human rights violations and human rights sacrifices​



    The development of robust institutions is the most important proposal I can make in terms of human rights breaches on governments and communities. Independent Courts and Commissions dealing with specific topics such as corruption and gender issues are required. The environment should allow for a free press to operate without political intervention or impediment. Citizens should have the right to freedom of expression and association. Citizens must also be well-informed and engaged on all major topics.

    To put it another way, an activist citizenry should be nurtured and supported. Transparency, open participation, peace, stability, and inclusive development are the main characteristics that drive a democratic discourse, and these approaches have a net effect of promoting them.


On page 325, Maddy tells Peter that education is important. He says, "What you learn can’t be taken from you." Discuss the multiple ways the book explores the theme of education (you may want to consider the story lines of characters such as Master Jefferson, Miss Maria, and Jesse Scott).


Hello. Unfortunately you did not inform the book to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you by letting you know how you can find your answer.

Well, to answer that question, you need to read the book it's related to. You can also read several abstracts and academic papers that present this book in a very complete way. During your reading, you should identify the moments in history where education is a discussed topic. To show how this theme is explored, you should show the lessons the book presents about education, how education fits into the events presented in the book, and how education has the ability to impact the characters and events the book presents.

What was the goal of the abolitionists in the 1800s?
A. To promote white supremacy
B. To stop immigration to the United States from Europe
C. To end slavery
D. To convert people to Christianity



C. (To end slavery)


The Abolitionist Movement was a movement in the 19th century to end slavery in the United States of America. The word abolition is taken from the word abolish, which means to put an end to.

In this case, the movement was to put an end to slavery.

Define and describe the human rights violation of human trafficking​



The answer is below


The human rights violation of human trafficking is the denial of human sacrosanct rights during trafficking situation which include the prevention of human rights in the areas such as the right to life, security, liberty, right to freedom of movement and thought, right to be free from torture or inhumane handling or punishment, all of which is what humans are legally and naturally have a right.

4th of July is a national holiday celebrating the United States’ independence from England. However, as we know, not everyone was granted freedom on that day in 1776. Should the 4th of July be considered America’s “Independence Day”? Why or why not?


Answer: i think is is mostly a moral question, so it varies

Explanation: when you think black people are free and their not, but then the Enmancipation proclimation TECHNICALLY got passed as a bill DURING the civil war when the confederetes was still a thing, so technically slaves were free when that passed making another 25% or so of the population free, but then we need to look towards freeing the 50% of the population of U.S. or the women who neither had the right to vote like men. So i would say that the official Independence day would be some-where is 1920 when Congress (or whatever government policy got passed) gave women the right to vote, so the question (my opinion and for me) would not be whether we change our original independence day, but recognize those women and black men who have got their own independence day

debate on
there is more discrimination to men than women ​


you could talk abt uneven wages for against and possibly discuss toxic masculinity for for
women get more discrimination

Explain THREE benefits of participating in any campaign that addresses a human rights issue.​



1. You will be a able to sleep at night, if you have a conscience.

You will meet many like minded people if you believe in what you are participating in.

2. If the campaign or movement actually causes change, you will probably get at least a small sense of accomplishment.

By participating you might pay attention to politics more in general afterwards, and policy does affect all of us.

3. Some people will respect you more, since they know you will stand up for your beliefs.

This is a little more light hearted, but if you participate in any protests, you might get some cool scars.

do you know what human rights are? please explain your answer​


it's when we (humans) want to be accepted, ill give a full example:
Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.
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