Fill in the correct future tense - will future, going to or present progressive. 1. They (drive) to New York tomorrow morning. 2. I hope the weather (be) nice. 3. I offered him this job. I think he (take) it. 4. I promise I (not tell) your secret to anyone. 5. Take your umbrella with you. It (rain). 6. They (play) cards this evening. 7. I (go) to the cinema tomorrow. 8. They (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays. 9. I (invite) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone (come). 10. That exercise looks difficult. I (help) you. 11. he (go) to the football match? 12. Are you sure they (win) the match? 13. She probably (stay) till Thursday. 14. He --------- (not leave) tomorrow. 15. We think he ------+++ (come) home late in the night. CHECK


Answer 1

1.They will be driving to new york tomorrow morning

2.I hope the weather will be nice

3.I offered him this job. I think he will take it

4.I promise I will not be tell your to anyont

Answer 2

For the correct use of future tense in the sentences refer the following sentences:

 1. They will be driving to New York tomorrow morning.

2. I hope the weather will be nice.  

3. I offered him this job. I think he will take it.

4. I promise I will not tell your secret to anyone.  

5. Take your umbrella with you. It raining.

6. They will play cards this evening.

7. I will go to the cinema tomorrow.  

8. They will be flying to Seattle next summer holidays.  

9. I will invite 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone will come.

10. That exercise looks difficult. I will help you.

11. He will go to the football match?  

12. Are you sure they will win the match?  

13. She probably will be staying till Thursday.

14. He will not leave tomorrow.

15. We think he will come home late in the night.

Rules for future tenses are as below:

Future Simple tense :- Subject + will/shall + V1 + Object Future Perfect tense :-Subject + will have/shall have + V3 + Object Future Continuous tense :-Subject + will be/shall be + ing + V1 + Object Future Perfect Continuous tense :-Subject + will have been + V1 + ing + Object

For more information, refer the following link:

Related Questions

At four hundred miles they stopped to eat, at a thousand miles they pitched their camp. They had traveled for just three days and nights, a six weeks' journey for ordinary men. When the sun was setting, they dug a well, they filled their waterskins with fresh water, Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop Which statement best describes the epic feature used in this excerpt and its effect on the plot? The interference of the gods creates more tension and suspense in the plot. The use of poetic verse causes the narrative to become confusing. The long and difficult journey reflects how strong and enduring Gilgamesh is. The presence of a brave hero indicates that the challenge ahead will be simple.



The long and difficult journey reflects how strong and enduring Gilgamesh is.


Got it right on edge

Im sorry its so long ill give brainliest to whoever anwsers it correctly.

Read the two passages and answer the question. Passage 1: "Midas" retold by Thomas Bulfinch [1] Bacchus, on a certain occasion, found his old schoolmaster and foster-father, Silenus, missing. The old man had been drinking, and in that state wandered away, and was found by some peasants, who carried him to their king, Midas. Midas recognized him, and treated him hospitably, entertaining him for ten days and nights with an unceasing round of jollity. [2] On the eleventh day he brought Silenus back, and restored him in safety to his pupil. Whereupon Bacchus offered Midas his choice of a reward, whatever he might wish. He asked that whatever he might touch should be changed into gold. Bacchus consented, though sorry that he had not made a better choice. [3] Midas went his way, rejoicing in his new-acquired power, which he hastened to put to the test. He could scarce believe his eyes when he found a twig of an oak, which he plucked from the branch, become gold in his hand. He took up a stone; it changed to gold. He touched a sod; it did the same. He took up an apple from the tree; you would have thought he had robbed the garden of the Hesperides. His joy knew no bounds, and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table. Then he found to his dismay that whether he touched bread, it hardened in his hand; or put a morsel to his lip, it defied his teeth. He took a glass of wine, but it flowed down his throat like melted gold. [4] In consternation at the unprecedented affliction, he strove to divest himself of his power; he hated the gift he had lately coveted. But all in vain; starvation seemed to await him. He raised his arms, all shining with gold, in prayer to Bacchus, begging to be delivered from his glittering destruction. Bacchus, merciful deity, heard and consented. "Go," said he, "to River Pactolus, trace its fountain-head, there plunge yourself and body in, and wash away your fault and its punishment." He did so, and scarce had he touched the waters before the gold-creating power passed into them, and the river sands became changed into gold, as they remain to this day. Passage 2: "Bacchus's Regret" by Hunter Doyle [1] King Midas returned my beloved teacher to me, so I rewarded him with a wish—whatever he wanted would be. Midas cried, "Give my fingers a golden touch! Then, I shall have a gilded kingdom and such." [5] I tried to make him see the err of his choice, but he would not heed the caution in my voice. I pleaded with Midas, "Be careful what you choose, for you're only thinking of what you'll gain—not what you'll lose." [9] His thirst for wealth became no match for his appetite; after all, a gold apple is not something one can bite. His daughter wept for her poor starving dad, so he wiped her tears and told her not to be sad. [13] Into a golden statue Midas's daughter became, and he and his greedy wish were ultimately to blame. Yet, maybe if I had put up more of a fight and a fret, then I wouldn't have to live with all this regret. How does the poem show the theme greed can have negative consequences differently than the myth? By allowing Bacchus to refuse Midas's wish By changing what Midas wishes for By resolving Midas's conflict sooner By showing what happens to Midas's daughter



by showing what happens to Midas's daughter




His vest was embroidered with golden thread.

King Midas was seated on the throne.

Explain: All King Midas cares about is his gold he does not or nor care for anyone or anything but his gold.

Practice Writing
Click Submit when complete. If this is a timed exercise, your essay will be submitted for scoring automatically when time expires.
English 11B 2018-2019: Argumentative Essay
In this lesson you will be writing an argumentative essay Follow this prompt to begin drafting your paragraph In "Cleaning the Henhouse."
the Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof writes: Inspections of lowa poultry farms linked to the salmonella outbreak have prompted
headlines about infestations with maggots and rodents. But the larger truth is industrial agriculture is itself unhealthy Repeated studies
have found that cramming hens into small cages results in more eggs with salmonella than in cage-free operations. As a trade journal,
World Poultry, acknowledged in May. "Salmonella thrives in cage housing Industrial operations - essentially factories of meat and eggs -
excel at manufacturing cheap food for the supermarket But there is evidence that this model is economically viable only because it
passes on health costs to the public - in the form of occasional salmonella, antibiotic-resistant diseases, polluted waters, food poisoning
and possibly certain cancers. That's why the president's cancer panel this year recommended that consumers turn to organic food if
possible - a stunning condemnation of our food system. Students. Tell us what you think about this issue. Do you agree with Mr. Kristof
that news like this should be a wake-up call to reform commercial farming? How aware are you, in general, of where your food comes
from and how it was produced?


The quality of our food and the origin of the food that reaches our table, is directly related to our health, but also with an agricultural system that moves the economy of our country and that often imposes products on consumers, without giving too much importance for their quality.

We know that eating organically is much more beneficial and safer for our body. As an example of this, we can mention some scientific researches that bring facts about the lower risk of salmonella in meat and eggs of broilers raised organically, far from cages. However, organic food requires a larger economic cat, which is often impossible to be invested by many families and for this reason they end up giving themselves to manufactured products and products from conventional agriculture.

We should also mention that there is a government interest in buying products from conventional agriculture. This is because several large companies and many tycoons are involved in this type of business, causing governments to encourage this type of food more and more, making it easier for citizens to buy their products totally alien to their origin.

Therefore, we must demand, especially from government officials and companies, a more transparent positioning in relation to the origin of the food, the composition of it, the method of creation and planting and the economic interest that they have.

Which best states the central idea of this excerpt? It is always necessary to work with a partner when dealing with unidentified substances. Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials. Scientists are well known for being overly cautious and for taking unnecessary safety measures. It is standard procedure to wear both space suits and hearing protectors in laboratories.


This question is missing the excerpt. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone.

There she met Lieutenant Colonel Trotter, a stocky, dark-haired man whom Nancy had worked with for many years. They put on their inner gloves and taped their cuffs. Nancy put a pair of hearing protectors over her ears. She had started wearing them a while back, when people had begun to suspect that the roar of air in your suit might be loud enough to damage your hearing. They hauled on their space suits and sealed the Ziploc zippers. They edged around each other as they fiddled with their suits. People wearing biohazard space suits tend to step around one another like two wrestlers at the beginning of a match, watching the other person's every move, especially watching the hands to make sure they don't hold a sharp object. This cringing becomes instinctive.

Which best states the central idea of this excerpt?

A.It is always necessary to work with a partner when dealing with unidentified substances.

B.Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.

C.Scientists are well known for being overly cautious and for taking unnecessary safety measures.

D. It is standard procedure to wear both space suits and hearing protectors in laboratories.


The option that best states the central idea of this excerpt is:

B.Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.


The excerpt reveals they are wearing biohazard suits, meaning they will be dealing with potentially hazardous materials. We know, not only from movies but also from real life disasters, that when people deal with hazardous materials, extreme precautions are taken to ensure everyone's safety. From the excerpt, we cannot assume it is always necessary to have a partner. It is unclear as to why they are working in pairs. The excerpt also does not criticize the safety measures, does not make it seem that scientists are overly cautious. Finally, the hearing protectors Nancy is wearing are a choice of hers. It is not a standard procedure to wear them. Taking all that into consideration, we can safely choose letter B as the correct choice.

The option that best states the central idea of this excerpt is: Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.

In this passage from "The Hot Zone," we learn of the precautions that people wearing biohazard suits had to take.

They were to watch the hands of their partners, to be sure that they were not holding any sharp objects that could lead to harm.

Generally, the excerpt explains that people who handle potentially hazardous materials had to take some precautions.

Learn more about "The Hot Zone" here:

What is the difference between summative and formative?



Take tests (assessments) as an example.

Your teacher monitors and evaluates your ongoing performance by giving you frequent formative assessments. She then can make adjustments to her teaching based on how you are doing.

When the unit of study or lesson is at its end, your teacher will give you a summative assessment to evaluate your performance as a whole.


Does that make sense?

Which sentence uses the possessive form correctly? A A variety of cheeses filled one mouse's trap. B A variety of cheeses' filled one mices' trap. C A variety of cheeses' filled one mouses' trap. D A variety of cheeses filled one mice's trap.



A.    A variety of cheeses filled one mouse's trap.


Place the correct punctuation for “I like to read several things newspapers magazines books and poetry.”



I like to read several things newspapers magazines, books and poetry.


when you are naming things you always need a comma to separate them or it is incorrect punctuation and that was the mistake

give me brainiest pls


The correct answer is


U should remove one word.

I like to read several newspapers,magazines,books and poetry.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

What is the term for a word or word part that holds a word's basic meaning?



The root is the term.


The prefix is the part of the word in the beginning, that tells what is happening like non- is not

The root is the part of the sentence that is going to tell the fixed meaning.

The suffix is going to make a word that make a sentence past tense, future tense, or present tense.


Root is the correct answer


A root word has no prefix or suffix — it's the most basic part of a word. ... In linguistics, a root word holds the most basic meaning of any word.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

rearrange the following words a sheen / and wings / forked tail / on / it has / the black / a long Section-



The answer I prefer is


"It has a long forked tail, a sheen on the back and wings."

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Be Brainly!!!!

it has the black forked tail on a long section a sheen and wings

I tried

Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank.

The curtain rises on an empty stage. It is late afternoon November, 1945.
The rooms are dusty, the curtains in rags. Chairs and tables are overturned.
The door at the foot of the small stairwell swings open. Mr. Frank comes up the steps into view. He is a gentle, cultured European in his middle years. There is still a trace of a German accent in his speech.

What do these stage directions reveal about when the opening scene takes place?

It takes place after the Franks have been captured.
It takes place while the Franks are in hiding.
It takes place just as the Franks are going into hiding.
It takes place years before the Franks are captured.



A) It takes place after the Frank’s have been captured.


These stage directions reveal when the opening scene takes place is It takes place after the Franks have been captured. Thus the correct option is A.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

The guidelines in a show's script that provide actors with instructions on how to arrive, where to position, when to walk, as well as details concerning the equipment, background, and decorations are referred to as a Stage direction.

About the time the opening scene occurs, according to these stage instructions When the curtain opens on an empty stage, it occurs after the Franks have been taken.

Therefore, option  A is appropriate.

Learn more about Inference, here:


In about one hundred words, explain why you think Achebe chose to tell the story of the clashes between colonialism and African culture from an African point of view.



Things Fall Apart is probably the most authentic ... Unless Africans could tell their side of their story, Achebe believed that the African ... about the inaccurate portrayal of African culture by white colonial writers does ... British defined the collection of diverse ethnic groups as one country.



African literature is a manifestation of African culture, African society, African historical, political, social and religious experiences. Thus, it is a reflection and celebration of African culture (Awa, 2006). Achebe therefore depicts an Igbo society which has dignity and prominence in his Things Fall Apart

how does the mask help if you well?​



A mask keeps terms less fortunate of spreading and slows the transmission of disease or illness this is why now in this pandemic we have been asked to wear masks because it is 85% efficient and trustworthy of spreading viruses slower than wearing without

Hope this helps:)



The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now include face masks in their recommendations for slowing the spread of the virus. The CDC recommends cloth face masks for the public and not the surgical and N95 masks needed by health care providers.

Which statement best describes the meter? The meter is free, imitating the flow of conversational speech. The meter is free, making the poem unpredictable. The meter is fixed, and every syllable is stressed. The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.


This question is missing the necessary passage/lines to be answered. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

As every eye awaits her hand

To cue the members of the band.

Which statement best describes the meter?

A. The meter is free, imitating the flow of conversational speech.

B. The meter is free, making the poem unpredictable.

C. The meter is fixed, and every syllable is stressed.

D. The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.


The correct answer is letter D. The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.


As every eye awaits her hand

To cue the members of the band.

The lines above are an example of iambic tetrameter. An iamb is a sequence consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. Since we have that pattern repeat 4 times in each line, they are called iambic tetrameters (tetra means 4). Since both lines have the same meter, we can say the meter is fixed. Also, since they are iambic, they end in a stressed syllable, which draws attention to the end rhyme. Therefore, the correct answer is D. The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.

The statement that most adequately recounts the meter would be as follows:

D). The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.

'Meter' is characterized as the pattern of rhythm(emphasis on particular words through syllables)  that is followed by the poet or poetess in a poem. The key purpose of a meter is to add melody, as well as, rhythm in every line of the poem that promotes its readability and memorization among the readers through the rhyme and rhythimc structure employed in a poem through meter.Therefore, the meter is static in nature because it aims to add emphasis to certain set of syllables in each line to fulfill the poetic demands and make it more effective and melodius and rhythmic.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'meter' here:

Which description reflects a common trait of epic poetry?
A. A long journey through an unfamiliar place
B. Biting commentary on the government or ruler
C. Contemplation of nature's power and beauty
O D. A tragic ending that reveals the hero's flaws


C. Contemplation of nature’s power and beauty

Think about a time you were surprised about something that happened to you. It could be a happy surprise or a disappointment. Write about the event. You are requested to write a personal narrative of about 200 to 250 words. You must include the following points:  When and where you got the surprise  What was the surprise (happy or disappointment)  What were your feelings



Ok here is an example of this but this is supposed to be from past experience!


   I woke up that morning as jittery as I usually get in the mornings when I first wake up. I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Next I went and got changed in to some of my fanciest clothes. I looked over and saw the the time, 8:30 on the dot. Time for breakfast! I pranced down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Surprise!" I looked around excited with a big fat grin and then I saw the chocolate chip pancakes covered with whipped cream and sprinkles with a cherry on top. "Are those for me?!" My mom nodded and I ran to gobble them up for it was my special day and everyone was there to celebrate me!

the character sketch of madame sofronie



Madame Sofronie owns the hair shop to which Della sells her hair. She’s described as “large, too white, chilly,” and her manner with Della is brusque and to the point. She wastes no time evaluating Della’s hair and setting a price—twenty dollars. Her manner directly contrasts that of Della and Jim, who value their love and sentiment over material value. For Della, her hair is something special and prized. For Madame Sofronie, her hair is worth the dollar value she can get out of it.

Which correctly describes a cause-and-effect relationship in this excerpt? Cause: People had to walk a half mile to catch the bus. Effect: The bus company refused to extend the bus line. Cause: People had to walk across a bridge to catch the bus. Effect: Mr. Nixon protested to the bus company. Cause: The bus company refused to extend the bus line. Effect: Mr. Nixon drove his car into town. Cause: Mr. Nixon asked the bus company to make a new stop. Effect: The bus company refused to make a new stop.



Cause: People had to walk across a bridge to catch the bus. Effect: Mr. Nixon protested to the bus company.


The statements which establish a correct Cause and Effect relationship are:

Cause: People had to walk across a bridge to catch the bus.

Effect: Mr. Nixon protested to the bus company.

What do you mean by a cause and effect relationship?

A cause-and-effect relationship is established when the following conditions are satisfied:

The events should occur at the same time and mostly at the same place.One of the events immediately precedes the other event.The latter event that happens is unlikely to have happened if the first one would not have occurred.

The given conditions are satisfied by the below given cause-and-effect relationship:

Cause: People had to walk across a bridge to catch the bus.

Effect: Mr. Nixon protested to the bus company.

Learn more about Cause-and-Effect Relationship on


according to Petrocelli , what is this crime about


It is about the right we all have to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q2. Write a brief description about your visit to the Niagara Falls in not more than 120 words.( mention location, atmosphere, sights, sounds, history, importance etc.)



Niagara falls are located in Canada, in the Niagara River.


Niagara falls are made of three different waterfalls located in Canada, in the Niagara River. They are not only a wonderful nature show, but also a source of hydroelectric power. They are a product of a glaciation ten thousand years ago. To preserve them, they were regulated in 1906. There are found different bridges through them. Some activities can be done over them, such as walks, plunges and jumps. There also near to them airports named after the falls and ships go by through the river. It is definitely a breathtaking place because of the landscape and the amazing views.

which methods ( dairy writing,fiction narratives,nonfiction narratives) leads to the best stories explain​



The three methods can lead to good stories.

Dairy writing can become a good stories when the dairy writer is a good storyteller, which is often the case. Some of the best stories in history have been taken from, or inspired by, personal diaries of remarkable people.

Fiction narratives also lead to good stories because telling a story is the main purpose of that type of writing method.

Finally, nonfiction narratives can also be good stories if the writer is good at it. Nonfiction can simply narrate a historical event that did happen in real life with some of the attributes and methods of fiction narratives.


I would say a method that will give the best stories would be fiction narratives. The reason I say this method makes the best stories is because imagination can have lots of amazing things and stories to tell. I would say fiction narratives make more of an engaging point of view. Yes, the structure of fiction narratives make a big difference to the storytelling because imagination can have lots of power. A few specific elements would be persuasive and descriptive.


I'm doing this for my discussion hope this helps!

Younique is writing an essay in favor of recycling to reduce garbage in the ocean. Which piece of evidence is least relevant to her argument? 1. Litter is not only ugly, but also harmful to animals in national parks 2. Millions of plastic water bottles end up in the ocean each year, adding to the millions already there and not decomposing. 3. Recycling has become easier with many public places including recycling bins right next to all garbage cans. 4. Plastic that hasn't been recycled has extremely harmful effects to the wildlife that live in the ocean.



1. Litter is not only ugly but also harmful to animals in national parks.


Option number one is the least important piece of evidence in Younqique's essay because it is not giving information about how garbage and not recycling can affect the oceans. The statement is talking about animals in general and not giving specific evidence about how animals in the sea are affected. The other options are relevant because they inform about the benefits of recycling and the negative impact that the accumulation of garbage in oceans has, encouraging us to recycle.

Read this paragraph from The Dark Game. Another thing that changed very little in the years between the wars was the means of obtaining military intelligence. Although the use of photography and the telegraph brought some technological advances, the craft of spying on the enemy's army still relied on fieldwork. For the most part, intelligence was gathered in simple ways. Prisoners of war and deserters were interrogated. The Union army was always interested in hearing what runaway slaves had to report. And, of course, both armies relied on cavalry scouts, signal intercepts, visual observation, and captured correspondence. What is the best summary of this paragraph



-During the Civil War, intelligence was gathered in the same ways it had been gathered in previous wars.


Paul Janeczko's "The Dark Game" delves into the spy world of the United States and how it played a huge part in the military actions in the past. This book provides true stories or narrations about how military and national administration used various sources to obtain information, including the use of spies and cyber espionage, surveillance satellites, etc.

In the given excerpt, the author's main purpose or aim is to inform the readers of how information used to be gathered by the government in the past. The use of military intelligence, before and during the Civil War, remains the same or only changed a bit. Despite the new technological advancement with photography and telegraph, obtaining information was still largely done using the same means- "fieldwork".

Thus, the best summary for the given paragraph will be that information/ intelligence was gathered using the same methods that were used in the previous years.


The answer that you are looking for would be A.


Edge 2021

which details from the excerpt best support the conclusion that this story is about the creation of the world ? select two options


Answer: Things turn into geographical features of the Earth, such as the Himalayas, when the Eldest Magician blows on them. The author refers to the animals as "All-the-Elephant-there-was," "All-the-Beaver-there-was," and "All-the-Turtle-there-was."

Explanation: In the excerpt we can clearly see that it is a story about how the creation of the world, first because the Eldest Magician is creating mountains, Islands, deserts only with his breath, and also, he refers to the animals as "All the Elephant-there-was," "All-the-Beaver-there-was", etc, because they are the first animals ever created of each kind, so there was just one cow, one elephant, one beaver, etc.

When the Eldest Magician blows on something, it transforms it into a geographical feature of the Earth, such as the Himalayas, and the author refers to the animals as "All-the-Elephant-there-was," "All-the-Beaver-there-was," and "All-the-Turtle-there-was."  are the conclusion that this story is about the creation of the world. The correct options are A and D.

What is the excerpt about?

This story is about the creation of the world and how "the Eldest Magician" asked everyone to "play together in harmony." It stars Malaysia's Little Girl Daughter and her father.

The missing passage of the question is:

He went North, Best Beloved, and he found All-the-Elephant-there-was digging with his tusks and stamping with his feet in the nice new clean earth that had been made ready for him.

'Kun?' said All-the-Elephant-there-was, meaning, 'Is this right?'

'Payah kun,' said the Eldest Magician, meaning, 'That is quite right'; and he breathed upon the great rocks and lumps of earth that All-the-Elephant-there-was had thrown up, and they became the great Himalayan Mountains, and you can look them out on the map.

He went East, and he found All-the-Cow-there-was feeding in the field that had been made ready for her, and she licked her tongue round a whole forest at a time, and swallowed it and sat down to chew her cud.

'Kun?' said All-the-Cow-there-was.

'Payah kun,' said the Eldest Magician; and he breathed upon the bare patch where she had eaten, and upon the place where she had sat down, and one became the great Indian Desert, and the other became the Desert of Sahara, and you can look them out on the map.

He went West, and he found All-the-Beaver-there-was making a beaver-dam across the mouths of broad rivers that had been got ready for him.

'Kun?' said All-the-Beaver-there-was.

'Payah kun,' said the Eldest Magician; and he breathed upon the fallen trees and the still water, and they became the Everglades in Florida, and you may look them out on the map.

Then he went South and found All-the-Turtle-there-was scratching with his flippers in the sand that had been got ready for him, and the sand and the rocks whirled through the air and fell far off into the sea.

'Kun?' said All-the-Turtle-there-was.

'Payah kun,' said the Eldest Magician; and he breathed upon the sand and the rocks, where they had fallen in the sea, and they became the most beautiful islands of Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, and the rest of the Malay Archipelago, and you can look them out on the map!

The options are:

Things turn into geographical features of the Earth, such as the Himalayas, when the Eldest Magician blows on them. The Eldest Magician and the animals engage in conversations using language, which is an example of personification. The animals engage in activities that are typical of their species, such as the cow chewing its cud and the beaver building a dam. The author repeats foreign expressions such as "Kun" and "Payah kun" in the conversations between the Magician and the animals. The author refers to the animals as "All-the-Elephant-there-was," "All-the-Beaver-there-was," and "All-the-Turtle-there-was."

When the Eldest Magician blows on something, it transforms it into a geographical feature of the Earth, such as the Himalayas, and the author refers to the animals as "All-the-Elephant-there-was," "All-the-Beaver-there-was," and "All-the-Turtle-there-was."

Thus, The correct options are A and D.

For more details regarding "The Crab That Played with the Sea.", visit:


"What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?" (250 words or less)



I would tell you that the reason a person studies is to get a slightly higher probability of getting a job in what they like, also that you can't get the job you want without a college degree.

In addition, there are surveys of high-quality service providers that claim not to accept an employee without a degree or study.


According to studies, it is difficult to enter a prestigious university due to financial problems.

Many students want to finish college to get a qualification to work in a company.

In addition to the fact that a person with a degree either undergraduate, master or doctorate, will earn a higher salary than someone who does not have one.

Which four phrases in this excerpt from Robert Stawell Ball's Great Astronomers convey a commendable tone toward Ptolemy's work?


Which phrases in this excerpt from Robert Stawell Ball's Great Astronomers convey a commendable tone toward Ptolemy’s work?

he name, Ptolemy, appears to have been a common one in Egypt in those days. The time at which he lived is fixed by the fact that his first recorded observation was made in 127 AD, and his last in 151 AD. When we add that he seems to have lived in or near Alexandria, or to use his own words, "on the parallel of Alexandria," we have said everything that can be said so far as his individuality is concerned.

Ptolemy is, without doubt, the greatest figure in ancient astronomy. He gathered up the wisdom of the philosophers who had preceded him. He incorporated this with the results of his own observations, and illumined it with his theories. His speculations, even when they were, as we now know, quite erroneous, had such an astonishing verisimilitude to the actual facts of nature that they commanded universal assent. Even in these modern days we not infrequently find lovers of paradox who maintain that Ptolemy's doctrines not only seem true, but actually are true.

A.) so far as his individuality is concerned

B.) greatest figure in ancient astronomy

C.) gathered up the wisdom

D.) illumined it with his theories

E.) astonishing verisimilitude to the actual facts


B. "greatest figure in ancient in astronomy"

C. "he gathered up the wisdom"

D. "illumined it with his theories"

E. "astonishing verisimilitude to the actual act"


The author acknowledges Ptolemy's work and contributions to astronomy, although some of his works and theories were later found to be wrong.

He calls him the greatest figure in ancient astronomy and says that he gathered up wisdom, brought light with his theories, and helped advance astronomy. He believes that even if some of the theories were wrong, they were similar to true facts.

Pls help for the writings above to be the brainlist .



The correct answer is


Kabir and his friends were returning from an punting when their car broke down in the middle of the forest. They searched the forest for an inn to stay for the night and found one. The inn belonged to a man named Samuel Dickens. He was a forestor. He told them not to come here as this area was a very haunted place. But they did not listen to him and asked if they could spend here for the night. He agreed and took them inside the house. He gave them food and told them that their beds where in the next room. They closed the lights and slept. In the middle of the night, a moaning noise was heard. Kabir and his friends heard the sound and woke up to check. They saw Mr Samuel lying on the ground and a strange creature on top of him. Kabir and his friends shrieked with horror and ran out of the house, took the car and drove away. The man in the inn had repaired their car and went inside the house when this thing attacked him. Kabir still remembers it and never went to the forest again.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

If you had a business what would it be? Please submit ... - name of the business - logo for the business - why this business? - where in your community would this business take place? - would this business be beneficial in your community?



Brain recycle would be the name of the business. Our logo would be


Just draw a logo about something you like, burger joint, taco truck logo, or ramen noodle shop stuff.


Very easy arts and crafts project that is fun :>

Literature: Short Story
Read this passage from "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan
Poe. Then, answer the following question(s)
Which theme, or lesson about life, would the character's thoughts in
this passage best support?
A. the importance of honesty in human relations
B. the indifference of nature to human suffering
c. the danger of a single passion taking over the mind
D. the cowardly nature of those who forgive an enemy
The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best
could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.
You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not
suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length
I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled-but
the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded
the idea of risk. I must not only punish but punish with
impunity.* A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes
its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails
to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong
It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had 1
given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, as
was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive
that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.**



I think it's D).


Answer: I think it's D


When you first meet a character in a book, story, or movie, what single

thing do you think tells you the most about him or her?



its charectristic




or other important imformation

when you meet a character in a book the single one there is the age

What meaning is revealed through the use of an analogy in this cartoon?



it reveals that


(snakes moves afetr being cut also) So to prevent that it is kept on the cartoon

Other Questions
Robert, a ninth-grader, has just been told, "The reason youre having so much trouble with division is that you have never mastered compound multiplication. The Math Basic Skills Tests have indicated this quite clearly. We are going to provide you with instruction in multiplication immediately." Roberts teacher made what kind of decision relative to his skill level? In the figure below. MN is the arc of a circle with center L. If the length of arc MN is 6, what is the area of sector LMN? what is photography ? Is this statement true or false? The sixteenth-century A.D. is made up of the years 1601 A.D. through 1700 A.D. Lennox owns a big apple orchard. She ships her apples to various markets using a fleet of trucks. Every week, each truck goes on 333 trips, and for each trip Lennox gets 300300300 dollars. On a single trip, a truck delivers 505050 packs, and each pack contains 121212 kilograms of apples. Overall, Lennox sells 450045004500 dollars worth of apples in a week. How much does Lennox get for a single kilogram of apples? Dollars per kilogram Lines CD and DE are tangent to circle A shown below: If Arc CE is 112, what is the measure of CDE? a 124 b 136 c 68 d 56 (1) Who was in North American before the Europeans arrived? (2) How were the Europeans able to colonize North American during the 17th cenutry? the point p(-3,4) is reflected in the line x +2=0. find the coordinate of the image x Which of the following items is one of the ten essentials A. Soap B. Camp stove C. Matches D. Binoculars [tex] \frac{5 + n}{4} = - 1[/tex]What is n? A student sets up the following equation to convert a measurement. The (?) Stands for a number the student is going to calculate. Fill in the missing part of this equation. (0.030 cm^3) x ? =m^3 The mostcommon causeof sexualambiguityis How were the roles of women and African Americans changed by the Second Great Awakening? explore how archemides principle is applied in building a ship and submarine In a Euler diagram, No X are Y would be represented how? Ahmed Company purchases all merchandise on credit. It recently budgeted the month-end accounts payable balances and merchandise inventory balances below. Cash payments on accounts payable during each month are expected to be May, $1,400,000; June, $1,550,000; July, $1,400,000; and August, $1,500,000 Accounts Payable Merchandise Inventory31-May 150,000 260,00030-Jun 130,000 500,00031-Jul 300,000 300,00031-Aug 120,000 330,000Required:a. Compute the budgeted amounts of merchandise purchases.b. Compute the budgeted amounts of cost of goods sold. Which person most directly affected voting rights for women?O A. Abraham LincolnO B. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.O C. Carrie Chapman CattD. Rosa Parks Capitalism has led to prosperity for millions of people.Objective opinion Subjective opinion clearly distinguish between science and technology Create an informative paragraph that explains to an audience how to complete a process. Ensure your information has enough detail for someone to complete the task.