Find quotient (10c² + 49cd + 49d²) ÷ (5c + 7d)

plz answer correctly and with easy method.


Answer 1

(10c² +49cd+49d²) ÷ (5c+7d)

(5c+7d)(2c+7d) ÷ (5c+7d)

Delete (5c+7d)

= (2c+7d)

Related Questions

From a group of three boys and six girls a boy and a girl will be selected to attend a conference and how many ways can the selection you made




Girl  = g

Boy = b

1g 1b  1g 2b  1g 3b

2g 1b  2g 2b  2g 3b

3g 1b  3g 2b  3g 3b

4g 1b   4g 2b  4g 3b

5g 1b   5g 2b  5g 3b

6g 1b   6g 2b  6g 3b


Another way you can do this,

6 × 3 = 18

In the end there will be 18 selections.

the correct answer is 18. hope this helps :)

Please help!!! 20 points + brainliest!!
6 + (-47) =


Well, all we have to do is add, so:

6 + (-47) =

6 - 47 =




Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract and write big numbers sign.

47 - 6= (-41)

What is the value of the expression below when x=3 and y=8?
6x +10y




Step-by-step explanation:

The value of the expression below when x=3 and y=8 is 98.

Find the value of the trigonometric ratio.simply the fraction if needed.



Cos A = Adjacent / hypochondrium

Cos A= 9/ 41



Step-by-step explanation:

do like the picture I sent

what is a fraction between 1/31 and 1/22?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Q = { 1/31 < x < 1/22 }

Q = { 1/30, 1/29, 1/28, 1/27, 1/26, 1/25, 1/24, 1/23 }


A and B can do the work in 8 days ; B and C can do the work in 12 days ;A ,B and C together can finish it in 6 days .In how many days A and C together will do the same work


The answer is B because it has a days to work in and if you’re working at the same job every day it will take 12 days a week 8-2(2-4)=2

1. Write an expression in simplest form for the area of the figure below:
(answer pls)



(5x+6)(2x+5)-(2x+4)(x+8) simplified is 8x^2+17x-2

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:






Factor the Quadratic: 3x^2+12x-36=0



3x ^ 2 + 12x-36 = 0

3(x²+ 4x-12)=0




⇒[tex]\left \{ {{x-2=0} \atop {x+6=0}} \right.[/tex]⇔[tex]\left \{ {{x=2} \atop {x=-6}} \right.[/tex]

pls answer i will mark brainliest



Part one:

In terms of price;

[tex]2x + \frac{5}{2} y = 19 \\ \\ 4x + 5y = 38 - - - (equation \: \: 1)[/tex]

In terms of people, each person will get one snack:

[tex]x + y = 8 - - - (equation \: \: 2)[/tex]

Part two:

[tex]in \: equation \: 2 : \\ x = 8 - y \\ substitute \: for \: x \: in \: 1 : \\ 4(8 - y) + 5y = 38 \\ 32 - 4y + 5y = 38 \\ y = 6 \\ \\ therefore : x = 2[/tex]

Sam bought 2 bags of chips

A bag contains n white tiles and five black tiles. The tiles are all equal in shape and sizes. A tile is drawn at random and is replaced. A second tile is then drawn.
a) the probability that the first tile is white
b) the probability that both the first and second tiles are white


We know that our bag has n white tiles and 5 black tiles.

So, the total number of tiles in the bag is n + 5.

We know that a tile is drawn at random and is replaced, then a second tile is drawn.

a) We want to find the probability that the first tile is white.

Because all the tiles have the same probability of being randomly drawn, the probability of drawing a white tile is just the quotient between the number of white tiles and the total number of tiles in the bag.

[tex]P = n/(n + 5)[/tex]

And for the second draw, we do not have any restrictions, so the probability is the above one.

[tex]P = n/(n + 5)[/tex]

b) Now we want both tiles to be white.

For the first one we already know the probability, which is:

[tex]P = n/(n + 5)[/tex]

And because the tile is replaced, the probability of drawing a white tile again is exactly the same:

[tex]Q =n/(n + 5)[/tex]

The joint probability (the probability of both of these outcomes to happen together) is the product of the individual probabilities.

Probability = [tex]P*Q = (n/(n + 5))^2[/tex]

If you want to read more about probability, you can read:

classify the following triangle check all that apply​



A. Scalene & E. Right

Step-by-step explanation:

The triangle is a scalene-right triangle. It is a right triangle because it has a 90 degree/right angle. It is a scalene triangle because all 3 sides have different lengths.

can anyone help me pleassseeee!



baba booey

Step-by-step explanation:

One of the legs of a right triangle measures 9 cm and the other leg measures 16 cm.
Find the measure of the hypotenuse. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth.



18.4 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras rule:

Hypotenuse =

[tex] \sqrt{9 ^{2} + 16 ^{2} } [/tex]

= 18.4 cm

How many natural numbers are between 97 through 256?


Answer: go to this website it may help you

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

What are the Natural Numbers?

Natural numbers are defined as refer to a set of all the whole numbers excluding 0. We generally utilize these numbers in our speech and daily activities. Everywhere we look, numbers are used to count things, represent or exchange money, measure temperature, tell the time, etc. These numbers that are used for counting objects are called 'natural numbers'. For example, while counting objects 5 pencils.

Given data as :

The natural numbers are 97 and 256

To determine the numbers between the following, firstly subtract them and then subtract 2 to it.

97 and 256

⇒ 256 - 97

⇒ 158

Substract 2 from it.

= 158 -2

= 156

Thus, there are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

Learn about natural numbers here :


A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10h. What is the rate of change of distance?


Rate of change of distance is also known as speed.


Distance (s) = 400km = 400 × 1000m = 400,000m

Time (t) = 10h = 10 × 3600s = 36,000s

We know that,

Speed (v) = Distance/Time

[tex]=> v = \frac{s}{t} \\ => v = \frac{400000m}{36000s} \\ => v = \frac{400m}{36s} \\ => v = \frac{100m}{9s} \\ => v = \frac{100}{9}m {s}^{ - 2} \\ [/tex]

A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10 hours. Then the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

What is the meaning of the term “distance”?

Distance is a measurement of how far apart two things or locations are, either quantitatively or occasionally qualitatively. Distance in physics or common language can refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other factors.

The term is frequently used metaphorically to refer to a measurement of the amount of difference between two similar objects, or a degree of separation as exemplified by distance between people in a social network.

The concept of a metric space is used in mathematics to formalize the majority of such concepts of distance, both literal and figurative.

[tex]Distance (s) = 400km \\= 400 \times 1000m \\= 400,000mTime (t) = 10h \\= 10 \times 3600s \\= 36,000s\\\\Speed = Distance / Time\\= 400000 / 36000\\= 11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex]

Therefore, the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

Learn more about distance from here:


Plz solve it
Factorize: no w​



here we can go for two solution

It’s 11 but I need help






=> C

que es la razon de una figura semejante



English for fast response

What is the sum of the angles 'a' and 'b' from the diagram below.



90+ 135= 225

Step-by-step explanation:

a can be found with formula (n-2)×180/n, where n is number of sides

a= 135


pls helpppp

The length of the diagonal of a square is 12 cm. Let the side of the square = x cm. Make an equation in x and solve it to find the side length of the square. Hence calculate the area of the square in cm². ​







One side of square is 8.48528137424 cm

Lai Yee and Khadijah have 60 stamps. When Lai Yee gives 5 stamps to Khadijah, the number of Lai Yee's stamps is twice the number of Khadijah's stamps. How many stamps does each of them have at first? ​



Lai yee : 45

Khadijah : 15

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the Explanation

I need help ASAP!! Please explain how to solve the question




Step-by-step explanation:

Let's divide this shape into 2 triangles & 3 rectangles.

Area of Triangle = 1/2 (bh)

(1/2 (9x6) ) x 2   = 54

Area of Rectangles = (9x11) + (8x11) + (7x11)

= 264

264 + 54 = 318km^2

Answered by g a u t h m a t h

Can someone help me I don't understand



Q'(3,1) R'(2,5) S'(4,3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Q (-4,-4) -4+7= 3 and -4+5=1 so (3,1)

R (-5,0) -5+7=2 and 0+5=5 so (2,5)

S (-3,-2) -3+7=4 and -2+5=3 so (4,3)

i have 17 coins. N of them are nickels and the rest are dimes. write an expression in two different ways for the amount of money that i have. (Hint: one is the other simplified)



(N)0.05 + (17-N)0.1 = M; M = amount of money I have.

Or 1.7-0.05N = M.

Step-by-step explanation:

Calculate using order of operations.



I believe that the answer is 69.8

The answer is 69.8 I did the math if you can give me brainliest

What is the range of the function graphed below?
A. -< y < 2
-00 < y < -2
C. - D
-2 < y < 0



-infinity < y ≤ 2

Step-by-step explanation:

A is correct.  The largest value y can have is 2, whereas there is no smallest value.   -infinity < y ≤ 2

The range of the given graph will be -∞ ≤ y ≤ 2. The correct option is A.

What is the range?

The collection of all a function's outputs constitutes its range. Example: Let's take a look at the function f: AB, where f(x) = 2x and A and B each represents a collection of natural numbers. The domain in this instance is A, and the co-domain is B. The range then appears as the function's output.

The range of the function is -∞ ≤ y ≤ 2. When we move towards the left side the value of y reaches negative infinity and when we move to the right the value of y reaches the value of 2.

It means that the range of the function is varying from negative infinity to a positive value of 2.

To know more about the range follow


The Yogurt Packaging company is now re-designing their factory. They are going to construct a building in
the shape of a square box. Their contractor has told them that the diagonal braces needed to make the roof
are 150 feet long.

What would be the floor plan of the building? Label the diagonal braces



[tex]\sqrt{\frac{150^2}{2}}=75\sqrt{2}\quad \left(\mathrm{Decimal:\quad }\:106.06601 \right)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a^{2} +b^{2} = 150^{2}[/tex]


[tex]2a^{2} = 150^{2}[/tex]


[tex]a =\sqrt{150^{2}/2 }[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

We are using a top down view.  We have a square building with side length s.  The diagonal is 150 ft

Using the Pythagorean theorem

s^2 + s^2 = 150^2

2s^2 = 22500

s^2 =11250

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(s^2) = sqrt(11250)

s = sqrt(6225*2)

s = 75 sqrt(2)

gordon types 1,972 words in 29 minutes
Gordon types _______ words per minute



68 words

Step-by-step explanation:

To find how many words Gordon types per minute :

1972 ÷ 29 = 68 #

What is the base area of the cone?



Step-by-step explanation:

In order to find the area of the circle base, we need the radius, and we don't have it. We'll use the volume to find the radius, as follows:

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h[/tex] and fill in the givens:

[tex]75=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2(5)[/tex] and solve that for r;

[tex]r=\sqrt{\frac{3(75)}{5\pi} }[/tex] so

r = 3.784698783 and plug that in for the radius to find the area of the circle base:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex] so

[tex]A=\pi (3.784698783)^2[/tex] gives you that

A = 45 meters squared, exactly. No decimal.

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