Menţionează cazul pronumelor personale din fraza: Și eu m-aş fi holbat la fel, dacă nu era vorba despre mine.​


Answer 1



Și eu m-aș fi holbit la fel, dacă nu era vorba despre mine.

Cine? Eu - subiect exprimat prin pronume personal, persoana a3a, număr singular, gen masculin, caz nominativ

Despre cine? Despre mine - complement prepozitional exprimat prin pronume personal, persoana a3a, număr singular, gen masculin, caz acuzativ

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well start with an introduction then move to something captivating to get the audience's attention

1. A. 有您我身边,我可安心多了。

B. 一开学,咱们就要安心下来学习了。

C. 小宋总是不安心自己的工作。

D. 我也想写文章,可就是安心不了。




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"Agar agar"


"Agar agar" is a natural polysaccharide produced by marine algae and is the most commonly used solidifying agent added to media (end concentration usually 1.5 % w/v).

4. ಈ ಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಗುಣಿತಾಕ್ಷರ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. 2 ಎ. ಸರಸ ಬಿ. ಅನನ್ಯ​



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By using the given Telugu alphabet make words









only 6 i got

NEW YORK, July 19 (Reuters) - A rapid rise in new cases in the United States and other countries has heightened fears of a renewed outbreak and triggered a shockwave in the stock market as the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus began to spread and vaccinations lagged in several U.S. states.






everyone of the workers receive same benefits (correct the sentence)​


The correct sentence would be: Every one of the workers receives the same benefits.
All of the workers received the same benefits.

Correct the mistakes.
Do Mary swims in the ocean?
Do you sings a song?
Do you sing a song?
Does I ride a horse?
Does she opens the door?
Does we jump?
Do the bird fly?
Does you go fishing?
Do she buys bread?
Do David draw pictures?
Does Mary dances well?





Does Mary swim in the ocean?

Do you sing a song?

Do I ride a horse?

Does she open the door?

Do we jump?

Does the bird fly?

Do you go fishing?

Does she buy bread?

Does David draw pictures?

Does Mary dance well?

Hope this helps!


Does Mary swim in the ocean?

Do you sing a song?

Can I ride a horse?

Does she open the door?

Do we jump?

Do birds fly?

Do you go fishing?

Does she buy bread?

Does David draw pictures?

Does Mary dance well?

a.Trình bày các quan hệ ngôn ngữ có trong câu sau:
Tôi sinh ra và lớn lên ở Nghệ An - mảnh đất của những người coi trọng danh dự và đạo nghĩa.




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بما ذأ أهلك الله جنة الر جل الجا حذ؟​



With what did God destroy the paradise of the ungrateful man?

-10 આપેલ ભુ ાિષતંુ ુ ય િવચાર બે થી ણ વામાં રુ કરો.
1. આવ નહ, આદર નહ, જઈએ, નહ નયનમાં નેહ, તે ઘર કદ ણ જઈએ, ભલે કંચન વરસે મેહ.
2. બેસે છે ભાય બેઠા,ંુ ઉંુ ઉભા રહલ ંુ , તુ ેલાંુ દસે ૂ ,ંુ ચાલે ભાય ચાલતા. Pls pls please help


What help .

to translate at 3 sentence or other. let me know in comme

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Answer:  the Name of te language is  telugu


1。如果你是一位销售员,你准备怎么样和顾客沟通 (150字)


我会用平静的声音对客户说话。我也会尽量提供信息。sorry my Chinese is not very good haha


我会以尊重他们的方式说话,用尊重和良好的语言,因为当你是一名销售人员时,你应该知道如何理解、理解、尊重、倾听,这样你的客户就会回到你的商店,当你和他们交谈时他们 bg 粗鲁 我敢肯定他们不会回到你的商店,因为你不知道如何接近他们

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hViavvaliahvskskjahabakakkahabakakaababgaa B cacfauaka

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Being a feminist means that you fight for the equality of all people


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where is your question


pa brain less

.什么 、有、 好看、 电影院 、电影 、吗、 的





những chuyển biến về kinh tế của Việt Nam trong quá trình hội nhập ASEAN (2001-2020)



i cant understand the language

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你好我的名字叫 ______ 你的名字叫色么?

Define Guidance and Gunselling in the
perspectives of five & authers and clearly
frech the talerons
the key differences and similarities


Guidance means to got help

1. An increasing number of people are now using the Internet to meet new people and socialize. Some people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more isolated.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for you answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.


The internet is like a 2-dagger sword. It brings about benefits, but has negative effects and impacts on people too.


- A good mode and way of communication.

- Convenient and allows for flexibility.

- Following the footsteps of a modern world.


- Increases the risk of myopia and other health issues.

- Decreases the amount of time a family or friends/relatives spend together for bonding.

- Increases the risk of getting catfished or scammed etc.

Violent crimes in many parts of the United States have surged recently, and New York State has even declared a state of emergency. US President Biden also held a meeting at the White House recently to discuss countermeasures and called for the formulation of a national crime prevention policy.

U.S. media and experts believe that the recent surge in violent crime is due to the intertwined and superposition of multiple factors such as the weak economy, the continuous epidemic and the proliferation of guns, which has exacerbated social contradictions. It is doubtful how effective the White House's "prescription" can be in treating America's persistent "violent disease".


s this a question or an good awarness

Define guidance and counseling in the perspective of five authors clearly stating the differences and similarities between the two terms?


define guidance and course c

in the perspectiveof five authors clearly stating the differences and similarities between the two terms?

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