find the acceleration gained by a body in 6 seconds if its initial velocity is 30 meter/seconds and final velocity is 60/seconds meter and spammers stay away​


Answer 1


Acceleration, a = 5 m/s²


Given the following data;

Initial velocity = 30 m/s

Final velocity = 60 m/s

Time = 6 seconds

To find the acceleration, we would use the first equation of motion;

V = U + at


V is the final velocity.

U is the initial velocity.

a is the acceleration.

t is the time measured in seconds.

Substituting into the equation, we have;

60 = 30 + a*6

60 - 30 = 6a

30 = 6a

Acceleration, a = 30/6

Acceleration, a = 5 m/s²

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why do the other animals listen to old major speak in the barn late on night?​


Hope this helps!

You toss an apple across the room to a friend. Which of the following statements is true about the apple at the top of its trajectory?
A. Its acceleration is zero.
B. The horizontal component of its velocity is zero.
C. The vertical component of its velocity is 9.8 m/s down.
D. Its acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 down.​


B is the correct answer!! The horizontal component of its velocity is zero.

please help me with my question I will like and mark as brainliest for the first correct answer due tomorrow morning​



1845.26 ?


18.46 × 99.96= 1845.2616 = 1845.26

im not entirely sure though

Joseph jogs from one end A to the other end B of a straight 300 m road in 2 minutes 30 seconds and then turns around and jogs 100 m back to point C in another 1 minute. What are Joseph's average speeds and velocities in jogging (a) from A to B and (b) from A to C?​




(a) It is given that Joseph jogs on a straight road of 300m in a time interval of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, which is equal to 150seconds. Therefore, when Joseph jogs from point A to point B, he covers a distance of 300m in time of 150seconds. Hence, his average speed is 300m/150s=2ms^−1. Since it is a straight road and he jogs in a single direction in this case, his displacement is equal to 300m. Since it is a straight road and he jogs in a single direction in this case, his displacement is equal to 300m.

Hence, his average velocity is 300m/150s=2ms^−1

(b) Then it is given that he turns back and points B and jogs on the same road but in the opposite direction for a time interval for 1 minute and covers a distance of 100m.If we consider the whole motion of Joseph, i.e. from point A to point C, then he covers a total distance of 300m+100m=400m. And he covers this total distance in a time interval of 2.5min+1min=3.5min=210s.

Therefore, his average speed for this journey is 400m210s=1.9ms−1.

For the same journey is displacement is equal to the distance between the points A and C,i.e. 300m−100m=200m.

Hence, his average velocity for this case is 200m/210s=0.95ms^−1

An imaginary star is four light years from earth. The star has a planet, upon which a large mirror has been installed. The mirror faces earth. A ten year old boy aims his telescope at the mirror. How old will the boy be when he sees his own reflection?



14 years


because the light will take four years to reach the earth. And the star is four light years away from the earth.

Hope that helps you please follow

An imaginary star is four light years from earth. The star has a planet, upon which a large mirror has been installed. The mirror faces earth. A ten year old boy aims his telescope at the mirror,then the boy would be 14 years old when he will see his own reflection.

What is a light year?

It can be defined as the distance travelled by the light in one year .it is represented in units of distance such as miles or km.

1 light year is calculated by multiplying the speed of light with the time of one year

1 light year = speed of light × one year time period

1 light year = 3×10⁸ ×(365×24×60×60)

                  =9.461× 10¹⁵ meter

As given in the problem 10 year old boy aims his telescope at the mirror which is 4 light years away then the light has to travel four years to reach the boy ,then the boy would be 14 year old when he would see his own reflection.
Learn more about light year from here

a busis moving with the initial velocity 10m/s . after 4 seconds, the velocity becomes 30m/s . find the acceleration produce by bus,......please I need help​



5 m/s²


Use the acceleration formula: [tex]a=\frac{v_f-v_i}{t}[/tex]

a = acceleration (m/s²)vf = final velocity (m/s)vi = initial velocity (m/s)t = time (s)

Based on the information given to us by the prompt, we know:

vi = 10 m/svf = 30 m/st = 4 s

Substitute these values for the variables to calculate the acceleration:


Therefore, the acceleration of the bus is 5 m/s².

mercury is commonly used in thermometer give reasons​




BECAUSE MERCURY IS USED BECAUSE IT is the only liquid available in room temperature


pls mark as a BRAINLIST

9. Which of the following is NOT a recommendation to help you succeed in this course?
Consistently and actively work in the course on a daily basis.
Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work.
Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
Contact your instructor if you have questions.



Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work.


this is the obvious answer.

please mark me brainliest


Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work

Two stones are dropped from the edge of a 60m cliff , the second stone 1.6secon after the first . How far below the top of the cliff is the second stone when the separation between the two stone is 36m?



The separation between the two stones is 36 m, when the second stone is approximately 10.9 m below the top of the cliff


The given parameters are;

The height of the cliff from which the stones are dropped, h = 60 m

The time at which the second stone is dropped = 1.6 seconds after the first

The distance below the top of the cliff when the distance between the two stones is 36 m = Required

We have;

The kinematic equation of motion that can be used is s = u·t - (1/2)·g·t²

For the first stone, we have, s₁ = u·t₁ - (1/2)·g·t₁²

For the second stone, we get; s₂ = u·t₂ - (1/2)·g·t₂²

t₁ = t₂ + 1.6

g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.81 m/s²

s = The distance below the cliff top

The initial velocity of the stones, u = 0

Let t represent the time from which the second stone is dropped at which the distance between the two stones is 36 m, we have;

s₁ = u·(t + 1.6) + (1/2)·g·(t + 1.6)²

s₂ = u·t + (1/2)·g·t²

u = 0

∴ s₁ - s₂ = 36 =  (1/2)·g·(t + 1.6)² - (1/2)·g·t²

2 × 36/(g) = (t + 1.6)² - t²  = t² + 3.2·t + 2.56 - t² = 3.2·t + 2.56

2 × 36/(9.81) = 3.2·t + 2.56

t = (2 × 36/(9.81) - 2.56)/3.2 =  ≈ 1.49 s

t ≈ 1.49 s

s₂ = (1/2)·g·t²

∴ s₂ = (1/2) × 9.81 × 1.49² ≈ 10.9

The distance below the top of the cliff of the second stone when the the separation between the two stones is 36 m, s₂ ≈ 10.9 m.

A pulley system is made of 3 pulley write its velocity ratio


Almost 3 times fast than normal pulley system

mark me

3 times fasten than normal pulley

Give reason.

b} String roller is an example of wheel and axel .Why?



string roller is called an example of wheel and axel because The thin rod which needs to be turned is called the axle and the wider object fixed to the axle, on which we apply force is called the wheel.

hence the we apply force on the roller and the string gets tight.

Ley de Charles-.
1) En un recipiente hermético se tiene 150 ml de una sustancia gaseosa, a una temperatura de 115°C, esto como resultado de una reacción. ¿Cuál sería su volumen inicial, cuando su temperatura era de 100°C?

2) Al inicio cuando la temperatura es de 200°C, se tienen 350 ml de un gas “Y”. ¿Qué volumen se obtendrá si la temperatura se incrementa a 250°C?


Tomando en cuenta la Ley de Charles y la condiciones dentro del recipiente, tenemos las siguientes conclusiones con respecto al volumen del recipiente:

1) El volumen inicial del gas es 144.203 mililitros.

2) El volumen final del gas es 386.986 mililitros.

La Ley de Charles establece que el Volumen de un gas es directamente proporcional a su Temperatura, basados en este hecho, podemos resolver los problemas en cuestión mediante la siguiente relación matematica:

[tex]\frac{V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]V_{1}[/tex] - Volumen inicial, en mililitros.

[tex]V_{2}[/tex] -  Volumen final, en mililitros.

[tex]T_{1}[/tex] - Temperatura inicial, en Kelvin.

[tex]T_{2}[/tex] - Temperatura final, en Kelvin.

1) Si sabemos que [tex]V_{2} = 150\,mL[/tex], [tex]T_{2} = 388.15\,K[/tex] and [tex]T_{1} = 373.15\,K[/tex], entonces el volumen inicial del gas es:

[tex]V_{1} = \frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}\times V_{2}[/tex]

[tex]V_{1} = \frac{373.15\,K}{388.15\,K}\times 150\,mL[/tex]

[tex]V_{1} = 144.203\,mL[/tex]

El volumen inicial del gas es 144.203 mililitros.

2) Si sabemos que [tex]T_{1} = 473.15\,K[/tex], [tex]V_{1} = 350\,mL[/tex] and [tex]T_{2} = 523.15\,K[/tex], entonces el volumen final del gas es:

[tex]V_{2} = \frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\times V_{1}[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = \frac{523.15\,K}{473.15\,K}\cdot 350\,mL[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = 386.986\,mL[/tex]

El volumen final del gas es 386.986 mililitros.

He aquí una pregunta relacionada con la Ley de Charles:

Give reason Pascal is a derived unit​



Pascal is a derived unit because it cannot be expressed in any physics terms, but it is an expression of fundamental quantities.


[tex]{ \sf{Pasacal \: ( Pa) = \frac{newtons}{metres {}^{2} } }} \\ \\ { \sf{Pasacal \: (Pa) = \frac{kg \times {ms}^{ - 2} }{ {m}^{2} } }}[/tex]

A rod is made up of copper and wood joined together.
After the rod is heated at the join in the centre for about a minute, where would the lowest temperature be?


my views


Figure (8) shows a rod made up of copper and wood joined together. The rod is heated at the joint in the centre for about a minute. At which point – A, B, C or D, would it show the lowest temperature? PLEASE GIVE REASONS ALSO(MINIMUM 2)

List two factors that compression force depends on ​


The magnitude (size or numerical value) and the direction.

Hope this helps!!! :)

how do atoms lose electrons ?


Atoms lose electrons by a process called ionic bonding. Specifically, the metal atom donates its electron to a non-metal atom and thus takes on the noble gas electron configuration of the noble gas in the period (row of the periodic table) preceding its own.



By being close to an atom that will gladly take the electrons being offered.

Suppose you are talking about Be. It is in the second column. It has two outer electrons that can be given away. It will not give away one of the two remaining electrons because they are too close to the + nucleus.

Along comes a Fluorine atom. It has 7 electrons in its outer ring. The chemistry of the situation allows it to take on one of the two electrons Be is offering. It is all a matter of charges and attractions.

Another Fluorine atom will take on the remaining electron from the Be. The outer ring cannot take on more than 1 electron, but that is enough

If we increase the surface area of a given surface without changing the force acting on it, then the pressure acting on it will ______ (increase/decrease/remain the same)





The pressure is the force per unit area. So, P=F/A

Thus the pressure P is inversely proportional to contact area A.

So when area increases , the pressure will be decreasing.

Which of the following is an exa example of a wave


Longitudinal waves

Transverse waves

Electromagnetic Waves

Water waves

Rope waves

LIght Waves

find the expression for the displacement covered in nth or in last one second​



Snth = u + a/2 ( 2n - 1)


Do you need explanation based on graph, integration or other method?

any person who opens the door he applies​



any person who opens the door he applies pulling force

A car horn creates a 595 Hz tone at rest. Two cars pass on the street, each going 20.0 m/s; the first car honks. What frequency does the other car hear before they pass each other?


Doppler frequency, the other car hear before they pass each other is 668.68 Hz.

What is frequency?

Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.

What is Doppler EFFECT?

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source.

According to the Doppler Effect, the frequency observed is

  [tex]fo=fs\frac{v+v_{o} }{v-v_{s} }[/tex]

[tex]f_{o}=595\frac{343+20 }{343-20 }\\f_{o} = 668.68 Hz[/tex]

To know more about Doppler Effect here


An observer is standing next to the tracks, watching a train approach. The train travels at 30 m/s and blows its whistle at 8,000 Hz as it approaches and then passes by the observer without slowing down. Assuming the speed of sound is 340 m/s, how much of a frequency change did the observer hear?



f0= v-Vo/v-Vs × FSA

= 340-0 /340+30 ×8000

= 340/370× 8000

= 7351.35hz

The hydro power plant transforms one form of energy into another. However, the total amount
of energy of the water stays the same until it enters the turbine.

Explain how this statement is supported by the three column charts above.

*attached is the column charts


The hydro power plant consists of a (artificial) dam that builds gravitational potential energy, P.E. from natural flowing water sources, by locating the dam along the water path. The stored potential energy, P. is converted into kinetic energy, K.E. as the water falls from the dam, down to the turbines, located at a much lower level according to the following principle of conservation of energy equation;

Total Mechanical Energy, M.E. = The potential energy of the water, P.E. + The kinetic energy of the water, K.E. = Constant

M.E. = P.E. + K.E. = Constant


P.E. = m·g·h

K.E. = (1/2)·m·v²

m = Mass

g = The acceleration due to gravity

h = The height of the dam

v = The velocity

The charts can be explained as follows;

Given that the potential energy P.E. = m·g·h, we have that the potential energy is directly proportional to the height of the dam, and therefore, at mid height, the potential energy would be half the maximum value, and we have;

At mid height, P.E. = (1/2)·[tex]\mathbf{P.E._{max}}[/tex]

At the top of the dam, the (vertical) velocity of the water = 0, therefore, the kinetic energy = 0

Therefore, at the top of the dam, we get;

M.E. = [tex]P.E._{max}[/tex] + 0 =

M.E. = [tex]\mathbf{P.E._{max}}[/tex]

Similarly, at the bottom of the dam, the height, h = 0, therefore, being proportional to the height, P.E. = 0, and the velocity is maximum, and at the bottom, we have;

M.E. = 0 + [tex]K.E._{max}[/tex]

The first chart, water is halfway down the dam

At the halfway down therefore, we have;

P.E. = (1/2)·[tex]\mathbf{P.E._{max}}[/tex]

M.E. = [tex]P.E._{max}[/tex] = (1/2)·

∴ K.E. = [tex]P.E._{max}[/tex] - (1/2)·

Therefore the first chart, water is halfway down the dam;

Halfway, K.E. = (1/2)·[tex]\mathbf{P.E._{max}}[/tex] = P.E.

K.E. = P.E.  as shown on the chart

The second chart, water has reached the turbine

Water reaches the turbine at the bottom, and as explained above, we get;

M.E. = 0 + [tex]K.E._{max}[/tex]

∴ M.E.≈ [tex]K.E._{max}[/tex]

Therefore, when water has reached the turbine at the bottom of the dam, the kinetic energy is approximately proportional to the total mechanical energy as shown in the chart

The third chart, water is at the top of the dam

Here as shown above, we have;

The total mechanical energy, M.E. ≈ [tex]\mathbf{P.E._{max}}[/tex] as shown on the chart

Learn more about potential and kinetic energy here;

A force of 150N at an angle of 60 degree to the horizontal to pull a box through a distance of 50m calculate the work done



[tex]\boxed{\sf W=Fscos\Theta}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto W=150(50)cos 60[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto W=7500\times \dfrac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto W=3750J[/tex]

a car moves at a speed of 40km/h. it is stopped by applying brake which produce a uniform acceleration of-0.5m/s^2. how much distance will it move before coming to stop ?




We first need to convert the 40 km/h to m/s. Going by the fact that 40 has only 1 significant figure in it, 40 km/h = 10 m/s. The rest of the values are in their proper labels. We will use the equation:

[tex]v^2=v_0^2+2a[/tex]Δx where the final velocity is 0 because the car is coming to a stop at the end; the initial velocity is 10 m/s, the acceleration (or, rather, deceleration) is -.5 m/s/s, and our unknown which is displacement. Filling in:

[tex]0=(10)^2+2(-.5)[/tex]Δx and solving for Δx:

Δx = [tex]\frac{-100}{2(-.5)}[/tex] which ends up being simply that

Δx = 100 m

Two representative elements are in the same period of the periodic table. Which statement correctly describes the atoms of the two elements?(1 point)

They have the same number of electrons.

They have the same number of valence electrons.

They have valence electrons in different energy levels.

They have valence electrons in the same energy level.



Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons.

When moving right across a period, the valence electrons of the main group elements increase by one.

When moving down a group, the valence electrons of the main group elements increase by one.

Elements in the same period have the same number of valence electrons.

Elements in the same period of the periodic table have valence electrons in the same energy levels.

When elements are in the same period on the periodic table, it means that they have the same number of shells.

The energy level of valence electrons in a atom depends on how far it is from the nucleus. This means that:

Valence electrons on elements in the same period will be the same distance from their nucleus They will have the same energy level as they are equally attracted to their nucleus

For instance, Boron, Carbon and Nitrogen will have valence electrons in the same energy levels.

In conclusion, elements in the same period will have valence electrons in the same energy levels.

Find out more at

define radiation explain it


Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light. This energy has an electric field and a magnetic field associated with it, and has wave-like properties. You could also call radiation “electromagnetic waves”.


Find out the name of metals which can be obtained from the following .a) argentite b)hematite c)chalcopryite d)bauxite e)calverite​



a). Silver, Ag

b). Iron, Fe

c). Copper, Cu

d). Aluminium, Al

e). Gold, Au

A greater applied force is required to move an object with a greater mass than one with a smaller mass.





The bigger an object is, the more force you must apply to move the object. Think about it like moving a mouse compared to moving an elephant. You can't move the elephant by yourself, because you don't have enough strength or force to move it. But, you can easily pick up a mouse, because it requires less force, or strength. Hope this helped :)


I don't know


sorry but I will help u next time kk

Which of the following is a vector quantity? i. Force ii. Velocity iii. Acceleration iv. All of these 5771​


All of these

Option ( iv ) is the correct answer.


A vector quantity the physical quantity that has both direction as well as magnitude.

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