Scoring Scheme: 3-3-2-1 Given the starting solution had a concentration of 1.25 M, how many moles of Co[H2O]6Cl2 were available in the amount of starting solution you used


Answer 1


The solution has 0.00994 moles of Co[H2O]6Cl2


Complete question: Given the starting solution had a concentration of 1.25 M, how many moles of Co[H2O]6Cl2 were available in the amount of starting solution you used?

mL= 7.95

Step 1: Data given

Concentration of the starting solution = 1.25 M

Starting solution = Co[H2O]6Cl2

Step 2: Calculate molar mass of Co[H2O]6Cl2

Atomic mass of Co = 58.93 g/mol

Atomic mass of H = 1.01 g/mol

Atomic mass of O = 16.00 g/mol

atomic mass of Cl = 35.45 g/mol

Molar mass of Co[H2O]6Cl2 =

1*58.93 + 12*1.01 + 6*16.00 + 2*35.45 = 237.95 g/mol

Step 3: Calculate number of moles

C = n/v

⇒with C = the Concentration of the starting solution = 1.25 M

⇒with n= the number of moles = to be determined

⇒with v = the volume = 7.95 mL = 0.00795 L

n = C * V

n = 1.25 M * 0.00795 L

n = 0.00994 moles

The solution has 0.00994 moles of Co[H2O]6Cl2

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Describe how you would prepare a supersaturated solution



A supersaturated solution contains more dissolved solute than required for preparing a saturated solution and can be prepared by heating a saturated solution, adding more solute, and then cooling it gently. Excess dissolved solute crystallizes by seeding supersaturated solution with a few crystals of the solute.


Cual es la longitud de onda de un foton emitido durante la transicion desde el stado n=5 al estado n=3 en atomo Hidrogeno? Dar como respuesta de la longitud de onda en nm (nanometros)



1302 nm


Del formulario de Rydberg para longitud de onda

1 / λ = R (1 / nf ^ 2 - 1 / ni ^ 2)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (1/3 ^ 2 - 1/5 ^ 2)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (0.11 - 0.04)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (0.07)

= 1,302 × 10 ^ -6 m

o 1302 nm

Calculate the mass percent of carbon,oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in acetamide, C2H5NO.
Molar Mass:
O=16, N=14,C=12, H =1.



40.68 % C

23.73 % N

8.47% H

27.12% O


The mass percent of an element X in a compound is calculated as the molar mass (MM) of X multiplied by the number of atoms of X in the compound, divided into the molecular weight (MW) of the compound, as follows:

mass percent of X = (MM(X) x number of atoms of X)/MW compound x 100

Thus, we first calculate the MW of acetamide (C₂H₅NO) by using the molar mass of the chemical elements C, H, N and O:

MW(C₂H₅NO) = (12 g/mol C x 2) + (1 g/mol H x 5) + 14 g/mol N + 16 g/mol O = 59 g/mol

Now, we can calculate the mass percent of each element (C, H, N, O) in C₂H₅NO:

Mass percent of C (2 atoms of C in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

          % mass C = (12 g/mol x 2)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 40.68 %

Mass percent of N (1 atom of N in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass N = (14 g/mol x 1)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 23.73 %

Mass percent of H (5 atoms of H in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass H = (1 g/mol x 5)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 8.47 %

Mass percent of O (1 atom of O in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass O = (16 g/mol x 1)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 27.12 %

The sum of the mass percents has to be equal to 100%:

40.68 % C + 23.73 % N + 8.47% H + 27.12% O = 100%

Name the following compound NiBr2?



the Name of NiBr2 is

Nickel(II) bromide

Nickel(II) bromide | NiBr2 - PubChem.
Synonyms: Nickel(II) bromideNickel dibromideDibromonickelNickelous bromideNickel ...
Molecular Formula: NiBr2 or Br2Ni
PubChem CID: 278492

Why boiling point is less at hilly station?


The atmospheric pressure at high altitudes like hill station is less than at the sea level. Thus, vapour pressure will equal atmospheric pressure at a comparatively low temperature. Thus, the boiling point of water is reduced less than at sea level.

Hope it helps. Pls mark me as brainliest :D

Identifica las formas de energía mecánica
(cinética y potencial) que tienen lugar en diferentes puntos del movimiento en
un sistema mecánico (caída libre, montaña rusa, péndulo).


2 Tipos de Energía Mecánica

2.1 1. Energía hidráulica

2.2 2. Energía eólica

2.3 3. Energía Mareomotriz

3 Ejemplos de Energía Mecánica

3.1 1. Planta hidroeléctrica

3.2 2. Máquinas de Vapor

3.3  3. Motor de Combustión interna

3.4 4. Molinos de Viento

3.5  5. Un Juego de Billar

3.6  6. Motor eléctrico

3.7  7. Locomotora

3.8  8. Bala

3.9 9. Una pistola de Dardos

3.10 10. Pelota sobre una mesa

Which of the following are properties of metalloids?
A. Semi-conductors
B. All of these
C. React like metals sometimes
D. React like non-metals sometimes



all of these are properties of metalloids


The answer is B. All of these


Can you mark me the brainliest?

An unknown compound has the following chemical formula: NxO
where x stands for a whole number.
Measurements also show that a certain sample of the unknown compound contains 5.2 mol of nitrogen and 2.65 mol of oxygen
Write the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound.


Taking into account the definition of empirical formula, the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound is N₂O.

The empirical formula of a chemical compound shows the ratio between the atoms of the compound. That is, it indicates which elements are present and the minimum ratio in whole numbers between their atoms. The empirical formula is the simplest chemical formula for a chemical compound, which is why it is also called the minimum formula.

The empirical formula must be expressed using integer relationships, then to obtain this formula, divide the numbers of moles by the smallest result of them. In this case:

Nitrogen: [tex]\frac{5.2 moles}{2.65 moles}[/tex]= 1.96 moles ≅ 2 moles

Oxygen [tex]\frac{2.65 moles}{2.65 moles}[/tex]= 1 mole

Being the chemical formula of hte compound NxO, where x stands for a whole number, this indicates that the elements N and O are in the compound in a whole number ratio of x: 1.  Then, as in the empirical formula, the numbers of moles must be expressed in whole numbers, as previously calculated, the value of x must be 2.

In summary, the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound is N₂O.

Learn more about empirical formula and its difference with molecular formula:

Which statement describes the "Law of Conservation of Mass" for the following reaction?
4 Fe + 302 -
2 Fe₂O₃
Select one:
grams of Fe + grams of Fe2O3 = grams of O2
O b. grams of O2 + grams of Fe2O3 = grams of Fe
O c. grams of Fe +grams of O2 = grams of Fe203
O d. None of these.
Name this ionic compound.





2. Sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) reacts with excess oxygen gas (O2) and excess liquid water (H2O) to form liquid sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In the laboratory, a chemist carries out this reaction with 67.2 L of sulfur dioxide and gets 250 g of sulfuric acid.
• Write a balanced equation for the reaction.
• Calculate the theoretical yield of sulfuric acid.
• Calculate the percent yield of the reaction.
(One mole of any gas occupies 22.4 L under certain conditions of temperature and pressure. Assume those conditions for this question.)



See explanation


The balanced equation for the formation of sulphuric acid is;

2SO2 + O2 + 2H2O → 2H2SO4

If 1 mole of SO2 occupies 22.4 L

x moles occupy 67.2 L

x = 1 × 67.2/22.4

x= 3 moles

From the reaction equation;

2 moles of SO2 yields 2 moles of H2SO4

Hence 3 moles of SO2 also yields 3 moles of H2SO4

Theoretical yield of H2SO4 = 3 moles × 98 g/mol = 294 g

Percent yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100

Percent yield = 250g/294g × 100

Percent yield = 85%

The intermediate product formed during the production of urea is,



Arginine is intermediate product formed during the production of urea

The key combination is ornithine, on which the urea molecule is 'created'; intermediates in the procedure contain citrulline and arginine.

What is the Production of Urea?

The urea cycle is a procedure of conversion of toxic ammonia to negligibly toxic urea. Consequences of the urea cycle are 1 molecule of urea, 2 molecules of ADP, and 1 molecule of both AMP and fumaric acid.

When Ammonia and carbon dioxide recovery During urea decomposition a mixture of gaseous carbon dioxide and also ammonia is accumulated and also immersed into a dilute aqueous urea resolution.

Find more information about Production of Urea here:

a water tank is filled with water up to 3.5 m height caluclate the pressure given by the tanks at its bottom




Luch bresder sksksjskdnsldkspdm

Which of the following processes does NOT facilitate containment?



b is the answr


The correct answer is Option (B) Enrichment of Uranium-235 is done.

What is Containment? Containment is the process of preventing pollution or contamination of the immediate site environment by dust, chemicals, and other materials to prevent corrosion.

What is Corrosion?Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more chemically stable oxide.The degree of containment  is directly proportional to the degree of toxicity present in the corrosion preventive substance being applied.

Why other options are incorrect?Option (A) , (C) , (D) are the options that facilitate containment because these are the processes for preventing contamination.

Hence Option (B) is correct because enrichment of uranium-235 is achieved by the process of conversion So , It does not facilitate containment

Learn more about containment below


It's said that not all electrons in an atom have the same amount of energy. Is it the same for protons? Because if it's not then how come they have the same atomic number at the end?



When an atom has an equal number of electrons and protons, it has an equal number of negative electric charges (the electrons) and positive electric charges (the protons). The total electric charge of the atom is therefore zero and the atom is said to be neutral.

I HOPE THIS HELPS !!!!!!!!!!!

For the reaction 2A + 4B ----> 2C + 2D, at a particular instant in time, the rate of the reaction is 0.0352 M/s. What is the rate of change of B? Show Work!

A. 0.0088 M/s
B. -0.0088 M/s
C. -0.141 M/s
D. -0.0352 M/s
E. 0.141 M/s



The given chemical equation is:

[tex]2A + 4B -> 2C + 2D[/tex]

The rate of the reaction is 0.0352 M/s.

During the course of the reaction, the rate of reactants decreases, and the rate of products increases.

The rate of disappearance of B is shown below:

[tex]rate=-\frac{1}{4} \frac{d[B]}{dt}[/tex]

So, rate of change of B is :

[tex]rate of change of B =- rate * 4\\=-0.0352 M/s * 4\\=-0.1408M/s\\\\=-0.141M/s[/tex]

Option C.

In the given reaction, rate of change of reactant B is equal to -0.141 M/s.

What is the rate of reaction?

Rate of any chemical reaction defines the speed of the completion of that reaction.

In the question given reaction is:

2A + 4B ----> 2C + 2D

Rate of reaction = 0.0352 M/s.

Rate of the reaction with respect to the reactant B is written as:

Rate = [tex]${\rm{ - }}\frac{{\rm{1}}}{{\rm{4}}}\frac{{\left[ {{\rm{dB}}} \right]}}{{{\rm{dT}}}}$[/tex], where negative sign shows the disappearance of reactant B.

Rate of change of B i.e. [tex]$\frac{{{\rm{dB}}}}{{{\rm{dT}}}}$[/tex] =  4 × (-rate)

[tex]$\frac{{{\rm{dB}}}}{{{\rm{dT}}}}$[/tex] =  4 × (-0.0352) = -0.1408 = -0.141 M/s

Hence, -0.141 M/s is the rate of change of B.

To learn more about Rate of reaction, visit below link:

A process which is unfavorable with respect to enthalpy, but favorable with respect to entropy Group of answer choices could occur at high temperatures, but not at lower temperatures. could not occur regardless of temperature. could occur at any temperature. could occur at low temperatures, but not at higher temperatures. none of the above



could occur at any temperature.


The spontaneity of a reaction is what determines whether the reaction will occur or not. A spontaneous reaction occurs easily.

The spontaneity of a reaction is predicted by the sign of ∆G.

When ∆G is positive, the reaction is not spontaneous. When ∆G is negative, the reaction is spontaneous.

Note that;

∆G= ∆H - T∆S


∆H = Change in enthalpy

∆S = Change in entropy

T= temperature

If ∆H is unfavourable and ∆S is favourable, the reaction can proceed at all temperatures because ∆G will always be negative.

It should be noted that a process that is unfavorable as regards to enthalpy, but favorable with respect to entropy could occur at any temperature.

Enthalpy(∆H) serves as amount of internal energy that a compound has, entropy( ∆S)  on the other hand serves as intrinsic disorder within the system.

However, spontaneity of a reaction determines likely hood of occurrence of a reaction, when the process is spontaneous, it makes the reaction to occurs easily.

We can conclude that whenever enthalpy is unfavourable and entropy of a system is favourable, then the spontaneity will be negative and the reaction will occur at any temperature.

Learn more about entropy and enthalpy on;

use the the dot strict on the right to and the periodic table to determine the element represented.
sodium (Na)
potassium (K)
neon (Ne)
argon (Ar)





because it is the nineteenth element


The answer is B. Potassium.

Explanation: Potassium has 19 electrons that are organized like the image if you count the electrons on each obital. This answer is correct on edge 2020. Hope this helps!

A liquid that occupies a volume of 8.2L has a mass of 5.6kg. What is the density of the liquid in kg/L





This is because the formula for finding density is mass/volume. Therefore the equation becomes 5.6/8.2 giving you 0.68

Brainliest if answered correctly
How many Calcium (CA) atoms are in carbon tetrachloride​



What atoms are present in carbon tetrachloride?

There is 1 carbon, and 4 chlorine atoms (or chloride ions if you want to get technical). Tetra means 4 in Greek.

hope that helps❤


there are no calcium atoms of n carbon tetrachloride

Which condition will probably not increase
the rate of reaction?
a. Adding water to dilute the reaction
b. Increasing the temperature
c. Adding a catalyst
d. Removing an oxide coating on a



i think A.


bc B. makes the molecules hight temp = move faster = more collisions = higher rate, C. it's use is to make reactions rates increase, D. somthung abt more surface area and easier collisions

Match each lab incident to the item of PPE that will protect you from it. Each item of PPE will only be used once.
While picking up a buret, an unknown solution left by a previous solution drips onto your hand._______________
While pulling an empty beaker off the shelf at the beginning of lab, it slips out of your hand onto the floor _______
While checking on a stirring solution, the solution splashes up towards your face. _______
While transferring a solution from a flask to a beaker, the solution accidentally spills down the front of the lab bench, __________
A. Gloves
B. Lab coat
C. Goggles
D. Closed-toe shoes


While picking up a buret, an unknown solution left by a previous solution drips onto your hand - Gloves

While pulling an empty beaker off the shelf at the beginning of lab, it slips out of your hand onto the floor - Closed-toe shoes

While checking on a stirring solution, the solution splashes up towards your face - Goggles

While transferring a solution from a flask to a beaker, the solution accidentally spills down the front of the lab bench - Lab coat


The full form of PPE is 'Personal Protective Equipment'.The PPE items we use in labs are : Lab coat: Protection of clothing and skin from accidental spilling of hot liquid or toxic substances. Gloves: Protection from hands from  chemicals, hot objects, sharp tools, or electricityGoggles: Protection of the eye from any chemicals, toxic vapor, chemical debrisFace shield:  Protection of the face from any chemicals, toxic vapor, chemical debrisClosed-toe shoes: Protection from feet from  chemicals, hot objects, sharp tools, or electricity

So, according to the question. the matches will be:

While picking up a buret, an unknown solution left by a previous solution drips onto your hand - Gloves

While pulling an empty beaker off the shelf at the beginning of lab, it slips out of your hand onto the floor - Closed-toe shoes

While checking on a stirring solution, the solution splashes up towards your face - Goggles

While transferring a solution from a flask to a beaker, the solution accidentally spills down the front of the lab bench - Lab coat

Learn more about PPE here:

2. Nitric oxide contains 46.66% nitrogen and 53.34% oxygen. Water contains 11.21% hydrogen and 88.79% oxygen. Ammonia contains 17.78% hydroger and 82.22% nitrogen. Use these data to verify the law of reciprocal proportions. ​



The law of reciprocal proportions states that if two elements react individually with a given weight of a third element, the ratio of the masses with which they combine with the third element are either the same or a simple multiple of the ratio of the masses with which they combine with each other

The compounds formed includes;

1) Nitric oxide, NO

Nitrogen = 46.66% × 30.01 = 14

Oxygen = 53.34% × 30.01 = 16

2) Water, H₂O

Hydrogen = 11.21% × 18.01528 = 2

Oxygen = 88.79% × 18.01528 ≈ 16

3) Ammonia, NH₃

Hydrogen = 17.78% × 17.031 ≈ 3

Nitrogen = 82.22% × 17.031 ≈ 14

The ratio of nitrogen to oxygen in nitric oxide = 14:16 = 7:8

The ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen in ammonia = 14:3

The ratio in which hydrogen and oxygen combine with nitrogen = 3/16

The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen combine with each other in water = 2/16

Therefore, the ratio with which hydrogen and oxygen combine with nitrogen, is (2/3) times the ratio with which they combine with each other, which verifies the law of reciprocal proportions


Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correct words from the words given in list.
List : composition, heat, chemical, photosynthesis, physical
1. Heating of zinc oxide is a
2. Burning of coal is a
3. There is a change in state and
during a chemical change.
4. Plants make their food by the process of
energy is generally given out or absorbed during a chemical change​



1.Physical change

2. Chemical change

3. Heat


5. composition

Consider the reaction. 2HF(g)—H2(g)+F2(g). What is the value of Keq for the reaction expressed in scientific notation



A). 2.1 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]


Given reaction,

2[tex]HF[/tex] (g) ⇄ [tex]H_{2}[/tex] (g) + [tex]F_{2}[/tex] (g)

The concentrations are as following;

[tex]HF[/tex] = 5.82 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex] M

[tex]H_{2}[/tex] = 8.4 × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] M

[tex]F_{2}[/tex] = 8.4 × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] M


[tex]K_{eq}[/tex] = [([tex]H_{2}[/tex] ) × ([tex]F_{2}[/tex])] ÷ [[tex]HF[/tex]]^2


We can determine the value of [tex]K_{eq}[/tex] by substituting the values in above formula:

[tex]K_{eq}[/tex] = [ (8.4 × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] M) × (8.4 × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] M)] ÷ [(5.82 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex])^2

= 2.08 * [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]

=  2.1 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]

[tex]K_{eq}[/tex] = 2.1 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]

Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Using dobereiner's triads, what conclusion could have been made about magnesium



Triads were groups of 3 elements with similar chemical and physical properties. Beryllium, magnesium, and calcium are all earth alkalis found in the earth


Given: CNO2

a) Draw the Lewis structures (Do not forget to show the calculation of the number of available valance electrons)

b) Name the geometry shape

c) Indicate the polarity (polar or non-polar)



since there are no lone pairs on the central atom, this would be a trigonal planar molecule. It's polar because the shape of it does not cancel its polarity (you can think of it as not having a balanced electronegativity pull, since the nitrogen is pulling on one side, and the oxygens are pulling on the other. It would be nonpolar if the there were 3 Oxygens).

Sorry this take a little bit long. I was a little confused by the odd valence number

Name five metal which are both dilute and memorable? class 10​


Iron, magnesium, zinc, aluminum. I don’t know of any others

Analysis of an ore of calcium shows that it contains 13.61 g calcium and 21.77 g oxygen in a 46.28-g sample. Calculate the percent composition of this compound.



29.41% of Calcium and 47.04% of Oxygen


The percent composition of an atom in a molecule is defined as 100 times the ratio between the mass of the atom and the mass of the molecule.

The mass of the molecule of the problem (Ore) is 46.28g. That means the percent composition of Calcium is:

13.61g / 46.28g * 100 = 29.41% of Calcium

And percent composition of Oxygen is:

21.77g / 46.28g * 100 = 47.04% of Oxygen

how do i calculate the concentration of a certain solution​



Divide the mass of the solute by the total volume of the solution. Write out the equation C = m/V, where m is the mass of the solute and V is the total volume of the solution. Plug in the values you found for the mass and volume, and divide them to find the concentration of your solution.

Which is the formula mass of (NH4)2SO4?
96.07 amu
114.12 amu
116.17 amu
132.17 amu





(14.01+1.01 multiplied by 4)=18.05×2=36.1

36.1+32.07= 68.17




132.17 amu


just took the test. got 100

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