Flag question
Consider the pressure and force acting on the
dam retaining a reservoir of water. Suppose the
dam is 500-m wide
and the water is 80.0-m
deep at the dam, as illustrated below. What is
the average pressure on the dam due to the


Answer 1


P = density (p) * g * h

P = 1000  kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 40 m = 392,000 N/m^2

since kg m / s^2 = Newtons

The average pressure is 1/2 (pressure at 0m +  pressure 80 m) for liquid of uniform density

Related Questions

List what sources of uncertainty go into calculating the wavelength of the laser (no explanation necessary here). (b) Accurately report the uncertainties for these quantities. (c) Explain which of these contributes the most to the final uncertainty on the laser wavelength



thanks for da 5points hoi

Explanation: thanks dawg

There can be uncertainty in calculating the wavelength of a laser light  due to experimental errors

All measurements have an uncertainty, in the case of direct measurements the uncertainty is equal to the precision of the given instrument.

What are uncertainity in measuring ?

Uncertainty  means the range of possible values within which the true value of the measurement lies.

What are errors?

The deviation  in the value of the measured quantity from the actual quantity or true value is called an error

(a) For the calculation of wavelength of laser light , the sources which can lead to uncertainty are

1. least count of measuring instruments like spectrometer or interferometer

2. Parallax error in the measurement

3. Error in identifying the order of fringes

4.. unable to identify the accurate  reading of Vernier or circular scales present in the measuring instruments.

5. Propagating errors

What is least count?

The least count of a measuring instrument is the smallest and accurate value in the measured quantity that can be measured by instrument.

What is propagating error?

When you have derived variables, that is, when measurements are made with different instruments, each with a different uncertainty, the way to find the uncertainty or error is that  all the errors add up. which increases the uncertainty

b. The uncertainty in measurement due to  least count depends on the instrument used for measurement f wavelength. A  Michelson's

interferometer has the least count of .0001mm. whereas spectrometer has a least count of 0.5⁰. Hence uncertainty in the measurement by Michelson's interferometer is very less as compared to any other instrument.

C. The maximum uncertainty arises due to the least count , as all other errors can be minimized by taking an average value of many observations but the least count of an instrument do not change so uncertainty within the least count arises.

To know more on errors and uncertainty in measurements here



An ink-jet printer steers charged ink drops vertically. Each drop of ink has a mass of 10-11 kg, and a charge due to 500,000 extra electrons. It goes through two electrodes that gives a vertical acceleration of 104 m/s2. The deflecting electric field is _____ MV/m.



  E = 1.25 MV / m


For this exercise let's use Newton's second law

          F = m a

where the force is electric

          F = q E

we substitute

          q E = m a

          E = m a / q

indicate there are 500,000 excess electrons

          q = 500000 e

          q = 500000 1.6 10⁻¹⁹

          q = 8 10⁻¹⁴ C

the mass is m = 10⁻¹¹ kg and the acceleration a = 10⁴ m / s²


let's calculate

          E = 10⁻¹¹ 10⁴ / 8 10⁻¹⁴

          E = 0.125 10⁷ V / m = 1.25 10⁶ V / m

          E = 1.25 MV / m




1.931 kilometres is the answer of 1.2 miles

Answer and Explanation:

1 mile = 1.609 km

Set up a fraction to cancel the miles to get the kilometers.

[tex]\frac{1.2mi}{?km} *\frac{1.609}{1mi} = 1.9308km[/tex] <- This is the answer.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Rays of light coming from the sun (a very distant object) are near and parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror. After reflecting from the mirror, where will the rays cross each other at a single point?
The rays __________
a. will not cross each other after reflecting from a concave mirror.
b. will cross at the center of curvature.
c. will cross at the point where the principal axis intersects the mirror.
d. will cross at the focal point. will cross at a point beyond the center of curvature.


A concave mirror is an example of curved mirrors. So that the appropriate answer to the given question is option D. The rays will cross at the focal point.

A concave mirror is a type of mirror in which its inner part is the reflecting surface, while its outer part is the back of the mirror.  This mirror reflects all parallel rays close to the principal axis to a point of convergence. It can also be referred to as the converging mirror.

In this type of mirror, all rays of light parallel to the principal axis of the mirror after reflection will cross at the focal point.

Therefore, the required answer to the given question is option D. i.e The rays will cross at the focal point.

For reference: https://brainly.com/question/20380620

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between your body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet. When you touch a metal doorknob, you get a mild shock. Yet contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. Why is there a difference?



In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary


When we rub the shoes against the carpet, static electricity is produced, when you touch the metal knob you close the circuit and the current can circulate to three of the body, the value of this current is of the order of micro volts, for which a small discharge, the power that circulates through the body is very small of the order of 0.005 A

When you touch the power line, the voltage may be small, but the amount of current that can generate them is of the order of tens of amps, the electric shock is much greater per location.

In general there is a rule that if the body resumes more than P = 4000W the discharge could be fatal.

In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary, the difference is that the current at the stop , so the paper that passes through the body is large and can be dangerous.

In contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

What is charging by friction?

When the two materials are rubbed each other, then the electric charged generated between them.

This charging of materials, due to the rubbing of two materials against each other, is called the charging by friction.

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between the body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet.

In this case, the potential difference may be higher, but the value of current is very low. Thus, when the body touches a metal doorknob, it will get a mild shock.

Now, in another case, the contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. This is because in the power line the amount of current is much higher.

Hence, in contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

Learn more about the charging by friction here;


A parallel-plate capacitor consists of two plates, each with an area of 29 cm2cm2 separated by 3.0 mmmm. The charge on the capacitor is 7.8 nCnC . A proton is released from rest next to the positive plate. Part A How long does it take for the proton to reach the negative plate



   t = 2.09 10⁻³ s


We must solve this problem in parts, first we look for the acceleration of the electron and then the time to travel the distance

let's start with Newton's second law

        ∑ F = m a

the force is electric

        F = q E


we substitute

        q E = m a

        a = [tex]\frac{q}{m} \ E[/tex]

        a = [tex]\frac{1.6 \ 10^{-19}}{ 9.1 \ 10^{-31} } \ 7.8 \ 10^{-9}[/tex]

        a = 1.37 10³ m / s²

now we can use kinematics

        x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

indicate that rest starts v₀ = 0

        x = 0 + ½ a t²

        t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2x}{a} }[/tex]

        t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac {2 \ 3 \ 10^{-3}}{ 1.37 \ 10^3} }[/tex]

        t = 2.09 10⁻³ s

SI units are used for the scientific works,why?​



SI is used in most places around the world, so our use of it allows scientists from disparate regions to use a single standard in communicating scientific data without vocabulary confusion

A cylinder is given a push and then rolls up an inclined plane. If the origin is the starting point, sketch the position, velocity, and acceleration of the cylinder vs. time as it goes up and then down the plane.


It will take a shorter amount of time for the cylinder to go down the plane down off the plane Because more pressure is applied one going up then going down there’s no pressure at all it’s the gravity is helping

For example, we can take Water
In (A) Water has same mass and great volume
In (B) Water has same mass and lower volume
Will there be any change in its density then?



yes there will be change in its density

If a proton and electron both move through the same displacement in an electric field, is the change in potential energy associated with the proton equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the change in potential energy associated with the electron?

a. The magnitude of the change is smaller for the proton.
b. The magnitude of the change is larger for the proton.
c. The signs Of the two changes in potential energy are opposite.
d. They are equal in magnitude.
e. The signs of the two changes in potential energy are the same.


Answer: They are equal in magnitude.

- The signs of the two changes in potential energy are opposite


When the proton and electron both move through the same displacement in an electric field, the change in potential energy that is associated with the proton is equal in magnitude.

Also, it should be noted that the signs of the two changes in potential energy are opposite.

a volcano that may erupt again at some time in the distant future is


The answer is a dormant volcano

Assume that a friend hands you a 10-newton box to hold for her. If you hold the box without moving it at a height of 10 meters above the ground, how much work do you do



100 Joules



W = mgh................... Equation 1

Where W = workdone to hold the box above the ground, mg = weight of the box, h = height of the box.

From the question,

Given: mg = 10 newtons, h = 10 meters.

Substitute these values into equation 1

W = 10×10

W = 100 Joules.

Hence the amount of workdone is 100 Joules

One charge is fixed q1 = 5 µC at the origin in a coordinate system, a second charge q2 = -3.2 µC the other is at a distance of x = 90 m from the origin.

What is the potential energy of this pair of charges?





A proton traveling at 17.6° with respect to the direction of a magnetic field of strength 3.28 mT experiences a magnetic force of 9.14 × 10-17 N. Calculate (a) the proton's speed and (b) its kinetic energy in electron-volts.



a) The proton's speed is 5.75x10⁵ m/s.

b) The kinetic energy of the proton is 1723 eV.  


a) The proton's speed can be calculated with the Lorentz force equation:

[tex] F = qv \times B = qvBsin(\theta) [/tex]     (1)          


F: is the force = 9.14x10⁻¹⁷ N

q: is the charge of the particle (proton) = 1.602x10⁻¹⁹ C

v: is the proton's speed =?

B: is the magnetic field = 3.28 mT

θ: is the angle between the proton's speed and the magnetic field = 17.6°

By solving equation (1) for v we have:

[tex]v = \frac{F}{qBsin(\theta)} = \frac{9.14 \cdot 10^{-17} N}{1.602\cdot 10^{-19} C*3.28 \cdot 10^{-3} T*sin(17.6)} = 5.75 \cdot 10^{5} m/s[/tex]

Hence, the proton's speed is 5.75x10⁵ m/s.

b) Its kinetic energy (K) is given by:

[tex] K = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} [/tex]


m: is the mass of the proton = 1.67x10⁻²⁷ kg

[tex] K = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} = \frac{1}{2}1.67 \cdot 10^{-27} kg*(5.75 \cdot 10^{5} m/s)^{2} = 2.76 \cdot 10^{-16} J*\frac{1 eV}{1.602 \cdot 10^{-19} J} = 1723 eV [/tex]  

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the proton is 1723 eV.

I hope it helps you!        

What is science?Give two examples of living beings?



the study of the past


dogs and cats

Consider a 200-ft-high, 1200-ft-wide dam filled to capacity. Determine (a) the hydrostatic force on the dam and (b) the force per unit area of the dam near the top and near the bottom. Note: we will see that the resultant hydrostatic force will be



a)  [tex]F_g=1.5*10^9Ibf[/tex]

b)  [tex]F_t=12490Ibf/ft^2[/tex]



From the question we are told that:

Height [tex]h=200ft[/tex]

Width [tex]w=1200ft[/tex]


Generally the equation for Dam's Hydro static force is mathematically given by



[tex]\rho=Density\ of\ water[/tex]






Generally the equation for Dam's Force per unit area is mathematically given by


For Top




For bottom

[tex]Here \\H=0 zero[/tex]



The hydrostatic force on the dam is [tex]2.995 \times 10^9 \ lbF[/tex].

The force per unit area near the top is 86.74 psi.

The force per unit area near the bottom is zero.

Hydrostatic force

The hydrostatic force on the dam is the force exerted on the dam by the column of the water.

[tex]F = PA\\\\F = (\rho gh) \times (wh)\\\\F = (62.4 \times 32.17 \times 200) \times (1200 \times 200)\\\\F = 9.636 \times 10^{10} \ lb-ft/s^2\\\\1 \ lbF = 32.17\ lb-ft/s^2\\\\F = 2.995 \times 10^9 \ lbF[/tex]

Force per unit area near the top

The force per unit area is the pressure exerted near the top of the dam.

[tex]P = \rho gh\\\\P = 0.052 \times \rho h[/tex]


P is pressure in PSI

ρ is density of water in lb/gal

h is the vertical height in ft

[tex]P = 0.052 \times 8.34 \times 200\\\\P = 86.74 \ Psi[/tex]

The pressure near the bottom is zero, become the vertical height is zero.

Learn more about hydrostatic pressure here: https://brainly.com/question/11681616

The cart travels the track again and now experiences a constant tangential acceleration from point A to point C. The speeds of the cart are 11.0 ft/s at point A and 18.0 ft/s at point C. The cart takes 5.00 s to go from point A to point C, and the cart takes 1.30 s to go from point B to point C. What is the cart's speed at point B



The speed at B is 16.18 ft/s .


Speed at A, u = 11 ft/s

Speed at C, v' = 18 ft/s

Time from A to C = 5 s

Time from B to C = 1.3 s

Let the speed of car at B is v.

Let the acceleration is a.

From A to B

Use first equation of motion

v = u + a t

18 = 11 + a x 5

a = 1.4 ft/s^2

Let the time from A to B is t' .

t' = 5 - 1.3 = 3.7 s

Use first equation of motion from A to B

v = 11 + 1.4 x 3.7 = 16.18 ft/s  

In the diagram, the crest of the wave is show by:





The crest of a wave refers to the highest point of a wave. This is illustrated by D.

Derive the dimension of coefficient of linear expansivity



The SI unit of coefficient of linear expansion can be expressed as °C-1 or °K-1. ... The dimension of coefficient of linear expansion will be M0L0T0K−1.

Q1. A metal rod is of length 64.576 cm at a temperature 90°C whereas the same metal rod has a length of 64.522 cm at a temperature 12°C. Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion.

A large metal sphere has three times the diameter of a smaller sphere and carries three times the charge. Both spheres are isolated, so their surface charge densities are uniform. Compare (a) the potentials (relative to infinity) and (b) the electric field strengths at their surfaces.



A. Equals to that of the smaller sphere

B. 3 times less than that of the smaller sphere


(a) Equals to that of the smaller sphere

The potential of an isolated metal sphere, with charge Q and radius R, is kQ=R, so a sphere with charge 3Q and radius 3R has the same potential

b) 3 times less than that of the smaller sphere

However, the electric field at the surface of the smaller sphere is ?=? 0 = kQ=R2 , so tripling Q and R reduces the surface field by a factor of 1/3

Electron A is fired horizontally with speed 1.00 Mm/s into a region where a vertical magnetic field exists. Electron B is fired along the same path with speed 2.00 Mm/s. (i) Which electron has a larger magnetic force exerted on it


B will have the greater force

Fc=MV2 /R=Fm

The A particle has less centipetal force and larger radius so larger curve

Two long straight wires are suspended vertically. The wires are connected in series, and a current from a battery is maintained in them. What happens to the wires? What happens if the battery is replaced by an a-c source?



(i) When a battery is connected inseries to two long parallel wires, the currents in the two wires will be in opposite directions. Due to which a force of repulsion will be acting between them and they are moving further apart.

(ii) When a battery is connected in parallel to two long parallel wires, the currents in the two wires will be in same direction. Due to it, a force of attraction will be acting between them and they are coming closer to each other.

hope it's help you ....!!!!!

plz mark as brain list and follow me #rishu...!!!!


Hope it will helps you lot!

g Light that is incident upon the eye is refracted several times before it reaches the retina. As light passes through the eye, at which boundary does most of the overall refraction occur?




:giác mạc

Two circular coils are concentric and lie in the same plane.The inner coil contains 120 turns of wire, has a radius of 0.012m,and carries a current of 6.0A. The outer coil contains 150turns and has a radius of 0.017 m. What must be the magnitudeand direction (relative to the current in the inner coil) ofthe current in the outer coil, such that the net magnetic field atthe common center of the two coils is zero?





From the question we are told that:

Turns of inner coil [tex]N_1=120[/tex]

Radius of inner coil [tex]r_1=0.012m[/tex]

Current of  inner coil [tex]I_1=6.0A[/tex]

Turns of Outer coil [tex]N_2=150[/tex]

Radius of Outer coil [tex]r_2=0.017m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Magnetic Field is mathematically given by

[tex]B =\frac{ \mu N I}{2R}[/tex]


Condition for the net Magnetic field to be zero

[tex]\frac{N_1* I_1}{( 2 * r_1 )}=\frac{N_2 * I_2}{2 * r_2}[/tex]

[tex]I_2=\frac{(N_1* I_1)*(( 2 * r_2)}{( 2 * r_1)*N_2}[/tex]

[tex]I_2=\frac{(120*6.0)*(( 2 * 0.017)}{( 2 * 0.012)*150}[/tex]


elastic wire extend by 1.ocm when a load on 20g range from It, what additional load will it be required Cause the futher extension of 2.0cm​





20g range > 1.0cm


40g range > 2.0cm

Light of a given wavelength is used to illuminate the surface of a metal, however, no photoelectrons are emitted. In order to cause electrons to be ejected from the surface of this metal you should: ___________

a. use light of the same wavelength but increase its intensity.
b. use light of a shorter wavelength.
c. use light of the same wavelength but decrease its intensity.
d. use light of a longer wavelength.



use light of the same wavelength but decrease it's intensity

A race car goes from a complete stop at the start line to 150 miles per hour in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration? Show your work.




150/5  = 30

30mph per 1 second

krichoffs law of current questions​




       Kirchhoff's Current Law, often shortened to KCL, states that “The algebraic sum of all currents entering and exiting a node must equal zero.

           #I AM ILLITERATE

Do you believe in ghost​



well its about our thinking but i do believe in ghost a little

potential diffetence​






V= 2* 3

V= 6 volts

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