find the differential equation of this function and indicate the order y = e^3x (acos3x +bsin3x)​


Answer 1



Second order

Step-by-step explanation:

Since there are 2 constants, the order of the differential equation will be 2. This means we will need to differentiate twice.

y = e^(3x) (acos3x +bsin3x)​

y'=3e^(3x) (acos3x+bsin3x)

+e^(3x) (-3asin3x+3bcos3x)

Simplifying a bit by reordering and regrouping:

y'=e^(3x) cos3x (3a+3b)+e^(3x) sin3x (3b-3a)


3e^(3x) cos3x (3a+3b)+-3e^(3x) sin(3x) (3a+3b)

+3e^(3x) sin3x (3b-3a)+3e^(3x) cos(3x) (3b-3a)

Simplifying a bit by reordering and regrouping:


e^(3x) cos3x (9a+9b+9b-9a)

+e^(3x) sin3x (-9a-9b+9b-9a)

Combining like terms:


e^(3x) cos3x (18b)

+e^(3x) sin3x (-18a)

Let's reorder y like we did y' and y".

y = e^(3x) (acos3x +bsin3x)

y=e^(3x) cos3x (a) + e^(3x) sin3x (b)

Objective is to find a way to combine or combine constant multiples of y, y', and y" so that a and b are not appearing.

Let's start with the highest order derivative and work down


e^(3x) cos3x (18b)

+e^(3x) sin3x (-18a)

We need to get rid of the 18b and 18a.

This is what we had for y':

y'=e^(3x) cos3x (3a+3b)+e^(3x) sin3x (3b-3a)

Multiplying this by -6 would get rid of the 18b and 18a in y" if we add them.

So we have y"-6y'=

e^(3x) cos3x (-18a)+e^(3x) sin3x (-18b)

Now multiplying

y=e^(3x) cos3x (a) + e^(3x) sin3x (b)

by 18 and then adding that result to the y"-6y' will eliminate the -18a and -18b


Also the characteristic equation is:


This can be solved with completing square or quadratic formula.

I will do completing the square:


Subtract 9 on both sides:


Factor left side:


Take square root of both sides:

r-3=-3i or r-3=3i

Add 3 on both sides for each:

r=3-3i or r=3+3i

This confirms our solution.

Another way to think about the problem:

Any differential equation whose solution winds up in the form y=e^(px) (acos(qx)+bsin(qx)) will be second order and you can go to trying to figure out the quadratic to solve that leads to solution r=p +/- qi

Note: +/- means plus or minus

So we would be looking for a quadratic equation whose solution was r=3 ×/- 3i

Subtracting 3 on both sides gives:

r-3= +/- 3i

Squaring both sides gives:


Applying the exponent on the binomial gives:


Adding 9 on both sides gives:


Related Questions

Find the length of AB



C. 44.98

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

We are given the right triangle ABC, m<B=12°, and CB =44

We want to find the length of AB

We can use trigonometry to do it

Let's find the ratio in reference to angle B, as that angle is given.

In reference to angle B the opposite angle is AC, the adjacent side is CB, and the hypotenuse is AB

Now let's recall the 3 most commonly used functions:




Let's find the cosine of angle B, as it uses CB and AB, which are the given side and the side we need to find

In that case,



Multiply both sides by AB


Divide both sides by cos(12)


Now plug [tex]\frac{44}{cos(12)}[/tex] into your calculator. Make sure your calculator is on degree mode


So the answer is C

Hope this helps!

A hexagonal pyramid is located ontop of a hexagonal prism. How many faces are there?
A. 15
B. 24
C. 6
D. 13




Step-by-step explanation:

The figure has total 15 faces, the correct option is A.

What is a Hexagon?

A hexagon is a polygon with six sides.

A hexagonal pyramid has 8 faces

From (2 hexagonal base + 6 lateral surfaces)

A hexagonal prism has 7 faces

From ( A hexagonal base + 6 lateral faces)

Total faces the figure has is 8 +7 = 15

To know more about Hexagon


What is 50g as a percentage of one kg?​



5 %

Step-by-step explanation:

1000 g = 1 kg

50 kg = 0.05 kg

0.05 = 5%

Therefore, 50 g as a percentage of 1kg is 5%.

Which of the following is equivalent to



3rd option

Step-by-step explanation:


= (2^-1)^-2t

= 2^2t

= (2^2)^t

Answered by GAUTHMATH

What are the first and third quartiles for the following data set?
12, 15, 18, 16, 14, 9, 12, 21
A 9 and 21
C 12 and 17
B 12 and 16
D 15 and 17




Step-by-step explanation:

I guess that is it may be

solve for x : 2(x^2+9)-4=0



no solution

Step-by-step explanation:

multiply 2 and get 2x^2+18-4=0

combine like terms


subtract 14


there can't be a square root of a negative number so there's no solution


x = ±i sqrt(7)

Step-by-step explanation:


Add 4 to each side



Divide by 2



Subtract 9 from each side

x^2 +9-9 = 2-9

x^2 = -7

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(x^2) =sqrt(-7)

x = sqrt(-1 *7)

x = ±i sqrt(7)

Complete the equation describing how
x and y are related.
y = [? ]x





y = -4x

hope that helped.........


What is 5 added to 3 4?
6. 12​




Step-by-step explanation:


SAT scores are normally distributed with a mean of 1,500 and a standard deviation of 300. An administrator at a college is interested in estimating the average SAT score of first-year students. If the administrator would like to limit the margin of error of the 88% confidence interval to 15 points, how many students should the administrator sample? Make sure to give a whole number answer.



The administrator should sample 968 students.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.88}{2} = 0.06[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a p-value of [tex]1 - 0.06 = 0.94[/tex], so Z = 1.555.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

Standard deviation of 300.

This means that [tex]n = 300[/tex]

If the administrator would like to limit the margin of error of the 88% confidence interval to 15 points, how many students should the administrator sample?

This is n for which M = 15. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]15 = 1.555\frac{300}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]15\sqrt{n} = 300*1.555[/tex]

Dividing both sides by 15

[tex]\sqrt{n} = 20*1.555[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (20*1.555)^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 967.2[/tex]

Rounding up:

The administrator should sample 968 students.

Factor 64a^3 -8b^3 Explain all steps.



[tex]8(2a- b)(4a^2+ 2ab+ b^2)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

factor out the 8

then you have the sum/difference of cubes..

look that up SOAP: same opposite, always a plus

[tex]64a^3 -8b^3\\8(8a^3 -b^3)[/tex]

[tex]8(2a- b)(4a^2+ 2ab+ b^2)[/tex]

Write the ratio as a fraction in simplest form, with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator. 2.1yd : 1.4yd


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying numerator and denominator by 10 will convert the ratio to a ratio of whole numbers. Then dividing by the common factor of 7 will reduce it to simplest form.

  [tex]\dfrac{2.1\text{ yd}}{1.4\text{ yd}}=\dfrac{2.1\times10}{1.4\times10}=\dfrac{21}{14}=\dfrac{3\times7}{2\times7}=\boxed{\dfrac{3}{2}}[/tex]


Solve the equation for y. Identify the slope and y-intercept then graph the equation.



Please Include a picture of the graph and show your work if you can


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Here is our equation.


Let's add 3x to both sides.


Divide both sides by 2.


Here is slope intercept form.


So, we can just find those two things in the equation, and here are our answers.


The graph is down below. If our y-intercept is 5, then one of our points is (0,5). You can then plug a random x-value into the formula to find another point and then draw the line going through the two points.


Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

I need help ASAP please




6 (-2,0)

7 (-5,6)

8 (5,3)

9 No, ab=8 CD=6

Step-by-step explanation:

which of these figures has rotational symmetry


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The parallelogram has rotational symmetry of degree 2. It looks the same after rotation by 180°.


Additional comment

When a figure only looks like itself after a full rotation of 360°, it is said to have rotational symmetry of degree 1. All of the figures here will return to their original appearance after one 360° rotation. So, we assume the intent of the question is to identify figures with a rotational symmetry of degree greater than 1.

Assume that the matrices below are partitioned conformably for block multiplication. Compute the product.

[I 0] [W X]
[K I] [Y Z]


Multiplying block matrices works just like multiplication between regular matrices, provided that component matrices have the right sizes.

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{IW}+\mathbf{0Y}&\mathbf{IX}+\mathbf{0Z}\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf{IY}&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf{IZ}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W+\mathbf 0&\mathbf X+\mathbf 0\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

(I assume I is the identity matrix and 0 is the zero matrix.)

find the missing length indicated​


I think x is 144 by using tan theta=p/b


[tex] {a}^{2} + {b}^{2} = {c}^{2} [/tex]

Use The (Pythagorean Theorem) to find the length of any side of a right triangle. Form it like its shown in picture above. Follow the instructions that also shown in the picture above.

Question with last attempt is displayed for your review only
Amanda rented a bike from Ted's Bikes.
It costs $9 for the helmet plus $5.25 per hour.
If Amanda paid about $43.13, how many hours did she rent the bike?

Let h = the number of hours she rented the bike. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.



[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve this by making an equation.

$9 for the helmet, and $5.25 per hour.

h will stand for hours, C will stand for Amanda's cost.

[tex]C = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Now, substitute in what we learned from the problem.

[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

This is an equation you can use to solve for the hours.

A binomial probability experiment is conducted with the given parameters. Compute the probability of x successes in the n independent trials of the experiment.
n=12​, p=0.35​, x=2



0.1088 or 10.88%

Step-by-step explanation:

q = 1 - 0.35 = 0.65

P(X=2) = 12C2 × (0.35)² × (0.65)¹

= 0.1088

Shaun is planting trees along his driveway, and he has 66 redwoods and 66 pine trees to plant in one row. What is the probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 66 redwoods are next to each other and all 66 pine trees are next to each other



0.0022 = 0.22% probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other.

Step-by-step explanation:

The trees are arranged, so the arrangements formula is used to solve this question. Also, a probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

Arrangements formula:

The number of possible arrangements of n elements is given by:

[tex]A_n = n![/tex]

Desired outcomes:

Two cases:

6 redwoods(6! ways) then the 6 pine trees(6! ways)

6 pine trees(6! ways) then the 6 redwoods(6! ways)


[tex]D = 2*6!*6![/tex]

Total outcomes:

12 trees, so:

[tex]D = 12![/tex]

What is the probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other?

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{2*6!*6!}{12!} = 0.0022[/tex]

0.0022 = 0.22% probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other.

Find the length of the missing side



Step-by-step explanation:


Side AB= x

Hypotenuse =CB= y

Side AB = 9[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Hypotenuse CB = 36

what percent of 70 is 35




Step-by-step explanation:

35 is halve of 70 therefore it is 50%

hope it helps u...........

Charity is planting trees along her driveway, and she has 6 pine trees and 6 willows to plant in one row. What is the probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other



0.0022 = 0.22% probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other.

Step-by-step explanation:

A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

In this question, the elements are arranged, so we have to use the arrangements formula.

Arrangements formula:

The number of possible arrangements of n elements is:

[tex]A_{n} = n![/tex]

Desired outcomes:

Pine trees(6!) then the willows(6!) or

Willows(6!) then the pine trees(6!). So

[tex]D = 2*6!*6! = 1036800 [/tex]

Total outcomes:

12 trees, so:

[tex]T = 12! = 479001600 [/tex]

What is the probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other?

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{1036800 }{479001600 } = 0.0022[/tex]

0.0022 = 0.22% probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other.

Air-USA has a policy of booking as many as 22 people on an airplane that can only seat 20 people. (Past studies have revealed that only 82% of the booked passengers actually show up for the flight.) a) Find the probability that if Air-USA books 22 people, not enough seats will be available. Round your answer to 4 decimal places. P ( X > 20 )



The answer is "0.07404893".

Step-by-step explanation:

Applying the binomial distribution:

[tex]n = 22\\\\p= 82\%=0.82\\\\q = 1-0.82 = 0.18\\\\[/tex]

Calculating the probability for not enough seats:

[tex]=P(X>20)\\\\= P(21) + P(22)\\\\[/tex]

[tex]= \binom{22}{21} (0.82)^{21}(0.18)^1+ \binom{22}{22} (0.82)^{22}(0.18)[/tex]

[tex]=0 .06134598+ 0.01270295\\\\=0.07404893[/tex]

The length of a rectangle is 10 yd less than three times the width, and the area of the rectangle is 77 yd^2. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.



W=7 and L=11

Step-by-step explanation:

We have two unknowns so we must create two equations.

First the problem states that  length of a rectangle is 10 yd less than three times the width so: L= 3w-10

Next we are given the area so: L X W = 77

Then solve for the variable algebraically. It is just a system of equations.

3W^2 - 10W - 77 = 0

(3W + 11)(W - 7) = 0

W = -11/3 and/or W=7

Discard the negative solution as the width of the rectangle cannot be less then 0.

So W=7

Plug that into the first equation.

3(7)-10= 11 so L=11

If (4x-5) :(9x-5) = 3:8 find the value of x.​



x is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{4x - 5}{9x - 5} = \frac{3}{8} \\ \\ 8(4x - 5) = 3(9x - 5) \\ 32x - 40 = 27x - 15 \\ 5x = 25 \\ x = \frac{25}{5} \\ \\ x = 5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

as you can see as i solved above. all you need to do was to rationalize the both equations

a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision. O b) Everyone on the team discusses options and then votes. O c) The team passes the decision-making responsibility to an outside person. O di The team leader makes a decision without input from the other members.



a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision.

Step-by-step explanation:

Option B consists of voting and not everyone would like the outcome. Option C is making an outsider the decision maker, which can't be helpful since he / she won't have as strong opinions as the team itself. Option D is just plain wrong as it defeats the purpose of team work and deciding as one team. So, I believe option A makes the most sense

If 5000 is divided by 10 and 10 again what answer will be reached


Hey there!

First,  divide 5,000 by 10. You will get 500.

Now, 500 ÷ 10, and you will get your answer, 50.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (- 5, 1) and (2, 0) . Put your answer in fully reduced slope intercept form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line

Pls help me with this one:(



y=-1/7x + 12/7

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by finding the slope



next plug the slope and the point (-5,1) into point slope formula



x1= -5


y- 1 = -1/7(x - -5)


Distribute -1/7 first

y- 1=-1/7x + 5/7

Add 1 on both sides, but since its a fraction add 7/7

y=-1/7x + (5/7+7/7)



Step-by-step explanation:

(-5,1) (2,0)


m = (0-1)/2- -5)

m = -1/7


y-0= -1/7 (x-2)

y = -1/7x + 2/7

What is the measure of the unknown angle?

Image of a straight angle divided into two angles. One angle is eighty degrees and the other is unknown.



The unknown is 100

Step-by-step explanation:

A straight line is 180 degrees

We have two angles x, and 80

x+80 = 180

x = 180-80

x= 100

Identify the slope and y intercept of the line with equation 2y = 5x + 4



Slope is 5/2

y-intercept is 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Turn the equation into slope intercept form [ y = mx +  b ].

2y = 5x + 4

~Divide everything by 2

y = 5/2x + 2

Remember that in slope intercept form, m = slope and b = y-intercept.

Best of Luck!


slope: 2.5

y-intercept: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

First isolate the y variable which changes the equation to y=2.5x+2

The equation of a line is mx + b where m is the slope and b and the

y-intercept. Leading us to conclude that 2.5 is the slope and 2 is the y-intercept.

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