Find the length of the segment indicated. Round to the nearest tenth


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

x is the length of the line segment from the center to the boderline of circle. So x=5

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Solve The Inequality



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is c

C is the answer Cs when u when the number I will see

what is six times a number is greater than 12




Step-by-step explanation:

n represents the number.

So 6 times the number would be 6*n or 6n.

Greater than 12 is >12

I hope this helps!

Please show work

Determine the value of each variable


9514 1404 393


  k = 56°

Step-by-step explanation:

If b represents a base angle in an isosceles triangle, and 'a' represents the ap.ex angle, then the relation between them is ...

  2b +a = 180°

from which we get ...

  a = 180° -2b

  b = (180° -a)/2


The angle at lower right is a base angle of the outside isosceles triangle. Its value is (180° -56°)/2 = 124°/2 = 62°.

The angle marked k is the ap.ex angle of the triangle whose base angle is 62°. We have already seen that the ap.ex angle is 180° -2(62°) = 56°.

  k = 56°


We don't see x anywhere on the diagram. The unmarked angle at lower left will be 62° -56° = 6°.

The obtuse angle on the right will be 180°-56°-6° = 118°. The acute angle of that linear pair is the other base angle of the smaller isosceles triangle, so is 62°.

PLEASE HELP!! would this be symmetric or reflexive property?


Answer:    It's "reflexive" because the equation is equal on both sides

Step-by-step explanation:         The reason it isn't symmetric property, is because the variables are mismatched (it's not the same on both sides.)

Hope this helped!!

99, 159, 219, ___. To find the next number after 219, we should a. Add 69 to 219 b. Subtract 60 from 219 c. Add 60 to 219 d. Add 40 to 219




Step-by-step explanation:




square of (1\4A+1\4B)^2


Answer:4a = 2⋅(2a)⋅1 4 a = 2 ⋅ ( 2 a) ⋅ 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor 4a^2-4a+1. 4a2 − 4a + 1 4 a 2 - 4 a + 1. Rewrite 4a2 4 a 2 as (2a)2 ( 2 a) 2. (2a)2 − 4a+1 ( 2 a) 2 - 4 a + 1. Rewrite 1 1 as 12 1 2. (2a)2 − 4a+12 ( 2 a) 2 - 4 a + 1 2. Check that the middle term is two times the product of the numbers being squared in the first term and third term. 4a = 2⋅(2a)⋅1 4 a = 2 ⋅ ( 2 a) ⋅ 1.

Abram completes one lap of a go-cart track every 40 seconds. Joshua completes one lap of the same track every 30 seconds. Suppose Abram and Joshua cross the starting line at the same time.
a. How many seconds will pass before they cross the starting line at the same time again?
b. How many laps will Abram have completed in that time?
c. How many laps will Joshua have completed in that time?​



Below in bold.

Step-by-step explanation:

a. This is the Lowest common multiple of 30 and 40 which is

120 seconds.

b. In 120 seconds Abram had completed 120/40

= 3 laps.

c.  Joshua completed 120/30 = 4 laps.


Step-by-step explanation:

A, Lowest common mutiple of 30 and un is 120 seconds

(40x3 = 120, 30x4 = 120)

6.120/40 = 3 laPs Abram did 3 laps.

L. 120/30 = u laPs Jeshya did u laps

Choose the graph that correctly corresponds to the equation y = −4




Step-by-step explanation:

the graph should look something like this




V = 20,000 - 2,000t

multiply x2- 5x + 2 times 3x2 +2x + 3



Step-by-step explanation:

(x² - 5x + 2)*(3x² + 2x + 3) =x²*(3x² + 2x + 3) - 5x *(3x² + 2x + 3) + 2*(3x² + 2x + 3)

=x²*3x² + x²*2x + 3*x² - 5x *3x² - 5x * 2x - 5x*3  +2*3x² + 2*2x + 2*3

= 3x⁴ + 2x³ + 3x² - 15x³ - 10x² - 15x + 6x² + 4x+6

= 3x⁴ + 2x³ - 15x³  +3x² - 10x² + 6x²  -15x + 4x + 6

= 3x⁴ - 13x³ - 7x² - 11x + 6

When multiplying terms, multiply the coefficients and if same variables are there, then add the powers.

6) Given that the point (3, −10) lies on the graph of a function , what point must be on the graph of ℎ
where ℎ() = ( − 4) + 2?




Step-by-step explanation:


(x,y) = (3,-10)


The equivalent point on h(x) = k(x - 4) + 2

(x,y) = (3,-10) means

k(3) = -10

Substitute 7 for x in h(x)

h(7) = k(7-4) + 2

h(7) = k(3) + 2

Substitute -10 for k(3)

h(7) = -10 + 2

h(7) = -8

So, the equivalent point on h(x) is


Sam buys a carpet for his apartment. The diagonal length of the carpet is 12 feet and the width is 10 feet. Find the length of the carpet.


Answer: 6.633 Feet

Step-by-step explanation:

What is this expression in simplified form?



The answer is A. 54 (sqrt)2

Step-by-step explanation:

evaluate the expression when x=11 and y=35 x+y/7​


when x= 11

or,y= 35x +y/7

or,y= 35×11+y/7



or,7y-y =2695


or, y = 449.167

Factor the polynomial function over the complex numbers.




[tex]{ \tt{f(x) = (x + 2)(x + 2.2i)(x - 2.2i)}}[/tex]

Who can help me with problem 2 you can earn 11 points



m∠ADC = 90°

5x-5 = 90

x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

Help would be greatly appreciated



Step-by-step explanation:

First, name the points. Top Left will be A, Top Right will be B, Bottom Right will be C, and Bottom Left will be D. Now, the area of ABCD is 4. Then, we have to find the area of the circle. The center to the midpoint of AB is 1. The length of the midpoint of AB to B is 1. So, using the Pythagorean Theorem, it will be 1^2 + 1^2 = 2, then it will be sqrt2. Finding the area of the circle will be easy now that we have the radius. sqrt2*sqrt2*pi = 2pi. So, it will be 4/2pi, and simplified, it will be 2/pi.

What is the value of c



if im not mistaken its 121

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

The interior angle sum of any 5 sided polygon is 540°.

540-53 = 487 - 137 = 350 - 105 = 245- 146 = 99°

How do i get X? i cant quite figure it out



x is 90° I hope it will help you please follow me


My answer came 78°

Step-by-step explanation:

First, B and C are alternate angles so,

71°= y (let) + 29°

Y= 42°

Then, X + 42 + 60 = 180°

X = 180 - 102

X = 78 °

Hope this helps. :)

How many distinguishable permutations for the letters in the word "reassessed" are there?


"reassessed" has a total of 10 characters, one of which (e) occurs 3 times and another (s) which occurs 4 times.

Taking each character to be distinct, there would be a total of 10! permutations. But we don't want to do that, and instead want, for instance,




to count as the same permutation. So we divide the previous total by the number of ways we can permute each set of repeated characters. For example, 3 e's can be rearranged in 3! ways.

So the total number of distinguishable permutations would be

10!/(3! × 4!) = 25,200

Last year, there were b pies baked for the bake sale. This year, there were 158 pies baked. Using b, write an expression for the total number of pies baked in the two years.

Help plsssssss


Answer:  b+158

We simply add the two subtotals to get the grand total. If we knew the value of b, then we'd be able to find an actual numeric result.

For example, let's say b = 100 pies were baked last year. That would mean b+158 = 100+158 = 258 pies were made over the two year period. However, since we don't know what b is, we just leave b+158 as is.

what is the least number of apples that can be shared equally among either 6, 10 or 15 children


Find the least common multiple.

List the multiples of each number:

6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42

10, 20, 30, 40

15, 30, 45

The least common multiple is 30.

The answer is 30

What is the inverse of the function () 2x 10?



I assume that we want to find the inverse of the function:

f(x) = 2*x + 10

Remember that the inverse of a function f(x), is a function g(x) such that:

f( g(x) ) = g( f(x) ) = x

Because f(x) is a linear function, we can assume that g(x) will also be a linear function:

g(x) = a*x + b

let's find the values of a and b.

We will have that:

f( g(x) ) = 2*g(x) + 10 = 2*(a*x + b)  + 10

And that must be equal to x, then we need to solve:

2*(a*x + b)  + 10 = x

2*a*x + 2*b + 10 = x

this must be true for all values of x, so we can separate it as:

(2*a*x) + (2*b + 10) = x + 0

2*a*x = x    (one equation for the terms with x)

2*b + 10 = 0

Solving these two equations we get:

2*b = -10

b = -10/2 = -5

2*a*x = x

2*a = 1

a = 1/2

Then the inverse function is:

g(x) = (1/2)*x - 5


A shopkeeper allows 15% discount on the marked price, still he manages to have 7% profit. How much high did he mark his goods above the cost price?


Answer: [tex]25.9\%[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Shopkeeper allows 15% discount on the marked price and still manages a profit of 7%

Suppose the marked price is [tex]x[/tex]

So, the selling price is [tex](1-0.15)x=0.85x[/tex]

Suppose the cost price is [tex]y[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x-y}{y}=7\%\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x}{y}-1=0.07\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x}{y}=1.07\\\\\Rightarrow y=\dfrac{0.85x}{1.07}\\\\\Rightarrow y=0.794x[/tex]

So, the percentage the shopkeeper marked his goods above cost price

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{x-y}{y}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{x-0.794x}{0.794}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.2056}{0.794x}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow 25.89\%\approx 25.9\%[/tex]

Use your exponent rules to express as a single power, 94 ÷ 272



3196 to the 8th power

Step-by-step explanation:

the difference is that -24 is just an integer and (-2)4 is asking you to multiply -2 by positive 4

Which of the following points lies on the graph of this equation?

A. (-3, 2)
B. (3, 5)
C. (3, 3)
D. (6, 8)


Answer:  Choice C.  (3, 3)



If we plug in x = -3, then we get

y = (1/3)*x + 2

y = (1/3)*(-3) + 2

y = -1 + 2

y = 1

So the point (-3, 1) is on the line instead of (-3, 2). This rules out choice A.

Now let's try x = 3

y = (1/3)*x + 2

y = (1/3)*(3) + 2

y = 1 + 2

y = 3

We can see that (3,3) is on the line. That directs us to choice C as the final answer.

For the sake of completeness, let's try x = 6 to see what we get

y = (1/3)*x + 2

y = (1/3)*(6) + 2

y = 2 + 2

y = 4

So the point (6,4) is on the line instead of (6,8), which allows us to rule out choice D.

ANSWER IS C 3,3 I took a test on this

Find the value of 9 in 7582.96.


The correct answer is 0.9 because the 9 is in the tenths place

Which of the following best describes a basic postulate of Euclidean

A. All circles measure 360°

B. All right triangles are congruent.

C. A straight line segment has a midpoint.

D. A straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.



D. A straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.

Step-by-step explanation:

Euclid of Alexandria was famously known and regarded as the founder of geometry, as well as the father of geometry. He was born in the Mid-fourth century, BC and he specialized in the field of Mathematics. Some of his popular works in the field of Mathematics were Euclid's Elements, Euclidean algorithm and Euclidean geometry.

One of the basic postulate of Euclidean geometry is that a straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.

Others include;

I. All right angles are congruent.

II. All straight line segment is indefinitely extendable in a straight line.

ERCISE Find the standard deviation from the following set of observation 20, 25, 30, 36, 32, 43​




Step-by-step explanation:

7.4 is the standard deviation from the following set of observation 20, 25, 30, 36, 32, 43​

What is Statistics?

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

The given data set is 20, 25, 30, 36, 32, 43​

Firstly we have to find the mean




The deviations from the mean are 20-31=-11






Using the definition of standard deviation (σ) , we have:




Hence, 7.4 is the standard deviation from the following set of observation 20, 25, 30, 36, 32, 43​

To learn more on Statistics click:


Can someone help me out please



answer is

4ft * 5ft

= 20ft^2

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