find the value of 2/5 - 3​


Answer 1

[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

[tex]\sf{\dfrac{2}{5}-3 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{\dfrac{2-10}{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{\dfrac{-8}{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

Related Questions




C= 40

D= 75

Alternate interior angle


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!!

The expression y2 – 10y + 24 has a factor of y – 4. What is another factor of y2 – 10y + 24?

y – 20
y – 14
y – 8
y – 6



Step-by-step explanation:

If we divide 24 by 6, we get 4, which is the other factor of 24 when given the one factor of 6. Same goes here. In order to find out what the other factor of [tex]y^2-10y+24=0[/tex] is when given one factor of y - 4, we simply divide the second degree polynomial by y - 4 to get the quotient. The quotient, then, is the other factor. Synthetic division is the easiest way to do this.

If y - 4 is the factor, then by the Zero Product Property, y - 4 = 0 and y = 4. Setting up synthetic division:

4|   1    -10     24


The rule is to start by bringing down the first term, multiplying it by the number outside, then putting that product up under the next term in line:

4|   1     -10     24



Then add the column, multiply the sum by the number outside, and put that product up under the next term in line:

4|    1     -10     24

               4    -24

      1      -6

And add the last column and that is the remainder. We get a 0 remainder. That means that y - 4 goes evenly into the polynomial and the other factor we are looking for is found in the numbers under the addition line. These numbers are the leading coefficients of the depressed polynomial, the polynomial that serves as the other factor: 1y - 6.

Therefore, the 2 factors that multiply together to give us [tex]y^2-10y+24=0[/tex] are (y - 4)(y - 6) and we can check ourselves by multiplying this out by FOILing to see if the result is the polynomial we started with. It is, so we're all done!


its ( y-6 )

Step-by-step explanation:

well if you use the FOIL method you will get that answer. also i took the test and got a 100 so there u go.

Solve the equation for x: (4x+38) + (2x-18)=180




Step-by-step explanation:

try mathw4y it helps alot.


x = 80/3

Step-by-step explanation:

(4x+38) + (2x-18)=180

Combine like terms

6x +20 = 180

Subtract 20 from each side

6x+20 -20 = 180-20

6x = 160

Divide by 6

6x/6 = 160/6

x = 80/3

Can someone help me by please


Answer: Choice A) 2 oranges, 5 apples, 13 pears



10% in decimal form is 0.10

25% in decimal form is 0.25

The jump from 0.10 to 0.25 is "times 2.5" since (0.25)/(0.10) = 2.5

This means that we have 2.5 times as many apples compared to oranges.

If we have 2 oranges, as mentioned in every answer choice, then we must have 2*2.5 = 5 apples.

Based on this, the answer is either A or B.


65% turns into 0.65

The jump from 0.10 to 0.65 is 6.5 since (0.65)/(0.10) = 6.5

So we have 6.5 times as many pears as oranges.

If we had 2 oranges, then we have 2*6.5 = 13 pears


To summarize, we have:

2 oranges, 5 apples, 13 pears.

The answer is therefore choice A

1. Which of the following expressions are equivalent to? Select all that apply. A. 31 . 36 B. 31 . 35 C. 3-2 . 3-4 D. 32 . 3-8 E. 3 • 3-6 F.3-1 . 3-5 ​


Answer: A and C

Step-by-step explanation:




1/6 is less than 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

1/6 is close to 0

8/9 is close to 1

1/6 is less than 1/2

A shopkeeper buys TVs for Nu 15000 and marks them up 15% to sell them. What is the mark up amount? *​


[tex] \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 15000 \times 15\% \\ \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 15000 \times \frac{15}{100} \\ \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 150 \times 15 \\ \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 2250[/tex]

Markup amount is 2250Nu

What is this equation rewritten in logarithmic form?
9X = 3
A. log 3 = x
B. log, 3 = 9
C. log3 9 = x
D. log3 x = 9



A. log9 3=x

Step-by-step explanation:

The logarithmic form with base 9 is log₉ 3 = x.

The correct option is A.

The equation 9ˣ = 3 can be rewritten in logarithmic form by identifying the base and the result of the exponential operation. In this case, the base is 9, the result is 3, and the exponent is x.

The logarithmic form with base 9 is log₉ 3 = x.

Option A, log₉ 3 = x, is the correct representation of the equation in logarithmic form.

The logarithmic form states that the logarithm of a number (3 in this case) to a specific base (9 in this case) is equal to the exponent (x in this case).

In the equation, 9ˣ = 3, the logarithmic form log₉ 3 = x indicates that the logarithm of 3 with base 9 is equal to x. This means that 3 is the result of raising 9 to the power of x.

Therefore, option A, log₉ 3 = x, is the correct answer representing the equation 9ˣ = 3 in logarithmic form.

To learn more about the logarithms;


I needddd help it’s urgenttttt!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the measure of CBF

CBF is a straight line so therefore it measures 180*

BFE = 75*

CBD = 45*

75 + 45 = 120*

180 - 120 = 60

60 + 75 = 135*

Therefore DBF measures 135*

PLEASE HELP!! would this be symmetric or reflexive property?


Answer:    It's "reflexive" because the equation is equal on both sides

Step-by-step explanation:         The reason it isn't symmetric property, is because the variables are mismatched (it's not the same on both sides.)

Hope this helped!!

99, 159, 219, ___. To find the next number after 219, we should a. Add 69 to 219 b. Subtract 60 from 219 c. Add 60 to 219 d. Add 40 to 219




Step-by-step explanation:




square of (1\4A+1\4B)^2


Answer:4a = 2⋅(2a)⋅1 4 a = 2 ⋅ ( 2 a) ⋅ 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor 4a^2-4a+1. 4a2 − 4a + 1 4 a 2 - 4 a + 1. Rewrite 4a2 4 a 2 as (2a)2 ( 2 a) 2. (2a)2 − 4a+1 ( 2 a) 2 - 4 a + 1. Rewrite 1 1 as 12 1 2. (2a)2 − 4a+12 ( 2 a) 2 - 4 a + 1 2. Check that the middle term is two times the product of the numbers being squared in the first term and third term. 4a = 2⋅(2a)⋅1 4 a = 2 ⋅ ( 2 a) ⋅ 1.

Abram completes one lap of a go-cart track every 40 seconds. Joshua completes one lap of the same track every 30 seconds. Suppose Abram and Joshua cross the starting line at the same time.
a. How many seconds will pass before they cross the starting line at the same time again?
b. How many laps will Abram have completed in that time?
c. How many laps will Joshua have completed in that time?​



Below in bold.

Step-by-step explanation:

a. This is the Lowest common multiple of 30 and 40 which is

120 seconds.

b. In 120 seconds Abram had completed 120/40

= 3 laps.

c.  Joshua completed 120/30 = 4 laps.


Step-by-step explanation:

A, Lowest common mutiple of 30 and un is 120 seconds

(40x3 = 120, 30x4 = 120)

6.120/40 = 3 laPs Abram did 3 laps.

L. 120/30 = u laPs Jeshya did u laps

Choose the graph that correctly corresponds to the equation y = −4




Step-by-step explanation:

the graph should look something like this

Sam buys a carpet for his apartment. The diagonal length of the carpet is 12 feet and the width is 10 feet. Find the length of the carpet.


Answer: 6.633 Feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Who can help me with problem 2 you can earn 11 points



m∠ADC = 90°

5x-5 = 90

x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

Help would be greatly appreciated



Step-by-step explanation:

First, name the points. Top Left will be A, Top Right will be B, Bottom Right will be C, and Bottom Left will be D. Now, the area of ABCD is 4. Then, we have to find the area of the circle. The center to the midpoint of AB is 1. The length of the midpoint of AB to B is 1. So, using the Pythagorean Theorem, it will be 1^2 + 1^2 = 2, then it will be sqrt2. Finding the area of the circle will be easy now that we have the radius. sqrt2*sqrt2*pi = 2pi. So, it will be 4/2pi, and simplified, it will be 2/pi.

What is the value of c



if im not mistaken its 121

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

The interior angle sum of any 5 sided polygon is 540°.

540-53 = 487 - 137 = 350 - 105 = 245- 146 = 99°

How do i get X? i cant quite figure it out



x is 90° I hope it will help you please follow me


My answer came 78°

Step-by-step explanation:

First, B and C are alternate angles so,

71°= y (let) + 29°

Y= 42°

Then, X + 42 + 60 = 180°

X = 180 - 102

X = 78 °

Hope this helps. :)

What is the inverse of the function () 2x 10?



I assume that we want to find the inverse of the function:

f(x) = 2*x + 10

Remember that the inverse of a function f(x), is a function g(x) such that:

f( g(x) ) = g( f(x) ) = x

Because f(x) is a linear function, we can assume that g(x) will also be a linear function:

g(x) = a*x + b

let's find the values of a and b.

We will have that:

f( g(x) ) = 2*g(x) + 10 = 2*(a*x + b)  + 10

And that must be equal to x, then we need to solve:

2*(a*x + b)  + 10 = x

2*a*x + 2*b + 10 = x

this must be true for all values of x, so we can separate it as:

(2*a*x) + (2*b + 10) = x + 0

2*a*x = x    (one equation for the terms with x)

2*b + 10 = 0

Solving these two equations we get:

2*b = -10

b = -10/2 = -5

2*a*x = x

2*a = 1

a = 1/2

Then the inverse function is:

g(x) = (1/2)*x - 5


A shopkeeper allows 15% discount on the marked price, still he manages to have 7% profit. How much high did he mark his goods above the cost price?


Answer: [tex]25.9\%[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Shopkeeper allows 15% discount on the marked price and still manages a profit of 7%

Suppose the marked price is [tex]x[/tex]

So, the selling price is [tex](1-0.15)x=0.85x[/tex]

Suppose the cost price is [tex]y[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x-y}{y}=7\%\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x}{y}-1=0.07\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.85x}{y}=1.07\\\\\Rightarrow y=\dfrac{0.85x}{1.07}\\\\\Rightarrow y=0.794x[/tex]

So, the percentage the shopkeeper marked his goods above cost price

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{x-y}{y}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{x-0.794x}{0.794}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{0.2056}{0.794x}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow 25.89\%\approx 25.9\%[/tex]

Which of the following best describes a basic postulate of Euclidean

A. All circles measure 360°

B. All right triangles are congruent.

C. A straight line segment has a midpoint.

D. A straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.



D. A straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.

Step-by-step explanation:

Euclid of Alexandria was famously known and regarded as the founder of geometry, as well as the father of geometry. He was born in the Mid-fourth century, BC and he specialized in the field of Mathematics. Some of his popular works in the field of Mathematics were Euclid's Elements, Euclidean algorithm and Euclidean geometry.

One of the basic postulate of Euclidean geometry is that a straight line segment can be drawn between any two points.

Others include;

I. All right angles are congruent.

II. All straight line segment is indefinitely extendable in a straight line.

if the mean of x1,x2,x3 and x4 is 6 then find the mean of x1+10,x2+8,x3+16 and x4+2​



f the mean of this set is equal to 20, we can write down the below equation,

20 = (x1 + x2 +x3 + .... + x10)/10

x1 + x2 + x3 + ... x10 = 200

Then we can also write an equation for the mean of the given numbers as below,

Mean  = [(x1+4) + (x2+8) + (x3+12) + .... + (x10+40)]/10

          = (x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + x10 + 4 + 8 + 12 + ... + 40)/10

Then we can use above equation (1) to replace x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + x10 by 200

Mean = (200 + 4 + 8 +12 + 16 + 20 + 24 + 28 + 32 + 36 + 40)/10

        = 420/10

        = 42

If you remember Arithmetic Progressions you can simply add together the above number set.

If you closely look above, you can find that there is an Arithmetic Progression : 4, 8, 12, ... , 40

Here we want the addition of 10 terms. So we can use,

Sn = n/2(a+l)

S10 = 10/2(4+40)

      = 220

Then you can easily get the answer,

Mean = (200 + 220)/10

         = 42

The mass of 5 m' of copper is 44 800 kg. Work out
the density of copper.


here bro this should help

solve the formula for a
(q&c in picture)




Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract Vot from the given equation

s - Vo*t = 1/2 a t^2                Multiply by 2

2(s - Vo*t) = at^2                  Divide by t^2

2(s - Vo*t) / t^2  = a

Looks like C is the answer.

find the value of the unknown.




[tex]14 + 8 + 12.5 = 34.5 \: \: 121 - 34.5 = 86.5[/tex]

choose the equation that satisfies the data in the table



See this attachment

option D is correct

A polynomial p has zeros when x = -2, x = 1/3, and x =3.
What could be the equation of p? Choose 1 answer:
a. p(x) = (x + 2)(x + 3)(3x + 1)
b. p(x) = (x + 2)(x + 3) (3x - 1)
C. p(x) = (x + 2)(x - 3)(3x - 1)
D. p(x) = (x - 2)(x + )(3x + 1)



p(x) = ( x +2) (3x - 1) ( x-3)

Step-by-step explanation:

We know the equation for a polynomial with given zeros is

f(x) = a(x-b1) (x-b2)...... where b are the zeros and a is a constant

Since the zeros are x = -2, x = 1/3, and x =3.

p(x) = a( x - -2) (x - 1/3) ( x-3)

p(x) = a( x +2) (x - 1/3) ( x-3)

We can pick the value of a since we are not given a point on the function.  Pick a=3

p(x) = 3( x +2) (x - 1/3) ( x-3)

Rewriting the second term

p(x) = ( x +2) (3x - 1) ( x-3)

The population of a town is 157,220 and is decreasing at a rate of 0.8% each year. Predict the population in 5 years (round to the nearest whole number).




Step-by-step explanation:

If the population of a town is decreasing at 0.8% each year, the new population of the town will be [tex]100\%-0.8\%=99.2\%[/tex] of what it was last year. To find 99.2% of something, multiply it by 0.992. Therefore, we can write the following equation:

[tex]f(x)=157,220\cdot 0.992^x[/tex], where [tex]f(x)[/tex] is the population of the town [tex]x[/tex] years after the town had a population of 157,220.

Substitute [tex]x=5[/tex] into this equation to get the projected population after 5 years:

[tex]f(5)=157,220\cdot 0.992^5, \\f(5)=151031.019048,\\f(5)\approx \boxed{151,031}[/tex]

Therefore, in 5 years, the population should be 151,031.

Review the data you collected for the angles in Question 2. Notice that ∠CFB is one of four angles formed by the two intersecting chords. What relationship do you observe that could help you determine the measure of any of the four angles created by two intersecting chords? Write the relationship as an equation.



The measure of an angle created by two intersecting chords is half the sum of the measure of the intercepted arc and the measure of the arc vertically opposite to the angle. In this case, I can write m∠CFB = 1/2(m∠CAB + m∠EAD)   because the measure of an intercepted arc is equal to the measure of its corresponding central angle.


sample answer from edmentum

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