Find the value of the expression 8x^3 if x= -2


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


Let x = -2

8 (-2)^3

8 * -8


Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:


Related Questions

Solve the equation x^2 - 4x + 6 = 9 by completing the square.



x² - 4x + 6 = 9 <=>

<=> x² - 4x + 6 - 9 = 0 <=>

<=> x² - 4x - 3 = 0 <=>

<=> x = -(-4)±√(-4)²-4×1×(-3)/2×1 <=>

<=> x = 4±√16+12/2 <=>

<=> x = 4±√28/2 <=>

<=> x = 4±2√7/2 =>

=> x = 4+2√7/2 and x = 4-2√7/2 =>

=> x = 2+√7 and x = 2-√7

The equation has two solutions.

Good luck! :)

Answer:  [tex]x= 2 + \sqrt{7}\\ or \\ x= 2 - \sqrt{7}[/tex]

how i got it?

[tex]x^2 - 4x + 6 = 9[/tex]

*subtract 9 on both sides*

[tex]x^2 - 4x + 6 - 9 = 0[/tex]  ( which turns to) [tex]x^2 - 4x - 3=0[/tex]

a=1 or x, b=-4, c=-3

Step 2: Use quadratic formula with a=1, b=-4, c=-3.

[tex]x= - (-4) + or - \sqrt{-4}x^{2} -4(1)(-3) / 2(1)[/tex]

which turns to: x= 4 + or - √28 divided by 2

the final answer should be [tex]x= 2 + \sqrt{7}\\ or \\ x= 2 - \sqrt{7}[/tex]

flor ha colocado ¹1/4 kg de papa sobre una balanza . si un cliente le quiere comprar 2 kg de papa , ¿cuantos kilogramos (kg) de papa debe agregar flor sobre l balanza para cumplir con el pedido?

a)3/4 kg de papa

b)¹ 3/4 kg de papa

c1/4 kg de papa

d)¹ 1/4




a). 3/4 kg de papa

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

Patata colocada en balanza = 1 1/4 Kg

Flor de papa total quiere = 2 kg


Se agregará más peso en la báscula para que sea de 2 kg =?


Peso requerido para ser colocado = Peso total - peso colocado

= 2 - [tex]1\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

= 2 - 5/4

= (8 - 5)/4

= 3/4 kg

Kevin jogged 2 1/2 miles in 1/3 of an hour. What was his average rate in speed in miles per hour? Show your work. ​



7.5 miles per hour

Step-by-step explanation:

Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time

[tex]\frac{2 \frac{1}{2} }{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex]= 7.5 miles/hour

Answer from Gauthmath

Alyssa invested $180 in an account paying an interest rate of 8 and 3/8 % compounded annually. Lily invested $180 in an account paying an interest rate of 8 and 1/8 % compounded continuously. To the nearest hundredth of a year, how much longer would it take for Alyssa's money to triple than for Lily's money to triple?



Step-by-step explanation:

Please check out the attachments for the solution :)

im giving brainliest pls heelp

Maria bought a stock for x dollars, and she sold it at a profit of 20 %. Write a mathematical expression for the selling price.
1.2 x



No entendí lo siento

Step-by-step explanation:


B)1.2 x is a mathematical expression for the selling price.

What is the selling price?

The selling price is the charge that a purchaser will pay to purchase a product or a commodity. It's miles a price above the value price and consists of a percentage of income additionally. Cost price is the price at which the seller purchases the product or the commodity.

Maria bought a stock for x dollars.

Cost of stocks = x dollars.

sold it at a profit of 20 %.

The selling price is given below.

= x + 20%

= 1.2x

Learn more about the selling price here:


Evaluate the expression for x = 10 . 3x + 4(x - 8) - 14



[tex]{ \tt{3x + 4(x - 8) - 14}} \\ = { \tt{3x + 4x - 32 - 14}} \\ = { \tt{7x + 46}}[/tex]

Find the greatest common factor of 15 x²y³ and -18 x³yz.




Step-by-step explanation:

Its common factor it this ^ this symbol represent power

y is directly proportional to the cube of x. If x is tripled, what happens to the value of y?



it becomes 27 times larger

Step-by-step explanation:

y = k [tex]x^{3}[/tex]


y = k[tex](3x)^{3}[/tex]

y = k 27 x^3

Please answer only questions 18 and 20 please help me ​



18 is 64 days

20 is 1 37/128

Step-by-step explanation:

I looked it up if I am being completely honest with you but it should be correct

You do 8 x 7 answer divided by 7 answer times by 8 for 18

Which is the pair of congruent right angles?




2nd option <cba=<dea



as DE=CB


    <B= <E

Therefore it is congruent

Have a nice day!

Ms. Jones wants to paint her kitchen's wall. She knows that 2 gallons of paint cover 80 square feet, and each gallon costs $20.80. If the area of the kitchen is 320 square feet, how much will she pay to buy the gallons of paint needed? Round your answer to the nearest cent (HUNDRED TH), and write ONLY a number (NO $)​


She will need 4 two gallons and it will be 83.2 in total

What is the quotient ? 7-6 72 1 o 1 o 1 72 O 73 0 78​



A. 1/7^8

Step-by-step explanation:


(7^-6) / 7²

Both numerator and denominator has the same base, so just one of the bases will be picked

Division sign changes to minus in indices

(7^-6) / 7²

= 7 ^(-6-2)

= 7^-8

= 1/7^8

Note: a^-b

= 1/a^b

The same rule is used at the last step of the calculation

Answer is

A. 1/7^8

15. Mary was given data comparing students’ mark in math class and the number of classes missed. She plotted the data on the graph below and drew a line of best fit. Do you agree with Mary’s drawing of the line of best fit? Justify your answer. PLEASE HELP ITS RLLY IMPORTANT



I dont know

Step by Step Explanation:

nobodys helping me out 0.1

Find the area of the circle x^2+y^2=16 by the method of intregration





Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]I=\dfrac{Area}{4} =\int\limits^4_0 {\sqrt{16-x^2} } \, dx \\\\Let\ say\ x=4*sin(t),\ dx=4*cos(t) dt\\\\\displaystyle I=\int\limits^\frac{\pi }{2} _0 {4*\sqrt{1-sin^2(t)} }*4*cos(t) \, dt \\\\=16*\int\limits^\frac{\pi }{2} _0 {cos^2(t)} \, dt \\\\=16*\int\limits^\frac{\pi }{2} _0 {\frac{1-cos(2t)}{2}} \, dt \\\\=8*[t]^\frac{\pi }{2} _0-[\frac{sin(2t)}{2} ]^\frac{\pi }{2} _0\\\\=4\pi -0\\\\=4\pi\\\\\boxed{Area=4*I=16\pi}\\[/tex]

What is the greatest common factor of the polynomial below?
A. 3x2
B. 3x
C. 4x2
D. 4x




Step-by-step explanation:

factoring it we get


What is the measure of


60° because it's an equilateral triangle

Which graph represents an exponential function?


Answer: where's the pic?

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope of the line for each pair of points (-17, -5) (15, -13)


(-17,-5) (15,-13)
-13 - -5/ 15 - -17
The slope is -4

Find the following sums. Please help.





Step-by-step explanation:

3m-4n +7p

-5m +9n -6p

+7m -6n -5p


Combine like terms

3m-4n +7p

-5m +9n -6p

+7m -6n -5p


(3-5+7)m  +(-4+9-6)n  +(7-6-5)p


a^2  -3x +1

a^2   +9x -6

2a^2 +0x +2


Combine like terms

a^2  -3x +1

a^2   +9x -6

2a^2 +0x +2


(1+1+2)a^2 +(-3+9+0)x +(1-6+2)



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-4n+7p+(-5m+9n-6p)+7m-6n-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-4n+7p-5m+9n-6p+7m-6n-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-5m+7m-4n+9n-6n+7p-6p-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5m-n-4p[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2-3x+1+a^2+9x-6+2a^2+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2+a^2+2a^2-3x+9x+1-6+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4a^2+6x-3[/tex]

The legs of a right triangle have the following measurements: 5 and 10 inches. What is the length of the hypotenuse??

show work.




Step-by-step explanation:

1. [tex]5^2 +10 ^2 = c^2[/tex]

2. [tex]c^2 = 125[/tex]

3. [tex]c = 5\sqrt{5}[/tex]


approximately 11.18 inches or [tex]5\sqrt{5[/tex] inches

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to use Pythagorean Theorem for this problem. a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where c is the hypotenuse and a/b are legs of the right triangle.

5^2 + 10^2 = c^2, 25 + 100 = c^2, 125 = c^2, sqrt125 = c

sqrt125 can be simplified to 5sqrt5 (25 * 5 = 125, sqrt25 = 5)

The hypotenuse is approximately 11.18 inches or [tex]5\sqrt{5[/tex] inches.

Determine the value of K that will cause f(x)=Kx^2+4x-3 to intersect the line g(x)=2x-7 at one point. SHOW ALL YOUR STEPS, DON'T USE DECIMALS INSTEAD USE FRACTIONS PLEASE!!!!!



The function are:



The graph of f(x) intersect the line g(x) at one point.

To find:

The value of K.


The graph of f(x) intersect the line g(x) at one point. It means the line g(x) is the tangent line.

We have,


Differentiate this function with respect to x.



Let the point of tangency is [tex](x_0,y_0)[/tex]. So, the slope of the tangent line is:


On comparing [tex]g(x)=2x-7[/tex] with slope-intercept form, we get


So, the slope of the tangent line is 2.





Putting [tex]x=x_0,g(x)=y_0[/tex] in g(x), we get


Putting [tex]x=-\dfrac{1}{K}[/tex] in the above equation, we get



Putting [tex]x=-\dfrac{1}{K}[/tex] and [tex]f(x)=-\dfrac{2}{K}-7[/tex] in f(x).




Multiply both sides by K.





Therefore, the value of K is [tex]\dfrac{1}{4}[/tex].

The diameter of a cylinder is twice the height (h) of the cylinder. Show that the total surface area of the cylinder is:
[tex]4\pi \ {h}^{2} [/tex]



Please check explanations

Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter is twice the height;

if diameter is d and height is h


d = 2h

But, we know that the radius is half the diameter size. Which means that the diameter is twice the radius


2r = 2h

Then r = h

Mathematically the total surface area of a cylinder is;

2pi r (r + h)

substitute h for r

2pi h(h + h)

= 2pi * h * 2h

= 4 pi h^2 (QED)

You have to evaluate the question for a and b




Step-by-step explanation:


Let a=2 and b=3


2 + 9


Answer: 11

2 + (3 x 3 )

2 + 9

The required answer would be 11 :)

Step-by-step explanation:

a student says the prime factors of 17 are 1 and 17. is the student correct?​


Answer: yes

A prime factor is number that can only divided by itself and one

Since, 17 can only be divided by 17 and 1, the student is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

A hall has 22 rows of chairs there are 18 chairs in each row how many extra rows of chairs are needed to seat 468



Total chairs = 18×22= 396

so no. of extra chairs need = 468-396 = 72

Now( 72/18) rows = 4 rows

Therefore 4 more rows are needed here

Hope it helps you

Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The amount of chairs in the hall can be found by multiplying 22 by 18 and getting 396. The amount of chairs needed is 468, so 468-396 gets you the amount of chairs still needed and the number 72. There are 18 chairs in each row, and 72/18 is 4. So 4 more rows are needed.

4. What is the correct ratio for sin A?
A) 5/12
B) 12/13
C) 5/13
D) 13/12



sin A = 12 /13

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin A = opp / hyp

sin A = 12 /13

please answer quick!




Step-by-step explanation:

sin theta = opp/ hyp

sin theta = -3 /5

Using the Pythagorean theorem

opp ^2 + adj ^2 = hyp ^2

(-3) ^2 + adj ^2 = 5^2

9+ adj ^2 = 25

adj ^2 = 25 - 9

adj ^2 = 16

Taking the square root of each side

adj = ±4

Since we are in the 3rd quadrant  sin and cos are both negative so adj must be negative

adj = -4

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos theta = -4/5

Calcular x en: los datos q faltan



x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

No se exactamente como decir esto porque yo ayudo la majoria de los usuario en ingles pero hay que usar un método para describir a x

Un método que se llama Pythagorean theorem

Pythagorean theorem: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 donde a^2 = 5 b^2 = 12 y c^2 = x


5^2 + 12^2 = c^2

Nota: podemos ver que esto esta bien porque el sum de los dos lados suma el mas largo.


25 + 144 = c^2

c^2 = 169

Pero eso no puede ser la respuesta porque no tiene sentido a que x sea un lado que mide 169 entonces tenemos que usar sqrt rt

sqrt rt de 169 = 13

x = 13

What is the factored form of x2 + 4xy – 21y2?
A. xy(x + 4 – 21y)
B. (x – 3y)(x + 7y)
C. x(x + 4y) + y(4x – 21y)
D. (x + 3y)(x - 7y)


[tex]\sf \: {x}^{2} + 4xy - 21 {y}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\sf \: Rewrite \: the \: equation⟹( {x}^{2} - 3xy) + (7xy - 21y {}^{2} )[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: 1)( {x}^{2} - 3xy) = x(x - 3y)[/tex]

[tex]\sf2) \: (7xy - 21 {y}^{2} ) = 7y(x - 3y)[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: Now \: the \: equation \: becomes \: ⟹ \\ \sf \: x(x - 3y) + 7y(x - 3y)[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: Factor \: out \: the \: common \: term \: (x - 3y) \\ \sf =( x - 3y) + (x + 7y) \\ [/tex]

Answer ⟶ [tex]\boxed{\sf {B) (x-3y)(x+7y)}}[/tex]

Chris and Josh have a total of 1,800 stamps in their collections, Josh and Jessica have a total of 2,200 stamps, and Jessica and Chris have a total of 2,000. How many stamps in all the three children have?


Answer: 3000 stamps

Step-by-step explanation:


Chris and Josh have 1800 stamps

Josh and Jessica have 2200 stamps

Jessica and Chris have 2000 stamps

Suppose Chris, Josh, and Jessica have [tex]x,y, \text{and}\ z[/tex] stamps

[tex]\therefore x+y=1800\quad \ldots(i)\\\Rightarrow y+z=2200\quad \ldots(ii)\\\Rightarrow z+x=2000\quad \ldots(iii)\\\text{Add (i), (ii), and (iii)}\\\Rightarrow 2(x+y+z)=1800+2200+2000\\\Rightarrow x+y+z=3000[/tex]

Thus, all three have 3000 stamps

Other Questions
help! please!!!!!! look at photo :)) Read the passage, and answer the question that follows:Yvonne sighed as she stood on the sidewalk. She wanted to cross the street but was stuck because of the traffic. She felt stuck in real life, too. Her career was going nowhere. She adjusted her glasses and looked left when a gust of wind blew a stack of papers from her hand. She ran quickly to gather them, wondering where they might lead.What object in the paragraph symbolizes change? Revise this paragraph from the essay on voter identification, which focuses on one of the claim's supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on:1. making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in the essay,2. using words, phrases, and clauses to link major ideas in the paragraph,3. organizing ideas in a logical way,4. stating and addressing a counterclaim,5. maintaining a formal style and objective tone, and6. correcting MLA citation errors.Underline any portions of the original paragraph that you include in your version of the paragraph. (30 points).Paragraph to be revised:Essay claim: Laws requiring people to show photo identification in order to vote decrease voter participation.Lots of people don't have photo identification. Requiring people to show photo identification to vote would keep those without this type of identification from voting. Those who often don't have identification include elderly individuals who no longer drive and citizens living in high poverty areas where transportation is limited. They would be denied the chance to vote. Sociologist Mark Abernathy writes, "requiring photo identification in order to vote essentially eliminates a whole population of American voters. These voters are part of society, but they are denied a basic right guaranteed to all Americans over the age of eighteen. Elections are then determined by only a portion of the population, not the entire population" (page 820 of the article "Photo Identification Disenfranchisement"). Some people think this is just not true. Ria Olberson, an economist at Alabaster University, states, "few Americans are without drivers' licenses. Even if the license is expired or revoked, it still counts as photo identification. To claim that requiring identification disenfranchises a segment of the American population is simply inaccurate" (page 101). Olberson is just wrong! A lot of people don't have licenses because they either don't need them or they don't want them. Consider people living in major cities. 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