: Find the value of the trigonometric ratio. Make sure to simplify the If needed


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

tan A = opp/adj

For angle Z, the adjacent leg is 14, and the opposite leg is 48.

tan Z = 48/14

tan Z = 24/7

Related Questions

Help with this please!




Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer is A

The length of a ladder leaning against a building is 60 feet. The ladder hits the building at the top of the building. The distance to the building from where the ladder touches the ground is 15 feet. What is the height of the building to the nearest foot?
A. 38ft
B. 48ft
C. 58ft
D. 68ft



C. 58ft

Step-by-step explanation:

An imaginary triangle is described here. The hypotenuse is 60, and one of the other sides is 15.





round that to get 58ft

A canoeist traveling with the current traveled the 24 miles between two riverside campsites in 2 hours. The return trip against the current took 3 hours. Find the speed of the canoeist in still water and the speed of the current, both in miles per hour.



Speed of canoiest is 10 miles/hour.

Speed of current is 2 miles/hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the speed of canoiest is v and the speed of current is u.

distance = speed x time

24 = (v + u ) x 2

v + u = 12 ..... (1)


24 = (v- u) x 3

v - u = 8 .... (2)

By solving (1) and (2)

2 v = 20

v = 10 miles/hour

u = 2 miles/hour

25% of £90
Work it out




Step-by-step explanation:

 percent is any number over 100, so 25% is 25 over 100, this means that 25% can be written as:


Now, any number in fractional form (a number over a number) is the same as division so 25% can also be written as a decimal, we just move the decimal point 2 places to the right of 25, like this:


Now we have two ways that we can solve this problem! I'll start with the fractional method of solving.

here bro this should be it

This is the question I am stuck on



a^ 8 / b^12

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that x^y / x^z = x^ (y-z)

a^-5 b^-4


a^ -13 b^8

a^ (-5 - -13) b ^ (-4 -8)

a^ (-5+13) b^ (-4-8)

a^ 8 b^ (-12)

We know that x ^ - y = 1/ x^y

a^ 8 / b^12

Expand the following: 4(a + 3b - 5c).
Please help, I'm really struggling with expanding equations




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the distributive property, multiply the number on the outside to everythign on the inside.






4(a + 3b - 5c)
= (4 x a) + (4 x 3b) - (4 x 5c)
= 4a + 12b - 20c

A telephone pole has a wire attached to its top that is anchored to the ground. The distance from the bottom of the pole to the anchor point is 49 feet less than the height of the pole. If the wire is to be 14 feet longer than the height of the pole, what is the height of the pole?


9514 1404 393


  105 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the height of the pole. Then (x -49) is the distance from the pole to the anchor point, and (x+14) is the length of the wire from the top of the pole to the anchor point.

The Pythagorean theorem gives us the relation ...

  (x +14)² = x² +(x -49)²

  x² +28x +196 = x² +x² -98x +2401 . . . . eliminate parentheses

  x² -126x +2205 = 0 . . . . . . . . put in standard form

  x² -126x +3969 -1764 = 0 . . . . "complete the square)

  (x -63) = ±√1764 . . . . . . add 1764, take the square root

  x = 63 +42 = 105 . . . . . . highest value root. The pole must be higher than 49 feet

The height of the pole is 105 feet.

What is the length of Line segment A C? Round to the nearest tenth.

Triangle A B C is shown. Angle A C B is 90 degrees and angle B A C is 55 degrees. The length of C B is 15 meters.

10.5 m
12.3 m
18.3 m
21.4 m




Step-by-step explanation:

In the picture if you think about it, it has to be a number less than 15 since CB is 15. I picked 12.3 and got it wrong therefore it has to be 10.5.


A) 10.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the intersection of the line and the circle given below



There are two intersections.

(-3,1) and (-1,-3)

Step-by-step explanation:


They intersect at (-3,1), and also (-1,-3)

Step-by-step explanation:


I’m in summer school can y’all plz help me


Answer:  Choice A.   [tex]-x^2+2x+8[/tex]

Work Shown:

[tex](f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x)\\\\(f - g)(x) = (2x+1) - (x^2-7)\\\\(f - g)(x) = 2x+1 - x^2+7\\\\(f - g)(x) = -x^2+2x+(1+7)\\\\(f - g)(x) = -x^2+2x+8\\\\[/tex]

which shows the answer is choice A.

Side note: be sure to distribute the negative to every term inside the second set of parenthesis. So you wouldn't say -(x^2-7) = -x^2-7. If you did this error, then you'd get to the wrong answer choice C.


hope it helps u plz mark me brainliest mate

Step-by-step explanation:



(f-g)(x)= -x^2+2x+8

this is the correct answer

Can someone help please


9514 1404 393


  (b)  f(x) = (-x)^(1/2)

Step-by-step explanation:

The square root is only defined for argument values that are non-negative. Hence the domain of ...

  f(x) = (-x)^(1/2)

is all values of x less than or equal to zero. This is not "all values of x."

Which expression is equivalent to this polynomial? 9x^2 + 4

A. (3x+2i)(3x-2i)

B. (3x+2)(3x-2)

C. (3x+2i)^2

D. (3x+2)^2


The answer is A (3x+2i)(3x-2i)

What is the cardinal number of the set {-1,3,7,52,36,19,-6}



can you please send me another one

Can someone plz solve this for me


Answer: [tex]y^\frac{1}{8}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Ok so when taking roots the number in the little corner at the left of the radical sign (if there is one) is the root you take. It could be the 4th root, 6th root, or the x root. You don't have to use the radical sign though, you can use an exponent to write it. All you have to do is take the reciprocal of the number to find what to write for the exponent. So for those examples it would be [tex]\frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{6} ,\frac{1}{x}[/tex]. The number in the top left of the radical sign is 8 so the answer would be [tex]y^\frac{1}{8}[/tex]

1. Find the equation of each of the straight line graphs that passes through the given
(i) (1, 7) (2, 10)
(ii) (3, -1) (-2, 9)
(iii) (4, 3) (8,4)
(iv) (2, -5) (-2, 7
(v) (-1, -8) (3, 12)
(vi) (-5, 1) (10, –5)

(viii) (2, 2) (0, -4)




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x)=-2x^2+x-5 find f(5)


f(5) = -50

Hope it helps you...

Two vectors m and n are defined by 3i+4j and n=2i-j. find the angle between m and n​



[tex]{ \tt{m.n = |m| |n| \cos( \theta) }} \\ { \tt{ (3 \times 2) + (4 \times - 1) = (5)( \sqrt{5}) \cos( \theta) }} \\ { \tt{ \cos( \theta) = \frac{0.4}{ \sqrt{5} } }} \\ \theta = 79.7 \degree[/tex]

factor the polynomial





Step-by-step explanation:

Ayúdenme con esta multiplicación de polinomio por favor



Answer: welcome to brainly

Step-by-step explanation:

Hello there! My name is agenthammerx, a Master Answerer and Engagement Team Member here on Brainly. I am here to welcome you to the site! Thank you for taking initiative to check out Brainly and for posting your first question! The Brainly Community welcomes you. If you have any questions regarding anything about the site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I will try my best to help you and answer your question or check out our help center at https://faq.brainly.com/

Consider the following data representing the price of refrigerators (in dollars).14051405, 11211121, 13391339, 10961096, 12991299, 14011401, 11381138, 11491149, 12231223, 10711071, 13991399, 14001400, 12421242, 13181318, 11011101, 10651065, 14281428, 12251225, 13501350, 13581358, 13121312Copy DataPrice of Refrigerators (in Dollars)Class Frequency Class Boundaries Midpoint Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency1049–1118 1119–1188 1189–1258 1259–1328 1329–1398 1399–1468 Step 2 of 7 : Determine the frequency of the fifth class.




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data:

1405, 1121, 1339, 1096, 1299, 1401, 1138, 1149, 1223, 1071, 1399, 1400, 1242, 1318, 1101, 1065, 1428, 1225, 1350, 1358, 1312

Using the intervals:

Class interval ___ Frequency

1049–1118 ________ 4

1119–1188 ________ 3

1189–1258 ________3

1259–1328 _______ 3

1329–1398 _______ 3

1399–1468 _______ 5

From the table ; the fifth class is the interval :

1329 - 1398 and it has a frequency of 3

A number is multiplied by 5 and the answer when divided by 3 gives 1315 . what is the number ?




Step-by-step explanation:

According to the question you could simplify the above numbers .



Step-by-step explanation:

let the number=x

[tex]\frac{5x}{3}=1315\\5x=1315 \times 3=3945\\x=\frac{3945}{5}=789[/tex]

For f(x) = 4x2 + 13x + 10, find all values of a for which f(a) = 7.
The solution set is ???

i keep getting -2, -1/5 ... but it’s telling me it’s wrong. help!.

(Type an integer or a simplified fraction. Use a comma to separate answers as needed.)




Step-by-step explanation:






Need the answer plz.


3rd one btw I’m not right

Need answers please offering 30 points




Step-by-step explanation:

the answer should be B 6+y<3

One 8.3 ounce can of Red Bull contains energy in two forms: 27 grams of sugar and 80 milligrams of caffeine. One 23.5 ounce can of Jolt Cola contains 94 grams of sugar and 280 milligrams of caffeine. Determine the number of cans of each drink that when combined will contain 457 grams sugar and 1360 milligrams caffeine. We need cans of Red Bull, and cans of Jolt.


That’s a lot of Red Bull

Mr. Mason’s class is going on a field trip. There are 27 students. There will be 1 adult for every 9 students. Mr. Mason wants to know how many adults (n) are needed for the field trip. Which of the following equations should he use?
A. 9n + 27
B. 27 – 9n
C. 9n = 27 - 1
D. 9n = 27



D. 9n = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

If we need one adult for every 9 students, we can represent that as 9n:

if n is the number of adults.

Because we have 27 students, the equation 9n = 27 works.

A better way of formatting the equation is:

n = 27/9

Because it directly shows what the number of adults is, but with some reformatting, it is clearly the same equation.

I think it would be d
I hope that helps?

The function f(x) is shown on the provided graph. Graph the result of the following transformation on f(x). f(x) +6



Graph the same exact curve, but move every y value up 6.

Step-by-step explanation:

A transformation to the y-values is outside of the argument of the function. i.e., outside of the parentheses.

1,547,489 which digit is in the thousandsths place




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Starting from right to left...

9 is in the ones place

8 is in the tenths place

4 is in the hundreds place

7 is in the thousands place.

I hope this helps!

Suppose 180 randomly selected people are surveyed to determine whether or not they plan on voting to reelect the current president. Of the 180 surveyed, 36 reported they will not vote to reelect the current president. Identify the values needed to calculate a confidence interval for the proportion that will not vote to reelect the current president at the 99% confidence level. Then find the confidence interval.



(0.123 ; 0.277)

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sample size, n = 180

x = 36

Proportion, p = x / n = 36/180 = 0.2

Confidence interval for sample proportion :

Confidence interval :

p ± Zcritical * √p(1 - p) / n

Zcritical at 99% = 2.576

0.2 ± 2.576 * √0.2(1 - 0.2) / 180

0.2 ± 2.576 * 0.0298142

0.2 ± 0.0768013792

(0.123 ; 0.277)

Im new to this app!
And im looking for help!!
Please help ASAP!!!



а<0 so we will be looking for maximum



Maximum point (-1;13)

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