How did Mary Wollstonecraft respond to the French Revolution?
A. Wollstonecraft opposed the Revolution because of its reliance on
Enlightenment philosophies.
B. Wollstonecraft largely ignored the Revolution because it did not
include any female leaders.
C. Wollstonecraft viewed the Revolution as a chaotic event that was
likely to harm women.
D. Wollstonecraft was outraged that the Revolution did not provide
equal education for women.


Answer 1


D. Wollstonecraft was outraged that the Revolution did not provide

equal education for women.


Mary Wollstonecraft's response to the French Revolution "was an outrage against the Revolution because it did not provide equal education for women."

While Mary Wollstonecraft supported the French Revolution on one side, she disagreed with it on the other aspects particularly in the area of women's rights and equal education.

This is evident in 1792 when in her book titled "A Vindication of the Rights of Woma." She wrote that women should not be considered less human beings than men, but rather should be given the same fundamental rights - the rights of the Revolution, including the right of equal education

Related Questions

How did the Magna Carta change the relationship between the monarch and the people?

It made the monarch first among equals.
It allowed the people to choose the monarch.
It made the monarch accountable to the people.
It placed limits on the monarch’s power.



it placed limits on the monarchs power.


D or number 4, It placed limits on the monarch’s power.


they wanted to be free pf tyranny

In 1943 , the United States and Great Britain did which of the following ? A. Began preparations for an organization to promote world peace . B. Began preparations for an organization with a goal to end the Soviet Union. C. Began an organization to research possible causes of a third World War .



The Answer is A.


I just did it on edge 2021.

What was the major goal of the political reforms enacted during the Progressive Era (1900-1920)?
expanding citizen participation in government
lowering the legal voting age
discouraging the formation of new political parties
providing public funding of campaigns


The answer is 1 have a great day

After reading the article "The Privacy Debate," what are three
benefits of people having access to your private life?


Your phone number appears in a hundred databases. Your favorite Web site keeps track of your every click. Do these advances in technology pose a threat to your privacy? Big Brother (along with 30 of his closest friends) may be watching you.
DEBATE With a small group, break into two teams and stage a debate over the question of personal privacy in today’s society. Is your privacy at risk, or isn’t it? Be prepared to back up your opinions with examples and other evidence.

Why did president Lincoln reverse general Freemans order to free captured slaves



He feared retaliation from the border states, which supported slavery.

After 100 years of exposure to European settlers, about what portion of Native Americans remained?

about one-tenth

about one-sixth

about one-half

about one-fourth



I'm not sure I think it's B

Answer:About 1 tenth


Most were wiped out from disease. Remember how the cold spreads fast? Well what is it was just as fast, and Just as lethal as Ebola? The natives had no immune system defenses and were killed off rapidly and quickly.

What did Austria-Hungary do in 1908 that increased pre-war tensions in Europe?

-It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-It annexed Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The correct answer is A. it annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a created European State that existed from 1867 under the "Austro-Hungarian Compromise" until 1919 when it was dissolved, giving rise to the states of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Fiume, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia.

One of the worst crises that the Austro-Hungarian Empire experienced was the result of Franz Joseph I's decision to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina, on October 6, 1908, which caused the discontent of the Serbian community that instead of calming their separatist spirits, embodied a feeling of enmity against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would later be seen in the First World War. According to the above, the correct answer is A. It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


A.) It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


World War Two has been called "The Good War." Was it for the United States?


The term "The Good War" assumes that there is specifically a good side and a  evil side. In a sense, it was a good war for the United States and her allies. The true democratic states were able to defeat the Fascist and Imperialistic countries of the Axis, and establish the noble ideals that founded the US to the world.

However, was it truly the "good war"? I would argue not. After all, the very ideals established by the US was forfeited within the United States. The Good War essentially established that the all people have the right to first their life, their freedom, their opinions, and then the defense of oneself. However, the US, the long-time champion of such beliefs, also dropped this belief in times of war, as the then-Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which, combined with the Orders leading up to it, removed their freedom to religion (First Amendment), their right to press and free speech (First Amendment), in the beginning, the force stay-at-home orders during the beginning of the war (Third Amendment), as well as the forced removal from their homes (Fourth Amendment). Quite frankly, the Democratic Party essentially treated those who were of Japanese descent as sub-human and sub-par, and that the only positive compared to that of the concentration camps ran by the Nazi's was that the US did not murder Japanese & German ancestry's, and slowly worked to improve the livelihoods of those who lived in these camps.

Again, this is definitely not taking away from the accomplishments that the US had achieved during this war. They, in a broad scheme of things, were able to beat back fascism, totalitarianism, extreme inhumane treatments, the guarantee of fair treatment of individual sovereign nations, and many other achievements. However, to only suggest that the US did positive things without shining some light to the negative is a faulty logic, and to suggest that WWII was simply "the good war" without allowing for further information would imply that the US (or Allies, in the grand scheme of things) was never in the wrong, and always in the right.


what influenced the way of life for both northwest coast Indians and plateau Indians?



i do'nt know


Both Northwest Coast Indians and Plateau Indians were influenced by several factors that shaped their way of life. Here are some common influences:

Geography and Environment: The geographical location and environment played a significant role in shaping the way of life for both groups. The Northwest Coast Indians inhabited the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest, rich in marine resources, including fish, shellfish, and marine mammals. The Plateau Indians, on the other hand, lived in the inland plateau region characterized by rivers, forests, and abundant wildlife. The availability of natural resources influenced their subsistence patterns, housing styles, and cultural practices.

Natural Resources and Subsistence: Both groups relied heavily on natural resources for their subsistence. The Northwest Coast Indians engaged in fishing, hunting, and gathering, with a strong emphasis on salmon fishing. They also harvested shellfish, seaweed, and other coastal resources. The Plateau Indians practiced a combination of hunting, fishing, gathering, and some limited agriculture. They relied on salmon runs, game animals, roots, berries, and other plant resources for sustenance.

Potlatch and Gift-Giving: The practice of potlatch, a ceremonial event involving elaborate feasting, gift-giving, and social exchange, was a significant cultural feature shared by both groups. Potlatches served various purposes, including social and political status display, wealth redistribution, and the reinforcement of kinship ties. Potlatches were a crucial aspect of their social and economic systems.

Artistic Expressions: Both Northwest Coast Indians and Plateau Indians were renowned for their rich artistic traditions. They created elaborate and intricate carvings, masks, totem poles, basketry, and other forms of artistic expressions. Art played a significant role in cultural and ceremonial practices, conveying stories, beliefs, and social status.

Trade and Exchange: Both groups engaged in extensive trade and exchange networks with neighboring tribes and distant groups. The Northwest Coast Indians were known for their sophisticated maritime trading networks, facilitated by their abundant resources and seafaring skills. The Plateau Indians participated in trade networks that connected them with coastal tribes for items such as shells, obsidian, and other goods.

Cultural Practices and Social Structure: Both groups had distinct cultural practices and social structures. They had kinship systems, clans, and hierarchical social organizations. Elders played important roles in decision-making and passing down cultural knowledge and traditions.

To know more about  plateau here


The 1950s were a crucial time in the history of Mexican immigration to the United States. Why was this so?


This site really helped me! It gives a full in-depth explanation and reading on how immigration was affected during the 1950s and so on!

which policy did the ming dynasty use to unify China following the fall of the yuan dynasty​



Sino foreign relations which allowed trade with the outside world

Help please asap! 10 pts I will mark brainiest

Discussion Assignment:

What lifestyle do California Indian tribes have in the present day?



Today, 78% of Native Americans live off-reservation, and 72% live in urban or suburban environments. Those policies had devastating effects. Relocated tribal members became isolated from their communities.


what are the mode higth and average hight in the US(of)A of humans?

I will give brainly



The average height for men of a similar age in the U.S. is around 5 feet 9 inches. For a woman raised in the United States, the average height is currently 5 feet 4 inches.


Man height is 5 foot 9 inches. Woman is 5 feet 4 inches

If you look at a graphical representation of at least a 50-year period between 1920 and 2014, you would see __________.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

If you look at a graphical representation of at least a 50-year period between 1920 and 2014, you would see "increasing global temperatures, melting ice caps and glaciers, and rising sea levels."

Climate change or global warming is not new for planet earth. It is a phenomenon that has happened in the past according to scientists and national agencies. It is believed that global warming had caused natural disasters such as the melting of ice caps and the flooding of many lands on Earth, destroying life forms.

That is why right now, many agencies are closely researching climate change. Among those institutions are the US National Academy of Sciences, the Geological Society of America, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

What were native Americans groups most threatened by?



They were threatened by diseases, poverty, land seizure and deportation.


Hope this helps!

which of the following resulted in tensions between louis XVI and french aristocrats before the french revolution



Louis XVI wanted to force aristocrats to pay taxes for the first time


find the word that most closely matches the denotation He told her all; only he forbore to mention how sick and pale her darling looked



Answer: forbore- to refrain from

Eking out to make a supply...

Disencumber-To free from


Persona enviada a un lugar para llevar mensaje dentro buscando la Independencia del Perú​





Mensajero es la persona o empresa que entrega mensajes o paquetes. Los bienes de mensajería se refieren a bienes que son acompañados o transportados por un mensajero, a menudo para garantizar que ninguna persona no autorizada pueda acceder a los contenidos. En un principio, el mensajero más clásico era el que viajaba en diligencia de mensajes entre dos príncipes, o dejaba mensajes entre dos frentes diferentes en la guerra.

Racism may materialize in various ways simultaneously, including environmentally. True or false





experience, lol. also. like creating railroads, dump sites and factories near certain areas in particular.

3) Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution says this:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors

a. Which principle best applies to this section?
1.Popular Sovereignty

2.Checks and Balances

3.Limited Government

4.Rule of Law

5. Separation of Powers

C. Explain the connection between what this section says and the principle you selected:

b. Underline the words or phrases that helped you decide which principle to choose.​


Limited government

Because the people in America was so mad at the government

Catherine the Great ended serfdom in Russia.
O True





Catherine the Great attempted to end servitude but the laws she was to reform were not passed.

Read this excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech at trial in 1964:
Political division, based on colour, is entirely artificial and,
when it disappears, so will the domination of one colour
group by another. The ANC has spent half a century
fighting against racialism. When it triumphs it will not
change that policy
Which statement best describes how this excerpt relates to Mandela's policies as South
African president?

A. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would work to
fulfill when he became president.
OB. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans that
Mandela would reject when he became president
O C. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans that
Mandela would work to fulfill when he became president,
XOD. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would reject when
he became president

*I know it’s not D*



What were the problem of people in the primitive age

In this excerpt, Nelson Mandela argues against racial division and emphasizes the importance of fighting against racialism. He suggests that when racial divisions disappear, so will the domination of one group by another. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is racial division?

Racial division refers to the separation of people based on their race or ethnicity, often leading to unequal treatment and limited opportunities for certain groups. Racial division can manifest in many ways, including discrimination, segregation, prejudice, and stereotypes.

It can lead to tensions, conflicts, and inequalities within societies and can be a significant barrier to social cohesion and progress. Racial division can be both overt and subtle, and it is a complex issue that requires understanding, awareness, and action to address.

This excerpt reflects Mandela's commitment to ending racial divisions and promoting equality, which were also the core principles of his policies as South African president. During his presidency, Mandela worked towards dismantling apartheid and promoting reconciliation and unity among South Africans, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Learn more about  Nelson Mandela here:


pls help don’t what the answer is



Reflected an unequal society


Severity of punishment varies based on social class and gender.

I really need help on this. What’s the answer



Negative Affects of The Industrial Revolution


The text describes how the industrial revolution started polluting water sources, thus proving to be a negative effect.

checa mi question for answers with a lot of points​



D-Day was one of the most remarkable military campaigns in history. One of the strategies in Operation Overlord was to prepare the beaches for incoming allied troops by heavily bombing Nazi gun positions at the coast. As well as destroying key bridges and roads to cut off Germany's retreat and reinforcements. The paratroopers were told to then drop in to secure inland positions ahead of the land invasion.

Which statement best completes the diagram related to the Russian revolution of 1917?



I believe it was the food shortages.


i read animal farm which is an analogy of the Russian revolution and I clearly remember food shortages being a big consequence of Czar giving up control.


Food shortages


Of the following government types, which two are the most opposite?
A. a dictatorship and a democracy
B. a monarchy and a dictatorship
C. a monarchy and an aristocracy
D. a republic and a democracy


the answer is A. a dictatorship and a democracy

Which of the following describes the major characteristics of Hammurabi's
A. It provided a history of the king's rulings.
B. It established the “presumption of guilt" that is used today.
C. It is the world's first “declaration of independence."
D. It established a public record of consistent laws.


Option D would be correct

Answer: it established the presumption of guilt that is used tody


It code this " presumption of guilt"

anong maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ninyo na mahirap mabago​



Ang maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ko ay mahirap na mabago ay ang pagiging mapanghusga.


Hi po! I think you should connect to para mas mabilis makuha yung answers and para locals na di yung sumagot.

Just a suggestion though. It's still up to you.

Hope it helps



Examine the cartoon and read the annotation. Then respond with a brief essay giving your personal reaction to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction. Present at least three specific points in your analysis.

Link o the website they gave us about the cartoon (with the annotations):



examine the cartoon and read the commentary Explain your response to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction with a short essay. provide three concrete pieces of information

This caused an uproar in Congress. Although the majority of Republicans in Congress backed the president's Reconstruction program, some Republicans were worried that the planter aristocracy would be reinstated and that the freedmen would be re-enslaved.

The Radical Republicans rejected Lincoln's proposal because they felt it was too kind to the South. To conservatives, Lincoln's Reconstruction plan was too soft since, in their opinion, the South was responsible for initiating the war and needed to be punished. Radical Republicans sought to dominate the Reconstruction process, change Southern culture, dissolve the planter class, redistribute land, and create industry.

“‘The Machine.'” 1864 political cartoon, which included many major political figures during the Civil War, criticized Lincoln's government.

The Radical Republicans succeeded to influence many centrist voters and quickly gained influence in Congress after the end of the Civil War. The Republicans approved a new measure in response to the "Wade-Davis Bill" in the summer of 1864. This new law would make it more difficult to rejoin the union. To be readmitted, the majority of the state had to swear a loyalty pledge, not simply ten percent. Lincoln subsequently vetoed this revised measure.



Other Questions
What is the range of the given data set? OA) 30 OB) 32 OC) 37 OD) 40 How manyAssume that the mean hecaht of soldiers is 166cmwith a standard deration of 8. cm.soldeers in a regiment of 1000 would you expect tobe over 177 cm tall. Find the value of x round to the nearest tenth. In right triangle ABC, AB = 3 and AC = 9. What is the measure of angle B to the nearest degree? what is a cell and why it is necessary pls help! I need the answer fast! helppppp! true or false? . .. ... all of the stones used to build the pyramids at this time were taken from nearby rock quarries . HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (x-4)=1gii h em vi Geometry, please answer question ASAP If C.P. = Rs. 480, S.P. =Rs.528 find profit and profit percent A/An is a type of blood cell that's also called a red blood cell. a) Jeukocyte O b) thrombocyte c) plasma d) erythrocyte what is the value of tan 0 in the unit circle below? (square root3/2,1/2) Which structures of this organism work together to carry out all of its lifefunctions? Dr Sabooh, a faculty member in a medical college, showed no inclination towards academic growth and progression and often showed temper outbursts, criticized others and was resistant to any innovations. Now after 15 years, he remains a lecturer whereas his juniors have been promoted to senior posts. In his opinion, there was only a meagre difference between his salary and other postgraduates. The Dean denounced contract renewal of fcaulty members who showed no professional advancement in last 10 years. Sabooh was now worried, on the advice of his friends he joined an MS program. Now after 3 years, he held an MS degree, became an author of few publications and finally got promoted! His self-esteem took a boost and there was a noticeable pleasant change in his personality. Apply learning theories on Sabooh's progression. Rosina purchased one 15-year bond at par value when it was initially issued. This bond has a coupon rate of 7 percent and matures 13 years from now. If the current market rate for this type and quality of bond is 7.5 percent, then Rosina should expect: the bond issuer to increase the amount of all future interest payments. the yield to maturity to remain constant due to the fixed coupon rate. to realize a capital loss if she sold the bond at today's market price. today's market price to exceed the face value of the bond. the current yield today to be less than 7 percent. The foot of a ladder is placed 10 feet from a wall. If the top of the ladder rests 13 feet up on the wall, find the length of the ladder. we make a sequence of figures with tiles. The first four figures have 1,4,7 and 10 tiles, respectively. How many tiles will the 15th figure have? hello, Students here is your qnaWho is the president of Nepal Now,1. Kp Baaa2.puspha kamal dahal3.sher Bahadur Deuba On a separate piece of graph paper, graph y=-Ixl +3 then click on the graph until the correct one appears. Need help with 2 corrections please!My teacher is giving me a hard time, I attached my answer, along with the teachers message, thanks :)Answer the following questions using both a direct and indirect object in your response. Follow the example.Example: Cocinas la comida para tu familia? Do you cook the food for your family? S, se la cocino. Yes, I cook it for them.18. Mandas una tarjeta a tu amigo?my answer: s, manda (teacher: what is the yo form of this verb?) esto para ellos.teachers message: una tarjeta is a direct object. and a tu amigo is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they go?19. Haces la tarea para tu profesora?my answer: S, lo hago por ellos. teachers message: la tarea is the direct object. and para tu profesora is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they belong?please help :(