find the value of z, angles related to a circle


Answer 1
Answer: z = 110


z + 70 = 180 (supplementary angle)
z = 180 - 70
z = 110

Related Questions



I don’t see a picture

Solve 7 ( x + 1 ) + 2 = 5x + 15



x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

7(x + 1) + 2 = 5x + 15

~Simplify left side

7x + 7 + 2 = 5x + 15

~Combine like terms

7x + 9 = 5x + 15

~Subtract 9 to both sides

7x = 5x + 6

~Subtract 5x to both sides

2x = 6

~Divide 2 to both sides

x = 3

Best of Luck!

7. Kylie bikes at a speed of 100 yards per minute. Robert bikes at a speed of 240 feet per minute. In feet per second, how much faster does Kylie bike than Robert?​


440 feet she get equal

3(8a - 5b) – 2(a + b); use a = 3 and b = 2




Step-by-step explanation:


3(24-10) -2(5)

3(14) -10



[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\textsf{3(8a - 5b) - 2(a + b)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 3(8(3) - 5(2)) - 2(3 + 2)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 3(24 - 10) - 2(3 + 2)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= (3)(14) - 2(3 + 2)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 42 - 2(3 + 2)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 42 - 2(5)}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 42 - 10}\\\\\huge\textsf{= 32}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\textsf{Answer: 32}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


In how many different ways can the letter of word
arranged. So that the vowel always
come together"​



= 6 ways = Required number of ways = (120×6)=720

2065 Q.No. 2 a A firm produced 100 calculator sets during its first year. The total number of calculator sets produced at the end of five years is 4,500. Assume that the production increases uniformly each year. Estimate the increase in production each year. [3] Ans: 400 ​




Step-by-step explanation:

First, the firm produces 100 sets its first year. This means that our equation starts at 100. Next, the total number of calculator sets in 5 years is 4500. With y₁ representing the amount of calculator sets produced during year 1, y₂ representing the amount of sets during year 2, and so on, we can say that

y₁+y₂+y₃+y₄+y₅ = 4500

100 + y₂+y₃+y₄+y₅ = 4500

Next, we are given that the production increases uniformly by an amount each year. Representing that amount as a, we can say that

y₁+a = y₂

y₂+a = y₃

y₁+a+a = y₃

y₁+ 2 * a = y₃

and so on, so we have

100 + y₂+y₃+y₄+y₅ = 4500

100 + (100+a) + (100+2a) + (100+3a) + (100+4a) = 4500

500 + 10a = 4500

subtract 500 from both sides to isolate the a and its coefficient

4000 = 10a

divide both sides by 15 to isolate a

a = 400

Answer is D , others say it’s 64 but I got it wrong



Oh no I am sorry! If you want answers to be done the real way let me know

Answer:I'm so sorry for you but congrats you did get the answer right it's just the test I guess

Step-by-step explanation:

solve this set of equation, using elimination or substitution method.


Answer of the set is x=-11.2 and y=3


X =224

Y= -10

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question it's better to convert the fractions to decimals this way it will be easy to solve.

0.25x+0.6y= -4








To find x you replace the value of y in any of the equations






I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

Need tha answer explained



Bri what do you mean explanation your answer is correct

Please mark me brainliest thanks


It is 77.2, so your anwer is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

Finding decimal divided by decimal too hard? Don't worry, I've got your back! To do division, you can do it the hard way by just dividing it, but there's something more simple.

Move the dividend's decimal point to the right until it's not a decimal. Do the same with the divisor, but it depends on how many decimal places on the dividend was moved by. So in this case, you move it by 2 decimal places for BOTH! Then you just simply divide it. It gives you the same answer.

BTW if I didn't make my explanation clear, please comment.

14. The data below show the average ages and number of volunteer hours for five randomly chosen persons. Given the equation of the regression line is y' = 9.309x - 167.012, predict the number of hours a person will volunteer if her age is 27.5 years. Age, x Volunteer Hours, y 24.9 66.5 25.6 70.0 26.1 74.8 27.3 89.6 27.0 82.6​


The Predicted time a person will serve is "88.9855 months". A complete solution is provided below.

Given equation is,

→ [tex]\hat{y}=9.309x - 167.012[/tex]

Her age,

→ x = 27.5 years

By substituting the value of "x" in the given equation, we get the predicted time,


→ [tex]\hat{y}=9.309\times 27.5 - 167.012[/tex]

     [tex]= 255.9975- 167.012[/tex]

     [tex]=88.9855 \ months[/tex]

Thus the above is the right answer

Learn more:

3/4 of the households in a rural area have pets. how many households have pets in this area if there are 1500 total households



1,125 households would have pets in the area.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have 1,500 total households. We also know that 3/4 (or 0.75) of these households have pets. We would multiply 1,500 by 0.75 (which is equal to 3/4), resulting in 1,125. Therefore, 1,125 households would have pets in the area.


1125 households

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 of total households in area = # of households that have pets in the area

3/4 of 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

3/4 · 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

75/100 · 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

0.75 · 1500 = 1125

1125 households

add 10 and g, then subtract f from the result​



(10+g) -f

Step-by-step explanation:

Add 10 and g

10 +g

Subtract f from the result

(10+g) -f

Suppose an average student can answer 6 homework questions in 30 minutes. If X follows an exponential distribution and measures the length of time between starting two homework questions. What is the value of μ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Make a ratio like

6 : 30

2 : x

Then cross multiple

6x = 60

Make x subject formula

x = 10

I hope it helped

A physical trainer decides to collect data to see if people are actually weight changing weight during the shelter in place. He believes there will not be a meaningful change in weight due to the shelter in place order. He randomly chooses a sample of 30 of his clients. From each client, he records their weight before the shelter in place order, and again 10 days after the order. A summary of the data is below.
The trainer claims, "on average, there is no difference in my clients' weights before and after the shelter in place order." Select the pair of hypotheses that are appropriate for testing this claim.
H0: µd = 0
H1: µd < 0 (claim)
H0: µd = 0 (claim)
H1: µd ≠ 0
H0: µd ≠ 0 (claim)
H1: µd = 0
H0: µd = 0 (claim)
H1: µd > 0
H0: µd = 0
H1: µd > 0 (claim)
H0: µd = 0
H1: µd ≠ 0 (claim)
H0: µd = 0 (claim)
H1: µd < 0
H0: µd ≠ 0
H1: µd = 0 (claim)
b) Select the choice that best describes the nature and direction of a hypothesis test for this claim.
This is a right-tail t-test for µd.
This is a right-tail z-test for µd.
This is a two-tail t-test for µd.
This is a two-tail z-test for µd.
This is a left-tail t-test for µd.
This is a left-tail z-test for µd.
c) Find the standardized test statistic for this hypothesis test. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.
d) Find the P-value for this hypothesis test. Round your answer to 4 decimal places.
e) Using your previous calculations, select the correct decision for this hypothesis test.
Fail to reject the alternative hypothesis.
Reject the alternative hypothesis.
Fail to reject the claim.
Reject the claim.
Fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Reject the null hypothesis.
f) Consider the following statements related to the trainer's claim. Interpret your decision in the context of the problem (ignoring the claim) and interpret them in the context of the claim.



H0: µd = 0 (claim)

H1: µd ≠ 0

This is a two-tail t-test for µd

Step-by-step explanation:

This is a paired (dependent) sample test, with its hypothesis is written as :

H0: µd = 0

H1: µd ≠ 0

From the equality sign used in the hypothesis declaration, a not equal to ≠ sign in the alternative hypothesis is used for a two tailed t test

The data isn't attached, however bce the test statistic cannot be obtained. However, the test statistic formular for a paired sample is given as :

T = dbar / (Sd/√n)

dbar = mean of the difference ; Sd = standard deviation of the difference.

If you were asked to measure the success of a campaign to fight for human rights, what criteria would you use?


Step-by-step explanation:

Many factors would be used to assess the effectiveness of a human rights campaign, including the following:

Social Influence. Direct Interpersonal Reach. Participant Observation. Reputation. Volume of Search & Interest. Website Traffic.

National Research.

help please! I need the answer quickly! thank you!



B) 1 unit to the left

Step-by-step explanation:

(b) If 124n= 232 five, find n.



Step-by-step explanation:


The value of n is 18.75. To find the value of n, we need to solve the equation: 124n = 232 five

Let's first convert "232 five" into a numerical value:

"232 five" means 2325 (since five is in the units place).

Now, the equation becomes:

124n = 2325

To solve for n, divide both sides of the equation by 124:

n = 2325 / 124

Now, perform the division:

n = 18.75

So, the value of n is 18.75.

To know more about equation:


Cho A=( căn x -4x /1-4x -1) : (1+2x/1-4x -2căn x/ 2căn x -1 -1)



0.85714285714286 x 100 = 85.7143%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Plzzz I’m giving a away 25 points



sin ß = opposite / hypotenuse

sin45° = x / 4√2

Cross multiply

x = sin 45° × 4√2

x = √2/2 × 4√2

x = 4 × √2 ×√2 / 2

x = 4 × 2 / 2

x = 8 / 2

x = 4

Let f(x) = -2x - 7 and g(x) = -4x + 6. Find (g o f) (-5)







1st option

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate f(- 5) then substitute the value obtained into g(x)

f(- 5) = - 2(- 5) - 7 = 10 - 7 = 3 , then

g(3) = - 4(3) + 6 = - 12 + 6 = - 6

on the same graph draw line 2y-x=10 and y=3x​



Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of three numbers is 124
The first number is 10 more than the third.
The second number is 4 times the third. What are the numbers?



182/3,3 8/3, 152/3

Step-by-step explanation:


a trừ c=  10




Step-by-step explanation:



=> a+b+c=c+10+4c+c=124

=> c=19

=> a= 29, b=79

[tex] \frac{3x - 2}{7} - \frac{5x - 8}{4} = \frac{1}{14} [/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


In order to factor an integer, we need to divide it by the ascending sequence of primes 2, 3, 5.

The number of times that each prime divides the original integer becomes its exponent in the final result.

In here,  Prime number 2 to the power of 2 equals 4.

[tex]\frac{3x-2}{7}-\frac{5x-8}{2^{2} }=\frac{1}{14}[/tex]

First, We need to add fractions-


[tex]\frac{A}{B} +\frac{C}{D} =\frac{\frac{LCD}{B}+\frac{LCD}{D}C }{LCD}[/tex]

LCD = [tex]7 \cdot 2^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{4(3x-2)+7(-(5x-8))}{7*2^{2} } =\frac{1}{14}[/tex]



In an assembly-line production of industrial robots, gearbox assemblies can be installed in one minute each if holes have been properly drilled in the boxes and in ten minutes if the holes must be redrilled. Twenty-four gearboxes are in stock, 6 with improperly drilled holes. Five gearboxes must be selected from the 24 that are available for installation in the next five robots. (Round your answers to four decimal places.) (a) Find the probability that all 5 gearboxes will fit properly. (b) Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the time it takes to install these 5 gearboxes.



The right answer is:

(a) 0.1456

(b) 18.125, 69.1202, 8.3139

Step-by-step explanation:


N = 24

n = 5

r = 7

The improperly drilled gearboxes "X".


⇒ [tex]P(X) = \frac{\binom{7}{x} \binom {17}{5-x}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]


P (all gearboxes fit properly) = [tex]P(x=0)[/tex]

                                               = [tex]\frac{\binom{7}{0} \binom{17}{5}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]

                                               = [tex]0.1456[/tex]


According to the question,

[tex]X = 91+5[/tex]

Mean will be:

⇒ [tex]\mu = E(x)[/tex]




       [tex]=9.\frac{5.7}{24} +5[/tex]


Variance will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma^2=Var(X)[/tex]






Standard deviation will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{69.1202}[/tex]


guys pls tell me this answer as soon as possible​


que es un cuadrilatero

please help solve for y!


As both angles are supplementary

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+(2x+3y)=180°[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+2x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 5x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3y=180-5x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x=90[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{90}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=30[/tex]


Putting value

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5(30)}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-150}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{30}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=10[/tex]

a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
Lashonda made $273 for 13 hours of work.
At the same rate, how many hours would she have to work to make $231?


eleven hours -  11 hours

She would have to work 11 hours to make $231.

Step 1: 273/13 = 21
So, x equals 21

Step 2: 231/21 = 11

How many unit cubes are on each layer of the cube?





Step-by-step explanation:

Remember: Each layer has 6 cubes. Step 3 Count the cubes. cubes Multiply the base and the height to check your answer. So, the volume of Jorge's rectangular prism is cubic centimeters. if wrong very sorry



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test

Meena's father's present age is six times Meena's age. Five years from now she will be one-third of her father's present age. What are their present ages?​



Meena's age is 5 and her fathers age is 30 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's assume Meena's age to be x years old.

Meena's dads present age is 6x.

5 years from now Meena's age will be (1/3)rd of her dads age

x+5= 1/3 * 6x



Meenas present age is 5 years and her dads age is 30 years

When a sample has an even number of observations, the median is the

Group of answer choices

observation in the center of the data array

average of the two observations in the center of the data array

value of the most frequent observation



average of the two observations in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:

When there is an odd number, we use the middle



The median is 5

When there is an even number


The middle is between the 3 and 5 so we average the middle number

(3+5)/2 = 4


the answer is => observation in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:


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