Flashing red and yellow lights control some intersections during times when there is __________ traffic flow.
a. low
b. extremely high
c. moderately high
d. moderate


Answer 1

Flashing red and yellow lights control some intersections during times when there is low traffic flow. Option a is correct.

What are traffic signs?

These are some elements that were developed to provide traffic safety, that is, guidelines and systems used to reduce traffic accidents, comply with traffic laws and maintain an adequate flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

In order to maintain safe traffic, it is necessary for every driver to be aware of his responsibilities, always keeping an eye on all the variables that occur unexpectedly in traffic and always complying with local legislation.

Therefore, traffic signal lights, as well as signs, guidelines and a set of laws, exist so that there is safe traffic for everyone.

Find out more about traffic signals on:



Related Questions

if one seeks to develop a well rounded education that will help in a law enforcement career, one should consider courses like
a. history
b. psychology
c. sociology and political science
d. all of the above


If one seeks to develop a well rounded education that will help in a law enforcement career, one should consider courses like  sociology and political science.

What would you say the law is?

Law is the field of study and profession that focuses on social norms that are accepted by the community as being legally enforceable. A controlling authority is responsible for enforcing the set of rules.

Why are laws so crucial?

Laws safeguard our rights as citizens and protect us from violations by other people, groups, and even the government. Our general safety is supported by the laws that we have. At the local, state, and federal levels, these include things like: Food safety regulations.

To know more about Law visit:



Which of the following actions are likely to undermine the effectiveness of a speech delivered from memory?


The following moves are probably to undermine the effectiveness of a speech added from memory: Breaking eye touch to keep in mind what you memorized, Speaking in a dull, monotone voice as you recite your speech.

The required details for Speech in given paragraph

Speech is a human vocal communication the usage of language. Each language uses phonetic combos of vowel and consonant sounds that shape the sound of its phrases (that is, all English phrases sound one of a kind from all French phrases, even supposing they're the equal word, e.g., "role" or "hotel"), and the usage of the ones phrases of their semantic individual as phrases in the lexicon of a language in line with the syntactic constraints that govern lexical phrases' feature in a sentence. In speaking, audio system carry out many one of a kind intentional speech acts, e.g., informing, declaring, asking, persuading, directing, and may use enunciation, intonation, levels of loudness, tempo, and different non-representational or paralinguistic factors of vocalization to bring meaning.

In their speech, audio system additionally by chance speak many factors in their social role which include sex, age, region of origin (through accent), bodily states, mental states (feelings or moods), physico-mental states , schooling or experience, and the like.

T know about Speech click here



which of the following terms describes a permanent committee in congress that has a defined legislative jurisdiction?


A permanent body in Congress with a specific legislative mandate is referred to as a "standing committee."

The seniority system is demonstrated by selecting committee chairs depending on which member has served on a state council the longest consecutive matches.

The majority party is the one that sets the rules and holds the most sway in the House's leadership.

The house's speaker has the authority to;

- Decide who is allowed to speak upon that State assembly during debate on proposed legislation.

- decide who will lead the House Ways and means Committee.

A subcommittee is considered to have jurisdiction over a bill when it comes within its scope of authority.

To know more about  jurisdiction click here



parliament asserted its authority to regulate trade with and within its empire by several acts known collectively as the


Parliament asserted its authority to regulate trade with and within its empire by several acts known collectively as the Navigation Acts.

The Navigation Acts, broadly known as the Acts of Trade and Navigation, refereed to a long series of English laws that were devised with the purpose of developing, promoting, and regulating English ships, shipping, trade, and commerce between other countries and with its own colonies and empire. These acts prevented the colonies from shipping any goods anywhere without stopping first in an English port to have their cargoes loaded and unloaded to regulate trade and administer tax, on the goods being shipped.

Learn more about Navigation Acts:



a contract that has been fully performed by the parties is called an executory contract question 49 options: True or false


An executory contract is one that the parties have completely complied with.

The statement is true.

An agreement that has been fully carried out by all parties is referred to as an executed agreement; one that has not been entirely carried out is referred to as an executory contract .

A signed agreement that has been complied by all required parties is referred to as an executed contract. The contract is currently operative and enforceable. The signed agreement establishes a legal contract between the parties, and each of them is now obligated to carry out the terms of the written agreement's legal responsibilities.

To learn more about executory contract, refer



is when most of the meaning of a message is explicitly stated in the message and words and requires little understanding of context.


This type of communication is called High-context communication in which messages and words require little understanding of context.

What is communication?

Learning about interactional processes and communicative behavior is the goal of communication. The field focuses on interpersonal relationships and interactions that occur in both private and public settings, face-to-face and through various mediums.

What forms of communication are there?

communication methods

Verbal exchanges. The words we speak have power.

Written communication, visual communication, and nonverbal communication

To know more about communication visit:



Bernice, age 69, has gradually developed disturbing symptoms. She forgets where she lives, goes on extravagant spending binges, fails to recognize her children, and has difficulty feeding herself. She is likely to be suffering from strokes. Alzheimer disease. Parkinson's disease.


Bernice, age 69, has gradually developed disturbing symptoms. She forgets where she lives, goes on extravagant spending binges, fails to recognize her children, and has difficulty feeding herself. She is likely to be suffering from strokes. Alzheimer disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a brain ailment that gradually impairs thinking and memory abilities as well as the capacity to do even the most basic tasks. The majority of Alzheimer's patients have their initial symptoms later in life. According to current theories, the aberrant protein buildup in and around brain cells is what causes Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid is one of the proteins involved, and deposits of it create plaques around brain cells. The other protein is tau, which builds up inside brain cells to form tangles.

Although many people with the disorder will pass away from another reason, Alzheimer's disease is a fatal sickness. Because Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative neurological illness, swallowing issues might result from it.

Learn more about Alzheimer's disease here: https://brainly.com/question/23325343


the morning news show will provide an in-depth view of the social institution that helps a society organize what it produces, distributes, and consumes. the new show will feature a discussion of the:


Based on the macroeconomic concept, and the situation described in the question, the new show will feature a discussion of the economic system/economy.

What is Economic System?

The economic system is a term that is used to describe how societies or governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country.

Generally, the term economic systems are used to describe how the government regulates the factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources.

Types of economic systemMarket economyCapitalismSocialismPlanned economyTraditional economy

Therefore, in this case, when the morning news show seeks to provide an in-depth view of the social institution that helps a society organize what it produces, distributes, and consumes, it is about to discuss the Economic system or economy.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is the Economic system / Economy.

Learn more about Economic System here: https://brainly.com/question/26360576


in the contingency leadership model, the most important component of situational control is position power. T/F


False,  The most crucial element of situational control in the contingency leadership model is position power.

Leadership is both a topic of study and a practical aptitude that refers to the capacity of an individual, group, or organization to "lead," influence, or guide other individuals, groups, or entire organizations.

It's common to view "leadership" as a divisive concept.In order for you to succeed as a leader, your leadership purpose should reflect who you are as a person and how you apply those special attributes to your role as a leader. Your values and the things in life that are most important to you are at the forefront of your leadership mission.

To know more about leadership, click here.



the farm owner association requires that famrers fields be in the shape of isocles triangles with the sum of the two


The farm owner association does not require that farmers' fields be in the shape of isosceles triangles with a specific sum of the two sides.

What does farm means?

A farm is a plot of land used for agriculture, such as growing crops and raising animals for food, fiber, or other products, or for recreational purposes such as hunting and fishing. Crop rotation, irrigation, and mechanization are common techniques used by farms to maximize output.

What does Irrigation means?

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land for agricultural or landscape purposes. It is used to help with crop production, landscape maintenance, revegetation of disturbed soil, and replenishment of surface and ground water.Irrigation is divided into two types: surface irrigation and subsurface irrigation. Surface irrigation is the controlled distribution of water over land, such as through furrows or sprinkler systems. Subsurface irrigation is the distribution of water through pipes or tubes beneath the ground surface to plant roots.

To know more about Irrigation ,



based on precedents, which of the following scenarios would most likely violate the reserve power clause of the tenth amendment?


The concept mentioned is the Reserved power clause. The answer is, Congress passes a law that creates a gun-free school zone.

Reserved powers, residual powers, or residuary powers are the powers that are neither banned nor explicitly given by law to any organ of government. similar powers, as well as a general power of capability, are given because it's impracticable to detail in legislation every act allowed to be carried out by the state.

Passed by Congress in 1789 and ratified in 1791, the Tenth Amendment is the last in the group of indigenous emendations known as the Bill of Rights. Reserved powers are essential in maintaining federalism, especially when the public and state governments partake in it.

Rather than keeping the structure of the papers of Confederation, where the state had all the authority, the Constitution's system of federalism provides a proper balance of power. The reticent powers are those powers that the Constitution doesn't grant to the National Government and does not, at the same time, deny to the countries. Utmost of the powers that the Constitution delegates to the National Government are exclusive.

To know more about the Reserved Power,



True orFalse: Independent-self individuals use more competitive conflict style, whereas interdependent-self individuals tend to use more obliging conflict style.


This statement is True.

Independent-self individuals use more competitive conflict style, whereas interdependent-self individuals tend to use more obliging conflict style.

A competing style takes a firm stance and refuses to consider the other parties' points of view. You'd keep pushing your point of view or dismissing other people's ideas until you got your way.

An obliging or compromising style seeks a solution that will at least partially satisfy all parties. You would try to find a happy medium between all of the needs, which would usually leave people unsatisfied or only partially satisfied.

This style may be appropriate when getting a solution is more important than getting a great solution, a deadline is approaching, you're stuck, or you need a temporary solution for the time being.

To know more about conflict management styles, click here:



TRUE/FALSE. there is a very active theatre culture in israel, which also includes numerous fringe theatre groups as found in europe and the us but most of the recent theatrical works explore the complexities of middle eastern politics and israel's relationship with the palestinians.


The statement " there is a very active theatre culture in israel, which also includes numerous fringe theatre groups as found in europe and the us but most of the recent theatrical works explore the complexities of middle eastern politics and Israel's relationship with the palestinians" is true.

Augusto Boal, a Brazilian playwright, developed the aesthetic technique known as "Theatre of the Oppressed" (TO), which encourages critical observation as well as portrayal of reality while imagining the creation of consciousness and practical acts.

Henrik Ibsen, a writer, entirely redefined the norms of drama inside the late nineteenth century with a realism that continues to be present in theatres today. He created a new order of philosophical analysis and redirected the European stage towards towards what it had evolved into a toy and diversion for the bored.

Instead of being a reflection of reality, realism in theatre would be a technical advancement. By combining realistic locations, clothes, everyday language, and dialogue, the realist style tended to give the audience the impression that they are actually on stage.

To know more about culture



training for appropriate personnel would include people who read criminal histories but do not have a ncic workstation of their own. t/f


True, training for appropriate personnel would include people who read criminal histories but do not have a ncic workstation of their own.

The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) is the primary database used in the US for tracking statistics on crimes. Since 1967, the NCIC has served as a vehicle for information sharing. It is administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) and connected to federal, tribal, state, and municipal departments and agencies. The NCIC database was established in 1967 by J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director. The system's goal was to establish a consolidated information network to simplify information exchange across the various law enforcement divisions. It is believed that the initial infrastructural cost was approximately $180 million. The program underwent an upgrade to the present NCIC 2000 system in the middle of the 1990s from the heritage system.

To know more about NCIC :


TRUE/FALSE. the project manager should schedule the meeting immediately following the delivery of the final report rather than waiting for a time when the customer is in a position to really determine whether the project met expectations and achieved the anticipated benefits.


Statement is false as it says project manager should schedule meeting  following delivery of the final report rather than waiting for time when customer is in position to determine whether project met expectations & achieved anticipated benefits.

What is a project?

A project is any endeavour that is deliberately planned to accomplish a certain objective, whether it is carried out alone or in collaboration with others and may involve research or design.

An alternate perspective describes a project as a series of connected activities that must be completed within specific time, budget, and other constraints. A project might be a transient (as opposed to permanent) social structure (work system), perhaps staffed by teams from different companies to complete certain tasks in a given amount of time.

A project may be used as an ad hoc system or as part of a larger programme management framework. Keep in mind that "projects" for open-source software or music by artists.

To know more about project manager:



Anna, born in Colquiri, Bolivia, now 24 years old, was raised by potato and quinoa farmers. She speaks mostly Aymara and learned Spanish in school as a second language. Her family attends the local Catholic Church, but also follows many traditional Native American spiritual practices and beliefs. She will be married next year, an arrangement set up by her parents. Her lifestyle is built around high altitude mountains with local agriculture and local markets to sustain them. Anthropologists might describe Anna's child-rearing and way of life in all of the following ways, except one. Which of the following is an INACCURATE anthropological description of Anna's life? 1) Anna is a product of time and place; like all of us are in the world, impacted by unique sets of local experiences and social contexts. 2) Anna comes to know who she is through the teachings of those around her who have passed on a specific view of the world to her in the way her culture has prescribed 3) What Anna has experienced in her youth is enculturation, the process of learning and teaching of one's unique culture. Enculturation has passed on to Anna all the cultural institutions and traits the Aymara have created, collected and adapted over the generations. 4) As is the reality for all of us, hardwired behaviors through evolution and the natural environment in which Anna lives determine how she will turn out as an adult. 5) Those institutions of culture, like family, kinship, religion, politics and economics, all have a direct or indirect impact on an individual like Anna. a


Those institutions of culture like family kinship religion politics and economics all have a direct or indirect impact on an individual like Anna.

Anthropologists and archaeologists study human origins development and behavior. They study the cultures languages archaeological sites and physical characteristics of people from different parts of the world. A degree in anthropology provides the foundation for pursuing a career such as archeology.

Anthropology compares human societies around the world in chronological order. For example, compare current and past forms of government or legal and religious belief systems. Compare social structures such as family dynamics and examine multinational corporations. Anthropologists, or people who do ethnographic research focus on aspects of being human.

Learn more about Anthropologists here:-https://brainly.com/question/1799013


a teacher needs assessment information that will assist in the development of an iep, you suggest using


A teacher needs assessment information that will assist in the development of an IEP, you suggest using curriculum based assessment.

What exactly do you mean by curriculum?

The academic lessons and material covered in a course or program are referred to as the curriculum. The courses that a school offers are frequently classified as the curriculum in dictionaries, but this usage is uncommon in educational settings.

What sort of curriculum would that be?

A predetermined and required course of study that students must complete in order to graduate from a certain educational level is another example of a curriculum. For instance, an elementary school might talk about how its curricula is created to raise test results nationally or aid pupils in learning key skills.

To know more about Curriculum visit:



Rapid increases in life expectancy are characteristic of the __________ stage of the demographic cycle.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth


Rapid increases in life expectancy are characteristic of the second stage of the demographic cycle.

What is demographic cycle?The evolution through time of the population profile of a nation, region, or other specifically defined geographical area is referred to as the demographic cycle, or population cycle. The socioeconomic history of industrialised nations has given rise to a population cycle theory.Demographic Transition Model (DTM) or "Demographic Cycle" is a model used to illustrate how countries' populations change as a result of their economic progress from having high birth and death rates to having low birth and death rates.The five demographic processes are covered. 1.FERTILITY 2.MORTALITY 3.MARRIAGE 4.MIGRATION Social mobility (#5) 8. DYNAMIC CYCLE (STAGE) • High stationary (initial stage): high birth and death rates, with no corresponding change in population size.

To learn more about demographic cycle refer to:



joint committees of the texas house and senate that work out differences in bills passed in each chamber are referred to as committees.


A conference committee composed of members from both chambers settles any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.

A bill is a piece of proposed legislation that a legislature is debating. The legislature must adopt a bill before it becomes a law, and in most situations, the administration must also approve it. A bill is referred to as an act of the legislature or a statute once it has been made into law.

Bills are legislative proposals submitted to Congress. Starting at the beginning of each Congress, bills are given a number in the order they are introduced in each chamber (first and second sessions).

To know more about bill, click here.



_____ intelligence is assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right answer.


Analytical intelligence is assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right answer.

One of Robert Sternberg's three categories of intelligence, the triarchic thesis, includes analytical intelligence. This form of intelligence, according to him, is the capacity to apply and reuse logical thinking. Analytical intelligence is crucial because it gives the business operation the information needed to generate more educated judgements.

In that regard, gathering data and simply storing it without any form of analysis is a pointless procedure. With their keen intellect, analytical thinkers quickly and thoroughly grasp patterns, principles, and structures. They detest contradictions and illogicality. Academic skills, the ability to solve problems, and abstract logic are all examples of analytical intelligence, often referred to as component intelligence.

To know more about Analytical visit:



Stories about celebrities, sensational crimes, and scandals in high places were labeled
soft news.


Stories about celebrities, sensational crimes, and scandals in high places were labeled as soft news.

Soft news, often known as market-centered journalism, is a type of journalism that blurs the distinction between news and entertainment.

Although the phrase "soft news" initially referred to human interest feature stories that were included in newspapers or television newscasts, the idea has now grown to encompass a wide range of media channels that focus more on personality-driven topics.

Hard news is traditionally a description of a recent occurrence or incident that is thought to be of widespread local, regional, national, or worldwide significance.

Soft news, in contrast, typically concentrates on the lives of specific people and has little to no perceived urgency. While soft news concentrates on human interest stories and celebrities, hard news often covers topics, politics, economics, international affairs, welfare, and scientific breakthroughs.

To know more about soft news:



According to recent research, which of the Big Five factors of personality showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood?
Multiple choice question.


The answer is Conscientiousness.

According to recent research, the Big Five Conscientiousness personality factors showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood.

Conscientiousness is a basic personality trait and one of them

The Big Five reflects a tendency to be responsible, organized, hard-working, goal-oriented, and follow norms and rules.

Studies show that maturation can affect five personality traits. As people age, they tend to become less extroverted, less neurotic, and less open to experience.

On the contrary, helpfulness and conscientiousness increase with age.

Staying away from procrastination and prioritizing completing tasks well in advance is one of the most prominent examples of conscientiousness in the workplace. These are the people who have never met a deadline. Conscientious people strictly follow rules and regulations.

To learn more about Big Five factors, click here:



functions of education are intended, while functions are unintended or unrecognized.


Functions of education are intended while Latent functions of education are unintended or unrecognized.

The latent function of education is unintended learning that has unintended implications or repercussions. These activities may be performed inside and outside of the school's boundaries. On a college campus, everyone contributes to the latent function. Latent functions are learned and taught mistakenly and involuntarily, yet the unnoticed results are also quite helpful. According to the hidden roles of education, school is not merely a place to pick up intellectual framework or general knowledge; rather, skills are acquired and used outside of the classroom throughout adolescence and into adulthood.

To learn more about latent function, follow the below link:



Widows represent a sizable proportion of the elderly. Which of the following statements about widows is TRUE? a. Widows outnumber widowers by 8 to 1. O b. Older widows adjust better than younger widows. Oc. Widows usually receive large insurance settlements at the death of their spouse. Od. A widow is more likely to remarry than is a widower. A Moving to another question will save this response.


Correct option for the above statement is "option (b) older widows adjust better then younger widows"

Because of many certain factors older widows are adjust better than younger widows like older widows are emotionally more strong and almost every older widows have their adult chold who are also support him to adjust.

Worldwide, the widowhood effect has been observed in both men and women of all ages. According to recent longitudinal research, the elderly widowhood excess mortality rate (as compared to marriage) ranges between 30% and 90% in the first three months and roughly 15% in the months after.

They will understand that everyone needs to do three things: 1) cope with the shock of the change they are facing; 2) come out of their numbness; and 3) show up as their new selves, in their own time and in their own way. Shock dominates this initial phase, which is measured in months but typically lasts longer than twelve.

To learn more about widowhood effect visit:https://brainly.com/question/29384288


a former student in a major school system claimed that he had recieved an inferior education in the systems segregated schools. the school system has since been desegregated


The school system has since been desegregated by :

P1 One case that would be rejected (3 parts)

What is meant by desegregated?

Desegregation is the process of abolishing racial, religious, or cultural segregation. Desegregation was a key objective of the 20th-century American Civil Rights Movement. One group of individuals is intentionally kept away from others when they are segregated.

African-Americans in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s who attended integrated schools in the US fared better than those who did not, and the advantages carried over to their offspring and grandchildren. Higher educational attainment, a one-third boost in incomes, and significant cost savings are some advantages.

Disaggregation is the breakdown of observations to a level that is more specific than the level at which detailed observations are obtained, typically within a common branch of a hierarchy.

The complete question is : 1. A former student in a major public school system claims she received an inferior education in the segregated school.

2. The school has since been desegregated

3. The case would been rejected because it is moot; school were desegregated in Brown v. Board

To learn more about desegregated refer to :



While researchers have discovered that there is an excessive number of receptor sites for _____ in schizophrenia patients' brains, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.


While researchers have discovered that there are an excessive number of receptor sites for dopamine, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.

The research proposes schizophrenia might be brought about by an adjustment of the degree of 2 synapses: dopamine and serotonin. A few examinations demonstrate a lopsidedness between the 2 might be the premise of the issue.

The neurotransmitter is Dopamine. The accompanying blends of synapses appear to be affecting everything in the people who experience the ill effects of ADHD Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Synapses, otherwise called synthetic couriers, are endogenous synthetic substances that empower neurotransmission. They communicate signals across a substance neurotransmitter, like a neuromuscular intersection.

Learn more about schizophrenia:



Luther is a counseling graduate student working on his conference presentation in which he argues that a certain theoretical perspective on personality is outdated because its concepts are difficult to test, and its theory was based on a biased, nonrepresentative sample. Luther could also include the following criticism:
psychoanalysis ignores the current experience.


Luther can also mention that psychoanalysis disregards the present situation. "

What does psychoanalysis' central tenet entail?

In order to help the patient experience catharsis, or healing, psychoanalysis is a sort of therapy that seeks to help the client release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories. In other words, the purpose of psychoanalysis is to raise consciousness about what is unconscious or subconscious. The four factors of interpretation, transference analysis, technical neutrality, and countertransference analysis work together to define the fundamental essence of psychoanalytic technique. The three domains are mastery of experience through voice reversal, the dynamic unconscious, and the plasticity of interpersonal desires. The patient can discern perceptions from delusions, needs from wants, or speculations from realities with the help of psychoanalytic therapy.

To know more about psychoanalysis visit:



Informed consent is a positive approach that helps clients become active partners and true collaborators in their therapy. Privileged communication is a legal concept that generally bars the disclosure of confidential communications in a legal proceeding.


Informed consent is a helpful strategy that encourages patients to take an active role and work together with their therapists. This assertion is accurate.

Why is informed consent a fundamental ethical tenet?

Obtaining informed consent upholds the moral value of autonomy. In order for the patient to give their informed consent, the diagnosis, available treatments, and associated risks must be disclosed.

What are informed consent's primary objectives?

The exchange of information to enable a patient or consumer to make an informed choice about their healthcare alternatives, including the option of declining the treatment, procedure, or intervention, is known as informed consent.

To learn more about Informed Consent here:



One benefit of having a corporate social responsibility strategy (CSR) is that an organization may receive more lenient penalties in legal matters than a company without such a strategy.


The given statement is True.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an automatic business model that assists an organization with being socially responsible to itself, its partners, and general society.

Corporate social responsibility is a business model by which organizations put forth a coordinated attempt to work in manners that improve as opposed to corrupt society and the climate.

CSR helps both work on different parts of society as well as advance a positive brand picture of organizations.

Corporate responsibility programs are also an extraordinary method for bringing morale up in the work environment.

CSRs are frequently broken into four classifications: environmental effects, ethical responsibility, generous undertakings, and financial obligations.

A few instances of organizations that endeavor to be pioneers in CSR incorporate Starbucks and Ben and Jerry's

to know more about business model click here:



in addition to experiencing panic attacks, which of the following is a criteria for a person to be diagnosed with panic disorder?


A person may be diagnosed with panic disorder in addition to having panic disorder if they avoid internal physiological or somatic triggers.

An anxiety illness known as panic disorder causes frequent, unexpected panic or dread attacks. There are times when everyone feels anxious or panicky. It's a typical reaction to tense or risky circumstances.

Numerous variables, such as a history of panic disorder or panic attacks in the family, can make having panic attacks or panic disorder more likely. Significant life stress, such as the loss of a loved one or a serious illness. an upsetting incident, like a sexual assault or a tragic accident.

To know more about panic disorder, click here.



Other Questions
Refer to the demand and supply diagram that relates to the health care market. If suppliers provide the quantity of health care demanded and insurance pays one-half of the equilibrium price of the health care good or service depicted, the immediate price to the consumer and the quantity of health care consumed would be:A. P1 and Q1.B. P1 and Q2.C. P2 and Q2.D. P2 and Q1. (24,3),(8,1)(16,2)(40,5) Carlos is buying movie tickets for a group. He wants to have at least 20 tickets and spend no more than $300. Adult tickets cost $15 and child tickets cost $8. Write a system of inequalities that can be used to find the number of each type of ticket Carlos could buy? Given the geometric sequence twenty-seven sixteenths comma negative nine eighths comma three fourths comma and continuing comma what is a6? atwo ninths bnegative two ninths cnegative 81 over 128 d81 over 128 a metal oxide with the formula m2o contains 11.18% oxygen by mass. in the box below, type the symbol for the element represented by m. [a] ray ab bisects CAT. if m< CAT =30 and m(pls show how i did it) I need a little bit of help with this one a nation has a comparative advantage when: i. it produces the good at a lower opportunity cost than another nation. ii. it produces the good using fewer resources than the other nation. iii. it produces the good more efficiently than another nation. When some of the sugar added to iced tea remains undissolved at the bottom of the glass, the solution is Most studied answer a) dilute b) unsaturated c) saturated d) polar e) nonpolar according to quality and safety education for nurses (qsen), what intervention will best help reduce the risk of medication errors? ______ personality disorder is an odd-eccentric disorder characterized by the person not wanting close relationships and who is emotionally aloof, reclusive, humorless and sloitaryschizoid If you were writing a Haiku journal what would you write. Instructions:write 10 Haikus about a corresponding picture.A haiku is a 3-line poem with 5 syllables in the 1st and 3rd lines, and 7 syllables in the 2nd line.Image is an example Identify the groups of people who most often worked under each system of unfree labor Which expression is equivalent to 100p4z8 when p>0, and z>0? Responses 10p2z4 10 p 2 z 4 10p2z6 10 p 2 z 6 20p2z4 20 p 2 z 4 20p2z6 TRUE/FALSE. the master production schedule is a detailed schedule that indicates the quantity of each item to be produced, the planned delivery dates for those items, and the time by which each step of the production process must be completed to meet those delivery dates. ray bradbury uses non-conventional narrative techniques in writing this story (no human characters, no dialogue, straight chronological order, no flashback, extended personification). do you think this was an effective way for bradbury to tell this story? why or why not? in this lab, your task is to: configure windows update to: install updates for other microsoft products when windows is updated. allow the installation of feature updates to be deferred 60 days. allow quality updates to be deferred 30 days. configure windows to automatically download manufacturers' apps and custom icons for devices. d. the marketplace guiding the self-interests of market participants into promoting general economic well-being. 1. What is the slope of the graph of 5x - 2y = 20?A. -106.3/B.C.5D. 5 when hadley jones wanted to buy a truck so he could get to and from his job in a nearby community, his credit rating was poor. jones found that the only place he could get a loan was from a(n) finance company.