For American Revolution and French Revolution

For American Revolution And French Revolution


Answer 1

For the American Revolution. The colonists had started it in the beggining smuggling all the weapons into Concord, NH. When the Redoats found out they were on their way to kill the leader of the SOL sons of liberty who was known as a terrorist in KG3 eyes.

Dont know if that answered it

Answer 2


The enemies in the French Revolution were King Louis XVI, Monarchists and Royalists and the Churches that were run by refractory priests. rioters stormed the Bastille fortress in an attempt to secure gunpowder and weapons; many consider this event as the start of the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted ten years.


this is for the French Revolution side. The other guy had the Mexican one.

Related Questions

.Read the lines from the poem Taj Mahal and answer the questions that


Though emeralds, rubies, pearls are all but as the glitter of a rainbow tricking out empty air

and must pass away,

yet still one solitary tear

would hang on the cheek of time in the form of this white gleaming Taj Mahal

1. what are emeralds rubies and pearls compared to?

2. identify the line which shows the transactions of rainbow

3. Pick out an instances of visual image from these lines.


Hi, these are the answers,

1. Emeralds, rubies and pearls are compared to glitter.

2. The line "as the glitter of a rainbow tricking out empty air" shows the transactions of a rainbow.

3. The lines "would hang on the cheek of time in the form of this white gleaming Taj Mahal" & "Though emeralds, rubies, pearls are all but as the glitter of a rainbow tricking out" .

Hope it helps you..

Pls mark brainliest if it helps you...

( Answered by Benjemin)

a government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power



Dictatorship is a government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power.

Answer: A Queen, King or the Royal family


Why did the colonist need money from the king if they had tobacco?


Because growing tobacco also required a lot of hard work and labor, more people (human resources) were needed to work in the fields. ... It didn't take the colonists long to realize that economic specialization would be the way to go, and tobacco became a cash crop for the colony.

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The Cay by Theodore Taylor is set in 1942 in the middle of World War II


1942 is right after Hitler had invaded Holland and defeated France

The beliefs, values and ideas that help to shape political opinion adn eventually
policy are
A) ideologies
B) political views
C) religous views
D) partisan views


C. Religious views is the f correct answer

Two methods of establishing approximate dates for prehistoric objects are relative dating and












Two methodTwo methods of establishing approximate dates for prehistoric objects are relative dating and stratification

2. Describe the economic and labor patterns of the Jamestown colony.



From the beginning when the Virginia Company of London was formed, the overseas venture was an economic one. Captain Newport led the efforts of the settlers to discover gold ore even when their efforts might have been better used toward acquiring food. They were not quick to learn how to grow food in their new environment and increasingly had to rely upon the Indians for corn and other crops. In addition, the colonists did not have the tools they needed since they were limited in what they could bring from England. Lumber was a resource that was plentiful in Virginia, and the location of Jamestown along the water where ships could dock should have been ideal for this industry. Yet, lumber turned out to be a very expensive commodity to ship. Wood extractives such as pitch and tar, soapash and potash were more practical but needed processing before shipping. Silk production, glassmaking and wine production were all industries which were attempted with varying degrees of success, yet none to the extent needed to make a profit for the Virginia Company. Within a few years, most of these early attempts, with the exception of lumber products, were abandoned. Settlers continued to barter with the Indians, as they had from the beginning, in order to meet their daily needs. Even the fur trade, which made a small profit for the Company, would not become a very successful venture until after 1630.

The first truly marketable product raised in Virginia was tobacco. By 1612, John Rolfe experimented with planting a new variety of tobacco, a mild Spanish leaf, which he anticipated would be more suited to English tastes than the bitter Indian variety. He not only learned how to raise this new type of plant but also managed to harvest and cure it so it could be transported to England without spoiling. After a couple of years, he met with great success and was busily marketing his crop among English merchants and tobacco sellers when he traveled with his bride, Rebecca, to London in 1616. Ironically, he could not smoke a pipe in the presence of King James I as the king’s vehement opposition to tobacco was well-known at court and had been set out at length in his A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco published in 1604, in which he attacked arguments in favor of smoking and derided claims about its medicinal qualities. He called it a “stinking weed,” and “a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs…” Nevertheless, tobacco revolutionized the colony’s economy and became the cash crop of Virginia.

Virginia colonists quickly gave up all other products to meet the demand for tobacco in England. Production increased phenomenally into the 1620s, and became readily available for mass consumption in England. All classes and genders smoked. Virginia became synonymous with tobacco, and Virginians developed a way of life that revolved around its production.

Since tobacco was too bulky to carry very far across land, farmers spread out along the rivers where boats could easily pick up their crops. Tobacco was shipped to England where it was sold to buy goods or to purchase more labor. With profits from tobacco, wealthy Virginia planters could purchase luxury goods from around the world such as Chinese porcelains, Oriental silks, Dutch and German ceramics, Venetian glass, objects of gold, silver, brass and pewter, fancy foodstuffs and stylish household furnishings. Virginia became part of the global economy.

Success with tobacco would not have been possible without the right of individuals to own private property. Both as a means for planters to gain more land and as a way to populate the colony, the Virginia Company developed a new policy of land ownership in 1618. Instead of Company controlled plantations, land began to be allotted to individuals. Settlers who had arrived before 1616 (“ancient planters”) were granted 100 acres of land for their own use. Investors also received 100 acres for every share. The new plantations were called “hundreds” or “particular plantations.” These plantations were allowed some self-government, an added incentive for new investors to risk their capital. Those who arrived after April 1616 and paid their own passage received 50 acres for themselves and another 50 for every person they transported. This arrangement, known as the “headright” system, became the primary means by which laborers were recruited and sent to the colony for the rest of the century. By importing hired workers, successful planters could fulfill their need for labor while amassing additional land. The opportunity to realize substantial profits from growing tobacco while accumulating land sparked the spread of settlement. Without a doubt, this new policy changed the economic life of the colony forever.


The political significance of the Great Compromise and
the Three-Fifths Compromise was to…

O reinforce the unity of the New England merchants and the southern planters.

O exacerbate tensions between the New England merchants and the southern planters.

O transfer power from the Senate majority leader to the vice president.

O increase public support for the establishment of a national



I would say D


Although it could've long-term those two documents didn't really cause unity and exacerbate any tensions. It didn't really present any hint of switching or transferring power. Must be D

At the Potsdam Conference, which country did Allied leaders make larger?
the Soviet Union



The Soviet Union.


The Potsdam conference split Germany four ways across the allies, France, Britain, USA, and USSR. The USSR took control of eastern Germany and quickly forced radical rule, causing the Berlin Wall. The other three allies joined forces and formed West Germany, to combat Stalin's oppressive rule.

At the Potsdam Conference, the Soviet Union country did Ally leaders make larger. Thus, option (b) is correct.

The Potsdam Conference divided Germany among the four allies—France, Britain, the United States, and the USSR.

The Berlin Wall was created as the USSR quickly imposed radical rule on Eastern Germany. In order to oppose Stalin's repressive regime, the other three allies banded together and created West Germany.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on Potsdam Conference, here:


The Qu'ran isn't written from the point of
view of people, Muslims believe it's the
actual what?
(You don’t have to explain why)



Muslims believe the Quran is the most important source of authority as it is. Even believed to be the revealed word of God. Muslims believe it is the most sacred text and contains ultimate guidance for all humankind.


How was the Pope in Avignon in 1348 able to avoid the plague. Why was it successful?



Clement reigned during the first visitation of the Black Death (1348–1350), during which he granted remission of sins to all who died of the plague. Of course he was also a spiritual leader, and he alleviated some of the spiritual anxieties by instituting a special Mass for the cessation of the plague, and, more importantly, he provided a general absolution of all sins for victims of the plague who had died without proper confession or receiving the last rites. On July 6, 1348, Pope Clement VI issued the first of two bulls instructing Christians not to blame the Jews for the plague epidemic then sweeping across Europe. Noting that Jews too were dying from the Black Death, Clement announced that people who cast blame on the Jews “had been seduced by that liar, the devil.”


Due to this, the Pope was successful.

The first permanent European settlement in the Southwest, established in 1610, was __________.

a. Tucson
b. San Diego
c. El Paso
d. Santa Fe


Your answer is D, Santa Fe

The first permanent European settlement in thr southwest established in 1610 was Santa fe

who is the president of the United States of America? ​



Joe Biden


Mark me brainlist

What role did the Catholic Church and religion play during the Black Plague?


The Response of Religion and Medicine
In Christian Europe, the Roman Catholic Church explained the plague as God's punishing the sins of the people. The church called for people to pray, and it organized religious marches, pleading to God to stop the “pestilence.”

What were the 3 old worlds?


the concept of the three continents in the old world, Aisa, Africa, Europe goes back to classical antiquity

Describe the continent of Africa prior to the interactions with Europeans? What specific information surprised you, why?


Answer: It is very dry and has lots of animals like lions and hippos. It also has safaris.


in the photo the man is see what is doing



He is seeing up side down

"That to secure these rohts, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to
these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government,
laying its foundation on such principios... Declaration of Independence 1776
How is the principle of social contract best witnessed in this excerpt from the Declaration or
It emphasizes the obligation of the people to the government
It emphasizes the obligation of the government to the people
It emphasizes the steps that can be taken to overthrow the government
It emphasizes the new foundations



theft auto IV and write a review of the way for me to be a good time to be a


good morning I am in the way for me to be a good time to be a good time to be a good time to be a good time to be a good time to be a good time to be a time to be a good time to be a good time to be the way for me to be a good idea for a good time and consideration in my village of doing a lot of getting our good friend of the diary of the way you send me a call at any time after that time of doing this and consideration and write a letter of the day and

Is a group of people. (0.5 points) Society Community Religion​





because there may be a lot of people

Use the map on page 13 of Understanding Geography to answer the question.

Which climate zone contains Iowa (IA)?

mild wet winter, hot dry summer

warm winter, hot summer, dry

cold winter, cool or warm summer, wet

mild winter, hot summer, wet



wet mild winter or hot summer

Use the following quote and your knowledge of US History to answer the following
"This country will be drenched in blood. The people of the North are not going to let the
country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it. Besides, where are your men
and appliances of war to contend against them? You are rushing into war with one of
the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth - right at
your doors. Only in spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are
totally unprepared."
The quote above was spoken by William T. Sherman upon hearing the news that the
southern states had begun to secede. Which of the following is Sherman's projection as
the outcome and/or consequence of southern secession?
A. There will be a war in which the South will win due to their militaristic nature
and abundance of weapons.
B. There will be a war in which the South will win due to their governmental
dominance and obvious determination.
C. There will be a war in which the North will win due to their technological
advancements and lack of a southern military.
D. There will be a war in which the North will win due to their stability though
political, social, and economic conditions.



Your answer is option C. there will be a war in which the North will win due to their technological advancements and lack of southern military.

help plsssssssssssssssss





it sounds the most right

what does Amari notice about besa when she sees him​


is there a passage to refer to?
She realizes she'll never see him again. He's gone. Sing or hummed in a soft soothing voice.

How did technology impact the culture of the early 20th century with the invention of the radio, phonograph and electric guitar?



There were many innovations during the 20th century that contributed to how music was created, shared and appreciated. Technological advancements in radio, TV, and recording enabled the public to listen to music in the comforts of their own home.

The development of new jobs in the Stone Age history is called.



trading, weaving, making basket, making useful tool


explain six results of collaboration between lenana and the british​



The six results of collaboration between lenana and the British are as follows;

1.The Maasai were evicted/displaced from some of their lands which was given to the settlers.

2.The Maasai lost their independence, hence colonized by the British.

3.Lenana was given the position of Paramount Chief by the British in order to please him.

4.Maasai warriors were employed mercenaries and were used to suppress/bring other communities under colonial rule.

5.The Maasai were rewarded with livestock which was confiscated from resisting communities.

6.Lenana was helped to fight his brother Sendeyo whom he forced together with his followers to move to northern tanazia.

hope this will help u :)

mark as barinliest if it helps u ....

The collaboration between Lenana and the British​ resulted in some of the Maasai's lands were taken away from them and handed to the settlers.

What was the collaboration between Lenana and the British​ ?

Laibon Lenana was the Maasai leader at this period. Lenana wanted the British to aid the Maasai in regaining their strength so they could battle the Nandi, who were at the time their greatest foe. Additionally, he sought assistance in his struggle against his aspiring leader, his brother Sendeyo.

Lenana was acknowledged as the maasai tribe's supreme chief. He was given animals as payment for his cooperation. Without incident, the railway was built through Maasailand.

The results of the collaboration  are -

The Maasai were colonized by the British when they lost their freedom.The British gave Lenana the title of Paramount Chief in an effort to win him over.Maasai warriors were utilized as hired guns by the colonial government to repress or subjugate other populations.The Maasai were compensated with cattle that was taken from tribes that put up a fight.Lenana received assistance in fighting his brother Sendeyo, whom he coerced into moving to northern Tanazia with his supporters.

To learn more about Maasai


How were horses reintroduced to North and
South America in the early 1500s?



Explanation: Spanish explorers brought horses to the New World. Plains Indians brought horses to make their hunts more successful.

Horses were already living on every continent. Plains Indians domesticated wild horses.

which type of climate does Japan have



Japan has four distinct seasons with a climate ranging from subarctic in the north to subtropical in the south. Conditions are different between the Pacific side and the Sea of Japan side. Northern Japan has warm summers and very cold winters with heavy snow on the Sea of Japan side and in mountainous areas.


How did the national capital move to Washington, DC?

A) It was a request of George Washington.

B) It was a part of a political compromise.

C) The location was changed when the first White House burned down.

D) It was always there-it never moved.


It’s B.)


The Residence Act put the capital in current-day Washington. ... So on May 15, 1800, Congress ended its business in Philadelphia and started the move to the new Federal District. President Adams also left Philadelphia in April and moved into the White House in November.

The national capital moved to Washington, DC as part of a political compromise. Thus, option (b) is correct.

The location of the new capital was decided upon through political negotiation. The Bank of the United States, which would have its headquarters in Philadelphia, was backed by Congress as part of the debate over Hamilton's financial strategy.

The Residence Act designated Washington, D.C., as the nation's capital. Congress therefore completed its business in Philadelphia on May 15, 1800, and began its relocation to the new Federal District. Additionally, in April, President Adams departed Philadelphia and moved into the White House in November.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on political compromise, here;


The first nuclear weapons to be used against another nation were dropped



decreased as more nuclear weapons were stockpiled. increased in the years ... lining up weapons at another nation's borders to send a threatening message.

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