Two cars leave from the same place and travel in the same directionOne car travels one an one third times as fast as the other. After 3 hours, they are 45 miles apart. What is the speed of each car?


Answer 1


22.5 m/h and 7.5 m/h

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's said that x is the speed of the faster car. That means the slower one must have the speed of x/3.

x/3 * 3 + 45 = x * 3

x + 45 = 3x

45 = 3x - x

45 = 2x

x = 22.5

x/3 = 7.5

Related Questions

Instructions: Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth




Step-by-step explanation:

since we already know the measures of 2 of the 3 angles in the triangle, we can find the 3rd angle:


now, we can use the law of sines to find the missing side:


x sin25°=30sin65°



rounded to the nearest 10th:


Non right angled triangle




Step-by-step explanation:

law of cos()

b^2 = (16.5)^2 + (17.1)^2 - 2(16.5)(17.1)cos(65)

[tex]\frac{3\sqrt{2}\sqrt{-3135\cos \left(65^{\circ \:}\right)+3137}}{10}\quad \begin{pmatrix}\mathrm{Decimal:}&18.06035\dots \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

Can somebody help me with this problem. And make sure that u can explain how to do it don't just give me the answer.




Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the triangle as a whole. This is a 30-60-90 triangle by speculation. You can see that the hypotenuse is equal to 100. By using sine (you can use cosine as well) , you get the expression, "(sin 30 degrees) = x/100" since sin is the opposite side over the hypotenuse. Do some basic trigonometry to get "1/2 = x/100". By now, you should know that 50/100 is the same as 1/2.

the polygons in each pair are similar. find the scale factor of the smaller figure to larger figure.​



Scale factor = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

From the picture given in the question,

If the larger figure is dilated to form the smaller figure,

Scale factor by which a figure is dilated with is determined by the expression,

Scale factor = [tex]\frac{\text{Measure of one side of the smaller figure}}{\text{Measure of the corresponding side of the larger figure}}[/tex]

                    = [tex]\frac{3}{6}[/tex]

                    = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Need help asap please thank you



Option d, ln 54.6 = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

54.6 = e⁴

taking log both side (where base of log is e)

ln 54.6 = log e⁴

or, ln 54.6

or, ln 54.6 = 4×ln e

or, ln 54.6 = 4 (ln e = 1)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Un grupo de estudiantes se junta a celebrar el termino del semestre, para lo que acuerdan preoarar un curanto. Reunen todos los ingredientes y los ponen en una olla y le aplican fuego hasta que esta alcanza una temperatura de 175°C. En este momento retiran la olla del fuego y queda expuesta a la temperatura ambiental, que es de 12°C



El problema esta incompleto, pero es facil ver que se desea estudiar el enfriamiento de la olla.

Sabemos que la ecuación de enfriamiento de Newton es:

[tex]T (t) = T_s + (T_0 - T_s)*e^{-k*t}[/tex]

Donde t es el tiempo.

[tex]T_s[/tex] es la temperatura del ambiente, en este caso es 12°C

[tex]T_0[/tex] es la temperatura inicial del objeto, en este caso 175°C

k es una constante, que es lo que usualmente se pide obtener en este tipo de problemas.

Reemplazando esos valores en nuestra ecuación obtenemos:

[tex]T(t) = 12 + (175 - 12)*e^{-k*t}\\\\T(t) = 12 + (163)*e^{-k*t}[/tex]

Ahora se nos dice:

"Luego de 10 minutos, la temperatura de la olla será de 100°C"

(estos valores no son necesariamente los del problema, son unos valores genéricos para poder mostrar como se resuelve este tipo de ejercicio)

Entonces, T(10 min) = 100°C

Reemplazando eso en nuestra ecación, obtenemos:

[tex]T(10 min) = 100 = 12 + (163)*e^{-k*10min}[/tex]

Ahora podemos despejar el valor de k resolviendo la ecuación de arriba.

[tex]100 - 12 = (163)*e^{-k*10min}\\\\88 = (163)*e^{-k*10min}\\\\88/163 = e^{{-k*10min}[/tex]

Ahora podemos recordar que:

ln(e^x) = x

Entonces aplicando el logaritmo natural a ambos lados, obtenemos:

[tex]ln(88/163) = ln(e^{-k*10min}) = -k*10min\\\\ln(88/163)/(-10 min) = k = 0.062 min^{-1}[/tex]

Así hemos encontrado el valor de k, y con exactamente el mismo método podríamos encontrar k en cualquier situación de este tipo.

Jonathan has a comic book collection.
He tells you he sold half of them, but then bought 9 more new comics.
After this, Jonathan now has 81 comic books. How many comic books did he have before he sold some? a) Let b = the number of Jonathan had before selling some. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.


Ok so he bought 9, and now has 81. All we have to do is take 9 away from 81 again and then multiply it by 2.

if A is a subset and equal to B then B'-A' is equal to​




Step-by-step explanation:

It doesn't say A=B... But just that A is a subset of B.

Anyways, why not try an example to help reveal the answer.

Let the universe set, U, be U={1,2,3,4,5,6}.

Let B={1,2,3,4} and A={1,3,5}

First choice would become A'={2,4,6}

Second choice would become B'={5,6}

Third choice would become A-B={5}

Fourth choice is just { }


The only choice matching is A-B

*Just so you know X-Y is the set of elements contained in X only if they are not also in Y.

Determine the intercepts of the line.

Y-intercept: (_,_)
X-Intercept: (_,_)



Ms. Davis writes an equation on the board.
(-6) + 6 = 0
Which scenario could represent this equation?


There are many answers we could go with here. One such answer could be the following:

You are 6 meters below the ocean surface doing a deep sea dive. This is represented by -6. Then going up 6 meters means you'll add on 6 to say (-6)+6 = 0, showing that you are at the 0 meter height, aka sea level.


Another possible answer could be this:

You are 6 dollars in debt. Debt is represented with negative numbers. You then somehow get 6 dollars in which you use to pay off that debt. Your balance is now (-6) + 6 = 0 dollars.


Another possible answer could be this:

Walking to the left is defined as moving in a negative direction. So -6 could mean we've moved 6 feet to the left. On the flip side, +6 means we move 6 feet to the right. The two cancel each other out (-6)+6 = 0 which says at the end of the day, we haven't moved anywhere. In other words, our displacement is 0 feet.


I'm sure there are other more creative ways to answer this question, but those three ideas above are good possible starting points.

Hi can someone help me with these 3 questions. Thanks :)



a) 45° cause tan = sin/cos and sin 45 and cos 45 both give square root 2/2

b) 120°

c) sin = -1/2 = -30° or 330° both are same

Use the trig circle which i have included in the answer to better understand trig angles

hope that answers your question

I want to let you know that each angle has sets of coordinates the left number is cos and right is sin. Ex) sin of 30 is 1/2 and cos of 30 is square root 3/2 In case you dont fully understand dont hesitate to comment.

good luck!!

The mean score of 7 boys and 16 girls is 49. If the scores of the boys are 42,85,47,29,58,54and 72, find the mean score of the girls



[tex]\bar x_{girls} = 46.25[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Boys = 7\\Girls = 16[/tex]

[tex]\bar x = 49[/tex]


Mean of girls

The mean of the boys and girls is calculated as:

[tex]\bar x = \frac{\sum x}{n}[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]\bar x = \frac{\sum(boys) + \sum(girls)}{boys + girls}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]49= \frac{42+85+47+29+58+54+ 72 + \sum(girls)}{7 + 16}[/tex]

[tex]49= \frac{387 + \sum(girls)}{23}[/tex]

Cross multiply

[tex]23 * 49=387 + \sum(girls)[/tex]

[tex]1127=387 + \sum(girls)[/tex]

Subtract by 387

[tex]1127-387 = \sum(girls)[/tex]

[tex]740= \sum(girls)[/tex]

[tex]\sum(girls) = 740[/tex]

The mean of girls is:

[tex]\bar x_{girls} = \frac{\sum(girls)}{girls}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x_{girls} = \frac{740}{16}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x_{girls} = 46.25[/tex]

If (8z − 9)(8z + 9) = az2 − b, what is the value of a?


Answer:  a = 64


We use the difference of squares rule to say

(m-n)(m+n) = m^2 - n^2

So in this particular case,

(8z-9)(8z+9) = (8z)^2-(9)^2 = 64z^2 - 81

We can see that the 64 matches with the 'a' of the expression az^2-81, which must mean a = 64

Side note: This means b = 81



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test

help me I’m bad with this stuff




=40^1 × 20^4



8 x 10^5

Step-by-step explanation:

We can start by grouping the powers of ten together and the other numbers together, as you can move numbers around when multiplying:

4 x 2 x 10^1 x 10^4

4 multiplied by 2 is 8, so we can put that in:

8 x 10^1 x 10^4

Next, using the product rule, 10^1 x 10^4 would be ten to the power of the sum of the two exponents, or 10^(4 + 1), which is 10^5.

We will be left with

8 x 10^5

This is in scientific notation, so no further modification is needed.

ncert maths class 10 solution 5.1 4


Can you attach a picture to your question?

I would love to help you out.


Step-by-step explanation:

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions Ex 5.1

           where is question ??

Can someone help me on these ones. PLEASE HELP ME !!



Plz mark me as brainliest as I have solve all the questions for you

Answer:1 : x is 95/3

4 x is -32/10

7 b is 6

10 x is 20/7

13 x is 9/2

Step-by-step explanation:

help someone!! which one is it?



not great with math but I'm sure it's the second circle

The third one, I’m pretty sure!

Find the length of the third side. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. 16 12 ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Pythagorean theorem. a^2+b^2=c^2





Answer the question to get points



4. E=4x-15(vertically opposite)

F=E(corresponding angles)


5.3x+6x+O=180(angles on a straight line)





What word best describes PR?



PR is the diameter of the circle



Step-by-step explanation:

Diameter: connecting 2 points on a circle passing through the center.


STAT question please help me TT




because if you arrange orderly ie in an ascending order or a descending order,the middle number is the median and median means average

13 + {16 + 2 -[25 + 45) x 3] + 9}


Answer: -170


When encountering questions that require multiple steps of the calculation, it is suggested to follow the PEMDAS.



**Disclaimer** I assume that it is supposed to be (25 + 45). If it was, then you may refer to my answer. If the ")" after 45 is just a typo, you may point it out and I will redo it.

Given expression

 13 + {16 + 2 - [(25 + 45) × 3] + 9}

Do the parenthesis of the inner most

=13 + {16 + 2 - [70 × 3] + 9}

=13 + {16 + 2 - 210 + 9}

Do addition first, then subtraction

=13 + {18 - 210 + 9}

=13 + {27 - 210}

=13 - 183


Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

If (x/3)-1 is twice as large as (x/4)-3, what is the value of x?




Step-by-step explanation:


x = 30

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation modelling the statement is

[tex]\frac{x}{3}[/tex] - 1 = 2 ( [tex]\frac{x}{4}[/tex] - 3 ) ← distribute parenthesis by 2

[tex]\frac{x}{3}[/tex] - 1 = [tex]\frac{x}{2}[/tex] - 6 ( multiply through by 6 to clear the fractions )

2x - 6 = 3x - 36 ( subtract 2x from both sides )

- 6 = x - 36 ( add 36 to both sides )

30 = x

divide 180 in three parts 1/10: 1/15: 1/20​




Step-by-step explanation:

1/10 : 1/15 : 1/20

180/10 : 180/15 : 180/20

18 : 12 : 9

=> 6 : 4 : 3

Sum of the ratios = 6 + 4 + 3 = 13

1st ratio: (6/13) * 180 = 83       (approximately)

2nd ratio: (4/13) * 180 = 55     (approximately)

3rd ratio: (3/13) * 180 = 41       (approximately)

∴ Three parts of 180 in the ratio 6 : 4 : 3 is 83, 55 and 41

What’s 304.9% as a decimal




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the solution to this equation?
-13x = 78
O A. x=-5
B. X= 5
O C. x = 6
O D. x= -6




Step-by-step explanation:

you have to divide both sides by -13



remember that the sign also matters.

I hope this helps

find the radius of a circle if the circumference is 44cm. (take π=22/7)​



The radius of the circle if the circumference is 44 cm will be 7 cm.

Step-by-step explanation:

➝ Circumference of the circle = 44 cm

➔ Circumference = 2πr [For finding radius]

Finding the radius:-

➜ Let radius be r.

➜ 44 = 2 × 22/7 × r

➜ Multiply 2 × 22/7

➜ 44 = 44/7 × r

➜ Taking 7 to LHS.

➜ 44 × 7 = 44 × r

➜ 308 = 44 × r

➜ Taking 44 to LHS.

➜ 308/44 = r

➜ 308/44 = 7

➜ 7 = r

➜ r = 7

Please help explanation if possible



120 $12 tickets and 180 $15 tickets

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

12x + 15y = 4140 → (1)

x + y = 300 ( subtract y from both sides )

x = 300 - y → (2)

Substitute x = 300 - y into (1)

12(300 - y) + 15y = 4140 ← distribute and simplify left side

3600 - 12y + 15y = 4140

3600 + 3y = 4140 ( subtract 3600 from both sides )

3y = 540 ( divide both sides by 3 )

y = 180

Substitute y = 180 into (2)

x = 300 - 180 = 120

Number of $12 tickets : 120 ; Number of $15 tickets : 180

58×62 without actual multiplication​




Step-by-step explanation:

Use long multiplication to evaluate.



Step-by-step explanation:

(58*10) = 580

580*6 = 3480

58 * 2 = 116

3480 + 116 = 3596

A number n times 33​, decreased by 135​, is 360. A number m times ​18, added to 90 is 360. Write and solve an equation for each variable. Then compare the values of n and m.



N = 6.8181. and m= 15

Step-by-step explanation:


33n = 360-135

33n =225

n = 6.8281.



18m =270

m= 15

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