'forests are called the lungs if the earth' write a essay on it​


Answer 1


[tex]\huge\mathcal{\fcolorbox{aqua}{azure}{\red{✿ʏᴏᴜʀ- ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ♡❖}}}[/tex]

Deforestation is one of the most pressing issues of the present world. Just like mammalian lungs help mammals to breathe and to survive, forests are also considered as the life force of earth. Forests purify our environment as well as releases oxygen without which life cannot exist. Forest not only purifies the environment it also supports lives of different species. The destruction of these forests will have adverse effects on the lives of living beings as well as on the ecosystem and environment of the planet earth.

The most important of plants is to produce oxygen by the process of photosynthesis. Oxygen is beneficial for breathing and without breath living beings cannot survive. Moreover, these plants consume and absorb carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere and convert this harmful gas into a useful one, oxygen gas. As a result, the atmosphere is purified from the harmful carbon dioxide gas and sustainable for life. The destruction of forests means the less absorbing agents of carbon dioxide, and consequently the great amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The increased amount of carbon dioxide will damage the ozone layer which is the protective shield that protects earth from harmful rays of the sun.  Forests also protect sun rays to reach to the ground of the earth. When these forests are cut down, the sun rays reach the ground and increase the overall temperature of the earth and causes global warming which is a serious threat to our planet.

Forests are also a great source of vegetation and plantation, the reduction of the forest will dry up the land which will cause widespread famine and deaths. Forests also provide sanctuary to different species, when these forests are eradicated; this destroys natural habitats of these species and causes death. Huge plants and trees have deep roots which provide great sustenance to the soil below them and save it from erosion. If these plants are cut down then the soil will erode and it will lead to land sliding.

Answer 2


Forests are the lungs of the Earth explain the statement

The plants release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. The plants help to provide oxygen to animals for respiration. They also maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That is why forests are called green lungs of the earth.

Tropical rainforests are often called the “lungs of the planet” because they generally draw in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.

Trees act like the lungs of the earth. Trees help the planet breathe by turning carbon dioxide into clean, pure oxygen. Trees and forests around the world also act like the planet's air conditioning system and keep the planet cool. They help stop global warming.

Amazon rainforest is known as the lungs of the planet Earth. The Amazon rainforest produces nearly 20% of the oxygen on Earth. The Amazon rainforest is situated in South America.

trees are often recognized as the 'lungs of the world' because they exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the atmosphere.

Trees provide shade and shelter. Trees provide a habitat for animals. Trees provide the oxygen needed to breathe. Trees clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


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What is one of the criticisms of Reality TV, according to the article “To Tell the Truth”?

a. It represents only a small number of Americans.

b. It encourages people to disconnect from reality.

c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.

d. It is far too violent for most audiences.


Answer: c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.


Reality television claims to follow the real lives of individuals as they go about their daily lives. The truth is however, it is not always realistic and a lot of the things that happen in these shows are not real.

Shows only sell when there are dramatic scenes that pull crowds and in real life, drama does not always happen. Reality shows are therefore forced to produce their own dram and pass it off as real events so that they can get more viewers.




1-she got up at five today. She....be tired.


She got up at five today , she might be tired .

Please help
How are print journalism and broadcast journalism NOT different?

A. One is written, the other is played on TV or radio.
B. One features short news clips, the other features longer articles.
C. One features mostly local and national news, the other features many types of news.
D. One gives the news daily, the other gives the news monthly.
Thank you




[tex] \\ [/tex]

I guess

feminism is not man hating why? Explain in breif .​



the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.


Feminism is not man hating; feminism is acknowledging men and women’s equality and fighting for equal treatment between them.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own

What are the connotative meanings of sighing, as used in the poem? Check all that apply.




relaxation, peacefulness


A complete subject includes the simple subject plus a __________.
singular noun





simple subject + verb...


D. modifier


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Which of the following is the most accurate way to describe search engines?

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navigate databases to locate information

find the right browser to use for research

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decide which keywords to use



navigate databases to locate information


navigate databases to locate information.


it just works.

What is the purpose of the numerical list in the document ?


The numerical list actually describe the measurements of the materials to be used in the construction of the beehive. The reader will be able to understand the sizes of the materials needed for the construction of the Langstroth Beehive. Such numerical list actually draws the reader's attention.

Select all the correct answers.
Which characteristics are found in many American Indian creation stories?

They explain through storytelling how the world came into existence.
They explain through written texts how the world came into existence.
They feature characters that are usually animals, powerful energies, or human beings.
They feature characters that are usually ghosts, human beings, or plants.



They feature characters that are usually animals, powerful energies,or human beings

They feature characters that are usually animals, powerful energies, or human beings are the  characteristics are found in many American Indian creation stories. Hence, option C is correct.

What is American Indian creation stories?

The Sky Woman walked across that region, creating the moon, sun, and stars. She gave birth to twin sons named Sapling and Flint. Sapling was the good son, and Flint was the bad son. While Sapling created the world, Flint tried to destroy everything that is wonderful about it.

Without our ancestors, we would not have the gift of life. The commonality of creation myths across many cultures makes them one of the most important and recurrent themes in Native American literature. Native American creation myths explain how life first appeared on Earth and how a certain tribal nation came to be.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more details about American Indian creation stories, click here:



Which of the following sentences correctly uses words or numerals to express numbers?
O Margaret grew up in the 40's.
O 525 people came to see the play this evening.
O The meeting starts at one o'clock.
We have two hundred and twenty four employees.


We have two hundred and twenty four employees.

The question demands the proper way to use words or numerals to express numbers.

Firstly, the apostrophe is not written before the "s" in 40s.

In the second statement, the number should have been written in words.

Thirdly in expressing time, "one" should have been written in numeral and not in words.

The last expression; The meeting starts at one o'clock.  We have two hundred and twenty four employees is properly written.

What country does this story come from pinocchio?


it was created by a carpenter in Florence, Italy.

Which two clues in the text hint at the connotative meaning of the word haunting as “sadness”? Rogue Heart​ by Axie Oh (excerpt)​ I believe at first they hired me out of pity — a girl, just sixteen, who couldn’t understand their language, let alone speak it, who had but the clothes on her back and — according to TingTing — a haunting in her eyes.


The two clues in the text hint at the connotative meaning of the word haunting as “sadness” is “out of pity” and “who couldn't understand”.

What is connotative meaning?

Connotative meaning is defined as the meanings associated with a word, including any associations or connotations that it may evoke. Based on implication, or shared emotional attachment with a term, is the connotative meaning of that word. Understanding word connotations helps improve tone, meaning, and description. Your word choice may be at odds with your aims if you ignore a term's meanings.

Emotional distress such as sadness is characterized or linked to feelings like sorrow, helplessness, grief, and sorrow. When depressed, a person may become withdrawn from others and quiet or lethargic.

Thus, the two clues in the text hint at the connotative meaning of the word haunting as “sadness” is “out of pity” and “who couldn't understand”.

To learn more about connotative meaning, refer to the link below:



from Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love: Which of these inferences is best supported by the text? a) Love will always remain mysterious and inaccessible to scientific inquiries. b) Romantic passion has as many negative consequences on a person as it does positive effects. Homer understood that love has specific chemical effects on how a person's brain functions. Od) A person in love should be treated the same way as people who are suffering they from addiction. Question 9 (5 points)​


The answer is that "Romantic passion has as many negative consequences on a person as it does positive effects".

According to the book "Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love", the brain of human beings create feelings of joy, passion, jealousy etc when we fall in love.

It was stated that the effects that love has on our brain is different which is as a result of the response that is gotten from the other person that an individual is attracted to.

In conclusion, it was also noted that romantic passion has both positive and negative consequences on a person.

Read more on:


I can’t figure this one out I feel like it’s A but I’m not sure


After looking at all the answer choices it seems like A. would be the best answer or make the most sense. He was alone & it didn’t matter which way he went. Something terrible had happened to human society.

Are the phrases “very interesting”and”consuming” synonymous


here same word

taking all of a person's time and attention : being the only thing a person thinks about Her all-consuming passion was music




no they are not synonyms.they look as if they could be synonyms but they are actually different


1. Extend

A. redo
B. bring
C. retract
D. remove
E. turn

2. Crack
A. unify
B. fix
C. tilt
D. open
E. split



1. c) retract

2.b) fix


please mark it as branliest

hope it may help you...!

please who is called Oliver twist


Oliver Twist is the protagonist in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens


Oliver twist is the main character in the book Oliver Twist or  The Parish Boy's by Charles Dickens


Two pupils recieved awards​



for being the best


In an in-text citation, if you do not know the author you should

leave the information out of your report, as you can't use it without knowing who wrote it.

list "author unknown" in your citation.

list a shortened version of the source title instead of the author.

list the URL of the website (like http://www.time.com) as the author.


Yea the last option make more sense than the rest of those

If you don't know the author in an in-text citation you should list a shortened version of the source title instead of the author.

What to do incase the author is unknown in an in-text citation?In parenthetical citations, this structure includes the author’s last name and the publication year (with a comma separating them) in parentheses. In narrative citations, the author’s last name is incorporated into the sentence. This formatting applies if your source has one author or if you are citing a source with multiple authors in APA. If a reference has an unknown author, the title of the work substitutes as the author name in the in-text citation.The title should have each significant word capitalized (basically sentence case).If the source is not italicized in the reference list entry, place the title in quotation marks (“ ”) in the in-text citation.This means it is part of a larger work (like when citing a journal article from a journal in APA).If the source title is italicized in the reference list entry, italicize the title in the in-text citation (example: books when cited in APA).

To learn more about an in-text citation, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/26818460


My first time on horseback was embarrassing. I had never been on
horse in my life, but / was afraid
to admit it. That's probably where my trouble started. When I lifted my foot to put it into the stirrup,
my friend Sally laughed. "Use the other foot, silly, " she said. Blushing beet red, I laughed too. / used
the other foot. Then it took me about 10 minutes to swing up into the saddle. The horse kept moving
and I scampered along on one foot while Sally giggled. Finally mounted, ( looked down. I felt as if l
were sitting on a mountain! Fortunately, Sally had chosen a gentle mare for me. ( realize now she
wasn't fooled. She knew I didn't know the first thing about riding. She really is a good friend. After a
while, I learned to relax a little. I was actually riding a horse and it was fun. even learned how to use
the reins to guide the horse to the left and to the right.
2. Why did the narrator of the story state that Sally was a good friend?



Because Sally had chosen a gentle mare for the narrator

1. Do/me/you/to/exhibition/go/robot/to/with/a/want/? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Our/house/solar/and/use/automatic/dream/will/energy/robots/. __________________________________________________________________ 3. This/can/expressions/hands/show/and/emotional/wave/robot/. __________________________________________________________________ 4. My/the/been/gardening/do/robot/new/to/has/able/. __________________________________________________________________ 5. What/2050/do/will/you/able/in/think/robots/be/to/do/? ___________________________________________



1. Do/me/you/to/exhibition/go/robot/to/with/a/want/?

Do you want me to go to exhibition with a robot?

2. Our/house/solar/and/use/automatic/dream/will/energy/robots/.

Our dream house will use solar energy and automatic robots.

3. This/can/expressions/hands/show/and/emotional/wave/robot/.

This robot can show emotional expressions and wave hands.

4. My/the/been/gardening/do/robot/new/to/has/able/.

My new robot has been able to do the gardening.

5. What/2050/do/will/you/able/in/think/robots/be/to/do/?

What do you think robots will be able to do in 2050?


I rearranged the words in a way that makes sense.

why do you think technological advancement has had such a heavy influence on complementary literature



The rapid technological progress in the mid-twentieth century made life easier, increased communication speed and reduced housework. Although the writers of that era admired technological progress, they also saw the other side. This dark side includes inventions such as the atomic bomb, which can cause massive destruction and destruction. These types of contradictions have inspired writers to speculate on the true impact of technology on mankind, society and nature.


The rapid technological advancements of the mid-twentieth century helped to make life easier, increasing the speed of communication and easing household chores. ... These types of contradictions inspired writers to speculate about the true effects of technology on humanity, society, and nature


In your own words if your writing it out

convert direct into indirect speech. 2.He said to them, “I bought a car.” 3.Arjun said, “I was walking along the street.” 4.He will say, “I can speak perfect English.” 5.He has said to me, “I haven’t seen Julie.” 6.He said, “I don’t know the correct answer.” 7.They said, “We have had enough rain.” 8.He said, “The bus bound for Mumbai leaves at 4:00pm” 9.The teacher said, “The school reopens in the month of June.”​



2.He said to them, “I bought a car.”

=>He told them that he bought a car.

3.Arjun said, “I was walking along the street.”

=> Arjun said that he was walking along the street

4.He will say, “I can speak perfect English.”

=> He will say that he can speak perfect in English.

5.He has said to me, “I haven’t seen Julie.”

=> He told me that he hadn't seen Julie yet.

6.He said, “I don’t know the correct answer.”

=> He said that he didn't know the correct answer.

7.They said, “We have had enough rain.”

=> They said that they had enough rain.

8.He said, “The bus bound for Mumbai leaves at 4:00pm” .

=> He said that the bus bound for Mumbai lives at 4:00 p.m.

9.The teacher said, “The school reopens in the month of June.”

=> The teacher said that the school reopens in the month of June.


I hope it will help you :)

Which event is an example of irony in Macbeth?



The situation surrounding Duncan's death, Lady Macbeth's guilt, and Macbeth's insanity are all examples of dramatic irony because we have witnessed Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan out and commit the act of murder.

Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily.

What features of the passage identify it as using a cause-and-effect structure? Select three options.

A. The first sentence lists specific conditions followed by what might eventually happen.
B. The first sentence uses the expressions “on the one hand” and “on the other hand.”
C. The second sentence starts with the expression “for this reason.”
D. The second sentence lists potential consequences of the situation described.
E. The second sentence describes the citizens of the conquered city.



D the second sentence lists potential consequences of the situation described

D. The second sentence lists potential consequences of the situation described.

Just six dots: The Story of Braille summary


An inspiring picture-book biography of Louis Braille—a blind boy so determined to read that he invented his own alphabet. Louis Braille was just five years old when he lost his sight. He was a clever boy, determined to live like everyone else, and what he wanted more than anything was to be able to read

The motivational picture book biography "Just six dots" is about Louis Braille, a blind boy who was so determined to read that he created his own alphabet.

When he first lost his sight, Louis Braille was just five years old. He was a bright young man who was determined to have a normal life, and reading was the one thing he desired most of all.

The story, which is told from the viewpoint of young Louis, focuses on how he is not only similar to other kids but also different from them in that he is curious, prone to making mistakes, and determined. This suggests that no matter what challenges we face in life, we all have the resources to overcome them.

The book is a helpful resource for anybody looking to start teaching their child the braille language because it has a braille alphabet printed on the front and back, an author's educational note, and sections of the text displayed in both letters and braille.

To learn more about Louis Braille, click:



Drag each tile to the correct box. Match each type of character with the correct description. antagonist static round flat opposes the protagonist arrowRight does not change over the course of a story arrowRight a one-dimensional character arrowRight a complex, well-developed character



I. Antagonist.

II. Static.

III. Flat.

IV. Round.


A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre.

In English literature, character development can be defined as a literary process or technique in which a writer portrays people as being real or believable in a work of fiction by ascribing depth (details) and personality to them.

Basically, various writers or authors use character development to make the audience or readers learn so much more about the characters as they develop in the story

A character list comprises of both protagonists and antagonists that are featured in a play. A protagonist is the lead, principal or chief (main) character in a story, play or film. Thus, a protagonist refers to the character that is being closely followed by an audience or a reader in order to determine the character's fate at the end of the story or play.

On the other hand, an antagonist is a character that opposes the protagonist.

Matching the terms in a play with its appropriate description, we have;

I. Antagonist: opposes the protagonist in a play or story.

II. Static: a character that does not change over the course of a story or play.

III. Flat: a one-dimensional character in a play or story.

IV. Round: a complex, well-developed character in a play or story.


   opposes the protagonist = antagonist

   does not change over the course of a story = static

   a one-dimensional character = flat

   a complex, well-developed character = round


i had got it right on edmentum mastery, hope it helps

1) Think about a trip or visit you went on with your school, either educational or for pleasure, long or short. Answer the following questions in note form.
a) Where did you go, and why?
b) How long were you away?
c) Who was in the group?
d) How did you get there? e What time of year was it? / What was the weather like?

2) Make notes, using time markers, of about five events which occurred on your trip. For example: Tues 6 a.m. - breakfast outdoors in freezing cold; teacher found cockroach in cornflakes; Sophie said she missed her cat and wanted to go home.​



(The Teacher) is the authority figure.

Field Trip to the Brookfield Zoo

    Our entire 32-student science class went on a field trip to the Brookfield Zoo, which was a lot of fun and included some incredible creatures. The field trip taught me that I could see a range of different species and their environments. Additionally, I learn about each animal's distinct features, such as how a leopard's body was covered in black spots, but the other cats lacked markings. I inquire about the frequency with which each animal is fed on a daily basis by the field trip host. Surprisingly, the response was that it varied on the demands of each species. The field trip as a whole was really enjoyable and exciting.

    Although the temperature was scorching, we used umbrellas to keep cool, and it was amusing to see all my peers wearing a variety of umbrellas styles. What I loved most about the field trip was the opportunity to observe a diverse array of creatures at the zoo, which was interesting. Another element of the field trip that I loved was the requirement that we complete a scavenger hunt prior to entering the zoo. The scavenger hunt consisted of riddles that we were to solve by stating the type of animal stated in the question. There was nothing about this field trip that I hated; it was a lot of fun, and I hope there are more field trips like this one. The field trip went swimmingly, and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely, particularly when it came to watching the animals.

    I would recommend arriving early because the bus took what seemed like an eternity and did not arrive until lunchtime, which made us quite grumpy till we ate. Additionally, I would recommend this field trip to future classes since I am certain they would like it, especially if they are animal lovers. Another reason they'll love it is the zoo's array of animals; among them are snakes, bats, monkeys, ducks, wolves, bears, and tigers. Another reason I suggest visiting future parties is that you get a peek of the city of Chicago, which is thickly wooded with trees and parks, as well as the region around the zoo. Finally, it was a really delightful field trip, and the zoo gave a welcome change of pace; it is not often that we get the opportunity to visit a zoo on a field trip.


Hope this helps and good luck with this assignment

What phrase/s in the following sentence should be emphasized to convey emotion? But what happened to freedom of expression; did our first amendment suddenly disappear?
freedom of expression; first amendment
suddenly disappear
what happened
none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Suddenly disappear. That conveys the thought that something so dramatic happened to society that the first amendment is gone. That should stir every American into finding out what this sentence is about. The first amendment is the backbone of American Democracy and should not ever be ignored.

Which sentence contains a gerund?
A. My cell phone battery is dying.
B. Don't worry about every detail.
C. Was Gigi holding the crying baby?
D. Hiking is a great form of exercise.



Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.


A. My cell phone battery is dying.


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Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, andsought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins, thepigmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. I closed the book, which I daredno longer peruse, and put it on the table, beside the untasted tart.Bessie had now finished dusting and tidying the room, and having washed her hands, she opened a certain little drawer, full of splendid shredsof silk and satin, and began making a new bonnet for Georgiana's doll. Meantime she sang: her song was-"In the days when we went gipsying,A long time ago."I had often heard the song before, and always with lively delight; for Bessie had a sweet voice. --at least, I thought so. But now, though her voicewas still sweet, I found in its melody an indescribable sadness. 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