Functions of peace keeping force ?


Answer 1


Peacekeepers protect civilians, actively prevent conflict, reduce violence, strengthen security and empower national authorities to assume these responsibilities. This requires a coherent security and peacebuilding strategy that supports the political strategy.



Related Questions

Write about the religious activities and rituals of your family in a paragraph.​



Family rituals are special things your family does. Family rituals are a way of saying, ‘This is who we are and what we value’.

Some rituals might have been handed down from your grandparents or other relatives, like always opening Christmas crackers with the person on your left or eating yum cha on Sunday mornings. Others you might create as a family.

Your family’s rituals might include celebrating religious festivals like Christmas, Chanukah or Ramadan. Your family might also have rituals for cultural festivals, like Diwali, Halloween or Australia Day, as well as for birthdays, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. At these special events, you might invite extended family or friends to share in your family rituals.

How can corruption be eliminated from the society? write any six points​



orruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's private gain. Corruption may involve many activities which include bribery and embezzlement, and it may also involve practices which are legal in many countries.[1] Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Corruption is most common in kleptocracies, oligarchies, narco-states, and mafia states.[citation needed]

A 1902 cartoon depicts a police officer whose eyes are covered with a cloth labelled "bribes",

Corruption and crime are endemic sociological occurrences which appear with regular frequency in virtually all countries on a global scale in varying degrees and proportions. Each individual nation allocates domestic resources for the control and regulation of corruption and the deterrence of crime. Strategies which are undertaken in order to counter corruption are often summarized under the umbrella term anti-corruption. Additionally, global initiatives like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 also have a targeted goal which is supposed to substantially reduce corruption in all of its forms.[2]

People also ask

How can we stop corruption in education?

Anti-corruption strategies in education

Rule of law (control and sanction)

Public administration and systems (corruption prevention)

Transparency and accountability (duty bearers and rights holders, non-state.

actors, information, awareness)

what are the things needed for development. ?​



zero discrimination

availability of natural resources

hard working

skilled and energetic people.

follow rules and regulations

application of sustainable concept of development

Write an editorial on"Present condition of Human Rights in Nepal".​



A clash between the Nepalese government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN - Maoist) occurred between 1996 and 2006, resulting in an increase in human rights abuses throughout the country. Both sides have been accused of torture, unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, and abductions.Human rights are the rights inherent to all human beings regardless of their race, language, nationality or any other status.

Nepalese people face discrimination based on ethnicity, caste, and gender, and citizens living in rural parts of Nepal face a lack of access to adequate health care, education, and other resources. Violence continues to plague the country, particularly towards women. Economic inequality is prevalent, and health issues persist— including high child mortality rates in some areas, mental illness, and insufficient health care services.  

However things are changing these days but the rights violation should be stopped as soon as possible.

A clash between the Nepalese government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN- Maoist) occurred between 1996 and 2006, resulting in an increase in human rights abuses throughout the country. Both sides have been accused of torture, unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, and abductions. Nepal was home to the most disappearances in the world during the conflict. The conflict is also considered one of major reasons for lack of development in Nepal.

The conflict also resulted in a reduction in human rights in the realms of poverty, health, education, and gender equality. Issues in these realms continue to persist today. Nepalese people face discrimination based on ethnicity, caste, and gender, and citizens living in rural parts of Nepal face a lack of access to adequate health care, education, and other resources. Violence continues to plague the country, particularly towards women. Economic inequality is prevalent, and health issues persist— including high child mortality rates in some areas, mental illness, and insufficient health care services. However, things have started to change after 2006, when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed between the government, political parties and the Maoists to end a decade-long conflict from 1996-2006 and restore democracy and rule of law in Nepal.

A hiker in an isolated area encountered a cross-country skier who had broken her leg. The hiker created a makeshift sled and began pulling the skier to the nearest road. As the hiker was pulling her across the ice of a lake, the ice gave way and they went into the water. The hiker was unable to get out of the water and drowned. The skier was able to pull herself to shore and eventually was rescued. However, she suffered severe hypothermia and lost some of her toes to frostbite as a result of being in the water. Does the skier have a cause of action for damages against the hiker's estate



No, unless the hiker acted negligently in attempting to cross the ice.



This is simply regarded as when an individual alter or breach the legal duty expected of them to take care by the defendant that has brought about loss to the person laying the claim.


This is simply known as caring for people in general, it is the extent of care which an individual would use under the same or similar circumstances to protect themselves and others from injury.

For a person to claim in negligence and wins, several factors must be handled. such as

1. Loss or damage of known effect sustained by the claimant

2. The existence of a sense of care owed by the defendant to the claimant

3. Breach of that duty by the defendant

4. Proof that the breach caused the damage etc

 in some cases.  there are other reasons where courts have determined that the defendant does not owe any duty, or owes only a limited duty, it includes  

1. when there are liability cases that is the plaintiff is injured by a condition on the defendant's property.

2. If the defendant's negligence is due to inability to help or rescue the plaintiff. etc.

In this case, the hiker helped as soon as the incidence happens.

define tourism profession​



Tourism is the business of providing services for people on holiday

example: hotels, restaurants, trips

In 25 words or fewer, define ethics.
Type answer here...
Word Count: 25



the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles

Difference between water mill and flour mil
Please tell me more than 2 points​



watermill is a mill (for whatever purpose) powered by water while flour is powder obtained by grinding or milling cereal grains, especially wheat, and used to bake bread, cakes, and pastry


How do I get my 360 waves


you have to brush your hair and rag it up daily

when is there equal length of day and night all over the world​


23 of September 21 of March hope this helps

Rearrange the question.
? is name dear what your​



What is your name dear?


May it helps you

what are the problems of various employment sectors?​



The problem is not that the economy is not generating enough jobs; it is. The problem is that the vast majority of the jobs that are being created are of extremely low quality. The employment problem in India is not about the quantity of jobs but rather about the quality of jobs.

differentiate between stone age and Barbarian Age in six points .class 7​




write any six ways to solve the problem of drug abuse​



Non-medical use of any nacrotic drug is called drug abuse. The six ways to solve the problems of drug abuse are given below ÷

1. Children should be provided proper love and care in the family.

2. Awareness campaign should be launched against the use of the drugs.

3. Avoid bad company.

4. Include the topic related to the effect of the drug abuse in the school and college level curriculum.

5. Avoid attractive advertisement of drug.

6. Make and implement strict law against production, sale and use of drugs.

disaster management in india



hey butt butt


this is the question hope u can solve it






medios o agentes de socialización de la identidad de género



La socialización de género se produce a través de cuatro agentes principales: la familia, la educación, los grupos de pares y los medios de comunicación.



Los recursos que utilicé

corruption is a social problem. how​


Corruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's private gain.


Corruption in India is an issue which affects the economy of central, state and local government agencies in many ways. Corruption is blamed for stunting the economy of India.[1] A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005 recorded that more than 62% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official to get a job done.[2][3] In 2008, another report showed that about 50% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services performed by public offices, however, in 2020 their Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the country 86th place out of 180, reflecting steady decline in perception of corruption among people. [4][5]

viết đoạn văn về cảm ơn



Thank you so much for the complimentary tickets to your show. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and you were GREAT! We haven't been to the theater in months, so this occasion was a welcome treat. The new decor at Springfield Repertory is stunning, and what an excellent show to inaugurate the new hall. Bravo! Thank you again for a pleasant evening and an engaging performance.


Which is the famous district for sculpture in Nepal



The famous district for sculpture in Nepal is Kathmandu valley.

what is the level of development not the same everywhere? ​


Because the resources , topography, capital etc are not same everywhere......

what type of change can't be called development​



What is development what type of change Cannot be called development? Developmental – May be either planned or emergent; it is first order, or incremental. Transitiona Seeks to achieve a known desired state that is different from the existing one. Transformational – Is radical or second order in nature


On a job interview, Mary is asked to describe herself. She begins to talk about her earliest memories and the favorite places she visited as a child. Although this is a description of herself, this type of _____ is probably NOT what the interviewers were looking to hear.


The answer is going to be introduction probably

what was the last sen state occupied by prithvi Narayan Shah?



died 1775), member of the ruling Shah family of the Gurkha (Gorkha) principality, Nepal, who conquered the three Malla kingdoms of Kāthmāndu, Pātan, and Bhādgaon in 1769 and consolidated them to found the modern state of Nepal. He also established the capital of Nepal at Kāthmāndu.

Mention the structure of the federal system of government of Nepal​


The structure of the federal system of government of Nepal are:~federal level, seven provinces and 753 local government.


Hope it will be helpful!

According to the laws of supply and demand, what will happen to the supply of automobiles if automobile prices fall?

The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.


I believe it's B. If the price of automobiles falls, then more people will want to buy cars because they are cheaper, meaning the amount of car sales will go up.


D. The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.

The declaration of independence reflect the principle of


Answer Expert Verified. The Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of natural rights of life, liberty, and property, using them in part to justify the document. ... They always talked about being born with natural and equal rights.

The drawing of district boundaries for legislative districts in the Texas Legislature must follow the rule of ______. a. one person, one vote b. proportional party representation c. gerrymandering d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible



d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible


Destricting is the process of creating new districts for state legislature in the United States of America. Under US law, a state legislature may create a new district after 10 years after which population census must have conducted. Districts are created by the state legislature and vetoed by the governor. Dstrict requirements include including as much of counties into a district as possible while also aiming to keep equal populations among districts.

Alokasyon insights Po



Answer: ALOKASYON – ay isang mekanismo ng pamamahagi ng mga pinagkukunang-yaman upang lutasin ang suliranin ng lipunan ukol sa kakapusan.

I have a doubt in movies zyk-sgqt-jrd



Is there a movie called zyk-sgqt-jrd?


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