g 1-4 Which piece of network hardware breaks a network up into separate collision domains within a single broadcast domain


Answer 1


A switch


A local area network (LAN) refers to a group of personal computers (PCs) or terminals that are located within the same general area and connected by a common network cable (communication circuit), so that they can exchange information from one node of the network to another. A local area network (LAN) is typically used in small or limited areas such as a set of rooms, a single building, school, hospital, or a set of well-connected buildings. Some of the network devices or equipments used in a local area network (LAN) includes an access point, personal computers, a hub, a router, printer, a switch, etc.

In computer networking, a switch is a network hardware (device) that breaks up a network into separate collision domains within a single broadcast domain. Thus, it's commonly configured with virtual local area network (VLAN) to break up and interconnect multiple networks.

Related Questions

What variable(s) is/are used in stack to keep track the position where a new item to be inserted or an item to be deleted from the stack



Hence the answer is top and peek.


In a stack, we insert and delete an item from the top of the stack. So we use variables top, peek to stay track of the position.

The insertion operation is understood as push and deletion operation is understood as entering stack.

Hence the answer is top and peek.

When implementing a 1:1 relationship, where should you place the foreign key if one side is mandatory and one side is optional? Should the foreign key be mandatory or optional?



When implementing a 1:1 relationship, the foreign key should be placed on the optional side if one side is mandatory and one side is optional.  

When this is implemented, the foreign key should be made mandatory.


A foreign key (FK) is a primary key (PK) in relational databases.  It is used to establish a relationship with a table that has the same attribute with another table in the database.  A mandatory relationship exists when the foreign key depends on the parent (primary key) and cannot exist without the parent.  A one-to-one relationship exists when one row in a data table may be linked with only one row in another data table.

Given a 2D board containing 'X' and 'O', capture all regions surrounded by 'X'.
A region is captured by flipping all 'O's into 'X's in that surrounded region .
For example,
After running your function, the board should be:
public class Solution {
// This algorithm cannot solve the large test set
public void solve(char[][] board) {
// Start typing your Java solution below
// DO NOT write main() function
int rows = board.length;
if(rows == 0) return;
int cols = board[0].length;
for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// check first row's O
if(board[0][i] == 'O') {
// change it to other symbol
board[0][i] = '#';
dfs(board, 0, i);
// check the last row
if(board[rows - 1][i] == 'O') {
board[rows - 1][i] = '#';
dfs(board, rows - 1, i);
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// check first col
if(board[i][0] == 'O') {
board[i][0] = '#';
dfs(board, i, 0);
// check last col
if(board[i][cols - 1] == 'O') {
board[i][cols - 1] = '#';
dfs(board, i, cols - 1);
// change O to X
changeTo(board, 'O', 'X');
// change # to O
changeTo(board, '#', 'O');
public void dfs(char[][] board, int row, int col) {
// check up
if(row > 0) {
if(board[row - 1][col] == 'O') {
board[row - 1][col] = '#';
dfs(board, row - 1, col);
// check left
if(col > 0) {
if(board[row][col - 1] == 'O') {
board[row][col - 1] = '#';
dfs(board, row, col - 1);
// check right
if(row < board.length - 1) {
if(board[row + 1][col] == 'O') {
board[row+1][col] = '#';
dfs(board, row+1, col);
// check down
if(col < board[0].length - 1) {
if(board[row][col+1] == 'O'){
board[row][col+1] = '#';
dfs(board, row, col+1);
public void changeTo(char[][] board, char from, char to) {
for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++) {
if(board[i][j] == from) {
board[i][j] = to;


I believe the answer is DN




The answer is "Option c"


In PHP to remove all the session variables, we use the session_destroy() function. It doesn't take any argument is required and then all sessions variables could be destroyed by a single call. If a particular clinical variable is now to be destroyed, the unset() function can be applied to unset a session variable. Its session doesn't unset or unset the session cookie by either of the local variables associated with it.

how much is this worth in dollars​



This is worth 50 dollars.


١ - one

٢ - two

٣ - three

٤ - four

٥ - five

٦ - six

٧ - seven

٨ - eight

٩ - nine

٠ - zero

What you see above is the ten digits in Arabic.

Both 5 (٥) and 0 (٠) appear here, thus representing 50.

Show the result of inserting 10, 12, 1, 14, 6, 5, 8, 15, 3, 9, 7, 4, 11, 13, and 2, one at a time, into an initially empty binary heap. b. Show the result of using the linear-time algorithm to build a binary heap using the same input.
Show the result of performing three deleteMin operations in the heap of the previous exercise.





10 10 10 1 1

/ / \ --> / \ / \

12 12 1 12 10 12 10



1 1 1 1

/ \ / \ / \ / \

12 10 --> 6 10 6 10 --> 6 5

/ \ / \ / \ / / \ /

14 6 14 12 14 12 5 14 12 10

1 1 1 1

/ \ / \ / \ / \

6 5 6 5 6 5 --> 3 5

/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \

14 12 10 8 14 12 10 8 14 12 10 8 6 12 10 8

/ / \ / \

15 15 3 15 14

After inserting all 1

/ \

3 2

/ \ / \

6 7 5 4

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 12 9 10 11 13 8


First level build : 10

/ \

12 1

/ \ / \

14 6 5 8

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 3 9 7 4 11 13 2

Heap bottom level: 10

/ \

12 1

/ \ / \

3 6 4 2

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 8

Heap next level up: 10

/ \

3 1

/ \ / \

12 6 4 2

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 8

Final heap: 1

/ \

3 2

/ \ / \

12 6 4 8

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 10


Duing the first time,

First, assume the last element, the 8, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 13, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 11, is at the root and bubble down.

Final heap:


/ \

6 5

/ \ / \

13 7 10 8

/ \ / \ /

15 14 12 9 11

In the next iteration,

First, assume the last element, the 10, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 13, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, asssume the last element, the 11, is at the root and bubble down.

So, after performing all operations, the heap looks like below:


/ \

6 5

/ \ / \

12 7 10 8

/ \ / \ /

15 14 9 13 11

Preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability is a restatement of the concern over interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication.
i. Briefly explain the 4 attacks: interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication.
ii. How do the first three security concepts relate to these four attacks


Answer and Explanation:

I and II answered

Interruption: interruption occurs when network is tampered with or communication between systems in a network is obstructed for illegitimate purposes.

Interception: interception occurs when data sent between systems is intercepted such that the message sent to another system is seen by an unauthorized user before it reaches destination. Interception violates confidentiality of a message.

Modification: modification occurs when data sent from a system to another system on the network is altered by an authorized user before it reaches it's destination. Modification attacks violate integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of a message.

Fabrication: fabrication occurs when an unauthorized user poses as a valid user and sends a fake message to a system in the network. Fabrication violates confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.

Use NAND operator to write; P or Q, and P -Q make an everyday implication sentence using only NAND



Hence the answer is given as follows,


By using the NAND operator:-

P or Q and P -Q make an everyday implication sentence using the only NAND is given as,

A retail department store is approximately square, 35 meters (100 feet) on each side. Each wall has two entrances equally spaced apart. Located at each entrance is a point-of-sale cash register. Suggest a local area network solution that interconnects all eight cash registers. Draw a diagram showing the room, the location of all cash registers, the wiring, the switches, and the server. What type of wiring would you suggest?



The use of twisted pair cable ( category 5e/6 ) to connect the computers on each register and also the use of switches to connect each register to the server


The local area network ( LAN ) solution  that will be used to interconnect all the POS  registers is ; The use of twisted pair cable ( category 5e/6 ) to connect the computers on each register and also the use of switches to connect each register to the server .  

This is because category 5e/6 twisted pair cable has a data rate transfer of up to 10 Mbps and it is best used for LAN connections

while The function of the three switches is to connect each cash register to the the central server been used .

attached below is a schematic representation

Write a Java code statement for each of following:
a) To declare TWO (2) decimal numbers, and ONE (1) whole number.​



double decimal1, decimal2;

int whole;



Declare 2 decimals and 1 int.

The syntax to declare a variable is:

data-type variable-name;

To declare decimal, we simply make use of double or float data types.

So, we have:

double decimal1, decimal2; ----> for the decimal variables


int whole; ---- for the whole number

The message signal m(t) = 10cos(1000t) frequency modulates the carrier c(t) = 10cos(2fct). The modulation index is 10.
1) Write an expression for the modulated signal u(t).
2) What is the power of the modulated signal.
3) Find the bandwidth of the modulated signal.



1) 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) 50 watts

3) 1000 Hz


m(t) = 10cos(1000πt)

c(t) = 10cos(2πfct )

modulation index (  = 10

1) expression for modulated signal ( u(t) )

u(t) = Ac(cos 2πfct ) + A (cos 2πfct m(t) ) Am cos2πf mt

      = 10cos 2πfct + 100 cos 2πfct  cos2π500t

      = 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) power of modulated signal

power of modulated signal  μ^2 / 2 ]

           = 10^2/2 ]

           = 50 watts

3) Bandwidth

B = 2fm  = 2 * 500 = 1000 Hz

Which operating system desktop or mobile is the best



bing or alien ware is the best.


Your choice, but personally, desktop is better.


Desktop devices have portrait orientations so content can stretch across a screen and often multiple messages or images can live comfortably in such a wide space. Mobile devices are usually used in portrait orientation (and the smaller screens mean that even in landscape mode, horizontal space is limited).

1. Write the CSS for an id with the following characteristics: fixed position, light grey background color, bold font weight, and 10 pixels of padding





position: fixed;

background-color: RGBA(211, 211, 211, 1);

font-weight: bold;

padding: 10px;  


Write a program that reads in the size of the side of a square and then prints a hollow square of that size out of asterisks and
blanks. Your program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20. For example, if your program reads a size of 5, it
should print




#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

using std::endl;  

using std::cin;  

int main()


int side, rowPosition, size;

cout << "Enter the square side: ";

cin >> side;

size = side;

while ( side > 0 ) {

rowPosition = size;

 while ( rowPosition > 0 ) {

if ( size == side || side == 1 || rowPosition == 1 ||  

rowPosition == size )

cout << '*';


cout << ' ';



cout << '\n';



cout << endl;

return 0;


To connect several computers together, one generally needs to be running a(n) ____ operating system
a. Network
b. Stand-alone
c. Embedded
d. Internet


Answer. Network



Question 35(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

(03.01 LC)

To write a letter to your grandma using Word Online, which document layout should you choose?

APA Style Paper

General Notes

New Blank Document

Table of Contents



third one


To write a letter to your grandma using Word Online, you should choose the "New Blank Document" layout.

What is Word?

Microsoft Word is a word processing application. It is part of the Microsoft Office productivity software suite, along with Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook.

To write a letter to your grandmother in Word Online, select the "New Blank Document" layout. This will open a blank page on which you can begin typing your letter.

The "APA Style Paper" layout is intended for academic papers and includes formatting guidelines and section headings that a personal letter may not require.

In Word Online, "General Notes" is not a document layout option.

The "Table of Contents" feature generates a table of contents based on the headings in your document, but it is not a document layout option.

Thus, the answer is "New Blank Document".

For more details regarding Microsoft word, visit:



Database multiple-choice question don't bs pls
Which of the following is not a common factor for database management system selection?
a. Cost
b. Features and tools
c. Software requirements
d. Hardware requirements
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
(D and F are wrong)



f. None of the above


Considering the available options, the right answer is option F "None of the above."

Common factors for database management system selection are the following:

1. Cost: various DBMS vendors have different pricing, hence, interested buyers will consider the price before selections

2. Features and Tools: different types of DBMS have varied features and tools in carrying out the work.

3. Software requirements: there are various software requirements in various DBMS, such as encryption support, scalability, application-level data recovery, etc.

4. Hardware requirement: various DBMS vendors have different hardware requirements to consider, such as sizeable RAM, CPU value, etc.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is option F.

Can anyone decipher these? There a bit random. Maybe binary but if there are other ways please include them.​




so this is what "format" is about,   it's saying what do the ones and zeros represent.   b/c the bits can represent lots of different things ,  like letters with ascii code ,   and that's got several types.  some are 8 bits,  some are 16 bits,  the questions  you've shown are in groups of 5 which is really not a "thing" in binary,  it's always by twos,   without some type of  "frame work"  around the bits, we won't know what they represent,  if that is helping?   the important part is what is the "frame work"   that these bits are in.

all of your questions seem to have some  "art"  thing going on,  they make some kinda of binary artwork,  for what they are saying, that's not what's important.  Other than if they form  palindromes,   maybe that's what the questions are really about, how these do from palindromes, that is, they read the same backwards as forwards... I know.. why would anyone read backwards.. but a computer can do that pretty quickly,  sooo sometimes to check,  it will read  forwards and backwards.. but when there is a palindrome,  the computer is "confused"  

this is also a big big part of  "typing"  not like on a keyboard but when you program, and you say that  your variables are of a certain type,  like a char, or a string, or a double, you are specifying how many bits will be used to represent your data.  so then when you put the ones and zeros into the memory ,  ( think RAM)  then it's stored in groups of what ever size you've determined.    hmmmm   does this help?

Select the true statement about network protocols.
A. Communication cannot take place unless the protocol is executed in the same way on all devices.
B. One function of a protocol is to decompress data when it is delivered to the receiving computer.
C. Using a protocol other than TCP/IP can result in data loss.
D. Computers that are distributed across a large geographic area need a special protocol to resolve errors.


The statement that is true about network protocols is that:

Using a protocol other than TCP/IP can result in data loss.

What are network protocols?

A network protocol is a system of principles that governs how data is delivered between devices on the same network.

Primarily, it enables linked devices to interact with one another despite variations in internal operations, architecture, or design.

The way this is done is true the use of Transmission-control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP).

TCP/IP is the primary protocol or communication language of the Internet. Therefore, using a protocol other than TCP/IP can result in data loss.

Learn more about network protocol here:


RecursionexerciseCOP 3502; Summer2021We have gone through many examples in the class and those examples are available in the slides and uploaded codes. Try to test those codes and modify as you wish for getting more clarification.In additiontry the following:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.What would be the output of the following recursive function if we call rec2(5)



The output is:

1 2 3 4 5



See attachment for code segment


The output of rec2(5)

From the attached code segment, we have the following:

The base case: if (x==0){ return;}

The above implies that, the recursion ends when the value of x gets reduced to 0

The recursion:

rec2(x-1); ---- This continually reduces x by 1 and passes the value to the function

printf("%d ", x); This prints the passed value of x

Hence, the output of rec2(5) is: 1 2 3 4 5

What type of device is a computer? Where does it use​


Answer:A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web.

I need the SQL statements for these questions:
1. For each reservation, list the reservation ID, trip ID, customer number, and customer last name. Order the results by customer last name.
2. For each reservation for customer Ryan Goff, list the reservation ID, trip ID, and number of persons.
3. List the trip name of each trip that has Miles Abrams as a guide.
4. List the trip name of each trip that has the type Biking and that has Rita Boyers as a guide.
5. For each reservation that has a trip date of July 23, 2016, list the customer’s last name, the trip name, and the start location.
6. List the reservation ID, trip ID, and trip date for reservations for a trip in Maine (ME). Use the IN operator in your query.
7. Repeat Exercise 6, but this time use the EXISTS operator in your query.
8. Find the guide last name and guide first name of all guides who can lead a paddling trip. (Note: The query results should include duplicate values.)
Here are the tables:
CUSTOMER FIRST NAME POSTAL CODE CUSTOMER NUM LAST NAME ADDRESS Northfold Liam 9 Old Mill Rd Londonderry 10 NH 03053 103 Kasuma Sujata 132 Main St. #1 East Hartford CT 06108 MA 01854 Goff 164A South Bend Rd. Lowell Ryan 105 McLean Kyle 345 Lower Ave. Wolcott NY 14590 106 Morontoia Joseph 156 Scholar St Johnston 02919 107 Marchand Quinn 76 Cross Rd Bath NH 03740 108 32 Sheep stop St Edinboro PA Rulf Usch 16412 109 Caron Jean Luc 10 Greenfield St Rome ME 04963 110 Martha York Bers 65 Granite St NY 14592 112 Jones Laura 373 Highland Ave. Somerville MA 02143 115 Nu Adam 1282 Ocean Walk Ocean City Vaccari 08226 116 Murakami Iris 7 Cherry Blossom St. Weymouth MA 02188 119 Londonderry vT Chau 18 Ark Ledge Ln Clement 05148 120 Gernowski Sadie 24 stump Rd. Athens ME 04912 121 Cambridge VT Bretton-Borak Siam 10 Old Main St 122 Hefferson orlagh 132 South St. Apt 27 Manchester NH 03101 123 25 Stag Rd Fairfield Barnett Larry 06824 124 Busa Karen 12 Foster St. South Windsor CT 06074 125 51 Fredrick St Albion Peterson Becca NY 14411 126 Brown Brianne 154 Central St Vernon CT 06066 PHONE Click to Add 603-555-7563 413-555-3212 860-555-0703 781-555-8423 585-555-5321 401-555-4848 603-555-0456 814-555-5521 207-555-9643 585-555-0111 857-555-6258 609-555-5231 617-555-6665 802-555-3096 207-555-4507 802-555-3443 603-555-3476 860-555-9876 857-555-5532. 585-555-0900 860-555-3234




/* From the information provided, For now will consider the name of table as TRIPGUIDES*/

/*In all the answers below, the syntax is based on Oracle SQL. In case of usage of other database queries, answer may vary to some extent*/


Select R.Reservation_ID, R.Trip_ID , C.Customer_Num,C.Last_Name from Reservation R, Customer C where C.Customer_Num=R.Customer_Num ORDER BY C.Last_Name

/*idea is to select the join the two tables by comparing customer_id field in two tables as it is the only field which is common and then print the desired result later ordering by last name to get the results in sorted order*/


Select R.Reservation_ID, R.Trip_ID , R.NUM_PERSONS from Reservation R, Customer C where C.Customer_Num=R.Customer_Num and C.LAST_NAME='Goff' and C.FIRST_NAME='Ryan'

/*Here, the explaination will be similar to the first query. Choose the desired columns from the tables, and join the two tables by equating the common field





Here,we choose three tables TRIP,GUIDE and TRIPGUIDES. Here we selected those trips where we have guides as Miles Abrms in the GUIDES table and equated Trip_id from TRIPGUIDES to TRIP.TRIP_Name so that can have the desired results





where T.TRIP_ID=TG.TRIP_ID and T.TYPE='Biking' and TG.GUIDE_NUM=G.GUIDE_NUM and G.LAST_NAME='Boyers' and G.FIRST_NAME='Rita'


In the above question, we first selected the trip name from trip table. To put the condition we first make sure that all the three tables are connected properly. In order to do so, we have equated Guide_nums in guide and tripguides. and also equated trip_id in tripguides and trip. Then we equated names from guide tables and type from trip table for the desired results.





The explaination for this one will be equivalent to the previous question where we just equated the desired columns where we equiated the desired columns in respective fields and also equated the common entities like trip ids and customer ids so that can join tables properly


/*The comparison of dates in SQL depends on the format in which they are stored. In the upper case if the

dates are stored in the format as YYYY-MM-DD, then the above query mentioned will work. In case dates are stored in the form of a string then the following query will work.







In the above question, we firstly extracted all the trip id's which are having locations as maine. Now we have the list of all the trip_id's that have location maine. Now we just need to extract the reservation ids for the same which can be trivally done by simply using the in clause stating print all the tuples whose id's are there in the list of inner query. Remember, IN always checks in the set of values.






Unlike IN, Exist returns either true or false based on existance of any tuple in the condition provided. In the question above, firstly we checked for the possibilities if there is a trip in state ME and TRIP_IDs are common. Then we selected reservation ID, trip ID and Trip dates for all queries that returns true for inner query










We have used here double nested IN queries. Firstly we selected all the trips which had paddling type (from the inner most queries). Using the same, we get the list of guides,(basically got the list of guide_numbers) of all the guides eds which were on trips with trip id we got from the inner most queries. Now that we have all the guide_Nums that were on trip with type paddling, we can simply use the query select last name and first name of all the guides which are having guide nums in the list returned by middle query.


A coin is tossed repeatedly, and a payoff of 2n dollars is made, where n is the number of the toss on which the first Head appears. So TTH pays $8, TH pays $4 and H pays $2. Write a program to simulate playing the game 10 times. Display the result of the tosses and the payoff. At the end, display the average payoff for the games played. A typical run would be:




The following code is written in Java. It creates a loop within a loop that plays the game 10 times. As soon as the inner loop tosses a Heads (represented by 1) the inner loop breaks and the cost of that game is printed to the screen. A test case has been made and the output is shown in the attached image below.

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int count = 0;

       int loopCount = 0;

       while (loopCount < 10) {

           while (true) {

               Random rand = new Random();

               int coinFlip = rand.nextInt(2);


               if (coinFlip == 1) {

                   System.out.println("Cost: $" + 2*count);

                   count = 0;








2.2 Write a program that uses input to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them. Note that input will pop up a dialog box. Enter Sarah in the pop-up box when you are prompted so your output will match the desired output.




The following program is written in Javascript. It creates a prompt that asks the user for his/her name and saves it in a variable called userName. Then it uses that variable to welcome the user. A test case is shown in the images below with the desired output.

let userName = prompt("Enter Your Name")

alert(`Hello ${userName}`)

Illustrate why Sally's slide meets or does not meet professional expectations?
Describe all the things Sally can improve on one of her slides?
Suggest some ways Sally can learn more PowerPoint skills.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not provide any context or background about the situation of Sally and the problem with her slides. We do not know it, just you.

However, trying to be of help, we can comment on the following general terms.

When someone does not meet professional expectations, this means that this individual did not prepare her presentation, lacked technical skills, did not included proper sources, or missed the proper visual aids to make the presentation more attractive and dynamic.

What Sally can improve about her slides is the following.

She can design a better structure for the presentation to have more congruence.

Sally has to clearly establish the goal or goals for her presentation.

She has to add many visuals instead of plain text. This way she can better capture the interest of her audience.

If she can use more vivid colors instead of pale or dark ones, that would be best.

No paragraphs unless necessary. She better uses bullet points.

Take care of the tone of her voice. During her practice, she can record her vice to check how it sounds.

The fastest way to pull financial data from the application into Excel as refreshable formulas that can be edited or updated is:



Download the financial report as =FDS codes with cell referencing.


An excel is a spreadsheet that is developed by the Microsoft company for the Windows operating system. It can be also used in iOS, macOS and Android. It has many features including  graphing tools, calculation, pivot tables, etc.

In excel the fastest way to pull out a financial data from an application into the Excel as the refreshable formulas which can be edited or can be uploaded later on is by downloading the financial report as an +FDS code with the cell referencing.

In excel, cell refreshing is a way to refer to a cell in the formula.

How can an Outlook user search for contacts? Check all that apply.

the Search bar located above the list of contacts
the Search People bar on the Find command group
the Search People located on the People navigation icon
CTL + E to activate the search contacts box
advanced Find under the Search tab
the options menu in the backstage view


Answer: the Search bar located above the list of contacts.

the Search People bar on the Find command group.

the Search People located on the People navigation icon.

CTL + E to activate the search contacts box.

advanced Find under the Search tab.


An Outlook user can search for contacts through the following ways:

• the Search bar located above the list of contacts.

• the Search People bar on the Find command group.

• the Search People located on the People navigation icon.

• CTL + E to activate the search contacts box.

• advanced Find under the Search tab.

Therefore, the correct options are A, B, C, D and E.

For each of the following memory accesses indicate if it will be a cache hit or miss when carried out in sequence as listed. Also, give the value of a read if it can be inferred from the information in the cache.

Operation Address Hit? Read value (or unknown)
Read 0x834
Write 0x 836
Read 0xFFD




Operation Address Hit? Read Value

Read 0x834 No Unknown

Write 0x836 Yes (not applicable)

Read 0xFFD Yes CO

Sophia is putting together a training manual for her new batch of employees.Which of the following features can she use to add a document title at the top of each page?
A) Heading style
B) Page margin
C) References
D) Header and Footer



A heading style to add a document title

The feature can she use to add a document title at the top of each page is - Heading style. Therefore option A is the correct resposne.

What are Header and Footer?

A footer is a text that is positioned at the bottom of a page, whereas a header is text that is positioned at the top of a page. Usually, details about the document, such as the title, chapter heading, page numbers, and creation date, are inserted in these spaces.

A piece of the document that appears in the top margin is called the header, while a section that appears in the bottom margin is called the footer. Longer papers may be kept structured and made simpler to read by including more information in the headers and footers, such as page numbers, dates, author names, and footnotes. Each page of the paper will have the header or footer text you input.

To read more about Header and Footer, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/20998839


now now now now mowewweedeeee




Inside the type declaration, you specify the maximum length the entry can be. For branch, it would be 15.

I can't seem to type the full "vc(15)" phrase because brainly won't let me.

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